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Dap me up edition
Last >>36657371
Qott: A transgirl tries to dap you up do you accept?
hell yeah
>daps up with you
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Yes indubitably
absolute real nigga right here
Qott: It's not really a choice, my hands going to dap back instinctively.
chat is this a malebrained meme do i just rope it now
Stop acting black please.
No it’s a based meme a good dap can change someone’s day
I still don't know what anyone expects when they do the hand greeting, there are so many slightly different variations this shit is a nightmare for autistic peoplw
Just control it, be the person who chooses which move and let them respond. I'm autistic and have never had issues, but I like handshakes and give a lot.
Best part of the day is dapping up my favorite coworker
I also always fuck up regular handshakes by grasping too soon so it's like they only get my fingers in the shake
One good dap could change your whole life
I'm going to drink another mountain dew zero
No sugar so enjoy
This is a very factual statement.
I practiced in school. I'm an engineer so most of us were autistic and I made sure to give a handshake to everyone every day without fail so we could all learn how. Like 50 people a day I think, plenty hated it at first but they learned.
>random ass employee deciding it's his business to educate the entire office on daily handshakes
well, I guess the handshake guy is here again… whatever, I better get this over with or he’ll harass me until I do… EW WHAT THE FUCK why is it WET???
They learned to love it, and love me.
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if you type into Google :women's feet on plane" there are tons of news article stories shaming women for just trying to relax. people complaining that they wake up with some random woman's feet next to them or on their head and I cannot believe it, that sounds like a great deal. if I didn't have agoraphobia and a fear of planes I would be flying all the time
I love you.
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no big strong chaser to sweep me off my feet and plow me :c
I understand why foids transition now, they will never
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I will hold hands with a lady, but never black people shake hands with one.
Me and Nils after a long day of sweet-talking the tbabes on discord
real shit
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Me, you, and Nils after we transition to tbabes.
Ears ringing from the resounding echoing boom from our palms colliding, face flushed from the softness of your lips meeting mine for the first time. As our boom echos across the snowy landscape, the sun peaks out from behind the clouds. Spring has begun.
more stuff like this
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Chasers: post things you hate when trans girls do
Trans: post things you hate when chasers do
I hate when they’re beautiful and call themselves ugly
>Qott: A transgirl tries to dap you up do you accept?
idk what that means
ah fuck
i fumbled rach
i was in a video chat with a gigapassoid i know on the west coast and she has a lot of anxiety and a touch of the 'tism so i needed to give her my full attention
oh well. How's everyone else doing?
I hate when they want to top, or use their dick at all.
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based if chaser
also based if tranner
>tfw no gf to send retarded memes to each other
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Alright. I'm a top. I don't want to suck girl dick. I don't like post-ops. I call myself bi but I'm meme bi, I like girls and make an exception for very girly guys.
I'm somewhat handsome with flaws, I workout but I'm overweight. I'm 6'1" and I have a full head of hair. I have a car and a license, I've got an income but no job.
So, how do I actually get a tranny gf?
By transitioning
I'm not a tranny but I also am a gigantic masculine man so even if I were inclined to transmaxx it wouldn't work.
What do you actually want, anon? Look inside yourself. What is it that you truly want? What would make you happy?
4 acres 20 miles outside of town, a modest homestead and a dog.
my brain is exploding i wish i was pretty enough guys wanted to buy me clothes and lingerie just to see me wear it fuck its so over
I hate when trannies post their trans timelines. If I'm dating them/fucking them already, I see them as women. I very much do not want reminded that they were born men.

I don't like when they worm out around me. Keep that shit to yourself and your therapist.

I hate how incredibly fucking critical they are about gender roles. They have to be THE most obnoxious demographic for this. If you have any hobbies that are not traditionaly masculine or manly, it becomes a huge fucking issue any they think you're a fag or tranny in denial. Anything outside of being a woodcutting lumberjack riding a motorcycle after hunting deer gives them the ick.
That actually sounds lovely. What kind of dog?
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what about getting spammed with cat pics
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I like a lot of different types of dogs. Maybe one day I will hit middle aged and I can film myself shirtless with dogs to trick old women into donating money so that I can run my own free range dog rescue like Asher House.
Real af on the last one
You'd think they'd be better about that stuff but they're the strictest because they're looking to your performed gender role as validation
Unironically get a cis bi gf if you want someone to be chill
That little guy is a retard still.
i mean, sounds like you just literally need to meet a straight or bi tranny
1. stop digitally self-harming
2. meet a nice man
3. ???
4. get exactly that
go on
I'd rather date a cis girl desu but I'm open to dating trans. They just tend to make it difficult
>i mean, sounds like you just literally need to meet a straight or bi tranny
How do I do that?
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Last one sounds like they're using you to fulfill a specific role for them rather than actually loving you as a person. I’m sorry if you experienced that firsthand.
What the fuck even is gender dysphoria
>Seeing men only as a wallet
Congratulations on passing as fembrained I guess? Stay away from me though thank you
lots of men only see me as a dumb whore so why are they not just wallets
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jade is the good kind of pick me anon
she only wants shein and hot topic lingerie and if you can’t afford that you shouldn’t be dating
You only do porn
grindr or taimi, i think
you can also check https://boymoder.network
(no, it's not just for boymoders)
LOL omg so cute
you're killing it
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I'm actually a wealthy trust fund guy born into silver spoons. Seeing me for what I have rather than what I am is probably my #1 turnoff and part of why I never tell anyone about it outside of anonymity. It seriously rubs me the wrong way.
oh my god someone messaged me on tagmap 3 weeks ago wtf people actually use this???
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jade I would do that for you but I am poor. the will is there. I wish I could make you the happiest pretty girl in the world. hopefully someday I will make enough. or we could get a little apartment together with my part time job and you selling pictures of your butt hole to older gay men online we could afford it barely.
even the other cat looks worried and knows cats shouldn't be doing that
that's where i met the boymoder i adopted
she's doing well, i convinced her to start hormones and she's got bangs that make her feel pretty
no one asked, but im proud of her so i wanted to share.
ive had like 6 people add me from there since i joined a few months ago. and there are tons in my area i could add if i wanted to
I don't understand this post but I like it
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I want her to suck my hairy balls.
beautiful girl
How does a tranny mentally get to the point where they believe that they can style themselves like this and not be presenting as a woman
she seriously thinks anyone believes she's male, looking like that
haha it's meant to be an endorsement of tagmap
idk i dont expect anyone to give me stuff bc i know im ugly i just WISH i was pretty enough people just bought me stuff to see me in it.
wait anon that sounds rly sweet...
Let him wife you
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>wait anon that sounds rly sweet...
I keep lurking these threads even though I decided to stay alone and stop dating. Sense of nostalgia I guess
i have no idea but it's startlingly common
>i know im ugly
you know the opposite of that
wheres ava
Being normal hot and rich somewhere
A better question is why did she ever come here
>A better question is why did she ever come here
that's a good questions. but I am happy that an angel would talk to us
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Oh mein gott she’s beautiful
Cute girl post a good night audio
At midnight exactly, impressive. Thanks.
getting Marilyn monroe vibes from this
if Usain Bolt eats 100 nugs in a day and gets he's a hero but if I do it then I'm just a fatass. It's just not fair.
Is that her “”””””boy””””””mode
like cup a guys balls??? is that what that means exactly???
this is a cis girl's voice, ain't a tranny voice no way
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boymoding today
I can tell you’re hot as fuck
that was good
Maybe I’m a little lonely why did this work on me
i have girl voice too bfd
show me
Had to turn it off after the first sentence I can't
im shy cuz im not home alone, I've posted them before tho
unfortunately I’m trans

I look like 4 wooden frog statues arranged on a stump

thank you :>

I’m lonely too

sorry for existing
I love you.
i posted a lewd image on my city’s local subreddit and i got lots more attention there than i ever have on this website. and better yet it was all from people i could hypothetically meet with. i’m not sure what reason there even is to act slutty on this board anymore..
>I look like 4 wooden frog statues arranged on a stump
prove it.
>I look like 4 wooden frog statues arranged on a stump
I am a pagan and this is erotic.
Nym was mean to me in a vocaroo, I'm not complaining.
I mean what reason was there ever?
there's none, gtfo
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>posted a lewd image on my city’s local subreddit
where have i heard this voice before
You're free to act like a community fleshlight and stop posting here if you'd like.
:3 hehe
drop your asmr yt channel
boymoding every day, huh?
receiving attention
kinda hostile wow
You can meet anyone here, it just might take some time.
You're getting attention right now just via hypotheticals. Posting on a city subreddit is funny though.
Which lewd poster are you?
>sorry for existing
Not about you about me
Too painful
just 0 class
literally post tits or gfto
i met someone really nice but he lives 500 miles away which is just very far
why is it funny?
i have been classy for years and all it leads to is crippling debilitating loneliness because no one cares about you or even knows you exist
>crippling debilitating loneliness because no one cares about you or even knows you exist
im classy and this never happened to me
I want to love bomb you, but over the course of years
im really happy you all liked my vocaroo :>
prove you’re classy
name one classy thing you’ve done recently
I want to nug bomb you, but over the course of years.
I've driven 3k miles across the country to move for a job. I flew to Canada to meet with an egg. 500 miles isn't the end of the world but it will take time.
What if you actually are in love what if in 9 months you decide to move in together.
He could be your future husband.
Yeah you're amazing
I drove across the country to meet my ex, unfortunately it didn’t work out because I’m not really attracted to women

aaaa thank youu
true :( he’s really great i would want him to be my bf hopefully it can happen somehow
i dont have cute girl voice :c
i flirted with a boy in a graceful and respectful way
It probably won't happen if you keep acting like the town hole for attention.

You don't have a cute anything.
dont say
You have a nice voice. Lot to happy about.
Post a cute audio
you're hot
we started talking because i made a thread asking if people would want to join a discord server where i could cam in group calls for everyone and he was the only one to join. i would stop this kind of thing if we ever dated officially though
so killing myself is the play yea?
i was right
It will take time. Months. Maybe a year.
But what if it's the best thing you've ever done? Invest in someone you really like instead of grabbing anyone close.
hmm i guess that’s pretty classy yeah
thank you :D
You just said a lie.
thank you i am not an irl slut or anything and i hate sex without emotional connections, i just get lonely and want to feel like i exist or have a presence somewhere
I need a passoid to read me a bedtime story.
Those are my favorite.
you should post more
any suggestions or requests?
post your face, blood type, longitude, latitude, and favorite ice cream flavor
I wasn't implying you were a slut or anything. And I think everyone feels that way. I was just trying to let you know it's not doomed.
why do you sound like a crime boss
What do you like about him
I think you sound fine. I'm just a normal guy though so I'm not hyper analyzing it like you girls do.
okay i wanted to be sure because i’m high inhib single-digit body count and was hyper obsessed with one guy in particular for the entirety of last year so i can still pair bond just fine so i think i’m not doomed yet either. i’m getting older though so i don’t have a lot of time left to remain desirable..
not really, talk about whatever you want
Alright which one of you fucjers hacked my PC? I was trolling and now it's acting super slow and buggy. I think one of you hacked it and put malware on it... Actually is that possible through an image board? Sarah please help
You're like laf jr
he’s cute, smart, fun, easy to talk to, and he fucked me really well when i still lived closer and we were able to meet more easily
who is laf
>i can still pair bond just fine
This kinda stuff always makes me laugh to read.
>who is laf
A sort of uniquely insane person with some sort of profoundly severe body dysmorphia.
It's weird to say but it's actually real. You do damage your brains ability to pair bond if you're promiscuous. That's why so many people cheat or stay with people they don't have feelings for.
It's honestly funny that people give themselves the same kind of emotional issues as being abused just because they wanted to have fun and whore around.
I don’t have a face, I have 4 faces of the frogs on a stump, I don’t know my blood type, 41.3083° N,
72.9279° W, I like cookies and cream but I’m lactose intolerant
It was me. You're going to have to post that gock.
I see your van
I love how it sounds, you kinda sound like a Hobbit or elf
>It's weird to say but it's actually real.
Yeah this sounds made up.
How'd you do it? My PC has been hacked and I know it was one of you guys. It's soooo slow now. Gock? But I'm a chaser
why? people that fuck their way into the high double or even triple digits ruin their neural pathways when it comes to sex. it eventually means nothing to them
ohh i’m not insane and i like my body well enough
I could listen to you all night. Please post something long.
Do you really think whoring around has no negative effects on you mentally and emotionally?
I’m actually in a 2016 honda civic but whatever
no face is cool, mine is O something, that's actually Connecticut funnily, i don't know my favorite ice cream but those are good picks
Gross. I'm deleting everything.
Yeah pretty much. I think mental and emotional problems can certainly lead to sleeping around, but the other way around doesn't make much sense to me.
yea I gave you the actual long lat to where I live
some ppl just dont have dignity
not much of a passoid but here’s a bedtime story, i tried to do a nice voice but i gave up at the end https://vocaroo.com/11HqnfbMsk8v
Genius tranner alert.
Thanks you have a beautiful voice.
I want to come home to a tranner wife that embraces me with a hug after a long day of work. Instead I just come home and sit on the couch alone. It's upsetting. I'm a home owner. I earn good money. I'm 6'1 and average looks. I was told that home + height gets you a gf. Why can't I find a gf.
Sloppy fat sex
Can we do that part at the end
i fully believe this now because you've said it, are we getting married now that you know my favorite ice cream? it seems improper not to
thanks i can do another one, there’s a lot of versions of this story in this book
what fires together wires together. you’re fucked once your brain is configured such that you no longer get oxytocin from physical intimacy
You're a silly little dude
I don't see why these things would cause you to stop being affected by oxytocin?
it’s not that you stop being affected by it, it’s that your brain doesn’t have the pathways to produce it during sex
Are you reading the bible as a bedtime story?
no this isn’t the bible https://vocaroo.com/1aCdh1NQln7a
It just sounds like you're saying "brain words". I'm still skeptical, but if you've got a journal or something I'm happy to read it.
now this is the bible, the other Kierkegaard then?
they both are
he sure does like his bible, why him? i always preferred camus
idk, i often get the impression that people don’t like camus. i also prefer camus
i get the same impression. your accent is? australian?
I made a 7 minute recording talking about plants, but I don’t know how to best share it. Vocaroo cut me off at 30s before
do you talk to women?
I didn’t go to yale, I just live in new haven
no, i’m british but my voice is strange because i’m trying to make it more effeminate
I wouldn't know either honestly. Maybe there something to be done with that catbox thing.
are you quite short?
vampire the masquerade bloodlines and a big cup of coffee yup im that bitch
It's me guys
I love coffee, I still need to play that game tho
ish, below male average, a bit above female average
Why you sounding so jaunty bro
I don't know why I'm listening to this, but I hope the adaptation is C4 plants.
If she's a bottom, yeah I dap her up. Where are the cute hsts gals? In the Midwest preferably, daddy wants to rail your hole.
I am realizing that i'm feeling incredibly lovesick over someone, and i don't really like it. how is the night treating the rest of yall?
long way to say 5'8'' amirite
nope, closer to 5’6, barefoot at least
It makes perfect sense! To move toward other plants, I get it!
actually can't play cause too much sun in my room to play a dark lit game

my dick started leaking randomly ¿?
I never even considered it, that makes so much sense. I have a ton of these vines in my garden that just climb and climb, dozens of feet off the ground at this point.
I've always been fascinated by the way they make themselves wind around in around in little circles so they can climb best.
:> Im glad, I’m so tired I’m stumbling so I’m really really glad that you get it
Trans girls refuse to because id get flustered easy and im a Chaser
I liked the part where you messed up and it was cute and endearing and then pivoted directly into about three seconds of existential dread. If it's not keeping you up, how do you know about this anyway? Just fun?
I want to fuck mina's fat assl
can I have some for my coffee? help a sister out
>help a sister out
I could listen to you forever
now which of you is this >>36661796
im not brown tho
>my dick started leaking randomly ¿?
oh yousa a whyte sistah fro anotha mista? mhmmmm
we all do, bud
not too bad. i fumbled the cutest femboy ive ever seen earlier, but i did a discord call with a new friend and i played a lot of mindless video games
does this person love you back?
well it did with like 0 stimuli and that never happens to me so i got scared
I've been thinking about getting a good cheeseburger.
And mortality. Now also vines.
man i hope i can have this much genuine brightness and tenderness shine through in anything that i ever do or any interaction i ever have. I hope i can get all fixed up, but maybe i do just have some things missing that can’t be put back and i’ll have to be buried all bent out of shape
I diagnose you with not coomimg enough and being unable to release built-up fluids during nocturnal emission because you don't get boners anymore
You all good?
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no cause i zerk off to gay porn regularly . . .
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What are the mortality thoughts? I took a crack at a breakfast for dinner kinda deal earlier, came out ok, but def needed work in a lotta areas.
you jerk it to gay boys fr fr?
okay chasergen, that's gonna be it for me, ill see you tomorrow
no, i feel bad but i am doing that to myself mostly. I feel terrible about myself but not in any interesting ways. The captcha is pretty funny
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yes i love watching two hunks going at it
goodnight sarah, have a nice one
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why dont trans girls like me pecking there cute little failed fem cock?
I don't even like breakfast for breakfast. Lunch is my meal.
And just the preciousness of our limited time. Nothing profound. I've been having an oceanic feeling quite often of late. But colder.
Feels like something is going to happen soon.
Lol, least you've still got the little things.
But anyway, doesn't have to be interesting. Sadness isn't usually as exciting or grand as romance novels make it seem. Bit monochrome really.
Oceanic feeling? I just finished a 3 week trip with someone I had become friends with from /soc/ years ago. It was sweet in some ways and a big disaster in others, but I miss em. I almost wish I didn't.
dear god pls make me hotter that would be really cool if over night it just magically happened pls thanks
I love how passionate and knowledgeable you are. You're a great speaker, you have a cute and soothing voice. I could listen to you for hours. I'd love that actually, I would love to listen to you everyday. I'd like to hear about the islands too, I'm sad I missed that. You're a very interesting girl. You really are amazing.
3 weeks feels like a long while. This a romantic kind of situation then? I'm a little confused on what all conspired here.
i feel dysphoric and dissatisfied, i’ve achieved what i wanted to achieve but i don’t particularly feel much better. maybe another time i’ll be feeling great, for now though i feel very dull and off-balance
Ah, yeah. Those times sometimes just happen I guess. Do you think maybe the big goals just haven't quite hit you? Or maybe you're still just in a low mood from before having achieved them. Like for example if you were depressive and dissociative but setting goals and working through it. The goals don't necessarily stop the mental problems, just might give you some reassurance in your ability to now directly tackle them.
Idk I'm rambling it's late.
Oh, cool concept, I like that. Spiritually tapped in, in like a broad way.

The thing was emotionally intimate but not physically. They're not in a place in their life where they can date. Even so, we got pretty close. Shared a bed a few times, just to like share the space and hold hands a little. We're also very different people, so there was a lot of friction personality wise. But I feel like we did really connect, which is what I wanted out of it. I'm just confused. I don't feel like I'm what they want out of a partner or friend, though they said I was, told me they missed me during small gaps. Its just complex, too much to write here really, but I do miss them now, even if it did get a bit chaotic and hard at times when we were together.
Its my fault for liking women with big gocks
Its my fault for liking women with big gocks
Its my fault for liking women with big gocks
Its my fault for liking women with big gocks
i can’t tell exactly what it is. i hope you have a nice day or nice night wherever you are anon, i wish you the best
Hmmm, that definitely sounds complicated. Hopefully the time back alone will give you a little space to sort things out. Any idea where you plan on going from here?
Well I hope you can figure it out, anon. Maybe talk to some people about it if you can. You have a nice night or whatever too.
We can't see each other often cause both busy and live far away, so we're going back to being pen pals for the time being, I think? So just settling back into our regular routines for now. I just hope they miss me, I guess. Or they don't. I don't know, I'm kinda crossed up at the moment, my head and heart are very out of whack
Its my fault for not having a big gock
Its my fault for not having a big gock
Its my fault for not having a big gock
i hate that mine is small so much
t. chaser
I'm sure you'll figure it out between the two of you. And if it doesn't work out, oh well, plenty of great people out there. And if it does work out, even better.
I'm gonna go pass out.
Its not your fault in the future there will be better penis improvement via penis improvement technology
Pls stop hating yourselves, im a worthless chaser manwhore sizequeen turbofaggot
That's dumb, small is cuter
Thanks for talking to me, stranger. Gnight
They care more about functionality?
big pp girls get all the love and attention
And im disposable to them

But this just means you'll get a dude who isn't crazy about big dicks
it means i won’t get any dudes sorry
my loneliness is funny to you?
Hi Connecticut tranner, I'm a Mass guy I'll spare the Massachusetts is your daddy stuff for now.

Are you cute and nice?
The "egg" shit is weird.
Do you really want a dude who's crazy for big hard girl boners and wants to slobber on it and ride it?
Plenty of small pp enjoyers who just want to tease it and watch it wiggle

Maybe even a unicorn chaser who doesn't like it and just ignores it
I just want a chaser who will make me eat all the eggs I dont understand how thats weird
i’m fine with being stroked and sucked but no i don’t want to top

Do you really want a fucking trainwreck like me
idk maybe not you specifically you sound really self-hating
yeah it is
Figures, can't blame you
Thank you girlanon. This made me feel happier.
I cant afford penis improvement surgery :(
Eggs are fucking gross tranners should be swearing off them whenever with a bf.

Unless your bf loves braaps it's unpleasant and very masculine to have egg braaps, makes your kisses smell like egg too. Makes the stomach and colon a warzone.

Nono tranners should not have eggs except under special circumstances with strict observation by a strong egg eating Bf.
Tfw no strong egg eating bf
perfect gf material right here
Where's rick
chasers can you describe the personality of the tranny you like? and maybe some physical attributes

tranners can you describe the chaser you like and his personality? and maybe some physical traits
Deep sloppy wet kisses with transgirls.
Nice, humble, the quiet kind of autistic. Skinnier with longer hair and a cute voice.
Kind, patient, romantic soul, intelligent, artistic.
secure with himself and calm. tall and cute.
he doesn't like me back tho
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big strong funny caring mature stable aware committed straight and a gamer with good taste
these could apply to me i think, i hope so anyway
he's cheerful and nice i dunno i just like him
yay these are all so wholesome :3
I didn't describe her physical appearance but she's the most beautiful girl ever, better than cis girls or other trans girls, its crazy how hot she is. I'm not just saying that either.
why does everyone have a better voice than i do :(
he's strong and I can always rely on him and trust him
he's really romantic too I love when he gets me flowers
well it is pretty bad in all honesty, you need to work on resonance, very shaky unstable clocky voice
because they train
i just have anxiety and i dont voice train btw
imagine Jennie using her man voice for these
bretty good
i'm doing csp training with no results
someone should make more jennie edits
you sound like my 60 year old Jewish philosophy professor
idk what that is I just speak and it works, try that
fuck it
fuuuck eeeeet
only tranners here no chasers
Vocaroo enjoyers been eating good :)
i will never post my voice because i'm a voicehon
I'm patient.
euro hours is always all hussy tranners and no chasers while american hours is agp time and lots of chasers
I'm a chaser, I just don't want to interact with trans women
That shit hurts too much
I am a chaser hello
Woah, real.
>That shit hurts too much
tell us more please
How can you call yourself a chaser if you don't interact with trans women?
I am a chaser, let's kill all trannies
Every time I try I feel like a monster for wanting a relationship
Every trans woman that's not just a bearded old man cosplaying is either taken, a transbian, abused and schizophrenic, or some combination of those things, and it's just really depressing to try and get through
I'd rather just be alone than try to deal with all that desu
you gotta go in before they're taken tho
I feel like I might run into different issues if I hung around middle schools that much
I mean she will be mentally ill yeah other than that they come in plenty of flavours
Hey, I'm not mentally ill. I think...
Are you single?
I am single
See normal mental illness would be manageable, but then you have the ones whose self-esteem is so fucked that they will actively freak out at any attempt to meaningfully connect with them, which is insidious in its ability to make me feel like there's something fundamentally wrong with me
I'm a coward :)
i am NOT feeling this new fit

https://unsee cc/album#wAAeY7CXIByh
still hot
yeah but it makes me look liek a brick
Fuck off spice
To you
Eating spicebag's ass
Legal in my country
pedo country
She has the body of a 20 year old woman
I don't know who talked about sunflowers and vines last night, but I think I love her.
Good choice, there were feelings felt listening to it.
Ahhhhh sorry I fell asleep,$:dhxbv

I was a bored child in highschool that loved sunflowers, and would read about them in English class. I ended up coming across the term phototropism and looked into it because I was really amazed.

I’m really really glad you liked it. :>

I was kinda scared people would find it cringe or boring

you can anon I believe in youu :)

Ahhh thabk you anon!! I’m really lonely but have a lot to talk about. It makes me happy thinking people care about what I have to say even if it’s silly stuff like plants or islands

umm I think I’m kinda cute, but I’m really nice

I’m really glad :>

Gm. I like you a lot. I'm going to ask for another tonight.
Good morning gorgeous beautiful I hope you have an amazing day
good morning!! I’ll be ready :>

aaah hii good morning to you too!! I hope you have an amazing day as well :>
It’s 9 am



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