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QOTT: Twink elves or twink halflings?

>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.

>Can trans post here?
Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread.

>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?
Femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.

>Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?
No, recent advances in the sciences of lifestyle and self care have made it possible to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than was possible in previous generations

>Do femboys have to be thin?
Thin is the most popular body type, but there is a very dedicated fanbase for chubby femboys as well.

>Do you 'age out' of being a femboy?
No, older femboys simply become femguys. You can continue the lifestyle as long as you wish.

>But I heard that 'femininity doesnt last'?
Masculinity doesnt last either. Old people dont look masculine, they look like bulldogs. The simple fact is that beauty itself doesnt last, and this applies to both men and women equally. It is on all of us to maintain our appearances as long as we can.

>Any tips on how to look better?
Genetics play a role in both facial aging and preventing hairloss, but you can help maintain your appearances through lifestyle and self care techniques. Most people grossly underestimate how long they can keep a youthful appearance, if theyre willing to put the effort in. Wear moisturizer and sunscreen. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Wear a hat when you go outside. Post ITT for more
mine's an absolute mess, I run a brush through it every now and then
Do lots of core work. Crunches, hanging leg raises, etc. if your tummy/abs are your main goal. You can achieve everything you want thankfully from calisthenics and dumbbells so cheap simple and minimum of equipment ever needed. You can look up exercises for certain muscle groups. "Isolation exercises" is a label you'll see for that. An isolation would be something like a bicep curl, while a chin up would also work the bicep but as it works the back and so on too, it's a compound exercise. So consider that when you're choosing what exercises to do. Do you want all the effects or the main effect of that exercise?

As you're going just be aware of what any particular exercise does - what muscles it works. If you want size in those areas then work them. If you don't want size there, then don't work it. For men traps, forearms and necks tend to blow up fastest and for women those are very difficult bodyparts by comparison and those differences tend to cause the different body shapes even with muscular fit men and women. Obviously I am not including the giga-roiders on roids, HGH, insulin injections, peptides and god only knows what else....

Use the mirror as your guide to eyeball what does or doesn't need work as aesthetics are your goal. Do a few sets of an exercise to failure. When you work a bodypart give it time to recover after. You'll probably be able to tell when it is feeling normal and back to full strength again. It varies from person to person but about 2-3 times a week for a body part tends to be best so space it out to give max recovery (you grow in recovery, not during the exercise, that's the stimulus). You can keep a workout diary in an notebook of what you've done and what day, how many sets and reps or what weight or exercise. It's useful later to work out what is working and what isn't or what needs to be changed.
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It’s just a long curly mess
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TFW you will never interlock your fingers with your elf bf's hand while he rests his head on your chest or shoulder and drifts off to sleep because he feels so warm and safe and comfortable next you... ;__;
never say never anon
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Understood. I will keep my hopes up, fren, thank you.
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did you first get feminized by your sisters?
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Any haircut that can be swapped between boymode and girlmode?
no, but I did grow up almost exclusively around females. presenting fem at home just gets my dick hard because it's cute and I like to be dommed

stop being a porn addicted weirdo

just grow your hair out and get it tidied every 4 months or so to manage the split ends
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I'm 5'10",and about 155 lbs, I'd like to be 135 lbs or so.
When I was not sure of what I'm, going to the gym was my big mistake, and got a huge yoke.
So I ditched working out and gained few pounds while losing muscles.
And would like to build body properly, and more androgynous/feminine than it was.
Losing weight through diet is working for me, and I got the skinny look now in chest, but the stomach look like those worms in MIB.
Pic related would be nice.
Also general fitness I guess, since riding dildo make my legs shake and tire quickly.
How accurate is this?
honestly just make sure you're eating ~65g of protein a day and within 200kcal of your BMR (likely around 1800kcal) and you're golden. the specifics of the routine don't matter all that much if you're not trying to focus any one muscle group or trying to get into an intermediate lifting routine. cardio's also great but I despise running so I do trail walking and hiking instead, but I understand that's not an option for everyone

>how accurate is this
unless it's a 5 minute video telling you to do bottom-heavy calisthenics and eat mostly vegetarian, probably not very accurate. "femboy aesthetics" are a meme
If you want big butt and thighs you can copy a lot of women's routines that are focused around that. Women often do lunges, glue thrusts and stuff for those areas. Doing cardio bunny stuff will get you a lot of what you want to look like. Riding a bike would work really well too as it works the core hard, good for burning off some calories and makes the legs grow.

Try to watch for things that are going to get you yoked, tends to be things like heavy pulls off the floor and some upper body stuff. If you're using light weights like women do you'll never get huge, you'll just get cardio, some joint and tendon strengthening and nerve connection adaptation from baseline, all of which isn't a bad thing.
What's your skincare routine?
Got a great femboy body after spamming cardio and glute excersises, but neglected my skincare so only look good below the neck.
Currently coping with foundation but it's just making my actual skin worse I think but don't like how I look without it. Has anyone else had this problem, and how did you fix it?

Didn't really get feminized by anyone. I found out one day that I cum buckets when playing with my ass and it all spiraled from there.
facial cleanser in the shower then moisturizing lotion immediately after I dry my face. use a lotion with an SPF of around 30, I use CeraVe but they're all basically the same. eat things with collagen - you can take collagen powder but I just eat a lot of soups made with bone broth and haven't noticed a difference. eating things high in beta carotene (carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash) helps with skin tone

obviously make sure you're eating well, that's the biggest factor
Remember when I posted my body on femboy general and it started a flame war so bad it spread to other threads & my censored photo had to be deleted?
Ah good times
Wasn’t feminized by anyone

I came really hard fingering my prostate, one thing led to another, and now I’m here
>remember when I was an attention whore and intentionally ruined a good thread
no, and I don't care to
>using light weights like women do
NTA, but what count as light weight? I know lifting isn't much of a fat burner, but I see a lot of women with nice bodies doing those small weights for high reps.
Is this because it train for endurance instead of strength? and count as cardio?
>what counts as light weight
it's subjective and dependent on the exercise. essentially you want a weight you can do for 12+ reps per set and not feel overly fatigued. higher weights promote micro-tears in muscle fibers which is how you get big. lower reps basically just "tone" you and you stop getting bigger after a certain point

training for endurance vs strength is a misnomer, both heavy and light weights do both. you get stronger and are better able to lift heavy weights due to muscle memory and your nervous system getting better at harnessing your strength, the size of the weight doesn't change that unless you're getting into bodybuilding territory
Aside from the good skincare suggestions already. If you have problem areas like scars or light wrinkles look into dermarolling. It works well on skin. Just make sure you are scrupulous about keeping it all clean and use a roller with good real needles and not the cheap stamped triangle shaped blades. Do it now and then and let the skin recover and keep at it. There's a bunch of videos on it on YT. It's something that has worked well for skin issues, scars, tightening skin up a little, etc. It's hugely overlooked in this scene but women know what's up. It isn't a magic wand that will turn a saggy dog into a pup but for fading and breaking up scars or tighening up a little it works great and that's already what most of us would be happy with.

You can also use retinol containing skin creams (follow instructions for it if you're new as you need to get the skin used to it slowly). There's a lot online about them. They are effective. The more powerful option above them as the stronger version (and even more careful about getting used to it, many use retinol first to train the skin anyway) is tretinoin gel or cream. You can llook into that too. Available via prescription or india online pharma or whatever suits. High strength retinol cream is often very expensive yet ironically even higher power tretinoin cream is somehow cheaper because it's generic pharma and not priced as a premium cosmetic. Always start with the lowest possible % strength if you do try tretinoin and very little and follow the guides on getting your skin used to it.

I saw that when it happened and lol'd. They were so salty about your posts someone was trying to rally a mob against you too.
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>Twink elves or twink halflings?
elves, shortstacks only look good on women
fugtrup has exactly the same problem as Dross, everything he puts out is the most sameface, samebody, samepenis thing imagineable
Generally speaking you shouldn't look at numbers for what is light and what is heavy. If some 7 foot tall strongman is using a weight just for a warm up it could be more than the average person will ever lift even once. So what you do is you look at how many reps you can use it for.

A 1 rep max (the biggest weight you can move once) is your all-out most exausting and highest risk effort. If you're moving something about 3-5 reps that's considered going very heavy. 8-12 is a common range to go for for pushing on the heavy side but getting volume and not overly risking injury or fatigue. That range is where people tend to go for for strength and muscle building. You can still build muscle all the way out to 30ish reps. The main thing is you go to failure or as close as you can.

So for bicep curls (random exercise pick) you'd pick a weight (this will take experimentation and practice) that you know or are pretty sure you can move in the range of 8-12 times. You'd do it and curl it, pushing yourself until you get to the point where even if I offered a billion dollars or pointed a gun at you you wouldn't be able to get even one rep and then you know your failure point with that weight. If it's in your range you can keep doing that from one set and exercise day to the next (if you could only do it 4 or 6 times it may be a little too heavy for you so you can consider lightening it). Eventually you will find that you start bein able to do 13 or 14 reps. That tells you when to move up the weight on the bar. This is called progressive overload.

This also lets you choose how big you get as if you keep doing the same weight you will eventually plateau and maintain only. If you keep going up in weights you'll get bigger and bigger for those related muscles.

With bodyweight exercises you're usually doing reps, changing forms and other tricks to keep getting bigger. Some people find it hard to track progress like they can with weight plates.
untrue. the only character he puts the same face on is link, and you would hardly expect him to look different in every picture
Fugtrups LoP was a bit different and he does do females too. Dross did mix things up with some characters. Look at Onyx. A muscle or chubby thicc boiwife orc. That's gotta be quite a few steps away from something like Cody.
He absolutely nailed it with Link too. It'd be insane to spoil it as I see people trying to copy him now. The bod and face is mindblowing. He's knocked it out of the park again with Lies of P too with a different style so he's not a one trick pony.
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>Got a great femboy body after spamming cardio and glute excersises, but neglected my skincare so only look good below the neck.
Post body and workout please?
>What's your skincare routine?
I've yet to get laser for body hair, but I use trimmer and 3 mm guard for body hair, moisturize with aloe vera cream.
Face is the same, with added night cream.
I've got some temple acne scars, that didn't improve with dermaroll.
I just use concealer to hide my black circles under my eyes.
No, I grew up as the oldest child and had to take care of my siblings, so i got more and more into mommy position and from there into more feminine role.
I don't remember that.
Nice /fit/ discussion.
>lower reps basically just "tone" you and you stop getting bigger after a certain point
you mean higher, right?
My workout like this
Squat 5 x (5-8)
Deadlift 5x (5-8)
Bench press 5x(5-8)
Upper Abs Crunch 5x(5-8)
Squat 5 x (5-8)
Deadlift 5x (5-8)
OHP 5x(5-8)
Lower Abs Crunch 5x(5-8)
jog 20 min
Stairmaster 10 min
What do you think?
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fair, maybe it's because Link is the only one of his characters I see people share
GOD what I'd give to sex Onyx though
no lol
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you aren't anime
Would 100% marry Onyx. Wish there was more.
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I dont need to be anime
Stockings (and suspenders) will forever be better than tights.
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I see, thanks.
After reading further, I guess I need to change my workout plan I was trying to lose weight, but i ended up losing muscles AND fat.
I thought working with anything would at least offer some protection to my muscles from being broken down.
Anything should I add or be aware of when doing SL5x5? I don't want to get bigger muscles just toned.
So heavy weights in low reps, mostly compounds?
How to up my BJ skills?
Get dildo
Take antacid and pound your throat for a while
Keep doing this everyday until you can no longer induce the gag reflex
Let him face fuck you
I'm NTA but I'm the one who recommended SL5x5

>I don't want to get bigger, just toned
light weights at high reps (5-8 sets of 12-20 reps) is what you want. I max out at the following weights for the big 5 lifts on SL:

OHP (dumbbells): 25lbs (12.5lbs on each side of the dumbbell bar, my bar's about 15lbs so 40lbs total)
Rows and Bench: 65lb dumbbells (20lbs on each side of the bar)
Squats: 185lbs with a full bar (70lbs on either side of the bar, a bar is 45lbs)
Deadlifts: 245lbs (100lbs on either side of the bar). For deadlifts I wouldn't do more tha 3 sets of 8 reps

accessories would be dumbbell split squats (~65lbs), dumbbell lunges (65lbs), hanging leg raises, hanging leg twists, planks, and stomach vaccuums. you can do pullups and dips if you want to work your shoulders and chest, I don't because they suck loads of ass

listen to your body and reduce the weight if you think you're developing too much for your liking. if you feel like you're too muscly or too defined, eat slightly over your metabolic needs (~1900kcal at 5'9 and 135lbs for me, so target 2100kcal intake) and put on a bit of fat. I'm happy at around 15% bodyfat. you won't get big if you don't eat big so I wouldn't worry overly much about it
forgot to say

A day: Squats, Bench, Rows
B day: Squats, OHP, Deadlifts
x day: either a rest day or whatever accessories you want to do

Week 1: AxBxAxB
Week 2: xAxBxAx
Week 3: BxAxBxA
Week 4: xBxAxBx

the general rule is that you don't go hard on accessories because it interferes with muscle recovery on the rest day but I've never run into any problems regardless of volume because I'm not training heavy. you can also do cardio on rest days.
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>light weights at high reps (5-8 sets of 12-20 reps)
I'm doing 3x30, with my 10lbs dumbbells
So switching to 5-8x15-20.
>Deadlifts: 245lbs (100lbs on either side of the bar). For deadlifts I wouldn't do more tha 3 sets of 8 reps
Muscle femboy?
>muscle femboy?
245lbs on deadlifts really isn't much, someone who's completely untrained could get there within a month and a half even if they're going slow. it makes my ass and thighs look really good tho

you can do whatever volume of reps you want but I've settled on 8x20 (squats, bench, rows, OHP) and 3x8 deadlifts after a few years of lifting. since the weight isn't particularly heavy, you don't have that much downtime between sets. it doesn't take all *that* long to do every other day after about 2-3 months once you're at your target weights

I forgot, add calve raises as an accessory if you want to target your calves. you can do them with either dumbbells or barbell, it doesn't really matter. I just do them after I do squats so it's at the same weight
>/fbg/ - /fit/boy general
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Nothing wrong with that.
If you get in the habit of walking up and down stairs on your tip toes you will also make your calves get bigger.
Unless you eat a LOT, you won't get muscular.
What got you into lifting?
I just do stairmaster, got nice butt from it, with long hair I get mistaken for a girl from behind.
I do this as well, even one leg stand while washing dishes.
I did rucking a lot and my calves are probably bigger than most non fat people's thighs.
who's the pic?

>what got you into lifting?
grew up on the heavier side and got tired of it, decided I didn't want to be fat anymore. now I'm 135lbs and cute, life's good
any problems with your knees? I've been looking to get into backpacking with the bf sooner or later
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>now I'm 135lbs and cute, life's good
>lifting 245lbs
That's impressive, are you sure you're not muscle femboy?
Just training and I would put on muscle like I'm on steroid.
Maybe HRT help blocking these.
I'm not especially muscular or big but there's definition. you don't really get big or put on muscle if you're not eating enough to build it, and I'm definitely not. most beginner strength gains are due to neurological changes rather than putting on muscle, you'd be surprised how much even skellies can lift

though having been fat, my thighs are fuggen massive
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>slender femboy feet
>any problems with your knees? I've been looking to get into backpacking with the bf sooner or later
None! It actually helped a knee injury to heal and improve my mobility and strength and the pain went away. Make sure though to walk and never run with a heavy pack. That's when people get injured as with running you get that bounce and landing impact that gives heavy suddej shock and greater forces you don't get walking where you're transferring from one foot to the other in a constant way of balancing.
alright, thanks!
I'm hoping to do the Continental Divide Trail when I can afford it + don't have cats I'd have to leave behind for 3+ months, but I'm going to start small and do a few weekend backpacking hikes to start. maybe build up to one or two weeks hiking at a time
Well, I want to get flat stomach and not little pouch, and less thighs.
fork putdowns until failure, cardio, and calisthenics
>fork putdowns until failure
what happens if you still have a bit of pooch at 16.5 bmi asking for a friend
fork in mouth until failure, calisthenics, and cardio
shrimple as
Your BMI is a rough guide. If you're skinny fat it can throw it off as you've got low muscle mass that lowers your bodyweight by a good amount but then fat on top of it that makes it still low or average so people wonder what is going on. The answer is to either just lose more weight or to trade some fat for muscle that will sit better as you don't want to go full spooky skeleton mode.
i am already super low bodyfat its just all that i do have goes to my belly
a few years ago i was around 20 and more active but it still looked bad bc the fat just sat on top of the abs
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Wow we are feeling fit today. My only advice would be to do something you enjoy or you’ll have trouble sticking with it
Never really looked into dermarolling, thanks anon. I’m big into retinol, it seems like the only thing that’s rock solid evidence wise
Shut up T~T
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>wow we are feeling fit today
lifting makes my ass and legs pure sex, and I want to help other boys become pure sex too
hi femboys, what music is everyone listening to today? :33
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My room is messy, but I’m feeling myself this evening
https://unsee cc/album#wPObIyKVjyOZ
> qott
Twink elves
is 27 too late to become a femboy? my gf left me and I realized I'd rather be cute anyway
I'm 27
not without hrt, god tier genetics, or sunscreen every minute youve been outside since you were 6
post pics
i am also tunisian
okay and? lol
I don't have blond hair and pale skin and blue eyes which carries most white femboys I think, I'm fairly good looking otherwise but still.
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aww i missed it

backstreets back alright

depends on your genetics but usually no

white people age the worst, if youre brown, go to town
>white people age the worst
have you ever met a 30 year old black guy? they look fucking terrible, the only ones who age worse are white women
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Guitar sound on this recording is like firewood crackling and reverberating inside a whale carcass’s ribcage
black guys don't need to be beautiful since their sexual role is "orc"
black twinks are beautiful tho, it's a shame it only lasts for like 3 years ;_;
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this entire album repeatedly
>white people age the worst, if youre brown, go to town
link is not a femboy or a fag he's just a very beautiful cis het man
It is odd for a femboy to be cis het but link is designed to be identifiable for both girls and boys so he gets a pass
new around here. is it against thread culture to post a selfie and ask for tips/'is it too late for me'?
>>37173415 post your balls
damn /femgen/ been dead so long a new, entirely separate femboy general has popped up and seems thriving
Sadge I miss le good ol' days
Do it
I posted and I'm 34. It's never too late
Real mfs remember femgen
it still exists but we've retreated to the grey havens (an insular discord filled with aging twinks)
Didn't basically everyone troon out?
this thread is a coally thoughbeit
you cant maintain a youthful appearance with skincare alone
checked, but people have been figuring out ways to look younger and sexier for thousands of years before HRT, tarnished
Nice legs and pout.
>https://unsee cc/album#wPObIyKVjyOZ
I think I'm retarded. I worked to add the peroid before cc instead of the space but the link still just takes me to the main page of the site. I'M NOT PRETTY ENOUGH TO BE AN AIRHEAD. :'(
yeah, you need to cut off your balls
The link timed out, no one can look at it now
At least that confirms I am kinda tarded, thanks.
At least you moved to new horizons in the great pursuit of knowledge
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Truly, with every fbg I get a step closer to ascension.
>i am also tunisian
In Tunis?
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How to get rid of acne scars in this area?
Not sure what the best options would be. Have you looked into people using dermarolling for it? Is there some other option out there like laser or something?
>>I am also Tunisian
Ya3teek 3asba
There's a ton of good looking femboys with brown hair.
I think dark hair looks best on femboys androgynous males look best with a bit of edginess a bit of that goth/rock/emo swagger
I'm a fan of that look too
>pretty boy
Which way flamer man
i ended up on the twitter timeline of one of the femgen veterans for an unrelated reason, scrolled through and saw him become an hrt femboy, detroon, then masc up into a normal skinny dude with nicer than average hair
At least he found himself again in the end. It would just mess someone up if they tried to fake trans ID just because of fear of ageing or something, you've got to have that in you for it to work, same as trans people would argue for themselves needind to do it.

Edginess with the goth/emo is gorgeous. I also don't mind the uwu princess though.
Both please

Verification not required.
One of my online friends did the same, although he still looks like a femboy if he shaves so ig he might not have needed to get on hrt in the first place.
my bf alternates between being uwu princess and 2010 Linkin Park skater boy
thankfully he wasn't a cutfag in his younger years
>At least he found himself again in the end
hope so
kinda surreal though since im like a year older and missed the femgen era completely bc i was in my masc coper arc
clean your room
you cant be fugly and have a messy room
G has such an interesting look great body for a T-girl but strange to have boobs on a boy body especially if they have a male voice and then their up turned nose should be really conventionally attractive but they sort of look like they have grinch whoville prosthetics on
She's AFAB.
Oh nevermind then theyfabs erk me you don’t get to dick ride my twink appeal just because you like anime boys
be real g
no you don't look good
50/50 chance that the namefags start fighting and derail the entire general
They should all start pulling at each other's hair and and then tear at each other's clothes.
Winner tops
petition to hardware ban tripfags who attentionwhore
when I become Janny-Prime I shall smite them
i need a skater boy bf...
Business Idea: Skater Princess bf
This needs to be a video game.
-_- I’m monogamous
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That’s never stopped me before, dibs on G though.
I’m gonna go out tomorrow night but there’s nobody free, finna make a thread but this is the special release tickets in fbg. I think there’s like four people from Manchester on this board
Hey enjoy G I got my hairy Scottish bf he’s like a mentally well Anthony Bourdain
Always cooking and traveling I’m very lucky
Every time I look at tagmaps or uk meetup threads there's always barely anyone here and most of them seem to be late 20's.
We could’ve been friends
Also I don’t need your twink appeal, I have all the enby rizz I need. Keep it for yourself, prolly need it more.
>late twenties
I'm the problem it's me. yeah that reminds me I should add the people from tagmap, thanks anon
Ah I feel bad now sorry
Aw fuck you’re too nice to flame
Carry on o7
If it’s any consolation you remind me of a ftm I knew in high school who had randomly cut me off and it hurt it’s probably just my shit not you
>look at any map
>see there's barely any humans around me
>go back to vidya
>can't decide if I want to look like a feminine male or a masculine twink
Life has never been harder
Try out both looks as best you can to swap between them and then see how you feel and look in pictures or video you take and you might find yourself happier one way or the other.
Yeah I guess I will but I think what'll happen is that i'll just start alternating between them. Guess it'll be nice finding a style though.
It can be cool to find a groove you can really rock but sometimes people like to have certain styles for certain moods too and that's cool too! You could have a main and an alt. ;)
medium length wolf cuts are the only halfway decent androgynous haircut ive foundf
hell yea
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Boys will be boys.
It's the only sure cure for the common cold or flu, I hear.
I am convinced eye make up is a cheat code or something. Just that alone changes a look a ton
more of a "shooting peppermint schnapps and having my bf ride my face" man myself
it cures depression

bury your face in a femboybulge today
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Balls don't come free. That'll be about 3.50

22, three months HRT, it's over for me. Failed to escape twinkdeath, will never pass .

>to have boobs on a boy body
That's my goal.
>Male voice
Additionally goal. My voice is one of my favorite aspects of myself.
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>Sideways image
I've been outed as a phone poster. It was nice knowing y'all.

Like I said, I'm pretty early in my HRT regime. I feel a lot less "guy what looks like a girl" and alot more "super faggot"
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We meet 20 minutes from closing at a club, you coming back to my place for some he/they Femboy dick?

GOATed album. MCR peaked with their first album and each one subsequently got worse. Danger Days was good but honestly it sounded like a completely different band and lacked the rage of their old stuff. Conventional weapons is the album danger Days should have been

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Last post for now. Funny blurry picture.

Sorry for the sideways pics but I also don't care that much, I just turn heads like that.

He crossdresses to get into the all-girl society and it works. Clearly you are protective of links mainly status as a cis dude browsing this for Femboys to jack it to because you identify with link. Sorry to break it to you buddy....
>each one subsequently got worse
i disagree somewhat, i think they peaked at three cheers. but yeah danger days was kinda mid and conventional weapons was alright.
Egirl tier outfit
you are incredibly cute and femboyish, wtf are you complaining about
Is that a good thing or bad thing?

Being frank; I was kind of being sarcastic/facetious, but also I'm far from my goal. I'm far from people proper mistaking me for a woman, you know? Also you only saw me in a loose sweater and close-up face shots. My body is not great, I'm a 5'4 italian built like mario
>I'm far from people proper mistaking me for a woman, you know?
are you mtf or something? Cause this is femboy general and that isnt really the goal for most of us
I'm not MTF trans, no. I am a man who wants to look like a woman. But I still AM a man.

my fashion sense as far as cat ears and that sort of thing is unrelated to the whole femboy thing desu, I just kind of dressed like an insane person my entire life
>Is that a good thing or bad thing?
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>good or bad thing
For the general it’s good, femmes who want to pass as woman and dress like cat girls but don’t identify as trans are good for engagement
I want to suck on pink boynips
bro is NOT a femboy
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Same energy
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Saving this general with a cute twink
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Nice /fit/femboy thread.
I also got those small weights ~10lbs or something around
So 5 sets of 20 reps? how many days a week?
Any DB workouts that can be done while seated and watching TV?
>how many days a week
honestly you could do it as often as you want at those weights once you get to those targets. after about 2 weeks you'd stop building any muscle so there's no real need for a recovery period.

see also >>37165698

>any I could do seated and watching TV
bench is done on your back, rows and OHP would be done standing. if you want to do a pure dumbbell routine I can post something more targeted towards that when I get back from breakfast if you'd like, just tell me the parts of your body you'd like to focus work on. With a pure dumbbell routine you could just set up a bench in front of your TV and watch between sets.

It may save you a bit of money on weights long-term if you buy the adjustable dumbbells, which I can also post
>after about 2 weeks you'd stop building any muscle so there's no real need for a recovery period
And what do I do then? if I stay doing those is it like maintaining my muscles?
>I can post something more targeted towards that when I get back from breakfast if you'd like
please do
> if you buy the adjustable dumbbells
I saw those but it looked sketchy since it's from china
is this general pro-HRT femboys or anti-HRT femboys
It's whichever the resident shitposter currently is
Personally I don't have unrealistic standards so either is fine to me
It's not my concern but I'd never do it, seems a bit stupid to do it for a few extra years of twinkhood
It's neither and never has been. It's just anti pressuring people to do things and pro femboy.

Cute. Would cuddle and stealthily grope.

>We meet 20 minutes from closing at a club, you coming back to my place for some he/they Femboy dick?
Interesting offer lol
>seems a bit stupid to do it for a few extra years of twinkhood
I think about this a lot. I mean, it does massively change how you age. I've been on HRT since I was 18, 26 now, still present very masc etc but people regularly think I'm <21. But do wonder how I'll feel when I'm in my 40s. Will I still look hella younger? Will I eventually catch up to my peers in how old I look? Idk. I like it now, but I do feel like I don't get respected at work b/c I look so young.
I have no idea where this road takes me. I'm very blessed b/c I have no tits and I'm very skinny so I haven't had much fat redistribution. If I got big boobies and hella fat destribution I think I would have killed myself. But so far it's given me exactly what I want, looking young, cuter, and more fem.
Just wish I wasn't a part of the first generation of hrt taking femboys. Wish we knew what the end result of all this shenanigans would be.
Surely you're just going to age like a young looking woman.
I was on hrt for a year and a half when I was 18 but went off it because hip growth + not liking redistribution. I still look like a 16 year old at 21 which isn't great.
HRT neutral for me.
I take finasteride and Spiro.
I have my T checked and it's in the lower values.
So far, My body hair is getting finer, smaller budding nipples, acne cleared.
And lost my male smell if this makes sense.
>seems a bit stupid to do it for a few extra years of twinkhood
100% is, you're gonna get old no matter what
I'm not on HRT and I look a little younger than what my sister looked at my age

I'm still twink-ish, smaller than the average dude, I didn't bulge out into an ogre like this board pretends would happen
The worst change is body hair, but I can epilate and it'll take months to go back to its original density

If you're dysphoric, go take HRT, that's fine, I'm considering it myself for that reason
But taking it because you have peter pan syndrome is unhealthy, you'll reach a point where to your surprise you still grew old
I’m fine with it but pushing it on people who haven’t decided for themselves is unacceptable
Each of the weights will be per dumbbell unless otherwise stated, double it for the total weight:

Workout A (Upper Body):
DB Bench/Incline/Decline Press 5x20 (~65lbs)
DB Bent-over Row 5x20 (~65lbs)
DB OHP 5x20 (~25lbs) - do this standing, not seated
DB Skullcrushers 5x20 (~40lbs)

Workout B (Lower Body):
DB Goblet Squat 8x20 (~185lbs total) - easier with a EZ Bar/Curl Bar or weightlifting strap instead of a DB
DB Split Squat 5x20 (~70lbs)
DB Lunge 8x20 (~50lbs)
DB Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 3x12 (~250lbs total) - easier with an EZ bar or weightlifting strap
Glute Bridge/Hip Thrust 8x20 (use a 45lb+ plate and place it over your pelvis)
DB Calf Raise 5x20 (~60lbs)

Workout C (Core):
Hanging Leg Raises 8x20
Hanging Leg Twists 8x20
Crunches 8x20
Side Planks & regular Planks 5x30secs

ABCxABC or AxBxCxx
Do running or cardio on x day if you want.
If you feel like part of your body is developing too much, reduce weight, not volume. Eat about 65g of protein and within 200cal of your daily intake and you won't gain that much mass. It might look like a lot of volume, but once you build up to the target weights it really doesn't take that long to do.

exrx.net has tutorials on the workouts.
sailrabbit.com/bmr lets you figure out what your total daily energy expenditure is. I track my food intake using a food scale and cronometer.com

I wouldn't bother with the chinkshit adjustable dumbbells you can buy on amazon, they're a waste of money. just get one like the below and buy additional 1" diameter hole plates, you can also use these with a dip belt for the hanging core workouts. EZ bars, weight straps, and kettlebells are also great but not strictly necessary. I would buy a pullup and dip stand instead of one of the ones you hang on your door frame.

>And what do I do then?
keep doing the routine indefinitely or for as long as you have the motivation to I guess. If you want to start lifting heavy, I do Stronglifts 5x5 with this core workout as accessories >>37190448, though I personally don't lift heavy because I like being a toned /fa/ twink
at that point you'd just be maintaining your muscle mass, if you're happy with where you settle after reaching your targets then I don't see any reason not to keep doing it. you may gain slightly more muscle mass but not a significant amount, and especially if you aren't eating at a significant caloric surplus
Nta but good post, will save thread for this.
fitfemboys general strikes again! :)

It's good to have the info and tools to look after ourselves in all ways.
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Honestly I'm normally more of a deerboy, I got my daily antlers. The cat ears were new and I thought with the studs and chains they looked cool.

I don't identify as trans cause I'm a man with a cock. Doesn't matter what the rest of my body looks like

Honestly it might be inaccurate to say I'm "not trans" but I'm definitely not MTF. I've jokingly called myself "MTm" (Male to male), but Femboy is the most accurate term.
See this is what I mean. Do y'all really want to be FEMboys, or are you just trying to be super twinks?
Thanks ;)
I present in a more feminine manner at home but don't take cross-set hormones
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Antlers AKA Love Handles

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wait was super twink an option? That one yeah
Now THIS is what I'm talking about.

<3 I wish. That headband falls off just from tilting my head too far. I'm actually planning on glueing them onto a better headband.

Capcha: THUG
I want to make my friend a femboy)
Does he want to be a femboy? Consent is very important
>Wait was super twink an option? That one yeah
You've got to wear a leotard for that one though.

><3 I wish. That headband falls off just from tilting my head too far. I'm actually planning on glueing them onto a better headband.
Good boy. That's the kind of forward thinking that we all appreciate.

Yeah if you help someone who says they want to, that's really cool, but not if you're trying to gaslight them into it and they've never had an interest in that lmao
>boys in leotards
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One piece swimsuits and leotards can look AMAZING on boys. The outline...
huh interesting, i sympathize with not really wanting boobs but the fat distribution is a big part of why i started recently. as long as you stay toned and don't get too much bf% overall i would feel like it's all positives if you want to keep up the femboy look
This is why it's def flexi on this and the threads have always been neutral and individual choice on this issue. Everyone for sure has their own variations of goals on this spectrum. For me it's like getting mad at someone else for getting a tattoo or not getting one.
ya, i wish there were more options for transitions that weren't strictly binary that didn't involve experimenting on urself to some degree. bica + ralox is something i looked into and seems great for femboy goals but just has a lot more unknowns than 'standard' mones.
At least over time the options seem to be getting sloooowly wider. Maybe in the future it will improve to the point there's more easy "go to" solutions for this. We're still in the early days, I suppose.
>hip growth
When does hip growth stop? I'm hoping I'm not too late but I'm almost certain I am. From what I've heard it stops in the early 20s but I might still have some hope.
Bone growth can continue until surprisingly late in some cases, it does vary from person to person. You will get fat redistribution though no matter what and that will obviously give an effect to the outline that you may be desiring.
i hope so, it's kinda funny anti trans ppl talk about the pharmaceutical industry bc i don't think anyone is out there cooking up new drugs to capture the tranny market, it's mostly people experimenting on themselves with existing stuff. there's increasing interest in hairloss and new research there but probably not anything coming that'll be more effective than the existing fin/min/duta
>When does hip growth stop
When triradiate cartilage fuse
It's a game of numbers to make it profitable and to encourage funding and then time to see what comes out of trials (or sneaks out into the grey market).
For hairloss there's a couple of new and interesting things in development. There's an in the works growth factor that has another mechanism different to min and there's a drug that's supposed to destroy the androgen receptors on the scalp completely. Still in the works but those and some of the others in trials sound interesing and high potential.

There's also verteporfin which is of great interest to hair transplant patients (now or in future) as it has the potential to give infinite donor area supply, meaning even severe balding could be reversed in stages. It works by stopping the scar tissue replacing the harvested donor area and allowing proper skin and hair to return to the harvested area, giving the potential to reharvest again later. As well as that obviously the ability to simply prevent scarring from surgery is fantastic too.

The only FDA approved though are what you mentioned and getting hyped has to wait until we know we can either get it reliably on grey market or get it from prescription or over the counter.
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Possibly useful tip - this stuff works for everyone, even if you're not balding (well apart from non-responders who have hoops to jump through...). It makes individual hairs thicker but also boosts your hair density artificially higher while on it. Can give a good look for those needing that extra if you have naturally flat and thin looking hair. Good full hair can help with that feminine and youthful look too.
kind of annoying though considering its a lifelong commitment, you take a chance on dandruff with the topical forms or going sasquatch mode with the oral form
how well does it work compared to finn?
i mean im back on spiro but i assumed finn and minoxidil were in the same class (serms?) i think they call it
finasteride is a 5alpha reductase inhibitor, stops testosterone from being converted into DHT, DHT causes hair follicles to miniaturize and stop producing healthy hair altogether
minoxidil is a vasodilator that promotes hair growth and might also have anti-androgenic activity
fin and dutasteride are very good for slowing/stopping male pattern baldness but minoxidil is usually better for regrowing lost hair or treating non-androgenic hair loss. plus it's otc and can be used to improve beard/eyebrow growth

that's stuff like raloxifene and tamoxifen, completely different
i have better things to do than engage in incel sex fantasies but i would never fuck a /v/ poster
he wouldnt tell you hes a /v/ poster
the majority of tops think this way they just hide it most of the time because they think theyre talking to their next potential victim
cmon hun, its really not that hard to tell...
basically i wouldnt date edgenazilord mckonatawaifu me from 2016 because that guy was levels on levels of contridictory bullshit, all the femboys vs trans women discorse in that thread is how i would cope and seethe if i still held chuddite beliefs
there was somebody in one of these threads who posted about using (i think) progesterone and dutasteride only
>kind of annoying though considering its a lifelong commitment, you take a chance on dandruff with the topical forms or going sasquatch mode with the oral form
You can stop at any time and it will simply revert back to your natural density.

Most people find the foam to be kinder on the scalp than the liquid prep.

Min is a growth stimulant but it doesn't stop or reverse the DHT based balding process so you can't replace fin or dut with min. You can use both as they have completely different mechanisms and work really well together.
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bros please help im turning 26 in 3 months and i need to prepare for the early and mid stages of twink death (i am a very vain, sheltered, and professionally and personally undeveloped human being and so clutching onto my superficial positive traits that i didn't work for is the only tangible fiber left in my hollow internet addicted soul) i am:

- using tret on face
- topical 0.03 finasteride/6% minox
- using japanese SPF
im working at starbucks and could get a gender dysphoria diagnosis pretty easily, how could i leverage this in obtaining co2 resurfacing and laser beard removal? how do i profit from all of this
>the majority of tops think this way they just hide it most of the time because they think theyre talking to their next potential victim
Same thing happens with straight men and women too. Too many guys dream of being some kind of sex machine instead of trying to find a good partner.
Look into derma rolling too. Follow the proper guidelines on keeping it all clean and use a roller with proper real needles and not stamped triangle blades.
is it expensive and cumbersome to emulate or simulate a system capable of producing professional results? how do i know the line between injury and positive results?
There are some good guides and journey videos of women using it. Obviously watch out for sponsored scams. I've seen some examples of it being used on scars, body wrinkles, etc. with images to show progress. Some seem to respond well. I'd suggest looking to the protocols for it, but generally you are looking to prick the skin but not have it bleed as you're going into the surface layers.
>how could i leverage this in obtaining co2 resurfacing and laser beard removal
not sure about the first but apparently starbucks *does* cover laser for trans employees which is super rare otherwise
>not sure about the first but apparently starbucks *does* cover laser for trans employees which is super rare otherwise
Damn, that's some good cover
yeah otherwise it's super rare to get laser covered for anything at all, even women with pcos don't get it

i checked and my insurance only covers it if it's necessary for bottom surgery. no ffs is covered at all either
He'd be crazy not to take advantage of this golden opportunity if he can in any way then.
Twink death is a meme. Fight for your twinkness and keep it till you're 36
If you stay slim, have skincare and keep your hair you will look young to most normies. People tend to associate getting fat with old age, so it really ages you. Obviously wrinkles and baldness does it too.
obviously, i didnt exclusively mean gay tops. but i was mostly referring to guys who do the whole "oh sweety i love you the way you are you dont need HRT to make yourself pretty for me :)" nonsense, its all smoke and mirrors, when they feel like they're in good company they say their real thoughts. straight men do the exact same shit with women yeah
It's why I think the consensus here it's down to the individual femboy/twink (for this thread) to decide. It's not pressure anti or pro from a suitor or anon that should make them do it. That way no matter who comes and goes in their lives it's their inner desires that are being followed and consistent.

I hope and give blessings to all in the search for genuine bfs who aren't pump and dumpers though.
If I had fallen in love and been with someone for years I just can't imagine walking away from that deep years long love over aging. You can't replace something like that bond and journey. ;___;
as you get older a little bit of fat actually kinda helps though, it compensates for the volume loss that causes wrinkles and sagging skin. older people who lose a lot of weight end up looking like they age super rapidly
That can be true. Genetics does play a lot in that though in where you hold it and how much. Some people get really apple faced with even a small amount of fat, others go like skulls covered in paper.

It's also why Ozempic seems to be disappointing some, I've seen complaints it depleted the face unsually strongly.
like 99% of tops cant feel love. the idea that sex/arousal = love is a psyop to groom women and bottoms into becoming pump & dumps for emotionless sex-driven men
As a top I object to this or I must be the 1% as I've fallen HARD before and I am extremely loyal and holy loyalty up as a very important quality.
This whole conversation is top femboy erasure ^
>upper body
no biceps
>lower body
Why the different squat variations?
>Hip Thrust
lame and straight, Lying Scissor Kick is better.
Add stairmaster as well
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What do you do to keep a cute penis?
I don't want to get on HRT, I tried chastity device but didn't work, either it get broken or get erection into my groin.
Anyone got any luck with HFO?
>no biceps
What are "Rows and Press", Alex?
They're used as dynamic stabilizers, which you would have known if you'd actually read my post and looked them up on exrx. You don't need to target them, especially not for the goals of most of the people who post here. I almost included curls for this reason but they're really not necessary unless you're a bodybuilder or a vain normie who doesn't know the ass is the best part of the male body.

>Why the different squat variations
Split squat targets the gluteus maximus and uses the gluetus minimus and gluteus medius as stabilizers, db squat is more quadriceps heavy.

>lame and straight
That's just like, your opinion, man. Do as you wish.
I hope you femmybemmys are small
5'9 but I cope by being twink4twink with a guy who's 5'11
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am a boy (that is a man)
and like a fem aesthetic.
i also have giant booba
and my body is feminized heavily.
i notice both sexes like me alot.
i also have a hobby that is very attractive to women and men is a positive way that sort of helps with my overall package of who i am.

i spend all day at horse rescue base taking care of horses that otherwise would have died, and make them strong/healthy again.
and people think that is hot also.

also i am injured and wear tight pants and tshirts that accenuate my fem shape, so people see some cute boy limping around with tight clothes on and fem body. lol

god i hate my life.
like i have a cast on my leg and can tell am some fem injured wild animal that many people want to do things to.. sexually..

i am very modest and not a total degen tho..
like i barely have a sex drive.
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What's the girly-est outfit you have?
that's cool but I didn't ask and didn't read

I wear various sundresses and skirts quite regularly but I don't have any pictures of them handy
Backing up what this anon said. You can make your biceps grow with compound movements like rows and chin ups. I can feel mine burning after doing sets of pulls and rows. If you're into body building and want max size you can add an arm day if you're recovernig well I guess. Don't know if there's any muscle femboys around.

Good advice though, anon.
Sounds like the set up background story to a hentai game.
it's annoying when people don't know what they're talking about and also don't post their routine or skinnyfat body
I think there's a lot of people who just read but never actually try these movements to actually feel them never mind wait to see results. /fit/ is full of e-statters making claims that IFBB pros would be jealous of and people with libraries of reddit and /fit/ threads in their head but never actually lifted anything heavier than a can of coke.
Same thing happens with people larping as roiders who have never touched anything yet are giving detailed advice (that's all bullshit rumors that just get copy/pasted).
I mean I'm no better because I refuse to post body. I just don't care, they can either take my advice as presented or build their own routine if they don't like mine

honestly any routine is good enough for 90% of people's aesthetic tastes if you do it consistently and aren't trying to get to bodybuilder levels, the major factor is just diet and that you get *some* strength training. I've been both fat and a strength autist and I don't care to repeat either

roidtrannies deserve to be given bad advice
>roidtrannies deserve to be given bad advice


No one knows what it's like... :'(
I've always really liked this song
You have good taste, a likeable quality. <3
How short qualifies as small
Imo lanky >>> stocky and the formers proportions only really happen at 5'7 and up
Small enough that I can carry you over the threshold on our wedding day and toss you onto the bed.
I try my best <3
I really like Townes Van Zandt if you're into the less annoying/more bluesy types of country
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bloody knife eared leaf lovers, the answer is dwarves.
>no harley riding space dorfs
40k used to be so soul
(nsfw pic from an anonymous post, be warned) honest question, can you actually remedy a hank hill ass with exercise or am I sort of stuck with my ass type? not on hrt or anything actually my ass is kinda depressing to look at desu. 5'6" and 115 - 120lbs
>can you actually remedy a hank hill ass with exercise
hank hill ass and fat asses are the norm because most people don't exercise, do lower body exercises. don't neglect your legs or it will just look goofy

i believe in you anon
Has someone been spanking that ass before you took that picture?

Just do some glute focused exercises as the other anon said. May as well do all the lower body to really make your ass and thighs pop.
Id like to see dwarves ever produce a femboy


You dont have a hank hill ass. Your body is great and your ass is great. You have nice plump cheeks and wider hips than most guys. If you want to fill it up more you can do glute exercises, but its not necessary
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rogue trader and 2e were peak performance and I will NOT be convinced otherwise
>rogue trader and 2e were peak performance and I will NOT be convinced otherwise

I love the earlier eras of art and design. It was shamelessly fun and wild. It didn't worry about being tryhard with the grimdark. You could even have colorful images!
>Id like to see dwarves ever produce a femboy
anyone under 5'5 is a dwarf
TFW you'll never have a partner to tell you why Warhammer is so good and teach you how to paint the miniatures together.
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Why is G~ such a fucking bitch all the time?
I think the cope word is "sassy". I suppose with the feminine ways comes the downside of it too...
i have not observed any such behavior
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