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Qott: what are your thoughts on the whole nikocado situation?

Very sad and it shows you can't trust "fans" or internet people to cheerlead you into good life paths or choices. This guy has taken many years off his life and now is trapped in depression and self hate and frankly self harm for money. I've never like that kind of content and seeing the results of it only reinforces my instinct on why it was horrible.
I shoulder mog him so that's nice. Also he was hotter as a fatty.
I knew exactly what he was doing and I’m glad it payed off in dividends for him.
absolutely hilarious. i've always thought he was extremely entertaining for his obviously acted videos, and the fact he publicly broadcasted his fetish is based. it's also based that he lost it all while using prerecorded footage to shock and awe the audience when he lost weight.
i will say, despite being ugly while fat he looked way better than he does now, i think he'd look best between 200-250lbs because of how he carries his weight
he posted about his channel being a social expermient 2/3 years ago. people are shocked now, but something like this was bound to happen.
It kind of detracts a bit from his "see, I was just normal and playing you this whole time" bit when that only applies to the weight part and not the him having sex with other men part.
He’s not tall enough to pull off that weight and be healthy. He’d need to be 6’1 to pull off 200 pounds lol he is 5’5!
Do you think you mog him? Could you out eat him on a mukbang?
I also called it years ago. My wife told me today “we were right!!!” and showed me this image.
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is this a good body type for a pooner? im trying to bulk up
> i think he'd look best between 200-250lbs

You people get the rope first.
What’s going on with him?
He came out as gay.
how the fuck do people the same height as me get their weight this low i hate being fucking fat
I can help if you want?
Gloves needs to do a mukbang
How much do you weigh anon
yes, not clocky
which site are you using?
Go for it. Many of us need good tips for this.
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i know a healthy weight would be about 150 for him, however i think his face shape doesn't befit being that small, nor as big as he once was
>do you think you mog him
only his shoulders and jaw
nah. i can't eat that much in one sitting.
>confirmed for feeder fetish
newfag spotted, everyone's known that for over a year now, picrel
Good eyes friend! People don’t pay attention.
I think this is a really shitty opinion, I’m not even gonna front if anyone says he looks bad or looks worse than when he was fat as he is right now you’re kind of fucking stupid. He looks healthy, his face has always had the angular downturned triangle look even back then.
No matter what someone thinks looks-wise the fact is he will live longer and better quality of life with the weight off by a lot.
i know and i'm saying it looks weird on everyone. i generally find his head shape unattractive
Fix your grammar fuck nigga
shoot yourself live on stream nigger
Different strokes for different folks
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It's a good inspiring glowup and i hope he becomes a fitness channel
the only stroke you should experience is the type that paralyzes and kills you
nice win for N. i guess most of his followers, especially haters must feel pretty fucking stupid now.
Bowomp, fuck nigga. I’m not going to kill myself, and god knows you don’t have the balls to either.
I can only help with weight loss help, not bulking though. Go to https://www( dot)calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html

Put your bio gender and current weight. It will show you daily calories to maintain, lose weight slow, and lose weight quick. Choose which path. Stick to it. Even if you are lazy you will lose weight. However, to improve speed of weight loss, workout. Do anything that gets you to move and gets heart rate up. Walks, machines, weights, dancing, sports, anything. Just be consistent. It is not something to do until you lose weight, it is your new and improved life style.
are you black? why do you talk like youre black? you are the filth that is plaguing and ruining society and i would like to see you hanging from a tree
Lost weight and apparently got fat for a social experiment
You’re retarded, go back to pol or something.
go back to tumblr if you cant deal with it nigger, ive been here far longer than you
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Please don't say that word. It reminds me of "zigger" and really offends me. Please I lose sleep over it and I don't get a boner at all, I mean it.
I really feel for Nikocado. His skin looks yellow and his eyes look off. He genuinely looks like he has jaundice. I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead within 5 years cause of liver damage.
Why are people congratulating him?
It took him way more effort gaining and maintaining all that weight than losing it. It's absurd to compare him to Amberlynn Reid or Boogie since he is and always has been a naturally thin person.
I've been a feedee for many years and it's so fucking hard to stay above 250. I once took a month off and lost a year of progress.
grow thicker skin nigger ywnbam
someones a little butt hurt nigger. maybe dont say the word first if you cant handle someone else repeating it?
I watch the new video, weird vibe. Where was Noodle the whole time?
you sound fat btw
Whatever, you’re making me lose fucking brain cells with your retardation.
the fact youre still responding to my shitty bait shows your blatant afabism. its too easy to troll here you fuckers need to man up
Im not offended, it's ok. Please don't say the z word.
dont tell people on 4chan what hurts you they will only use it against you
WAHHHH WAHAHHHHHHHH SHE TOLD ME TO DIEEEEEE E WQHWAHHHHHAHAHAHAAHWHWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im gonna kill myself your words hurt so much im so sad im such a little hysterical afab wahhhhhh wAHAHAHHHHHHHH
lmao is that what you think im going to do? keep sending vocaroos i like hearing how angry im making people
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>dont tell people on 4chan what hurts you they will only use it against you

Surprisingly nice thing to say
Omg I never could’ve guessed he was gay
My man is playing 4D chess in his mind, that’s fucking crazy
Ukrainians are big-brained.
yeah, i like you timur. im an asshole because you all need character development, not because im a poltard. men banter and it's incredibly clocky to pitch a bitch fit over obvious bait.
you act like a woman and sound like a pooner, what do you expect? if you really are a cisfag, know that i hate you even more. you're the worst part of the lgbt community, fuck off and go rape a kid or something
You’re fucking retarded, and I hope someone on the street fucking stabs your dumbass.
I was being sarcastic about zigger thing if that wasn't clear. If I let mean words bother me I would be dead many years ago.
how did it feel getting raped by your fat old balding uncle? im sorry you were forced into this degenerate lifestyle
i figured, you seem too chill to genuinely get offended.
Nobody forced me into any lifestyle, I got raped and molested by a woman retard.
so your early trauma from getting molested by a woman made you gay? damn that sucks, any real guy would have enjoyed it. have you considered transitioning?
so who was it that made you gay? mommy? an aunt? maybe a hot teacher? *in a female rapist voice* let me see that cute little pecker boy, mommys gonna make you into a real man.
whyd you stop calling me a fuck nigga? did you realize how retarded you sound?
i bet getting molested permanently stunted your brain development, thats why you like to get on here and throw your little bitch fits. you will never finna be an adult man, "fuck nigga". retard, get aids and die
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thinking about how much i'd like to manhandle and rape Audrey Hale again
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If any of you follow this, please tell me. I want to help and encourage you along the way.
i dyed my hair black again except i missed a spot near my hairline and now it looks like i have a bald patch. FML.
it's a brilliant social experiment. i just wonder how he managed to record half a year's worth of content and then immediately work off the weight. i wouldn't be surprised if he had surgery of some sort.
he does however need to grow his hair back.
I want to know why he stopped interaction with the parrot to do social experiments.
Not my problem
Sort of have to wonder whether you should really use your biological sex on this or not. Because sure, females have lower requirements, but you're taking the male sex hormone so you don't exactly have a female metabolism anymore surely
I'm not familiar with how testosterone works for FTMs, but I assume biological differences still contribute to the calculation to some degree. Regardless, calorie deficit for either should be good.
Any of you like chill rap?

One month after my promotion and I've made the department sales jump up 100,000$ more than July. Feels good man.
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Great job.

ftms will also leave you for cock though
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Anyone afab that does PIV is a woman
over before it began
This is what was said to Ayem when Vivec was whole. The wise shall not mistake this.

Ayem said, 'This is why you were born of a netchiman's wife and destined to merge with the simulacrum of your mother, gilled and blended in all the arts of the star-wounded East, under water and in fire and in metal and in ash, six times the wise, to became the union of male and female, the magic hermaphrodite, the martial axiom, the sex-death of language and unique in all the middle world.'
Omg this!!!! I will record myself jerk off to it
Do you jerk off to your porn videos?
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Can any other ftms relate to this

I had agp (age 13) before I had normal gayden sexuality (age 16). Like before 16 I would jerk off to feminization captions while wearing bras and so on. I assumed I was a lesbian but then when I turned 16 something clicked in my brain and I became attracted to men and realized I didn't actually like women.
i'm not necessarily opposed to it but there are two major reasons why i can't
1. no money and no way to recieve money
2. due to one of my older half-sisters becoming insulin resistant, the whole family is schizzing out about me taking seconds of anything, or eating say, an entire box of anything in one day
if i do get the opportunity, i will record it and post it on litterbox.
I transitioned when I was 12 because I wanted to be the protective husband of a beautiful Christian tradwife one day. She would be doe eyed and fragile, maybe a little bookish. We would have 2 kids, one boy and one girl and we would go to church every Sunday. We would be homesteaders, far away from the ills of society. I can't relate to any of you.
They will never let you have what they have. You will never be one of them
Yes, hence picrel is me. I'm delusional enough to believe I will either convince a bi girl to convert, or die a eunuch as He intended
Just drink fucking soda.

I used to drink 4 liters a day, that's like 2500 calories. And eating like 4000-5000 calories q day is easy if you eat out.
Exactly this is why I made my own religion based on things that are relevant to me and not anachronisms
Seahorse dads are the best husbands though.
Having a small appetite and struggling the gain weight is the same as having a large appetite and struggling to lose weight. If your body is convinced it wants a certain amount of food then it's hard to do otherwise
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At work I'm so bored I'm with someone I hate so much
If you make up something to believe in, you don't really believe at all. I've witnessed it, He is good and infallible, His "followers" have been lead astray. Don't let man/demons separate you from all that is Good
That's not filling or healthy. You massive faggot.
This sounds like you did it to avoid being a dyke.
Are you going into the military or dodging?
This recent? Your art seems to be developing more of a nagai-esque quality, I dig it.
HSTS supremacy
when you are very fat it's easy to lose weight if you simply eat like a normal human being. like >>37193797 said maintaining that shit requires a fetish or an eating disorder
I have severe treatment resistant depression and my only real source of serotonin is food.

I manage myself well now, but if I wanted to my appetite is almost unlimited.

I can eat a full breakfast(4 eggs, half a pound of bacon, and 3-4 thick slices of French toast), eat an 18 inch Costco pizza for lunch, and scarf down 2 whole rotisserie chickens for dinner. All while guzzling soda like I said.

I am 5'10 and was lucky I never got above 275 pounds at my worst.(currently 183 pounds)
I hope Borderlands 4 is going to be good
Feeder shit in general isn't healthy.

But if you wanna be fat, the key is drinking your calories.
Late reply, I was out.

Had a seizure (he is prone to them) and it was the worst yet. His piece of shit boyfriend and family refuse to cover any hospital costs.
I feel like signing it because I don't feel like proving i'm female. Doesn't mean I'm being put in there any time soon tho lol.
>I'm with someone I hate so much
Literally kill them

>make up something to believe in
Didn't do this, it was just asking myself "what do I already believe" and kind of organizing that. That's the point of it not being anachronistic. not like making up gods to worship and larping as a pagan or something
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good night here's a kitty
i have straight woman sexuality but not in the obsessed with cock way. i don't much desire others, getting pleasured and being desired is what gets me off. i hate it bros

How he is doing now?
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I'm obsessed with cock and my cervix is constantly begging to be tickled by man cum. I don't have any control over this so I don't feel like there's a point in pretending otherwise. Although though testosterone made me want to fuck and impregnate women so I don't know. I feel like two people put in the same body and they are married to each other & sometimes the husband ignores the wife so she beats him up real bad
Still in hospital. They keep you for a couple days after a seizure just in case.
the ultimate bishit desperate to breed
paul was a hateful piece of shit and every part of the new testament he wrote are the mad ravings of a homophobe twisting your fake religion into something even faker
>t. grew up baptist
I wish humans had ABO dynamics, I would be the alpha ftm with a 4 inch clit that could impregnate cis women and omega poons
You think this way because modern Christians misinterpret it completely. He's talking about sexual degeneracy where men rape little boys and people are sacrificing goats during sex orgies to appease pagan gods. That is a completely rational thing to say in context
>His piece of shit boyfriend and family refuse to cover any hospital costs.

I was just listening to an ex Mennonite lady talk about how they blamed her seizures on her demons ergo she was not praying hard enough and didn't take it seriously as a medical problem, or that she was being abused. People on some level I guess feel self righteous about acting like that
the bible also says not to crossdress or wear cotton and linen blends, and yet you do that.
>not to crossdress
That is part of the pagan rituals I was talking about. Also, I'm delusional enough to believe I have a male brain.
>cotton and linen
Iirc that is referring to the separation between common people and clergy at the time. Only certain people could wear the special clothing which was made of the mixed fabrics.
I predicted this years ago, it's so funny to see people still try and tear him down. Desperate, pathetic people and sadly that's like 90% of the population at this point. There needs to be more wars, more famine, another genocide. Billions must die for the world to be good again. Too many mentally ill freak wastoids sucking air
Idk I'm am epic atheist and this is a common le epic atheist argument but I'm pretty sure most/all Christians have something about Jesus fulfilling the laws from the old testament so you don't need to follow them or something. But it's just theology so it can be as arbitrary as is wanted/needed
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Christians need to start a conquest to reclaim Israel from the jews
>people used to be better
Idk have you ever looked at your genealogy, my ancestors had war and poverty and hardship and they were all like gambling and fucked up and parents died early, I don't think people from the past were really better. One guy died from a self-inflicted stab/knife wound to the abdomen, i don't even know what that means

I watched the movie Pearl and it depicted people from the past as fucked up in a kind of normal way and it made me realize how pervasive this image is of people from ye olden days being fundamentally different and romanticized like they were better because they had hardship or discipline or something
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I am sure years ago Niko said somewhere outside of YouTube he was going to lose the weight and it was all a troll/experiment. Or people were making this rumor. I don't care enough but it is crazy. Ukrainians are crazy, but in good way
It's a crazy thing to do. I wonder how much of it was actually real, because he didn't really address much in the video at all. Like that Stephanie Soo chick, she was pretty terrified of him.
> abo mention
Oh lgod no
The memories of all the fanfiction Ive consoomed
His vibe was very weird in the OP video.
I hate the way he acts so much lmfao. Grating video to sit through solely because of his main character voice
yeah i am trying to think, i don't know that much about niko but i remember watching a couple of his videos and it being very obviously a character/bit he was doing, even though he actually got really fat. I assumed it's just what got him attention/money & his life became that
the church i was in (southern baptist) didn't believe that
I liked how he had a kind of arrogance to his voice, he knew he had trolled the internet.
>guy chooses to get fat because it makes him money
>loses all the fat
>doesn't even try to use the fat to give himself muscle
What's even the point if your end goal isn't to get bodybuilder swole? Like you have everything you need to convert yourself into a hulking lumberjack, why would you not take it
Yes, clearly in some moments I saw him out of character. I knew it was fake personality but to think someone get very fat and slobby and annoying personality for "experiment" is so crazy. I can't think of other words.

An observation, you have an arrogance too.
glassesmaxxing to make your giant pooner eyes look smaller
no one will give you as much attention as the teenage boys who were infatuated with you being a tranny
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From chonk to chud. What a crazy world huh
do you know what was their reasoning?

i do this. i have wide cheekbones with like extra pads of fat on the sides, the glasses make them look smaller, i have no evidence for this but i feel like my face looks more masculine with glasses
kek. I shave my head once. With russian accent it was a mistake.
i do want to know what i look like with a shaved head but i do not have nearly enough reason to commit to it and I am not confident it would look good at all. I wouldn't look like a skinhead though. worst case scenario i would look like a sickly lesbian. best case scenario i would look like a weird monk or something. my head is probably really lumpy though
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Sister concubines will set you free, anon
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I wore a hat. Worth a try. If I look good with shaved head I would always do it. My mask and gears get hot.
You're all talking about it so it clearly worked as intended.
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These batch is OK. Fragile. Not my favorite.
i wish i could just simulate/ai it realistically

do you temper the chocolate for these
Try it, the shit grows back.

Yes, I temper.
It’s whatever.
I used to look like a skinhead as a kid when my head was shaved
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No but I think about it sometimes. I use paw molds so I can sell for money to donate to rescues.
eh im just curious i dont really want a shaved head

nice, the only time i tempered chocolate was last month for peppermint patties, it wasn't perfectly tempered but they were good

i can't believe that paws made me automatically think of like fetish porn
Reminds me of that dude I think that froze off his hands for prosthetic paws

That's really cool, nice.
Do you have pics of the chocolate? It took practice for me to get it right. I want different molds.

Internet has poisoned the brain. But I would love to have ears and tail like animal. Better hearing and balance. Maybe whiskers for better senses.
Thank you.
no sorry i dont have any pics
i didn't use molds, i froze the pucks of filling, put a dollop of chocolate on the sheet for the bottom of the candy, then spread the rest on top with a spoon. I could get a thin filling this way. People on the internet say to dip the filling in the chocolate but i think they must be retarded
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Dipping makes more sense but there are no rules.
Currently jerking off to this video. He is so perfect and handsome, i want him to fuck me like woman https://youtu.be/hGgRUKtB7GU?si=_mNKAjwG2zKyuFEp

for something rounder like buckeyes it does but the chocolate is too gloopy to do it with these, i like the thin patty with a thin chocolate coating
Bro I would cut my foot off to have his vocals. I love to sing.
I know right
Ever since my voice dropped i've kind of wanted to sing but i don't think i have a great voice. If I really wanted to then I would practice

I love MJK because he has a perfect body and is the same height as me. I want him to be my boyfriend. I've already posted the drawing at least twice
I have heavily unfortunately and deeply related to Sober.
based, hot even....
>Qott: what are your thoughts on the whole nikocado situation?
I'm not ftm so sorry I'm in your general but Endless Jess did it better.
I feel criminal even posting the link to this timestamp because there were dozens of videos leading up to it.
Wtf is this video?
autistic review channel guy

also here's me mumbling singing to myself in my room
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>Wtf is this video?
qrd is he's my favorite youtuber ever. he's done game videos, chair videos, rap songs... he was a real avant-garde creator. a lot of his videos are cast to the wind, so you may have to do your own research to track them down, but this video is the climax of "The Horseshoe Saga", where he spent a year as a My Little Pony Analyzer/Reviewer. There's also a sequel "Horseshoe Finale: One Year Later."
Probably the most complete playlist:

This is probably one of my favorite songs of all time btw:
Bad singing, cute voice.
>bad singing
i knew that but i still want to kill mysef

what does my voice sound like btw, i am insecure about it
Male. I'm not sure how to describe.
Puppynon lives rent free in my head and I hope he's very comfortable in there.
I wonder if he cleans his boyfriends litter box.
they picked and chose whatever they wanted to follow and most of the worship was about how lgbt bad and tried to force the church to brigade the california government because they banned conversion therapy for minors...when the church was 15 members including my family and myself (the rest died or left)
I hate to say but I’ve always thought about ransacking a church with graffiti or something. Just absolutely fucking it up. The church of Scientology is my prime target but there’s this church where my mom lives that are all heavenly angelic, twisted creationists.
The heretics will be cast out and the church shall be restored inshallah
absolutely trash the church of scientology. its not even a holy site its just a massive mlm scheme
Why are you insecure about it?
I know, but ruining a “Holy Site” would be more enjoyable to me honestly.
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You can ruin my holy site if you know what I mean.
they didn't have a reason?! it's just "because i said so"? i wish i was that based

i think it sounds too immature or nerdy idk
It doesnt.
My dick is too small, and I’m not a top lol
I didn't mean sex you homo lol.
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I tried recording like 4 vocaroos and they all cut out after 5 seconds I'm gonna kill myself

I need this but instead of talking to my tinder matches I'm here rotting my brain

is there something about ftmg that attracts small penised cis gay bottoms
I like the face style. You shouldn't joke about killing yourself. Enforce some confidence.
Put them in my pocket
I am having like a female heat it's not even funny "if you go off testosterone your sex drive will be destroyed for a year" no i feel like an animal it's not even funny I'm having like an existential thing
I have BRC.
The worst thing about being ftm is knowing that I could have big penis genes but I don't get to use them myself I could only get impregnated and pass them on to my son who would be twice my size and have a giant penis
That is really the worst thing?
Yes everything else is fine at this point
No actually at the moment I'm off testosterone and it's kind of fine and nothing has happened but it's fucking with my mood and is generally an existential nightmare
See >>37197446
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It’s less cancerous than gaygen, I’m uninterested in all of you to be honest. You’re all kind of middling between boring and uninteresting.
They bore you because you like chaos, and these posters are too chill to amuse you.
leftover oxy from top surgery and a vibrator...thank u jesus
We are the only thing below them on the male dick-social heirarchy
So what was thr point of the experiment? Acting like a retard proved what exactly? He's still a retarded faggot
Yeah exactly i want a guy with a small dick to rub his dick on my testosterone clit so that his penis looks big in comparison to my baby carrot
born to rape
buggy is a coon man
黒人 kill 'em all 1989
410,757,864,530 DEAD JANNIES
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Buggy, how big your cock is soft and hard?
>cost: become extremely obese for several years
>reward: become a famous cultural icon

Some people would think this is worth it
I don't know but I think he made a lot of money.
ok the 10mg IR ainr doing shit for my pain
Next question, please
You can't relieve by jerking off or whatever?
I'll post mine on Halloween if you do.
when will you give up and die?
I just did...
Feel better?
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Bump with another favorite vocalist

no need to shit on your ethnicity like that
Having big russian cock insult my ethnicity?
if your cock is BRC then all Russians have a micropenis
What is this logic? I am sleepy and confused.
you have a small cock, but if that is big for Russians, then the average Russian must have a tiny cock
didn't you post your nudes in a SPH thread? i didn't go looking
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I understand now. I might have.
>what are your thoughts on the whole nikocado situation?
i feel like im in an alternate dimension
share with the class?
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If there is really interest in seeing I will post my cock on Halloween.

I got bored enough to make anime bullshit Pic of myself from other thread.
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this webm was the pinnacle of nikocado's career. RIP
any specific time? I'm very interested, will probably set a reminder.
I'm not sure when or if. If there is still interested close to then I will think about a time.
Is timur one of those "it's manly!" ftms or are they a woman fawning over uniforms?
at this point idk
I'm not that important to wonder about.
dont say that timur youre important
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good morning reddit
Timur is a slavoid Untermensch
> webm

This is actually really adorable
am i the only one who dislikes timur? i hate token x people inserting themselves into a space dedicated to a certain group of other people. like white kids posting on black on black violence subreddits, john 50 agp trannies posting on female specific subreddits. it seems to like this is almost always a consequence of narcissistic compulsion. timur, assuming he isn't a larping pooner, migrated here from gaygen presumably because he wasn't receiving enough attention here; which makes sense because pooners always jump on cis male dick at any given opportunity, especially a cis gay male who pretends to care about pooners (i.e. him engaging that retarded gayden tiktok refugee puppynon). inb4 people call me mad or tell me to shut up because timur is teehee cute and nice. i encourage all trips as well as the groupies who do tricks on their dick to hang themselves with barbed wire. especially this stupid fag timur. nobody cares about your chocolates you fairy fuck, go get fistfucked and pissed on
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cmere you lil goober im gonna manhandle you
>assuming he isn't a larping pooner
but he is one and a slavaboo
go get impregnated by your ugly slack jawed dysgenic kike boyfriend you stupid anorexic slut. don't forget to take your pill, nobody would want your ugly spawn roaming the earth
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You’re so creative
i don't understand why such a massive attention cock gobbling whore like you is even here? instagram or twitter caters more to your kind. i can't even imagine how hard your daf must've raped you as a kid to instill in you such a hunger for attention that you'd post your subpar jew mutt on 4chan 24/7
My dad didn’t rape me, but I got him sent to jail yesterday for DV and felony assault
I have daddy issues
you didn't need to tell us you have daddy issues. you literally used to post your gaping pussyhole on onlyfans
Yeah *insert nail emoji*
I’m just quirked up like that
uh i'm not ftm or anything, but I gotta ask, how do online ftms feel about the transtrenders and theyfabs? Like, my irl ftm fwb has a pure hatred for them, and I obviously understand why, but I'm curious as to you guys' opinion too. Specially cuz in this thread some seem... Very close to it lol. Just curious thx. :>
it depends desu. because of the fact i wont get hrt for a long time i probably get viewed as a trender/theyfab by some people so i have a little sympathy for them but i dont want them to speak on issues as if theyre Actually ftm yknow? like we're not the same. you dont get to speak for me
is it like how I feel when I see a amab with a full beard call himself non binary and try to talk to me when my dating app bios have t4t? Or the trans women who are afraid of hrt? I don't hate them or anything but like... Don't talk to me lol
I want to have sex with the theyfabs
yeah its definitely similar lmao
aren't you one of the theyfabs too, reading the thread?

poor things :c
I can tell why he's so passionate on hating them lmao
yeah i can understand why youd hate em but i just. dont care enough abt them lmao. im focusing more on reducing dysphoria as much as possible w/out hrt.
literally how i thought sex worked when i was a kid and didn't know how sex works
Yes, but my statement still stands
I see, I hope you're able to get ur T :3

If it makes u feel any better, before I got on E I already passed because of skincare and growing my hair out, so hrt just gave me tiddy and weight gain in general (thank fuck). Hopefully u can do something similar ^^
how do you look good in every pic its not fair
yeah i got a masc haircut recently thats helped a lot; i still doubt i'll pass as a man w/out hrt - toyed with the idea of minoxidil for getting facial hair in the meantime but its a lot of upkeep to remember. i do try and speak in a lower cadence it just sucks bc most passing tips for ftms basically boil down to "never show a single emotion. you cant wear bright colours. remove all joy from your life"
>i do try and speak in a lower cadence
oooof, okay big tip, you REALLY have to voice train, not just lower or raise your voice. I had an ftm ex who all he did was lower his voice and we'd just get called lesbians over it, and no matter how many times I told him I could teach him to do a masc voice he just refused and that "he'd find it". He was a piece of shit so he deserved it, but you aren't so VOICE TRAIN PROPERLY
lol yeah i probably should voice train im just not out completely irl so its like, gotta do what i can thats subtle (until i can get hrt) and i know if my voice changed it wouldnt be subtle
Tboy swag
Though I’m ngl I’m pretty grubby atm.
Unless you're extremely tall and muscular no one looks ok at 250.


I think he was smart about it, he had to lose weight in secret or people would've made it much harder on him, and he needed to lose weight. He kept his channel going, and took care of himself. He wouldve killed himself with food had he kept going like that so really he did this the smartest way possible.
do ftms really need voice training? how do amab teenage boys manage
Oh hey Tool. I love their first 3 albums, Sober not my favorite song of theirs for singing though.
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Do ftms into women get hookups/casual sex or is that only gaydens since men are desperate
yeah some ftms do need voice training, particularly if hrt isnt easily accessible. teenage boys manage because their voices drop.
even w/ the voice drop a lot of ftms still have a lot of vocal mannerisms that makes their voice pass less they need to unlearn
I'm so glad I don't have terminal gay/woman voice mannerisms...
im sure itll all work out so hang in there
It's fake as fuck. He's just claiming it is a social experiment to reframe his retardation and get attention from the sudden change. What was his hypothesis for this "experiment"?

I'm guessing he's been blastint ozempic or similar.
>you didn't need to tell us you have daddy issues. you literally used to post your gaping pussyhole on onlyfans
Post links plz
He really was posting old videos he pre-recorded though. Also "social experiment" tends to just mean "I wanted to see people react to what I've done."
You think his enagement was sinking so he had to try to get eyes on his channel again? I've never seen the appeal in watching someone eat.
No I think he realized he was killing himself and needed to change but knew people wanted to see him eat himself to death so they could laugh at him and tell him how he'll never lose weight etc. I think that knowledge prompted him to make a bunch of what he knew people wanted so he could keep making money while he lost weight privately so he could do that without a microscope on him. I think he realized he didn't need to make anything current or talk about anything continuously because all people wanted from him was for him to be a fat clown they could laugh at for the most part. So he gave them their clown while he lived his life, made more money, and read what was likely tons of comments all about a person he'd grown out of being and felt no attachment to by the point the video was released.

I went down a weird rabbit hole of mukbang fat people videos while doing an extreme fast for lent one year so I've seen a fair bit. The appeal varies for people, but his main audience is people he was a clown for, like King Cobra JFS.
+ I'm unsure of the prompt that triggered his reveal I dont follow him but I do think he planned it. Think old daytime talk show mentality "You used to bully me for being a nerd but now I got all this plastic surgery and look like a stripper. SURPRISE!" that sort of shit. I'm sure in his head it was an experiment, but the whole experiment was building a character, watching people's reactions, and then saying "This is really me not that and all the shit you've been talking hasn't been an issue for years" basically. I think he's likely just the sort of person who likes "got'chas"
planned it to a degree. *
So what's he going to be doing for money and content now? Back to eating?
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(same anon)
Fuck if I know, I'm not his keeper.
I can't sit idlely, I cant move at all
I only hook up with women because the majority aren't worth dating anymore
I'm just realising did they rhyme all with all in that song
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я ceйчac гoвopю тoлькo пo-pyccки.
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Any cute afabs here?
Is my voice cute enough for you, faggot?

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I am! I'm here Chaddy!
That looks like Tyrion from Game of Thrones.
pooner eyes
its cute enough for me, Timur...
even with beard you look like a woman
he reminds me of the uhh, the dude who tried to tie autism to digestive problems
imagine scalping this ugly ass specimen and making a nice fur hat out of its hair
what did he mean by this
>tfw almost 0 cism providers in the scat community
>the ones who do exist are not attracted to ftms (for not being feminine enough or for not having a penis)
grim life
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Thank you bro. Aw.

Will listen when I'm home.

Basically a hello but I did a fuck up I hope will stay ignored.
I want a FTM partner (without a beard) but you're all shut-ins, tips?
It kills me that he uses afab/amab instead of saying men or women
Anybody else thinking about what they want to be for Halloween
garden gnome
once you find one, woo him by playing video games together and/or other male pastimes and then get drunk or high together one night and tell him he's a handsome man and finger his poon and hold him while he orgasms and he will be yours forever
Gonna get my friends to dress up as clowns with me and we’ll run around and fuck shit up ;3
Based and wirtpilled
That sounds super fun actually, are you gonna go trick or treating while you're at it?
Ha ha ha
He looks like he had cancer.
I don't dress up for Halloween. I will go to the cemetery and make offerings and do a ritual that night though. I always celebrate.
What kinda ritual are you gonna perform?
That's personal and dependent on the events leading up to the day, what day it falls etc.
A 19 year old trick or treating? Yeah no lol I stopped doing that when I was 12 because I already got dirty looks for doing it at that age.
too broke as of right now, but like every (former) theyfab i bought cat ears a tail and a collar in high school
id have to get it out of storage and even then i dont have anywhere to go so id just be sitting around looking like a furfag in my room
A woman
good for him but I'm still of the opinion that his channel was fetish content
You sound like a loser
Didn't mean to pry into anything too personal, I apologize. Hope your celebration goes well
I'll be honest I'm gonna go trick or treating and I'm gonna be 20, but I also have a severe case of babyface. Got asked where my parents were a couple years ago and realized I still have a few more years of this before I get weird looks
Furfag rights, I still have my cat ears and paw gloves
How do I find one ?
Someone please make new thread, I'm busy
No way you're saying this
father john from faith the unholy trinity!

I might wrap myself in toilet paper and chase children away from my house, I haven't really dressed up since I was a kid
say that again that turns me on
Is he Skinny now?
It's cool, you weren't wrong to ask or invasive, it's just unanswerable.
>what are your thoughts on the whole nikocado situation?
He did exactly the thing he said he was going to do; He made a bunch of drama and a bunch of talk around him while basically being a clown for 8 years, then disappeared and undid the damage he previously did to himself, and now he can live in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life. He played everyone over drama and internet bullshit to show them exactly how mindless they are.
>he looked way better than he does now
He looked better when he was originally skinny than now. Ozempic gives you a dead hollow face.
BASED i briefly had a hyper fixation on FAITH, love that shit
if possible i hope to see it

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