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last: >>36650356
qott: for the non-neets, how do you deal with the monotony of working a dead end job
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And why did I have to be informed of this?
99,9% of jobs are deadend
I just don't work I rather go homeless
how do you even GET a job?
i rewarded myself with drugs or alcohol after work. i'd also leave early quite often.
I like to think about dying
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Why work job when can get money from someone elses job?
Free energy drinks and eventual suicide
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>qott: for the non-neets, how do you deal with the monotony of working a dead end job
I work from home so I kinda just play video games all day. I used to make music but I've had writers block since late 2022. My IRL friends are usually working during those hours, or touring this time of year, so I kinda just hang out in the one server I'm in that's completely online. As I get older I find myself having less and less of a drive to have the night life I built up over the years. I think it's time to slow down. Just not sure what to use all that free time with, especially at night.

Maybe I'll get into 3D modeling. I've always wanted to learn to make PS1 style avatars. But like, good ones. Not super low-res "it's supposed to look ugly" type models. I always admired GeoH3x's work (link below). Stuff like that and recent low-poly horror games make me wanna do something visual for the first time. I've never done anything artistic visually so it'll be a steep learning curve. I'll probably suck really bad at first. Gotta start somewhere.

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what up
what vidya are you playing rn
for me it’s picrel
The last job i ever had was in 2011 in an office. I was there five weekends bored out of my mind for six bucks an hour until one day I went for a lunch break and didn't come back for 3 hours. Figured I was gonna be fired so I told the manager I quit as soon as I got back. Idk how people keep going in min wage for 5-10 years
what have you been doing since then
3D modelling is autogynephilic.
adderall depleted
its over
What’s a good game for burned out faggots like me
Death Stranding
Limbus company berry cool game very nice yes
tfw born to early to be a mech pilot
kings field 4
armored core 6
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>polaroid of babe
>overflowing ashtray
>hand tattoo
I want to but I think my pc sucks lol
maybe on lowest settings u could run it
coworkers thought i (24) was 20 while girl i went to school with (also 24) was 30
foids btfo 8)
I'm a welfare queen.
Mommy send nudes
how is it ?
i’m never naked, sorry
unfortunate, I'm sorry anon
been feeling pretty down too lately
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I want MORE damage.
how hey Naz
>tfw I’m cured of my autism abd adhd thanks to hrt
It’s that simply folks
i cannot see myself in women
I wish being trans wasn’t marketed as horny gay shit for freaks
I would have been such a happy person if I was allowed to just do w/e wanted. But no, not allowed to have any identity. Bad, that’s it just bad that’s you, anything you do bad so why even bother with anything
If only I was told that hey you can just do w/e shit you wanted even maybe try out this dress or idk express yourself in anyway. But no
Dissociation and escapism are the only things allowed!
Crap I’m running in circles here
How do I even deal with all these years of baggage? Hatred? Chudness? Self Loathing?
omg so me
anyways the answer to your question is either death or embrace MEFism
geez i miss ex bff so much
i want to feel his arm around my waist and to lean my head on his shoulder, or to kiss and hug and feel his hands on my hips or butt or wherever he wants, or the heat of his shirtless torso and thick arms pinning me down and his happy trail and chest hair scratching my soft belly and gynecomastia as we fuck or cuddle, i want to see his handsome slightly sadistic grin, or to hear his deep husky soothing voice as he murmurs into my ear like a lover or a father, or the heat and weight of his semi erect cock laying against my inner thigh as we spoon together in his bed, or the sharpness of his teeth while he bites my ear while holding me in a headlock as we fuck doggy style, or just the blissful floating of snuggling up to his body and feeling small and safe lying next to a god
im so fucking lonely
I’m not mef
I don’t feel like this is some humiliation ritual for me to enjoy
>I wish being trans wasn’t marketed as horny gay shit for freaks
>anyways the answer to your question is embrace MEFism
>As a transperson I should be excempt from having to control my sexual urges

creep shit.
has anyone ever thought of trying conversation therapy? like, it'd be easier if i just lived as a gay man. i rly don't think in going to make it, what it i just go back to repping
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was complaining about my appearance again and gf just linked me the wikipedia page for bdd so now i'm trying to work out if i have it or not.
i tried snapping a rubber band against my wrist whenever i had tranny thoughts but it just ended up giving me a boner
you have to let it take you
>does this transgirl have bdd
the eternal question
I’m trying to work out what I should eat for dinner any suggestions ?
I'm talking like professional help tier. I don't believe I'm not trans, just that if I could get someone to brainwash me into being able to live as a man. That'd be great
hello crabs in the bucket, how is everyone today?
damn if only there was like reverse sissy hypno
don’t leave me
When did I say that
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I finally equipped the best pickaxe I can get before I shell out money in osrs
and with that I have been contemplating grinding up runecrafting in an attemp to buy a osrs subscription with ingame coin
something I've tried to do and failed in both osrs and eve online kek
my welding of hyperfocus is still too amateur
but one day
I'm so sad today that my heart actually hurts.
plenty of trans have tried to repress
plenty have been forced into conversation aswell
over the span of thousands of years now
doesn't usually end well I hear
I used to think it was the worst of the worst but it seems inflation is now so bad that people working min wage are worse off than me. Welfare at least rises with inflation
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i'm gonnna say i don't have bdd because some surgeons deny cosmetic surgery access if you have it and i can't afford any more obstacles with that. even if all the tests i could find tell me i have it

you should have white wine sauce.
Clench your entire body while laying down
i’ve been like that, to the point where i was fearful of stroke. y r u sad?
Same. This is gonna sound pedo but I see myself most in teen boys.
yeah you're right. i wish it worked. idk what else to do. i don't rly want to stop hrt
I think spending money on pretty much any kind of micro transactions would ruin a game for me
Just makes me feel the design is bad
yes I carried that around for a long time
has anyone here stopped taking hrt after years of being on it? what was it like? did you stay off it?
food prices are hurting people so much wonder if they will go down after Trump is re-elected
absolutely don’t ever give them any reason to deny you healthcare
just white wine sauce ?? nothing to put it on ?? what does it mean
Why do I see a Raptor engine in this picture?
blacks are gross
it's not a microtransation
runescape is a payfor mmo and being f2p should be thought of as an indefinite demo
they won't cut me off at a certain playtime... buut I am limited to earlygame content and stuff
but you can buy subscription time with the ingame currency
like the coins you get from slaying monsters of selling items you make to other players
not some microtransation currency
it's the alternative to shelling out my real cash I don't have
basically you pay with time spent in game
I always get AI vibes from you...

Did Trump fix inflation the last time?
>Just makes me feel the design is bad
Would not survive a day in any asian gamer community
oh thanks for explaining it to me I never played it or knew anything about it despite people here often talking about it
only for short periods and it's awful
maiq. the runecuck is basically telling you the game is paypig slop. but, will never forwardly admit it so it hides behind lies
uber eats is the worst website i have ever used
use it for a pasta dish? whatever kind you like. i usually did chicken for protein.
they went up slightly from the Obama years under Trump but went up drastically under Biden, although I doubt there is really much to be said about that increase given the real driver was a global pandemic
why would I want to be in an uhh asian gamer community
You are still here? You must be 20 years old now.

And why the fuck do people use uber eats? it's twice the price of getting off your fat ass and going to the restaurant and the food always arrives cold.
only retarded gooks play gachaslop.
real slanted eye gentlemen mindlessly play League and beat their girlfriends or play Maplestory
thanks for the recc but I don’t like pasta too much maybe will call up someone and see if they wanna go out
did you take another walk today ? I tried today but it is so hot and muggy I was only outside for maybe 15 min
The game that literally started gachas. That doesn't count as a gacha to you? Know your history boy
>More tranny groomers in national news
>Trump will definitely win again
How are you preparing for the trans genocide sisters?
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I've always loved the sandbox mmo gameplay loop of making your own schedule and essentially guiding your own journey however you want
probably because I struggle to do that irl
it's like escapism on steroids imo
not sure why the escapist fantasy of working the mines appeals to me so tho kek
lol back to the mines w you !
I’m sure it just feels like gaining ground on a goal
if smoking is so bad for us mtfs then why does ayesha erotica look so good
bloodborne is the best game ever made btw
yeh it’s really good
it scare me too mucj
I’ll never understand the enjoyment of such brainless gameplay. it’s basically advanced cookie clicker
so far my goal is like 2000 iron
and almost at a thousand
makes me quite happy
many hours of clicking has gone into this nonachievement
I wannna play bloodborne one day
love lovecraft mythos styled stuff n that kinda base horror I hear it has
what is the scariest movie you ever watched ?
Wtf did cookie clicker do to you??
the setting of bloodborne is so good both in terms of art direction and narrative
I’m such a fuvking coward holy shit
I swear once I have my paycheck I’m changing this ship around. No more rotting
>it’s basically advanced cookie clicker
that's exactly what I was just thinking about
the way I play osrs resembles a clicker game with alot of abstraction
my best guess is the game appeals to some base aspect of my adhd
like dopamine chasing essentially
and I suspect if I didn't hate my life so much the game would appear alot more drab
but instead it seems full of life compared to what I see everyday elsewise
nothing to watch
ig another night of early sleep
just to repeat it all tomorrow
Early at 1 am?
I guess the technical term is "skinnerbox"
and I am pavlovs dog
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The best game ever made was Half Life 2
is carbon monoxide poisoning painful? you just fall asleep right?
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Half life 1 is 1000% more enjoyable than it to this day don't even argue it with me
i can’t rember movies after i watch them
>qott: i switched jobs >.>
sekiro is RIGHT THERE!
I really like hl1
too hard for me to beat
but playing it like a few months ago kinda blew my mind seeing how much I underestimated its influence
the whole horror/narritive fps thing works so well with how fucking tight the writing and design is in workings together
not even resident evil managed to get me to waste ammo out of fear as hl1
I hated that game. I never made it out of Black Mesa and the gun physics and sound felt weird. The early shooters had great storylines but the gameplay was shit due to tech limitations.
all half life games are great
i miss when valve was a game company

MASSIVE skill issue, tau cannon jumping was so fucking fun
Story what? It's all about the bhoping in it. Fuck do I care about "story" or "gameplay". My ass runs and plays music. I could change the viewmodel to sonic and record it and people would think I'm leaking gameplay of a secret sonic game.
i lik red dead redemption 2 becase arthur morgan is my dad
id like to go on a date with you to the rain forrest cafe
Faggots like you are why we ended up with trash like DOOM Eternal
so true
read dead online honestly blew rockstars other mmo wannabe out of the water before they ruined it
was fun larping as a frontier hunter camping out near a ghost town
rawr dinosaur xD
Doom eternal feels floaty and awkward. I'm more of a dusk person.
Fuck Valve. I had to drag my entire PC, CRT monitor and all 10 miles on the subway in order to hook it up to my aunt's internet to activate the game.
make a new account and get members make a pure and hang out in the wilderness its so fun
thats so gay of you
I think my favorite fps is ultrakill
szymanski is probably my fav modern indie dev tho
wow ur so special and quirky and unique

tribes is the best fps
Trump cant deal with copmala
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>try listening to drama video about tyson
>they all call him "she"
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 2009 is better. Half Life is loser self-insert garbage. Gordon Freeman is a nerdy loser with a tiny snow pecker. While Ghost has a BWC. Major difference
that's early for me yeah
well ig not anymore
>make a pure
I've contemplated it
but I also have a knack for screwing up things like that
no money so unless I'm buying it with gielinor gold I'm staying a f2p scrub for now
Well it's better for you to sleep than to keep feeling bad. Though I still hope that things do get better for you so you don't have to cope over them like this
>but I also have a knack for screwing up things like that
the only thing youve gotta do is check every quest's rewards and make sure it has no defence xp

also every time u equip a new type of weapon make sure its not on controlled/defensive. also wouldnt recommend going above 31/45 prayer unless youre nearly maxed or like getting your ass kicked by people nearly maxed.
zoomer garbage news
im a zillennial, not a zoomer pls respect me
>"Trans women are real women!"
>"But if they do anything wrong then it's an honorary title to be taken away"
>"Trans women are real women!"
Paige is literally the last person on earth that'd say this.
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i hate how worthless Romania is, no aid whatesoever if you are disabled or very little money, i deserve disability benefits bc i am lazy and all jobs suck and you can't even get a job in today s market anwyay, i would start a yt channel or scam people online but have no ideas
he's a pedophile
You just gotta find a job you like! I'm a Pharmacy Technician, and I love it.
i want a job too but i dont know how to get one and no where replies

i should just be able to walk to a place and work
Half Life 1 is objectively better than Half Life 2 by the way. HL1 doesn't lock you in rooms every 20 minutes to hear a conversation you don't care about.
nah buddy that is not how capitalism works
you have to literally beg to be a slave and go into the wagie cage, and also be grateful, kiss your boss feet and give him bjs, what else are you going to do? starve? it is people s fault bc most are sheep and accept this kind of treatment without revolting so here we are..
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You can always uh.. you know
Big news ZZZ now has ONE actually fun to play character with some depth to her gameplay. Truly mipollo learnt nothing from honkai impact 3 and they WILL powercreep and WILL slowly add more to characters instead of having a good base. Gobbless
It's sad how this is the only option for a lot of trans women :(
The midnight air ruins my lungs. Soot settles in. I make a fuss about my pain all night. Night comes and goes endlessly. Day breaks, when I can no longer remember what has been happening. Like a lamp inside my lungs, morning is turned on. I look around to see if anything has disappeared overnight. My habit has returned. I have ripped out many pages from my shamefully extravagant book. The early light carefully writes itself on my book’s exhausted conclusion. As if the noseless night will never return.
Should have moved to the UK before Brexit.
thats me done
thank you
Are you murican

If not, good luck. Here in murica, I looked online and applied for job. They always give me it. Don’t know why.

Suck part is having to fake being friendly. But think about it. Who wants to work with someone who hates life itself

but not for you
how would that have helped ???
I'm glad. I wouldn't want to be a sex worker anyways. Worried about all the diseases I'd get.
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I loved spending time with my waifu.
I thought for sure this was gonna be a reply to “call the police”
UK and most western europe sucks ass nowadays with all the shitskins that came
Romania unironically is a very good place to live and cheap if you can somehow earn the average western european salary and work online
but i have a gf (online) ;c
Alyx Vance is ugly. And I say this as someone who is ugly.
Oldfag here. Why is /mtfg/ so chill now. Back in 2015-2018 it was wild. Crazy drama about fuck-knows-what and bitch fights every day. Now everyone is just chilling and talking about video games and getting a job.
Worst bait ever concocted
There's plenty of times where there's fights.
She's not ugly, she's just normal looking compared with the video game girls of the era. Ironically today she'd be considered woke today. Half black, tomboy. /v/ would go nuts.
It still happens but not as often as before. Lack of tripfags because they either killed themselves or just lurk nowadays due to being drained from drama. It’s better nowadays. Drama is all so tiresome
Can't believe I've already been here 3 years come Halloween.
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>Romania would be good if I wasn't poor
Keep coping
It's true, /v/ is my secondary board (used to be my main), and the second there's a non-white character, /v/ erupts.
never heard of it
>Alyx Vance is ugly
where are all the tranny NEET prostitutes at. they don’t exist. stop lying
it is not real, it does not exist, i was interested in it when i joined the board last year, i was just told that i am transphobic and to kms when i made threads about it
you might feel worse for a month or two but after that the same, hrt has no mental effects
I made $150 today.
i often wonder what lagunas face looks like
does anyone want to start drama with me
Saying that as if I've never showed it
does alcohol cure loneliness ive never had it before and im almost 22 but ive been very lonely
she's pretty
no. drama is boring. if you want drama, go argue with a Waffle House waitress
Anya don't you have new drama start every week?
Imagine just casually admitting you're racist. Not cool.
well im pretty sure youre not pixilated
hf paying 500-1500euros for a shit small apartment, rent for a small one here in romania goes for like 150€
Feeling lonely is really tough, and alcohol might seem like a quick fix, but it often makes things worse. Engage in hobbies, join social groups, volunteer, or connect with friends and family to build meaningful relationships and reduce feelings of loneliness.
and in a big city too
works for me
i like being lonely. getting used to the loneliness is hard at first. but, you get used to it then you come to relish it

but, maybe it’s because you’re more human than i am.
i lived in bucharest for like 3 weeks and let me tell you, it not that great
The trips on discord are usually kind of disappointing so I'd rather they all trip so thread can filter them 4sjhn
Being alone isn't necessarily being lonely anon
This game is too easy and it makes me mad.
yada yada semantics so you can seem smarter than others because it makes you feel good. you know what the fuck I mean
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good evening
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I don't pay any rent for my apartment.
>not in education, employment, or training
>sex work
they don't exist because prostitution is employment
it depends on what you want, sure, there is not much to do here but if you spend most of your time inside your room online, who cares, i find romania to be very good for western european people that want to retire and want to go to a quiet and a lot more green place that still has a lot of nature.. but yea for a young person is boring
can i live in your attic? i would be a just a friendly rat
Way too easy
it’s slop….
Well I just came off of wuwa where I'm getting oneshot and grabbed to another planet after the boss breaks my camera on purpose and starts flying circles around me to catch me off guard so maybe my standards are a bit high for difficulity
No but seriously your best option is to leave Romania somehow. Lots of you guys here and they all tell me that Romanian wages are dogshit which is why they came here. They're all doing p well here, most work in construction, some have a car wash.
i would only move to smth like uk bc this place is boring and i am curious to see how brits react to my esl gypsy charm
Oh my AGP. Yeah construction is good money here in some parts of Murica where blue collar work is in demand. You don’t even know want to know how much we pay commercial painters over here
theyll just think youre going to rob them
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>how brits react to my gypsy charm
waking to a bridge to jump off of. how is everyone else's night/day
please jump off
please jump on, my lap
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Big hour coming soon.
that would be the plan
what's gonna happen
but you may pussy out. so I’m encouraging you
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First project moon live stream since the previews of limbus ages ago. This better have something awesome considering it's the roadmap for everything that's going to happen until next year.
thank you
america is complete trash and garbage, who tf would unironically want to live there, only if you are stupid or you are adrenaline seeking, i guess, 120 guns for 100 people and those are only the legal registered guns, way more guns than fucking people, kek lmao
sip your tea already and sleep, it is late lads
Escorting made me more right wing. Today I decided to unblock some clients and I regretted most of it. This made me more right wing because I noticed it's the same few clients causing trouble and when i give them another chance they do the same thing. Just like IRL crime. Liberals let criminals out of prison, oh no crime goes up. That was my thought today.
you’re a short retarded pussy shitskin. only retards are afraid of guns. the point of guns is to have them. if you don’t have them, you are a retard and deserve to die
So 0.69?
my KD ratio is 2.5
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My crit rate is 47.5% and crit dmg% around 220% on changli. Hoping to get it to 30% crit rate and 250%+ crit dmg% soon
if i lived in america, i would own at least a gun but just bc literally everyone has one and i would be at a disadvantage but if no one had, i would have no reason to.. enjoy worrying about being shot by a schizo randomly.. they don't even have to get close to your ass..
america is the land of flagrant jacksses flaunting their own stupidity
america isnt worth living in if meffmoder doesnt even show a footpic
Is he still in jail?
when you're suicidal and depressed anyway, that's half the fun of leaving home is hoping a rando shoots you do you don't have to
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can't stop this anxious feeling
Imagine large ugly man feet. Use your noggin.
bloodborne finna make me go hollow (i’m 2spookd rn)
i dont care its meffs and thats all that matters
this -> >>36658236
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these are better. an anon posted these itt and I've been spurting to them for a week now.
You’re a pussy. The joy of life is always imagining that a lion is behind you or pretending the world is sunshine & rainbows. Anything else is pussy shit. this is why African hunters & gatherers and brainwashed jelly-eyed xenoestrogen-filled people live happy lives and you don’t
and it’s beautiful…. im so happy here
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not a half bad view
She's perfect.
>and it’s beautiful…. im so happy here
it's not all bad if you had any chance in life of not ending up botched. id like to live somewhere less self-absorbed though, where people still have a unified culture based upon a thousand years of traditions, instead of whatever american culture is.
i am not scared of being shot and dying, i don't fear death, i am scared of being shot and becoming a fucking vegetable feeding through a tube
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Oh I'm wrong. It's a roadmap of what's going to happen for the next weeks/month. So there's something new not covered yet in the one roadmap we have rn. Still sounds very cool
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its over
on the left, yea
monster energy
I knew they had to be hers as soon as I saw them because no one else compares to her.
I don't think the Regent's canal is that wide anon.
pu$$y$layer if rock dude, rapehon if trans.
Ask yourself if you actually want to die. Not if the suffering is too great, or if you are too sad, or if you don't want to live like THIS anymore. Be straight with yourself, do you WANT to die? Alternatively, and more importantly, do you want to live?

Would you prefer to survive whatever you're dealing with right now?

A gentle reminder for everyone that suicidality is THE landmark of depression, it is an illness. Your suicidality is not you, it is a symptom. It should be the reality check that you are unwell. Recognize it for what it is, seek help immediately when you feel suicidal. Disclose with anybody who gives a shit, talk your shit out, check your thought processes. Are you catastrophizing? Are you being realistic about the current situation? Can you change the situation if it really is very bad? Is fighting to change the situation better than dying? Is waiting better than dying? I used to live in deep fear of my depression; when I came to recognize suicidality as a symptom, it visited me like a cat begging for dinner- rather than stalking me like a panther. It cannot kill me, the cat just needs to be fed, i have to check myself before I wreck myself.
because you're a nerd :)
this is all dumb
never heard of the cream state is that the 51st
Yeah just pump the mossberg, fuck this gay earth.
yea, just call a suicide hotline mef so they send an ambulance so you have to also pay medical bills lmao, whenever i see suicide hotlines being spammed over everything suicidal, i cringe so much
I was so sad when their contract or whatever ran out and they updated it to an in-game universe energy drink

at least mods can fix that
gross to the max
those are my stinky feets :(
doubt, meff be honest with yourself, youre not uglyive been spillin gallons like BP
where can i find trannies to fuck?
i’m kinds uggy
i kinda know thats a lie
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oof unironically the mod made pinwheel a tricky boss
was fun
my husband got me those toe rings for my birthday
This is the most trans thing here.
no one asked
Is there fent in cocaine?
>id like to live somewhere less self-absorbed though, where people still have a unified culture based upon a thousand years of traditions, instead of whatever american culture is
If you’re a tranny and saying this, you’re the most retarded brainlet to ever exist. Those cultures you speak of and its people are almost always transphobic. They’re built off hundreds of years of cultural homogeny and that homogeny almost never includes trannies. To them, you are human trash. Good fucking luck finding that pot of gold. Absolutely fucking ridiculous. I should bite your nose off like a chimp
You have a feet loving husband and you're just spreading them all over???
i kinda disagree
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wtf... mean...

sneed harder sir
we were posting feets that night for fun
passer vibes
Go tell him that you love him and save everything for only him from now on.
cringer vibes
whats cringe to you, the fact that im right, or the fact that youre wrong
considering how many are prostitutes....
>city of almost 10 million
>everything closed at 2am
this country is so bullshit
Don't want AIDS
o...okay anon
well then you might want to take somebody to dinner first
hit up any dating spot or dating site idk senpai

i hate that covid ended the trend of 24 hour walmarts
i could go shopping at 3am and not have to deal with other people, it was great
now, nowhere is open 24 hours anymore

is it weird that i find it strange to get dinner on the first date instead of fucking
feels like gay culture brainrot

Yeah same thing happened here.
thank you anon
we're all gonna make it
kek, being soft is what's best in life
i refuse to
Can someone please send me/post some suicide fuel
I love you.
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i wonder when was the last time ex bff thought about me, and what did he think of?

yea one sec
but the more casual you are about sex obviously the higher your hiv risk
it gets better
Just go read the thread >>36658756
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Yes it is weird that you're a whore.
That is bad.
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here's the nicholson siblings, see if u can guess which is trans

i mean every tranny who sleeps with men is at high risk for hiv, just look at the stats
>Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at a higher risk of HIV infection than the general population. In the United States, the estimated lifetime risk of HIV infection for MSM is one in six, compared to one in 524 for heterosexual men and one in 253 for heterosexual women.
normalize being a whore
sluts r based
you were never socialized female
>paige next to his tif sister
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im not a whore, im just worried that if i don't give him a reason to want me then he'll drop me
it's why i never set boundaries with boyfriends

respectfully, u had a kid you have no way of providing for because of sleeping around. it would behoove you to support some restraint, so that other children don't have to suffer parental abandonment or to be born with faulty genes

how will i ever recover

this is the famous tranny honter schaefer
And now look at the stats for trannies, who have even higher rates.
Also look at blacks.
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this is a patient's ffs results, demonstrating how little changes when the underlying canvas is warped

yes exactly
>because of sleeping
respectfully I dated her for months before we did any touching of any sort
back then I was very touch averse
it took awhile to get past
and also was medically diagnosed as infertile
and on the pill
unironically, the schizo repper is the greatest pinkpiller ever
you will never be more than just a hole for me to use, you are subhuman and not worthy of love and should know your place
yea but use a condom, you don't want to end up having a kid that you cannot provide money to at all while living off the mercy of your cousin and family and being a total leech while also posting for pity and complaining on 4chan
its so over troon sisters! we should all kill ourselves
It genuinely does not
I got on blockers at 13
E at 15
I'm almost 6'3
My cis sister is 6'1 so it's just genetics
I have a neanderthal brow and Henry cavil jaw
I'll never be able to afford any kind of surgery now
Mt only passing quality is my voice because I got on blockers before it had much time to develop
I'm 22 now and look like a freak. 50% of my lifespan gone throwing my life, friends, family, education and all the things I can't list away to live like a freak who can't even go outside because I get gawker at by every passer by
I went to school as a girl but I'm starting to realise now that people were generally just being nice not to say anything and it was kind of an open secret
that was your sui fuel
youngshit >:( i hate you
>and also was
she was*
>trust us! transition is the way!
>help me kms

Christbro was right, you are all lost causes.
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here's a nice chart detailing some differences between male and female bodies
built for chaser cock
cope bdd luckshit yungshit passoid
She looks like a cis woman on the right other than the Adams apple. Not everyone is a 20 yo 9/10 Instagram model outside of the Internet
hunter is cute tho
i thought this was basic common sense
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it is, but in some circles it's bigoted propaganda
body proportions of the trolls from elden ring
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Look at my fucking jaw
built for chaser cock
I dated a cis girl with a manly jawline
r u mad?
annoying youngshit bdd passoid confirmed
count to 10 and take deep breaths
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>there are cis women with xyz
That's cope from hons
There's no single cis woman on the planet who's 6'2.5 AND has a Chad jaw AND has a neanderthal brow with looksmaxx tiktok hunter eyes
My lashes need infilling but I can't be bothered to live life or to groom myself anymore
all's fair in love and war
imagine trooning at 13 and still posting on tttt
I can't do this anymore. I don't even know why she yelled at me this time. I literally agreed with her, told her I'd drive her to get to where she needed. It's like she wants me to beg or something. No, I'm not that girl. If she wants to verbally abuse someone, she can find someone weaker to do it on.

I fought too hard to crawl out of my pit of despair, I'm never letting anyone put me back in. Ever. Again.
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If I didn't have to walk 5 min to the pharmacy every day for my methadone I wouldn't (and didn't) go outside or see another human soul for up to 3 weeks at a time
This site raised me when I was a teen through those years. I've come to sad post while contemplating taking my life
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im sorry you're breaking up but in the long run it's for the best, you deserve someone who is able to keep pace with you
why cant you ever get ffs?
i want you and i both to die
I'm never going to be able to afford it in my life
I'm 22 already and at risk of being fucking homeless in the next couple of months
Not all of us live in America where you can earn 60k a year working as a barista or have a family safety net
>Not all of us live in America where you can earn 60k a year working as a barista or have a family safety net
you got hrt at 13 you are so incredibly privileged i hate you so much
>where you can earn 60k a year working as a barista
wtf that's certainly not the case here lmao
we do no care, we couldn't give less of a shit, go jump off a bridge
I'm going to be real, I can't tell anything with these insanely zoomed in photos. But this last one looks like a female face.
I'm a full time personal trainer and I barely pull down 40k
I'm glad you've come around and realised that me being a youngshit doesn't mean anything and I'm still a hon
Ordering pills rn and peacing out next weekend:)
Look at my photos
I started blockers at 13 but what does it matter if I lost the genetic lottery and puberty already fucked me? What the fuck is privileged about my existence? We're at the same finish line despite me running the marathon and suffering way longer
kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
>despite me running the marathon and suffering way longer
>youngshit telling the midshit that getting hrt as a child actually made them suffer more and longer
the audacity
i need to get rid of my dog, i don't need it anymore, should i just kill it or abandon it somewhere?
also i shouldn't be laughing, im sorry u were groomed and probably sexually abused
>only two breasts
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gaius coded
tranny coded
Maam you have bdd and imposter syndrome, you look like a normal cis girl.
I genuinely wasn't
I grew up in a hateful 2nd world post commie sithole who groomed me
I'm drinking tonight which is probably a bad idea, but Matt removed me on Discord a few days ago and I'm sad, so lemme drown my sorrows in Wine
gtfo of here you youngshit bdd passoid, you literally got to transition that young in an ex commie shithole country lmao, that is extremely rare lucky and privileged
Please don’t feed the local attention whoring psychopathic youngshit passoid wildlife please.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Your posting is so wrong and I'm angry or smth. Post nudes so i can really feel bad :)
i pooped in the other thread :P
lmfao you must have been a really dumb kid to think hrt would turn you into a woman
They were a 13 year old child being told that.
Is the youngshit anya having another bpd meltdown?
i was smarter than that at 13

anya looks like they started way way later than 13

lol haha this is hilarious
i transed at 14 n im a hon
kys also

i love life
it’s not fair
Fuck off Larry you gimp dick faggot
you have a nice cock anon
tis better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all
Why the fuck are you still here
I remember you from like 5 years ago
You're not a fucking hon shit the fuck up
I haven't seen a picture of you in 5 years but you literally passed before so
We're not the same
Do you know how Claire is doing
That's another aussie I remember from here and I know you guys were talking
i trooned at 33 cuz im retarded/neglected and a hon :)
woah a peenpeen!!
Googoo gahgah wahhhhhhh. Just detrans then lol. Stop being such a baby
I started at 28
>woah a peenpeen!!
yes heh, it certainly is a Thursday
i will start at 50
wut? no way. u pass so flawlessly tho. the mormons must be putting mones in the water out there sheesh.
hullo bwed<3
John Ma'am
how do i erase the shit i posted under lari
I vote we kill larold
shut up bitch lol
You can't erase it if it's in the archives.
Parrot can I have ur discord you might remember me from 5-7 years ago I was friends with Claire and mostly maddie
oops feeding time for Prize Piggy Pring shes a gettin ornery i tells ya
>opens valve on protein paste tank
well that fukin stinks
maybe its cause I'm drunk but I laughed
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>start at 19
>still have the face body and butt of a man
it's so over
You don't really have any hip development how long have you been on hrt
Reminds me of Fallout 76 players and people who watched the Fallout TV show
built for chaser cock
10.5 years
it's so over
my face is worse
my skull is almost laguna sized
my ribcage is almost .7 jades
flat chest
never gonna be attractive or look feminine

thank u this cheers me up and it is tru




i post here when i have nobody to talk too i've posted here since i was 12 where else am i going to post. leddit? x? facebook? no thanks.

around 2020 i became disillusioned with discord after a close friend passed and i deleted everyone i did a lot of strange drugs around that time so i don't have a good recollection of events but i think that she was in good spirits had a good job and gf if you want to reconnect paul carol or sheen might have her discord


u mog me
my feet are super stinky holy shit
are you supposed to wash your shoes
I obviously wash my feet and socks
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should i play some ds1 before bed or just go to sleep
im sleepy but i don't want nightmares again bc last night's was weird
play ds1 cause its the bestest souls game
can you kill yourself
built for chaser cock
it is almost 6am, i didn't sleep this night also, time to sleep until afternoon, god how great
do you love me? you loving me might make me feel better abt it
it's good yea, i haven't played ds2 a lot so i can't say it's the absolute best tho

no not really, i've tried before and it didn't work out

you're married, right? what does husband think of posting butt
happy for you to have a husband, it must be nice
nobody loves you, larry. Goodnight.
Paige it is def the best souls game, trust me on this!
he is shamelessly humblebragging, he has no morals
why is that so? gn baby
(i will never beat blood-starved beast)
im saying i cannot say that because i haven't played ds2 enough to definitively say which is the best of the three

dodge to the left, ez win
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it’s the bullshit insta kill grab that’s telegraphed by… the boss standing still
yea, I'm rubbing his foot rn
built for chaser cock
ds2 sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell him you love him and never share your body with anyone but him.
L take, ds2 is kino
can i have 5$?
i am poor
Wrong!!!! bad hitboxes tied to a stat and bullshit gank enemies everywhere
>bases opinion solely on youtubers
I've literally played the game dummy
idiot forgot to link and made thread early >>36649362
u made that thread yesterday...
I can't sleep.
More thigh pics.
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living is so lonely
one day i will be rich and successful
more likely than me not fucking up for a single day
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I love Grace.
i need to quit this place
it makes me retarded
i am not sleeping today, i will fix my schedule this night, time to go hard on coffee
this place isn't so bad
lotta us need to stop takimg out our emotional issues on eachother tho
I'm the guiltiest of that

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