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prev >>36667138
>sorry i only mascpost for fems
wow, such bigotry
Hate aging. Need an aging bf just like me to grow old and slowly decompose together :3
it's the way it goes
i love women (twunk torso, nice cock and balls)
Ask me anything
no women will ever appreciate you like a masc man
How big is your BBC?
Protect Sneed.
I only have a C. And it’s like 16cm long. Kinda tiny I know haha uwu
i don't want to be appreciated in some bi top 'hehe fem bottom take some hrt little bitch hehe' way
at most I'm mascfem for mascfem
cage it up faggot
Umm huh, ideal top?
i meant sexually. the best sex i've ever had were the masc muscle bottoms. they worship every part of a man's body and basically inhale cock. it's almost insane, women can't compare
>i don't want to be appreciated in some bi top 'hehe fem bottom take some hrt little bitch hehe' way

How is that any different from everyone else?
i don't wanna be worshipped by some hairy bloke
The women are in bigen. Stop wasting your time here.
I saw OPs picture and thought 'yeay finally something for tops'

Then I read the title. Oh well. Gaygen will just never understand men.
i don't cage my pp for just anyone, and unless you're cute, don't even think about it
by women do you mean muscular twunks
tops caging their huge pps
look all I'm saying is I want a muscular Asian guy to suck my dick and gaygen seethes
I had a guy say something like that right before I was about to give him head. Something like, "It's kind of weird since you're a guy". I told him to just close his eyes and he changed his tune really quick. Then wanted to suck MY dick afterwards.
did you let him?
look im the last guy in the world to be repressed and confused about what i really want
Disgusting race traitor
Yes but he clearly didn't know what to do. He wasn't interested in touching me anywhere else besides the dick and wasn't very enthusiastic. It was weird.
imagine having sex with someone who thinks less of you, bottoms are insane
its why vers4vers is best
shut up
okay sorry
Sounds weird.
It makes me happy to make others happy. Very woman coded behavior yeah. Appreciate dutiful bottoms.
i dont think that is an inherent reality to being the bottom
or at least i hope it isn't
that's self hate coded behavior. it's fine if it's someone who likes you but not someone who thinks you're weird. it's like those dudes who lust after homophobes, that's a mental illness.
it seems to be. almost every bottom i've ever spoken to opts to be a doormat
it's just how stereotypical bottoms get treated, you're not a stereotype. you're a woman.
>Then wanted to suck MY dick afterwards
ew I always drop if that happens. Fucking straights and their damn bucket list bullshit. Then whether they like it or not they get mad at you for letting them do it. Its no win. Its that idiot boyish fascination with gross stuff. They feel like they gotta test themselves. Its like their weird fascination with the butt. Its always guys who wait until they over 20 something to try fun with a guy and then they want to do everything right away.
why are you having sex with straights...
Not all tops are bottomphobic hun
Do gays really think straight dudes want sex with men
It's the most bizarre shit when some milkaged 35 yo "twink" brags about having sex with straights when actually it was just some depraved bisexual or married closet case
straight men don't have sex with guys
You just typed the same thing 3 times
maybe dl guys but they’re fem bottoms only
>that's self hate coded behavior
It's sex and the goal is to get off. Giving other guys pleasures turns me on like nothing else. Entertaining him after the blowjob was probably a bad idea but it was just a one night thing.
He gave normal gay signals the whole day until his pants came off
>why are you having sex with homophobes who insist they're straights
you know what i meant
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not true.
>until his pants came off
ok...pants can go back on m8
Pharoah, resplendent in the desert sun, let me be the shade to cool your lustful fervour
Most gay guys do want sex with the straightest acting men possible. You might be an exception, this board might be an exception, but it remains true for most gay bottoms
Ya it is.
Beautiful pharaoh drawing.
i want my bf to treat me like his personal cock warmer
imagine having a bf who got you to eat his ass a lot
Well I suppose it would be OK with some baked beans and fried bread
imagine making breakfast for a bf then eating his ass
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>but it remains true for most self hating gays
yeah, that's what i said
how do bi men end up as incels?
hi dan, your coat is looking so shiny today. getting that wet food?
They're not self hating. Sexual attraction doesn't comform to your narrow ideals.
please don't call me that
Can't commit, too greedy and egotistical. Incels transform into bi men.
bi men are either:
- sex fiends
- pseudo-straights (may end up sex fiending on grindr)
- non-sex havers

the non-sex havers can be split into:
- anxious avoiders
- gays in denial
- trans in denial or whatever else

me? im anxious
>straights dont have sex with men
>theres no such thing as experimentation
>being with a man makes you gay
>being with a woman doesnt make you straight
>ok but bisexuals arent straight so they're gay
>no true scotsman
>gay is a contact virus
>you can be gay and not know it until youre 80
>gay is retroactive once you try it
>it doesnt matter if all your other partners were women or if you have been married a decade with kids
>one drop rule

>we're about tolerance
I just need to learn rizz so I can never fall into these conversations again that I've had too many times and don't care about.
>me? im trans in denial
lol no
i like my body & i like looking at a male body & want the muscles to grow so i can look at them
>i like my body
do you have aap?
smfh lol anon
one minute you're telling me im a fem gay exclusive bottom
next im trans
Same thing.
Bro how long my phone gonna be 100% like cmon now
exactly. I want to fuck a femboy but sadly there arent any cute ones near me. Im straight though
i guess to an extent ye lol
still not growing a beard tho, its more the body mascing i like
the majority are gays in denial who have sex with women in some elaborate punishment penance ritual because they think being gay is evil and are trying to gaslight themselves into being straight. they get in relationships with women, remain unfulfilled so they go to grindr or bathhouses seeking fulfillment then swear never again and go fuck their woman and pop out a kid and hope it makes them commit. but it doesn't and the cycle continues long term until the wife dies/divorces them or the kids move out or they finally crack under the pressure and 'figure out' they're gay at 54 even though they're been getting fucked twice a week at the local sauna since 13. and just like that the new sauna boomer who spends 89 hrs a day in the gym showers (but never on the gym floor) is born, saggy nuts scarping the pavement and all
Giving bishit a Dirty Sanchez
it's not a punishment it's
hold up I'm about to spill mentolity
anyway I'm not that type of bi
>get horny
>have sex with man because that's what makes you horny
>feel ashamed and swears you'll never do it again
>have sex with women to erase the gayness
*spongebob voice* 2 days later...
>get horny

it's their version of saying 10 hail mary's. the cycle never ends unless someone else ends it
at least admit some people truly are bi
yes. sex fiends exist, they're the smallest minority
Please define "truly bi"
Yoooo it's still 100 and I been messaging like crazy
whatever I find women attractive
wait 2 days
Samsung menorah OP

this song is a masterpiece
the end part is so good; 9:32
Anyone watching the Men's Olympics Swimming right now? Their bodies are insane.
sports are so fucking boring
Are there any BCs there?
Think you the shit, bitch?
You not even the fart (Grrah)
2 days and I'll be horny and wanting to fuck a woman
File deleted.
Both men and women are attractive.
Can we go at least one day itt without bipedos, their preferences and preferably their presense?
you're also attracted to little boys and girls
explains the androgynous undeveloped bisexuality
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am i too forward
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curse be upon me
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It's almost sad that you're this lonely.
idk if I would call myself lonely, just bored and horny desu with a porn addiction
too fem
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So, come here often? you smell like updog
Twinks with beard stubble and receding hairlines
what about this one?
without clicking it was a yes because i recognised the name
with clicking its a definite yes & i would sacrifice 10 women for 10 minutes of eating that
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Someone's upset
is this really cdc? he's hideous
stop posting women in the fem male thread
He looks young for a guy in his 50s tho
>i recognised the name
lol ur really a pornsick
Recognising a Korean porn star's name is especially crazy cause they all have the same name
r u saying if i stopped watching porn i'd be straight

but nah lol his stuff just gets posted on where i go to find stuff to jerk off over
& i think his stuff is a very bisexual type of porn (don't tell me thats a cope)
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Does it make you feel funny?
Why do you get so mad when I post?
The whitest man in the USA
No it's obnoxious & irrelevant behaviour
at least when im obnoxious im entertaining myself
obnoxious and irrelevant behaviour is bisexual culture
how can a man be hornier than steve?
we have the worst coomers folks
for the love of god PLEASE let us see your feet
i can change
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Can't you ignore it?
I just like hot pictures and this is an image forum.
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High sex drive. I'm an apex predator.
>r u saying if i stopped watching porn i'd be straight
isn’t it obv?
i dunno ive tried that before lol
Pho-eating pansy
it is tru to an extent tho
i probably do just need to not watch porn/jerking off & then ill be fucking pussy

thanks for reminding me anon i was almost leaning gay
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Any port in a storm
you stupid. whats 9+10
9+10 is clapping fatty's ideal threesome
You not. You are a predator that got hooked on Apex Legend, I can give you that.
yours truly, anything to get you out of here
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very dysphoric shower
i wish i was far more muscular and i wish i had a thick huge cock
aap is a serious issue
what is aap now?
i don't know what that means, forget i asked
With time you will grow to understand that every bottom you were told in your youth was nuts was actually just living authentically in public
just been reminded about digit ratios
it's over for my masc arc
I like how when I tell my bottom to do something he just does it

don't need to keep reminding him, or haranguing him, it only takes me once. might be a keeper
does it go the other way though
This. What do you bring to the table, mr anonymous top?
He doesnt ask me for anything. It's just his personality, he's like a cute little worker bee
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How do y'all feel about White Male Asian Male relationships?

Keep in mind the white dude is chud adjacent and only sucks dick once in a blue moon
keep making brief eye contact with twinkish people
is this bisexuality
bisexuals have a weird mix of gayface and straightface
why would you go from asking about relationships in general to asking about one specific guy you made up? realistically what do you think an answer to this question would look like?
who else is here is a retarded top whos scared to even suck dick?
when i see a gay with "wants children" in his bio im just like
what do you think this is sis....
Would y'all trust a trans woman to babysit your child or young relative (nephew, etc.)?

Be honest. Don't lie
tfw bisexual (twinks and older women)
agp no
hsts maybe
im afraid my bottom will leave me
probably but i'd be more suspicious due to /pol/ conditioning
post bisexual hole
wouldn't that also condition you against having a homo babysit a male kid
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Don't hate me because you aren't living your life.
You sound like the ideal bottom.
there is one tranny i would trust to do so but a random one? fuck no
post cock
>someone using a chainsaw outside my house at 9am on a weekend
ive sent enough
/int/ is the best board for sure
what's good about this
tfw no foreskin
We're so back

man’s tights
Wow. I didn't know that. I just — you're telling me now for the first time. You led an amazing life. What else can you say. I am genuinely sad to hear that.
it's tough but i can at least find an uncut cock to live through
crossdressing is gross men should look like men
I wish we could see past sexuality. If two men are compatible and love each other equally that should be it. But I am a category with stereotypes and expectations and qualifications. Knock it off man and take my hand, look me in the eyes. We're two astronauts on the moon forget everything and everyone else. I hop up into the air but you don't come with me. You think I'll fly off back to Earth and find a woman to bring up instead. I'm still here on the moon just a crater over. I'll bounce around alone until you're ready to come over. When I see you come over the crest I'll act as if you were right behind me the whole time.

The truth is I left my oxygen behind at your feet. I can't go back even if I changed my mind. Don't bring it back if you're just going to drop it off and head back. I'd rather suffocate here alone.
this is bisexual culture. not the pod but what stav is saying
so sweet
gayest fucking shit on earth lmoa
I want a gaygen podcast with horror, frotty and delta
My best friend is randomly racist, anti semitic, and anti pedo

The last one is legit because he's had stuff happen to family members but for the most part hes just addicted to right wing youtube now btw hes 17 and wants to literally murder pedos
How are his feet?
alright time to beat my meat
evens 55 yo woman
odds hung twunk
i feel like delta would say maybe two lines max per episode and just sit there heavy breathing the rest of the time
horror and frotty would spend most of the time bullying him ideally
time for the gayest wank in existence followed by some hail maries of planned nofaps etc
bishit has masturbated to jeb 150 times
bisexual culture
i don't know who that is
The coldest blood runs through my cock
You know I'm gay
Same but to his feet
transgender music
smfh gonna need to ensure the next wank is straight
you busted to jeb again?
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Jebeenie feeteenie
rip2 jeb brought low by the jealousy of perfidious transsexuals
no it was someone from the hairless muscular thread on /hm/
jeb’s hairless and smooth asshole
trip on jeb
Fr fr had a 25 second climax inside my middle eastern bf last night after we didn’t see each other for a week for him to move. Stuck the reunite landing. After a thorough disrespectful fucking.
does anyone here even care?
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Living the dream
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the anon who posted picrel. please, report back immediately and post more of your legs and feet. this is very urgent
I repeat. post moar of your feet
about what
Me and things I do > bitter anon posts
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>when you eat healthy and work out and get that good musky sweat
>go out and chicks smiling and "accidently" rubbing their tits against you
>go to the club/beach/bar and bring two girls home
>later on sinking your cock deep into your
DL buddy's thick, round ass
So is food in europe significantly less saturated with fat and slop, or are european people just less compulsed to eat like shit all the time? Is it partly genetics? Society? Is it a combination of these things?
I know people joke that some british "people" eat like the germans are still flying overhead but at least it's healthier than 50 grams of saturated fat for breakfast
they have much stricter laws on additives and such, move more, and eat less.
>they have much stricter laws on additives
why the fuck doesn't murica do this? muh freedom? If they can put fluoride in the water they can mandate the megacorporations to produce less unhealthy food
You ever wish you could be a bodybuilder without destroying your body with steroids?
regulatory capture, you can see it in every single american industry lol
crazy that bleagle is a solid 6/10 and has incel meltdowns that his life was ruined for being born mixed race, then this creature pops out the womb and thinks its the reincarnation of adonis
i was pondering anavar earlier lol
obviously it's such a simple but fucked answer
Say what you want about Dan but you can tell the stories he posts are real and that he actually has sex
bligkin was raised by a single black mom witb ocd while his white father has a happy white family tho
all the time. i think i’m almost certainly going to start them anyway before the year ends
Bleagle is kinda cuter...
Just like Blu is cute in an ugly incel way.
they both blow cdc out of the water, he is by far the ugliest person to have ever posted here
shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yam, shimmy yay
sup beenie how’s it going bro
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>bleagle is a solid 6/10
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pink eye incoming
I remember clappingdaddy indicating he was in his late 40's or 50's. We don't know what he looked like in his 20's
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i am a total bottom submissive, but i swear for musclely asian guys i top every one of them
>make some waffles and sausage this morning
>notice family bought a new bottle of syrup
>check the back
>16g added sugar per serving
the fuck
I'm gay
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wtf are you eating waffles with syrup for retard, waffles get a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream (whipped cream is better), syrup is only used on pancakes if they're plain pancakes, if they're fruity ones then the fruit's juices should be enough for you fatty
I thought they were holding hands :(
It's fucking crazy bro check literally anything for the fat content
There are ice cream bars in my freezer and they actually have way less fat content than so many completely normal seeming foods I have around
My family is always buying oreos and chips and shit it's like a compulsion it's bad
Is it maple syrup or corn syrup flavored maple?
some Starbucks drinks have 60-100g of sugar in them
16g of sugar is nothing
fat content is not the problem, it is sugar. You can eat grams of fat a day, and it's mostly good for you (within reason), sugar is never good for you and it will hurt you overtime; diabetes, heart congestion, etc
Say it louder.
it's also insane how like half of the processed slop you eat is just corn with additives
i think they are?
Corn syrup flavored maple. Actually it's 98% corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, and water. Liquid slop did not use it
i have no idea what this means and i refuse to learn
CICO is all i know, and all i need to know
even the fucking liquids are made out of corn
we need like a gay version of pearl davis
incredible post
small crystals that taste sweet
fat is bad, that's where all the poisons and toxic substances are stored in animal meat, and they end up concentrating when you cook meat in the fat..
His hand is just behind the other guy's
Praying for my fattie BF to die ASAP please Andras bring on the fucking heert attacks and the violent political insurgent militias and lightning. Maybe even a micro-meteor
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That's the difference between me and you.
rank the tng main cast by attractiveness from most to least
Praying for Delta's nudes to leak ASAP please Andras bring on the fucking lewd attacks and the violent political insurgent photography and lightning. Maybe even a short video
your boyfriend is going to live for another 30-40 years and your here forever
brother, by the time the fat has been rendered into something you're buying, there is no chance of there being something poisonous or toxic left in it, if there was anything it was viciously cleaned before being anywhere near market, unless you don't live in a civilized nation or like hunting and eating the game, this will literally never be a problem for you.

I see that, but idk it looks like they're kinda holding hands tho like those hands might not be full on holding, but I think they're closer than most bros would feel comfortable with
Data -----------------------------
everyone else
dianna troi

wil wheaton
i thought wil wheaton was soooo hot when i was 8
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1. Troi
2. Ryker
3. Crusher
4. Jordy
5. Worf
6. Picard
7. Yar
8. Data
horse ASS
>there is no chance of there being something poisonous or toxic left in it

It's known that industrial carcinogens, dioxin and other toxic pollutants accumulate in animal fat tissue, cleaning it doesn't get rid of it....
his personality on and off the screen is so grating and awful i would like to watch him boil in acid
you include that gremlin yar but no love pulaski, terrible
fat is rendered, sifted, boiled, etc, if there was anything in it at all, the FDA would not allow it to be sold commercially, you are more than okay eating foods with fat in them, you are literally buying into a 90s lie put up by sugar companies to insure they get bigger profits
Women and fags love to mate with animals.
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I'm not a sex god. Maybe a sex demi-god. It's nice to know you think so highly of me.
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Sub tops are definitely a thing, but dom bottoms just don't fucking exist at all and it makes me want to kill myself. Closest I've found is a "power bottom" who still asked me to choke him during the second hookups.

Pic unrelated
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>post pics

Anybody could be a bottom for me.
he looks like a redditor
hell no i aint confident for that crap plus i look like shit lmao
nice body tho love the treasure trail
cute bottom body
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reading /pol/ is making me racist
come over and tell me about the impending fall of the west little chuddy boy...
Thank you. I hope you can achieve a body you're proud of in the future. I think your goal of being someone's ultimate pair of holes is reasonable. Be safe tho.
Built to be able to resist haribo's BWC twink top cock.
i am racist and sexist and homophobic (i want to have my pp locked in chastity permanently tho)
>the FDA
true the fda are the ones who are ok with all this shit in our food in the first place
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I think you were built to lay on my hairy pecs anon.
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>tonight you will eat 10 pounds of goyslop with your family
very busy but otherwise living laughing loving etc
how about you
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does anyone know a gay dating app where i can try to make this a reality >>36676082
I live in Indiana, I visited LA a few months ago and used recon and found a couple people there that were interested and even got a 'master' for a little bit, but i never really did anything, other than exchange a ton of pics and videos, never met up and the distance after i came home killed it; recon here at home is basically useless/filled with very old people and im just 25 like im mid-life gay not ancient crusty 45-70 that exist on the app here

Grindr is a bust imo, same problem with way too many old people on it
Tinder is just total fail here, either super mega whores that want to be plowed 24/7 and just zero people to build a life with, just sad man :(
please leave frankenstein's monster alone, he's a minor you pedophile
have you tried sniffies
Still not a camwhore
Hard to believe but true
it's not hard to believe at all
tried being the operative word; #1 it's so poorly made that it seems like any decent or needed feature is behind a paywall and #2 it doesnt seem to be a quasi dating or meeting app, just a fuck app which isnt really what i want (yet)
Bro consider what you're asking. It's a lot of work training a sub to that degree. The more caveats you add the harder its going to be to find a Dom. You might have to move cities to find what you're looking for. The value of your desired lifestyle is connected to someone looking for an ego boost and who enjoys giving humiliation. You honestly might have to pay someone like male escort to have your fantasy. Which is probably illegal.
maybe one of these..
fuck. there are a lot of 'tpe' people around here, but idk I'm not exactly willing to give up my entire life and literally be a slave for someone i dont know. Like, be a house-husband for my husband? sure, I'll cook, clean, raise the kids, and write books on the side, but for a complete rando on the internet that's demanding it of me to forgo my life for their benefit is just such a gross thing that i cannot take seriously because its just so over the top
what if the guy asking for deltoid’s nudes is deltoid himself o_O
Or Victor x Colossus.
I think this is what you're looking for
you're a shut-in who thinks he's better than everyone and is too good for the world
** ***** posted ass on ig if anyone is interested. okay taking my leave again. miss some of you <3
Ain't quite gone that daft yet

>thinks he's better than everyone and is too good for the world
Side splitting
you never left xan

early and we wanted a caturday edition
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You can't date "people" only specific individuals.
Just be clear you want to be a slutty male wife and you'll be okay. Maybe you can find a guy to fuck you and you clean his house I exchange.
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do you think ms larri is shitting right now?
That's a very interesting proposition, however I have to decline, you will find a better top soon.
>iphone filename
it’s so obvious
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>do you think ms larri is shitting right now?

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