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QOTT: Would you have/be a stay at home tranner wife?

Last Night's Dinner >>36660014
Big GET soon stay on your toes folks.
Are these threads meant to torment me with things I'll never have
fat tranny asses on my face
I would love to be a stay at home wife, as long as you’d let me have a remote tech job :>
it would be nice to have a stay at home tranner wife,but I would hope that she has hobbies so she doesn't get bored to death
qott: i would love to be a stay at home wife but i cant have kids so no man would want to marry me
You could always have fat tranny asses on your face.
i hope you can get that someday anon
hi gummy!
Would (you) be willing to sometimes greet me at the door naked if you were my stay at home tranny wife
Hello Mina. I am back from my time out.
did u enjoy ur time in the corner
I'd love to be a stay at home wife. But I make around $120k as an AGP trangineer. Even if as someone for some bizarre reason wanted a womblet as a stay at home wife the earning potential being burned would be rough. Tranners are built to slave in the workmines
I can't wait to be retired at least. People always talk about being bored without a job or whatever. I'm the most busy while not working, so much to do
ahhh minaa, don’t say that!!! you’re really really cute, you’ll find someone who will treat you right. I believe in you
No you all had to much heterosexual non-transbian fun without me.

>captcha TKMS
How can I know if I'm a chaser/GAMP or just a desperate failed heterosexual man?
cant you just do remote? then its basically like you’re a stay at home wife :>

If you fall in love with her anon what does it matter?
GAMP is a meme and there's about 5000 different types of chaser
Search your heart nigga stop worrying
does it really matter? like what you like fuck what you want to fuck. dont be a fag and overthink shit. also wrap your dick.
im in med school so yes a wife at home would be amazing
No, I don't like dependent partners.
waddup hoes
i'm going to be a nurse i dont want to stay at home but i want a romantic and protective bf
>i hope you can get that someday anon
time for you to help
i would squish u silly!!!
any chasers in portugal?
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Dont mind me, just day 11 of manifesting a jacked viking chaser bf
exactly! i don't want to accidently kill someone with my butt! that would be very embarassing...
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I have some remote at my job but it honestly doesn't work as well. Not a programmer too so there's a physical component to the job. So I need at least some office time, realistically as a majority.
Are there truly people who actually want a career as a terminal goal? Like that's something aspirational? Feeling I guess capable, in control, powerful, decisive or whatever? Or is everyone like me, you work because you have to in order to live and pay for your expensive medical procedures
I’m a software engineer until I get my surgeries, then I wanna go back to school for physics or marine biology. I really wanna study stuff I’m actually interested in and do research, but first I need to get to the starting line.
mango… delicous
the flies in her room the second she walks away
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this was not a playlist, it was just one blur song!!
666 and 4 4s, no one has ever been more right than you, mango is the most delicious and tastiest treat ever
Lmao all the guys coming out of the woodwork now.
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V always wins
I'm always right
Rich executive tranny wife sounds pretty nice to me. That combined income would be pretty great. Vacations and a nice place to live at least. Who would complain about that.
scary world, I’m just happy people like my voice

go V go, go V go!!! mango team win
I like peaches but now it's just the ass fruit.
yeah peaches are one of my favorites too
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mothafuckas ain't gonna catch me off guard deep throating a banana
Good morning chasergen, how's things?

>Would you have/be a stay at home tranner wife?
I would fucking love to be a stay at home wife again. i did it for four months when i was between jobs at the end of last year/beginning of this year, and it was amazing. Do some dishes, a little cleaning, then whatever i want all day. My partner bought me this cute little apron and paid for all our outings whenever i wanted to go out. it was truly heaven
don't be ridiculous there are many many men who would want to marry you
it's not the same...
hey gummy, welcome back!
nm hbu?
making the mango salad that my grandma taught me to make to a cute tranner as part of my bid to slowly exorcise her brainworms
can we play tf2 today? meybe :3
I don't break eye contact when I eat a banana.
idk... i cant give them any children so idk why a man would want to settle with me when he could have a cis wife
this rabbit askin?
Yeah it's a nice one! I honestly just like plants though.
The preschool I went to as a child had a big patch of sunflowers. Doesn't seem like much, but when you're a little kid they really loom over you. Jack and the Beanstalk was sensical, ya know?
mhm it me
I could do with research. That'd be comfy. I think I'd either want to do something music related or philosophy adjacent or something. Grinding it out for a doctorate and then praying to get on tenure track, almost certainly not getting it, and being an adjunct for life makes this more an idle fancy for me than anything

I mean that's the thing isn't it? Can't really complain, having enough money for food and housing. Never being anxious or worried about survival. That's a massive privilege. It's ungrateful but it makes it feel like golden handcuffs, I have to keep doing this. I'd burn myself alive though if I could come back as a real woman who could become pregnant and raise her children

>Do some dishes, a little cleaning
It's this for me too, I'd love to get the house clean and presentable. There's so much daily/weekly/monthly maintenance, not to mention upgrades and restoration to do. And I do almost none of it, so tired from working
>i cant give them any children
I get this sucks and certainly might be a problem for people. But you do all know that birth rates are lower than ever and on the decline, right? Having kids isn't as much in the picture as it once was.
Kids are a nice idea, but I don't need them. A wife that loves me and I love back? I'll scoop that up in a heartbeat, cis or trans.
sunflowers are like, scarily big in person I had no idea they were like that until more recently!!

one time during a rough part of early transition I stopped by a small farm because they had a sign saying they sold them. I ended up getting one, and I kept lightly hugging it every day and waving to it and it cheered me a lot :>
but i wabt to carry my own child. i want to create life with the man i love and i can never do that
I need to eat Sarah's asshole. I need to devour it. Unwashed. Stinky. Give me that.
No, I have a kid. I just use trannies for sex.
I need to eat breakfast. I need to devour it. Cooked. Delicious. Give me that.
>It's ungrateful but it makes it feel like golden handcuffs, I have to keep doing this.
Nah I get it. Nobody wants to feel like they don't really have control, can't really make decisions. As a guy who has spent some time in stark poverty, I can promise you though there's a lot of freedom in those handcuffs.
Now how do I convince the girl boss tranners to mess around with a desk jockey.
I'm bigger than some of the smaller variants these days at least, but yeah the big guys are still absolute titans. Honestly this is a great inspiration, I should try and grow some sometime.
I used to keep little souvenir leaves that I'd grab from low branches while out on walks. But I started to anthropomorphize the plants a little too much and it felt mean to take their leaves.
Wait though, you're not also just rabbit are you?
because you're beautiful and you're a good person. Non every man wants kids, and not every man that wants kids isn't okay with adoption or surrogacy. If you can't find a man with that ass, it's truly over for all of us
>And I do almost none of it, so tired from working
right? houses are built under the assumption there's someone maintaining them as a full-time job.
Also: gardening
i do get that tho. that does suck.
you need Jesus
you need pancakes
futa moder
Most men that want children will also want their own children, so you're correct in that you'll likely never be married.
I don't fall in love with trannies. I mainly fuck them because they are often easier than normal women. But them being males and having cocks turn me off a bit. Even if some can be cute there's something off...
The dick wants what the dick wants.
bait used to be good
Whenever job she has, I wouldn't want her standing around for 8 hours. Varicose veins are gross.
Fat chaser cock on my face
If you insist.
erm… I might just be rabbit sorry
I can certainly give your face the most decentest 4,5 inch wienering you've ever had

Pancakes are mid I’m making French toast
My face hasn't been slapped with a dick in so long it's over for jadecels
Eh, well at worst it was still a fine conversation.
dangerously based
How do you feel about keeping my balls in your mouth?
I honestly would love to be a housewife for a guy who loves and cares for me. With or without kids. It’ll be nice to have a guy support me in my creativity skills or video game skills. I hate working. I just want to make sure my man is lucky to have me.
everybody hateg me so sad world
pancakes are absolutely delicious you're insane
but also french toast is amazing so that's okay
breakfast food is best food
How old are you?
ur so real for that jade. i need a fat cock dripping in my face too
Lol, the problem is liking you. We already tried this one though. No sense in wasting your time.
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Mina idk if you saw but for that clavicle surgery thing I got it if you have any questions. They can only get rid of about half an inch on each side so while it's something it's definitely not doing too much I forgor to take a good before picture but this is what it do.
And I need someone to worship my balls.
it looks so much better imo. who did urs?
that works too :3
Leif Rodgers
>tfw no tranner wife in Pittsburgh to worship my balls this weekend
>tfw no tranner wife in Dallas to worship my balls this weekend
>tfw no tranner wife in Albania to worship my balls this weekend
>tfw no tranner wife in Tampa to worship my balls this weekend
marry rabbit, problem solved
h-heyyy, hahha
>tfw no tranner wife in Cheyenne to worship my balls this weekend
>tfw no tranner wife in New York to worship my balls this weekend
>tfw no tranner wife in Atlanta to worship my balls this weekend
Why you stop replying to my love letters yesterday my dear?
>tfw no tranner wife in Austin to worship my balls this weekend
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Friendly reminder Jennie doesn't like consent cucks so brap chasers feel free to fart in her mouth without asking.
I had sword fighting practice I’m learning to be a knight
>tfw no tranner wife in Lafayette to worship my balls this weekend
Woah gummy lived

Hi gummy
I being your knight. I protecting you with my life. I own many swords and daggers.
>tfw no tranner wife in Cambridge to worship my balls this weekend
Even jokes about Jennie require me to think about Jennie which makes them not worth it.
drugs don't need jennie's consent to enter her body
I had a dream last night.

I had Sarah's pink, delicious stinky butthole right in front of me.

I was staring at it. And it stared back at me.

I started munching on it. Mmmm yum yum om nom nom yum yum *whirls tongue around in there* what a delicacy.
I just turned 34 two weeks ago.
Though most of my co-worker think I look anywhere from 19 to 26.
Nobody believes I look 34.
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ok so that's her name 3 times, where is she?
its friday so maybe getting ready to have sex with a 50 year old man
I will guard our home while you are adventuring. Any home intruder shall be cut down, swiftly. His fresh, red blood splattered across my gleaming visor.
I yearning for you as my wife. Together we kill many serbians.
snorting coke off a 50 year old man's asshole
but at least it's not meth???
You're a coward if you boymode in South Sudan
Beogradi është shqiptar
im sorry to hear about your nightmare, anon. What helps me is to fall asleep listening to rain sounds or asmr
who is you?
>off his asshole and not his dick
neva gunna make it
neva eva ev
Ende jo por së shpejti
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they call me peanut arbuckle...
I wouldn't trust someone else with the money that's going to feed me so I couldn't be a stay at home wife
>they call me shovel face
this again
who hurt you?
parents i bet
That seems like a reasonable reaction from aura, that sort of power imbalance needlessly complicates a relationship. Even if your partner isn't a psycho its a lot to put on them and expect it to always go smoothly.
>aurachads winning again
what else is new
;~; i couldnt save the worm i was too late bleh
the worm
yeah im with her actually. i would be scared if my survival eas wholly dependent on someone else's income. even if the relationship is fine, what if he gets in an accident and cant work?
No one but If my partner cheats on me and they have all the money it'll be impossible to leave them
I'm always right. Usually...
This too
That's what insurance and various causes of actions exist for. But it is a good idea to have contingency plans.

>t. lawyer
I did! Hello!

She's busy sperging out in a discord server about basedboys and out of control women.
he overheating on the pavement so I put him in the grass and gave him some water but he still isnt moving, he probably only just died because he wasn’t dried out yet… oh well
you guys it was a joke...
Ok but it's still no guarantee, and a lot of states are actively trying to make divorce harder. Its needless risk when you can just have a normal relationship and not have to worry about it.
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Anons do you prefer tranners with heavy makeup or do you prefer tranners with light makeup?

I was gunna go get some foundation and blush and some other tranny stuff at Sephora today so I figured I'd ask.
Divorce should be harder.
How have you been gummy? I finally got back from being abroad and spammed some unsees a couple days ago but gingeranon stocks are down since I was gone from the threads for a while, I think
I need to be a fly on the wall as Sarah is on the toilet taking a fat shit.
Sky burial it is. Little man goes on to something stranger still. Godspeed, Worm.
Why did you say it like this worm was an ongoing character in your life though? The Worm.
>As a guy who has spent some time in stark poverty, I can promise you though there's a lot of freedom in those handcuffs.
You are of course right, thank you for your perspective. It's easy to wallow in your own self indulgent sadness but it's healthier and wiser to take the larger view
>Now how do I convince the girl boss tranners to mess around with a desk jockey
What's the meta on men approaching at work these days? It's like not done right? I think you could do it to us, I mean I'd at worst be very flattered and would never want to get tangled up in an HR scenario. And some of the guys at work who I lust after could have me easily. But guys aren't allowed to do this now it seems. Do tranners have to make the first move?>>36664712
>houses are built under the assumption there's someone maintaining them as a full-time job.
>Also: gardening
Yeah, all the single people and dual income couples I know have messy houses lol. Except one who they just have a big house and stuff their messes into a couple rooms. I'd be so happy maintaining a beautiful home
My garden is in absolute disaster area lol, when you have at best 8 days a month to care for it, and often have other plans... but I get some veges out of it so I can't complain.
Hey man if you want your partner to have to poison you to death instead of just being able to leave when you reveal yourself to be a dumb asshole be my guest
I like mine dolled up.
I like both but if you put a gun to my ear and made me choose, light
I don't care. I guess I tend to get along with the women that tend to do light more, but it's got nothing to do with the makeup itself.
That would be on me for being a dumb asshole.
>a joke
Oh sorry!
I am also with light, for aesthetic reasons and cause I like to lick my partners face during sex sometimes
I've been in time out so I havent been lurking much. I missed them, dang.

I dont think I'd look great with mascara and eye liner on personally. I'm pretty butchy femme.

Good taste
Do you not consider foundation as light makeup?
It's alright to take some time to be bummed sometime though. Put on some sad music and just scream into a pillow lol. Just can't live like that is all.
>What's the meta on men approaching at work these days? It's like not done right? I think you could do it to us, I mean I'd at worst be very flattered and would never want to get tangled up in an HR scenario. And some of the guys at work who I lust after could have me easily. But guys aren't allowed to do this now it seems. Do tranners have to make the first move?
I don't really ever try to flirt with coworkers, just seems like a dumb idea. But I was just trying to be cute, I meant I'm flirting with you right now lol. How do I get a chance at you?
I do love to garden by the way. One of the few things I make time for. Hell I'd take a smaller house for a bigger garden almost every time. You can take care of the inside and I'll handle the outside, easy peasy!
light makeup to me is just eyeliner and mascara, but i an see the argument for foundation too.
What's time out, like you were banned for a lil bit?
Has is mascara supposed to hide my beard shadow tbqh

For a little while due to a dumb joke I made.
my garden is in a very sorry state because i didn't know how to garden when i inherited it from the previous owners. i stepped on a succulent - that's just gone now. Elder grout weed is choking everything else. i don't have the energy to keep up with it
i prefer heavy makeup but unfortunately most trannies can't pull it off. It makes us look like drag queens, and that makes me so, so sad
why are you like this?
no blush or concealer?
what, like i got all day to put on light makeup?
What was the joke? I feel like jannies have been more lax lately, I've seen some anons posting ass, like still with underwear, but just straight up posting it in the thread and not getting banned
thank you.. I hate seeing them suffer, they just want to live, too

I called him that because I’m a weirdo I guess
ive done that, is it against the rules??
Yeah it's why I stopped kill bugs. Mostly anyway. I know they're not people, but they're doing their best.
If a giant hand came out of the sky and smeared me I'd be less than enthused.
>I called him that because I’m a weirdo I guess
Idk maybe. I liked it. It's the little things.
i think so? ppl get away with it sometimes tho. rach comes in with full ass and hasnt been banned afaik
they only ban straight trannies for that shit
oh yeah, that was just last night lmao
how could i have forgotten that?
i hope he comes back and calls me "babydoll" again sometime... tummy doing backflips feel good
no he's done it before too
I've also done it. Didn't know it was against the rules :/
It's a "worksafe" board and what that means is pretty vague and nebulous. There's a lot of jannie discretion at play here.
sure but i just saw it last night, so it's dumb of me to forget in less than ten hours.
i think lack of jannie action means you're good to keep doing it. a lot.
>Just can't live like that is all.
You know I'm just very cyclic I think. Sometimes I am the girl boss, get shit done, do a lot of work, get little gift cards for being the best darndest worker who stays late there is. And sometimes I'm a girl trainwreck, mopey and mournful and really just coasting off built up good will and reputation. It's always an anxious time, I hope they don't fire me now lol.
>I don't really ever try to flirt with coworkers, just seems like a dumb idea
Dang, so responsible haha
>How do I get a chance at you?
Honestly? I'm old enough now that living somewhere nearby would be a requirement, too much life to uproot now. Which is a real tough ask I think.
Would have to be serious and aiming for long term commitment. Not to make it sound too dramatic, just like, not a quick fling for fun you know?
And I think something I'd really like is to be taken out on a proper date date, where we get to dress up and go somewhere and the plans have been made and booked and I get to just go along with it. I've never actually dated a guy who's done that. Lots of just hanging out, hanging out with friend groups, the normal millennial stuff I think. And that's fun, that's really fun don't get me wrong, id not not want to do that. But just once I'd like to be treated real special, like in old movies haha
>smaller house for a bigger garden
Amen, you really are speaking my language with this. The modern mcmansion that takes up the whole lot and you have a tiny scrap of dirt? Just take me out back and shoot me before I suffocate
>Elder grout weed is choking everything
Huh that's a plant I don't have here and haven't heard of, interesting! Seems to be edible at least have you tried it?
Weeds are happening to me too this time of year, I usually clear them out later in autumn when it's cooler..I just can't in the summer haha

>light makeup
For me that's just CC cream, sometimes eyeliner and mascara and a light lip tint
I see. Thanks!
>keep doing it. A lot
Sarah. Is this your way of asking for ass pics?
it's not actually a weed, the previous owners planted it intentionally. it just grows like one.
no, i haven't tried eating it, but now that i know i can i might look up how to cook it.
ice cream
Hi foxy mama
I dunno if youre still here but this is basically all the unsee stuff I posted since I got back. I think I will meeting take a break from doin this stuff after this though, I dunno

what flavor?
n-no. That's not allowed cuz this is chasergen not transbiangen, so im definitely not doing that. But i bet chasers would love it, so, you know. do what you will with that information.
if its not ben n jerrys tonight dough ill pass
Ohh hott. I wanna suck it
Hehe glad someone likes my ass
Your ass is still my background on my pc add me to that list
I wonder what pic it is...
Yeah I think that's perfectly normal. I definitely go through those same cycles. Can't be on all the time, ya know?
>Which is a real tough ask I think.
It can be, yeah. But I do think it's also just realistic and that's healthy. Where are you from anyway?
And for the rest yeah I think that's all extremely reasonable, like this is exactly what I'm after at my age as well. I mean fun is fun, obviously, but yeah, I can have fun and be a little more serious.
>I've never actually dated a guy who's done that.
What the fuck? I mean, girl, I'm like a fucking bum and even I still do that. You gotta aim a little higher with these dudes I think. Hell I've done that for my mom on mother's day even. It's not hard, it's honestly fun to make someone feel special.
>The modern mcmansion that takes up the whole lot and you have a tiny scrap of dirt?
God it's awful. I don't mind a modest living either, but I do need nature or I'd go nuts. I can accept an apartment with doezens of potted plants though lol.
Please, I need head bad, and I'll run my fingers through your hair while you do
her best ass pic is the one with the yellow panties
this is a superfan
i do believe im allowed to say i like it, yes
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plain vanilla
bad, awful, sad news for you my friend
lol i need someone this dedicated to my ass
Ohh yayy. I promise I'll do good
I agree
Your ass is amazing in my opinion
>plain vanilla
i was so prepared to die on the vanilla hill fighting against some pistachio or rocky road abomination
but to my surprise, you prove to be a woman of taste and sophistication so rare in this modern age
there are a fair few of those i'd bet. ive heard more than one tranny say how jealous she is.
you have a really great butt, i wanna pin you down by your legs and eat it for hours
What is the consensus on mint chocolate chip?
Do you not feel weird that some fat bald chaser somewhere has your ass saved
its pretty ok but large quantities of it are sickening
that's nice! i am rather proud of it :3
I posted my ass on the internet. Of course someone is gonna save it. My feelings on the subject don't matter
But I reallyyy like it..
You should be
Can a girl post her butt so I can make it my pc background my phone background and my twitter header thanks
may i have the honor?
chocolate chip good
mint bad
it's a race, whoever posts first gets the spot
Mina wins and her ass is better. Im so sad
the fastest ass in the west
I want to suck on your cum, daddy.
ur butt is great wdym
Mina is just better lol
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Thank you. I actually like my butt it's just a bit small
it's super cute and the shape is great!!!
Was just thinking about how unfortunate it is that I'm not in a cute trans girl's ass right now, then I see this. I want to cum in you.
this post was meant to respond to gingeranon i can feel it
this one is also a good butt, unfortunately it was slower. but also i made the race thing up so who knows which one he'll actually pick lol
you are both very attractive with good butts. instead of competing you should be friends. Really close friends. Like inches away from each other's faces close, nothing but the sound of you breathing in the hot, still summer air, tension laying thick in the atmosphere
>Like inches away from each other's faces close
kajdjdhajab u shall not seduce me with ur wicked transbian charms!.... but it does sounds appealing
aurachads stay winning
Pretty voice
The chasers will get mad if we turn this into transbiangen... I'm so down though
Was meant for Sarah. Sorry!!
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chasers, how do you feel about the amount of trannies in here compared to chasers?
>The chasers will get mad if we turn this into transbiangen
I am a chaser though lol
I don't care, I could talk to a wall. Can't complain about less competition though.
>u shall not seduce me
i mean
i bet i could lol
>chasers will get mad if we turn this into transbiangen
im just talking about two good friends platonically splitting a bottle of moscato and being a little silly, there was no transbianism there, and even if there was you couldn't prove it!
... now kiss
I feel like it's better odds, plus the only reason why I come here is for the tranners.
no way!!! im uncorruptible
Ratio seems good to me. What worries me more is the huge amount of tripfags.
whats wrong with that?
Ahhhh omg
I'm not uncorruptible but I'm trying to be
bad. none of them will have sex with me
Do I need to buy a båhaj for my long distance trans gf, so when she's staying over for longer periods of time she has a shaky here?
you should do this and make sure to rub it on u so it retains ur scent. she'll go crazy for it
Why not?
Yess buy it. Also this is so sweet
based confident chaserchad
sorry :/
you're testing me again, but i will remain strong. Your ass is powerful but my faith in Christ is stronger
yes, spending too long with exposure to shork particles causes a tranner to wilt and whither
i just want ones i like more
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y-yeah i would never join those foul creatures
does she not bring her own?
im not testing u im *teasing* u silly :3
Pic rel would me my dream, happy life where I'm happy to see my partner coming home and whom I want to make as happy as possible by making food they likes
rabbit paws typed this post
>does she not bring her own?
No, she travels lightly, only a backpack with some clothes. Everything else I just get here
well, unfortunately for you i
to be teased, so i will drag that out forever if you let me
ummm.. well idk how to actually. that's all i have >/////<
Thank you my thoughts exactly.
is there a song prettier?
really? you're pretty good at it, i think. Or maybe that's just you being you
Sarah and Mina couple?
Yep! Happy to help.

FUCK no. Bitch better get to work. This is a two income household.
Real talk. How do I get my trans friend to stop calling me pet names? We're friends. Friends don't call each other romantic pet names.
Cis women do that all the time lol. My friend calls me babe and love whenever we talk.
Idk senpai, I've had cis female friends that never did that.
idk what to do even... i get flustered and lose my train of thought lol
cis women totally do that. hell even my cis male friends call each other babe as a joke. but if u want her to stop just ask her
If you don't like it tell them to stop but I feel like everyone does this. Personally I call everyone honey or sugar
You have to yell at her as if youre her disappointed and abusive father or else she will literally just ignore you
who here pisses in the sink
I piss in tranny mouths
h-heyy hahaah
I do
Cleaner, quieter, convenient, uses less water
A few generations too late im afraid
Kay I think I'm done here. Good day y'all!
I am 28
Where can I find trannies around the same age as me?
ummmmm haiii :0
Not mine, not because i hate you or anything
get on your knees slut
Alright my man let's break this shit down. What age range are you willing to date? Let's consider the statistical population of trans women.
oshfkabakbz okayyy
i was hoping she'd have something to say about this haha
but where would that leave you?
Mina and Aura couple, perhaps?
>i get flustered and lose my train of thought
this is exactly what im talking about. if you say something like that im going to be extremely tempted to try to fluster you and make you do that cute "ajdjfjahfkdk" thing you do. That's teasing me
Oh crazy, checks out though cause when I looked it up everything refered to it as a weed haha

>I definitely go through those same cycles
That's good it's not just me! I can't wait to be on again. I don't exactly enjoy being the girl boss but I'm good at it and we live in modernity, girls must do jobs too
>Where are you from anyway?
Really where does every other tranner engineer seem to be from? CA, where the horrible horrible technology spawns from
>I can have fun and be a little more serious
I'm honestly quite ready for serious grownup dating. I haven't actually done it before and it seems nice!
>You gotta aim a little higher with these dudes I think
Honestly maybe it's on me haha? When you're in your early 20s and you're an early transition boymoder tomboy because you basically have never learned how to behave like a woman maybe guys just don't think you go in for that kinda romance stuff. And honestly you don't even know it yourself. I never asked for that kinda stuff I suppose. And I might have been very nervous to do it.
This is... a memory I'd almost forgotten but I guess I did actually have one proper fancy dinner date. I didn't realize it at the time though because I thought it was just a friend thing. He did not. The misunderstanding arose from this long tangled history within our friend group. Then he touched me in a way that honestly wasn't that bad but due to the aforementioned history was very traumatic and I yelled at him and we never spoke again. Sorry to blogpost haha. Just thinking it'd be nice to have newer, better fancy date experiences.
>I do need nature or I'd go nuts
Same yeah, without plants and animals nearby life is so sterile. Funnily I can't do indoor plants. I'm too dumb to water them consistently. And also I can't into potting soil. I have to grow things in real dirt with all its living microfauna and automated watering haha
i have two hands.....
would it be weird for a 31 year old chaser to date a 19 year old transgirl?
yes thats gross. borderline pedo behavior and shes in a very vulnerable time of her life
yea imo people under 22 shouldn't really date people above 22
But then where would that leave you?
Ohhh exciting. Hope you can use both hehe
so ghost her? got it
jcjsvzjsbaka >//////<
You don't date them, you fuck them.
I'm 52 and my gf is 19, it's pretty normal
get off this board freak
I didn't know working out hurt so damn bad this shit is kinda insane I didn't even think I was pushing that hard
dont ghost!!!!!!!!

no. im not interested in her sexually. she just seems to be attached herself to me.

just tell her the age gap is too large since developmentally lots happens from 19 to 31 even if she doesn’t realize it yet
>im not interested in her sexually
Then why would you date him?
boring get fuck you fuck you fuck you
So cuteee ;)
well not ghost, just be like "hey uh, so i think your attachment to me is a bit problematic"

yep. that's the plan. knowing her, she won't like the conversation we're about to have.
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As a 30 year old man I would not date anyone younger than 26.
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fuck her if you want, but there's no way you have enough in common with her to actually date
i think it's considered a weed in Europe, which is its native environment, but people think it's pretty and plant it over here because you can't just walk around and see it everywhere like you can in the EU.
and two holes.
>where would that leave you?
stuck in transbian horny jail because im probably already overstepping lmao
the two of you are making it really hard (giggity) to be good today
i don't WANT to but she's sending signals that she wants to

bro i am not thinking with my dick. that shit has taken me place i wouldn't go without a gun.
mgnajabxjcbzbaba i need u both <3<3<3<3
Terrible get, its so over.
Who gives a fuck what the tranny wants? Just tell him no.
why do people keep telling me to fuck her. she'll just get even more attached.
ohh yea that sounds reasonable
woah 6x6..... r u satan
I would prefer a younger tranny.
>bro i am not thinking with my dick. that shit has taken me place i wouldn't go without a gun.
>the newfags that post in generals don't even know what a get is

4chan's culture is dying
Because your phrased the initial question in such a way that it was pretty reasonable to infer some type of mutual attraction or desire to date him as well.
because we thought you wanted to and didn't realize she was the one wanting to date you.
you're right, in your case, don't do that
you're killing me with this
in a fantastic way
but yes, this, essentially
hopefully getting on pio with this endo meeting wish me luck
>making it really hard to be good
All three of us in horny jail together perhaps
I also need you both
Yes, him. We can all play pretend, but it's a dude. Just like you are.
need a girl who reads that good Schopenhauerian shit while I fire paintballs at her
>too autistic to be a cute transbian
talking to girls is hard
so jover
hehe <3
good luck!!! keep us updated! and measure usrelf so u can see the progress!
Hello people need bf for yesterday pls
I'm 25 and a girl I met here in this gen is 22 that's a pretty good age difference right
25 vs 22 may be strange for US but wait 1-2 years and it would be ok, I know strange
Yeah that ain’t bad 22 year olds are retarded though
ya thats fine
dumb bottom
I think I'm pretty easy to talk to. Just sayin
Hehe you're funn
We are both European
>>too autistic to be a cute transbian
no such thing babe
holy shit i have been destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC
>All three of us in horny jail together perhaps
that sounds sooo cozy...
you two are gonna get me run outta this gen lol
bewitching me with your asses and your cute flirting. Shame on you!
yeah i think that's fine
hi chasergen
I can do this, I guess. After all the ultimate aim of all love affairs is more important than all other aim s in a trans girl's life; and therefore it is quite worthy of the profound seriousness with which everyone pursues it (hence getting pelted with paintballs and crying). Which is decided by it nothing less than the composition of the next generation. (the cum spilt inside) The dramatis personce who will appear when we are withdrawn are here determined, both as regards their existence and nature, by these frivolous love affairs. (ow that really hurts please stop)
chasers. gens. hello. i am free once again.
ok than it's very strange give her to me :3
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me when i forget to turn trip on
What’d you do
pichu has breached containment
stu and i got banned as collateral damage for replying to an unsee of a dick
im chained up in breadanon's basement I'll never be free
hiya <3 welcome back
why would you care what anyone else thinks of it?
This is why I asked about the age lol. I'm with Rabbit though. I wouldn't aim below 22.
thats actually really normal and good and ppl over 30 should be dating 19 year olds
make that fat ass clap for daddy
I am not the 17-21 person.

20 to 32, but I am right now interested talking with older range people.
I'm also trying not to get run out of this gen but you and Mina tempt me too much
Welcome back some anon posted a photo of you last night you’re super pretty
yall can kust add me on disx and we can talk there if u want...
i thought linking was okay? ive seen a lotta dicks in unsees on this board lol
i knew there was something off about that guy
>Hehe you're funn
drop your discord and i'll send you mina's
if you want
sorry lol
but not that sorry
aw, thank you! i took a bit of a break from reading so i guess i missed that
we'll break you out unless like you dont want out which i totally get
yeah truth be told i dont really get it but thats chill was just a day away
oh nvm. i forgot how liberal she is about dropping hers haha
Damn wait people are doing official pio? I thought it was a DIY only thing
My disc is palmtree349
how do you even get it offically? isn’t it only for diabetes?
no hes nice, we're both trapped down here by a cave in

help pleaz...
Yeah when you're actually on it's fucking amazing. Swear I'm a whole different person. I kinda suck when I'm mopey honestly, just take all the life out of the room.
Yeah it's always CA. Honestly at this point I think I've talked to every woman who lives in California. Wouldn't be surprised if we talked before. But bummer, I don't get out there much so might have to rain check asking you on a nice date.
>I'm honestly quite ready for serious grownup dating. I haven't actually done it before and it seems nice!
It's different anyway. Some people get into a nice mindset where they're mellowed out and tired of drama and stuff. But some people end up holding back more I find, too invested in their social standing and such if you know what I mean? Feels more like a job interview with those types.
It might be a smidge on you, but c'mon, what woman doesn't love a date night. I think it's considered part of the expectation of any serious flirting. Hopefully next time is a little better for you though.
I honestly can't do the indoor plants either lol, I was hoping you'd water them. Guess we'll have a painting of a forest on the wall and a couple straight jackets. Cool new zoo like take on The Yellow Wallpaper.
Little women is huffing and hurumpfing rn

Cute ngl
Lot of money in selling souls, anon. Are you really gonna do anything about it?
personally i say never do diy if you live somewhere an endo won't hondose you. not worth the risk. My boymoder won't listen to me tho.
oh no... please tell me you have something to eat?!??
im the one with the 8s
hope this doesn't disappoint you, but i can't sext or anything. my gf doesn't mind me being flirty in the gen thread, but im not allowed to lewd dm other girls
I wouldn't fuck anyone under 16. Change the law if you have a problem with it.
yea there's a lot of bread here, like a LOT of bread
okie we got it lets go team
yea but i like dont know how to talk about stuff and flirt i am the opposite of a rizzler
welcome back pichu ^-^
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wtf are you talking about, Jesse
oh thank god
>but i like dont know how to talk about stuff and flirt
sounds cute tbdesu
My rights.
yayyyyy! congrats!!!!
i just talked to my endo
also i have to eat food its so over for anamaxxer jade
That's okay. I also suck at talking, we can just stare at each other or cuddle
yes you will have to gain weight but trust me it will all go to ur butt and hips. its well worth it
at least you will be able to eat food with optimal weight distribution on pio, you can only look better while taking it
yea but he keeps asking me "please, just one more slice, come on" even when I'm full and staring at me all the time I'm so confused
Is there any fag who would like to date a stranger boymoder man?
The hell is that
it backfired. the 19 year old wants a relationship.
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tell her no directly. this isn’t something to be coy about
Damn literally 0 non-transbians shits wild
Just tell her no, bro. The hell are you saying to her? It's easy as fuck.
>Hey you're a very nice woman, but I think you're too young for me and I wouldn't feel comfortable taking this any further, sorry.
yep. i'm putting my foot down.
>looking into someones eyes
oh geez that makes me blush so much
i just am worried its gonna go to my tummy somehow
you should end things with the 19 year old and start dating a different 19 year old (me)
i wonder why all the transbians end up in here?
I'm kind of retarded so maybe? Need more info than that though. I'm picky in weird ways.
I don't think I'll ever be anything better than a twink with pseudo tits so I'm searching for a gay chaser sir
no. go to college. find a husband your age.
>Yeah it's always CA. Honestly at this point I think I've talked to every woman who lives in California. Wouldn't be surprised if we talked before.
Heh, I think I might be new to you. I'd remember you and I don't post in this gen much. The qott just gave me a feel. I hope you find someone next time wherever you are!
>mellowed out and tired of drama and stuff
I think being young and the first few years into transition is a potent combination too of crawling up your own ass with self reflective insecurity in an incredibly navel gazey and self centered way. Passgen syndrome. Getting over that with age, makes it easier to relax into things and just enjoy the process.
>Hopefully next time is a little better for you though.
Thank you!!
>I honestly can't do the indoor plants either lol, I was hoping you'd water them
One of those things on my to do list forever... I just need to set up automated watering for indoor plants. I have a crippling issue too where I don't want to buy an off the shelf solution if I can make one so I end up not solving my problems for way longer haha
Tbhon it's more surprising that it took them a couple years before infesting the gen
We had a good run
See no talking needs to be involved
because they're obsessed with invading spaces where they don't belong
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go get em stu

It's time to move on bros
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You rang birdie?
I can suck your cock and suck at it (he he), cry over not passing and cook a nice dinner or talk about anything really in my manly man voice tho. Hobbies are locked behind depression for a minute
>endo won't hondose you
I don't haha, maybe I need to just shop around harder. How do you find a good Endo? Are there lists?
>i just talked to my endo
Damn that's nuts. My endo is definitely on the do as little as possible train. You can't get sued for malpractice if the meds you prescribe do nothing I think is the logic
im am unfortunately not a transbian sorry :/
whom? I still don't remember names of most of the tribs sowwy
Wrong I've seen the unchaser files
I need you. Location?
not a transbian but i am bi
chasers dont take initiative.
Lol. I mean hell of a way to start off. My hobbies are in a bit if a similar bind at the moment funnily. What are they normally though? None of those things sound like a big problem for me or anything.
post literally anything to get our attention like your arm in a flannel with it rolled up around your muscle
silesia poland, are you a fascist though?
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Nois oe miladia, loik ur gwok

Btw kil tenno skoooooooom
why a husband?
that gif frightens me please take it away
Shut up you retard you have thousands of chasers hitting you up between here and twitter
The chasers should totally do this. Pleasee!!
I'm not interested in activating transbian meta attraction
if I was transbian my life would be so fucking easy, unfortunately men do not fw me nearly as much I guess
yeah fr this kind of stuff works
woah i didn't know mina was cool like that
Stu just find someone you like doesn't matter who as long as they make you happy
>chasers dont take initiative.
Hey don't lump me in with the chumps.
Me neither, I already found someone from here so I don't really post much anymore
no >:(
twinkish twink
i will try, thank you anon
I'm not transbian, and I asked nicely
Hlafdige wifmman plap plap plap

Made for the kitchen you sexy wench
Chump humper
Same I’m dating a cis girl I met at a bar
Next poster make a new thread.
I want a big hug, cozy movie and hot chocolate
chase straight trannies and don't even bother with non straight ones
>chasers dont take initiative.
no one is "taking initiative" with transbians
we like straight trannies
This really does get me every fucking time.
t b h true transbians and repers dating thread lol
i would probably suck your dick on sight and you say that to me?
you're fucking nasty though
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Oh well always nice to meet someone new anyway. Don't be a stranger, ya know? You're nice to chat with.
That babytrans experience I've definitely seen exactly what you're talking about and I agree. They've got a lot going on so it's understandable. I tend to give the advice a lot that they probably just shouldn't date early on, but that's just my opinion. And who is gonna listen to that when romance arrives. I wouldn't.
>I have a crippling issue too where I don't want to buy an off the shelf solution if I can make one so I end up not solving my problems for way longer haha
You got like ADHD or something? I do do this too though, lol. I may have started a small electrical fire once instead of buying a new charger. I don't recommend that one lol.
The fact that you think that's all we'd care about is exactly the problem, I mean c'mon. I flirt with women here constantly.
You know which ones? The ones that can hold a conversation.
yea but like everyone else also likes guys just put in effort post a thirst trap or something dear lord
i dont know you why would i want a conversation with you
iwould really really wanna having to go to work and everything is so stressful it wouldbe somuch nicer
probs never will though bcuz icant have kids which islike the entire point but istill wanna be
>The ones that can hold a conversation
can't really hold a convo with some gooner sissy hypno fetishist who only sees you as an ATM
>i dont know you why would i want a conversation with you
You get to know people by conversation, Jade.
On the other hand I for one could not tell you a ton about the hookups I've had. I don't even know their names.
>I don't even know their names.
real shit
jade's phat lips around my shaft
idk i just walked into a clinic and walked out with a prescription because i live in a blue state and it's that easy
he's just looking after you, because he doesn't want you to starve
i am the only transbian on that list. and even im not that pure, a femboy cute enough can sway me.
Gay sex with other chasers.
I awake early in the morning, around eightish as I do usually, and immediately head to the master bedroom to begin my early day preparations. The first thing I would do is enter the shower and lather really good. Have to be presentable and clean for my man when he wakes up. I am on a deadline since I want to be able to give him a send-off before he goes to work. He has a decent job that can provide for both of us, but he allows me to keep track of the finances. He can be such a child at times when it comes to his passion projects. I can be too. Upon exiting the shower I head to my mirror to comb my locks and clean my face. I apply some light causal makeup. I've had guys in the past check me out so I know I pass enough. This makes me feel comfortable yet oddly validated though it is scary having strange men look at me like I'm up for auction. Especially since I belong to my husband.

It is around 8:30 AM, and I have finished my bathroom routine. I head out to the kitchen to prepare us breakfast. I used to struggle with not eating or putting others first so it's nice that my husband encourages me to eat simultaneously with him. I cook him his favorite breakfast food. Steak and eggs. I worry about his health, but figured that if I cook it a certain way it could potentially eliminate excess sodium and sugar. I love him and want him to be happy so I've been experimenting with making some of his favorite dishes healthier. I don't want to lose him to his health problems. He won't admit it, but he knows what I do is for his best care. He even thanked me from time to time.

Around 9 en la mañana, I start to clean the apartment by dusting. This is usually when he wakes up and prepares for work. He showers heavily and likes to keep himself clean not wanting to adhere to the smelly man stereotype. He hates how the notion of dirtiness got synonymous with manliness. He prefers to let his manliness talk at the gym, in his everyday life, and in the bedroom. The man knows how to fuck a gal. I will say that much. I also look forward to slurping the cream filled filling out of his Twinkie every evening.

I try to ensure the house is well maintained to make the next morning's work easier. This allows me to always greet my husband and present to him his breakfast. He kisses me on the lips and I wish him a good day at work. I'm sad to see him go, but I know that he will return and he will always love me.

- Marie Ann Walker

Twinkie slurp lmao.
Galley slaves led more fulfilling lives
it's just a fantasy
>cream filled filling
extraneous word: filling
that's my only note, otherwise quite well written!
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>I tend to give the advice a lot that they probably just shouldn't date early on, but that's just my opinion
Honestly though like, it was a weird times and things didn't work out because how could they. But I don't regret any of that early dating. It's memories I will cherish forever, and some people I still care about to this day.
>You got like ADHD or something?
Damn like how many tranner engineers do you know that don't have ADHD haha, I think it's basically a requirement. Even among the cis girl engineers.
>Don't be a stranger, ya know? You're nice to chat with.
Yeah I like talking to older people who find their way to this board for some reason or another! Breaks through the roiling chaos of youth.
If you want, I don't like posting my disc on here raw so here's a proxy server.
Not really a real server I just used it once to drop disc and talk to another old person on a different thread

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