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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: What do you love about Latina women?
>QOTT 2: What is the best gift you’ve received? Best gift you’ve given?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36658387
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>What do you love about Latina women?
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holy checked
really enjoying being the sub top desu
tomboys are so ridiculously fucking cute i can't even
>the air guitar
Thanks anon I'm much more confident about what to care about with guitars now
Latina boymoders are evil
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>qott 1
i live in north europe so my sample size is literally one, the mexican expat who was in my class in 5th grade. uhh, she was nice to me even though I was a pretty weird kid, so I guess that.
>qott 2
best gift I've received is the ear warmer my fiancee knitted for me last christmas. it's really cute, it has little fox ears. the best one i've given was probably realistically the new SSD I bought for my parents' computer when I was 18, it made them get like four more years of use out of it and also entailed a lot of work for me, as it turns out that installing an SSD in a 2011 iMac is not that easy, especially if you want to also clone the contents of the old HDD to it. I ended up first resizing the partition on it to 500gb, then using dd to copy it over, and then doing some manual fuckery with the partition table to make it actually read. but it worked.
fuck lagos conceited ass her head is so big its going to explode, all her self hating polyshit orbiters can die too
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I wish I could be puppygirl without it being cringe, i love it when my gf makes me bark for her i love wearing my collar, i love being puppy girl :3
my favorite part is how he's like, this nashville country studio guitarist!
like, he lives and breathes an environment where *everyone* has weird, magical beliefs about guitars, and he ran the tests anyway, and wasnt even smug about it....
what a well-adjusted human fr
yuck! youre all going in the incinerator and it couldnt come any sooner
not doing what you want because you're scared of being cringe is like, 5000 times more cringe than being a puppygirl
Why do you all give lagolarp attention? Are you that desperate for cis approval?
im just glad there are people like the cripples and the autist to regularly remind her that she is scum that preys on the mentally ill and low self esteem having type
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I accept my fate.
I feel like they're pretty neck and neck, besides I like doing it in the privacy of my bedroom. Just sad that I can't like it, do it more often without it being weird, I like barking on command and getting pets I don't want it to be just a sex thing :C
good doggy, now get in the fire and you can have all the treats and pets you can handle in dog heaven
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maaaaaaan do i really deserve death for enjoying being a pet for my gf, how should I be acting, in your book?
wtf did i do
why are you pretending like dogs can reason and speak? thats not a very good dog :/
all you should be doing is going "wan wan" and wondering why master is ushering you towards such a hot scary contraption
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>thats not a very good dog :/
very much battling between my submissive nature and my frustration that you're being mean to me rn
Latinas are overrated, mediterranean olive skinned queens >>>>>
b& from lagoloafgen
>any hint of another cis woman posting here and lago fights her off
>the discord
>the qott
the transformation into lagogen is fully completed
it's better to not mention her at all, just ignore her
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I love latina males
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my bra is one big sweat-filled rag after walking through the forest all morning
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i love women so much and i don't know how to cope with it...

women are smarter, prettier and more empathetic than men
every time i see a woman being funny or quirky i get the urge to help them conquer the world
life would be so much better if women had absolute power and ruled the world, but they don't and i'm sad :(

i-i think i accidentally became a female supremacist...
what do i do now?
pics now please
>Come across a bunch of puppy play posts
>Find it increasingly appealing
>Picture myself being a puppygirl for my gf
I do not like this development.
I support /lagogen/
Lago is one of the few reprieves from the sea of shit that /lesgen/ has devolved into.
If you are a trans woman, then such thoughts are pretty common.
If you are a guy then it is just gross.
Jack White 2
the way they break your heart and ruin your self-confidence
a birthday cake
Being one myself
In Rainbows CD from my ex gf. I can't think of any specific one, I always gift small things, like games the person wants or sweets when they r feeling down, I like to surprise people with small things :p
Sadly true
>became a female supremacist
happened to me when I was 14 after reading scum manifesto, then I met theyfabs
which part of latam :3
Brazil :p
please tell me it's sp....
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lol what
I post so other cis women post here too. I’d love it if more cis women posted here.
This is heresy in the halls of the great simp commander lagolord.
sniffs now please
the halimedemoder anon doesn't even posts here anymore after you shit taked her for calling you transphobic, you just dont like competition
Theyfabs cured my misandry. I am now a generalized misanthrope.
Those ear warmers sound adorable! I just started knitting last year, and I love gifting hats. Ear warmers are a cute idea. Post them sometime if you get a chance!
lago can't handle how even other cis women can so easily see what a bigot she is towards trans women
It isn't ):
We are far far away
I “shittalked” her because she was being transphobic. Also, what competition? I’m not here to date anyone. That’s a gross suggestion. It makes me so uncomfortable when people here try to flirt with me.
it's ok im not from sp neither :3
>It makes me so uncomfortable when people here try to flirt with me.
new strategy, everyone hornypost at lago until she leaves
>gets called out for transphobia
>erm actually it was her the one being transphobic
ok lago twist the narrative
wydag who was listed for free on craigslist
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we just moved, and I have no idea where they are, but here's an old pic of them from last winter lol.
i'm absolutely terrible with my hands, but my mom and both of my partners love knitting and crafts in general, so I tend to get a lot of them as gifts :>
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Post screenshots, I’d love to see the actual narrative. Should be easy since I’m so transphobic?
Using my phone keyboard left handed so I can be a better musician
as a human toilet?
Oh gosh those are even cuter than I imagined. Look really cozy too. Knitting can be so hard on the hands. You are really blessed to receive those gifts. :3
pure comfort
ffxiv gf…
bg3 gf...
f&h gf...
i've been drooling a lot lately..
godot gf...
gf gf...
ffxiv gf you never met so she's just her avatar to you ...
Good to know Kafstel dogposting is enduring.
only if she is trans
halimedemoder gf...
So cute
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gf with standards so low she'd date a hon ...
please explain
all you bitches know is yearn, go outside
typing with all four fingertips to forcibly improve my dexterity
I can't, there are girls out there and I might fall for one of them and ruin everything again :(
well, if it works for you
Say you like latina girls and nobody bats an eye. Say you like asian girls and everybody loses their mind. We live in a society (where I can't get a cis asian gf).
It’s the way you go about begging while excluding most Asian women who don’t fit the caricature of a demure, submissive white-skinned Asian. You post AI generated cartoon Asian women ffs. That says it all.
I have never one requested a partner who is demure and submissive. I am actually pretty shy and submissive and would prefer a partner who is more outgoing and dominant than me. You're projecting your own racist beliefs on to me. Most of the images I post aren't actually ai generated and I don't post images of real people because I think it's rude. Now go back to posting bunnies.
being a top is so much easier than being a bottom i swear to god it's like the difference between peaceful the nightmare mode
bratty Latina sub x dommy Aryan mommy
Raya surprised me with these beautiful flowers this morning!!!

i love her so so much <3 <3

>yes im so happy i have to post it in 3 threads :p
cows are severely underrated companions
too real
mommymode latina dom bottom x submissive and easily manipulated top gf
too real...
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Sometimes my gf makes me top and asks me to slap and her and stuff and I just get sad and can’t do it
yes hello
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my gf calls me her “perrita” idk what it means but I like it
shes calling you a dog
wouldn't it be closer to bitch in that context? or am i just crazy
i've been thinking of going pescetarian or just switching to synthetic meat because i kinda dont like the idea of eating pork and beef anymore :/
i dont like killing cows...
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forever and always, I know my place
i like it even more now :3
rip valerie solanas she would love you
it's closer to puppy
perro = dog, perra = bitch/female dog, perrito/perrita/cachorrito/cachorrita = puppy
im mexican and using perrita in a loving context would be closer to "bitch puppy" or "my little bitch"
god this is so based
my gf loves being called stuff like that
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I think this is what she meant because she usually just calls me puppy
but this is so fucking hot
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wagowaof.. >.< im so lon3ly... i have no friends... nobody to socialize wih... ough..
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>week 8 of being off hrt
>lost 8lbs
>have a lot more energy
>more focused
>haven’t been horny in a week
>locked tf in
Is this it? Is this my detrans arc sisters?
this is what we call a "manic episode"
Being a trump supporter and calling others racist is crazyyyy.
Or puppy, which is far more likely, as the other anon said.
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lago, im actually from mexico, and when i hear people call their partners their "perritas", both them and i know what it they mean by that and it isnt "puppy". in fact, ive seen women slap their bfs for calling them perritas like twice, if they meant puppy by that why tf would they slap them?
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I disagree
dead gen
lgbt people who vote trump are retards
Yeah no shit it’s different when it’s a normie cis moid saying it to piss his girlfriend off. Perrita just means puppy by itself, though. Plus anon’s a 4channer so I doubt her gf is just rudely calling her a bitch out of nowhere.
the only asian women who support trump are like 45+ yr old small business owners who hate black people. good luck finding an asian girl who is fine with your racist ass
mena gf who calls you habibi
>lgbt people who vote trump are retards
My IQ is like 3 standard deviations above average. Maybe you're just a midwit.
tfw no business owner cis asian gf.
ive also seen a lesbian call her gf perrita in a gay bar once, and i highly doubt some normie mexican cis lesbian meant perrita in the puppyplay way the way youre implying. im sorry but calling people perrita to mean puppy is just so odd to me as someone who actually speaks the language daily and knows what these words mean. its like if i said a person calling their partner a dumbfuck meant it in the "youre so silly" way or something
also just to clarify, perrita isnt as strong as perra. the -ita diminutive is to show some kind of romantic playfulness. similar to dumb and dummy
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She almost definitely meant it in the puppy way, she was born and raised in NorCal but only speaks enough Spanish to speak with her relatives which she doesn’t do often.
She doesn’t live in Mexico, I don’t think she understand the connotations of words. She’s also very autistic lol
> its like if i said a person calling their partner a dumbfuck meant it in the "youre so silly" way or something
>like 3 standard deviations
yeah im also approximately 193.25 mm tall you retard who doesn't even know that being intelligent has nothing to with being retarded or not, just like it doesn't have anything to do with knowledge or wisdom or anything else at all
nah it really depends on the context. i speak spanish too on a daily basis and it's my first language. it can go both ways, in the scenarios you described they clearly meant it in the "my little bitch" way but it can be used in the puppyplay way just fine.
>as someone who actually speaks the language daily and knows what these words mean
condescending af lol
>clearly meant it in the "my little bitch" way but it can be used in the puppyplay way just fine.
??? these are the same.
I actually speak the language daily too?? With family, at work with coworkers/customers, and watching tv in the background? Literally most of my friends growing up were also Latina? I literally live in Los Angeles???? I’m fluent in Spanish, both reading and writing. Anon agrees with me anyway and her gf also lives in California. It absolutely does not carry the same connotation as calling someone a dumb fuck. Stop messing with this poor girl. lol
hmm i see. if thats the case then youre probably right. idk its just weird to hear chicanos use spanish words and phrases in a completely different way
i mean, ive never met a single tranny here in mexico who is into puppyplay stuff so i just assume that when someone uses perrita they mean it in the normal way. ig its my fault for assuming
im not trying to mess with anyone!! im just confused seeing a word meant to signal one thing mean another thing to different people. its kinda like how mexican taco and usa taco are completely different things. idk language is dumb
There’s some insufferable Mexican anon here who complains about Chicanas or other Latinas in the US when we being up racism too. Wonder if it’s the same person because holy hell, the condescension when she is painfully wrong. lol
i'm 99% sure it's mexicalianon
no ive never downplayed the racism chicanos face
Yeah, you don’t sound that toxic. I’m just annoyed when Mexicans think Chicanos don’t speak Spanish daily? Like, many of us grow up completely immersed in Mexican culture through media (we watch the same shows much of the time, just delayed), religion, and community. Especially those of us who are first/second gen who grow up in poverty. We’re not all “no sabo” kids. lol
this gen would be so much better without lago it's unbelievable. Now watch lago goes on how she "saved lesgen"
>IQ 3 sd over average
>believes herself to be higher than the rest of humanity
Someone find her a gf before she turns into a supervillain…
how do u remember me?? 0_0
also theres another mexicalianon in the tagmap but im scared of texting her lol
ig i think that way bcuz the side of my family who lives in the us are complete and total americanized assholes who think theyre better than us. when they visit us here in mexico they always speak in english and even insult us thinking we dont understand them and the younger ones dont even speak any spanish and are total assholes

speaking of awful chicanos let me tell u the story abt this one kid from that side of my family specifically who is a total bitch. he is 100% whitepassing, and when i say whitepassing i mean he doesnt even pass as a whitexican he literally looks like a normal american white teenager with the broccoli hair and everything. he doesnt speak any spanish and when he visits us, the poorer side of the family he will literally come filled with designer clothing, i mean like 100 dollar clothing, snapback, splatoon ass shoes and always with the newest iphone and always wearing airpods. when the mexican side of the family speaks to him, even when were speaking in english he ignores us, and only responds to his mom and dad and when they confront him with not answering us he says that he doesnt understand us bcuz "we speak weird" bear in mind according to my english teachers my english is close to native so he definitely understands me he just pretends he doesnt. he spends his entire stay glued to his phone and every so often, we will catch him watching us with the most hateful eyes ever. sometimes he will just straight up stare at us with so much hate and disdain and when we catch him he just looks away into his phone and goes back to faketexting. i hate him so muchh i hope he dies
maybe i'll settle and like
get the right part of the snakebite done first... and see if i like it...
I hate kids like that, hopefully life humbles him sooner than later. it's the parents' fault for spoiling him and letting privilege cloud his empathy.
he also hates mexican food and when he comes here his family buys mcdonalds. i think hes spiteful over the fact that hes related to us and has a mexican name despite looking like the whitest kid on earth
Does vampire Knight still post here
idk but i miss her
same! I miss that crazy bitch
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Hi lesbians
I love my mommywife
incest language is weird and gross
don caballero cover band gf...
pls let me back in the server... .. .
brown grickle belongs with white grussy
Death to Lagoloaf
bratty cnc cisussy...
sata andagi
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wep wop
cut tranners are soo cute
I want a trans gf so bad but all the girls on the apps are either poly, babytrans, gigahons who don’t shave, or some combination of the above
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if you're gonna be wrong atleast give me my (you)
im gonna be a good girl i swear i will a really good girl...
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not it
8.5 years
hell yeah
>dont shave
only sometimes when depression gets extra bad

post income tax bracket
Grad student :’(
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>7% to 8.6% is a 69% increase
why is math hard for chuds?
/r/science lol
Such a garbage sub. Retards don’t even read the articles they post or upvote/comment on.
Good news! I've developed a full folder of kafkastelle and I still don't even know what this game is about
fighting game wife where are you…
Indie horror rpg wife where are you…
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i played strive the other day and did alright as elphelt, i felt genuine happiness
musician game developer web developer must-create-something-or-die wife where are you...
thats what its all about nona. im excited for october when dizzy comes out i really want to play her she is my wife(fictional)
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omg!!! im so excited for dizzy too. she was my favorite when i played guilty gear dust strikers... (the only thing i actually played of guilty gear for a while). shes so relatable...
sometimes i imagine ky is a woman so that dizzy can be a lesbian. also wtf ur first gg was dust strikers how does that even come to be??
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I also imagine ky as a woman (mainly because i love him so much. i want him to be my transfem wife...) i genuinely don't know how dust strikers was my first, i had a hacked ds and it was on it, i didn't even know what guilty gear was when i played it...
what field?
also, can you figure out why this sat receiver's power transformer tried to weld itself to the chassis?
thats so based… im sad they made ky more masc in strobe he was so beautiful in xrd. also wao squishy dizzy… uhm im abt to sleep but do u want to add me on discord
Film/media studies… so those words mean nothing to me lol
t. Humanities hon
i just added u :] ! my icon is a bunny
gogo, why did the transformer tried to kill the precariously living owner with high likelihood of having a migrant background by causing an electrical fire?? why??!?!!

this is like, 9th grade physics...
Girl I haven’t taken a science class in like 7 years. The only kind of transformers I know anything about are autobots and decepticons
i havent taken a film/media studies class in 20 years and i still know that everything everywhere all the time is a daoist fable that tries to valorize individuals that settle for living comfortably while the world burns instead of raving and railing against the folly of the exploitative rich idiots who got us into this mess, now what
See, a real film/media studies hon would tell you that a film cannot be confined to a single interpretation but is rather a series of images composed of signifiers and signifiers that both construct and deconstruct themselves in a semiotic soup. Rather than ask what a film does, we should ask what we can do *with* it
tfw you got the film autism and not the science and math autism
ah, zombie barthes 4.7: eddie murphy is too old for this and the humor has aged very badly

i primarily think it's sad you didn't even care to try to understand the question i posed, i hope you enjoy your education or whatever, it'll be very useful i think!
I just don’t know anything about circuit boards girlie
doesnt matter! the only thing you need to know to figure this out is that no absolute insulator exists, and that the resistance of an air gap depends on the distance
you should know those things because you definitely have experienced an electrostatic shock before
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You only need to know Kafka is her absent mother
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>absent mother
>s-such a good girl
shes so me
God I wish I could find things that traumatized me hot, I'd def be more into kafstel and not absolutely hating Kafka mommyification like I am now
uh oh someone lost something what do i do??
i dont get the whole
>getting triggered and retraumatized is so hot ong
weirdos either, it's the exact opposite of hot..
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I’m only into the fantasy, the things that actually traumatized me like getting hit or yelled at just make me cry real hard irl. I just find it fun to pathologize it into fetish when I’m online
I do call my gf mommy literally nonstop but that’s not really because of trauma my real mom who is horrible to me gave me. It’s just because she’s taller than me, has a beautiful body, and treats me very lovingly. I see it far more as a term of endearment than any incest kink.
Not that I don’t also have that but that’s unrelated to any trauma
wydag who's watched close encounters like a thousand times and the notes are stuck in her head forever but every time she hears them she has to look up "alien movie with piano notes" because she forgets the name of it
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>awash in a vast and deep hyperphantasic sea of firmly-defined concepts and relations and fully-formed objects
>8B of executive memory for names of things
That girl is me
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!! you are my. . savior, holy hard drive
yeah, cant relate
could be because after my parents divorced because i told the kids' gp at the preschool penis inspection when i was 5 that i'm a girl i started calling both of them only by their first name, not sure
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>preschool penis inspection
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I wanna eat pussy so bad but I’m in a T4T relationship
where should I look for cisf chasers as a passoid top
make ur gf get srs
autistic cis women belong with autistic trans women
t. southern US
how southern we talking? i live near Tennessee
way southerner than that :/
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I am none of these things except maybe the last one depending on what layer of the depression/isolation spiral I'm in at the moment. People like us aren't on apps because we understand that nobody that's a good partner wants us because of us being a tranny, and we can't bring ourselves to settle for the bottom of the barrel 18th wheel polycule crumbs that are available. You don't find the former on apps either, and you can only find the latter on them, hence they're beyond useless to us in our situation.
that's close enough for a long drive if you hit it off, don't let the dream die anons
true but they need to be able to speak honestly and directly with each other about their feelings which is impossible for a lot of autists
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being a trans girl lesbian in europe is actual hell
if you're using your dick you're a man
going on 9 years
Not after all the plastic surgery I've had
>Don't shave
Damn you've got me there. It's hard to shave after 4 years of laser and electrolysis.

Now post income tax bracket and racial phenotype
that's totally wrong
it ISNT!!!!!!

literally everyone that maybe would be interested in me is a plane ride away
>going through all that effort just to die alone anyway
answer this question then >>36702624
nta but how dare you call me out like this
t. unlovable 30+ nonop sub top
what effort
I am the kind of tired that sleep doesnt fix
because he's lying lol
everything you can think of to pass better and maintain femgaze hotness except for ffs (saving up for it now)
ughhh need to impreg cisussy
tfw no 64GB RAM 32 core gf to use me as NAS
what's unloveable about you?
i only have 16 cores :(
i only have 8 so :)
is Berlin the best city for this
i cant think of anything except ffs so youve tried literally nothing then i guess
dont come to berlin there's a lot less drugs lying around in the streets this year than last year, ruined my whole summer already
can't tell if sarcasm, that sounds like a good thing
ryukop. . .. .
logolof.. . . .. .
woof woof wagowoaf!!! woof woof bark!!!!
no why would it be a good thing?? free weed and uppers and the occasional acid or 2c-b is the good things!!
i never saw this… what server…
meowmewmowf. ... .....
venusanon.. ... .
i love you
goku.. .
... ...
sex... with women.. .... ...
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We both like her dick too much unfortunately
everything that came after that word it feels like, nobody wants an old rapehon that calls *them* mommy
it's hard being puppy
nonas we are so back… do u have discord
every couple of years i listen to burzum again to see if i was wrong and every time i come away knowing with absolute objectivity that burzum is complete fucking dogshit
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im hard for puppy
more puppyposting then :3
this but the album sunbather
u just dont have n e soul 2 appreciate kino cuz ur a bug
>distorted surf music written by a murderer and a nazi
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what ur describing culdnt b mor kino sis glad u understand nao
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the only thing kino about burzum is the atmospheric mood flowstate it conjures in the listener which is only achieved through varg's complete lack of compositional skill preventing the music from ever doing anything interesting
plus he's a nazi
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what happened to this place?
how frickkin cucked can you get it didnt even say blacks it was censored beside
really stoked for the rapture my gs
uncircumcised gock
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should i buy this guitar
too "dad guitar" imo
How much are they selling it for? That's a great first guitar

that kind of makes me like it more
Not a bad deal at all. Just make sure you put some fresh strings on it. Whenever you buy used guitars they always have super old crusty strings.
yeah im in the discord
>preserved sperm before trooning out
>talking about having kids with my cis gf
>she tells me that she wants to use a donor's sperm instead of mine because i have mild autism and she doesn't want the kid to end up being super autistic or anything
smart of her
break up lol
ngl id kill myself if my partner said that
cis lesbians have to deal with getting a sperm donor, i thought you wanted to be a girl
can u post ur tag i dont want to join a public discord...
>she doesn't want her kid to have cognitive superpowers
break up with her in minecraft
cute enough to attract people, too autistic to keep them. yep, i think im killing myself!
I am a golden goddess
>tfw my dick isn't big enough to make up for how hot I'm not
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That’s fucked up ngl.
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i'm gonna take a shower, do my injection, then get back on and kafstelle post
KYS lagoloaf stop grooming your $4 girlfriend
modern poetry
Long tongues are where it’s at. Nothing lewder than when she sticks her tongue out. unfff
I just want to feel like a woman finds me attractive and desirable
tongue piercing...
>Long tongues are where it’s at.
Don't make me show off...
>then get back on and kafstelle post
okay time to start :D
holy based...i wish my tongue was that long (or longer)
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it comes in handy C:
>that pic
holy need
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>>36700368 is even better, giving oral from the knees is the best C:
i meant ur tongue but both are hot :p also this pic too oh my goodness need need need
I like the tired eyes a lot, I also have tired eyes and get compliments on them a lot so it makes me happy I can relate :D
>i meant ur tongue
oh I figured that pic was honestly pretty gross looking I was just trying to show off the length, thanks for your kindness (:
i can touch my nose with my tongue...
tired eyes are very cute im a big fan and ofc ^^ idk i like long tongues so i thought it was cute lol

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