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qott: Are you zesty? Rank yourself from 0 (least) to 10 (most) zesty.
Hard to say. I don't think most people guess that I am gay but I'm not some macho type. Also I'm into musicals. Maybe around 5
2-3 probably
5 but also less than Bish.
Define zesty
>I don't think most people guess that I am gay
do you ask them or are you just assuming?
why is it always a fem edition with you
never been into zesty flavors
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6, 7 or 9
I don't ask, just an assumption based on things they ask me or tell me. I can't know what is said behind my back so theoretically they could all be talking about how I might be gay and I wouldn't know. I don't think I stand out that much though, I feel fairly average in that respect.
ok if I can't find someone to lock up my pp forever, then could I at least find someone to coom from my prostate? Like ig I could just be my own keyholder (which is lame), but ig I'd do that. idk is what I ask too much?
How about you put it in a bottle with a note and set it afloat in the sea?
im 2/10
im only fem when I pretend to myself
2? 3 at a push?
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Pretend to ____ yourself?
im 25, is twink physique even possible anymore for me?
i have the same pair of underwear
yes and no
probably 2
I don't act like a fag in real life but lately I've realized I really kinda look like one
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If my experience with gays tells me anything it’s that 90% of you rank way higher on the zesty scale then you think you do.
What's that on the floor to the left?
And why is your hamster's xmas stocking still up
you have until 40 to lose weight and get into the best shape of your life
after 40 it becomes much more difficult
JD vance is a moron
well i used to think it was a 0
it's not me I just liked the photo
this is CIS gay gen
trannies are not allowed
no this is gaygen, trans & bis are welcomed
nta but why?
that guy specifically only jogs/runs 10 miles a day eveyday he says on reddit which is why he's lean with abs and not much muscle growth on his arms or legs
Holy ideal top.
i love being clean shaven and moisturised
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meanie :(
im 5'10" and weigh ~235lbs. Once upon a time I weighed 250lbs, started trying to lose weight and lose about 50lbs, tho I never crossed over 200lbs, but I was very close. Then my dog died, and a few months later a friend killed themselves, and I just started eating my problems away and now i've regained 35lbs. My problem is I was able to lose the weight because I was basically a neet, and now I work and I am in school and I just can't be fucked to go for walks like I used too to help lose the weight. Sometimes, especially when I am stressed, I'll overeat, but most of the time I stick to intermittent fasting. ig my problem is that I want to work out and I have the motivation, like I can feel it, I just don't know really how to start and then stick to it while working and doing school. (I am a Masters student, (i am also a bachelor student), and work full time. my courses are online) i just feel like I can't breath already so adding exercise and working out is going to be tough since i have so little free time to myself already but i wanna be cute so i can actually get a bf and start a family :(
same facial hair is really not my thing at all
ive never really seen someone become a twink, its more a body type that is cultivated your whole life. as well as there is a level of muscle mass that you can't really undo, you can undereat for like a year and you'll still have risidual muscle mass that you've developed even if you've lost alot of strength. I can't be a twink anymore i can only really be twunk because my developed muscles remain at a decent size even if i stop working out and undereat for long periods of time. when it comes to losing weight, in order to have your body recomp properly and not leave you with loose skin you have to workout while losing weight and so you're gonna develop muscle. I'm sure its possible to do if you stick to like women level workouts but idk if ive ever seen it happen irl.
>I am a Masters student, (i am also a bachelor student)
I don't know how ppl can manage this I'm just a bachelors student and already stress enough about it even tho im 4.0
6. I am mildly zesty sis.
it's all about changing some of your habits according to your lifestyle
you don't need to become some gym bunny
start out by taking the stairs instead of using elevators or escalators or riding a bike or walking instead of using your car to run an errand that is only 1-3 miles away
get a pedometer and try to reach 10000 steps everyday
xan please
ok guys.. im 23 and im worried i might be balding what can i do to reverse it/stop it

no i wont post pics because ik some of u
sisma is malding hard
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Made the mistake of coming out to my mom today assuming she'd be fine because she has a black gay friend and she thinks he "turned" me now
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with a buddy
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hair transplant
minoxidil or finasteride
the homophobia comes at you fast
propecia (oral) and minoxidil(syrup/foam you put on your scalp) are the only proven options to help hair loss sufferers
for me anyway, I kinda developed a rhythm, where I try my best to get bigger bulkier assignments done on my days off; speed 2 lectures, and leave smaller assignments that are easy for work days. I also cheat a little if I feel I'm getting nowhere with an assignment or feel its worded intentionally to confuse me/waste my time
i do this, kinda, nothing around me is 1-3 miles away, so i need to drive, but I only drink water, only eat a single meal a day with small snacks occasionally, I try to walk my dog when I can/feel up for it, but I want to actually start doing things like squats and stuff so I can bottom-max ig lol i am also a lil worried about balding too ngl >>36678699
he did
shallo are you gayjew, that guy that ran the polgbt discord server years ago, you remind me a lot of him
i just got a prescription for finasteride+monoidil which will hopefully do a lot so look into that
stress is also a big contributor
Dutasteride is basically a stronger version of finasteride (blocks like 98% of dht which is responsible for hair loss instead of the i think 60-70% from finasteride, but idk how to get that and im not gonna jump to that before trying the other stuff)
don't tell the demon poster this, he might never break up with his boyfriend
the cure? pics of delta’s penis
ok i keep hearing about diff people's nudes and now i wanna c
>for me anyway, I kinda developed a rhythm, where I try my best to get bigger bulkier assignments done on my days off; speed 2 lectures, and leave smaller assignments that are easy for work days.
I'm basically an obsessive pre-crastinator so i like HAVE TO get my work done as soon as it's assigned
For example I took an online math class in which all the work was available from the beginning and i finished the final exam around a month and a half before the semester ended
thought about hole too hard while driving and almost killed a family of 5
is this like a forever drug I have to take until I die? I've heard if you make it to 30 with your hair you basically keep it for life, so would I just take these meds until i hit 31 or something
>I do this, kinda
do you have any really fit friends? talk to them and copy everything they're doing lol, become their puppet
why are gays so obsessed with looking like teens? jesus
>I've heard if you make it to 30 with your hair you basically keep it for life
big if true
ive never been a part of any 4chan discords and idk who gayjew is
my bits are for bf eyes only
shocked and appalled at cocksexual allegations
Lol not me at all. I am professional procrasinator, though I feel I have gotten a lot better with it, with time. Though I still have that streak to me sometimes. In other words, I have mastered how to rush out a 3-4 page essay in an hour and still get an A
Different Anon but I'm afraid to take Finasteride because I hear it can give you dick cancer
Is his BBC big?
No idea, idk if it can work forever, I'm hoping it can work for at least a long time.
It's probably gonna be your best option regardless
>is this like a forever drug I have to take until I die?

yeah but some studies show men who have taken it for 10+ years end up going bald anyway because their body becomes use to it, so it can only really extend your hair 10-15 years on average
ok I’m now your bf
i got the topical stuff from hims which apparently has less side effects.
Although I would still take it to keep/fix my hair even if it made my organs start rotting inside my body or something
it causes gyno too but who doesn't love big tiddies
rest in peace jimmy buffett
can we do like the muslims and become bf for a night then break up the next day so i can c pp
o sorry
... i dont have any irl friends, im not depressed or anything, just never really meet anyone at work that i really gel with and high school was a disaster for me, so no friends survived that wreckage and college is online and asynchronous so no set time for meetings, so no way to meet people other than grindr or something gross.
idk for me I'm not so much obsessed so much I am just trying to look young so I can attract a guy to marry, once we're married than I am not as worried or as stressed (not that i'd go full latina and balloon up or something)

I wish my top could get me pregnant so I can't hide that he owns my ass in public
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you have a stupendously gay face you're at least a 4
which top? aren't you getting fucked by different guys each week?
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Oh theres a place I really want to end up in life.
>looks like a top but likes to bottom
and no
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>tfw your fit Latino husband refuses to balloon up
im gonna say im generally a 2. if i exaggerate im a 4. can often be a 0.
>my top
he's married steve, he's not yours
it's called sperm competition. The strongest sperm will knock me up
Which one is the face, which one is body and which one is your personality?
how will you know who the daddy is?
rude + mean
oh i meant like all together
facially id say 2
body id say 1 (excluding wrists/digit ratio)
personality 2
who needs a daddy? the state will pay for it
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i am envious, but i also share your wish of being able to get pregnant by my future husband :(
note: not a tranny, just want kids
currently reading this & i think its one of the best novels ive ever read
It won't matter, the top I choose to settle down with will love the baby regardless.
I liked the part where he jerked off into the ocean.
ok i feel like this is more twunk than just twink, like a twink is meant to be more thin and less muscular
on a side note; how to achieve this body type?
>gay monogamy
oh no no no
it's very funny at times
captures the goofy thought patterns of puberty very well
are hairy guys always sweaty in bed?
>2 faced
>2 personalities
I love when you get real. Btw you are not that repulsive.
cardio with weight lifting
>you are not that repulsive
his personality is
>that repulsive
its a rating of zestiness not hotness
yeah it's like petting a dog after they were on a long walk in the sun
exactly. I'd have 10 kids and just keep giving them up for adoption.
I had a great date night last night. Hoping this is the one
Fucking disgusting. Cock rings ruin the dick for me. Same with nipple rings.
im a service top but no one wants those
I would love to ride a service top
that's not called a cock ring. that's called a prince albert piercing. the point is so you can wear certain chastity devices. very painful. would not recommend.
Steve is the biggest whore on here since bleagle
I watched too many episodes of kill tony yesterday and had a dream i gave this guy head and he was roasting my performance
Give it 5 years and your nipple will be wired
read this last year and yeah its great
the man who fell from grace with the sea is also very good

cute cute cute
10 Top Commandments

1. you will worship your bottom's body and kiss him head to toe.
2. you will kiss and rim your bottom's ass as long as he wants, you will make him moan and make him ready for cock. you will let him sit on your face until you pass out if he wants to.
3. your cock exists for your bottom's pleasure.
4. all of your cum belongs to him. you will cum where he tells you to, when he tells you to.
5. if you can't be trusted to follow commandment #4, your dick will be caged while you're unattended and your bottom will hold the keys.
6. you will fuck him like an animal when he wants to be dominated.
7. you will lay back like a good boy and let him have his way with your cock when he wants to dominate you.
8. you will exercise and keep yourself in good shape and make your body visually pleasing for your bottom, with the stamina to handle your bottom.
9. if you cum too quick and you're spent, you will use toys on your bottom until he is satisfied, and/or even import a second top for reinforcements.
10. you may be the bitch, but your bottom is the little spoon. no exceptions
You're not looking in the right places.
i had a prince albert.
the worst was wheb other bottoms would ask me to top them with it. i was like, bruh, you tryin to get you asshole torn up?
tops aren't whores they're just sperm donors
tfw no top to just completely control me and rape me whenever he wants and make me live underneath his floorboards chained up when other people are over
I liked steve better when he was a virgin.
Alright that'll do. You can give it a rest now.
i dunno, bleagle whoreism is the "I’m a 30/40 boomer that can’t hookup with youngsters" kind
the kind in which he had to pay escorts and visit bathhouses for sex, because regular guys rejected him even if he offered them money
it’s sad and pathetic
i never liked steve
doesn't it mess with how you pee/cum?

sod off you persistent twat
Who took their rejection worse - Beagle (rejected by Dom) or Cersei (rejected by Holden)?
i never liked anything
going to kick steve's ass today at Gold's Gym
maybe that's why so many shave
Any anon that has been rejected by Delta.

whoever knows what this is gets to by my bf
>Cersei (rejected by Holden)
lmao, he thought he had a chance with holden?
I would say I'm visibly gay but not in the "slay queen" way. Much more in the sensitive boy turned soft spoken skinny young man with long hair way.
>jd vance is a 0 on the zesty scale
people frequently ask me if I'm trans and similar, some assume it as well
this was really jannied that quickly?
xan, you are a balding 33yo already
let it go
... delta. i don't want to admit to anything, but i always say to pee so it didn't make a big difference to me.
Love mother monster so much. Anyone got a pirated version of her full performance?
it was up for a hour
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>iphone filename
>spam started after larriposter "left"
hi larriposter/xan
calling me xan every time still does not make me xan
Bring it. I'll be there at 3pm
why do all the namefags like cian, xanthippe, and jerome whoever all appear at once
and troll posts and early threads get left up for hours longer than that so yes that was quick relative to post deletion here
must be a coincidence
sigh, the lowercaseschizo has returned
jerome won
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Exercise for cheat meals.
i don't have any pics to show you as i somehow made things worth with other modifications...
Physique? Yeah. Just a lot of cardio.
But your face won’t match. You don’t want to be a 25yo twink. It's not really a thing.
what makes /int/ so gay?
All male dominated spaces wind up gay in some way
Lust after big different cocks around world.
I think I'm kinda like this but I'm kinda worried I actually look like too much of a sensitive bottom so I often find myself looking kinda angry and cold to offset that
>no health insurance
>have to pretend everything is okay so my mother doesn't worry
the incel to prison gay pipeline
i thought that was the point of it. to give added stimulation
it's the best part of being a man
Perfect abusive bipolar bottom.
i miss drunkbottomanon
Yes, he even wanted to pay for Holden to fly out to California
ikr, they should rangeban you already
is this clappingdaddy's bf?
i think i kinda do the same
at least historically ive pulled a "masc" kinda grumpy looking face
not that i look fem otherwise

i do get called buddy a lot tho
>all that dirt and grime and mold on the door border is friegnthning
>all those cracks and holes the landlord tried to cover up poorly

this place is barely liveable, where are you from?
some obnoxious evil troll and revenge porn poster in here
why are you replying to yourself?
Cersei trying to lure in Holden with his Mexican brapper
I think i just worry a lot about the way people think of me
although your average american citizen in public is a hideous idiot so I really shouldn't care so much
>i do get called buddy a lot
lol autismspeak
what do you mean
holden is literally a pedo, why would he even try
sensitive bottoms rise up
>own a house with a 6 figure career
>never dated or had sex
I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore
Disclaimer: my hatred of lowercaseschizo is purely theatrical, but if I did have to smash xer balding fat ass for some reason, it would be very easy.

I’d brandish my schurr brand wallet at xer and xe’d be compelled to approach. “That’s very cool,” xe’d say, confident in xer superior strength and endurance from all the bans xe evades around at all times. Xe’d shower me with very weird pics of random trips that no longer post here and hover just out of range of the banning edge, waiting for me to exhaust myself. “But as it is ESL trolling, it’s very ocd, you see, and isn’t well-suited for use as a weap—” and then I’d hit xer with the wooden baseball bat in my other hand, which xe would not have noticed because xe can only see xer enemies as one person.
>i do get called buddy a lot tho
WHAT THE FUCK this happens to me all the time
I thought it means people think I'm literally mentally disabled and I absolutely couldn't stand it
does it actually mean they're attracted or something? why use the word "buddy" I would never ever call someone I'm attracted to that
what ever happened to holden?
that's what people call autists
I've been through that for different reason. You'll stop caring about them, they got their own problems first.
What do you do for a living, anon?
marry a twink from gaygen
Conbot quit. Leave him alone.
>I thought it means people think I'm literally mentally disabled
it does lmao
>admits to samefagging
>think that there’s only person who dislikes his spam
ok fregoli
he came in a woman and raising a child now
is your hole hairy?
I don't know what's going on in this thread 75% of the time but the mental illness is causing trips to leave which hurts us all.
oh that's relieving
i thought it was because i looked weak or young or fem or something
i was gonna say maybe I need to just talk even less to fix that but that might actually be the reason
came out as bi(pedo) and
now has a target to groom and warm his cock
Not that anon, but is having a hairy hole good or bad?
>t. hairy ape man
she's a great lipsyncher
Put the trip on
he was stalked by the mtf eden
I think I understand why tops only go for 18-25. Bottoms tend to get more depraved as they age. Once they hit 25 gay death hits and they get a prince Albert, nipple piercing, and a rosebud.
it's the key to success. you should post it one day
>it has to be you!
lmao you ain't beating the schizo allegations xan
and the last time you spammed this all your posts and replies were swiftly deleted, so cope
If you are so obsessed with Conbot or Xan. You should do yourself a better and stop being fat.
poor kid
i love curved penises so much
When I look in the mirror I feel disgust.
Haven't left the house in months, lads. Have had a pool in the backyard for ten years, never been in it. Too afraid to show my freakazoid body.

Frankly, I do not believe people actually like body hair.
ESL moment.
lol mine is curved up
i'm trying the taco bell $7 meal deal for the first time (i haven't ate taco bell since I was like 6)
will let you know if it makes me vomit
>a better
they have pills for mental illness now
I'm sorry you feel that way but the problem is probably bigger than body hair. You have some problem in self-perception to be feeling so badly about it, being hairless probably would just lead you to focusing on something else to worry about. A lot of people love hairy men, n fact most people who are into men probably prefer hairy over hairless. But I don't think that's the problem here
i wish i could see it
I'm not going on drugs.
I used to get their $5 boxes all the time and it was so good but now the same ones are $10 or more
i likely won't post it
because it would ruin your life of sitting inside and not using the pool in your own backyard
>>it has to be you!
did that stop you from thinking this? >>36679593

>lmao you ain't beating the schizo allegations xan
the irony is crazy here you mentally ill spic
sadly they don't have pills that fix stupid.
you'll have anons arguing like omg it's the entity! and it's just anons arguing with eachother.
I never saw him take his trip off from on. Nice ai fake attempt btw
i know. even if you did you probably would be able to show off the curve. they need to teach dick pic photography in primary school
how can you tell if you have a masc or fem voice
>not conbot
It’s so obvious it’s you, everyone knows already. The spam started after you were rejected by bucko and you somehow had to bring this guy into him. And it started today after “larriposter” came back and supposedly left.
daylight come and me wan go home
lift six foot seven foot eight foot
vocaroo and let the gaygen shura council issue a ruling
my older brother says he's remember when 1 taco was like 29 cents
Shut up Cooper
Oh, I know. I have a lot of problems with my body.
I'm also ugly. The left side of my body is slightly smaller than the right. I'm ugly. I'm retarded.

When I was young, I had problem because I didn't grow body hair until after most men start to. Now I have problems over how much there is.
The common theme is that I don't like my body.

I'm also jobless.
No, I just don't like the idea of it. If I'm broken the solution is to fix it. Not drug myself to ignore it.
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they have suppositories for that
My fat BF is still fat as fuck and horrible today but he seems healthier than usual and it's fucking killing me to see.
what should i say
but tbqh i tend to codeswitch in different contexts & sound quite different so i dunno
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.... calling people ugly while hiding your face. ..
how has he not have diabetes
Post a vocaroo.
this stupid conbot/xan drama needs to end
no one cares!!!
damn straight, i hope you have that same energy for paracetamol and advil too
its so obvious its' cooper pretending to be xan and he' is samefagging
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>I never saw him take his trip off from on
then it must be true i forgot i was talking to the resident terminally online lore keeper
but he does it right here https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/36375651/#36378565
>i tend to codeswitch in different contexts & sound quite different so i dunno
so no personality of your own
Maybe you should stop making deals with the entities that want to fuck you over, now your fat boyfriend will ugly ducking himself.
For the most part, I do.
Only when I hit a high-grade fever do I take.

But it's not the same thing. One is about restoring normal functioning. My normal function is retarded mess. Drugs don't fix that, they mask it.
I used to be a database administrator but now I'm a software developer, fully remote

I just don't know how to connect with other gay men. I live in a small state and the nearest gay community is an hour away. Last time I went to a gay men's group it was mostly fem gays who just wanted to go clubbing which isn't my thing. Seems like all there is is mindless hookups on Grindr
most people codeswitch retard
my linguistics degree tells me it's too ptsd to be cooper
>its' cooper pretending to be xan to be eden pretending to be shiza pretending to be atmos pretending to be holden as anime blowjob as larri
dude you’re not talking to just one person, seek mental health counseling
Only ones with the cycle do
I thought about this. It's proof my BF really is fucking horrible because in stories demons usually only take deals to fuck over or doom the person asking so they wish they never asked it. There is no reality in which I am not happier once my fat BF dies. Even Satanv and Andras thinks it's more misery for me.
/gaygen/ has to be the most toxic general on this website
Heh, you're a neeeerd!
Yeah, I get where you're coming from and often feel the same.
For people like us, you can't go to gay places. You have to go to generic places and hopefully find someone who just so happens to be gay.
I met a dude at a vintage computer fest once. Fag was running a MUD off of some old piece of shit from the late-80s. What a homo.

>t. jobless with a cs degree
Wanna get me a job?
it is exactly the same thing. in fact it's more accurate than your original analogy because most mental health drugs actually fix hormonal imbalances. paracetamol doesn't fix a fever or the problem causing the fever, it just masks it. but even if you don't take the pills, there's a bunch of shit you could be doing instead sitting at home jobless and afraid to use your own pool
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is this the response to seeing him take off his trip on and off to harrass people? got it
the longest relationship on gigi is a guy who hates his bf so much he wants him dead
no, no they don't. on a separate note, i'm 90% sure you don't know what codeswitch means
that's not even what the schizo poster looks like. you got the wrong anon
Gay men are sassy and sarcastic. They think it's a personality.
It's actually an annoyance.
The kpop general is much much much worse.
dude you’re not talking to just one person, seek mental health counseling
he clearly has his name off to be catty and put it back on to keep harrassing others
maybe but i'm gonna cease communicating with haters to go make dinner
>bottoms are sassy and sarcastic
be accurate
to think xan paid the pimeye subscription just for this
no you won't
what is codeswitching then smartypants
Hurt people hurt people anon. We have been rejected by everyone. Straight people hate us and call us faggots. Most gay men report being abused or hurt by someone close to them. Why do you think we have trouble with commitment? We feel that they will always leave us and never care. Why are we so catty and mean? The world made us this way. Not us.
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zesty is a slur straight people need just start saying faggot or stop talking about us altogether
>tfw my top bf uses my ass to edge and never cooms
>mfw no face
Psychiatry has finally accepted that hormonal imbalances do not cause depression. Also, I'm not depressed. I'm just in too deep and don't know how to get out.
I've had my ups and downs. I'm pretty sure I'm the type who'd do well with CBT. No need for drugs.
Thing is, though, I don't like myself when I'm anxiety free. I'm a total asshole. I don't like myself when I'm an anxious mess. I... I think some toys leave the factory broken.

> there's a bunch of shit you could be doing instead sitting at home jobless and afraid to use your own pool
Like what?
Sound like something a GSL whom gets lost in translation would say.
No I’ve seen plenty of gay boys turn mean and catty solely from hanging out with other gays.
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still not xan and i had someone else do it for me. i also did not use pimeyes
Isn’t this supposedly a picture of Freshieanon?
me seeing people unironically posting about xan cooper or whatever fucking tripfag here
yes that is him, he is as ugly as you might imagine lol>>36679936
seems like you just prefer being useless. have fun
Is his B?C big?
>that's not even what the schizo poster looks like
How would you even know that?
Yeah... yeah that's probably right.
Learned helplessness.
there are gay guys everywhere on earth, you dont need to live in a "gay community" to have a chance of meeting someone
***chosen helplessness
What part of trauma do you not understand?
trip on cooper
The part where it’s activated by other gay men.
Right. I agree.
I'm worthless.
I don’t remember gigi to be so catty until bligger arrived and tried to turn it into twitter.
post worthless hole
goddamn this thread sucks dogshit
dinner made, time to talk to haters again

gaygen has been catty for years
it should be sucking cock
I would, but it's a blue board.
dude you’re not talking to just one person, seek mental health counseling
and bliggy has been here for years
You must be very new then
whats for dinner
bleagle won btw
well, no
he’s still half-back, the bastard of a white man who left her black mother with ocd to start a white family, has to pay get laid and her mother lost the election against a latina
Yeah I don't know what to do. I'm not the most social person in the first place. I have a lot of insecurity and don't think I'm good enough to date anyways. But then I read posts from guys about their crazy meth smoking bfs who have been together for 10 years and think it's probably not that bad out there

There's definitely a big slump in the tech industry right now across the board. The industry is heavily tied to how well the economy is doing and right now it's complete shit. If you just got out of college it will be very difficult at this point. If you have experience you definitely have a better chance but even then it's still rough. Hopefully the economy goes back to normal at some point and the industry will be ok again
bleagle still won
nope, still half-black and still fatherless
Beagle won a spot in your head rent free lmfao
nope bleagle won look how mad it makes you
still half-black and fatherless
how pathetic
Pretty similar here desu except 29 and house soon. Want to be frens? You seem like you may have similar ideals to me.
bleagle won lol

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