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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT1: What other boards you visit regularly?

GOTT2: Is there male celebrity you wish you look like? (Post Pic of him)

QOTT3: Do you speak more than English, or practicing to?

Prev: >>37204966
kys timur
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Any cute AFABs here?
good morning timur (i say as its afternoon here)
/toy/, /vmg/ for battle cats, /trash/, /an/, occasionally /ic/, and the porn boards, i've been trying to expand into other boards
i dont give a shit about celebrities to know which one i wish i looked like
trying to learn german, technically learned spanish but i forgot almost all of it as soon as i graduated highschool so
Fuck off, Polish incel cuck faggot.
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Hi anon. German is great. My favorite word is German. Hard to retain language when not get to converse in it.

Idgaf about celebrities either but curious of answers.
hi pooners, I just wanted to remind you that you will never be men

t. cis gay
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I want to sit neck deep in hot pool in the snow falling. Listening to friends talk to each other and have fun around me.
Take your pills Rebecca
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none anymore, this thread is my last brain junk food. i don't even browse this board
jujimufu, he is goals and kind of has my aesthetic aside from being 10x more muscular
This is probably the worst gen on the board honestly, but honestly good for you man
I wish this gens were more active. They are chillest.
>QOTT1: What other boards you visit regularly?
/o/ & /co/
>GOTT2: Is there male celebrity you wish you look like? (Post Pic of him)
no one specific.
>QOTT3: Do you speak more than English, or practicing to?
You know what? I'm tired of being nice to you bitches. I'm going to say it:

thank you timur
are you particularly bored today? youre pretty active
You are supposed to act offended. I'm going crazy from needing attention today. Today everything is off.
id act offended for you but id sound spergy, i can certainly talk to you though considering i have not much else to do other than trying to get my printer to print something for me
everything's off probably because its a monday
How long you have used this board?
ive lurked the board for at least a year, probably around a year and a half? im relatively new to actually using 4chan for things other than finding pornography
G can you post pics pls ily
I haven't looked at porn in long time.
well if youve got a husband, you probably wont need porn
my girlfriends at college but when she was here i didnt look at it as much
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My hair looks baaaaad rn
What you look at?
i imagine being a tripfag and half the gen hating you is a factor. it's been pretty chill lately
>I'm going crazy from needing attention today
you know what to do
Tbf most the board hates me, but ftmG particularly is catty and annoying compared to other groups on here
Only people that beat em in petty are the cis gays in gaygen
Lol, idk why it corrects the G to be capital
Both men and women, i prefer art over actual pornography (brainworms) but im really interested in men in uniform, like the pictures you post all the time
also got the printer to work we papercrafting today lads
I’m cis gay but you’re giving me strange thoughts
What kind of thoughts? I’m curious…
god i love ferrets... had 3 as a kid/teen
also hiii based timur :3

cute actually but sure, different opinions are allowed ig?
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Thank you, durian. Hello. How are you? What's up?
Just found this account while going through the trans tag on TikTok
https://www.tiktok com/@missnikita_?_t=8paMSvduf3m&_r=1

Why does TikTok push so much detrans content? I didn’t even need to scroll that far, maybe 3-4 videos before I came across her account.
Thank you <3
Nobody hates you. In fact, I love mentally ill jewish women.
Uhhh this weird… I would want you to degrade me, hit me, spit on me, step on me, and force me to worship you. The fact that I’m being dommed by an AFAB plus how like weak you are is hot af.
Also, blogpost alert, but today I met a hot blind girl.

I had interview to become a security guard in auchan today (ofc I didn't get a job, there were 10 boomers with disability certificate, and these parasites are much cheaper to hire because of some disability fund scheme), and I saw a blind woman walking out from auchan, with this stick and a bag.

I saw that she was walking on a bike path, so I asked if I can help her to get home. So she grabbed my hand, and I carried her groceries.

She's a solid 5/10 and a bit older than me, but still. We agreed to grab a beer together soon and I have her number. I wonder if I should call her tomorrow.
That's nice of you. What is auchan?
Good for you anon
Hot, would do this 100%
Sounds like a good time
You don't have auchan in Russia? It's a supermarket.
ugh detrans content makes me want to kill myself, i feel like if youre really in that much regret you should be much quieter about it, it just makes more people think being trans is just a phase and every trans person is actively ruining their body more than they actually are
free country though, i guess
No. I only eat dirt and potatoes. No need for supermarket.
Is it you th?
Yeah no, the comment sections on her videos really say a lot.
Cis people really don’t care about trannies, they’re just nice to our faces, and if one detrans they get praised.
Yes, and?
Hey fag... "most" cis people. I give a shit about some of them.
Nobody cares about Ft"M"s. We see you as spicy tomboys, my vagina bro
Very funny, now take your estrogen.
Call her retard, maybe you will finally stop chasing ftms
You blocked me on discord, block me on here too, pierogi fucker.
It's not me...
People fucking suck
Ok based
Thanks TH, greatly contributing to the conversation as always (this is sarcasm for all the tards in here)
Do I lie? Nobody sees AFABs transgenders as men
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i give a shit about you timur
why she didn't have a guide dog?
They are cool then, you (TH) can go fuck yourself. No one else will.

Thank you anon bro.xnawm
They do indeed, it’s why I avoid TikTok for the most part. I was looking for stuff about ethiopian trans girls and it lead me to the trans tag on there
There are no Ethiopian trans women btw, kinda wild.
Pull up bb boy
I’m gonna shit down your throat
There's daily fights here.

>solid 5/10
Pick one. 1-3 is ugly, 4 is ugly side of average, 5 is average, 6 is cute side of average, 7 is pretty, 8-9 is hot, 10 is perfect. Don't fuck up the rating system, it's perfect as is.

People should be honest about their experiences. That's like saying people should shut up and not mention side effects and risks of medications that help other people. It's good that detransitioners speak up, it's good that successful happy transitioners speak up, it's good that repressors (miserable and not) speak up. Why would you actively want ignorance about how something works to be at the forefront? Why should ignorance validate you? The more people learn and know the better informed they can be about making decisions and paths for treatment and it's nothing but positive that all kinds of people share their experiences even if they differ. There's not really any situation you can put multiple people in and get the same exact result every time, but none of those results invalidate each other, they just represent possibilities and it's good to be aware of those.
If I take estrogen will I grow genital teeth?
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This is a torture for this cat.

I live in a second world shithole. You know how expensive guide dogs are? I don't, but I think they are.
Listen you cringe afab chechen, I would like to block you, but I'm on mobile rn
TH called me cringe. You don't deserve to own cats.
You aren't very nice. Are all jewish girls so tacky?
>Ethiopian trans girls
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/i/, /ic/, /an/, /g/ when I want to believe it will help me, /gif/
Matthew Broderick
Sigourney weaver
I tried to learn russian and german before. Nothing of note.

Going to Philly soon, any cool places to go?
What stopped you?
Ok so average. To biological men, every AFAB that isn't old, fat or mutilated is hot.

This is something that you female hypergamic brains cannot comprehend.
Cats are largely pest animals, flooding the streets of places and killing native actually valuable wildlife and contaminating everything with their shit and piss which is more harmful due to ammonia content than most other animals. There's so many of them in shelters places resort to euthanasia, and people literally just find them in the garbage outside and bring them home. There's no "deserve" with owning cats,
> going to Philly
As someone who goes to Philly frequently, don’t get shot
Cool places? South street is pretty dope, just avoid it at night. AND DO NOT USE THE SUBWAY!!! It’s not the same as NYC, homeless people camp out down there and some can be dangerous.
Believe me, you don’t wanna walk through an encampment of 100+ people packed into a subway, especially if you have food/valuables.
>it just makes more people think being trans is just a phase and every trans person is actively ruining their body

It depends on dose and time. Microdosing or quiting T early is fine, otherwise it's mutilation.
I know we're here so you think that being a woman is going to bother me, but I'm comfortable with it. What I'm not comfortable with is reading "I saw this hot chick... she was a solid 5/10" when I read a story.
NYC subway is loaded in homeless people what are you talking about?
Amen. Infertile roasties (whom are worthless in general) instead of experimenting with in vitro or adopting, should take a few cats from shelter.
+ most of them are crazy too. Plenty of bad shit happens on NYC trains. You must not have been on them much if you think those things don't apply.
Not like Philly is, no way
I went in there and no joke there was an encampment of 100+ homeless people all living down there. In NYC the subway also has a heavy NYPD pressence, there are no cops whatsoever in the subways in Philly, there aren’t even turnstiles if I remember correctly.
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I've never heard this information in my life
Have you ever been through Oregon?
I think that being a 5'1 petite jewish AFAB plays a big role here.

I don't have a hypergamic brain like AFABs, I cannot sort women that I like by some imaginary scale.
Cats are more often than not horrible to live with.
Half my family is from Philly, been going weekly for years. It’s a wild place. Literally a few mins away from my grandmas house a group of teens got shot in a drive by, two of her neighbors health aids have also been victims of gun violence.
This has all happened in the last 4 months btw
I haven’t been through Oregon, but I’ve heard horror stories about Portland
Niggers are 100x worse than homless people. I was a few times in nyc visiting family and on port leaves - how it's possible that they are so many niggers there.
I'm not saying Philly isnt worse, it is, but it's stupid to think a NYC subway isn't going to be loaded in crazy homeless people. There's plenty of stations that aren't loaded in cops too. What'd you do go to a few places in Manhattan a couple times and think you've seen all there is to see? NYC has been getting worse over the years too, it's significantly shittier now than it was. So yeah Philly is dangerous, but I've been groped and harassed and all kinds of shit on NYC subways so... yeah no. I grew up in a good neighborhood and shit too, and generally only took trains that went through those outside of surprise shut downs and reroutes. Saying "this is bad too" isn't saying "this is worse." Wasn't a comparison statement, was just a reality check about NYC subways.
Yeah, but infertile roasties don't deserve to have real children. At least with cats they can do some good.
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who has been on T for long than 1.5 years and when did you notice the BIGGEST visual changes? i just hit the 1 year mark and while i've noticed a lot of changes, i'm not where i wanna be and i'm trying to be patient
Plenty of cis men do so you're just making noise now.
Living with cats isn't doing anyone any good.
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No shit. I'm asking for places to visit. Annoying to be told the same warning every time I mention it in a pearl clutching tone .
Good night girls. I have to go to sleep, wageslaving awaits.
Another day of work, another day of loneliness.
Since the image title asks: I would guess only top surgery.
I never stated that stuff like that doesn’t happen in nyc, but it is arguably less frequent.
A woman literally got raped on a SEPTA bus and all people did was record for 8 stops until the train staff intervened.
Philly is a fucking shithole.
Stop mutilating your body before it's too late. Nobody wants gross hairy women.

I was talking about wellbeing of cats, not wellbeing of old infertile roasties.
You’re actually retarded if you don’t take this seriously lol
The coolest place in Philly is Kensington, definitely go check it out bro
Of course I take it seriously I just have heard it dozens of times like I'm an old deaf woman walking into dark alley ways. Jesus.
>A woman literally got raped on a SEPTA bus and all people did was record for 8 stops until the train staff intervened

As it should be. Fuck train staff cucks. AFABs actually enjoy rapes.
Kensington looks like shit hole overrun by fentanyl addicts
Have you been to a major city before even?
Kek, I see you did your research
you live in russia
You shut the fuck up.
is timur and tranny hater the same person? I don't follow this gen lore
Hey ftmg, cis guy here.

Why aren't you playing MudRunner? It has online compatibility and it's cheap on Steam, don't you want to carry logs on an old Soviet train across Siberia mud bogs?
I want ftms to play on my cock
It gets lonely for truckers...
I'm too busy autistically building an incest empire in crusader kings 3
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I've been living on my daddy's farm since I was a boy. I went out for a drive when I was maybe 5 or 6, way out to eastern Texas for a family Independence day party. I considered it a city at the time, just because it was the only place I had seen that wasn't surrounded by corn. I've only gotten an internet connection in the past year, and I've only grown more confused as to why anyone would live in a city, so far removed from any connection to family or tradition. I don't think they even know how to grow their own food, and now the women are cutting off their breasts? I just don't get it. I feel like it's pressure to hide their feminine figure from gangs of dark colored men. I think I'm having second thoughts about getting on that plane next week.
I only play r6s out of multi-player games.

No, he's polish incel, I'm russian and woman magnet.
>Crusader Kings 3
Not my cup of tea but based and valid.
no offense, but you sound 10x more autistic than him
Do you like the older rainbow 6? Ever played Splinter Cell?
I’d whip your ass at R6
That sounds autistic as fuck, real chads play euro truck simulator
None taken.
Nah, I didn't get into games until few years ago.

Yeah I don't take game too seriously, I'm the fucktard that goofs off.
Gay, if you’re not playing to win why play?
because im too busy playing risk of rain 2 and looking at this shithole thread, i dont think id pay to play that kind of game but i might look at the steam page
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I have fun goofing off. I take it semi serious I guess. But not try hard levels. Also I don't get so serious I get angry if we lose. Shooting in real life is more focus.
Truck sims are boring.
Who do you play?
Who do you play in Risk of Rain 2?
Nah fuck tryharding, I just like winning more than losing.
I only have console.
>>37216675 hi again buggy
used to main huntress cause i liked the auto aim but once i stopped pussyfooting around ive been trying to play all characters, save for dlc
the only ones i havent really gotten much enjoyment out of are bandit and artificer, but i also havent played them in a while so im sure i can find a groove with them
still haven't unlocked rex yet sadgers, next time i play i gotta lock in and just do it, cant be that hard
I love artificer. I only play artificer.
based but also rip, very limited selection compared to pc in my opinion
I hate being on computers but I miss out, yeah.
I don't have Rex yet either, want to multi-player and try and get him?
completely based, but i like having a variety plus my friends started making fun of me for it
i really like acrid, did a funny pitbull build with a friend and the run lasted like 4 hours
i also really like loader
yknow what id be down, how do you want to exchange info? let me get set up in the mean time
I'm making lunch right now but I'll post my steam friend code when I can get on
>fuel array explodes at 50% HP
Maybe we'll have to have a "GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT" run
based, ill be lurking ftmg until then, i might eat dinner in an hour or so
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Fuck. Is there name for the position where one sits on couch or wherever, and someone straddles the lap facing them? This is my favorite way to fall asleep.
What console?
I’ve only played commando and huntress I literally just bought the dlc lol
I enjoyed them though ;3
my friends all bought the dlc so i dont bother lmao, i keep hearing about how shitty the newer one made the game too
i dont really care about modding but it sucks that they basically broke it from what ive heard
also some of the items seem lackluster, but the survivors look cool
Not sure I'm cute, but YOU are, damn
That sounds normal for people in current year
Because I've only been playing Binding of Isaac really and occasionally Outlast Trials, and the next game I'm going to play is Warhammer Space Marines 2.
But unfortunately true.
Xbox is better
Fuck Edmund Mcmillian for making all the Isaac dlcs retarded as fuck
Laptop is better.
It's mildly addictive anyway and fills a space when I feel like something I can just pick up and put down and don't feel like playing Deathsmiles or Ikaruga.
I play more Dead Cells and Gunfire Reborn nowadays but the game is aight
based, i wish that asshole didnt limit modding to fucking dlc thats half the reason i wanted to play
thankfully i got it off steam share
idk but thats cute, are you top or bottom in that scenario?
G pisses me off. She's a woman.
G is cis? What is even she doing in a lgbt board lol
I'm on top of him. I always drool on his back.
Yes, gamepass is so great and being able to share games between Xbox and pc is awesome.
Yeah fuck him, fuck Florian Himsl especially. Retarded fucking Austrian
I’m ftm, it’s just some sperg that posts that he hates me in every thread
aww, that's sweet.
sent, should be a weird skeleton cat pfp coming your way
Lol, what's the point of being ftm and basically presenting yourself as a girl, like most tourists know you as she/her
That’s because people make assumptions, never once have stated I am or want to be a woman
When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.
>only top surgeon results i like are dr. blechman's
>costs are apparently around $20k
>from bongistan so that's not even factoring in travel/accomodation
i would say fuck it and just get a cheaper surgeon but his results are the one of the only ones that check all the boxes for me personally, top surgery isn't something i want to cheap out on even if i'm a poorfag
it's so disturbing. it wasn't always this way was it? it's true everyone's become so weak, unable to defend themselves or others. and whenever someone does try to be a hero, no good deed goes unpunished and they get a lawsuit if they hurt the poor widdle criminal. i want to learn some martial art and carry a gun, fuck this shit
/co/, /v/, /vr/, /vp/, /toy/, /ic/, /a/, /tv/, /ck/, /x/ and /trash/
can't really think of anyone specific at the moment, but as a kid i wanted to either look like david tennant or younger jack black which in hindsight was a glaring fucking sign kek
trying to learn spanish
Post cloaca
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Thank you. He likes it too.
I haven't been actively learning any language, but I've been working on my French and Italian pronunciation
Hello arty
any sensible man would
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Not everyone likes russian guy falling asleep on his lap, and drooling on him.
good thing i'm a trans man and not a gross hairy woman, phew. i still have a chance!
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I check in on /cgl/ occasionally to see how it's doing, I used to browse it daily in high school.
I like to think Alex Woolf would be a realistic goal. I envy his prominent nose and brow bone and the longer midface. Otherwise I'd just want to look how the men in my family looked, we have excellent early life genetics.
I took Japanese for five years in high school/college because I lived nearby and there was a huge jp population, but there isn't where I live now so it's all rusted away. Picking up Spanish through osmosis from the kitchen staff though.
Uniforms S tier kink. Right up there with masks. I wish the air force would have taken me sometimes, in a better timeline.
Portland is ass. I know so many people who moved there thinking it was gay mecca and fled back to the midwest in like 2 years or less.
I'm at like twoish years now with semi stable dosage. Honestly the fat redist is still happening for me, I see minor shifts even in photos from a few months ago, and my muscle gain has spiked out of nowhere. Still waiting to shed facial fat. Got a bit more facial hair.
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Hello purple.
Howdy timur, hope your day's going well. Where'd the nickname Arty come from tho?
Thank you. How are you?

Arty is "R T"
unsee cc/album#Vce3kLlXdjgF
Keyhole surgery on a borderline chest. Upload better pics eventually when I get in shape and possibly not until I get my revision
personally i would but maybe im just desperate
It wasn't, but it's beyond weakness it's virtual rubbernecking. People satisfy their fucked up voyeuristic urges and attention seeking this way. Crime videos go viral they want the one that makes it, and there's no shortage of people who will watch and seek that shit out. Martial arts are generally ineffectual in actual combat situations.
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I want to play in the snow. Do you guys like to?
i mean down in the deep hot south snow doesnt come around anymore except for when you snort it
but i always thought it was pretty
thanks for keeping the thread alive as always timur
i loved going to military service in finland. tbf freezing weather up to -20C (0F?) weren't even that funny the best weather was around 0C (~30F?) where it was wet during day time and all your wet clothes froze during night time goddamn i loved it
only /v/ and /vg/ but on rare occasions i go to /pol/ and larp as a jewish man or immigrant
it makes me want to tell them to ack, i hate terfs so much. if the world was free of terfs in some way it'd be a better place
that's not him, retard. that's an underage ftm from reddit he was jacking off to. he's a fat cismale pre-t chaser from poland
Putain America, je déménage en France!
I went to Florida once, I literally died there.
I try to keep it alive.

Why you are not still in military?
Got into the Deadlock test
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new to 4chan actually but my friend and I frequently laugh about /x/ and /pw/
I mostly don't care about celebrities but I always liked how daeg faerch looks; softer look on a man and it reminds me how diverse we all are/can look
I speak german too but I'm in study for linguistics. I like germanic and scandinavian languages
Been in it
My brother payed a shady Russian guy that got us accounts around 3-4 months ago
Paid* wtf I’m a tard
Well fuck you, I had to act like an E-Slut to get mine!
How hard did you have to e-whore to get the deadlock key
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I love the snow more than any other weather. We get less and less of it every year. One day I will live somewhere that gets consistent snow every winter.
Mostly /i/ and /ic/, sometimes /v/, but only post here
No, probably
Learning French, it's boring and useless
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Just this Reddit post lmfao
French is sexy.
Only if you speak the sexy type of french
>t. fr*nch canadian
I will still enjoy if you tell me you're from France.
I’m learning French, I want to move to Paris one day.
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Trust me, you’ll hear the difference
Pretty good, my shift was easy and it's about to end, gonna go home and game
>Arty is "R T"
I don't know why I didn't think about that lol
i wanna get dicked down so bad everytime a guy sits next to me i cant help but notice how much bigger just his hands are and how easy it would probably be for him to pin me down and use me like a fucktoy
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Je realize que j'oubli comment ecrire en francais. Je n'ai plus des amis francaise.
hon hon wee wee baguette stinky boy
Lmao, real as fuck though
I should be back with my pc set up in a few days, can hop on the deadlock steezy grind
i think T is making my hip dips more obvious. i also feel like my thighs got bigger and even though it's muscle instead of just woman fat i'm getting dysphoric. i think i have brainworms but i feel like i just look more feminine lately
Literally just now playing it
do you caught randomly thinking about sex and getting hard as randomly getting hard? i do that all the time but ive rarely ever just gotten hard out of the blue even when i was early on T, think i did it all the time during first puberty though
why would you want to befriend the fr*nch
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/vmg/ /k/ and /ic/
mads mikkelsen must be the actor i most want to look like, we have some similar traits like the hair and the shape of the mouth
apart from my mother tongue, I know english, can read spanish, i got as far as B1 in japanese, which I stopped there lol), and now im trying to learn german.

>BIGGEST visual changes
I think it's the fact that the facial hair is thicker n it grow so fast + if you're in the gym continuously while on T, your muscles will keep up with the progress and won't look flabby if you don't train constantly for a few months, for example.
Brainworms. I take pictures of my body in a neutral pose to compare so that I can see if there is change or if it's just my imagination
Probably leg hair
i gained like 5 pounds on the last month and it's really messing with me i think. when you're so close to a weight goal and you plateau it can dribe you actually insane
hip dips are a good thing as an ftm because it means you're practically hipless, so long as you have a good WHR or shoulders
>t. hip dip haver
You have to be conservative to be a man
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unseecc/album#cI2z0qHIAVvm ok before anyone asks yes this is muscleanon. i'm a year on t and i can see the changes and i know in another year i'll see a lot more, and i'm probably brainwormed right now, but i feel like it's over with these weird protrusions on my thighs. i know i need to lose fat and get bigger up top to compensate but am i being retarded for even getting upset
you have a passoid physique so it's absolutely brainworms. i wouldn't worry
>also an onahole/clit stroker combo would be fun
business idea
combined onahole and stroker with a strapon style harness so an AMAB can pound a stroker onto your tdick and you could both enjoy penetrating together

I'd spend half a grand up to a grand to try and commission a custom order of that right now from sex toy companies if I wasn't painfully single
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>i'm a year on t
Give it some time, I’m at 4 years and I still have some leftover gynoid fat deposits. Total fat redistribution takes a lot of time, and hip fat goes last
sounds like it'd be awkward to use
>get home from work
>take about 5 steps in the house
>roommate exists
>"holy shit anon your BO"
okay maybe only my bf likes it after all. still not going to shower
*licks screen*
But fr, you look good, just give T more time to work its magic. You’re on the right track. Like that other anon said, fat distribution takes a ton of time.
everything about tdick sex is awkward anyway, cant let that stop you
those protrusions are your quads, they're just better defined because you don't have much feminine body fat padding your thighs out anymore
it's a sign that masculinization is working
it's a good thing
good old frotting works pretty well for mutual stimulation
i heard you can kill fat cells with 48 hour fast or something, would speed up the process if so
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Remember to always jerk off the same day you get your shot to make your pp bigger
Is that a thing
I’m trying to dickmaxxx
it only works if you do it in weird specific ways
just invest in a pump
Fat cells don’t die from fasting or losing weight in general, they only shrink. Only natural cell turnover kills them
why is T making me horny in a dyke way instead of a malebrained way
i need to bury my face in pussy NOW, kiss it, lick it, drink its juices, my head nestled between thick woman thighs
is this on one view? ok bro
because all the times you were watching straight porn you were imagining yourself as the male pornstar
you have always been attracted to women, you've just engaged with it in a HSTS manner
or is the issue that pussy worship isn't masc enough for you?
cause there is literally nothing wrong with pussy worship
pussy worship is the most cucked fetish though, the average cis male treats pussy as a fleshlight and doesn’t know how to find the clit
I don't usually go in ftmg and I just found out G is an "ftm" I see her pics around sometimes thought she was just a cis girl or MTF passoid wtf
no, getting your girl to fuck bigger men so you can pretend you're them is the most cucked fetish possible, and as long as you're thinking about how cucked it is for you to eat pussy while you're eating pussy you're liable to end up doing exactly that in a couple years (the amount of "bi" or "lesbian" reppers who do this is stupidly high, btw)

get over it, you're gonna be eating lesbian pussy anyway and they dont care
taking applications for an ftm bf who lets me finger his pussy
t. post-op hon
why do you hate me so?
sorry to further degenerate the thread but i have to tell someone about how i hung out with my best friend and her bf recently and it ended up with my face buried in her massive tits while her bf fucked the daylights out of me. i think im fixed now and will never have to return to this website again. take care of yourselves
Congrats girl, a good cock fixes all delusional women
i think my dick grew at least 5 nanometers from the spiritual boost the event has given me, so the joke is on you anon!!!!!!
why would you ever let anyone fuck your pussy lol, especially a straight man? at least fuck a tru-bichad
he's a bichad she's a straightcel so it was quite the epic win for me.
in that case its extremely based. glad you got to have fun, anon
oooh those are some unlucky dubs
wonder what got it
me too anon. i'm officially a bloomer from here on out.
Lel the exact same realization happened for me before
i don't recognize the namefag. probably a gaygen or chasergen poster
>has a bf
i think you do not know what this word means
G your hands look so...boy...
also nice arm hair brotha
>ywn be a rich and powerful nobleman
>ywn have a beautiful teenage bride gifted to you
>ywn know the feeling of deflowering her tight virgin pussy on your wedding bed
Why live?
anybody here ever apply T to their genitals?
i stopped T gel last month and was waiting for my new script from the compounding pharmacy, it goes right on the dick
i'm actually very angry now that i hadn't done this sooner because hooooly shit i have needed to furiously masturbate all day long
trans men calling their clit a dick is just as weird and fetishy as hons calling their dick a clit
ok and? what are you gonna do about it? cry and piss and shit yourself? slit your wrists miserable lil faggot
>uwu my cute little 1 inch dick
do you see how retarded you seem
do you see how retarded you seem sperging out over my word choice?
also it's 2 and a half inches :|
>making fun of me is sperging out
how are you so fembrained
bet you could get to 4 inches if you pumped
you're acting like me calling my genitals a word you didn't like didn't just make you massively insecure right now dumb bitch
lock up your clitty, sissy, you've lost your internet privileges for the day
i used to own one, i've been thinking about buying another and measuring the before & after this time
>you're so insecure
no sis you're just a weirdo lol
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No you were right before she's cis f just trolls that she's ftm sometimes to piss ppl off
but you saying that makes me want to furiously masturbate

no normal sane unhinged person reacts the way you did to someone using a word you personally don't like. i'm not sure what my BIG COCK, my MANLY PENIS, my FAT FUCKING DICK, ever did to you, but i'm sorry! no need to get catty about it :D
go rub ur pussy or smthng idk
can i rub it to your posts?
no, he's on t so he's ftm
t. his friend
yeah whatever gets you goin ig.
i'm really hoping you're not another ftm because you are so terminally fucking female it hurts
if you're mtf then i applaud you
Gloves you're never getting that pussy just give it up
i'm not attracted to g in any way, i just consider him a man
the thinnest people have the most to gain from feeding, that's the appeal
an empty cup can be filled many more times than your own
i want to be the one being fed, though, and g isn't into fat guys
you should pull a Nikocado and restart your gaining
idk man, im coming up on three years now, we should increase dosage or something unless me want to be doomed to gigapoon fates?
6.5 years
noticed biggest changes within the first few months w/ bottom growth
for things other people can see, i'd say my face became more angular at the 3-4 yr mark
too much effort
sorry i'm not a lingopilled buzzwordmaxxer. i am listening and learning
unsee cc/album#BMYJ4uVKsmwP

what no top surgery does to a mfer
I wonder what it'd feel like to motorboat
i hate transphobic reppers so much
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wishing a good transition upon all my trans brothers
Welcome to being a man.

How does it sounds different?
You should eat your feelings about it.
Plans for today, ftmg?
Hate on G for being a woman
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>scroll thread
>no photos
>walls of unfunny afab nonsense

Girls, post photos! Nobody cares what you have to say
You have a cool face, you look like the type of person to wear cowboy boots with like a fucking slayer T-shirt and would know the best divebars and underground shows.
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Sounds really faggoty.
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Thanks, but idk I think they’re too small and girly I’m ngl
Full size bic lighter for reference ig
Faaaaaaaaaaaan behavior
Hypermobile knuckles, I have them too, can see where they bend back a bit too far.
Kek, good eyes man. You have EDS too?
I scored a 9/9 on my Beighton testing. One of the criteria was hypermobility in the knuckles/fingers.
is it weird I don't have a breast feeding thing but wish a no top surgery man with a hairy chest like this would platonically breastfeed me even though I don't like men

t. straight ftm
Enormous dick syndrome?
You have some ratty ass hands lol
Post yours.
Yes, it’s chronic
My back is in pain from carrying this fat cock around all the time
I know ~.~
No, I literally just posted my weiner to prove I’m not afab :sob:
> posted peen
Where, I need to see for research purposes
I can't figure out the link you posted and I ask for hands not dick.
It should be unsee dot cc / the link I posted
Gay ass nigga
I get curious but feel weird to look at unsees.
It auto self destructed lol
One person saw it and it deleted it.
I don't have a diagnosis because I can't stand dealing with doctors they've been useless with a lot of the issues I've had over the years. I do have nearly all the symptoms, and my fingers naturally hyperextend when I hold them out at rest (pic related) and i can bend them back 90 degrees, touch my thumb to my wrist etc. A good chunk of my day is devoted to rearranging my skeleton and popping things back into place so I can move or relieve pain; in addition to all the stomach issues (lifelong + lifelong joint issues), ADHD, and what appears to be the development of MCAS after getting lyme disease. I have to carry antihistamines everywhere and avoid a ton of shit, get tremors and shit that can last a week if I fuck up and don't keep them at bay with meds.

Learned how to spot that though from a friend who has it who was listening to me and then showed me all the things I was saying that were symptoms that she deals with.
Forgot 4chan flips these, you get the idea anyway.
Just a lil bit
The link didn’t work ;-;
Fuck man, I’m sorry. Doctors can really fucking suck. There’s a website called the Ehlers Danlos Society that has a section dedicated to finding doctors that treat EDS in every state. You should look into that if you haven’t already. It’s how I found the excellent cardiologist that diagnosed me and researches EDS for a major hospital in my area.
NAH, bro was fiending to see my swc that’s crazy.
New >>37224723
>QOTT1: What other boards you visit regularly?
none desu
>GOTT2: Is there male celebrity you wish you look like?
i dont think so desu? im trying to think of a twink i could feasibly look like and want to look like and i cant really do it.
>QOTT3: Do you speak more than English, or practicing to?
Trying to learn dutch rn

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