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>would you buy pussy a flavored energy drink (100% natural ingredients)

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi (embed) (embed)
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag (embed) (embed)

previous threat
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delicious feet
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I want mcdonnels
I'd stick my large veiny PENIS into that PUSSY and EJACULATE into it.

That is all.
Previous thread:
ty anon
anyone wants to watch neon genesis (the anime) with me?
omg me
need asian (pref asian) gf NOWWWW
i couldn't figure out where and how to stream it anon so that we can watch together, pardon my newfaggotry. do you know how to?
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I like to trib women but instead of clit to clit, asshole to asshole. I call it The Fartsnatch. So far women have been hesitant to try at first, but they leave as believers in The Fartsnatch
>would you buy pussy a flavored energy drink (100% natural ingredients)
Of course. Anyone who answers no probably shouldn't be in this thread
I'm adding pcp to my carbonated pussy drank
I keep getting my ass kicked in Space Marine, but Bulwark is really fun. Assault is my 2nd favorite. Jump pack / Thunderhammer is very broken if you're sneaky but if they see you coming you fucked
no one is around time to post music to have gay female sex to
NTA but maybe on Discord ?
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post something better or get mogged jackass
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spoiler: u cant
I long to go to the UK of the 70s if only for one night
I dont put music on during sex, but Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden is objectively better than your title.
i don't read bong, is that cheap for an energy drink?
Komari is such a qtie.
>tfw no autistic, short, stammering, shy, motherly jk to bake and read bed time stories for you and her siblings
Why even live?
I could never have imagined that another based Komari sister was in this thread.
I made a woman uncomfortable and enjoyed every moment of it. I'm starting to see the appeal
You're an asshole, she's a weakling.
she's a real qt
>suddenly get a pimple right over my clit
>never happened before
>attempt to masturbate
>it hurts
>never happened before!
>give up
>spend the whole day taking out my anger on random people
>Of course. Anyone who answers no probably shouldn't be in this thread
idk, it kinda depends on who they source the ingredients from imo
at least provide some yt links like i'm not reverse image searching these
clear sign from god to stop gooning
i don't think i will (for real, skipping a day makes me irritable and too horny to think straight)
mmmmmm butch pussy
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i guess not having a sex drive due to antideps isn't that bad after all. stops me from developing any lescel rage.
not a very dominant person but kinda want to domme a butch and make her my lil bitch ngl
>crazy drunks arguing under my window again
pour water on them
I took a nap in the den, watching old G4 shows and I fell asleep. I woke up to a note on the TV telling me everyone is gone out and will be back in the morning. Spooky but they got and left dinner for me. I would have gone too! They should have woken me up. It's fine, my fault.
awe, I hate it when I sleep through interesting stuff
Give them more alcohol
It's okay to deal with your emotions
no it is not
>took a shit
>gained 0.2 kg
It was the friends and family preview for Universal staff. Halloween Horror Nights. Niece and nephew got invited and they allegedly tried to wake me up, but I been no-lifing Space Marine the last few days and was dead to the world. Yamcha posing on the couch still when they got home too. The kiddos had fun, they ate themselves sick on junk and they're sleeping in.

I'm about to crawl out of bed in a minute, drag my ass into the kitchen and cook up some breakfast
ive had that before, a couple years ago. it sucked. they sell it at home bargains i think
>I am gay woman!
>*sits on plastic cock*
really makes u think
>I am a straight man!
>*jerks off a penis when masturbating*
I just bought a lg freezer for a grand. What am i in for?
Fill that bitch full of cheap ice cream and supplemental meat. Every time you see something on sale, portion it and freeze it. I got SO many steaks and otter pops and uncrustables in my little one
i got fucking ptsd from uncrustables from being on a navy ship, that's currency there.
i like women that look like whitney port and taylor frankie paul
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Busty Asians are the best
There's these Honey ones and hazelnut chocolate ones I found the other day and my God! There's a reason I keep my gym equipment in the same room as my video games
hit a bench pr but now my left bicep hurts really bad??
succumb to the urge and bend over for a more confident lesbian because you're clearly a bottom bitch
But no I wanna rail a bitch with a strap-on
How do I stop this
being straight sucks. look at the rape case happening in france, even if you are happily married men will watch pornstars and cheat
as i said, you don't really have a choice. fighting your instincts is dumb. go fuck something.
Make stock from bones. Chicken, beef, pork, fish, etc. It will make your home cooking so much better.
If you disassembled your laptop piece-by-piece and then reassembled it, your software would remain in touch. You OS would be the same, and all your files and settings would be as you left them.

Now, put a human being in the Star Trek transporter and watch as it breaks down every atom before reassembling it elsewhere. You'd reassemble the same exact person with the same exact consciousness and personality; you wouldn't end up killing one consciousness just for another to take its place within the first person's body.

What does this mean? Although a corpse can't be brought back to life due to damage to the "hard ware," if one were frozen unblemished, upon revival their consciousness would be restored as they left it. Corpses can't be reanimated, but if Jesus came back and restored bodies in pristine condition, the person's consciousness would be restored, no need for a soul to go into the body (since the person is the body itself, and souls aren't real.)
Frankenstein's monster isn't possible, since too much damage has been done to the hardware.
In comparison, what happens when you sleep? Particularly when you don't dream or remember the time between waking?
It feels like you're a new person (or consciousness) with the memory of the one of yesterday, which scares me more than anything else.
Whenever I feel happy with my current self, I avoid sleep for days on end because I likely would not be the same person when I wake up.
I'd feel better agreeing with you about consciousness persisting through unconsciousness (passing out in any form) and not having to worry about any of that, but I can't bring myself to.
Take your meds.
>what happens when you sleep?
Your brain doesn't stop working. If anything, it's more active in your sleep.
i volunteer
>Take your meds.
I don't agree to anything mind-altering for the reason: I don't think I'd be the same person anymore. I think about the Ship of Theseus a lot in relation to that; if some part of my thought process is replaced by medication I might not be comfortable with myself anymore. I know that though processes change naturally as you absorb more experiences, but something about that artificial, near instant change is scary enough to put me off chemical psychiatry in general.

>Your brain doesn't stop working. If anything, it's more active in your sleep.
Yes, but unless you remember your time asleep, there's a discontinuity in your consciousness, even if your brain still shows activity. That discontinuity is too similar to death to me. I get so sad when I know I have to sleep.
>Every time you see something on sale, portion it and freeze it.
Yeah, that's my plan. 324 liters of storage capacity. Cheap chicken? I'm getting 30 kg of it.
>my little one
The box type that forces you to spend 5 minutes of digging, with freezing hands, to get to the stuff in the middle or bottom? Such a flawed design. I'm never using one of those again.
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I wish I could stuff it full of food today.
What do you use that for exactly? Flavoring? Is it laborious?
dead bread
NTA, but if you've cooked with bullion, broth is like the powder mixed with water. I've only used it to make stew then I make curry out of the leftover stew. I'm not that great at cooking so I haven't made my own broth but apparently it's full of nutrients and stuff.
>i just got a breaking bad tattoo
extremely late reply but that's really cool anon
wtf anon you can't just leave it at that. what sucked about it? does it not actually taste like pussy?
>It was the friends and family preview for Universal staff. Halloween Horror Nights.
oh damn i thought they were just going out to eat at a restaurant or something, but that sounds way more fun. i'd be seriously peeved they just left me sleeping lol.
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>page 9
Where y'all at?
Watching the misadventures of my cousins and their constantly failing quest for men and penis, I am very glad I am gay.
chasing trannies on hinge because I'm desperate
at work
I was zzz
Conan and total recall are his best movies.
having a lesbian weddign in the sims
hyperbeam lets you share a virtual machine that runs a browser. it's a separate app but it's basically a Discord API
ellen looked great here
anon here looking to go to Greece. I just read your Greece guide Sparta, much obliged. What's the name of the lesbian cafe you can't recommend? And will I make friends if I go to Noiz Club by myself?
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>page 7
getting exploited for minimum wage
yes, I fell for the STEM meme
My new gf gives off worrying bi-shit signals.
She's into deepthroat and anal with rather large strap-ons, yet she only dated girls so far.
Should I relax and humour her kinks or should I be on my guard and keep looking out for signals?
My crystal ball says you don't have a gf.
Yes, also yes
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Why do women go to india alone? I don't get it.
>She's into deepthroat
I'd try to check if she's watching degenerate het porn. You can maybe get your answer that way.
Spiritualism and mysticism.
For reasons unknown to me a lot of women believe in talking stones and drawing lines between the brighter stars and finding all sorts of truth in India and Tibet.
In cases I happen to know personally there is some degrees of cope involved.
Lightning rod post.
Reply to this post as if you were talking to a person you love/hate.
when you get really happy, you forget to hide your teeth when you smile. i think it's cute, and a lot better than the demure ones, sorry that you feel the need to do that.
why are you like this? something must have gone wrong at one point. you were always a bit different but this neuroticism and lack of confidence are relatively new. it doesn't suit you. i want to fix you. i'll do my best.
I have been talking to a girl I think I will have sex soon even get a gf yay!
>She's into deepthroat and anal with rather large strap-ons
I'm into that in porn and if I ever get a gf will probably want to try both. I'm 100% homosexual for the record.
Good luck anon!
Am I malebrained if I want to fuck every beautiful woman I see? Or am I just a nympho dyke?
It's only an issue if you're weird about it. Don't stare and keep your inner monolog quiet
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Are there any yuri shows with no drama, cheating and just sweet flirting and gentle teasing? Who's the takagi-chan of yuri?
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>platonic banter: the anime
Where's the romance and subtext at?
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for me, it's long leggu.
If you could press a button and become a (normal, healthy) male your age, would you do it?
did you miss that one episode where they fucked?
show proof.
i want to taste pussy, but no idea where to get some
never let your guard down when it comes to bihets
it had to be canceled because
1. her sister started a fire
2. an elderly wedding crasher fucking died
i'd spent like 20 real minutes setting it up
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i'm not a weeb but i enjoy myself some yuru yuri, can't lie
(Yui best girl)
nah you have to rewatch everything, it's easy to miss
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it's been years we still have no idea which one is onee-san's girlfriend
megumi best girl
though honestly it would be funniest if it was none of them
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My first time receiving oral sex was nice but I got too wet and it's embarrassing, having my boobs sucked was nice too. Overall it's good but honestly I kinda think sex is overrated, we don't need it to survive. If you're a virgin, that's ok, don't get too desperated, your time will come and sex is not something soooooooooooooooo amazing that you can't live without it. If I could come back at the past I would tell myself not to get so sad about being a virgin.
>I got too wet
No such thing. Also nothing beats having your neck kissed.
i lost my virginity to a woman that i wasn't in love with and i still got sad about it sometimes. you're right.
i'm still sad over my first kiss, since i apparently suck at kissing
>would you buy pussy a flavored energy drink (100% natural ingredients)
I need pussy juices
>I got too wet
Noooo don't be embarrassed, that's my favorite thing ever. I want my whole face to be wet when I'm done.
as long as it isn't from piss

did she tell you that? how mean
>as long as it isn't from piss
yeah right after the kiss
was she drunk or something? that's just such a cruel thing to say like why are people
>1. her sister started a fire
To the pool with her.
I'm unironically racist (like reeee shitskins get out of my country racist) and I've been embarrassingly horny all day at work, so horny my clit started throbbing and I got wet, spacing out and thinking about a foreign girl fucking me in humiliating ways and being spiteful about it. All because of a stupid conversation where someone asked me if I would let a brown girl top me.
What the FUCK is wrong with me, I'm so embarrassed and mad at myself that I'm flushed in the face as I'm typing this. I've never even been legit sexually attracted to women who aren't European before
nah she probably didn't mean it in a mean way, and was like laughing/smiling whatever, but it still hurt
Would you date a woman who frequently goes out to the woods and hunts?
I hesitate to kill a bug because it's alive. What do you think?
Dear God! Yes!
Only if she skins and eats it or at least pays/gives it to someone to do it. Hunting for no reason, not even protecting livestock, is a sign of a shit person. Shouldn't need to kill animals to get your willies.
femrepgen is back girlies
I'm 30 and I have no idea how the metric system works lmao

I mean, I understand doing everything in 10s, I just don't know all the prefixes.
>jane got smoked
-milli, centi- and kilo- are the only ones you really need to know. The rest you just learn to pass school and then nobody really uses them anymore.
The secret meta is to have a squad of shitty settlers, start at the bottom and their traits can only get better, always spend extra on the doctor though
"oregon trail" >.>
Have you tried the new one? It's fun! I got it the other day when I got space marine and started playing this morning.
probably died from a snake bite.
yikes, this has come a long way from black and green on a 2000 tandy o_o
welp i guess kamala is winning
4 more years of same old same old
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Thread real slow today
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When I thought I was straight, all I could think about is how annoying moids are

Now that I know I'm gay, all I can think about is how annoying women are.
Based Kommie Kamala.

Did Date Rape Don really take a pounding last night?
He debated more with the moderator guy desu. Kamala just circling about abortion and jobs. I got bored after the first commercial and went to bed
Probably because he was getting his ass kicked for being irrational and making shit up again.

This isn't 2015 anymore. A cartoon character can no longer get up on stage and say a bunch of unhinged nonsense in front of an audience and expect them to find it cute. He's already run the ultimate Republican "insider" administration, every bit as insider as the Bush administration was; he can't pretend to be offering anything new beyond a pledge to leave the country even worse off than he left it the first time. And there really aren’t any more scandals he can cross off: cronyism, nepotism, bribery, raping women, stoking racial divisions, ignoring the pandemic in the hopes that doing so would maximize the death toll in US cities, trying to overturn an election defeat, trying to have the Congress killed, drastic expansion of the monetary supply triggering inflation and price gouging, throwing money away on a stupid border wall that accomplished nothing and wasn’t paid for by Mexico, packing the federal judiciary with political cronies and anti-democratic ideologues, trade wars that increased consumer prices, environmental deregulations we’ll be paying the price for for decades, regressive tax-restructuring that slashed taxes for the rich while creeping them up on everyone else…after a while it gets boring.

Yes, we get it, he’s evil all the way down; he’s one of the worst Americans who’ve ever lived. Not only is he evil, he’s a buffoon, a sleazebag, and (probably worst of all in his mind) a loser. Can he just peacefully retire from this world now? Do we really have to do another 2 decades of this obese, bloating, syphilitic corpse showing up on tv everyday to melt like a barbie doll left in the sun? Do we really have to watch the media continue to tilt everything in his favor, savoring over the great RATINGS they hope a second, scandal-filled Trump administration will provide them?

Fuck off already. Him and all his supporters. Just fuck off.
>Based Kommie Kamala.
Yeah, supporting genocide is so based anon. Supporting unchecked immigration is so based anon. Supporting high inflation and stagnant wages is so based anon.

When did our political candidates get so fucking shit man.... I swear the DNC officially lost the plot when they picked Shitlary over Bernie in 2016, after that it has been a downward spiral for the party....... and of course there's drumpf in the corner just nosediving the GOP's future prospects into complete hell with his antics.

Idk if you zoomers can remember (or were even alive) but politics used to be a lot more civilized 20 years ago. There wasn't a constant slew of stupid shitflinging or smear campaigns ran by both parties against each other. There used to be a lot more respect given and taken across the aisle. I miss those times..
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I understand your frustration, I hear you. I'm still voting for him, but I will give you a hug if you need one. You don't need to justify or rationalize or anything. Hate away. I won't hate you back.
>Do we really have to watch the media continue to tilt everything in his favor
wha- Most of the media is against him, what are you talking about lol. im not even for trump (i personally dc about politics) but even an idiot can see that trump's only supporter amongst the media conglomerates is fox news
i would just like to be able to eat more than once a day. people think i got an eating disorder, no bitch i'm just poor. there's so many migrants now, food banks only give to families with kids.
It's just AIPAC vs AIPAC.
Which means it absolutely doesn't matter who wins.
So I vote by fuckability.
Sorry Trumpers, but he's a man. Should've gotten himself a hottie for VP. Something akin to Sarah Palin.
Otherwise I just vote 3rd party women.
I just don't understand, why Trump isn't attacking her political anti-leftist record.
He must channel Tulsi for just one second to ruin her presidential run again.
But he isn't doing it. And he keeps not doing it. Does he want to lose?
>retards larping as cis lesbians are all self-hating rightoids who will vote against their own rights
no surprise there
>retards larping as cis lesbians are all self-hating rightoids who will vote against their own rights
Almost all of the American confirmed female posters voted for former president [REDACTED] back in 2016
This is what you commies don't get.
Proles and peasants WANT to be exploited.
They are BEGGING for it.
This is why you will always lose.
Bruh, I was in your place before. White rice mixed with beans every night. I couldn't even get Medicaid after I was hospitalized because I didn't have kids. I ended up moving back in with my parents.
I love to read what you write, Must be nice huh. Knowing that there is someone out there that you 100 percent know, knows what you're trying to say, as opposed to using all the retarded fallacies that exist. I told you trump would win if you did what you did, didn't i. I also said that recovering from trump would be a ten year project too. There will now be a whole generation that cant identify the truth because of it. Nepotism is king now. That's fine i guess. Mind you, NOW would be a good time to "Protest Vote" nothing evil will happen to anyone, The political juggernaut that is Kamala Harris is unbridled power. I like her as president BUT that is not to say that the party is now irrevocably damaged. I hate trump, but i DONT hate Harris, Never have. But the dem party is dirty, like, really dirty. The fact that combs money still runs through its veins is nauseating. Both You and I will be paying for that mistake for a long time now. I do appreciate the attempt at balancing the arguments, but realistically, its not possible, trump is a kind of sludge that cant be removed.
Kamala has the strong hand that is needed to cause the affect needed to remedy things. But she is bound by the party. Just like i said about Hillary all those years ago. I would also like to talk about this at length, but realistically i dont really get to talk to people who played with the political sciences. I do gain relief when i read things such as this though. Its nice to at least be able to see it. I know you're "married" but it would have still been nice to talk to someone else who could see what was happening, and could apply it to the sequence of events. I miss being able to talk to people like that, but no, now the whole ass world is ruined, and idk if it can be fixed. I fought for you, You always only fought for you. I know im not that bright, but i know politics. NGL im kinda mad i cant talk about them now, less i be used as a catapult to those who know about me
Yeah, im Still not voteing. Now i can not vote and keep my hands ethicaly clean.
thank you anon
based chaser
i’m choosing to believe you’re my future self
are you vegan? if so based
Free Sky Hugs
Trick or Treat for Unicef
and there was something else I yelled today being Assault Marine that was POETRY but I forget
everyone laughed, fuckin endorphin rush like you wouldn't believe.
>Her nipples were two black diamonds, her sex slick and steamy. 'Robert would have loved you, for an hour', The queen slid a finger into that Myrish swamp, then another, moving them in and out, 'but once he spent himself inside you, he would have been hard-pressed to recall your name.'
>She wanted to see if it would be as easy with a woman as it had always been with Robert. 'Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace', she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. 'Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs.'
I love Cersei so much. She's such a crazy bitch.
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Mom Squad says that if the Doctors don't know for certain by now then it's a girl. My mom, her mom and grandmother, and sister in law all agree. So hopefully I'll have some news on this next week at the appointment. Ultrasound is scheduled this time, I quadruple checked
i thought i was straight but i cant stop thinking abojt women. sexually and romantically. but i dont want to be a dyke because everyone already calls me one for being tomboyish and i dont want to make it all worse,help. i genuinely think i will never be satisfied with life if i dont grow old with a woman
will i go to hell for dating a 19 year old at 21
My current relationship began at 18 and 21
t.was 18, now 29
>Buy giant chucks of flesh a volume discount
>Buy huge supply of dried chiles
>Buy 20lb bag of salt in case the power goes out.
You can now make chill indefinitely. I'm gonna buy a big freezer when I get a domicile with enough space for it.
Realistically, im done trying to get passed the Guy who always thinks hes "funny" that 20nteen that tells other kids to go do the stupid thing. Its not my job. Im gonna fallow the guy code on this one, i told them, now i wash my hands of it. Go for it. Who am i to give a shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>bbbut what will the people say
Do you have to tell everyone who you fuck?
For self-evident reasons, I've decided to rename my dog from Kaia to Kitty, and my cat from Olivia to Cunt.
how do you not get tired/bored of your current partner after being together so long? and vice versa?
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I'm not going to say that my or any relationship is without difficulty. I don't know if you intend your question generally or specifically, so I'll try to address both. In general, we enjoy each other's company. Even in difficult times I'm not tired of her, though I would say I can let some of her bad habits get to me when I'm feeling down. In those times there are issues on both her end and on mine. More specifically, yes there are growing pains that haven't been fully addressed. As I've grown to know/accept myself more, I've arrived at a more complete understanding of how exactly I want to be loved that she hasn't quite caught up to yet. I'm not sure that she will and I understand it's unreasonable to want or expect her to change to meet me where I now am. Our relationship is not in danger, but even though it's the internet and everyone lies here I can't honestly tell you that I'm fully satisfied. I'm not saying that I can't be, just that I'm not currently.
nta but sometimes love is a choice lol
As long as all parties are informed and consenting it should be fine. Any further stupidity is their responsibility alone. Shit like this you post makes me believe you're a good person and I'm glad we're homies. Well, internet homies but you get what I'm saying
i love watching cats just spaz the fuck out over nothing, and then chill like nothing happened
Can anyone explain what the fuck this post >>37246280 meant?
I rarely know what S is talking about wjen she blogposts. The years have not made her posts more coherent.
i can understand not getting tired of your partner's company, that is love. i have felt it before. but what about sex? how can you fuck one person for so many years?
thats fair and understandable

her der


thank you.
I'm assuming one of the prominent members of the social groups she frequents is a ne'er-do-well and she forewarned his acquaintances of his shenanigans
The weight youngins put on sex is obscene, what you NEED when you get older is that one person you can come to and trust that no matter what they are going to be in your corner. What you get in monogamy is peace, youngins dont know how much they are going to need that later on in life.
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Move over transgenderism. It's time to make room for TRANSRACIALISM!
Transracialism is no more ridiculous than transgenderism, also transracialism is nothing new.
Next it'll be eatin' Collin Rugg lol

*For non-native Anglophones: rug is slang for hairy pussy
Going to bed soon
Can one of you beautiful bitches give me feedback on my audition vid before I send it into AGT?

not a rickroll 0/10
I slept good, got that yummy burning muscle pain like I got fucked good or worked out? Supposed to be thunderstormy today at some point, I might sit in the patio hammock a bit and sway during. I'm off today so that means I'm the Chauffeur for everyone's socials and errands later. Gets me off the game and out of the house, go let everyone know I didn't die type shit you know?
Hey, can someone who joined the clg Discord tell me if it's worth it? Like, what do you do concretely there ?
We organise raids against terfs on twitter.
Sounds lame. Are the girls cute at least ? Are there any Europeans ?
anyone here plays stardew? or just me T_T
I'm done searching for that hot waitress on insta. Bitch is truly incognito
But seriously tho, can one of you bitches PLEASE do this to me? (only 0:00-0:15)
I bought a PS5 for the gf. Gonna hand it over tomorrow. Hope she likes it.
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Does this person like me I really don’t know what they meant by this
The ps5 pro is coming soon
they can or isnt and is just expressive, i sometimes do that too
i do. what about it
is she a bishit?
I have to agree with this anon >>37206066 your brain IS more active.
What you're missing here is the content of your attention/consciousness. If it is your speech, thoughts as constructs then this is disintegrated when you start dreaming. BUT if it is your sensual perception, then no decoherence is going to happen, because in essence dreams are sensual, there's no real difference for mind.

If you ever entered a lucid dream directly from waking state you did it via this route. So if you managed to retain sensual content of your awareness you'd never truly lose consiousness, because only thoughts are disintegrated upon dreaming, not your senses.
Also - I actually welcome that little death because I so much do not want to be. But am afraid of physical dying because of how gruesome it is even when it's something as soft as substituting oxygen with helium.
I want you to love me and accept me so much. So so SO fucking much. I want you to love me without questioning any of this. I want you to be with me no matter what. I want you to protect me, to always be on my side and not to try to be fair to others, or to try to see their point when I'm hurting.

Please love me so deeply. Please never go into this bad place when you feel bad. Please don't withdraw from me when you feel like that. I'm hurting so much here, alone. If you think it would be too much for me you're mistaken. I won't hurt you, I will help you, I will be by your side because you're hurting.

Omg please please please love me, accept me, love every bit of me, show me, do not leave me, do not abandon me.
Well good luck in radioelectronics without getting nano, micro and pico prefixes.
>The rest you just learn to pass school and then nobody really uses them anymore
Uneducated retard (or a liberal arts student, which is the same thing these days) detected
no, it was just bitter. if you mix it with something else its okay though
>vote against their rights
By not supporting dems and their replacement scheme and them turning america into a corrupt, authoritarian shithole? Go back.
>muh replacement
>turning america into a corrupt, authoritarian shithole
America already is a corrupt, authoritarian shithole.
>their replacement scheme
Americans know a lot about replacement schemes.
>they're the irrational, unhinged, evil, stupid ones!
>they're the ones going after freedom and democracy and stacking the judiciary with corrupt judges!
>they're the ones stoking racial tension!
This reality-divorced, unhinged rambling is obviously the result of, besides an inability to do much critical thinking, a life spent in leftist echo chambers with absolutely zero exposure to other views. On every single issue, she's absurdly wrong. She's, in fact, supporting a side that's infinitely worse by her own standards, and she doesn't have a clue. It's pityful, really. Have to shake my head at the "based kommie" dem calling anyone else evil too.

>corrupt judges
There's not a dem appointed judge in america that's anything besides a party operative.
>free speech
Dems are currently operating a vast federal censorship apparatus, censorsing millions and cracking down on "misinformation," which they get to define.
Besides the other stuff I've mentioned, dems are undermining election security and engaging in lawfare against political enemies. The fbi is pretty much their secret police now.
Dems are absurdly anti-white and are actively replacing, silencing, robbing and abusing us. They're doing their best to turn whites into second class citizens.
Trump spent money during an economic shock, when it was necessary or, at least, reasonable. Biden and kamala did it over and over again with inflation near 10%. Blaming trump for the spike in inflation is absurd.
>socialism and taxation is inherently good; can never get too much of it
>opposition to it is "regressive," which means it's bad
stupid idiot.
>useless border wall
Dems didn't let him finish it. Stopping the invasion of america would be worthwhile.
>10 mill illegals during biden and kamala isn't replacement
It's genocide, really. You're robbing us of our political and cultural independence.
So she basically wears the pants? Does she also strip you naked, put you on all fours, gag you, pull your hair back and ride you around like a pony as she spanks you with a paddle to make you go faster? Because I've been trying to find a girl who'll do that to me.
>America already is a corrupt, authoritarian shithole.
It was much better when trump was in charge. If you care about freedom and ethical institutions, dems are the enemy, which is why the overwhelming majority of libertarians vote for republicans. It's really that simple.
I'm not American and I hate America. Both Kamala and Trump are shit politicians who will maintain America's "Israel first" strategy.
Figuratively but yes.
>We organise raids against terfs on twitter.
Yeah you aren't in the clg discord
>nvidia has pumped 3000x since 2016
Unreal. Wish I'd bought some, desu.
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>be Indian female child
>go outside to shit on the streets during school
>get gang raped by Hindu rape rat classmates, then by the same headmaster who finds them raping me
>call ambulance, get raped by the ambulance staff, husband killed trying to protect me
>finally crawl to the hospital, get gang raped by Hindu doctors and staff
>go to the police to file a report, get gang raped by the police
>finally show up to trial before a judge, get raped by the Hindu judge in the chambers of my rape trial
>get murdered after the trial so the Hindu rapists can get off free, my corpse gets raped at the morgue by Hindu doctors again
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Diversity is our strength, swiftstans.
just got banned on CC for lusting too hard over women…..
>…do you want to hold my face?
To that holdable line

You’re welcome
t. Queen of lesbianrizz
That happened to me 3 years ago too lol
I think you have to preface that you’re a lesbo before you go ham on simping for women, since they think you’re moid if otherwise
But then again I heard that lesbian/wlw threads get deleted there too, so idk. Whole site is basically r9k but for femcel hetshitters so im not surprised
Fucking eurotards. I'm a fucking STEM major, of course I know you'll need to know it for an actual, well-paying job.

I was referring to day-to-day use for an average American. Obviously you're going to need to know the specific prefixes if you're going to work in the sciences.
I don't think most Americans even realize that our foreign policy of supporting Israel is what led to the WTC getting attacked twice.
>maintain America's "Israel first" strategy.
I hate this too. Wish evangelicals would wizen up and realize that they're being used by people who hate them and want them dead, but that doesn't seem very likely. Israel doesn't even treat christians in the country very well. For american christians, somehow, that doesn't matter either.
>femcel hetshitter
How bad at life do you have to be for this phrase to apply to you?
You can ask, but you’ll probably get banned for asking lmao. CC is like /pol/ with how militant they are against anything that goes against their posting norms (TERF anti-male rhetoric).

Personally LC is much better and more socially adjusted if you want a female-majority anon space.
>LC is much better
both LC and CC have so much user overlap they’re basically the same board, except LC mods are even more banhammery than CC.
Every time i think about it, i seethe. Generational wealth if i'd just pushed some buttons. It would have been more benefitial than tens of thousands of hours of work.
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i'm back
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who are you?
apparently my 7 year old niece has 200 boyfriends. what a stacy.
I don't wanna sound dumb but what are LC and CC ?KGNX
lolcow and crystalcafe, I think.
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It is time to choose, /clg/.
Containment sites for femcels
thats a man. you took that post from another thread.
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i have a crush on a straight woman. again. tried to find a distraction, but all the local non-straight girls on the apps are fat.
Really? I thought it was a girl.
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Have you tried the anon special and gifted her furniture and hid a secret compartment with a love letter?
I asked if she liked me and she does and we're going on a date tomorrow and we're going to a cat cafe then we're getting piercings together and then going to a video game bar after having food somewhere
Also we met on hinge 4 days ago
Serious question to everyone here

Do you find the girl in the picture attractive?

Like, yes. She is objectively beautiful and attractive but she just looks so utterly unbearably straight that I'd never pursue her

Anyone else feel this way?
>Do you find the girl in the picture attractive?
Yes, I think she's very good looking. And so do you because you said it yourself in the post.
>she just looks so utterly unbearably straight that I'd never pursue her
Even if you knew she was gay?
I think that the fact that she is severely out of my league is another thing that puts me off I think?

I'd be insecure for every second of a relationship with her

>Even if you knew she was gay?

Maybe if she like actively chased me and pursued me? I'm not a gold star lesbian (even though I've never slept with a man) but if she's a bishit that'd be an instant turnoff too with the combination of how radiantly straight she looks
Anon... I don't want to be mean, but you need to change your mindset. This is the path to ngmi.
>unbearably straight
What do you mean by that? No visible tattoos and piercings? A feminine, normal haircut and no dangerhair? That she's not fat or scowling at the camera?
Nta but I think it's the mascara. Because it's always about fake lashes or lip filler.
She's objectively good-looking but not my type at all and yes, also straight-looking.

Is there a date gayer than this?
I don't know how to explain it, but it's not just the no tattoos/piercings. It's the facial features and the look in her eye. Just my gaydar has never pointed to STRAIGHT any harder than that image, ever.
I have lash extensions and look gay but I have a silver fringe and snakebites sooo
>I have a silver fringe and snakebites
why are people like this
>be me
>gay as a maypole
>dating pool more like a dating puddle
>don't like tattoos
>don't like danger hair
>don't like punk fashion
>don't like fatties
>prefer women with long hair
it's over
I figured it was cause the caption for the thread said something along the lines of "gay bottoms are women"
wow amazing proof you’re really a genius of our times
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would you date a dork that plays video games?
I'm actually retarded
I'm gonna do sexy things with my wife tonight but that means early bedtime
i yearn for a womans touch
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There's women in high paying professions that meet your criteria but you'd never know they were lesbian. I mean, have you met a doctor with blue hair and tattoos?
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turns out the answer is no anon
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Are lesbian kpop fans better looking than het ones?
I just realized that I'm in remission for Leukemia, which is a cancer that spreads through blood and bone marrow. That means I have BAD BLOOD!
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i came back just in time
My sister tells me that I have no ass and it does get to me sometimes. But luckily I see people with asses that look like that and it makes me feel better.
small butts are cute as long as its not a pancake its fine
She looks str8 because her boyfriend is taking the picture.
that's it i'm going to date men. women are impossible to understand.
This is either bait or really depressing. What happened?
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Try as I have to ignore it, this fog of resentment is becoming more blinding. I've made a few promises to myself and these promises come attached to calendar dates.
The people working on the Like a Dragon show were explicitly told not to play any of the games. I swear to christ, if they don't have at least One dress-up montage or something silly-over-the-top I will lose my shit
any lesbians here into fat girls
No, I'm not into American women.
It's over
pls lose weight i loathe fat people
Gym dates! Imagine a mean personal trainer gf who runs you ragged and fucks you to sleep
lol no, fatty.
PLEASE remember that the white race is critically endangered right now, so be sure to have at least 3-4 biological white children before you die.
I wouldn't say Leo's a dork. I'd even venture to say he's the only Y-Chromo-haver who isn't a dork.
Walked by some K-Pop convention like a month ago and was starting to get all giddy since it was a bunch of bitches are lining up to get in. Then it turned out the Korean they were going to see was actually a moid so I got disappointed.

...or at least they looked like a moid. You know those Asians though, just like white people all of them look exactly the same haha.
best I can do for you is a hapa, if you're lucky they'll have blue or green eyes. Cultural Heritage is more important than genealogy in my opinion, but I'm a high-school dropout so fuck do I know
>Cultural Heritage is more important than genealogy in my opinion
there is no reason for a person to support the culture associated with a different race because they have their own, thank you very much. this is why the people who say shit like
>black britain is still britain! look, we're dressing up as king arthur and his knights!
are delusional. you can't divorce culture from ethnicity.
Just shit and now those little blood sacks that fill the anus are all swollen and painful and liable to becoming hemorrhoids should I poop a second time right away.
So tired.
So very tired.
So very, very tired.
new >>37281885
Oh, I don't like you.
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>straight women looked like this in 90's

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