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Qott: do prefer to buy groceries online or to go shop in person?

request anchor for chaser bfs
Never have I ever ordered groceries online
Why are we making AI Walmart fat people when actual Walmart and America already exist?
why the fuck would you ever order groceries online??
Do chasers consider themselves bisexual? Do they even believe troons are real women?
if it's between consensual adults who gives a fuck? She is an adult, anon. Besides what you offering me? Shaming language and trying to make me feel bad, how exactly do you think I'll respond to that you piece of fucking dog shit. Shaming language may work on normies but I'm too autistic to care about what you find "creepy" or not. Two consensual adults, FUCK OFF
yeah, it's too far too. You're uncomfortable with your body?
Why not? It saves me plenty of time and i don't have to move a muscle, get delivered next day to my home
ur 35 years old why not go for someone closer to ur age?
>being picked up for the 3rd time today
C'mon anon, you shouldn't play with your food like this..
>You're uncomfortable with your body?
yeah i dont like how it looks
i think i just need more time on hrt
are you actually 35? that's nasty
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cuz he's a fat disgusting neckbeard slob and old as fuck, he's gotta prey on the young babytrans girls
where ftm bf who acts like a chaser?
t. boymoder
you're so hung up on the age thing. When people are adults. that DOESN'T MATTER. I would date someone who's my age and have because like I said it DOESN'T MATTER. I'm going after stu because she's hot as fuck and I think she'd look cute as a mouse, I don't even want to fuck her. I just want to crush her balls and dress her like a cute mouse. People who are hung up on age when it comes to consenting adults are usually pedos btw. low quality bait got me to respond btw
it's not about age, it's how you look
>you're the real pedos!
If there were no laws how young would you go?
you got quad 9s in a row can I join your harem? I'll squeak for you
I respect and follow the laws. I'd go as low ur mom
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>you're so hung up on the age thing. When people are adults. that DOESN'T MATTER. I would date someone who's my age and have because like I said it DOESN'T MATTER. I'm going after stu because she's hot as fuck and I think she'd look cute as a mouse, I don't even want to fuck her. I just want to crush her balls and dress her like a cute mouse. People who are hung up on age when it comes to consenting adults are usually pedos btw. low quality bait got me to respond btw
Any big brothers looking for a little sister..?
I just consider myself straight. I like girls, regardless of weather or not they're cis or what genitals they have equipped. I have 0 interest in anybody who identifies as male, including the most femme femboys I've seen. It's like a switch flipping in my mind, and all I can think is "oh gross that's a dude". I don't even really like the term chaser since it's also used to describe people who fetishize trans women and only want to use them for sex, but since that's the term that people started using for someone who wants or is willing to date trans people I don't really have a choice but to embrace it to some extent.
of course you can join the harem. I have money, I have an Amazon account. I want to take pics of all the tranners here in mouse ears desu but stu is special.
idk from your unsee, it's really cute I think. I understand you wanting to be more comfortable though
I lol'd. I'm 6'3" and pretty muscular, if I looked like that though I'd laugh even harder
also how old are you? are you a 40 year old tranner pissed off because stu is getting attention?
I don't really consider myself anything. I fuck who I fuck. It's not like I'd fuck every man or every woman, so calling myself straight or bi isn't super valuable. The people who are gonna get fucked by me will know I'm interested.
>Do they even believe troons are real women?
The honest answer is for many of them,yes, but I think some might more occupy a third sex sort of thing.
Roman Straight
>groceries online
bourgeois frivolity
I'm not even the same, anon as the others. I'm a 28 year old man who is in New York and has explicitly rejected Stu because of her age. How's that creep?
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>I lol'd. I'm 6'3" and pretty muscular, if I looked like that though I'd laugh even harder
I wanna take a picture in mouse ears omg
ur 35 years old and ur balls r shriveled because ur on trt u have baby nuts like a fkn lil pissbaby squirrel
yeah baby girl, join my harem, I will buy you some 2 dollar bunny ears from china, please don't be older than 19 that's sooo gross hahah
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hi im looking for an agp tranny or chaser who likes to talk about horny stuff
im tired of only running into chaste nuns on estrogen who JUST CANT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING SEXUAL because it makes them icky
i want someone i can share porn with and similar shit
i like feminization and masochism and im into bdsm
add me on telegram pls
thank you
i'm so retarded i have helpers go do the grocery shopping for me.
yeah and im gonna store those blessed nuts all winter
>pissbaby squirrel
cool, what do you want, a reward?
aren't you that same chud spamming the thread?
stay mad chud
ill have the body i want someday
at least i hope i will
>cool, what do you want, a reward?
I thought I was a jealous tranner pedo, anon. What happened to all of that? Or was it made up bullshit to justify being gross?
>im tired of only running into chaste nuns on estrogen
What topsy turvy world are you comin from, chief?
i dont wanna be a femcel
damn that sucks anon, do you have actual disabilities?
quad 9s then trips 2s, jeez. can you show a picture of the kind of mouse ears? I wanna buy some
yeah you definitely will. You already have fat in all the good places. Definitely have a woman's body already desu
I have no idea what you're talking about but I guess you out'd yourself as a tranner transbian, that makes sense why you hate older chasers. I'm done responding though, it's a waste of time. I'll do what I want, between consensual adults, things are fine. Go moral fag some other time
Have sex, femcel?
need a chaser bf with this build
shut up
your reading comprehension is in the gutter, are you ESL?
I've got a friend that's a furry, the mouse ears actually look really cool that or buying them online. I think you'd look cute in them, hopefully we could get some cute photos
Lol. What do you think has been going wrong, anon? There's a lot of fish in the sea after all.
I'm a little bored so I think I'll post this today
https://unsee cc/album#DNXSdwWrioz6
oh, you're that 28 year old guy. idk, maybe stay out of other people's business.
this isn't working
>I'm 6'3"
thats fine then
wya daddy ^_^
Date women your own age and you'd never hear from me.
Mtfs are the only ones who've ever been kind to me and made me feel good about myself. I think it's instilled a strange affection deep into my brain beacuse I'm only into trans girls anymore. I think I'm now officially a chaser, what do I get for signing up to the club?
oh did you mean taking pictures in person? I wanted to buy some and take pictures myself but that sounds really fun, I haven't really been photographed much before
there you go. had to change the setting to "when time runs out". should be fine now.
it's not MS, it's the aftermath of hard drug use. your brain never recovers.
aww thanks <3
i want to see the mouse ears too
wow you're cute
I love going on websites like emerald chat, looking for hot trans girls and blowing a huge load for them. anyone sound interested in that?

m 23, 5'11 200lb
bruhhh lol
if I were a chud I wouldn't be picking on you for being a creepy ass rapey disgusting fuck
post your address, I'll make you squeek like a mouse you sex pest bitch
ever post face?
kiwifarms called, they want their moralfag back
you can buy groceries online??
hmm. I might have at some point but i'd rather not post that on 4chan. I might send it to you if you give me your discord tho!
idk, you still want to talk stu? I might head out, anons dont really like me here
Are you like a new trip or something?
thank goodness, I don’t like new things
can you show mouse ears plz
I want to masterbate to autumn and stus assholes am so horney
hmm? No I don't use a trip but i do use a username sometimes. I like the plausible deniability.
Why do you ask? Is there some reason you think i should?
get jorkin, anon
fat tranny asses on my face
Can I see some material?
ya sure, stus butthole is pretty common to find
I wish to see yours too
Oh no I just saw a name and didn't recognize it is all. Nothing exciting really.
fat chaser penauts on my face
we could talk on discord if you want
i refuse to post my butthole this time, autumn has to post hers if you want to jork it
I need to penetrate autumn and you and sniff them
stop posting yr butthole im tired of it

hi chasergen

since the past few threads have sucked i will grace this one with my presence so it sucks less.
though the disgusting OP pics are back so probably not a huge change.

i go food shopping in person, but online is prob easier if i was a complete shut in
shut up and get the sharpies
I'm bi but because I'm actually bi
No, liking trans women is not part of how I like guys
Sucks how brainwormed so many are about this
maybe how old are you?
believe me i don’t want to be wormed about it either
sounds fun
but i said i wasnt gonna post my butthole!
Just tuned 24. Why?
I don't believe in shaming people, or doxxing. Instead I believe in going straight to where you live and dealing with you myself. Disgusting slob. Literally offering candy inside a van to kids
I wanna claw at a chaser's back and face and chest and make him cry for me is that normal? Good cool okay sweet
good you should be sorry for posting yr asshole on here every damn day. now go outside or get a job.
you get to watch the "straight" trannygen be filled up with transbians...
whats peoples workout routine?
also what fucking cardio i do given i got a slipped disc (which i am currently doing physio for as we speak)
I just prefer women around my age. I prefer cute ones too so I guess you're doing pretty well so far.
sitting around all day doing nothing
I believe swimming or biking are what you'll want to do. Check with your doctor though.
for cardio with a slipped disc you can swim or bike maybe?

legs/glutes I do 3x a week and do hiit/sprints or martial arts on others
5 min run warmup
5 min dynamic stretching
Squats (3x8)
RDL (3x8)
Hip thrusts (3x10)
Leg curls (4x10)
sometimes leg press here
Calf raises (4x12)
Deadlift (3x8)
15 min static stretching
im not a child i can make my own decisions
you dont have to look
psa if you're gonna work out please warm up before and stretch after don't get injured
nothing atm, prob going to do the exercise bike again though
then stop shitting up this thread with it.
But I masterbate to it
I missed you and your big beautiful brown eyes I hope you’re feeling better these days
I miss stu's beautiful brown eye
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way better things to jork it to anon...
<333 love u anon
have a pic of them
But the last time I worked out was only just 14 years ago in middle school. I think I can deadlift 400 pounds without stretching. This ain't yoga class, little miss.
left or right?
I miss Autumn
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its good fuck u
heres my eye anon <3
yeah that’s totally gonna go fine anon, in fact you’d probably impress us by just doing a raw 400 like it’s nothing
only two months or so left anon <3
so sad she died :(
Butt eye
>its good fuck u
why? bc it provides you entertainment while you waste yr life away in bed? all the while complaining about how miserable you are, when you do nothing to fix that?
autumn is on an excursion to the arctic, shell return soon with many seal pics. be ready
if you can actually deadlift 4 plates you can get it, just saying
>im not a child
you act like one, you're a fucking retard, maybe you should take that mouseanonrapist up on his offer and learn shit the hard way since you refuse to actually live life, you bedrotting scum
Cooked both of those retards. I need you.
>I wanna claw at a chaser's back and face and chest
are you perchance a ex-lover-turned-werewolf of the chaser, forced to abandon your latent love for him and kill him according to your new werewolfy instincts?
also why did this thread have someone impersonating the person they were arguing with. thats kinda just silly tier behavior
Personally I would have been fine with the 35 year old looking for 18 year olds to hook up with as long as he didn't trip
i like being in bed, im perfectly comfortable here and i dont think im gonna leave
shut up and helicopter that dong dumbass
Tripping is unforgivable
keep being a worthless spoiled leech then. just keep it out of this thread.
arent you cute asf, i swear i saw ur unsee
how the fuck are you doing no exercises and look so attractive lol
tripfags, why? it seems like a lot of unnecessary drama
I will return with my very own seal I’m so excited :)
women like drama
I need to inspect the buttholes of these posters
trannies gonna tranny
welp im too self concious for swimming rn and im unsure ill be able to ride a bike because it hurts to sit.
i think ill try walk up and down the stairs in my house to keep my activity levels up.
Naoto: and you haven’t, ya repulsive old lizard
Stu: lizards have hearts!
brush your teeth, bitch!
Yeah do the best you can. Walking is good. I always forget about the swimming thing. It's a shame too, it's a great exercise. Hope you can get more confident.
This is why all chasers need to own big private swimming pools so their tranny can swim undisturbed
im assuming your a girl because thats alot of lowerbody lol
yeah she is. you should hear the vocaroos she posted before, its good shit
I'm just a really thick and juicy chaser
real. i miss swimming so much
thats why im trying to gym?
i want to be more virile for my gf
can i pet it? :0
bc stu ruins these threads and everyone left and now its not even fun to post here anymore.
i dont post hole on 4chan thats whorish
based chasers <3
i am a cowboy now :)
Does anyone here like Rango? The movie Rango
This made me a little sad honestly.
Would go to the gym with
My max squat is 4 plates.
we thrive on drama

what's up chasergen! rennfaire was miserable so im back early? i dope i didn't miss any ball crushing?
i’m sorry, you just don’t think of all the situations that being a tranny cuts you off from till you have boobs while otherwise being twinkish. still better than the alternative but i really enjoyed it
I just ate beanz
mood. boobs suck and are honestly an obstacle
I just go rollerblading a few times a week and try and rhythm game when I'm in the mood. I wanna learn how to skate tho..
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Should have to be legally crippled in a way you can't walk or drive, or 70yrs+ to legally online groceries shop.

Your fat ass should have to atleast walk to the car and around the store.(should be forced to park at the back of the parking areas to)

If your chaser online grocery shops he's a egg.
well I do need a gym buddy

i like them, i just can’t embrace them till i look like a woman
I don't care
Then I guess we'll have to find a way to head to the beach at night or something. If you want to swim I think you should. Moonlight just makes it more romantic anyway.
also mood
i have to kill the frequent thoughts about getting a breast reduction because i know that when i make it otherwise, ill regret it
they were spicy chili beans
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virgins trans girls unite
you already HAVE made it! youre indistinguishable from a cis woman!
I never put as much work into dl so it's a little lower.

Also fun fact about me. I'm the guy who was talking about a 13h drive.
Shut up, spice
that’s a really nice thought, thank you anon, you saved my mood. it would probably be cold but that’s what post swim cuddles are for
yeah please don’t get that it would make things infinitely more complicated later down the road
hi, that's a really fun fact, oh my god,,
you need to support virgins....
You have genuine BDD.
I'll just wear a gas mask
>my mbv records arrived
wooo finally !!
you literally look liek a woman pichu.
>that’s what post swim cuddles are for
You know it. Nothing better than warming up together. Plus it's always funny to make the wet clothes joke.
do half-virgins count?
this is actually very sweet
*unvirgins your trans girl*
> Plus it's always funny to make the wet clothes joke
hmm? there is a well known joke about having wet clothes?
yeah maybe that's a stupid may of putting it. Never been penetrated, but i have topped many times.
>we need to get you out of those wet clothes, anonette
Sadly I have injuries now so I'll never break it.
you're gonna need to double mask, fauci recommends it
awww, I'm sorryy ;~;
I've been going through variations of push, pull, legs split. I run up stairs and bike for cardio. much more fun than running and easier recovery.
pretty girl
look at that hair. this is like a shampoo commercial

stop acting like anal and vaginal sex is 'more-sex' than any other type, its all equal...
I'm going to capture you in a net
ah i see. can’t tell if i don’t know it cause i’m a stupid zoomer or cause i haven’t been in a relationship before
mwah <3
trans hack! reclaim your virginity at any time by briefly changing your new name to Olive Oil
is this Albanian humor? I don't get it
fair enough.
so, in answer to my question: no
>haven’t been in a relationship before
it's this one, i think.
although, ive never said that to anyone (and obviously no one's ever said that to be) but ive still heard of it, so maybe being older would help as well.
ig i just mean: zoomers aren't stupid, you're just young.
how did you know i live in and am from and have family entirely from Albania
Yeah that's the right joke.
>ah i see. can’t tell if i don’t know it cause i’m a stupid zoomer or cause i haven’t been in a relationship before
Why not both, right? Grab life with two hands! I mean I think I'm technically a zoomer too. It's a debated subject.
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protip: you can capture me inside a box trap if you put a big jar of chunky peanut butter inside, or a giant pack of twizzlers
I have to get going but I hope you have fun this evening.
I bet the dog spit it out then licked the ice cube on the ground before looking up at you like "ok now real food"
I will! thank youu so much, I hope I hear from you again, you're really sweet :>
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<333 luv u anon

gonna go watch a movie and hang out, laters chasergen ily
ive heard people born around when i was called "zillenials" or "cuspers". idk, my parents call me a millennial, so that's what i think of myself as
have fun!
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doggos like the snowborgars
Pretties & Biggest eyes in tttt
when will it be my turn to not be a virgin...
Please don't let any random person fuck you.
You will regret it. Virginity is not something to be ashamed of.
**selfie detected**
incoming jannie >.>
>inb4 "go to /soc/"
girlypop i know its tough but there are so many more important things in life than that
wouldnt be the first time it happened.
thx lovely <3
its just so hard because of all the societal hate and pressure on virgins ;-;

i know... but i get so jealous
is that seriously against the rules? i thought it was fine as long as you weren't asking to be rated
this. don't worry about it, nonnie
Get some new material!
>its just so hard because of all the societal hate and pressure on virgins ;-;
You are the only person I ever see talking about virgins. And Matt Walsh.
spicebag is a fake person
she's just some gooner who trooned out as a fetish
I bought some books and tequila today. How to drink that stuff to enjoy it?
make into a cocktail.
salt and lime if you wanna be a pussy but not too much of a pussy
mix with agave nectar, triple sec and lime juice
aren't we all?
I just mix in some fruit juice. I've never drank a book though.
>aren't we all?
of course the transbian would say that
that's the joke...
don’t lump us all in with that gross fetish shit
I transitioned super late in my life as a joke. I wanted to prank myself
I have lemons and orange, old tomato, multi fruits juices plus raspberry syrup, rum and vodka and maybe something I could borrow fro my dad if he haven't drink other basic spirits do you have any ideas for something else than just tequila in juice or having a juice chaser?
Isn't that just a meme mexicans made to troll USA?
I don't have any liqueurs and please don't assume others are gooners just because you have sissy hypno on the second screen and one hand on the dick or dilso
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>is that seriously against the rules?
you just gotta fuck the selfie up enough to make it "transformative" and "artistic"
You're a good joke at least.
oh are you a transbian? i thought i was the only one in here, i was only supposed to be making fun of myself. Sorry
you get it
>second screen
my phone only has one screen
>I don't have any liqueurs
well, id avoid the raspberry syrup, that doesn't sound good. Orange, maybe?
What book did you buy?
>the last thing i see after i try to insult pichu’s sexuality (asexuals are valid don’t make my mistake)
dumb rule, imo.
that's a really neat filter tho
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Almost missed manifesting jacked viking chaser bf day 12, really ill today so I forgot
who else stoned
i am no transbian lol i just dont like the insinuation of saying i trannied bc of a fetish
lime juice seltzer and maybe a small amount of raspberry syrup
Behold what your base and regressive sexual desires are keeping you back from. Funny filters.
wow you look even prettier with more of you showing. bye naoto

manifesting free spicebags for life
>snow burger now with 100% less rock
oh real quick favor to ask for from the chasers, since i know youre all experts on hair colors and what colors compliment which skin tones and all that jazz. my hair is practically faded to pink right now. and i need input on if i should stick with the red ive been doing or try another color. any thoughts?
yeah you look good babe. what's for dinner?
Pineapple goes really well with tequila. Mix a shot or two to a glass of pineapple soda or juice. I would actually buy tequila flavoured non alcoholic pineapple soda if they made it well.
I assume you didn't buy some really good tequila that you want to get the most of.
i made you snow burgers with 100% more rock
favorite fictional character and I will guess your gender
oh i didn't mean to imply that. i just thought it would be funny for the transbian to say something so wildly agp.
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thx love <33
im enjoying my beer and film
I thought you looked good with the red and I don't like change.
Om nom nom
looks good how it is. also pink looks nice
Lady Kelardry of Tortall, from the Tamora Pierce novels
I don't know what other colors I'd go with. Green or yellow are bold, but could maybe work. I do like the red though. I think purple or blue would be out. No idea on pink. I'd have to stare at your face.
Master shake
Looking great beautiful! -different anon also enjoying your pics
Also, when did you transitioning? If I'm remembering correctly your not even that far in
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I bought Tsu and Aurelius mostly to cite random paragraphs on voicechats in random moments, Freud because psychoanalysis is the only thing that he got somewhat right but I would like to read about him wanting to fuck his mother one day too
I will try this but what about proportions? I never know if a drink need some or a lot of alcohol :<
black or white (greyish silver) suits everything but dark bronze may be good too idk
idk it is Jose Cuervo Especial so maybe upper low tier or smth. I just herd from friends tequila is undrinkable but I wanted to try it even before that
Harrier Du Bois
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Anon I think I'm attracted to you.
dudes a complete asshole. you know if he lived with any of you you would want to bash his face in. but he is funny on tv
Very amusing.
9 months ago :)
actively repped for almost 4 years before actually starting. had dysphoria and tried to just rep it as a gayboi didn’t work.
and thx anon yr sweet <3
don’t know proportions i don’t like tequila besides frozen margaritas :<
Um, Link or Samus
why tho
Harry is literally a tranny who don't want to transition babe
ok than thanks for help anyway
Sorry germans Freud is polish now cope and cry
>>>36682185 (YOU)
>if link trans, if samus chaser
i can barely hear you over the VWOOOOSH background cute voice tho
are these books the Albanian spelling?
Women hate Freud for a few of his ideas. Some of those ideas are outdated. But he started psychology as a field. most of it today is still modified off his ideas, just updated for modern beliefs, or the fixed some things and figured out things they did not know back then.
>Harry is literally a tranny who don't want to transition babe
didnt play the game all i know is that a chair can kill you

lady knight gave it away 2ez
Link is literally a LGBT thing, his gay, bi, lesbian, mtf, ftm, nb, aroace and whatever else at the same time anon
uh/uhm x19
it’s so Americans stop being pussies about ruining liquors, just drink it straight up you pussy
I’ll take it as a compliment
nice. this means im both a chaser now and THE lgbt
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i relate to his child at heart nature, his refusal to accept responsibility and his penchant for vice
Good books, tequila, Harrier Dubois, got funny shit to say about Freud too and I also want to read about his Oedipal complex lol. Idk you sound like a nice mix of interesting and fun. You've got good taste.
>lady knight gave it away
probably. but, idk, if you're unfamiliar with the books/author you might have thought it was some dommy mommy thing for me.
but actually i just modelled my personality after her which was NOT healthy (iykyk)
lol. great way to describe him
Yeah lol, I don't actually talk like that I just thought it was funny.
It was funny, you succeeded.
i thought it was rly funny
Don't worry I modeled my personality after Griffith
many such cases
>most of it today is still modified off his ideas, just updated for modern beliefs
I think you pocket dialed the thread sir
>But he started psychology
wrong! he only started a very important branch of it aka psychoanalysis
And 95% of thing he said or belived aside from psychoanalysis is just wron. Don't do coke, wanting to fuck your mother isn't normal and women do not try to steal your dick
First thing I tried in DE was to pick up a tie from a fan and my Harry got heart attack and died from my full int and charisma zero strength build. Also chair did killed me but I had a healing item so it wasn't a game over lol
As far as I know only very old tequila is supposed to be drink alone, younger ones need mixers according to my bad memory and something on th web
yay good thing I'm a neet and no one will know this about me ^^
>women do not try to steal your dick
Are you sure?
Tranners rank them in terms of attractiveness
1. Asians
2. Blacks
3. Latinos
4. Whites
5. Indian(7/11s)
being racist is weird
on break at the restaurant so i’ll make this quick
1. Indians
2. Indians
3. Indians
4. Indians
5. Indians
i dont care about race a lot but tall white guys are probably number one
latino guys can also be rly hot
Asians over blacks and latinos what the sigma
How so?
they're all about the same, but there are some Indian accents i absolutely can't stand, so ig that puts them a bit lower
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The Mannis
Shut up we know what your list would be gooner freak
if you have to mix a tequila, then it’s bad tequila or you’re a pussy
I don’t make the rules, Mexicans do
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The u.s. has a pretty clear cut "model minority" hierarchy:
1) whites
2) east asians
3) half-blacks & light skin south asians
4) hispanics
5) blacks
6) dark-skin south asians and arabs
I don't really agree with it but u will see it daily :\ esp in movies and stuff

bonus points for the occasional "good one" stereotype from one of the "lower ranked" minorities that's shown to be competent and attractive *despite* their race instead of bc if it

when u get into white collar culture things shift a bit:
1) whites and east asians
2) south asians
3) hispanics and arabs
4) blacks

>pic untel
What the fuck.
yes, talk with cis woman or normal tranny that isn't terminally online and you will found out that
they drink better tequila because it's cheap there or people make it themselves moron but I will taste at least one shot of it to learn it's taste
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how could you know that? ive never said anything about it before
this seems like you've given this a lot of thought
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Good hierarchy -chaser
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Guessing not necessary, I'm too obvious.
it’s not hard to get good tequila in the states
even in Europe it’s pretty easy
>people don't drink it here
>no one exports it
>whatever shops got is overpriced because of low demand (pricey shipping per bottle)
>I don't have money
>sorry us isn't everywjere anon
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