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Talk about whatever, share photos you have take and like.

QOTT1: What do you drink most daily?

GOTT2: What is something you want people to know about you?

QOTT3: Will you let me big spoon you until I fall asleep? (I smell like mud and my Deodorant is wearing off)

Prev: >>37169661
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1. water
2. i want a bf that looks like this
3. if you look like this
But the twitching is irritating, yeah?

Thanks bro, I'm getting better at making.

We shoot sometimes, not so often recently. Unfortunately. I love shooting rifles too. We have between us 2 glocks, a S&W, he has revolver I don't remember name, 2 shotguns, AK-47, and AR-15. I am very good with handguns but need practice with rifle. That is cool you did competitive. What do you have?
1. Monster
2. Monster and fruit
3. If you force fed me monster :3
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I will give you my russian monster.
QOTT1: Red Bull
QOTT2: I do not want people knowing things about me
QOTT3: ...
Pooner angle
I want your watch, wallet, and your Glock. Put all of it in a box labeled Gwen, and I’ll come pick it up. Thanks pumpkin
I am not pretty.

No. Go fuck yaself.
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So you're not only unfunny, but also a chechen. Congrats.

Let's make a list of breedable FtM trips:

1. G - for obvious reasons
2. DannyElfman - he's extremely breedable and has a very nice face
3. Terje - he was an extremely hot tomboy, but I heard that he's an expired roastie now.

I can name only these two. Rest AFABs here are either expired, fat or mutilated.
qott 1 water
qott 2 nothing
qott 3 depends how tall are you
You sound like an unlikeable prick.
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I have green eyes and not Muslim.

>breedable list
You will never kiss a girl, let alone fuck one. You should submit to being cuck faggot to immigrants in your country. Oh wait, you already do.
Shame you cant so often, but based solid collection for real
Again i am in scandinavia so theres a stick up the ass about weapons, only one ive actually owned myself is a .22 longrifle, aside from a heavier caliber one i borrowed when boar hunting.
I lived in latvia for a while, an aquaintence had an old kalashnikov, a desert eagle, n a pump shotgun we shot a lot with, big fan of those
it's pretty wild how every modern laptop has removed any useful port. no disc drive, no sd card reader, if you're lucky you'll get a usb port or two. this sucks.
>QOTT1: What do you drink most daily?
>QOTT2: What is something you want people to know about you?
everyone here knows enough about me.
>QOTT3: Will you let me big spoon you until I fall asleep? (I smell like mud and my Deodorant is wearing off)
if you were a cute girl, i would.
Ok chechen. Time to add you to blacklist.
Just buy a thinkpad T810 and upgrade it with a better mb and get a egpu :p
Bro I'd love to have a desert eagle, but they are expensive as dicks. I also don't remember when people tell me where you're from, I'm goldfish brained.

We might get pellet guns to assist neighbor with fixing her Squirrel infestation.

Five ten.
Haha, manlet, bwahahahaha
i am not going to do that.
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Shut up, it hurts my feelings almost as much as being called a zigger. Kurwa
Then I don’t know what to tell you homeboy, either get a laptop that’s manufactured by a niche company or suck it up.
it's pretty wild how every 30+ roastie has removed any useful function.

They don't have fertile wombs, good looks or tight pussies. You're lucky if they have all teeth intact.
but then how would i complain!!!1!
Question, are you this mutilated balding AFAB?
How tall are you?
five ten is tall for a pooner, so sure
Lol nah im on anon youd have no way of knowing, i just phrased that weird, my bad.
Getting the squirrel infestation down like that sounds like itd be pretty fun tho
What is the process of owning gun where you live? I thought they were OK with it.
she's a very ugly AFAB, ngl. I was hoping for some cute russian tomboy
poor thing im sure youll find the perfect afab someday
Really you just have to seek permission from the government and get a specific cabinet for them, altho no semi autos or autos usually. I just havent bothered to honestly
Only recently turned 20 so havent been able to buy pistols before now
Complain about how shitty Windows 11 is
No, I’m a cis gay male lololol
1. coffee and water
2. that i wanna make a lots of friends :D
3. only if if you let me sniff you
>I disappointed the obsessive autist creeper that asked if I rape kids
Oh no.

What do you want to get? Can you open carry?
>No, I’m a cis gay male

It gets stale. And you are in thread for mentally ill AFABs, huh? Just like this "totally real gay boi" chechen

I wish we could have more cute AFABs here. There was more of them few years ago. Now all that's left is this jewish girl, rest are disgusting repulsive creatures.
Of course you can but mud, sweat, and Deodorant maybe not the best scent. How do you have your coffee?

I bet your cock is bigger than mine too.
No open carry, you can only have them if youre directly on your way to a shooting range or hunting, must be encased usually too, so atleast for pistol i havent really considered what since i dont have a real reason to buy.
Open to suggestions however, for when i move back out of the town eventually
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I really love my 43x. But it's for carrying. It's fun to shoot but I don't know if you would have interest. What is the rule for traveling with your firearm? How do you store it if you're walking, biking, or in car? Or bus?
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The syringes are gamechanger.
The general rule is to have it as hidden away as possible, in a bag or suitcase etc.. generally you cannot transport it with any ammunition either in the majority of cases. The bus is dubious, id assume its probably not allowed in some way.
The 43x does look nice, id consider that.

these look really good so far
Thank you. There is white chocolate coffee filling going into this batch.

Maybe you should get deagle and share with me pics of it.
Did you have to go to the hospital when your father ripped open your asshole as a young boy? Does your third world shithole have hospitals?
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Don't insult his country. Poland isn't too bad. He is the problem.
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Good night cute girls (ftms) and autogynephilic guys (mtfs), I'm going to sleep
The dream, i will if i ever get the money lol

And sounds delicious, good luck with the batch
I'm just trying to speak to it in a way it understands, all it can do is complain anyway
It will only be a good night if you die during it
can you use a trip so that we can filter you out? it's bad enough with th posting off his trip
Thank you again, I will share pictures when finished. Hopefully tonight. If I ever get desert eagle I will share it too.

It doesn't comprehend logic. He is hyperfocused on breeding young girls, but also hates them because they are all sluts. He is perpetually stuck in a sexual riddle while life goes on without him.
Idk man I just like shitposting
Not really
I should buy that fit
I'll start tripping only if you post a picture of yourself on your hands and knees licking the floor, with a time stamp and a note that says "I'm a little sissy girl!" Dance for me faggot, dance
That’s exactly what I was thinking wtf lol
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not th. also you sound like a certain fat mexican pedo
Maybe I'll go with a different color and do slut Link cosplay
>not th
Never said you were, don't care if you are or aren't. Dance piggie
>you sound like a certain fat mexican pedo
Learn 2 clock typing styles. If you really need a face to put to my posts I look like picrel and I'm so pale I glow in direct sunlight
That’s cool, I’m just interested in slutty clothing ;3
A pair of demonias with that would eat
Are you drinking monster rn?
hello again ftmg!

iced coffee and water i drink daily. i cant do hot coffee cause warm drinks make me tired and groggy

i like to draw a lot! heres a doodle i did in class the other day

platonically ofc why not. as long as you dont mind half the bed being occupied with plushies
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Hello щeнoк. How do you drink your coffee?

I hate anime but you are good artist - very cute sketch.

I don't want to get your plushies muddy.
Timur are you actually Russian? Can you do an accent reveal?
No, I already drank two today.
Maybe. Is it important to you?
Very important
is there hope for ftm lateshits...
Are you actually a lateshit or are you 19 and feel insecure you didn’t get blockers at 12?
My issue with proof on demand shit is, I post this, then doubt is doubled, then I am asked for more proof. I have posted voice and pictures but it is never enough.
Shut up
Take your shots
I could beat G~ ass six ways to Sunday at any game frfr on my mama
iced with a bit of vanilla creamer and vanilla syrup :>

i dont like it too sweet but i like a subtle flavor to it
If you play league you can be my adc who I carry as Seraphine
Milk, my dairy consumation is unholy and I keep the dairy industry alive singlehandedly
I would have gone to law school if it weren't for big capitalism
I prefer being big spoon but if you had a nightmare I'll allow it. I love the smell of mud and sweat.
Actually because why am I spending more on cords than equipment? Terrible
Where did wolfy go anyway I haven't seen him in a sec. I can't be the only latino here.
You can't go wrong with vanilla. I love sweet ice coffee. Americans introduce me to it and I fell in love. But I rare am able to enjoy.

This is your art too?
I played adc Miss Fortune, I’m probably better than you at your own role kek
no it isnt.. but this one is! :3
I enjoy being little spoon too. I have severe nightmares so I jerk around, will talk, and make noise. I have kicked before.

Someone said he was banned for something related to TH.
> where is wolfy
Gone, thank fucking god. I can post without a retard constantly sperging out.
Though it was entertaining at times.
Thems fighting words for someone that mains a no brain champ
Drop your disc rn fag
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Cute. Thank you for showing.
Reminds of how issbrokie draws their persona
Beg harder bitch, you know I’m right >:)
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Fuck you
Check out my weed
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diet coke. i like the taste significantly more than the regular one
not sure?
no thanks but you're chill
>smokes weed
>plays video games
This is the unfortunate price you pay as an attention whore
Makes sense, but I feel no desire to post every request to prove who I am.

Why not coke zero? Also you are fat fetishes, yes? Why diet?
Jesus, I knew you were a loser but this really puts the nail in the coffin
coke zero tastes exactly like regular except it doesn't make me feel sick. i'd drink it over water but it isn't my favorite. as for why i drink diet coke, it's because of the flavor. aspartame, which is what they use instead of sugar, is an appetite stimulant.
Is that true? I drink aspartame and never have increased appetite.
it's subtle enough that if you have a little bit, you won't feel it. but if you have a lot, you definitely feel it
You’re so weird, it kind of makes you interesting
I have a lot. I read it can make you crave real sugar too. But I never experience either reaction.
gloves is the only person here that should be tripfagging right now the rest of you are boring
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Good, he can continue chatting. I'm going outside for a bit, bros and girls.
I’m like Guile, I wait for the whiffs and I punish simple as
I can’t be interesting if everything around me is boring ya feel me?
gloves is such an interesting character
More like a dumpster fire
Tell us more about the depths of your depravity Mr. glove
other than outbursts of anger when i'm unable to obtain my medication because the pharmacy is slow, or manic episodes for the same reason, i really haven't had any fucked up incidents in a while.
That’s not what I mean goofball, I meant tell us more about your inflation fetish.
OH. i'm only really into weight gain, vore and inflation aren't my thing despite being related. the idea of tube feeding and instant wg are the hottest to me, with both myself and others but mainly myself.
vampire tf is another thing i find interesting, both sexually and non-sexual, but mainly non sexual
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when i think of gloves i picture him living in chris chan's house, lighting and all
thankfully i'm not a hoarder and the only hoarders in my family disowned me. we also clean it up.
Explain these things to me in detail
i'm not sure where to begin. in real life my limit is something like 350lbs for myself and 450 for others, in fiction it's pretty hard to hit the limit. it has elements of bondage and sub/dom relations, with an added bonus of being able to eat whatever and feeling soft velvet everywhere
Do fat jokes insult you?
nah i find them very amusing. it's pretty 50/50 with people who have the fetish, though
OK, I have nothing against you at this point in time, but wanted to make fat jokes out of fun.
Then stay anonymous, leave the spotlight for people who can stand on their own

Geniuenly admiring your openess on it actually mr glove. ive got the same fetish but i find it to be the bane of my existence
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My morrowind character <3 his name is Keith veloth he is a religious zealot pooner he gets fucked by ordinators & wild guar
I love gloves. My fetish isn't even real because irl I can't turn into a giant slug. Closest thing is gooning on testosterone & jerking off to my body hair and shitty beard stubble
Woah a slug(?) what does that entail fetish wise
Very cool.
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There are too many cis gays here. It's becoming a problem. How do you scare them away
Should I leave?
I was okay with there being 1 regular (you) but another? I don't think that's okay.
I don't think there is.
when has there ever been an opposite problem. too many cis women in mtf threads
Why do cism spend 10 hours in the bathroom? Or is it just my roommate?
I have a transformation fetish. It can be basically anything. The pattern is being resistant or fearful of the transformation at first but it's very pleasurable and becomes a feedback loop of mental and physical changes until you reach a point of no return and become a dumb horny animal or bimbo or gooner or whatever. It's like identity rape

I like bugs and slugs. I don't want to touch them but they are so stupid and different from humans. When I was little I had bad dreams about turning into a bug. I don't want to touch them but I want to be a slug/bug and have sex with other members of my species
roommate? you live in same room? i would've said something about bad diet and constipation but he's probably there just to masturbate
Sitting on toilet fapping/edging.
Thanks timur you're very supportive

My dad takes 10hr shits idk it's a very fun place to hang out
I had the thought every time it happens that he's jacking off but there is literally no sound that comes from the bathroom when he's in there. Totally silent
are you one of the same bugfuckers from the last thread

If he's not jo'ing then he's literally just scrolling on his phone
must have hemorroids the size of his balls
>boymode rather male presenting
>get treated like shit
>feminine qualities start coming out
>employees at places kind of notice that I'm baby trans and start being very polite to me
old people kind of vary, the worst i get is a disapproving glance if I'm buying nail polish or whatever in boymode
Never. Why is it our threads getting invaded
there's that. buggy guy
are you mft? wrong thred
Ahh i see. Rather interesting actually. How long have you had that?
It was the only sexuality I had until I was like 16 and became a gayden because I had a dream where I was raped by like a demon (fembrained). I started jerking off when I was 13 and had the fetish since I was idk like 8 or 9 years old. I think the fear came first
good luck going the other way
Nah, I’m finna speak my peace and free my mind
It’s not even invasion, this isn’t some WCW invading WWF shit. This some TNA NXT shit you guys are chill so we come here to kick it back with y’all
I learned to be quiet when fapping when I was younger.

I'm not sure. I think bug is all genders and none at all. But female-brained.
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They have seen the bullshit that comes into the other gens. Ftmg is always tame as fuck compared. People wonder why I post in this threads so much.
you will quickly unlearn that when a nice veiny cock rams your insides
its a good thread so im not complaining. thank you for your service timur
>QOTT1: What do you drink most daily?
monster or some other energy drink
>GOTT2: What is something you want people to know about you?
i can do some pretty neat amigurumi
>QOTT3: Will you let me big spoon you until I fall asleep? (I smell like mud and my Deodorant is wearing off)
i do enjoy being little spoon but i already have a gf to be big spoon for me
I love how I only get vitriol and hate lol
That’s exactly how I want it
because everyone knows ftms are the natural leaders of this board. even the chaser caste knows their place and wants to become us
When I started getting fucked I learn I cannot be quiet.

Thank you щeнoк.
in my defense, ive never had a one on one interaction with you buggy. but you do seem nice :3

ofc :>
They haven't*
do you moan like a princess or grunt like a barbarian?
I will let you imagine.
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Makes sense. Other gens are pretty cancerous, but so was ftmg for a while
I think it's a theyfab
Interesting theory. That explains why we're also colonizing the board apparently
Only when Wolfgang was here being a raging mungo
No need to leave it up for imagination. Simply keep your door open and I will fly over to experiment on you
very sweet very nice buggy :3
You aren't ukrainian by chance?
past a certain point of female puberty its entirelt dependant on luck.
If unlucly, how much effort are you willing to put into bodybuilding and how much money on surgical procedures.
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No, but east euro. I mean there aren't any left anyway.
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Vivisect me would you
1. Any hot drink
2. I am extremely boring
3. Sure, why not
if you think youre a lateshit its so over for me
From where?
where the fuck is that from?
Montenegro and I need dat ass
Have you seen me?
No but I'd love to. I like you as a poster and the aesthetics you represent what can I say.
Only thing getting colonized by ftms around here is tranner hole
I’m trying to conquer new land
thanks, sometimes i still get horny and want to post gut pics, or i want to post them to annoy TH lmao
thank you
Look it up mungo
i started at 21, go for it poonbro
>Only thing getting colonized by ftms around here is tranner hole
Nothing to brag about. Even 7ft mtfs are weak as fuck. They are merely cannon fodder. Our eternal enemy is the cis m gays who actually are influential and run things behind the scenes
>I’m trying to conquer new land
Looking to invade other boards?
why do you refer to him by his poon?
any pooners here take steroids? like more than 100mg of t a week
> Looking to invade other boards?
Now that you mention it….
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>QOTT1: What do you drink most daily?
coffee im addicted since 12
>GOTT2: What is something you want people to know about you?
i have a strong piss fetish and i dream about dudes pissing inside me everyday
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>tfw I have a chaser and it's not a FPV drone
Every day I wonder why I have such a weird body shape. The only feminine thing about it is boobs , whose days are numbered anyways.

I have been significantly less angry today.
I'm glad you're not as angry. What's up?
Easy day. Friends were not very annoying. I am just heading to bed now.

How is your day timur?
ex started messaging me out of the blue with thirst because he's gone off T and hit his ovulation phase
then when his mood swung back down and his period started properly he picked fights with me every day for a week
So I told him that only the female part of him likes me and I only want a gay relationship so he should get back on T and fuck off outta my life

please rate my evil ex behavior on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is "I need him back" and 10 is "he's literally hitler" and you can think either side of it at different times in your cycle if you're dumb enough to stop suppressing it
I am transmed and I fucking hate women
How to date as a virgin ftm
I get lots of tinder matches and am talking to one but it doesn't seem like the best way to meet people. I've considered hooking up with a couple low iq chasers but it felt like a bad idea

Also I love maynard. He is so perfect. If you look like this please dm me
He sounds insane I would not interact but idk maybe you are made for eachother. I have been getting really bad depression and anxiety from being off t, like basically pmmd or something, but I do not take it out on other people I just punch myself in the head
"please dm me"
fucking tourists
>doesn’t seem like the best way to meet people
Unga bunga nigger speak, opinion invalidated
he's just like me fr
Wish I could meet people just in natural social environments with friends but this is very unlikely for lgbt

Useless bitch
>natural social environments
Gotcha, it is a bit more difficult for sure. My best advice is to try and befriend every remotely sane trans person you come across (that you’re not interested in dating), exponentially increases your odds of going to social events where you can meet other trans people and accepting cissoids.
Yeah I want to date cis male
where do you live? advice varies
for Australia at least I'd say do a bridging course at University, it's like $250-$500 a semester in tuition but you do it for the social connections anyway
Semi rural US
you're in equal measure dating on easy mode and hard mode simultaneously
cis men who will fuck you are everywhere
cis men who will respect you and your transition to actually date are very rare
more often than not when you do think you've found a good one you're going to crack their egg or pull them out of the closet and they'll leave you for either a transbian polycule or a cis gay man
>you're going to crack their egg or pull them out of the closet
my one fear. i get scared every time he does something tranny coded
yeah the only good answer is to leave and move to a coastal city
also if it's Idaho hi doom
My advice still stands but now I also think less of you.
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Does anyone remember the general ftmg image that we had years ago that featured hugh jackman wolverine and said "xx-men."
Sorry to ask for a second time, but I'm grown and outlived a era.
comic accurate wolverine is an xx-man if we're judging by height (5'3)
shit we need to find a transvestigator claiming the actor for comic accurate wolverine from deadpool & wolverine is a trans man for a gen image
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Uh, bros?
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>he legally changed his gender
the one good thing trump did is ban both mtfs and ftms from enlisting. thank god i'm autistic
Trannies can still be in the military though. From what I remember, it was just some kind of military insurance that wouldn't co0ver HRT.
Can't spell for shit I deserve to be drafted
biden overturned it within his first couple months in office iirc, which is why you were drafted unless i'm wrong.
Fangirling over male celebrities is the most fembrained bullshit ever. Be ashamed of yourself
Never heard about that.
I'm 80% sure I got this letter only now (My sex had been male for a while now, I also didn't have to sign up for the service when getting my driver's licence) because I partially completed FAFSA stuff (Might not even do it, lolz)
that could be it, unfortunately
you have to go through the process of registering for them to find you ineligible for service
I’m not gonna lie I’d shit myself if I got this letter
Too boywife for military service
Are you gonna dodge the draft anon?
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Yeah I know
I could just sign up or i could prove I'm a foid. Or just do nothing and not get any benefits, if I wanted any for some reason. Fines/jail time hasn't happened since the 60s.
I think it's ironic, since I was young I wanted to just be put in the army to be 'fixed', being drafted not even the worst possible scenario to me. I'm pretty retarded though. If I didn't have two people in my life who cared about me I would just sign it and not think about it.
Sorry I'm actually illiterate. Chinese chemicals infecting me.
>Photography Edition
Is this a photography thread or a selfie thread?
>What do you drink most daily?
>What is something you want people to know about
I look like a boy but im secretly on hormones
> Will you let me big spoon you until I fall asleep? (I smell like mud and my Deodorant is wearing off)
I sleep on my stomach but you can sleep on top of me.

THERE its a real photography now
oops double post
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Let's make a ranking of breedable FtM trips!

1. DannyElfmanGuy - extremely breedable tomboy, cute face and big blue eyes.

2. G - she's mid, but that's more than enough. I hope that she won't start mutilating her body with male hormones.

3. Purple - when I first saw his photo he was quite breedable, but now it seems that he's mutilating his body and growing some gross afab mustache.

Fell free to add more trips to this list
G is on male hormones, his voice is deep now, too. I can see a slight beard shadow in his newer pics as well, TH.
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Am not good at draw
You're still a woman
nice linework
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Post breedable FtMs! Rules are simple:

1. No fats
2. No blacks
3. No "masculine" pooners
dw i like the smell of sweat :3
Hey /ftmg/, cross posting from another thread here. Need your wisdom. Thank you.

i want to have fujopoon gayden sex with another fujopoon gayden where we both suck each other's straps and neither of us cum and i'm 100% serious
I report them every day but mods are fat retarded trannies too high on ketamine to do anything right
If you just want to be with him I guess you could offer some sort of non-romantic partnership situation. But if you’re someone who actually wants to love and be loved, you should probably give up on it with him. Never waste your time on people who communicate they’re not looking for the same thing you want.
Does anyone have a pic of the hairy bear FTM dude nude lying down or leaning in a chair with a trans flag in the background? I need it to shock retarded cissies on the internet.
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Nobody cares what you do. Show your pussy!
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Oh, you're this fat mexican creatue. Disgusting. Use trip so that could ignore you, fat women don't deserve any attention.
You're too fat to join or be drafted.
I do. That was a long time ago.
You've called me hot before. I would love to slit your throat and throw you into the forest and watch you try to crawl back to civilization with your head only hanging on by a few tendons. Id love to drill into your skull and hear you scream, I want to push my thumbs through your eyes and cut off your tongue. I want to use you to see how much the human body can endure before it gives up and dies

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Wait, aren't you this mexican girl that draws degwenerate stuff? Get some psychiatric help and lose weight
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Polish TH blocked me on discord. Is it because I'm not fem enough for you?
show us the messages pls
I have told you several times that's not me, but you are too retarded to commit anything to long term memory. Id like to dissect that stupid little head of yours, hook you up with a car battery and what happens to the human brain when it's lightly cooked. I'm 5'10 and 150 lbs, i don't need to lose anymore weight. I want to cut off your nipples and stitch them over your eyelids and cut off your nose and lips. You'll be my little work of art.
Nothing we chat about was screenshot worthy, except him asking if I rape kids because I'm gay. He told me personal stuff but is not my place to share it. He says I am chechen and not fem enough.
Wolverine literally has a clone who is a girl. Trans CONFIRMED
He clearly associates homosexuality with raping children because that's what happened to him and now he wants to continue the legacy
wanted to add to photography stuff! take this beautiful pic from a cavetown concert
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I blocked you bc you refuse to disclose anything, so what's the point? I get that you're ashamed of being afab, but still, it's like talking with bot

Nobody considers mentally ill girls (ftms) as men. Sorry lil vaginator
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She's so breedable. I would make her pregnant.
You are also a little mentally ill girl, you will never be a real man because you cannot attract women. They know your father bitched you as a child and that's why you're so repulsive. You should kill yourself while you have the chance
yikes.. cavetown is a guy lol
I want to rape and beat you into submission ywnbam
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Oh sorry, I should say he. He's an AFAB tho, breedable AFAB
if i die in god of war 3 to the stupid falling platforms again i'll blow up my playstation
thats kinda hot but im taken so ill pass :3
This one set of pillars in the first God of War took me forever.
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I’ve been binging universal century gundam like pic related the last month. I finished zeta gundam the other day and when a character had revealed they had been raped it made me spiral since. I thought I finally got over my own trauma but it seems like it’s just opened up that old wound again and now my libidos totally gone in the dump. How the fuck do I start having sex again
i wouldn't hate it so much if it wasn't a fixed camera game. i hate fixed camera games because they destroy your ability to actually see things and render perspective useless, so jumping onto anything and judging the distance is a nightmare. also kratos has been through enough so far and doesn't need to be squashed by a flaming boulder.
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Yeah, camera in GOW3 was utter shit. This game aged like a 35yo woman desu.
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Because I won't tell you my age and about my parents? You really have no other thoughts than wanting to "make mentally ill girls cry"?
i think whatever thoughts he formerly had have just been replaced by his 4chan schtick
a little sad desu but that's his path in life
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I wanted to talk to him. I had curiosity like trying to solve a riddle - if he is very dedicated troll or pathetic incel. Maybe both. He rants to me before but inevitably it comes back to what is my age and ask about my parents. The riddle is not worth the effort to solve, I'm no longer curious if there's depth.
I don't mind fixed camera but it can make some things annoying. I can't feel any sympathy for Kratos everything he goes through is his own fault.
Have a good night girls. I have a work trip to Denmark tomorrow, so I won't be able to post cute vagina bois for a week.

Remember to stay cute and fertile!
>I can't feel any sympathy for Kratos everything he goes through is his own fault
this made me so angry to read that i typed out about 4 different replies before realising none of them summarised my rage correctly
Very handsome, would cuddle.
he seems to be normal when you talk with him in person

th may be right about you being afab. idk any cis man irl who would speak in such fembrained manner
>he seems to be normal when you talk with him in person
only when he wants to get down to your pussy
one way or another anime finds a way to kill your sex life
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Everyone will believe what they want about me. But I'm not that important to think so deeply about.
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Good afternoon /ftmg/ I hope you're all doing well
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>reverse trapmoder
All these terms, I can't keep up. Fuck.
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>All these terms, I can't keep up
Nothing wrong with not being terminally online. A reverse trap is a girl who get clocked as a guy, and I just reverse-trapmode rather than come out as a trans guy
How is your day going?
So far so good, got an 8 hour shift in a little bit, hoping it's not too bad tonight. How about you?
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What do you do, Arty?

Thank you for asking. I'm making chocolates. Then will do my cardio and weights. Then shower. Then ????
hello reverse trapmoder ^_^
I am back from my slumber
Hey fag. What you are doing today?
Probably gonna play street fighter 6 and cook some food, I’m not someone who really thinks ahead like that lol
hey guys i will leave this here and slowly walk away...
you talked to him in person and didnt shank his pathetic little ass? youre a pussy and he should have raped you
I assumed it was him posting that.
im just here to spread hate ngl i dont care who its directed towards
My best friend is in the hospital.

Everyone in the world has a rotten, shriveled heart and is incorrigibly evil.
For what?
The internet has proven that it’s retarded
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I fucking hate running.
same, due to a permanent childhood injury
Nikocado trolled the entire Internet, he knew exactly what he was doing when he was doing all those Mukbangs and getting like really really fat, but I know that it was all a social experiment because if you look back at his past, he obviously knew how to stay physically fit, and how to diet properly and all that fitness stuff. People are so retarded for not looking into him
Maybe people are retarded for paying attention to him.

What injury?
Are you a neet? What the fuck do you even do all day? Are you disabled?
Have you gotten a job yet fatty? Did wolfgang break your fragile little ego?
Trip on wolfgang
Why are ftms who wanna date cis gay guys less deserving of respect
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I don't know what is "neet". I work, work out, take walks, lurk 4chan boards, play with and groom cats, make chocolate, dinners, and husband's breakfast. I get fucked, suck cock, cuddle, dance, sing. Sometimes I pick mushrooms or we travel to lakes. Sometimes we play airsoft or go shooting. The fuck you do?
Do you top your husband tho
If you did all that you wouldn't autistically post on 4chan all day, i can lie on the internet too
If I want to lie I would pretend to be interesting and have a massive cock.

Ftms who don't top their cis boyfriends/husband's, how do you know they aren't just straight guys who see you as a woman?
if you wouldn't date another ftm you clearly don't respect yourself, why would anyone else
I don't date other ftms because I like cock.
tore two ligaments in my ankle when i was 8 (2011) and it never healed back correctly
trip on wolfgang x2. stop pretending to not be him. if you're not him, post hand with timestamp, i'm completely confident i can recognize the pathetic sperg anywhere
sometimes I lurk here just to remind myself that I hate it here and it was never good

My biggest fear is that my bisexual cos boyfriend is gonna get bored with me cause he hates women and I know when his sexuality is male cycling all he is thinking about is body parts I don't have and can't satisfy him with. What does cockless boy even do ugh
>hates women
>is with a man with women parts
I think you can do better, but probably I'm feeding a troll.
New >>37193042
strapping mine and having him suck my fat clit seems to be enough, i have my doubts though
I guess...
They avoid my ridicule if they’ll date trans men. Honestly, I find even being cocksexual more respectable. I lose respect when one expresses they’re exclusively willing to get fucked by cis men, in most cases.
i don't really like cock but I'm dating a cis guy
As a ftm you should be ashamed. Also just letting you know there is nothing about you cis gays dont do better
So he's guaranteed to leave me for a guy you think?
He says boy pussy changed his life and i believe him. We have great sex. But ive seen all the gay porn he watches and I overheard him tell a friend that no strap on feels like being filled up by a man's cum. It makes me insecure im not enough.
yeah. Just don't be retard and date a ftm if you want someone you will actually love
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