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QOTT what are ur plans 4 the weekind
he treats me like this and i love him so much
am just rotting and watching movies
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The same thing we do every night Pinky, try and seduce the naive twinkhon!
wrangling alcoholic dad
how do i get a romantic bf?
what is the ideal age gap between a tranner and her bf?
it depends
not more than 5 years or smth
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desu i have literally no idea. i got stupidly lucky to end up with him so i don’t have much advice. i guess just don’t be afraid to be your autistic self cause someone out there will love you for it
Being trapped at home, crying, cutting and generally wishing that I were no so alone.
3 years
>just b urself :~)
would anyone like to play minecwaft?
i told you i had no advice and got lucky, i’d hate myself as well
work and do nothing
Just teasing you dear, congrats on the future hubby.
Oil painting and prepping for a new job I got
Guess I'm gonna finally download tiktok
IG reels was good but for the last few days I'm only getting Olympics and comic-con shill vids and literally nothing else despite hitting not interested every time
Meta conspiracy to get me to stop rotting my brain, not falling for it just gonna give my data to the Chinese instead
I'm a cis guy and I'm naturally affectionate towards my gf.
Call her my princess, good girl, baby girl, my love,
and even mami. Tell her my dreams and how much I want to cuddle her, makeout, and just fall asleep together.
Though she said I do too much at times XD
I guess even when y;all want to be showered by someone, guess too much is too much sometimes lol
being affectionate is good
don't do that
depends on what?
more than 5 years is creepy?
why 3 years?
no reason...
its 3-8 years for me actually
He can be 5 years older or 2 years younger,
My trans gf left me and became a transbian and what makes it worse is that I'm so financially viable that she should have at least used me for my money but she didn't and that LEGITIMATELY makes me feel worse. I wasn't even good enough to be her paypig simp. I feel worthless.
Sorry to hear that. You don't want to anyone's simp though, that's not a happy existence either. You feel bad now, but in a month you'll realize that slut did you the biggest favor by bouncing out of your life.
im sorry anon
Indian unironically
because if he's more than 5 years older it can be predatory
ur probably a pedo
Good morning ladies. Did you all have a nice Friday night?
i was by myself crying and eating ice cream
Why were you by yourself crying and eating ice cream
long story
Threads slow and I’m making coffee but no pressure
It is, love her tons. But I guess I just do too much. Better to just let the good stuff sit and appreciate. Dont want to drown her with it and make it less special when I do.

Why not? Just means "mommy" in a different language.
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Waddup hoes its grilling time again

we getting drunk as hell tonight
>we getting drunk as hell tonight
does that mean ur going to be drunk crying about ur life in the gen around midnight like a teenage girl as usual?
Deepcleaning my flat so when the girl I'm dating comes she doesnt leave immediately because I live in more filth than she does
Be a lazy fucker and drink some peach flavoured alcohol. It's been a long week and i am tired of being a wage slave
how bad is it?
In most parts not so bad, but had some onions lying around and they got bad, so I now have flies everywhere. So I need to thoroughly clean so no crumps or anything foodish is anywhere so they die within the next few days
Qott: I don't make plans. Decisions are all made in the moment.
Where do I find hot chasers who will still love me when I have episodes??
hi bby
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Eat some more cold greasy pizza and take a nap. Gotta do yardwork and wash clothes in a few hours, before it gets too hot. Now if only i had some tranner princess to spend time with, thatd make it all worth it
Is this true?
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khhv army, khhv life! its ok to be a virgin, virgin tranners represent!!!!
gmmmmm chasergen I am back from my holiday

>QOTT what are ur plans 4 the weekind
need to do some important things!
You will remain a virgin for 10 years. Remember the curse.
no i WONT... i will lose it in 2025, also i bet you cant suck ur own pp
Yes you will.
Your virginity will grow back in 24 hours
Where did you go?
>cant suck ur own pp
Proofs, now
... i havent tried in a few years but i used to be able to like suck my OWN pp and cum in my mouth when i was pre-hrt, man it was really cool honestly... so like im kinda not a virgin u know
just to a cute little beach town for a week, it was really nice :)
nta but I’ve heard latinos are
my friends bf is latin he’s super romantic but he’s also kinda overprotective and annoying
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hi chasers, is it true that having a kind boyfriend prone to romantic gestures who genuinely sees you as a woman can help you actually FEEL like a woman? just asking out of curiosity and to maybe plan some ideas out a bit, the usual you know
sup spicebag, how are you doing?
oh my god, I need picrel so badlyy
>overprotective and annoying
Explain please?
the griller
im ok! why do u ask?
holy moly… welcome to our beautiful country
20 years
stop fucking with non straight trannies
chase straight trannies
well i want to know how my wife is doing, did you eat any spicebags recently?
fuck off spicebag
You’re too beautiful to be rotting away on this website this early. Put yourself out there, fall in love, and never return.
ummm, i did have one a few days ago yeah! heheheeheheheheheheh
good girl, have you been exercising at all?
does anyone wanna go to couples therapy with me and we pretend to be a married couple and fight and we have to make up issues on the fly?
umm... noooo i gonna get iced latte
Me, sunflower.
good morning!!! I hope you slept well :>
Unfriendly reminder that Spicebag is underage and should be ignored completely until she leaves or is an adult
She's probably 18 but she's very fake and annoying as a person
long night, good shekels
she won't be 18 for a couple of years
She is at most 17, probably still 16 though
No dude
goon morning chasers!!
good morning! how did you sleep?
you're in denial
I know she's 18
i slept very well
Good morning, how much longer until I can marry you?
anon, is there any place I could contact you besides here? I’d love to be able to talk to you some more if that’s okay
why are you waiting?
he has her location, wont let her walk anywhere alone, and just in general seems to check in on her too much like I get it but fuck seems suffocating
getting cucked <3
I want to eat chicken nuggies
https://unsee cc/album#l8tBCydQexGo

isn't that the outfit that wren bought for you?
nice bod bro
i r8 it 8/8
no thats like a way different one

thnaks qt
you need an indian husband maam
Grabbing spicebag by the hips
cute outfit spicebag
oh god she wants to vc cam rn and i dont have a haircut
A bunch of pedos in the gen today
buy some scissors you dolt
reminder that spicebag never posts her face in these slutty unsees because she just looks like a man
crazy that she knew you were underage and still bought you slutty clothes
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Hopefully this settles it, because the underage accusers have no proof
lol passgen always tells me i pass
I’m 101 years old.
>but officer she said she was 18
Kys groomer
Here’s proof that I’m 5736262004 years old: I’m 5736262004!!!
gm chasergen!
>what are ur plans 4 the weekind
Renaissance Faire!! :D
gonna be hot, but i'll enjoy myself anyway
aren't you a kid?
gonna groom spicebag with my scissors
Everyone else on 4chan is assumed to be 18 until proven otherwise, why would she be different?
this retard again, I'm going back to bed fuck off spice
mad cuz I'm styling
Crazy thing is is everybody thinks spice is all sweet and innocent all the while she’s jerking off to white boy beat downs lol she’s sick and depraved. You should check out her reddit or she still acts all innocent. Remember, when she was scared of the hat man, he was real. It was her dad watching her goon to whiteboybeatdowns
Kys pedo
wtf is that? gay interracial porn?
why don't you come on down here, I'll give you a personal cut, G
it's clips of random street violence by black men against white men interwoven with interracial porn, pol level racism
What part is supposed to be sweet and innocent? Being hyperactive isn't sweet. The only thing she ever talks about is being a virgin or being horny.
absolute schizo level conspiracy theorys going on currently
children were a mistake
she told me she was old enough to get a haircut by herself, fuck off retard
Ok pedo
good morning chasergen
You don’t know spice ok new fag
omg shut up pedo
lmao wtf
i thought i was a degenerate but apparently im healthy and well-adjusted compared to some people out there
goon morning autumn
I know her plenty that's why I dislike her. She's practically solipsistic.
gm autumn! got any art to share today?
what did I do, pube stylist?
Good morning stu<3
Uh oh pedo angry
a little birdie told me you gooned to an image of an underaged catboy
Lol wym you are. You said you were a Bnwo fag some thread ago
hi Sarah, unfortunately no, I haven’t been making anything of worth lately :/
How do people still fall for this lol.
Are you still with your bf? Still haven’t given him any?
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good lord what in the chaotic disaster thread did i just come back to
you're sweet, maybe someday ill finally escape this hell site
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I just want to cut hair.........
if you check the archives you can find the threads where she was exposed as being underage
you can cut my hair, I’ve been letting it grow for a while now
you are like 5 months behind on autumn lore
are you actually asexual or was that a joke?
My hair's around there too, I need it get it cut, but I've been so busy
i mean that was a joke (mostly, i actually do like the spades outfits), but the mere fact that i knew what that was is why i thought i was an experienced degenerate
i doubt it. you could sketch blindfolded and it'd still come out good.
i always wanted to do a webcomic or something but i never had the discipline to just sit down and practice, so i really envy your skills
gm pichu!
waaw,, so so,,, kool so wise :0
at least 10 years.
Zoomer tranners are built for millennial men.
Tbh we don’t care you don’t pass so it’s whatever
ideal is the chaser is 2-3 years older, but age gaps aren’t a really big deal once both parties are above 22
What happened you left him? For?
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good morning hasergen
You might be surprised how quickly 22 becomes 24 or 25 when you get older.
well thats just rude, I don’t know why you’re being mean to such a sweet girl
yeah, it's a very low-pressure existence :P
I’ve seen things no other man alive has seen…
I'm gonna get a buzzcut, women keep playing w ith my hair why are women like this disgusting creatures
> girl
Come on now
Okay? Alright?
i am actually asexual, any time im "breaking character" and acting exaggeratedly horny is the joke
deepwoken, getting high, and wishing I had a girlfriend
Have you always been asexual or did something happen that’s turned you off from being intimate with someone else
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if you have a libido you got scammed you should be entirely sexless
is this the person who dropped the bombs on Japan?
libido is a choice for me, I can just stop taking prog and go back to being enlightened whenever I want
Dressing up my tranner in white lacey lingerie and taking them in the missionary position while holding hands and kissing them
for indian chad this always happen
i think ive always been like this, i noticed it incidentally around age 14 or 15 and then i just kinda never became sexually interested in anything, still true 15 years later
even prog couldnt enable sexuality for me, jelly
need to pee but cant leave my room
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joke so bad i frowned
i dont need sex i have ambient pads to satiate me
where is the love and passion in your craft. This is a mere synopsis. Tsk tsk tsk.
thank you<3 I’m still not really proud of anything I make buy I got to this level by just obsessively doodling all the time pretty much as a way to avoid fidgeting
Why not?
you can't really blame her, she doesn't know
same. wasn't like that before hrt tho
>white lacey lingerie
i love that like quasi-bridal stuff, too
Sheesh autumn getting that Indian bbc?? I bet she’s getting her mouth shit in rn wren could only wish to be so lucky
uhh fight with drunk dad so i locked myself, waiting for my mom to get back til i leave i guess
Post face I’m I treated now
Post video of you taking a shit
I'm sorry to hear that honey
What you fight about
i just dick around on 4chan in my spare time lmao
>I’m still not really proud of anything I make
you should be! it's really quite good!
that other guy has a picture of me he likes to post, maybe he will. i don't have any pictures of myself saved on my phone (even my masochism has its limits) so we're at his mercy.
there he is
i can never tell if youre actually into that or you're just trying to gross me out - i dont suppose you'd tell me?
I had low libido before hrt but it was still there, I’m glad it’s a choice and that I got to experience 2 years without it. Honestly it’s fun, but it can get you into trouble.

ambient pads are better than sex, that is true

pre-hrt it was annoying for me to just have passively, even if it was kinda low
At least let me see your butthole
mom asked me to make sure he will sober up so i was stern and i called him a bum and he had a whole meltdown abt that and told me hed knock my teeth out if i didnt make tea for him earlier so when he left i locked my room and called him a bum again he was a bit angry but idgaf i mean hes not rly violent but its a horrible thing to say
the summary of what im gomna do to you on tuesday
why are most trannies the "I can fix him" type? I don't need fixing. I need DRUGS.
not me
lol i dont touch broken men with a 10 foot pole, you broken you broken, thats someone elses mess
i just want someone kind
>it was kinda low
i was a monster, and i hated myself for it
prog-horny is way better
lmfao if i don't even have pictures of my face, what makes you think id have that?
because we have to believe that people can change themselves for the better, or we'll kill ourselves
you call him a bum, but you do live under his roof yes?
But drugs are scary...
>Honestly it’s fun, but it can get you into trouble
yeah thats kinda my feeling on it too. i see people landing in disaster after disaster because of a need for sex. not to go full enlightened elitist asexual mode but i do feel lucky i get to skip all that shit
I play After The Flash sometimes if you wanna wander the wasteland..
it's my mom's roof :)
>because we have to believe that people can change themselves for the better, or we'll kill ourselves

this. broken men are effeminate and not sexy.
it's their roof, they're together
if you wanna pretend it's just your mom's domain, then convince your mother to leave him, and fend for yourselves, you godless socialist
They can be sexy but it's not worth it to be with someone that's awful to be around
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sexy how tf
>lmfao if i don't even have pictures of my face, what makes you think id have that?
I have pictures of your hole
no they can't. if he can't even overcome his own problems then he's just unmanly.
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This is the dumbest fucking product and everyone that drinks it is a fucking idiot. Mongoloids love this shit and they should be burned at the cross for it
>convince your mother to leave him
tried, many times,
mom would get this flat in the divorce,
youre a prick
the only liquid death here in my piss
i accidentally called my tranny "bro" and now she's mad
Based I need you.
I can't explain it very well but it's kinda like being attracted to the bad boy type
Every man has problems
reasonably so, she feels you might just view her as one of the bros now
>youre a prick
how old are you again?
picking fights with your drunk dad, just move out nigga. If he's as bad as you claim he is, then you're only putting yourself in danger still hanging around your family home. You aren't gonna be a hero, you won't convince your mom to finally leave him by picking fights with him. She'll only start thinking about leaving him if he ever beats her nearly to death, and what the fuck are you gonna do when that happens?
lets go get some bubble tea and talk about how intact and not broken and mentally sound we are
bro is gender neutral
>Both of my trans gf’s are horny and want to come over
What do I do? They don’t know about each other
No I don't think that's reasonable at all actually. That's just awful self-esteem.
>Every man has problems
my only problem is that your ass isn't on my face
he's not a violent drunk you have no idea what you're talking about and nobody cares what you have to say
Maybe just stick with one tranny next time
sorry i mostly want to sing old world fallout-like music to someone ._.
time to use some heat and make an unstable polycule
you can tell this is fake because no one has ever had a tranny girlfriend and gone "you know what I need? ANOTHER."
People keep thinking I'm a Fallout fan because I just actually listen to that kind of music.
I can fix you. Lets take mushrooms in the forest together<3

Not magic mushrooms, forest floor mushrooms >_<
>has awful self esteem from getting misgendered
>gets misgendered
i wonder why she’s upset
>he's not a violent drunk you have no idea
then what the fuck are you complaining about nigga, you've never had to deal with angry drunks before. Just keep the peace
stop picking fights for no reason, it's their fucking roof. It's fine if you wanna live with them a while longer to save some money etc, but you have no right to be a homewrecking little shit. You're too old to be doing that shit, as soon as you're old enough to be considered a legal adult you really don't have a say in their marriage, and they are legally allowed to kick your useless socialist ass out to the streets
Well then come and put my ass on your face
What does chasergen think of the fallout games? I love them personally
Fallout games are cool. Starfield was bad and it makes me think that Fallout 5 will be bad, too.
im not even gonna bother reading that
This isn't some dude on the street calling you bro, it's your literal boyfriend. If you can't assume better intentions from him then you have issues, and while he can help let's be clear those issues are yours. Sure if he makes a habit of this have a chat, but one off gender phrase that often gets used in a neutral context is a bit much. I'd hope your relationship is more secure than that.
Overrated but fun enough
yeah, go back to playing your videogames little buddy, bash the fash
your escapism ain't so different from your dad's, judgmental little shit
Why the hell am I arguing about some other guy's relationship on thinking about it. I'm not invested in this. I'm gonna eat food.
I didn't play Starfield but it seemed kinda meh. I'd guess the next fallout and elder scrolls games will be the same
I'd agree with overrated but it was really difficult for me to stop playing fallout 4 and new vegas because of how fun they are
if she’s upset for a day that’s fair, even a slip of the tongue can be painful. if she’s upset for a week then she’s being unreasonable
bro is fine to say but when you say it you have to look me in the eye and smirk at me or put your hand on my thigh or butt

sorry I don't make the rules
>making out with a tranner like a couple of bros
I'd agree with this. It's difficult to stay mad at someone if they're cuddling me though. Just saying
need myself a girl I can treat like this
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Red hot chili peppers fucking suck.
I'm glad someone is brave enough to say it
Someone hasn’t had sex on shrooms with a girl while listening to Californication and it shows
>Someone hasn’t had sex
you could have just stopped there
You can treat me like this :)
yea but have you tried deftones though
>not to go full enlightened elitist asexual mode
no that's exactly how i feel not on prog lol
you're right to feel superior

alright guys, im leaving cell coverage, i'll talk to you after the faire! bye <3

i typed that like an hour ago, guess i cut it too close lol
Yes my ex gf was a big fan sex tape holds a very special place in my heart
literally any of us would kill to be treated like this
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virgin army!!! virgins for ever!!! its perfectly fine and good to be a virgin tranner!!!
I enjoy having a high sex drive actually. It's cool.
Go away spicebag
Can you start tripping again so I can filter you out
you can just filter out the word 'virgin' if she bothers you that much
Do the chasers here prefer trannies who pass but are in denial about it or trannies who pass and know they pass and own it?
I'm lucky because even though my libido is really high, I'm shy irl so I don't end up doing much to get in trouble

I'd willingly lose a leg to be treated like this

sextape is sooo good
The music video goes so hard
shut up retard
actually you are huge losers and should cry about it
I must stop virgin tranners
also can filter khhv and khv
projection is craaaazy
ngl I wish I was still a virgin...
then being a virgin for the rest of your life should be no problem
this thread sucks my asshole and dick at the same time
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its totally fine to be a virgin, dont listen to the haters girls.
What’s your body count?
I've never kissed a boy before :)
i'm a chaser from cali and i need my chussy ate :3
pre trans?
peter griffin walks in
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sometimes the virginshaming on this board can be really mean
All women or men
Were they all that bad?
can you shut up already
i dont think its virgin-shaming, i think its kinda like a "stop whining about it nonstop and do something about it" sorta thing
i tried doing a peter griffin bit here one time but nobody cared ;-;
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All kissless virgins must be kissed
I have never felt the touch of a woman :(
boomers don’t get our culture
hi peta
1 pre-trans, 2 after the "incident"

2 women 1 man, I'm kinda scared of guys and thought I could avoid dating them but I just am really not that attracted to women

well, not exactly no, but I pre-transition I confided in a friend that I had gender dysphoria, and he told me that I just needed to get laid so I ended up dating someone randomly which was really weird and uncomfortable for me

everyone I did stuff with was during a relationship though, which I'm happy about.
I'm pooping and maybe even pissing (peeing)

But absolutely no farting or pooting or brapping
Good girl
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try to eat healthier, start working on a paper for summer class.
oh and for the other ones,
I'm not that attracted to women and she just kept apologizing that she wasn't good enough cuz we weren't very sexually compatible, and the guy pressured me doing into it when I wasn't exactly ready, and ended up overheating during it and being like "yep, thats enough" and left LOL
stu, I am a boomer, we cannot be friends, you're but just a hatchling
I like tranny buttholes
alright tranners, you know what time it is. Line up all of you. It's girl pickle inspecting day. I want you to pull your pants down. Part of this inspection allows me to taste and suck on your pickle. I need to taste your pickle for purity
hell yeah
Crying over the fact that the ftm I wanted to meet is prioritising other dumbass
I want to fold tanners into pretzels
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ok then enjoy
>oniichan helping me do my ballet stretches before class
Trannards are stupid
only if you look like leyley
stu, your girl pickle tastes sweet and sour. I rate it 10/10. I love it and it's indescribable. Please keep it unwashed so the estrogen gives it a feminine musk more. I've seen how estrogen effects the testicles as well. They become light and pink rather than dark and wrinkly like a man's balls.

easy to crush since they're turned essentially into pink gummy candy
Trannard buttholes
thought for a moment you called stu's pickle "indestructible"
congrats on the invincidick stu
i kinda only want to taste stu's dick but she wont let me put the mouse ears on her
Alright tranners, you know what time it is. Line up all of you. It's girl pickle inspecting day. I want you to open your canning jars. Part of this inspection allows me to taste and eat your pickles. I need to taste your pickles to see if you can be a good housewife.
35 year old man talmbout sucking dick
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i'm 5'3 and 110lbs and does that help :P
girls don't have dicks, they have gocks
If I take away your TRT, will you die?
My man it is a dick. A penis. Don't run from it.
>>36675301 NEW
>>36675301 THREAD
>>36675301 BOYOS
Wait no I'm retarded no
>Please keep it unwashed
im already doing that, your welcome anon
thanks lol
i never said i wouldnt let you put mouse ears on me
interdasting! i think ill check this out. maybe get a few (you)'s in this one
if I take away your ability to make 5-10 word responses, will you have anything interesting to say?
I wash shit posting earlier. I do actually want to crush your girl balls though and see the look on your face, will you grimace is pain?

>links gaygen again
So things are going well then? Makes sense, it's a beautiful day out.
> will you grimace in pain?
i might, but i might just cum right there too
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uuugh. I just need a BF who treats me good and is nice to me and is patient with my mental issues.... also preferably into choking.
He's so me
I need a bf who treats me like a woman and is nice to me and helps me when I get overwhelmed, but calls me slurs and degrades me and chokes me in bed
that'd be hot. would need a safe word though. I have the mouse ears, when we gonna meet? or this all larping
hi chasergen
why does this gen suck lately?
are you just as bratty? because if you get too bratty I can just pick you up and manhandle you
Because you haven't been here. All of this is on you, Naoto. You could've saved us.
Because LB left
> or this all larping
idk im just having fun
where do you live?
yeah that would work too. I've never had a partner who is really into that type of thing but it sounds hot
i miss LB and her recipes
good answer and also true... i've not been here in a week, i abandoned the gen... chasergen i am forgotten...
You know you can ask for more than that, right? In fact, having the confidence to assert yours wants and needs is attractive even.
Indiana, you?
bring us salvation dear naoto
>having the confidence
stopped reading right there. Lack of confidence is the problem in the first place, that and PTSD+ASD.
>having the confidence to assert yours wants and needs
"if you are depressed, just stop feeling sad"
any chasers in Caelid? Struggling to find a bf here
oh rip, well, I travel to ny for work sometimes but not a lot. you're the only girl I was interested in this thread so damn
Where did you find that pic and description of me
saving chasergen one post at a time
dear husband I love you mwah mwah mwah

I mean yea I'll confidently assert to him that he should please choke me, call me slurs and make fun of me
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everyones so far :(
we can still talk tho its fun
Sorry, I live in the lake of rot
You've very rapidly made this an unpleasant conversation. Anon, I wasn't saying you can't have low self-esteem, I'm suggesting perhaps it's time to consider taking stock of your situation.
unironically would :)
t. guy who posted that
I know, it would have actually been fun to meet and I was serious I wanted to take photos of your mousegear for the thread, making it canon. Maybe when Im in NY for work, we could do that
ur twice her age
i'm sorry, i didn't mean to. I wan't trying to be cunty it's just been hard lately.
Maybe i shouldn't mask my cries for help, that way people won't feel confused or get emotional wiplash.
I'm sorry, i was just trying to explain the way that i feel.
He's 38?
New >>36679831
New >>36679831
N >>36663765
E >>36663765
W >>36663765
that would be fun, also hopefully ill be in better shape by the time we can do that
You're fine, anon, was just confused is all. I think what you've just said clarifies it all. Hope things get better for you.
and ur a lozer

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