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QOTT: What would you do if a goddess forcibly transitioned you into a man so you could marry your loving wife?
QOTT2: Are you into mythology at all?

Prev: >>37193042
cum, probably
i think its cool, dont really believe in it (or anything atm im vaguely agnostic)
Used to be really into Greek mythology but not anymore desu
That's sick as fuck actually, I might have to do that sometime
I want a FTM partner (without a beard) but you're all shut-ins, tips?
Do I just have to try my luck on insta, tinder and tiktok?
qott: what
qott2: i used to like greek mythology when i was younger
any reccomendations regarding how to lower seroma accumulation so i can go out and do fun stuff i couldnt do with tits? like swimming, running and lifting weights?
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here is what it looks like
be grateful
i think its cool but know nothing about it
>without a beard
why? do you see us as women?
>insta, tinder and tiktok?
probably, depending on what kinda pooner you want i'd also look on twitter and discord, maybe grinder? idk
are you looking for a feminine one or one of those workout chads i keep seeing on insta
It's from the legend of Iphis. Iphis was born female and raised as male due to her father threatening to put her to death if she was a girl. A marriage was aranged between Iphis and Ianthe, the daughter of a nobleman - the two fell deeply in love, causing Iphis to lament:
>"O what will be the awful dreaded end, with such a monstrous love compelling me? If the Gods should wish to save me, certainly they should have saved me; but, if their desire was for my ruin, still they should have given some natural suffering of humanity. The passion for a cow does not inflame a cow, no mare has ever sought another mare. The ram inflames the ewe, and every doe follows a chosen stag; so also birds are mated, and in all the animal world no female ever feels love passion for another female—why is it in me?"
As the wedding drew closer, Iphis and her mother attempted to delay it so her secret wouldn't be discovered. On the eve of the wedding, they went to pray to the goddess Isis, who transformed Iphis into a man.
>"Her face seemed of a darker hue, her strength seemed greater, and her features were more stern. Her hair once long, was unadorned and short. There is more vigor in her than she showed in her girl ways. For in the name of truth, Iphis, who was a girl, is now a man!"
Iphis and Ianthe were happily married the next day.
>t. mythology geek
no clue how to help you but i think you're very attractive if it helps
thank you- i hope i heal up better and my chest actually looks normal n stuff
>>without a beard
>why? do you see us as women?
Prospective partners in a relationship.
In my country they don't use twitter much, discord somewhat.
Usually feminine, workout too, but people that haven't been through plastic surgeries and fucking up their internal organs and immune system, I don't want to mourn again someone getting into an impossible health situation made on their own.
>Usually feminine, workout too, but people that haven't been through plastic surgeries and fucking up their internal organs and immune system,
in that case yeah, stick to insta and tiktok, i dont use tinder so idk how many there are on it and i also dont know your country so :P
you'd probably have most luck with youngshits trenders and theyfabs specifically
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I'm fucking sleepy.
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I’m not sure either, sorry. I am curious though, did you have drains in for a week or so immediately after surgery (like picrel), or did your surgeon not use them?
hi timur, try having a better timezone next time
have you considered doing a backflip?
we shouldn't help cism chasers as much as i hate tiktok theyfabs. he clearly doesn't want an ftm partner, he wants a cis woman and wants to abuse theyfabs on top. cism chasers aren't people
Sucks to suck
Did Flux post this
Celebrate and then immediately divorce her.
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I'll try.

Go fuck yourself, faggot.
I had them, but the right one failed, apparently it has been happening lately. i had incisions only around the nipple. i had them in for about 2-3 weeks
fair point, i dont care for them but im also too used to taking things at face value
sucks to get raped as a kid, sodomite
>people want to be happy
>I content
>he contents
>random avatarfag doesn't
There is a place under the sun for everyone, gateekeping is for poor bored boomers, chud.
Interesting, I assumed this was associated with not having them. Hope you get well soon.
>random avatarfag
>poor bored boomers
newfag spotted kys
i need to start filtering namefags, y'all toxic and cringe
> go to arcade with the bros
> hot instagram girlies pull up taking pics for some reason
> one of em is a super cute short Asian girl
> tell her she’s pretty, but I’m super awkward and have negative rizz, look gross after flying all day
> her: “hehe, thank you ahhh”
Is this what being male is like
Just got this dragon from my coworker. I am very excited because I love dragons
1. I'm gay but it'd be cool I think
2. Yeah
I don't know I exclusively have sex with 4chan users
Me too thankfully I have tomorrow off work
>Did Flux post this
chasers deserve to suffer, end of story. anyone who sees transitioned ftms as women have a place in a pure white room being served white rice on a white plate, with no way to tell the time or day
Be annoyed I don't want a wife. I don't have dysphoria anymore either but I think I wouldn't care about that bit.

I like mythology and religious texts etc.
Pick one.
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Where you go? I thought you are going to suck me?
Hey man get mad at the greeks not me
I’m such a sodomite, oooh please punish me zealot of the sky zadd~ oh woe is me for being a homosexual auuggghh. Shut the fuck up retard, I’d stomp your fucking head in.
poonerbros (and others ig) should i try to get assblastingly high again tonight
ive got a little bit left and im very bored atm, no friends online to play vidya
just found out about some crazy shit from my past
>ytber who hates me boots me for being an (at the time) barely-18 turboautist without proper socialization
>cut to 2022
>bitch doxes ytber who hates me
>bitch tries and fails to pin it on me
>bitch says i called her "my queen!" when i never did, says it's sexual harassment
>bitch lies ytber who doesn't like me fed glass to dogs
>makes long video with wedgie fetishist
>both her and wedgie fetishist get caught lying about everything
LMAOOOOOOOO all this because she wanted to scam someone out of a fursuit
based, ill probably pack it around an hour or so from now
hopefully threads get more entertaining around then
None of these words are in the bible
its a long story. hope that youtuber is doing better now
What you are all doing right now? I turned into ferret.
I can't be the only one who fantasizes about stealing a trans girl's dick and putting it on myself and fucking her with her own dick
sitting around bored as hell watching youtube waiting for later, considering trying out tripfagging but i dont feel like ive been around long enough and consistent enough
I just put my birds to bed and now I'm sitting on the couch thinking about making coffee listening to the air pumps on my fish tanks going while I consider playing a game; not sure which.
You probably aren't, but I'm definitely not the person you're sharing that fantasy with.
average t4t hetero couple
t. pooner in t4t relationship
What are you watching?
rn im watching
i like watching video essays and other brainless content, have that on almost all the time because i ate that shit up as a kid
(never linked before hope it works)
Post selfie
absolutely not i am pre t and look like shit, plus my gf knows im on 4chan and id rather her not randomly open lgbt and see my retarded face
Damn that's long, you watch these at normal speed? I 2x everything except music and movies and I wish it went a bit faster sometimes.
Posting it as a link also works.
*in effeminate sissy voice*
>id stomp your head in yasss queen i would slayyyyy you
im very intimidated by the threats of a fat mouth-breathing woman online. get pozzed nigger
I fucking dare your pencil neck ass to walk anywhere and Cincinnati and call someone a fucking nigger, see what the fuck happens you literal mongoloid
You’d be shocked at the fights I’ve seen fags put up, pipe down poonling
Only way to avoid being bashed is to bash back even harder.
nigger id say come to atl but your snowflake ass would melt in the heat. why are you such a pussy?
>makes long video with wedgie fetishist
this is where I got lost and I need a link to understand
ofc i watch at normal speed, im extremely autistic and have nothing but time
still id rather kill myself, ask again in 6 months
he can't even defend himself against a woman i'm not scared lmao
how do i know if im being cut off slowly from my friend group or if im having a bpd/npd episode?
You’re pretty fucking mouthy for an incel, what daddy beat your ass a little too hard this week? You have to take your gayden rage out on someone who would end your sorry existence if given the chance? Fuck outta here lil nigga
I was a child, why don’t you share with the class your reasoning for making fun of a sexual assault victim?
I was just giving a suggestion because what you said about her seeing didnt make sense, it's fine to not if you don't want to I'm not the one who asked.

Normal speed is painful usually especially with information. I even double speed 5 minute videos. I just want to know/see and then watch the next thing. I'm usually actively looking for stuff to watch next while 2x speed going through something else + whatever else I'm doing right then.
>share with the class
You a bitch that's why
Did buggy even do anything or is this just the hatred for anyone not ftm in /ftmg/
Considering tuning into the Sunday night football game, but I might just stay in bed honestly. And I hope you turn back, ferrets are delicate as hell
Have you tried asking just like that? I've had friends with bpd and I appreciate it when they come to me and share their concerns since the other option is they disappear for a bit til their head is in a better place. Either one is fine desu, but yeah... consider just bringing it up, I assume they know you have it so I'm sure some of them have read a bit on it and shit like that no?
Buggy is just vibing, retards are sperging like usual seeing anyone that’s not completely off their rocker using the site
am i an incel or am i a gayden (woman who can get laid whenever i want)? make up your mind, lard ass. faggots are the shittiest part of the lgbt community, you're all either pedophiles or victims of sexual abuse that scrambled your brain and make you act like hysterical cunts. you can't call me mouthy, you're the bitchiest person here
yeah, probably shouldve led with that, didnt mean to get too antagonistic i need to work on being so defensive
as for the speed whatever, ive never watched something in altered speed, feels like itd rot my brain more than just having constant background videos usually do
Whatever, cry somewhere else you’re shitting up the thread with your drivel lmao
i wonder if your bf had a seizure because your digital footprint and constant desire to cheat on him stressed him out too much
*fag voice, obviously defeated but trying to play it off*
>OUHH!!~ whateverrrrrr~ cry somewhere else~ you're shitting up a thread that i don't even belong in~~
You jerk off to my voice honey, we all know you’re obsessed.
i don't have a diagnosis because my doctors like to hugbox narcs out of fear of retaliation. i need to talk to more people, but large/new groups have been making me disassociate lately, and i can tell that i just RUIN the whole vibe for everyone when im there, so I've been punishing myself with solitude.
i like bio pussy, your blown out shithole will never compare. just because mommy and daddy wanted you doesn't mean anyone else does
Makes sense, nice to have some fairly normal trips in here. Did something happen to wolfgang? I'm not seeing him in here
Wrong on multiple accounts, daddy didn’t want me and mommy only kept me around because nobody loved her. We all know you’re projecting your copious amounts of trauma and anger on me because I’m an outsider. Your shtick is getting fucking old bro post on a trip so you can do everyone a favor and be filtered, thanks pumpkin.
i raped her viciously until she burned enough calories to lose weight and detransition
why do you claim to be a white man but talk like a black woman?
>daddy didn't love me
we can all tell, that's why you're here
>nobody loved her
id give her a good loving
It was cause his heart rate runs rlly low and it dropped too much turns out
Wolfgang’s been gone since the end of newfag summer. Thank fuck.
You know you're both being retarded right now yeah? Carry on it's funny, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's all retard shit.

It's cool. I can't do constant background noise like that, makes it hard to think or hard to listen or both. I also sometimes pause videos to watch other videos in between because something else seemed interesting and I dont want to forget to watch it but also I still want to watch the other one so I have to alternate 2x speed videos and then sometimes I'll read or whatever while I'm doing that because some shit needs to be looked deeper into and videos can take too long. Normal speed is like torture and brainrot for me, even with movies or shows sometimes. I'm amazed you can watch these like that, because I sometimes won't even start something once I see that. Like I clicked that link and the song in the beginning got stuck in my head for about a minute but all I noticed was how long it was and my brain just went "nope"

I watch a lot of occult and esoteric shit and I like old psas and military training videos and whatnot.
I never claimed anything? Are you sure you’re not talking about someone else?
skip to 1:24:44, it's preservetube because the reupload was on a pedo's channel briefly mentioned in the beatdown
the original guy who streamed this vindicated me in the last 10 or so minutes, the rest is shitting on a sex pest
you claimed to be a white cis fag yesterday. I know you're retarded but do you have genuine memory loss or something?
I love being retarded, we should shoot at tripfags feet to make them dance like monkeys for our amusement
Do you know you ruined things because you were told that or is that just how it makes you feel when something is off or doesn't feel right? From here it sounds like you might be having an episode based on that statement. I can't know for sure, just whenever I've seen someone I know with bpd and they talk about themselves this way it's a self hatred surfacing and being projected as people seeing them the ways they feel right in that moment. I don't have it myself, but yeah... I'd honestly need to know more about the situation.

What's going on that you feel like they're distancing? Did something happen? What do you do that "ruins" things? Is it even that bad to ruin something sometimes? People fuck up and you can still love and want them around, maybe not in the moment while you're upset or whatever but it doesn't mean you just never care again or get over it unless it's something horrible you know? So yeah... if you're comfortable sharing and want an honest perspective about what might be going on I'm fine with you venting. I just can't say much without a clear perspective. I can only guess and assume and that might not do you any good.
again, ive always watched long ass videos so :P but i can totally get not wanting to, sometimes it floods my feed and i get frustrated because im not always wanting to watch documentary-length vids
as for what you watch, do you have any recommendations, preferably occult or esoteric? i used to watch psa compilations but it was always the "most disturbing psas thatll make you shit and piss your baby pants"
I don’t know what you’re talking about, maybe you’re having a schizophrenic episode whilst obsessing over me. You imagine me as a white male for whatever fantasies you have of me.
A lot of people love being retarded apparently. Like no shit being real with you people with Down Syndrome rank higher in happiness with themselves and their lives than people who don't have it. Some are occasionally higher intelligence but their average iq is 50's-60's (some are lower too) and it makes me wonder if you took the more unhappy ones and iq tested them if it'd be higher. Geniuses are some of the most miserable people around so probably right?

I don't mind people tripping, it's nice to know who someone is when you speak to them often. Anonymity can be nice and all, but in a general a lack of it is good too.
So guys uh... post tdick?

I get that you do and it's normal to you I just find it amazing lol because I can't. I don't even like that youtube shorts can't be easily sped up.
I’m pretty shmeated
you kept calling me a fuck nigga and got offended when i said nigger back. you kept posting vocaroos where you bitched whined and sounded like a faggy little fat loser. do you forget you have a trip on? look at the archives, dumbass
unironically ignorance is bliss.
>i don't mind tripping
i don't either, if they're entertaining. i just shit on this guy in particular because he said something catty to me so ive made it my goal to make him angry every time i see his posts
+ https://youtu.be/1xAIqDMW8dE?si=LLRj7jbbQ_hUosN1

If you want to watch a miserable cartoon about nuclear war and radiation poisoning that isn't Grave of Fireflies. It's unrelated to anything but I was thinking about how I also like old military training videos and remembered it existed.
i mean nobody i know does what you do so i guess its the same lol
also thank you, based on first impressions this seems right up my alley
Now I'm imagining your life becoming some Old Boy type shit.
Everyone should post either hands or tummy Now
didnt see before i hit enter, i watched the SHIT outta when the wind blows reviews, mightve been that exact video, need to look into watching and reading the original materials, shouldnt be too hard
tempted to but i got soft little fagboy hands
Prove it, you haven’t proved any claim you’ve ever made about me.
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I don't know what is that word, but no G, I don't think I feel OK seeing your tooth

Now you
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Don't worry anon I'll post my effeminate fagboy hands first
Thread improved
This is the movie itself, full thing is on youtube. I saw a review for it that came up in my youtube recs then found and watched it. Thought you might be interested in watching the full movie lol. Reviews have spoilers so I wouldnt have rec'd one. That being said I haven't read the comic, I can't read comics usually. The word/picture ratios can fuck me up and I can't pay attention to one or the other properly so I just give up. It's likely worth a read, it's definitely worth a watch.
oh my god i shouldve actually clicked on it THANK YOU anon, ill probably watch it either tonight or tomorrow depending on how high i get tonight
fine fine give me a minute, yours look exactly the same as mine btw
+ I have ADHD I learned that when I tried using recreational uppers no matter how many times I tried them or their source they didn't hit me "right" just made me feel more sober than sober and not mind things I'd normally mind etc. Everyone else was having fun with them and I'd use them to sober up or avoid them altogether. It's a struggle for me to watch things any other way.
Oh my gosh dude haha you totally owned me dude haha I got so ratioed. You wasted your time to prove nothing but you being an obsessed little cretin. Hop off my dick nigga I know you love the taste ;p
You asked him to prove it, and he did. Your anger towards me is unfounded
When are we holding hands
It means I have a big peebnis
You're welcome. It's funny you've been meaning to watch it, glad I thought to link it to you. Now you have another reason to. The beginning is a bit weird and not a cartoon so I thought maybe you clicked and saw that and thought I didn't link the movie. I actually double checked and had to look through it to be sure I didnt send something else because I didnt remember it starting that way.
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How proud you would feel if your lady dick is bigger than mine? kek
It’s not anger, it’s pity. My mistake for replying to you, I thought you were the other guy lol
ice breakers container for comparison, its currently holding my weed
snakebite supremacy
that must really fuckin suck, but then again its not like its a necessity so its probably better that it doesnt really work on you so youre not tempted to contract black lungs
ive always been meaning to watch it desu, i just never really thought about it until now, like with most things in my life lol
How much weed are you putting in an icebreakers container lmao
Why wouldn’t you put it in like a ziplock bag in a jar?
cute little hands, afab
You talk too much. The mouth should be busy with something else.
I like weed and lsd etc it's just shit like coke and adderall I'd avoid.

I get you a lot of things become out of sight out of mind for me until I'm reminded of their existence. The only thing I can really think to compare it to content wise is Grave of Fireflies and I didn't like that one (I found it boring and heavy handed and it didnt pull at amy of my feelings because it tried so hard to) but I enjoyed this one.I dont generally enjoy Ghibli stuff though (Princess Mononoke is the only exception so far) so there's a bias there.
I have always been a ruiner. my mother apologized to my peers parents whenever i went over to their houses as a child. I was a burden. I stopped being invited after a while. I have been being kept as a pet by my closest 'friends' in order for them to obtain self gratification/better access to torture me (i have sinned against the friend group before).

>why do you
secrecy, being kept at an arms length but still being told 'i love you'. subtle vibes of being unwanted. i should have never have left home
You sound really rapey sometimes, might want to work on that babes.
How do I find a ftm bf who will be okay with me skinwalking him
thanks, my girlfriend likes them too
i dont have that much weed its like half a nug rn, about to be a quarter of one, i also like being secretive since i dont live alone
as you can probably tell im the same anon, ive never tried coke and never plan to, id like to try lsd and maybe adderall in a controlled environment
i personally love studio ghibli partially because its very nostalgic for me, grave of fireflies made me cry as a kid
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Needs more labor
Wouldn’t the smell waft out from the container? Why wouldn’t you put it in something more air tight lol
Sounding like a fucking rookie
Sad if you truly take it as such.
Depends, what's your letter?
What does this mean?
yeah, ive done small amounts of labor but nothing thatll show enough wear n tear, if i didnt live in the middle of nowhere id go to a gym but maybe i can start some retarded project thatll toughen em up in the process
not really, also i am essentially a rookie and mainly prefer vapes but this is what i got rn so
as for smell theres been none from what i can tell, also i did it impulsively one day and decided i liked it that way, but i should probably wrap in plastic or something so thank you for that idea
What did you do though? That's not telling me specific behaviors, I have no real picture of things other than these dont sound like friends.
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Id feel quite chadly ngl
But I don’t have a lady penis, just me and my lil smokey against the world
wow i need these inside me
to imitate everything about someone, kinda like becoming them. a skinwalker is a native american demon that imitates people or animals to lure victims to their death
nice body hair, i wish i could have a happy trail but my dad has really fucked up hair genes kek
No problem, make sure to put it somewhere hidden like real hidden :0)
>nice body hair
>two stray strands of hair
come on now gloves, hugboxxing only hurts people
You make snide sexual comments directed at me all the time lol
And then you pretend like you were saying a double entendre? Craziness
i helped a friends ex bf cheat with me (open relationship, but i didn't know the terms) + I stole medication from another when very intoxicated. it's been years, but the dead still weigh on the living in a very real way.
not hugboxing. if he's only been on a non-poondose for a couple of months and has body hair he's doing really well. my arms & legs are really hairy but my stomach and chest have almost nothing
I make jokes like it because you talk like you can handle the jokes. But it is no fun for me if you are taking offense, so I will discontue.
Thanks man, it doesn’t rlly show up well on pics, but I got a pretty decent happy trail coming along at this point n I love it.
Could minoxidil do anything if you wanted a happy trail??? I wonder
Not those jokes, I’m not interested in hearing shit like that.
she is clearly a neurotic bitch that cant take anything
Carrying G~ with ADC miss fortune in league, because they suck ass.
>stomach and chest have almost nothing
minox it faggot
I see this. I don't make rape jokes. Just flirty and sex jokes. I will move on.
When are we playing together to prove this hypothesis
I’ll be your seraphine main league e kitten
I’d have to redownload binbows 11 so maybe in like an hour?
Wannabe ftm/straight theyfab on testosterone
taking applications for an FTM bf that will let me finger his pussy

t. post-op hon
Unfortunately, I’m unavailable tonight, but tomorrow I can definitely arrange this
Got kicked out my house again and all I got in Florida with me is my laptop *insert thumb emoji*
What are you
>based, ill probably pack it around an hour or so from now
>hopefully threads get more entertaining around then
finally lit up gonna watch the preservetube and see if im in right headspace for movie
That sucks :sob: hopefully you figure your shit out and everything goes well for you
Why are you in florida
Unfortunately, I’m pretty cooked and have nowhere to go after my friend tells me to leave
Prolly gonna go to a DV shelter back in my home state and rot until I can get my life together enough. Hopefully.
The urge to do OF again is STRONG
Yeah I thought you might like that sort of thing, it's an unpopular opinion about Studio Ghibli and Grave of Fireflies, that's why I mentioned the bias. I've watched a few: Grave of Fireflies, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, and Spirited Away. Only liked one of them and the rest fell flat.

That all being said there's some pretty good movies on youtube, though I like silent movies and shit like that.

Coke isnt worth it especially because it's laced with all kinds of shit now. It's regularly cut with shit like laxatives too. I used to know a guy who sold it.

LSD is one of my favorites but honestly I wouldnt rec trying it until you feel like it'd be a good trip. Good headspace, good environment, all that. No need to do it othewise.

I cry very easily at shit now so it might make me cry now when it didn't then, but I'd probably still dislike it. There was a point in my life where I couldn't really cry even when my grandfather died and he was (and still is) one of my favorite people ever. Then that just stopped over time and now I cry easily even at good things lol.
To suffer
I've been really bad with drug addiction and stolen meds before so can't judge. Never fucked a friend over like that myself but unless you're only ever doing that kind of shit to everyone all the time I dont see why those things have to follow you everywhere. People with issues like yours can be treated and choose to act in other ways and improve etc, usually once they realize it's beneficial to them to do so.

Why do you consider people who you treat poorly who also treat you poorly as friends. You can talk to someone every day without truly being friends since that's a mutual care relationship. It sounds like you have people you spend time with rather than friends desu, so the distance probably isnt a big loss in any direction.
i wish i wasnt such a lightweight that i got immediately blasted cause its gonna take me 10 minutes to type 1 sentence
im sorry ghibli wasnt to your liking
ive never been a fan of silent movies personally, cant exactly explain why
laxatives is fuckin crazy, but i always assumed it wasnt worth it
thank you for lsd advice, kinda figured youd have to have a good everything for that kind of drug
im very hit or miss on crying personally, i have a funny story about it that i just remembered but my family like most pooners is very mentally unwell so there was a lot of crying and then not crying at weird times to not cry
kinda funny that we've developed into formatting our replies
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can't, it can kill my cat. have to ask for oral minox at my next pcp appointment in november
just don't rub it on your cat and it'll be fine. oral minox is systemic and will have side effects you don't want
t. has two cats and have used minoxidil for years
it only kills if you let your cat lick you
yes but that can get through the fabric of clothes, can't it? all clothes have microscopic holes, some larger, in between thread
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Watching kids in the hall just finished a burger
Do you draw anything besides that one guy?
You draw the same dude over and over again and expect praise for pretty mid art
once it dries on your skin it's not going anywhere, unless like anon said your cat is licking your naked body for some reason
Cool ink work. Why you don't use tripcode?
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That's retarded.
I take topical testosterone and have two cats, one of which is 4 pounds and ~13 years old. Just wash your hands.
I did when I was like 15
I have a thread on /i/ tho
It's cool I get where you're at high wise, switch to vocaroo sometimes then.

A lot of people hate them that's why I generally watch them alone, so they're not tainted by someone else feeling forced to sit through it because I'm watching it. I love them though and have a few friends who like-can tolerate them.

Laxatives is a common one, watched it being done even.

Yeah my family was pretty fucked for a long time, they've improved over the years though I prefer to be away from them as much as possible.

Always ends up happening.

When you do watch it let me know what you think, I'm curious how you'll feel about it. The initial review I saw was this guy's https://youtube.com/@stevereviews?si=JSL2VtF__H5FEoPU

He pops up in my youtube recs sometimes and generally reviews interesting seeming shit.
That cat looks scared.
oh dude i think that was my first too, also ill watch after depending on how long this weird debate thing im watching holds my attention, rn it sucks so itll be sooner than later im sure
What's being debated?
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Keep thread alive. Good night.
he's thinking about at what point does he become a gloves snack
some pedo allegations, idk, its a real mess so im starting the movie now, debate probably wasnt the best word
ill do it for you timur
WHOOPS wrong reply lol
shut the fuck up reddit spacing faggot
god i wish my lineart was that good, not even maxing out pen stabilization will save me
to be fair i do too, but mainly because it's common for autistic artists to do, especially with art block
for 2 hours before it's time for him to eat he will stare at me and meow at max volume. that photo was taken at 3:50pm yesterday, when he gets fed at 4pm. i told him it wasn't time yet and he looked at me like that
I just don’t like green imma be honest
he did insult my art in the past while we were arguing with wg, but i try not to hold grudges on people i really don't know so i'm neutral on him
You’re better than me for that gloves, truly
Never change, man
I like the shading and highlights, nice improvement. If you want any critiques, I'd suggest you do some research on how to draw the folds and structure of clothes. The clothes look too tight, like this is fetish art (unless that's your goal, in which case based and malebrained)
Catty bitch
> catty bitch
Rich coming from the person who projects their insecurities onto me like a fat 16 year old girl
What are you talking about schizo
You post on anon so of course I can’t pull up your archived posts, but don’t act like you don’t know you sly fuck
thanks, ive drawn a lot of fetish art of that character, my main problem is that i draw clothes with too little or too tight details, and oftentimes simplify so i don't need to have 5+ lineart layers. the one you complimented has 4. one for the body and hair, one for the eyes, one for the hat and glasses, and one for the pin and feather
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My line art quality gets real bad with less confidence. It's been good the past year or so though. I'd have to dig for old examples.
I never talk about your art tho, the only thing I think i said was after you said i post shit or something.
Fat 16 year old girl lurks among us? Never knew.
Who do you think I am I want to hear lolcow drama
You have the wrong anon dumbfuck
sorry, forgot about that. wasn't okay for me to say that yknow
I wish I had the posts, they were honestly glorious
Is there any DIY way to repair your earlobes after non-consensual mutilation by parents? My ears were mutilated non-consensually nearly 30 years ago and you can still see the mutilation wounds. I'm sure it would be impossible for earrings to penetrate my earlobes at this point, so they're just useless, gaping holes, and people have noticed. It invites suspicion. Please tell me there is a way to repair my ears.
grow hair out to hide it. also no one cares about your earlobes bro
Did they stretch your earlobes as a baby or are you just being dramatic? Make up some story about how you were a retarded teenager and got some piercings for a week to spite your parents and they never healed.
ive been borderline demonic since 11 years old at least. last innocence at 20. so much for tough love. same problem they all have . nothing but pleasing words

>treat me poorly
they insist they dont. i even go to xmas (no family of my own). i feel like a stranger in every relationship ive ever been in. am i demented?
My hair is curly and won't cover my earlobes no matter how long it grows. It would grow into an afro if I let it grow for too long. It just won't work.
It’s probably the same fuckhead hating on me lol
People notice your mutilated earlobes. It's not normal for a man to go around with earholes. It's only a reminder to everyone that you're AFAB. It's a reminder that you have a vagina.
Okay so you're just a crybaby
Narcissistic schizo
Why do you want to remind everyone that you're an AFAB trans man at all moments in real life?
i have curly hair too, it's even better for covering your ears. it stops being an afro after a certain point
cis men get ear piercings, hell my dad has ear piercings, not that gauge shit either. don't be schizo
Ngl wolfgang's art is way better
I'm playing diablo rn but in an hour or so I want to hold a drawpile/magma session
Neurotic: Yes
Narcissistic: Plausible
Schizophrenic: No
Which Diablo?
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Lan with my dad
This rotation shit ridiculous
me again if youre here/remember, ive finished the movie
im a little surprised i didnt cry at the end, i was honestly waiting for the woman to die as im pretty sure that happens in the comic, still depressing to watch an old couple decay from radiation poisoning
i loved the way they did the backgrounds as actual set pieces, cups coming out of animation and into miniatures
great movie overall im glad someone finally pushed me to watch it
im probably going to try and sleep but knowing me ill more than likely be up at least 4 more hours so ill see you if/when i see you
his art is the only good thing about him, i can usually separate art from the artist but he's such a horrible human being it taints his work to me. i'd take methed-up terje any day
his art is more visually interesting than 90% of the dogshit anime slop everyone hugboxes but yes he should branch out
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I am committed to drawing the same two characters, it's what I do.
Incredibly based
oh hi schizoanon!
ok yes but its boring, at the very least render them in different mediums

i think that your use of shape and line could lend itself to relief sculpture or printmaking
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I don't know which is more important, that i don't care, or that you should pyw.
https://unsee cc/album#3zKBuCsRiZMZ

am I doomed with these birth giving hips I just need a yes or a no

I’m also pre t, just feeling like shit and that my body is getting worse
not fucked at all. get on t and workout
i need better places on my body to cut
hey, some of us are trenders here
the only thing you need to be cutting is that shit out
i'm trying to become this, who is with me?
working on something in-between 2 and 3
i know. i was clean for like 5 months, i wish i could pinpoint what caused this relapse. i'm using the last of the oxy i have from top surgery to basically disarm myself but once i run out idk what i'll do. it's such an awful habit
Hey ftmg, cis man here.

Time for a test, what's your fav welding process?
TIG, guessing this is some "lol how are you a man if you don't even weld?"
Based TIG enjoyer

Welding is a meme anyway

t. Welder.
sadge take, maybe you should go to >>>/pol/
I’d build her a temple and sacrifice a hecatomb
update: i puked a ton and now i feel worse than before, i'm gonna kms
i tried to drink water and i puked more i'm kind of scared
/pol/ is full of people who want us dead, or people who are cishet ftm chasers
i'd rather be dead than have a cishet man attracted to me or any other ftm, which is one of many reasons why all of us should be forcemasced on testosterone
Nice drawings, no need to be a dick though.
Same goes for you.
>i'd rather be dead than have a cishet man attracted to me
don't worry you are a disgusting meat mountain piece of shit
>QOTT: What would you do if a goddess forcibly transitioned you into a man so you could marry your loving wife?
i would be so thankful. as long as the gods also made sure to finish my wife's transition too.
>QOTT2: Are you into mythology at all?
yeah! tho some of my favourite myths are actually local
>QOTT: What would you do if a goddess forcibly transitioned you into a man so you could marry your loving wife?
Oh no! This is horrible! Where do I sign in?
QOTT2: Are you into mythology at all?
I study latin and greek... no not that much.
thank god, 80 pounds ago i looked like a hon funnily enough
hons <3
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Keep drinking water.
Perhaps not comparable, but even when you're unable to keep anything, even water, down when you got food poisoning, you still gotta force yourself to. In one hand it keeps you hydrated, but it also flushes the stomach. GL.
What did I say

Any documentaries (Not natgeo) you guys like? I have been putting lots on recently, the one I'm listening to kind of sucks.
it also means that when you throw up youre not just throwing up stomach bile, and bile can cause damage to your throat
your ulnar nerve is right there you dumb slut, but of course your attention seeking neurotic fembrained pussy ass isn't actually gonna do that though. you're just gonna continue marking your body in ugly fucking cat scratches whenever a minor inconvenienve arises
Why did you start?
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What is up, thread?
Drawing at 4am and losing steam rapidly
Doom and glooming over never being viewed as a human being if anyone knows I'm female after checking threads
Listening to dead kennedys for final inspiration before I pass out
f5 f5 f5 etc
You know men and women both are human, anon. Maybe you are nice looking regardless.
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It feels that there are human achievements, human nature, burdens, unspeakable love, and then there is the infantile realm that women live within. Not that I believe this, nor that it doesn't have some degree of justified precedence in some people's eyes, but it makes me sad and keeps me away from active boards (especially here)
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Don't put too much care into the words of people you don't know or mean well for you. Especially here in website with concentrated negativity.
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Bury true. Time for bed, goodnight.
Verification not required.
Real talk.

If anyone is here >>37211220
Ah got'cha, did you watch it?

Lol no, seethe about it.

It's always amusing when people hide behind anonymity to lash out, you just know if there was accountability they would act out less and if they shared the contents of their lives with people there'd be plenty of shit that could be said to them about it.

Oh just saw you watched it, glad you enjoyed it. Yeah I didn't cry either but it's a pretty miserable movie and the characters are well done/believable. There's a lot of old people who would absolutely behave that way.

How much do you weigh?
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250lbs. here's the picture from when i was between 170-180 in, i believe, 2018? couldve been up to late 2019 because it was towards the end of my repper phase
You look like a 60 year old cat lady here.
Work again. I have to make the hard choice between going to my gfs house and play vidya or go to housewarming party with friends and smoke.
sometimes i forget i have a naturally square jaw
Why not both? Go to gf after party.
I would but I need to get metro plus 45minute walk there... Actually being high might make it easier.
Hope you have fun either way, bro.
Wow, I was being insane last night
Good morning ftmg
Well it's 4chan so it ends up being normal.
Yeah I just have to buy some shit. Plug is gay so i get discounts.
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I think I will go back to sleep. Someone please stroke my hair. Helmet is off.
Go to sleep soldier.
U right, u right
Casual psychosis moment. Literally went to bed and woke up, smoked a cig, and was fine.
No party happening! Life is great.
Sleeping is great.
>/pol/ is full of people who want us dead
i just checked, there is no mention of ftm, nobody cares
"us"? who are you, who is "us"? you don't represent anyone
> or people who are cishet ftm chasers
I had to google those buzzwords, you seem like a midwit
live and let live, relax, chill
try new perfumes
i would rather blow my brains out than be a woman or wear woman scents, sorry chaserfag
so based of you gloves
Wear men scents.
It's not the jaw.
Plenty of guys put in effort into smelling good.
but they dont typically call the scents "perfumes"
Sure but lets be real here, do you think gloves probably smells good?
i dont trust any 4channers to smell good desu
I don't need perfume or cologne. I just shower sometimes, wear Deodorant, mud, and russian musk. Sweat is inevitable as the gear and mask never leave, Deodorant gets weak. Women like it, but I do not like women.
I shower daily (occasionally skip a day, no more than that), wear essential oils, and wash my clothes frequently.
>Women like it, but I do not like women.
Ok this goes hard lowkey.
I don't wear anything most days, I just go the extra step for dates. Also weren't you supposed to sleep?
I had to piss, then become too grumpy to sleep because of it. You are going to work soon?
taking applications for an FTM bf that will let me finger his pussy
t. post-op hon
I'm almost done working in half an hour. I don't get paid enough for all the shit I do so I just do it quickly, don't tell anyone I'm done and waste time on company hours.
>triggered by perfumes
bro omg riip
>men have to smell like rotten armpits
good red flag for people to filter you, no rizz
What is plans after work?
At the end the party was moved to another day so I get to hang out with my gf guilt free once again
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Why you would feel guilty?
'cause I prioritise her above the homies.
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Indeed. You are gay right?
my bf loves my scent to the point I've stopped wearing deodorant. i only shower every two days. i think it's because my diet's so clean, when i was an alcoholic i smelled RANK
your bf loving your scent does not mean that you smell good overall. it just means that he thinks you do.
i eventually was able to stop and drag myself to bed. idk if it was the oxy or food poisoning though
i never said i was cutting to kill myself, i cut for the same reason people drink and smoke
intense negative emotions, dissociating, drinking. this recent one is the first in 5 months and i think it was a lack pf sleep and buildup of stress
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I eat very clean and still smell stink when I sweat through deodorant. >>37213219
Is right which is kind of cute.
he says he wasn't like that about any of his ex's smells, clearly i must have a special scent. i also kind of like my smell but i assume that's aap degeneracy. well, it's normal to be smelly at my job so no matter
does your husband like the stink
Yes, he prefers if I skip shower.
One hour until boyfriend arrives what do I draw
We're right here hon...
I'm a hermit. I'm trying to get out more and have a tinder account that says I'm ftm
hot. do you like his
Yes, I guess? He showers often. When he skips shower his odor is neutral - I don't smell anything.
> haven’t been misgendered once since getting to Florida
huh, same here. even when we come back from the gym i can barely smell him. this must mean something...
Is he Polish?
New >>37213890
Mexican-Norwegian mutt, weird mix. yours is Polish? your interactions with TH make more sense if so lel

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