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I would be for creating a gated ftm space. You could join no matter what you were but you couldn’t post unless you had a testosterone prescription
Is it safe to get pregnant while taking testosterone?
This is pre t discrimination though :(
as a cis chaser with a hormone disorder I approve of this
What if the waiting list to even be seen in your part of the country is over 5 years so you DIY instead
Not a prescription, you just have to post a picture of yourself with a testosterone syringe stuck in your flesh

Yeah injection only, topical testosterone is for pussy fahgots
I hope you know if thag fabled space existed you would be banned from it
If you’re not taking T then you’re not a man. T is important to transition
Rape FtMs
Breed FtMs
Force FtMs to birth children
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>been on T more than a year
>have to move back to parents house in another city for college vacation
>this city doesnt get testosterone delivered to the local hospital
>ration the testosterone i have left, my dad says hes gonna take me to get some
>place opens once a week only, tell him this
>"okay anon, ill take you on monday"
>sorry couldnt make it! lets try next week"
>"sorry, lets try next week"
>"sorry, lets go tomorrow! wait it only opens once a week?"
>find a bit of period blood on my underwear, its been a year since ive had it
im really glad my dad is supportive but its been like 4 weeks, he genuinely means well but hes busy and also incompetent. im trying not to resent him
unexpectedly based
I want to and I'm going to. Some people are on the wait list for years, they should be able to talk with other ftms too
Oh yeah? Does banning people on discord make you feel powerful? Does it make you feel good to make rules for your little fantasy world? Gonna make a little tranny safe space? Huh bitch?
Do you live in the hills of Alaska or some shit damn
Why not diy?
no lol but its a small town
You aren't a tranny. You are a little mutilated mentally ill girl
Can you get it mailed or something?
Poo poo pee pee and fart
Why you even need testosterone. FtMs are better off without hormones that mutilate their fertile precious cute afab bodies
it costs way too much money, and im already getting it for free in a few days now so im just going with what my dad is gonna do, its shit i had to wait this long
Any space without you Is a safe space. So yeah
Holy projection kek
Oh shit, you are this disgusting mutilated fat wetback. Time to update blacklist.
I don't trust the websites, but I'm tired of being testosterone deficient and I'm going to DIY anyway
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FtMs should be allowed to transition only after their wombs are completely depleted
Wolfcuck free /ftmg/ server
Oh ok sorry about that

I get testosterone delivered by driver for no additional cost but in a big city so yeah. Idk depends on where you are but sometimes there are multiple options for meds delivery.

Even though I get legal t I might purchase it through other methods just to have extra in case of some bullshit sinxe I only get 2 vials at a time
G's minor hideaway
good, pre-ts are behind many of the shitty posts here
Is there anything better than a cute boi with a vagina and a breedable womb?
As opposed to your server where you flirted with minors openly
No they aren't. Terje wg and G are all on t
25 wall pushups boys. GO.
Why there are so many chasers here recently? Or it simply a tranny hater posting off his trip?
terje weight gain? where? where?
gross kys
It's all th trying to make it seem like he's not the only one
My diy hrt came in the mail today but one of the vials looks kinda weird and looks like it has stuff stuck on the side of the the vial, like something crystalized inside of it. Is that normal. Do i have to like warm it up or something. Or is it bad or something and i should ask them to replace it
T changes your brain, and transitioning changes the way you see yourself and life. You are different from me in a significant way and I really don’t want to see opinions of people not on T
Literally just post a picture
holy shit my sides, i don't believe in heaven or hell, though.
didn't you have a mental breakdown because you were banned from the poonybin? pic semi related
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that doesn't mean pre-ts don't overwhelmingly make shitty posts
Crystallization. Just warm the vial in your hands till it’s gone
Okay thank you so much
T doesn't change your brain you schizo. Unless you unironically believe you get smarter or more violent on T. It can affect how your mental illness may work but most ftms just have autism which isn't even affected. Sounds like you hate people pre T, if you then just say so
This is the kind of retard shit pre t’s post. You have proven my point
i can do 50 normal pushups in one go
evidence suggests that the worst posters are the oldfags
the longer someone posts here the further down the wolfgang pipeline they go
Terje is long gone and you can already see it happening to G
that's fine, do it anyway. it's more to entice though who normally don't
>Defending yourself is.. le bad
What did I say wrong you cocksucker
Wut did I do
Do you think the guy that runs Pornhub is proud of his life?
>t delusional tomboy who has never experienced testosterone
you're being roachified by being permanently online on here
It's the terje pipeline, Wolfgang hasn't earned the honor of it being named after him. All hail king terje
yes, it does. down to your very personality. pre-t i was an uptight control freak and now i'm laid back
Terje spent some time off here, did a lil self improvement, now wolfgang is worse
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Wolfgang lacks the natural charisma and charm that terje possesses, you cannot replace my master. All hail king terje
no it suggests the worst posters are tripfags, which we already knew
You're proving the other anons point again, kill all pre ts.
Where is the full image
I will assume you're a retard since you act like one. Total pre T love
hormones absolutely affect your brain
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> It’s current year, magical anti-fat drugs exist and I’m too lazy to do the bare minimum and inject them on time.
When did you realize the bullies were right?
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here buddy
>you're a retard since you act like one
Brother you are arguing against something you haven't even experienced yet. Are you on your period? Is that why you're being irrational right now?
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I don’t go on gif though
I am the most traditionally successful person on here by societal standards, I am going to a great college and probably going to work for local or state govt in about a year
probably a sociopath so yeah
sorry for not believing your random 'facts' that have zero backing. My period was 2 weeks ago
That is not what I look or act like
>I'm going to work as an underpaid professor for the rest of my life
It's stupid to brag about going to school when you're getting a worthless degree
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gloves chan, consider the following, you aged
I'm going to enter the workforce after graduation
I already have work experience in the areas I'm interested in and will likely be able to work and live independently

Idk what's so bad about trolling a bunch of autism victims online
Let me dumb it down for you, you are pret and seen as a woman by society. I have been on testosterone since I was 15 and live stealth. We do not experience the same things. I have experienced being pre-t and on testosterone, you have not. You are telling someone that you know better than what they have seen first hand, with no backing on your part. You are truly stupid
>random 'facts' that have zero backing
Here's a 5 minute search result, there wasn't research specifically on FTMs, but the articles linked describe some changes in cis men that received TRT treatment (the exact same thing we do). You and people like you have ruined the quality of this general, but since you live life as a woman (and women are always right) it is futile to bother convincing you otherwise.
god this image is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life isnt it. i didnt think it was gonna be a big hit when i posted it like 8 months ago
>was 15 and live stealth
youngshit detected, paragraph ignored. Kill yourself as soon as possible
i did i was being dumb
>muh facts
anecdotes aren't statistics, but they can disprove a negative. anyway, kys. there are numerous studies on this, of which these are just a small facet
Where the fuck do I get my daddy ftm who's phsyically stronger than my twink biomale ass.

I don't know where to go or what to do anymore kms
Writhe in envy, you have no idea how much I worked to obtain t that early
The image us great anon. The goblin makes me laugh every time I read it. You did good
Congratulations on your increased mental rotation ability, spacial navigation and memory. This is an extremely crucial difference between Pretees and those on test
i just dont want people to think im shitting on the goblin. the goblin is unironically more free than ill ever be
I started as I just turned 17 after waiting a year but it does require being extremely manipulative
Literal cancer. Pre t’s may be worse than the pregnancy posters
I'm sure 15 year old you did so much hard work. And what do you do for the grans community in return? Nothing at all
If pre Ts existing causes you to seethe this much I'm afraid you're ngmi
>what do you do for the grans community
More than you. Again, you know nothing about me, stop assuming. Bullshit strawman argument typical of a hysterical woman
You should post your plump tits, fertile pussy, and tiny clit until you get banned
That image is me but you ate trying to prove there is a s i g n i f i c a n t difference between pre T and on T while linking studies that show there's a difference in.... spacial navigation
What have you done for the trans community. How are you helping those who are Pre T
I'll post tits maybe
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How do I get piercing hooded/deep set eyes as a pooner? I'm tired of my sparkly watery big girly doe eyes, it's impossible to be taken seriously when my eyes signal such weakness
>How are you helping those who are Pre T
Get an eyebrow piercing. It accentuates your brows
it's one difference and i searched it specifically because the testing is more empirical than for behavioural changes which i assume would be self reported and i bet you'd bitch about that. it proves that hormones affect the brain. other people are telling you that they have changed mentally after taking T, yet you're being willfully ignorant and for what? because you want to believe you're as much a man as any even though you're not on T? cis women on roids are more malebrained than you. take your shots
I squint all the time to avoid the sun anyway but it's not working because of my nonexistent browbone. I think implants are the only solution
am i weird if i want an ftm to peg me
le cis twink
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You are literally as bad as a terf. If T doesn’t significantly change your life then why bother protecting access to it? I understand it’s painful to not be on T, but this is not the way to cope.
Do you make your eyes look like that on purpose?
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Get rekt
I did this by accident before I knew what I had was COVID (Feb 2020). I just knew I had the worst flu on earth and hated my coworkers enough to not take any sick days.
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No I have hooded drooping eyelid
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Post foreheads, I dare you
I'm not talking about your upper eyelid, you look like a fent addict in this picture too. Do you barely open your eyes intentionally?
it may not be that i hate pre-ts (and reppers), it's that i hate underage retards and that's where most of that demographic sits. thinking of our older members, pre-t Zero was very chill, and Brooklyn was very chill even being a repper
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That is the way my eyes are shaped
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This ninja
Is complaining about having big doe eyes and it is one of the primary features of "ftm face"

Post your rounded female foreheads and big doe eyes fggts
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Very round, just like the rest of you
certified true
>I have no response so I will call you a glowie
anecdotes will never be real evidence
Listen to me. I'm saying it doesn't change the way you act. I want to go on T so my body will change. I'm not coping with the fact that I have no mystical brain changes without T
how the librarian looks at me when I'm being loud
That is not what I was implying but you are clearly too retarded to understand it so I apologize for posting it.
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>makes dumb argument
>gets mad at half assed response
Tell me why I should take you seriously
Consider: you are not worth the effort
T does change the way you act tho. Idk why you think it doesn’t
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How do I get rid of my attachment to femininity so I can be trutrans and happy with myself for once
T gave me self respect which it turns out the lack of which was crucial for maintaining a relationship with my family
It will never happen, you should detransition while you have the chance. At least you will live a fulfilling life as a normal person instead of a nonpassing science experiment
Same to you faggot
I domt think it doesn't, it doesn't in any significant way
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t. pussy fahgot on topical T
you sound like a causation =/= correlation fag that parrots shit without knowing how to actually apply it. the informed consent papers they give you before you can start testosterone literally say that it may cause changes in mood and personality. and you will not do any research yourself because you want to remain ignorant and spread your ignorance
I still want to be male though
Do a Caucasian dance for me
Yeah but at least I know it's nothing personal, you have demonstrated your inability to make quality posts this entire thread
>all that typing
>refuses to link a single study
That's a warning for cis men who need to take T stupid boy
I'm happy to shit up your thread in the name of defending those who are pre T. What did we do to make you hate us
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Average trans man when the pregnancy test comes out positive
I never hated pre Ts you're just annoying and argued against a basic trans experience like a retard. You are why I dislike you
>... yeah I saw that sunset the other night, the sky was a beautiful orange
>um no the sky is blue right now and it's always going to be blue
>what? Im telling you I have seen the sky turns orange at sunset
>ummmmm sweety your anecdotes are worthless. The sky is blue right now and you're mean and uninclusive by saying it turns orange! Wahhhh wahhhhhh
This is what you're doing
Finally someone says it. Kick them out.
I was under the impression you were this person >>36643209. Sorry daddy
All good papi, lets kiss
post full face or body feggit
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this could be gloves if he wouldn't be such a retarded princess
would you let an ftm finger and fist your hole too
he's posted body and it's fucking repulsive. actually makes your eyes bleed
what do you mean by this
are you a youtuber?
i'm the exact opposite of "little"
move your entitled stupid ass to get strong fat instead of androgynous blob fat that needs help to take a shit
i don't need help to take a shit but i sure am lazy
Can you reach your ass to wipe it or is it full of poop?
not yet
i can reach to wipe my ass, but reaching my feet without propping them up on something is impossible
tf do you mean "not yet?"
My eyes are literally worse than this. I don't even have arched eyebrows like that or hooded eyelids. It's over.
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It's fine you'll just have to accept looking like a small kindly little gentleman with curious little eyes
I've already linked studies you moron. I don't have time to spoonfeed you more, why don't you look it up yourself. you have no evidence for your case
>warning for cis men
wow so gender euphoria
shame on me for taking bait this hard, but it infuriates me when people lie. someone might believe you
If you're that youngshit anon both of your studies will be ignored because they are focused on cisgender males. Just accept the fact that I'm right. There is no significant different between a pre t ftm and one on Ts thinking. Also you are a youngshit so you have no say in this conversation
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Your mobility will only degrade from here
to be fair i couldn't do it even when i was 12 and thin, i'm 21 now and i've got a major case of retard body
Not to encourage unhealthy lifestyles but hypermobility has a heavy female bias
Who are we voting for, bros? Harris for me.
kamala is our only hope
I wish Kanye would run again
vote for her so hillary can never be first woman president
I'm not the youngshit
So based.
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All men should aim to be flexible

I have been training flexibility/doing yoga for months now and now I can put both of my hands all the way under my feet

It takes years and decades to develop hypermobility and saying that any part of physical fitness is somehow effeminate is just your bullshit capitalist indoctrination
"Hurr Durr eat burger procreate and die"
have you ever met a cism commie that wasn't a soiboy?
Should I go out to this strip club thing or make an excuse and go to sleep, my friends keep hyping me up to go and I'm beyond nervous..
tranny hater if you’re here message me. i miss talking to you <3

t. clover
Go and get a lap dance brother
Go and get a covid, mpox, stds and bird flu brother
That's why I'm nervous, the thought of being touched scares me and I will have no idea how to react and be normal.
>above minimum wage income
>still can’t rent a one bedroom apartment without it consuming 75% of my monthly income anywhere
How the fuck am I supposed to ever live on my own?
Get a roomate like everyone else in their twenties you bitch
I pay for a novel ai subscription to write jerk off material faster, but I pirate porn
How? I don’t know anyone and Craigslist will get me stuffed in a suitcase somewhere.
janitor.ai is free
Degens. Just watch porn
I do, but I'm just saying. janitor.ai is free
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Hard or nah?
such a pointless animal
Why not chub ai?
And piped directly to the CCP
Because I didn't know it existed
I will admit I used c.ai every day practically all day for a full year. But that's because I've always wanted to try RPing but was too nervous too. Unfortunately, none of it is fun anymore, so I went back to daydreaming on my own instead.
where's the snapback from? need more of my own bc baseball caps suck
A random store in North Carolina my brother went to
It’s his hat kek
Just found em online actually
damn i wish more places sold proper snapbacks. so hard to find good ones that don't make me look like a tryhard 14 year old
oh hell yeah based
Ai text > porn sorry
Cunt you get hard from letters on the internet you can't say shit
Arrange to meet people first, preferably not in a dark alley.

You could also try to live in some co-op/intentional community situation because they're usually more affordable and not transphobic, but given you're on 4chan it would probably drive you insane.
plenty of people are born hypermobile.
Been on T for eleven years, not had a period in that time. Not late for shot or anything. Suddenly having period pains at work. What the fuck
just get a hysterectomy already
I'm on the waiting list, have been for a while, but NHS are insisting I can't just have a hysterectomy with any surgeon who does it, and that it needs to be someone who specifically does trans surgery for some reason
I've been on for longer than you, and it happens. I know times that's happened to me, my doctor checked to see if I had too high of testosterone levels and it was converting to estrogen instead. Turned out it wasn't correlated with having higher levels for me. Might also be related to body weight changes affecting your dose.
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Why all ftms cannot look like this guy, instead of being disgusted mutilated hairy women?
Ah, possibly. I have lost a bit of weight over the last year, didn't think it'd be enough to effect anything. I think my annual blood tests are due with my next shot.
If that other thread is yours, you are catastrophically horny, sir. Please relax
Who hurt you?
Disgusting mutilated women, they hurt my eyes
newfag, you're replying to an ex-trip known as tranny hater, a fat cismale from poland who wants to fuck only pre-t trans men and sees them as women
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>another day, another pedophile MtT PR disaster
I send you friend request on discord - clover.ing
Dylan is on T. Also, you're morbidly obese and ugly.
>bullshit capitalist indoctrination
If you want to exercise like a real man you will run on all fours until you're ripped, paying for the gym is soi material
If it’s not just back or stomach pain, this could absolutely be the case. One of my friends went through the same thing, ended up developing mood and atrophy symptoms as well, but it turned out the excess T was synthesizing when he got his levels checked. He’s all fixed up now. Hope you get some answers if it sticks around.
There is an entire internet full of actual tomboys you can jerk off to but you keep coming here for the “disgusting mutilated women”.
Like bro, go to TikTok
>smoking with my suicidal cousin
>he is a bit of a /pol/ chud
>asks me tips for anal
/pol/tards try not to be repressing fags for 5 seconds challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
You sound like a disgusting mutilated woman
She's actually cute. I would make him pregnant.
Question: why he didn't make you pregnant? I would def rape and impregnate my ftm cousin
but how white are you
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I wanna get into some new hobbies but I'm not sure what to do. Preferably something that doesn't require money because I'm currently unemployed. All I do is play video games, go on walks, or draw but those get pretty boring and I want to distract myself from my brainworms and mental illness. What hobbies do you guys have?
read a book>>36653393
I have extremely weird fetishes I’ve already consumed all of the Internet content for
You should get pregnant. It's a best hobby for an AFAB.
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umm hi hello teehee
trolling and gaming are both fun and easy
I was forcefully outed in the middle of a crowded bar yesterday. I have never been so humiliated in my entire life
I’ve been stealth for 5 years online and offline and recently i’ve gotten into a group of cis gay japanese/korean men online. They all like me but the catch is that they are all pretty much shotacons and really love my voice and how young it sounds. I’m a fag so this isnt bad I just am a bit weirded out by the shotacon shit, has any other trans guy been hit on by shotacons?
do pushups, get a pullup bar. get ripped dood
>has any other trans guy been hit on by shotacons?
yes, many
be careful..

afab bodies are not as durable as mens bodies. be careful following men's workouts and take your time. your health and natural body are most important. *licks* Don't harm your womb if you are pre t, especially, as it will only cause more issues down the line.
You should let them make you pregnant.
Nobody like muscle girls. Better get pregnant.
How does it feel to wake up every day and still be an autistic failure?
looking for a seahorse daddy where can i find one
Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about prolapsed anuses
I don't know buddy, I'm not you.

Also, only women could believe in autism.
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Ftm twinks are unfortunately very rare.

Imagine making his boiwomb pregnant. Cute FtMs are like angels.
She's not a buddy, she's a mutilated ugly woman.
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blonde makes you look pretty bald
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are we fucking with the piercing I got today
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well aware of how over it is
Literally just a girl
How do you doods have such prominent brow ridges? Does T do that?
none of these except >>36644930 have a brow ridge, even then, it's enhanced by squinting (cheating)
I want to make you pregnant bro. You're the hottest ftm on this board.
I don’t really have a prominent brow ridge just eyes with hardly any eyelid
Language learning (You can download textbooks).
Programming (downloading textbooks or using online lessons, github.)
Working out and cooking (plethora of resources online).
Look at free events in your area too if you have the ability to access them.
How old are you cutie?

Why waste your time on programming, if you don't have a chance to get hired without at least engineer nowadays? It could be a good advice 10 years ago, when they were taking everyone even after shitty bootcamps.
Finding a husband and getting pregnant is a better option.
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I wish my eyebrow hairs were thicker
It’s something to pass the time isn’t it, especially if the textbooks he chooses are free I used to do some coding when I was younger but I fell out of the habit
Not my fault that you're ugly >>36654741
If you're so bored, why won't you find a right man and start a family?
vomit time
I do historical dancing (mostly English country dance)
Im not a good partner unfortunately so I doubt that’s happening anytime soon
how are those two posts related?
Im not a good partner unfortunately so I doubt that’s happening anytime soon.. I’m not the bored one either I just play video games and collect for entertainment these days lazy shit
damn part of it sent twice
that sounds really interesting, I’d love to do something along the lines of that but I can’t dance for shit.. I go to historical reenactments occasionally
You don’t really need to know how to dance to do it, it’s mostly very simple coreography and not like waltz where one leads and one follows.
It should be illegal to be this stupid and still have access to the internet
>be ftm repper
>be born asian
>i will always have a fully flat browbone
>i will always be short and petite
>i will never have prominent facial planes
>i will never be hairy like a werewolf
>i will never have pungent pits stinking of man musk
It’s fucking over. I was robbed of the life as the white man I was meant to be
post yours
Same but as a negress
seethe harder >>36655166
you're ugly. ive seen you before. ruined tomboy
Men don't care about that. You look good and have a pussy, you will be swarming in horny amabs on tinder
Can you please respond to more than one post at a time you're spamming the bump limit
Good night cute ftms, I'm going to sleep.

Remember to drink much water and get pregnant.
>Why waste your time on programming
Because it’s fun to me, and anon asked for hobbies. I do it as my career, but I also learn and work on fun shit in my free time.
Why something tells me that you're fat/mutilated/ugly
I tried smthn simple before and was somehow awful

My pussy corrupt sorry

Sorry I genuinely can’t read and pay attention to more than one thing at once
how do you stop being alone as a pre surgery post t pooner? i had a fwb a few years ago, but only because it kinda fell into my lap. nothing since. never dated at 24.
i either get weird fetishists or get insta blocked when i mention im trans. not being able to take my shirt off also hurts my chances and my confidence a lot.
wtf how do I get into this group
black poons pass better then white poons
First of all you should mention your trans in your bio instead of revealing it.
>weird fetishists
This is why you're alone
Found the poster who keeps pregnancy posting
Seconding programming. Pretty much only hobbies I have are video games, reading, programming, and arguing with people online on politics.
I've been streaming myself playing eroge to my friend over discord and got inspired to try and program my own.
i do mention it in my bio. most grindr users don't read the bio because they are illiterate.
>this is why you're alone
sorry I don't want to have someone talk about breeding my boiwomb. i dont even want PIV
I'm not the fucking pregnancy poster kill yourself
Then find someone a natural way through hobby groups or social media
Probably because you instantly feel emasculated by the success of others. In other words, you are delusionally coping and seething, as per usual.
a lot of it too is just insecurity. i've had women make moves on me, and i've played dumb/not done anything out of fear. i live in a very rural area so options are limited and word spreads fast. im probably just over thinking it
God forbid the mpreg themed thread hits bump limit
>i've had women make moves on me, and i've played dumb/not done anything out of fear.
God I fucking hate volcels. I wish that was me
>im probably just over thinking it
You definitely are. You just have to find out what kind of person they are, which is pretty easy.
I'm not a cute 19 year old anymore, im a 24 year old man without a DL and who is still essentially a virgin.
>i live in a very rural area
This is nerfing you more than anything. Take a trip somewhere more populated (but safe).
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>he thinks 24 is old
Clearly you are attractive if you've been pursued by women, you're just riddled with insecurity. Life ends at 30, you have all the time to find a gf/bf.
What if i raped you and urinated from the pisshole of my dildo right into your virgin ass?
Genuinely curious, why does this board get so dead after like, 6 pm. Is everybody just on 4chan at work or something? Most other sites become more active as the night progresses
I've actually had the idea to try to make a visual novel or something with ren'py just to try something new in my spare time. Never done programming though, it seems hard to learn at first glance, though everything new seems too difficult to me because my mental state is shit lol
ill never have a real cock, so why even bother? why not just cope by getting big men to fuck me and self inserting? fuck, it'd be a miserable life.
if the cock is all that matters to you, then don't bother
Unfortunately this board is infested with europoors and britbongs who go to sleep at 6 pm burger time
it's midnight in poland and most pooners live on poland time no matter where they live
already trooned. i've never been fucked either
Programming and writing are the only good parts of being alive.
Because you have a female brain
I feel bad for minorities living in white countries.
When I was repressing I used to read black people misery posting about how they wish they were white and hate their black physical form and make myself think it was the same as dysphoria and equally illegitimate
Even if it isn’t really it seems terrible
It doesn’t really change how you act but it does change your brain a bit.
Everyone’s voice sounds much higher pitched. Music I used to hate sounds good and vice versa.
That’s the only real change I’ve noticed.
It's not that hard. For anything you're likely to implement, someone else has done and posted about it. You will likely run into a billion things you will not know how to do, but it's very easy to get help by just searching. This is especially so if you're just doing a visual novel.
I'm working with Twine right now which is baby-tier stuff, since I'm just doing text based (I can't draw, but I can write).
>replies: 308
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They keep making new threads early so that they can all be pregnancy related

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