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Qott: have you come to the realization that you don't have time and everything as you know is constantly changing and years from now YOU and everyone you know will no longer be alive, your possessions, your money all of it gone?

I love you
i have all the time in the world, under god's eternal grace. material finitude is but a phantasm of his heavenly blessing
need transbian gf who is an animal like me and primal and amazon
I would like to karaoke with a cute girl
won't you come see me, queen jane
I severely miss the people I used to know, even on this site over a decade ago. I take solace in the fact that even though I won't talk to them again, I know most of them are doing ok. There are a few that I seriously worry about though and I hope I'm able to speak to again one day.

I think most of all I just miss the person I used to be. I miss being joyful about stupid shit and being excited. I miss having joy for even cooking for people. I miss not being scared all the time.
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We need more silky skin bitches in here.
dont you mean sickly? that's the skin of a meth user
some bob dylan?
I would do anything to touch her
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ee ee ee ee ee ee
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aa aa aa aa aa
why must i remain lonely and without bf, why must life be so cruel :(
Why so many trans woman in dating apps offers themselves sexualy so much without any advance? Literally one girl started a conversation by offering a blowjob
Have you been posting shrimp cat?
What'd you do today?
is that how bad it is? i wouldnt offer oral before like the 3rd date
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ee ee ee ee ee
Are you unattractive?
Are you a turbo autist?
Are you an unstable bpdemon?
You are more normal desu
I haven't interacted with them that much but same the only one I ever talked to on Tinder asked if we were going to fuck later
These type of girls are usually either fetishists who know they have nothing else to offer or trauma babies who think they have nothing else to offer.

Regardless, proceed with caution.
my first time meeting a guy would be at a cafe in the morning and chatting over a double shot latte
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I'm already dead
I will never die
Thats lame. You should meet me in the woods near a local alligator invested swamp and we should go star-gazing. I'll even let you lead the way.
I'll be honest, my music knowledge is very limited, basically what little punk I listened to in highscool with some additions. If I were in a private karaoke booth or at home with a girl I would give it a try
>You should meet me in the woods near a local alligator invested swamp and we should go star-gazing.
it's too bad we've only got crocodiles here :( does that change the date?
i would force u into adopting my music taste, it will be a fun role reversal
Oh mein gott.
Nah, crocs are a bit more dangerous but that's why I always carry my rusty blood-stained machete with me to deal with them,
Ironically, I love a folk singer that was was pretty associated with Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, so it sadly wouldn't be as a much of a role reversal as you might have been expecting
crikey, now that sure sounds like a knife
ive never heard of him before, but i love a wide berth of american folk so im sure he'd be palatable!! u know the other day, i took some mushrooms with friends, and it was dark early into the evening, we took a stroll through quiet suburbian streets listening to leonard cohen, and it was so magical
i felt like i was in a fairytale
Best things in these threads.
what are ur thoughts on the trench digging yellow polecat of the caspian steppe?
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ee ee ee ee ee ee
NTA, but how do you feel about this dude:


He's been all over the place and giving me serious Bob Dylan vibes.
Yes but I’m living in the moment. No need to stress about the future or the past.
Why must I be lonely with no gf? You must manifest.
Anyone here got swag (is from ohio)
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ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee
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he's cute and i like the cut of his jib
but this anti-war tripe is a bit played out
and i find it a bit peculiar how the only names dropped were netanyahu and jared kushner, as if those are the biggest warmongers of today...
it feels hauntological
mr kozelek is from ohio
i love mustelids so freaking much
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This is a great video. I was thinking of making хopь чepный my fursona.
mr kozelek has swag then
he sure does
i have got swag
you're a cute girl, you don't have swag
you got sum swagger in your step? show us ur moves
I'm a bit drunk and embarrassed of my monotone voice, but hope you enjoy part of my rendition of "you can't get stoned enough" by Phil Ochs
She better post again. We need another pic with her massive rack
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ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee
aww omg anon, that's so cute. would totally be serenaded into slumber resting in your warmth
Do people even go outside anymore? Do they actually sweat and get exercise?
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i dont understand, are you trying to say a thigh full of pockmarks doesn't look sickly?
Cute honestly.
cuddling catposter
injecting catposter with iv narcotics
shrimping cat poster
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Is this creature too feminine to be the fursona of a non fem man?
I miss Aura, bros…
I miss Rick, bros…
I'm honored, here's First Snow, which I ironically discovered when trying to write a college essay during the great 2021 polar vortex that struck the American South
I don’t I hope that retarded faggot is dead
I love tranny voice
I don't, some just sound like gay boys to me
I love tranny soup
soul*, shit
What do they taste like?
no i liked it like that
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trannies loving soup is a stereotype, but I do enjoy corn chowder
I miss him too… his 6.5 inch thick dick…
licking your armpits
Oh mein gott.
need chasergen discord
It contains pedophiles
what if instead of /chasergen/ there was

did i stutter
I hope milk comes out of thos
For the love of god post more
ghostly pale tranner that's incapable of tanning
did i miss anything? This place okay again or will i get more rape threats?

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Don't forget the rapists either they deserve recognition!
Lol I’m sure it’s fine. Could you post voca of your day pls
Goding out or just trying it on?

Im not sure but it seemed to die down.
Trying it on, my birthday is coming up so I kinda wanna go out and drink but idk nothing is gonna be going on
has anyone ever told you that you're wide?
Oh mein gott.
those double piercings always look so good on you
very mixed feedback for jade today i wonder which comments she will listen to
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Kidnapping and filming myself raping a transbian every day for a year and staggering the release of the videos for a decade on a CNC onlyfans
It seems okay for now
Not bleh
I got a wide chest and wide ribs and thankfully due to the magic of medical science my hips are a little wide
bro is not beating the agp allegations
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It is kinda funny seeing her only react to negative comments
We will protect you, queen

Your hips look great in that
Why does your hair always look like shit?
Hey, happy early birthday. I'm sure you will find something fun to do or cool bar to hit up

Ya your hips do look good in the dress. Modern medical science is great
how is your mid face so long? could land a plane on that upper lip
you NEED bigger implants
would chasers watch a 3+ hour historical epic with me in my apartment building's cinema room? then after it's done and we've drunk up all our wine we take it upstairs giggling and enjoying each other's company?
But people always say my lips are too small!
what historical epic is this
they are it's your philtrum that's so long
>apartment building's cinema room
What that sounds cool. But ya I got nothing going on ill watch and drink and enjoy come company.
I would watch the 7 hour nikocado avocado documentary.
dr zhivago. also hi nils
yea man i havent been inside it yet, hopefulyl gonna check it out with some friends tonight and watch chinatown. the duration of the booking is only up to three hours though >.>, i have to put in a word to building management to tell them how ridiculous that is
Only if we could watch goodfellas first
Wait I can kinda see the run way it's over jadebros
I think that'd be a really good date. Anything you're excited to do I'd go along with.
>LB and Ava leave
>Jade comes back
this gen is officially ruined
Oh cool chinatown. I was talking to someone about that the other day. And only 3 hours sucks. There a good amount of movies that are almost 4 hours long now.

You get so much hate every time god damn
pee inside chasers
I liked jadecels better
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Wouldn't want anything else but that
hello, also i would watch this with you
I've actually been meaning to watch Bertoucci's 5 hour 1900
If that's what gets you off
what about scorcese's last temptation of christ? or maybe king of comedy?
yea that was me! ive really been wanting to show it to my friends
dude, have you seen the last emperor? i love that bertolucci flick. i need to watch more of his stuff, like last tango in paris
disrespect mostly
no it's just to put them in their place
Need a cute autistic gf who gets excited about very specific things.
I like the way your boobs look in this. would look better with heels and nails painted pink or red or clear
omg literally me but im super ugly lol
I honestly a little disappointed that the last emperor wasn't in chinese with english subtitles, still thought it was good
>>I honestly a little disappointed that the last emperor wasn't in chinese with english subtitles
yeaa, i think it was an artifact of the times. it wouldnt have been received as well with western audiences had it been in mandarin, which sucks, because the english sounded so stilted.. still a beautiful film
Very cute people say that about themselves. I don't think you're a good judge of that.
You should smile more
i live in a tranny friendly city but everyone still acts creeped out by me when I'm just my business. it's the only explanation
the tale of china's biggest failson, I kinda want to read the book it's apparently based on
What do you get excited about?
the op pic is so aggressive and annoying that it made me almost throw up from laughing. ty op.
How does a person become a chaser?
King of comedy would be fine
If you're austistic you may be confusing mirin' with being creeped out.
sucka da gock
I have large balls
I don't believe it
im so fat and gay and retarded
history and myths and art history and ancient religion and ancient philosophical ideas and ancient power structures and microbiology and animals and data structures and food preservation and rap and more stuff but you get the idea, that kind of thing
the perfect fuck toy
It's crazy right?
Okay we can go back to jadecels
>yea that was me! ive really been wanting to show it to my friends
I thought it might be you but wasn't sure. It great they will like it. Old Hollywood movies have a really cool feel

Someone need to do a study. We know why bottom chasers are here but we are not sure about everyone else.

Im 2/3
Not my problem
Are you a big info dumper?
Small balls energy
But why bottom chasers are here?
i am autistic yes
I spent most of the day crying anon I would if I could.
what kinda analysis do you do with myths? do u look for a freudian through-line?
personally I fantasize about taking care of the emotional needs of a needy girl, but I unfortunately think that I'm too robotic to properly carry that out
no i'm not very fond of freud I'm especially interested in how myths changed over time for instance the way other religions in the area influenced early yahwists and their slow conversion to monothiesm when yheh wasn't even part of their original pantheon
Would you grow bored of someone who doesn't know most of what you're into?
Tranner gf putting mascara on me just so she can make it run
no but i would get bored of someone who doesnt have anything to say about it i think my favorite part of conversations is synthesizing ideas the other person presents with unique knowledge from your own life even if it's barely relevant but shows a through-line in the way humans think or how creation works or whatnot
i primitive trans will fuck u
>the way other religions in the area influenced early yahwists and their slow conversion to monothiesm when yheh wasn't even part of their original pantheon
i thought YHWH was a 2nd tier canaanite storm god fused with El?
cant stop listening to incelcore . thinking i should detransition to become a real incel
But why? Something distressing you?
I need this so bad bros I want to feel a thick gock down my throat
extremely based
Trans girls have some extra equipment they are after.

Damn. You could be like me and just get really good at faking a smile and hiding the pain.

Women can be incels.
I also can't stop. I can't get to know you because then it might not apply to me anymore.
thnkas i do it for yoy my fans
not me tho
post some for me now faggot
>Trans girls have some extra equipment they are after
But why don't date a man instead?
he was yes, but he wasnt even from their pantheon originaly, he was an implant from hiitites maybe? but i dont remember off top who specifically
and the "fusion" with local gods is true but it's not so binary as god a + god B = got AB, how fusion usuallt worked is it's a lot easier to get someone to accept your relgion if you say "hey actually we both worship the same god, we just call him a different thing. but its the same guy dont worry. but btw our way of worshipping him is better than yours because we just beat you guys at a fight so god chose us. so you guys should worship uhh "elohim" just like we do." Elohim was just another prominent god in the region at the time, there are a bunch of other gods and just general religious ideas that were adopted from even further field, like the onsession with number 7 is sumerian and was used as a placeholder for "wholeness". so a reference to 7 days and 7 nights isn't quite as literal as people think, it probably originally means something more like "after than span of waiting was complete". another one is the flood myth is taken straight from babylon
I'm counting on it. My actual daily mantra is that I always have a way out if it gets bad enough <3 <3 somehow that legit keeps me going lol

Good evening chasergen, probably won't be here for a week after tonight
My own retardation causing me issues
When I smile I look ugly I'm really bad at it
why do you miss Rick? I for one miss Frisson. I can't believe I fucked that up bros... I've got the one-itis bad tonight. Should I drink myself to sleep again?
you have a nice body
I don't I was lying
drink until you never wake up again
I always thought you looked cute Jade and saved that kissing webm you made for me. Do you genuinely have bouts of seriously doubting your looks? I guess I have body dysmorphia too in terms of wanting to get stronger. I want my arms to be the size of watermelons and I kind of want to look like Duke Nike'em
Noooo where are you going? At least post more selfies as a parting gift. Also my daily mantra is “everything will change”
oof okay, I'll go back to being anonymous. I was having better discussions with people that way anyway
Super busy work week. If I have the energy I'll get on, I might at least lurk a little
Hmm I'll see if I have some worth posting but no promises <3

That sounds like a much healthier mantra lol. I've tried changing mine but I always catch myself saying it throughout the day
where's ava, mina, pichu, and lizzy?
I don't know you can ask them. I don't have much knowledge on being a bottom

Im not going to tell you to smile, telling a woman to smile is kind of a gross thing, but your smile is probably less ugly than you think. Trust me my smile isn't good but that's more of a my overall face is meh.

We don't need you here rick
I need me here though
ava's at work or something the rest of them started a polycule and are too busy to post
slurping on my girthy 4 inch cock
Why you never use tripcode?

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