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Previous Thread: >>36625774

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: https://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
hi is 4mg sub a day (as 4×1mg) okay as a starting dose or too high? i'm worried that i might risk slowing breast growth in the future? it's valorate instead of hemihydrate if that matters too.
no but you'll need an AA
I upped Bica from 37.5mg to 50mg three months ago, and the past month, my hair has been shedding a lot. I have even been on 1.25mg Fin for a year. Is this a normal response?
Which website has the cheapest Bica?
i'd suggest 6mg
4mg is borderline hondose unless ur body takes e rly well
it's ok and you might not need an AA if it works properly - do a bloodtest a month in and if your T is too high either take an AA or (my suggestion) up the dosage, blockers are bad for breast growth
oh yeah sorry and i should have mentioned i'm also taking 12.5mg cypro with it. and umm i've actually been on it for close to a month now and i'm really really worried i am actually hondosing myself because i have seen literally no changes and nothing that would even suggest i was on hrt except no libido and slight sensation in my chest. if someone told me i was taking a placebo i would believe them honestly. i'm also diy so i can't really easily test bloods like that on a monthly basis. i'm starting to feel like i'm not meant to be on hrt tbdesu.
one month u should probably only feel mental effects and maybe some breast bud soreness.
did u get a baseline levels check before u started? it can inform for how much androgen blocker u rly need.
rly tho, a month is not enough time time to really tell. when u hits ur 90 days go get ur bloodwork done at trough and post ur levels. *then* we can rly help inform ur dosage.
Hii! Day 10 of 4mg oral estradiol (2x 2mg daily, no AA) and my ejaculate has already greatly reduced in volume! I got say maybe a mL out AT MOST compared to my pre-hrt ~5mL
However I’m still getting morning wood and all that stupid stuff :(

Now I know lab work is king and all that but just anecdotally, about how much would my T be suppressed at this dose?
(My endo is having me hold off on any AA for, like, the first two months to prevent “breast fusion” or whatever, ughh)
i am fucking miserable and i want to die
my LED hair removal sessions are barely working
i feel like my moustache is fucking increasing and i dont now what the fuck to do
electrolysis doesnt exist in my country
im on my 7th session and its the same thing every time: do sessions, 2 weeks later moustache mostly disappears then reappears slowly
i am at a complete fucking loss
some beard also reappered out of nowhere

my DHT is at 20ng/dl (calm down, im getting my hairline back)
do you guys think its DHT causing this? i know DHT affects facial hair
if i take duta, is it possible its going to fix my shit?

i feel so powerless
how come we can transplant a fucking heart and cant get rid of facial hair in a more surefire way
i want to fucking die

someone tell me somethiing please that isnt "do electrolysis bro"
hair shedding cam be caused by like a billion things but in your case its def not due to androgens

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thats normal for one month, there's essentially no chance ur T isnt suppressed on that dose

your endo is retarded and you should kill them, "breast bud fusion" is literally a meme and even if it weren't you'd want high dose AA with low dose E instead of the opposite. there's a decent chance your T is unsuppressed but its impossible to say without blood tests

>LED hair removal
>its def not due to androgens
can you elaborate?
very useful advice, thank you
Upped my dose, is 1000 pmol/L at trough high enough to be concerning?
to be able to overcome bicalutamide, you would have to already have a hopeless suifuel hairline from all that androgen exposure
High dose AA / low dose E? Ok so, I don’t doubt you but like, what are the mechanics that make that better?
I've been on Bica for 14 months, and the hair shedding only became a concern after I raised my dosage. It seems like the timing of the shedding coincides with the dosage change rather than being a pre-existing issue related to androgen exposure...
Get a laser machine off aliexpress or diy electrolysis. You can try that one ipl machine but i highly doubt it would work on facial hair. You can always travel somewhere for laser, maybe by train?
i have access to laser, i said i dont have access to electrolysis
do you know whether high DHT can impact the efficacy of lasering or not?
what’s the easiest and cheapest way to buy crypto for hrt? It’s my first time buying and I don’t understand anything :(
Shouldnt, youre basically just cauterizing the follicle with heat.
And thats why i said diy electrolysis, some anon here posted schematics for a 9v battery setup not too long ago. Im not an expert but im sure its not that difficult, just make sure you know what youre doing. Might also be worth looking into the local scene there may be someone who owns a laser machine or knows someone who does under the table type stuff. If not you can become that person and make some nice money off it.
should i have started with pills? got injections but have just heard you should start with pills initially. am i going to fuck things up?
dude i live in brazil and i cant even change the shower heater
electrolysis here unheard of
the only thing that matters are blood levels
that's it

E above 100pg/ml
T below 50ng/ml

thats it

i meant 50ng/dl
>youre basically just cauterizing the follicle with heat.
yes but DHT could be restoring it back into its full suicide-inducing glory
is 200pg/ml even high
is anamoding really so bad while on hrt? im getting rid of all the male fat anyway
>anorexia is bad no matter what
i mean as long as i dont literally end up dying from it isnt it a good way to get rid of male fat
up the e to 200 and ur right
tranners arent cis women and we have to go thru second puberty so our levels needs to be higher than cis women for ~5-8 years.
see above. 200pg/mL is baseline for not getting hondosed.
anamoding is only bad bc it doesnt redistribute body fat. weigbt cycling is the best prove. method to attain a feminine silhouette (or masculine for pooners)
upped my duta dosage and I can feel my T has gone up it's so over and it literally has happened before when I upped my duta dosage before and my T responded by literally doubling itself to 50 ng/dl that must have happened again I wonder if it's not like 100 ng/dl this time it's literally so over
How can flip flop motorcycle man get a gun to rob you with and you cant even get a battery and some wires?
>upped my duta dosage
to what? just take 0.5 mg daily!
>I can feel my T has gone up
you're schizophrenic. stop astral projecting, close your third eye, and check your levels. facts don't care about your feelings.
>when I upped my duta dosage before and my T responded by literally doubling itself to 50 ng/dl that must have happened again I wonder if it's not like 100 ng/dl this time it's literally so over
even if that were the case, couldn't it be easily solved by just taking more estrogen to suppress your testosterone? that's how monotherapy works!
how can i avoid dick shrinkage and ball shrinkage and keep it’s function? I wanna start E but this is my main fear
post BMI. losing weight isn't necessarily bad but it's the opposite of what you should be doing if breast growth is a goal. and healthy weight loss and anorexia are not the same. if you're legitimately underweight you should eat more and gain a fat ass, thicc thighs, and full breasts
testosterone gel/cream on genitals, but why are you taking estrogen?
How do I futamaxx if I've lost some girth and length already?
>to what
from 1mg to 1.5 mg
>just take 0.5 mg daily
well I did try that
my dht went from 27 ng/dl to 14 ng/dl, which was somewhat good even though it was still high...until my dht went up to 18ng/dl for some reason
then I tried 1 mg of duta
my dht went from 18ng/dl to 11 ng/dl...but my T went from 20 ng/dl to 50 ng/dl at the same time
I just switched to injections at that point while still taking duta
my first blood test on injections was very high E(700pg/ml) and T 28 ng/dl, DHT 11 ng/dl...but 2 months later at the same high E because I haven't decreased my E dosage yet my new blood test was
T 21 ng/dl, DHT 20 ng/dl so my dht went up again..........and now i'm trying 1.5 mg of duta because idk what to do at this point but certainly decreasing my duta to 0.5mg wouldn't help also I am decreasing my E dosage at the same time so that certainly won't help lower my dht but 700 pg/ml of E is not really good so that's why I'm doing that and like my dht was that high at that e level so yeah it's over basically I really don't think 1.5 mg of duta will even help but I don't think I'm going to increase it again when I see it didn't help much so idk
>you're schizophrenic
it has happened before (T went up as a result of increasing duta dosage)
>couldn't it be easily solved by just taking more estrogen to suppress your testosterone
if 700 pg/ml of E can't suppress my dht I don't believe any level of E can
>14 ng/dl, which was somewhat good even though it was still high
no. it's smack in the middle of the DHT range for cis women (around 4–22 ng/dL, making 13ng/dL the middle value)
get your balls removed. orchiectomy would fix you
>T 28 ng/dl, DHT 11 ng/dl
literally the perfect "middle" testosterone level for females. and a slightly below middle DHT level. perfect.
>T 21 ng/dl, DHT 20 ng/dl
even lower than middle testosterone. higher DHT but still within a female range. remember: variation in hormones levels is normal. cis women have the most variation in hormone levels due to their menstrual cycle. just stick to whatever regimen got you these numbers because they look almost ideal. slightly high DHT at that last reading there but not enough I'd be concerned, especially given that at a high dose of dutasteride (0.5mg is normal, 1mg is probably more than you need) and a high level of estrogen, i doubt slightly high DHT is doing real damage. you're just paranoid due to dysphoria >>36685690
fuck i didn't mean to reply to you then. whatever, i will now. you can try applying testosterone gel, mastubating more frequently, and usually Cialis/Viagara to get hard if you're having trouble. why do you want a big dick though? just let the estrogen feminize your entire body. don't fight the natural consequences of your choices
>get your balls removed
I want to but I can't currently
>higher DHT but still within a female range
as far as I know it's literally like at least 10 ng/dl more than would be the minimum maximum amount of dht at which it would make sense to not worry about it (like 10ng/dl) and like yeah it's in the female range but I don't think I should want to not mind being at the high end of it

also I realized that >>36685894 here I understood the post I was replying to wrong so I'm going to delete that post but basically as far as like I understand 10 ng/dl is like the most amount of dht I should be ok with and ideally it should be even lower because like... if 20 ng/dl is still in "healthy" range for cis women but obviously it does make a difference for cis women if they're at the higher end of that range or lower than that and like what for them can be not that bad in terms of the effect of "high" dht on them for me like it would be even worse I guess to have that? if that makes sense?
>T 21 ng/dl, DHT 20 ng/dl
so I don't think I really want to stay at this level and that was my level before I upped my dosage to 1.5 mg of duta and I guess I'm already doing that and I don't think it's really a good idea to not do that so yeah...though now if my T has gone up again idk what I'll even do when I see it on a blood test
I'm a nonop top and my lost size is distressing me now
I'm also struggling with low libido so regular masturbation is kind of hard to keep up with even with cialis... Is more exercise good for that?
hey anons. last thread i posted about being paranoid about my package from otokonoko getting seized. shortly after posting that i got an email saying my order was cancelled due to not paying... even though i did. the contact page didn't work so i just shot a message to the same address that sent me the cancellation notice and included my transaction id.

how fucked am i? will i get my meds or did i just waste my money lmao
Nah this happened to me and it was just a automated mistake. Resent the TX ID in your followup and she'll get back to you
probably low shbg idk nta
my T is 25 ng/dl and DHT 48 pg/ml
im not underweight yet, i dont really want breasts tbdesu

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