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tranner qott: how often do you shave your legs?
chaser qott: what is the sexiest thing about tranner legs?

old: >>37189340
men who shave their legs are transgendered
like once a week but i got laser so its never really noticeable
if i had a bf id prob shave every day
So all cyclists are trans?
>once a week
i’d do it 2-3 if i had a chaser bf tho so he could fuck me whenever he needed to
the ones who shave their legs and ESPECIALLY the ones who wear full spandex - yes, absolutely

normal men wear padded shorts UNDER normal baggy shorts
I need to hug cat poster
All professional cyclists shave their legs
no they fucking don't lol
if you are doing that you want to be a woman and are finding ways to have an excuse
My weakness, smooth thighs are the best
Yes they do
only shave them for a man i dont really care otherwise
I love running my hands up and down my tranny's smooth legs while we're cuddling on the couch watching something.
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Can I post my new batch of chocolates, bros/ladies?
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>chaser qott: what is the sexiest thing about tranner legs?
theyre Full of creamy goodness and knife cuts
no, no they fucking don't
that's some tranny ass shit
take your pills and go for a ride
How come the autistic nerd ones are always transbian
Those are the ones I want to fuck and love
I'm not a pro cyclist nor have I ever shaved my legs but I've known one pro
Yes they do
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>what is the sexiest thing about tranner legs?
That they lead to the feet B)
you know what you gotta do goombatah, take the hrt and date transbians
Plenty of nerdy straight tranners out there
>im a tranny and I used to know another tranny
you can ride a bike without hiding your male secondary sexual characteristics
One problem howeverbeit: I have no tranny feelings and I like being a dude
I don't think you know much about professional sport in general
NOT going into my tattoo folder, i mean wtf?
it's just weird
She's not nerdy, but definitely autistic.
nvm forgot im ugly sorry
That's alright, a lot of trannies don't have dysphoria or tranny thoughts.
Me too, sounds like we're perfect for each other
i wish i could chase a chaser but i'm too disgusting
qott: i shave my legs every few weeks, or whenever i know i'm going to be showing them off e.i. going swimming. my leg hair grows in pretty slow and it's thin too so i don't have to do it very often
personally i am nerdy but not autistic
>no they fucking don't lol
yes they do lol, same goes for bodybuilder, do you think they are trannies too?
I don't see any cuts, just a cutie who needs a pounding (and cuddles after as we watch anime in bed)
We must defeat choob and her consequences
I usually shave them when I go to the gym or if I plan on wearing shorts. If I’m wearing pants I don’t because no one’s gonna see my legs anyways, also my hair doesn’t grow back on my legs as fast anymore. I also had some laser but I need more sessions to completely remove the rest. Right now it’s pretty manageable for me
im already doom spiraling sorry its too late
but that's fine too ig
What makes you disgusting?
*throws u a pool noodle*
I kinda like stubble on legs until I go to bed with a girl and it's coarse, running the hand over lil hairs feels nice, but smooth is just as good let's your hand glide up to their butts easier.

Best thing about the legs is you go from bottom to top and there's a beautiful ass in your face.
which one do you doubt
aside from the fact what you said is retarded, i really wonder why trannies keep trying to get me to shave everything, is it because i'm twinkish?
genuinely old, kinda bald, fat, mental shit?
some ppl think i have a nice personality ig, and one said i could easily get bf/gf but they're retarded fr

eh are you a chaser or a chasee?
Don't sell yourself short.
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not autistic
i mean like all nerds i've known have been at least a little autistic, which is cool ngl
None of it means you don't deserve love.

I'm a chaser of some kind. But not sexual or romantically.
No such thing
>genuinely old
how old?
you're a goddamn colonizer from gaygen is what you are
(ur a good poster tho so its ok)
Not the chlorinated penjamin wit da microplastics
Thanks bro/girl.
the ruth bader pensburg got me acting a fool
maybe very mildly autistic but not in *that* way, im just peculiar about sets and naming
Biblically accurate pengel, many such cases
Mina needs to be bred and I volunteer
and ig same, just don't know what i'm chasing...
they hit the pentagon oh my god they hit the pentagon
late 40s
fuck i should kms
sorry for disturbing you all
>how often do you shave your legs?
weekly -_-
only excuse for keeping ur body hairless as a man is being a bodybuilder desu, big red flag otherwise
aaaaaa I h8 glowies!!! >:c
ew wtf
You seem nice don't be so hard on yourself.
Oiling up freshly shaved tranner thighs and plapping them
lowk want a butthole obsessed chaser who will eat my ass
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"without any pickles".
I eat ass literally every night.
I'm 26 and think it's already over lol
If she can get hard that's a turn off.
There was a cis girl that demanded I shave my legs because she had to too. But she was really into rubbing legs together
"Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down"
that's retarded
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why are cissers so weird
And you broke up with her for demanding you do something, right?
>I don't see any cuts, just a cutie who needs a pounding (and cuddles after as we watch anime in bed)

She's a trannie, she got cuts bro. Shes got a girlfriend too.
Hard cock is manly.
Do we have any intel on this poster's butthole?

Shape, smell, taste, colour, tightness, etc? Thanks in advance.
If she can get hard that's a turn on
If she can't get hard that's a turn on
No because I'm very manipulable when it comes to women I've found out
that's so weird
based, wish I couldn't x_x
Never shave legs but trim armpits and pubes.

Don’t worry there some older people here like me.

Where all at least a little autistic.

>intel on this poster's butthole
That is a sentence
manipulating a chaser into eating ass
Fix that.
Ewww oh nooo not slobbering on hot asshole I'm so manipulated rn I can't
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>tranner qott: how often do you shave your legs?
i epilate them in their entirety every 2-3 weeks with spot plucking where needed. same with my arms

for the anon who said i should get the cheetah print buzzcut last thread, great call. it looks so good, so fresh and exciting.
But you don’t get any men though?
the devil on my shoulder is telling me to post an unsee
Let's see it
Do it.
Let’s see it babe.
no you did not get a buzzcut
Flopping my hard cock onto a tranners smaller one and calling her a cute girl.
I don't grow leg hair
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This you, whore?
imagine being insecure about your gf being turned by you
people on this board will never stop to amaze me
I'm not into men.
what the hell am i doing here...
go back
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How is being insecure about their gf related
i dont belong heeeeere... oooaoaaoooaaaaaa
i used to have thicc juicy thighs then i lost 30 lbs now i have a gap and look like a twink. my whr is better but at what cost?
don't fall for the anameme sisters, protect your thighs
Hello pretty lady
nta but probably because the anon saying it's a red flag is a dicklet and he's insecure about being smaller, wouldn't be the first time i see that
I'm not the one samefagging carelessly in fucking pass gen to compliment myself, transbian simp
what the fuck r u talking about?
who the fuck cares, go outside
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youre just throwing ad hominems at them that arent true, just tell them they're retarded and call it a day
I am a dicklet
Nah I'm not small. Even someone like LB with a very small one I don't like when it's hard.
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i dont like it when its hard in my pants because my dick has to poke out of my underwear to the side in order for it to at least be a little bit comfortable
t. 7 inches
Look at the picture, she replied to herself and forgot to take her name off. She's a stuck up whore begging for attention.
oh i thought u were talking about me. idgaf desu
it's not that serious and why do you keep posting those screenshot
Lies show legs rn
ok you're right. fair call. i just got choppy blunt bangs and layers
hello filtered me
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I don't ever shave my legs because I can hardly grow any body hair anyway so it isn't really noticeable. This is full growth and unshaved in like two years, but a month ago someone asked me if I shaved my legs when they saw me in shorts.
Okay? You think I give a fuck that you filtered me?
Nah, I just barely have any body hair and what I do have is white and wispy so unless the light hits it you can't really see it.
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i mean it isnt but theyre not going to listen to you so its pointless to argue
also tripfags are not human
Obviously you do you're replying
I want Mina to beg for my attention like she’s a pet <3
those are some big legs
>also tripfags are not human
we're robots i think
Show hole
yeah we're elves :3
>also tripfags are not human
the screenshot with every message is pretty much a signature so almost the same as you being a tripfag except worse because you can't be filtered
she do be looking pretty cool in that pic ngl
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>the screenshot with every message is pretty much a signature
Not if more than one person does this
Most trannies here are attractive.
except for me
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You should see my thighs
make me
You are beautiful Mina. Your ass is perfect.
>insulting people by saying they want to be women in the i-love-&-want-to-have-sex-with-men-who-want-to-be-women thread
Honestly? Yeah.
That's only one, you said plural.
You have a beautiful face and an amazing fat chunky ass you’re 10/10
Most chasers here are worse

Prove me wrong
how did you achieve that?
You're right. But that's kind of your dating pool.
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I'm sorry I was having fun with the scizos anon. I shouldn't be looking. For negative attention. Like that
>Have to sneak out of online class to take off your large boy mode jeans

I have bumpies they're kinda gross
World's scariest "Most" (for a tranner)
post legs pls
qott sexiest thing about tranner legs is when they kick me square in my chaser balls football punt style
Tbh genetics and not anamaxxing I've always had huge thighs. I haven't done anything special, I don't even work out
Mf put some sheets on that nasty ass mattress or better yet get a new one
make sense, i got pretty big thighs without doing anything either
I am a chaser and ugly I was just pointing out how funny it is.

Do you not value having non poped balls? I do
>I am a chaser and ugly
nta but sounds like a you issue
as a transer, what is the correct response to this? it feels like a very dangerous statement.

if i agree with you, then i seem conceited and full of myself, and i open myself to backlash along the lines of "stuck-up bitch, full of herself, shut up + you're wrong."
but if i disagree with you, then i seem like a self-pitying BDD loser who either brings down the mood by being sincerely self-deprecating, or it comes across as compliment fishing.

im sorry for rambling and im sorry i suck at interpreting social situations. but i think this is a very interesting issue. whats the correct move?
lol I have a sheet on i just toss and turn in my sleep a lot so it always comes off and I haven't gotten out of bed to fix it today 3:> I agree my mattress is a little gross but honestly I don't care enough to buy a new one it is what it is it do what it do
nta but you're clearly overthinking it, you don't need to say anything lol, nor would anyone be mad at you if you say you're attractive, having some confidence is a good thing not enough tranners have
You say
That's not for me to determine
I'm just a person
The only winning move is not to play. People shouldn't be commenting on you, ignore when they do. It does not matter if someone does or does not find you attractive.
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trips checked @ 999, and very good points from all three of you
sorry i do tend to overanalyze social things, they dont always come naturally to me
I’m a bug :p
Am not
>tfw moderately attractive chaser
>chasing is literally easy mode
Although this could just as well be because most other chasers are creepy socially inept retards, not because they're ugly
a little bit of both i think
sometimes you just wanna feel something , anything
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>hates attention whores
>is whoring for attention on multiple threads

>hate apples
>drives to apple farm with 15 page document proving i hate apples
>trans girl at the grocery store said im cute
thats it im switching teams. the last time a chaser called me cute was 2021
Trannies in the news are all chrischan look alike freaks.
Trannies in porn are all tops and basically look like men with bolt on tits.
Trannies here in a random 4chan thread who never leave their room are somehow some of the most beautiful girls there are.

It wasn't meant to fuck with anyone's head I just found it kind of interesting.
All you needed to do all this time was to post your face, plenty would call you cute
Lol pichu you’re precious
Not fair, women can compliment you without running the risk of being seen as a sex pest
Also this
Thank you chaser kun
News selects for freak cases doing freak shit
Porn selects for half-transitions that can still get big boners and shoot cum
4chan is just normal (well, mentally unwell but normal) people
ok cool? we don't even know what you look like
It's okay to compliment people as a man.
>mentally unwell
What a delicate way to put it
I see myself lying between those. I am certain you have a vagina waiting for me with legs like that .
please go outside
That is a radical opinion
if a man in my age range, even one i want attracted to, gave me any kind of complement i'd have to go sit down for an hour to catch my breath. but it never happens
It's not an opinion.
I live in a small town the only tranny I've ever seen in the wild was a 6'4 monster working as a cashier.
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What if he looked like this
tiktok/insta trannies are way better looking on average then trannies here
twitter can go either way
no thanks I'm still trying to shake off stalkers from when i used to do that >>37194184
>toupees dont work because I've never seen a toupee that fooled me
honestly huge benefit of transitioning. being able to talk with a random woman im waiting at a crosswalk with, and tell her that i like her hair or jewelry or etc, and her warmly accepting it and returning the compliment is very fulfilling. and affirming. feels like a very normal human connection id been missing prior.
Then don't blame us ._.
I think you're a little delusional at how many people truly pass.
>there are hot fem twinks showing off their bodies for free on /r9k/
See ya suckers later
Normal people don't make good news stories

Nothing wrong with implants but the topping is definitely a huge turn-off

Agree. We got some hotties among us.

What's the age range?

As long as your attractive and its done in the right way
straightest chaser
You have to look presentable and smile a little lol I compliment people all the time on the way to work only one time did a woman tell me she had a boyfriend after I complemented her
i think you're delusional about how much attention you pay to everyone around you, there's not a lot of passoids who hold up to close scrutiny by someone who knows what to look for, but there's a lot who do better than 50/50 at a passing glance
don't complain about not getting compliment on your looks if you don't want to show what you look like lol
>there's a lot who do better than 50/50 at a passing glance
bar is comedically low
As someone who gives and receives compliments with strangers daily I agree with you, I smile at and greet nearly every person I see. Astounds me how people don't put in the bare minimum amount of social friendliness and are oblivious to that fact. I blame cities and city people.
i know what you are
I have autism I cannot believably exude friendliness despite wanting to, people can always tell I'm not doing it naturally and it puts them off
huh? i'm not saying you have to post pics, just that you shouldn't complain about it
what do you want? fake compliment?
I am very autistic. I don't wear a mask, if you're not doing it naturally that's the problem. You need to actually be friendly at the core for it to be perceived accurately.
i meant in real life ...
Then you don't have autism to the same extent that I do
I feel the feeling but I don't show it naturally, if I were to truly just be myself I'd say it completely blank-faced which would be even worse, I try to mask but I'm not good at it. I'm glad it works better for you
>im nice to everyone i meet, those city people just need to learn to be nice
wouldnt survive a day lol
and how often do you see one of us irl? degen gooner from grindr don't count
i live in portland
>just change your autism bro
Me too.
my condolences
Hello negative people. Time for vidya until you're gone :)
What are you playing?
Not the same anon but if I fap once a day every day;>>37194345
does that make me a gooner?
Cheers brother I went out last weekend so this weekend I’m treating myself to some beer, pizza, and wow.
If you're below ilvl 585 you might as well wait for midnight
has anybody seen frisson?
Deadlock, just finished my mechabellum matches.
Pizza and wow good, beer bad.
You're the person who posts when you die, good luck anon.
I like how soft their skin is and having thighs that are a little chubby is nice, I like to grab them.
Rubbing her soft smooth legs while she rests them on my lap
Correct. I die a lot early game, I'm no good at laning because I'm way too aggressive. Late game when I've got my movement speed items up and I can movement tech around the map it becomes impossible to die though.
ive been so addicted to deadlock these last few days. i never play multiplayer games but it's been taking up my nights..
Who do you main and whats your role? I play Mo&Krillin+Dynamo as initiator/picker. Both mystic.
girl.. get some fucking sheets oml, who sleeps on their bare mattress besides college boys and bums?
hi am I unbanned yet test test
i dont really main anyone... ive played infernus the most i think. ive only just ended up trying out every character. this is my first moba so im unsure what the roles are. i just push lanes when i can and do objectives
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2 years of HRT. I think my legs are my best feature. I know HRT is a long process but I've often wondered if they've hit their peak and I should try pio
I've tried four characters so far, Only have 100 hours /played. I split push rat and jungle a lot. Show up to the teamfight expend my CD's for a guarantee kill then I leave the fight to go PvE.
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time to post cawk and immediately get banned again
very soft, nice even fat distribution. ME GUSTA
You look so good
Tranny feet in my face
Tranny cum in my collection beaker for later scientific ventures
Oh mein gott.
alright who needa get cummed in
>nice even fat distribution
can't tell if you're 34 or 14
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how can i find a cute tranner to buy nudes from?
earn them through love anon
>to buy nudes from
bro that's cringe
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smell my finger
not the fish omg nooo ;~:
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i have disposable income, i'm lonely, and i don't know how to talk to women. i just want some fake love.
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She's not interested in me anymore. Fuck.
fine i'll just cum in myself!!!
posted 1 too many anime girls
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fake love always feels worse than the real thing dont sell yourself short but im sure you can find it somewhere if you really wanted to
that's just sad
everyone deserves real love. not knowing how to talk to women is pretty normal, fumbling through it can be really cute if it seems like he has good intentions
can I cum in you too
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you should try smelling my finger
seconding this
onlyfans exists but why not actually try to date one? what's the harm in trying? talking to women is worse than buying nudes?
meeee maybe (won't have face tho)
>tranner qott
never. im better than that. i just cover them up all the time. considering converting to islam so i can wear a Burqa
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it's not for a lack of trying, i just have never been able to get anything to work out.

can you post a picture?
>tranner qott
never, don't need to

>chaser qott
nothing, I'm not into them
inxs :) yay
I'm this, despite the swimsuit flattening my chest I have God tier boobs :3
on not in
wat about under, can I cum under you
(preemptive: i dont stream anymore and this post isnt advertising)
random q. chasers, are there any transers around here youd like to watch stream on twitch if they streamed? streaming games, i mean. maybe greenscreened webcam of face. nothing lewd.
what's so hard about talking to a woman? can u talk me through what ur doing so wrong?
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hell yah :>

not sure how to answer this. regardless i think you guys have convinced me not to pay for this sort of stuff.

you're really cute but sorry don't think i want to do this anymore.
well try not to give up anon. it'll happen if you keep working at it
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smell my finger regardless
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theater time :D

How much do I have to pay to smell a tranner finger?
omg i love this shirmp
Just go get a discord tranny harem like a normal 20 something with disposable income,
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less than juan doller
hello, I'm horny
Okay but are you hot?
What the fuck is a discord trans harem?
i love when music videos of songs using synthesized strings/horns/drums use actual instruments in the video
>you're really cute but sorry don't think i want to do this anymore
awww but I'd be really nice to you. It would be as much about the experience for me as the money. never done it before so you'd be the first
I unironically don't know
most likely I lean towards cute rather than sexy
What are you doing in this thread if you don't know what a discord tranny harem is.
I am a disgusting tourist, now enlighten me
my hair is like the girl in that video.. maybe there is hope for my hair type after all lmao

neat music video. wanna watch it while being held in someone's lap and leaning into their arm :3
why do boys never let me pop their blackheads >:[
why do boys never let me pop their balls >:[
Don't simp for a tranny anon. They just want you to fund them.
would a transbian date a girl who spends her life wrecking her body because she thinks shes primitive neanderthal??
nta but mtfs congregate in discord communities without any clear leadership or anything and usually when someone dominant joins they all latch on because they're a bunch of bottoms. unfortunately they are mostly transbians tho and are already kissing sloppy style
What the fuck is wrong with you
i never gained the pimple popping fixation
my mum always said it would make scars
and i have nagging memories of her desperately trying to pick off a moluscum i had on my back
You can smack but no popping it's too much
Probably, sounds like prime transbian material
no such thing, only a girl who never had good dick
:] the west is saved, billions must smack
From my experience, the vast majority do actually want a man but with a few key qualifications.

>bigger than average cock
>and not a total creep

I have yet to meet any discord tranny who wouldn't immediately bottom if you met those qualifications, trans girl or male.
The problem is the vast majority of dudes going there are usually chasers and bottoms themselves. These types will usually just troon out and join the horde.

I'm not saying that true transbians don't exist, but I am saying that in this community dom vs sub is signifcantly more important than gender because the vast majority of trans girls are BI.
its so satisfying. its like wiping down your counters and getting rid of a layer of grime you didn't know was there. and it doesn't leave scars if you're careful, it doesn't even break the skin
more like primal

ur mom has good dick
This is one of the most fembrained things ever. My girlfriend keeps me super clean.
>and it doesn't leave scars if you're careful, it doesn't even break the skin
hmm that's a bit of a revelation. i tend not to question parental wisdom such as that. i cant tell if i just have big pores on my nose or i should be exfoliating more
Catposter I love you
in my experience as a trans girl, bigger then avg cock doesn't matter and guys still mostly end up failing the other 3

interesting to talk to or funny are also important for me personally tho
what is your discord?
the only thing i care about is having the utmost minimal amount of explicit autism, and generally having a sense of humour. physical traits like those are ephemeral and insignificant when i dont have any offspring to pass on those genes to
pretty much everyone underexfoliates so it can't hurt. also helpful to use a few dif methods at once, what I do is use a salicylic scrub, wash it off completly, wait a few hours, then use a washcloth and water.
If you want to do it without scaring you need a lance which is literally any hypodermic needle, 18 gauge or bigger (lower guage) is better and youre not actually gonna stab yourself with it just use the very very tip to break the center of the pore and let trapped material come out.
also a comodome extractor, its a metal tool that lets you put the same type of pressure as squeezing with your fingers, but it doesnt damage all the tissue around it too
squeezing with your fingers def will cause scarring
gosh that's all very involved, ive downscaled my skincare routine to just water and a thick moisture gel for my dry skin. i used to use a salicylic toner n cleanser but it seemed to be doing more harm than good.
is that microneedling, what you're talking about? ive wanted to get that done at a beauty salon so i can get rid of some acne scars and other marks, but i need to save up a bit first
killing myself
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you sound incredibly annoying
thats what most people i interact with say
Hi horny, I'm dad
N e w >>37195247
uhm hii ddaddy
but, something is happening and you dont know what it is... do you, mr jones?
gf material
Yes, most trans girls standards are lower than I actually mentioned, I'm mainly referred to the maximum possible standards they may have. The reality is if you meet even 1+2 of these you're going to be swarmed.

I say this as someone who knew very little about the trans community three years ago and has now had sex with probably 50 different trans women. When I dated a trans girl, I took the virginity of multiple friends she had, simply because they were curious.
How's my favorite kiddo doing? Everything going well at school?
this guy has le sexo
I just need a guy to be dominant and at least as tall as me 5'9" and have some kind of goals/career. I don't think that's too much to ask. You can be a fub I don't care as long as you're sweet to me and hold me and plap me once in a while.
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I would but it depends on the game....kinda wanna get space Marine 2 grab 2 other chaser bros and pvp some tranners all night long though, someone should probably stream that.
First time on this board.
Crazy how fast this thread goes.
This one's dead
Since my initial post.
nope not microneedling, just using it to make a tiny tiny incision, to give the trapped skin oil and dead skin a route to leave. the hypodermic needles are sharp so the wound will be clean and will heal much better than ripping and crushing that happens when you do it by hand. Sometimes you dont even need to cut the skin just pierce the top layer of the trapped debris itself.
If you're gonna use sallycilic wash, you need a good moisturizer after. if that still doesnt work then idk some people just dont react great to certain products. there are other options like i think benzyl peroxide or something? But i havent looked into it because salicylic works on my skin

it all sounds like a lot to get into, but its a lot less daunting than it seems. Once you do the work to find the right product it's just adding a minute or two to your daily shower routine
>>it all sounds like a lot to get into, but its a lot less daunting than it seems. Once you do the work to find the right product it's just adding a minute or two to your daily shower routine
yea i mean, i try to take care of my body with exfoliating gloves and a salicylic lotion every other day, but i often just get frustrated with how much of a crapshoot it feels like. i have very dry skin, easily irritable, add on shaving burn (havent gotten electrolysis), it seems best for me to keep it simple. ive been trying and forgetting to use my adapelene (retinol), and that seems to be making the biggest impact on my skin quality
do you use aquaphor or vaseline? i have really dry skin in a few spots and they turn to excima if I dont take care of them, aquaphor is the only think hydrating enough to do it for me. feels a little gross going on but you get used to it. now i use a little bit for anywhere that feels extra dry that day

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