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qott: Why does society fear drag queens interacting with children?
cause they want any reason to hate us :(
tfw khhv
what would they lose if they couldn't justify hating you?
im so tired of the drag-themed op posts, bros
they look strange, it's a laughing stock for rightoids, rightoids say they are trannies and not men with a acting hobby, they interact with children so rightoids say that "trannies" make kids transition by reading them normal books or being a good animators for children where they can wear strange costumes and have fun with the queens
they would made shit up like they do with drag queens, remember when they wanted to attack pizza restaurant to free children from non existing basement?
but rightoids think ALL lgbts look strange
Isn't drag the trans equivalent of blackface?
You'll loose it when you want to Spice
What's that?
lets say, somehow they couldn't make up anything and/or nobody believed them if they did, what would that then change?

the pizza restaurant was hated because it is a business that caters mostly to heterosexual families but is owned by a known leftist openly gay man who once dating a democratic politician
if comet wasn't owned by a gay man, nobody would have cared
its the same old "all gays are pedophiles" logic
non-bait thread here
It's bait but it's a good kind of bait
no, they can't spot the gayest person on the whole earth if they knew them before, you need to literally say or show it to them in the most obvious way and here comes drag queens, prehrt trannies that try to pass, guys kissing and holding hands etc
>lets say, somehow they couldn't make up anything and/or nobody believed them if they did, what would that then change?
they would
>the pizza restaurant was hated because it is a business that caters mostly to heterosexual families but is owned by a known leftist openly gay man who once dating a democratic politician
>if comet wasn't owned by a gay man, nobody would have cared
>its the same old "all gays are pedophiles" logic
same thing with nazis they make shit up, don't care about the judgement and just kill or fight with people
it will only end when we will defeat racism phobias etc but that most likely will never happen unless we will find a way to stop the "the others" rhetoric so we can maximize the tolerance in the society
rightoids pretend not to notice, they spot it, they just don't say anything unless they are trying to use it against them
because drag threatens the status quo
not fully true, "the good ones" could be anyone for the each person
I'm so tired of not being able to nut on pichu's face ffs
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>Why does society fear drag queens interacting with children?
They don't fear drag queens, they don't want groomers near their kids. DESTROY PAEDO FREAKS!
groomers implies that queerness is socially contagious
it's ok for men and women to dress however they want
I would say because drag is anti-feminine as an identity thing. Lampshading
Me too. We should go on a date so we can ignore them throughout the day.
kissless handholdless virgin
we need an OP with nikocado in drag
>men being feminine is anti femininity
hmmm maybe women don't want to allow men to do what they do
copy message for new old thread????
I said you before that I don't want them but I'm only 23 depressed and with trauma to deal with
It just seems like I would be a bad mother who doesn't love her child and I never wanted one even if I would love to have a ability to get pregnant and never use it lol
no if she passes or is very intersex/lucky with the genes. If she looks like a male than it is gay. Enjoy you fem leaning bi life
Oh sorry to hear that, also why do they stripped you in front of few people? I get why they would want to do it in front of 1 or 2 people even if that is a bit excessive. Also why did they treated as a female? you were on hrt already or smth?
Imagine talking about having children with a tranny who:
>can be dysphoric about genitalia
>-//- about not being able to get pregante
>not want children due to trauma
>find it strange to talk at the start of relationship
and few more things but you get the point. Are you stupid or have problems with social stuff? think what the other person may feel about your questions before you ask them
I doubt that Elon
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chasers why did your tranny stop talking to you
>qott: Why does society fear drag queens interacting with children?
It's kind of odd, especially since it's not normalizing trans people because drag isn't trans. Drag performers are typically gay men and are a novelty, so it's not normalizing homosexuality either.

It's just some weird thing that became a cause to virtue signal about. It's not particularly wholesome either, they are basically adult cabaret shows.
I'm about to get her to start.
drag is trans
trans women just don't take off the drag
You read more fagslop than i do you should go outside
But it's in a way that's practically satirical towards feminine norms, making it into more of a clown show. Kind of pointing out that it's fake and cringe
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whats ur favorite hitchcock films, broseph
im basic so vertigo and psycho if im being honest
but my more underappreciates favs are the lady vanishes and shadow of a doubt
because they think drag queens = homosexual/transexual males = pedophile rapists
>man put on paint
>woman put on paint
No, I would argue it's saying both are bad.
nobody is complaining about women (cis) wearing makeup and dresses and performing
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I am. Women shouldnt make art.
she had a breakdown and disappeared months ago
Drag queens are. The statement is that a man with a beard wearing makeup and dresses is as absurd and wrong as saying that all women should wear makeup and dresses
She just snapped
i was boring
>Why does society fear drag queens interacting with children?
i got my butthole blown out by 3 drag queens when i was 15. according to the law, it was rape. according to the 8 million loads i blew, and the fact that i was begging for more dick all weekend long says it was a good fucking time.
YES SHADOW OF A DOUBT AWESOME MOVIE dear old uncle charlie lol in the dvd special features it said that was hitchcocks favorite film of his own
i bought the sets bc i havent seen any of hitchcocks movies yet. i watched the trouble with harry first and it was not good although i knew that from reading about it before. its his only comedy and just doesnt come off quite right.
I've never talked to one.
this is the winning move
I ghosted her because of a health scare, turned out to be nothing, tried talking to her again but she wasn’t having it.
i’m so sorry you two. we have a tendency to break every so often and just cut contact with everyone we talked too. bpd isn’t fun, i hope both you and them are doing ok
does anyone have a good tagmap list?
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Come here I'll give you a hug to make it feel better if you're nice and have a big personality

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