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manmoder4manmoder edition

prev >>37207628
I will never be a woman as I do not have soft tissue features compatible with being recognized as having a feminine face
Surgery will never fix me, most of you will be fine when you remove a few inches from your brow and get a lip lift because you are luckshits
Kill yourselves sincerely
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barrelmoders ww@
i'm bald and tall and hairy and ugly and smelly and gross and old
it's ma'an
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ten thousand years in neopaint
mind if i wepost dat heccin' epin image to arr slash 4 tran 4 my good sir? :^)
I'm too old for reddit, I literally don't gettit
I wonder how often my face or body get reposted in lolcow subreddits
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who /uglybastard/ here
litrly me
got hit twice by one of those a decade ago during my first transition
'twasn't a fun experience tbthoughonest
how did you know? I've seen my face and tits reposted on /b/
You know what’s worse than being a manmoder? Being one and also having crippling anxiety and shame and guilt over everything that you do and needing ten people to tell you to do what you want. Utterly childish and destructive.
wow literally me except I refuse to apologize because that's just what this world shaped me into and how I've reacted, I accept what I am and how terrible it is and that it is due to my choices and I've retreated from all interaction with others to avoid further damage
I can’t avoid others. You can’t run away forever. I need others to stay alive. Otherwise what’s the point? This I damage myself. Maybe one day I’ll start to heal properly. Until then, I’ll keep trying to become more authentic.
I like to tell myself that if there's a next time I'll try and do better, but I've stopped letting myself fear or hope that there will be a next time
how old? and so you smell manly or female?

you all (except newfags?) know i'm the ugliest bastard aller zeiten
years of harassment after making the frontpage of an antisjw suboeddit mostly
sorry, yeah I don't get anything like that, I misunderstood based on what you said
i've also come across my nudes on /b/ so that applies too ig
It’s all we have anon
This one try
Mske it count and don’t give up
And remember
It can get better
>doesn’t browse /b/
I had my chances, I had my experiences, it's fine
i'm still considering whether I should try hanging myself again, or if I should go with the bridge
It isn’t
You will have to much more
Life is all about getting up in the morning anon
So get the fuvk up
And become
head on train tracks
I became all over everything
I curse you to live
I curse you to imagine a future 5 years from now.
Now do it again 200000 times for a whole lifetime
You are good anon
I can tell
Just keep going
I'm not a suicide risk if that's what you're getting at I've just simplified my life, pared down to what I can handle
I'm 27
I have a counter curse since I updooted both the skeleton and the dog named pete
day four of pizza hut
it's better cold
worse than 30000 lashings
what toppings do you get?
pepperoni with red sauce and mushrooms with white sauce
i miss him
I miss her
ive never had any other sauce than marinara, what is white sauce?
i miss thim
You will be happy
You will be a passoid woman
You will have a cute husband/wife
You will find what you are looking for!!!!!
it's american dairyslop (I mean I'm sure there's a real thing it's a creamy cheese/milk based sauce)
i wont see this
I also miss her too
hrt made my skin too soft which makes shaving every day impossible and the closest laser clinic is 50 miles away fuck my tranny chungus life
>You will be happy
>You will be a passoid woman
im like six foot, masc despite 4 yrs hrt, and getting fat
>You will have a cute husband/wife
my bf is cute but I will die soon
>You will find what you are looking for!!!!!
thanks. i hope it will be painless
too fucking real my skin is getting worse because i shave too often
but I also hate her
and her
and the rest of them
and everyone else
and every single one of you

I hate you all
i fucked her btw
yeah you and the entire west coast
well no not necessarily and idk what the difference is exactly, but I have totally had alfredo as sauce on pizza and it's delicious just not what I'd consider a generic "white sauce" on pizza
need a big booty manmoder bf
a real sub-5 dog of a slampig
shawty needs to be lookin like mike redlettermedia with puffy nips and agp hair
You can still be happy and a woman
If you love them you won’t
What you truly wish isnt death
im a gay estromale
yes, of course
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bepenised cuntboymaxxing
I'm a mediocremoder
im ugly as a woman
im ugly as a man
im ugly as a tran
im ugly as an enbycoper
society, you were supposed to fix me. instead you broke me! why? why you lie? you lie! you lie! you lie! i hate you so much right now! i hate you so much right now! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
this is me desu ne if you even care
methschizo? why are you always moist?
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quora told me the first step to not being an incel is showering
I will not be a loseruselessnolifemoder
I’ll have a life
I’ll become
I’ll become better.
I will consoom
consoom everything
I'm so fucking clever and funny and useful and constructive and nice to have around and everyone misses me and wants me in their lives and I am depriving the world of my wonderful presence
permaneet burnout
oh I just can't wait to get home from school, so I can go online and talk with my b o y f r i e n d
my grickle oozes no longer
should i buzz off all my hair
sure thing buddy
only if you buzz mine next
why is mmg all buzzing their heads
a gift for you: butthole hair of the shai-hulud
What a sad thread haha
go fuck a goat
can i see?
real butch manmoda' hours
Lari was right this thread is dumb
This general is for hons who don’t pass nothing more nothing less
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go off, kween
need to see that sissy twerk on a bbc
it's been years. it's time to legally detransition into an HRT manmoder
Thank god i messed up the name change paperwork and they sent it back
Is it crazier to change name but not gender, or gender but not name?
>getting spam emails from bots pretending to he transgender prostitutes
the scammers know me all too well. what the hell did i sign up for? must've had too much to drink
giwtwm; gatekeeping is good
gatekeeping is gay
Is chest binder worth it ? I hate my boobs
Ftmg told me binding tape is best
Honestly as long as you have a bra on and aren’t trying to show them off nobody cares
how do i become an estromale
1. be male
2. take estrogen
3. ???
4. profit
girl cock in cis lesbian vaginas
lead projectile in manmoder faggot skulls
I fingered a lesbian once.
Can binding tape work on B-D cup size ?
I miss her
this is fine
I'm tired of starting over
why do I ruin everything
can you give some examples of your racism, methschizo?
fuck all of you. im retarded
the year is 2050. im jerking off on drugs in my childhood bedroom at 3AM while my aging parents die in a hospital. i still don't have a job, a degree, a gf, or even any friends.
i always wished i were gay. alas, straight conversation therapy has failed to make me gay for anyone besides myself, that hairy sweaty fat FTM i fucked to multiple orgasms, my own dad, and that ugly faggot who used to buy me sushi (he identified as a woman but looked like he wasn't even on HRT), and also those two drug-addicted transgender sluts that scammed me out of my dad's money. im too stupid to even drive a car I HATE YOU
me = ugly inside and out
me = retard
me = unemployable
me = habitual criminal
I AM RACIST the voices always sound like a radio in in the other room maybe if i fall asleep they will go away WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME
im racist because i didn't sleep. i said the n-word online once. i have a brain engineered and optimized for sexual predation. i am the ultimate pervert, who loves the taste and texture of pussy slime, who creeps at night and hides in bushes
I'm gonna rape a cis lesbian with my girl cock. I'm already feeling euphoric, anyone relate?
why arent i the one raping innocent little lesbians with my stinky elephant trunk bendy straw blood baloon??? hahaha this is why all ugly wanna transgenders are sexual predators and should DIE
My euphoria boner is very sticky rn, I think I am like a dog wagging its tail
mind if i have taste?
I'm masc4masc only, you look like a pooner nigga
that methed up lil nigga moist
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Oh, you're trans? State your anogenital distance and 2D-4D ratio, hon.
same uwu
I'm like 6 foot tall
I'm 6'2
I technically have a barrel chest but with a normal circumference (29inch) so it just makes my chest look a bit rounder but not big like that
I don't like being the tallest in the room. I'm masc4masc and only tolerate taller people.
oh we real schizo hours im out
Same, where can I find a 6'4 chad?
Yeah but they said that if your titties are still growing it will make them flat and ugly
Might just be better to larp as ftm
found my bf in scandinavia
this gen is like a sui forum
lol, you removed the distortion or whatever that was
everyone died, finally, no more manmoders
overall world happiness increased
let this die, no bump
imagine having friends lol
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Are you me?
watchin minecraft videos
taking a shit rn
nice, does it smell? i took a shit earlier and it was a bit diarrhea like, so probably some of the shart got stuck in my butthole hair
dude same
producing estrodumps
im german
are you shiza?
no, i am larry, i think shiza posts under nym also she probably believes that she is too good to be a manmoder
legalize goatfucking
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larry come home
she posts in gaygen and criticizes trans women's voice
this shit sucks
durian is a fat lard
its not even him anyways its june
luv durian
'ate larry
'ate june
simple as
in some places is legal and as long as they do not catch you it is still legal. i would never give up goatfucking, the government can't take it away for me, goatfucking for life bro
but i am already home
i do not think she posts in gaygen anymore, i saw here being a mean girl in some threads though, anyway she is ngmi with that midface, she might as well start posting here too
eastern euros belong to germany
some bulgarian dude showed me his dick and it was big
>i do not think she posts in gaygen anymore
maybe she's a girl now
how much would i have to pay one of you to be flown out and smash my clavicles with a hammer so the surgeons have no choice but to reassemble them to be shorter
should i see my therapist tomorrow or i am fine on my own ?
where are you from?

make him bite you
bro just [ay for my airfare and the fee to renew my passport and you got a deal. oh and buy me a nice meal.
south us
i'd literally pay for first class as long as you promise not to fully kill me with said hammer
sorry, i think i'm on a no fly list
yeah you'll probably be mostly ok when i'm done.
the hammer hon
would you be more comfortable if you first practiced on a rack of ribs/some other fascimile
oh i don't need practice i'm ready.
her. my therapis is an woman older than my mom. i think she is in her mid to late 50s but she is kinda based.
i hate my life. i have no job, no hope for the future. no nothing. i am fucked.
I have finished school 10 years ago and have not worked since lmaozedong
i feel like i cannot take it anymore, there is so much pressure from society, i hate everything
tru dat
that's everyone right now
you be flown out the night before, we can have dinner at some nice restaurant, afterwards we'll drive to a motel where you will leave in the dead of night, you will call ems using my phone and you'll be on the next plane out by that morning. as long as you're not flying internationally the cost should be a small fraction of what i would pay for the real surgery. i'll even return the favor once i'm healed
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average swedish bottom
he/him ho hon
mao ze hon
I pulled something in my shoulder and can't turn left or breathe deeply without it hurting and I opened a new stick of old spice deodorant to use and now I smell like baby powder and my right boob is suddenly really veiny and looking bigger... today is weird
i won't be needing a return ticket, i can just wander around.
I am a transbian and I want to rape CIS LESBIANS with my huge girlcock
im masc4masc
I am bi and want to stick my dick in people while getting things stuck in me
i am bi and i don't give a fuck WHAT i do as long as it's sex
I don't get to have sex anymore
I have never had sex, nor will I ever
june is a hot girl
wouldn't fuck her for reasons i've stated repeatedly (it's me, not her)


i just decided that gays don't know anything so i must be a virgin...
so same
i had enough money for 6 bottles vodka... now it's enough for 5...
making money is the devil's art
that's why i prefer to steal it
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same i steal it from the state... that reluctantly pays me as the laws are all WOKE and left socialism and making weak men and weaker women (women are pathetic and should only be allowed to speak their will at elections - if they have chad men to instruct them of course!)
i have 15 bucks in my bank account and a fistful of small bills
Romania gives me nothing, you are either strong and survive here or you die and perish, there is no place for weaklings here, fuck
daily reminder that a margin of 5-10 years was all it took to make you a perma-manmoder surrounded by stealth passoids with supportive parents and communities that had never ever chastised them for femininity ever in their lives and had encouraged and walked them through the entire transition process from 6 years old until they started HRT at 12
imagine if you guys were born now instead of when you were
all the weak ones just move to western Europe and become panhandlers, bullshit salesmen and organ grinders.
I'm done being sad over that, shit sucks but it is what it is, I'm back to just being sad about girls and being lonely
>born in 2004
>could have been an american/British/German/etc. youngshit
>born in eastern europe instead
no but think about it because it wasnt like, 50 years
it was only about 5-10 years difference that made your entire life worthless and miserable the entire time, with basically no way out forever
in fact, many of the same adults that are helping the kids of today transition and affirming their gender and supporting them to live authentically regardless of their AGAB, were the adults that probably mocked and spit and assaulted and neglected the manmoders here for being feminine/trans/gay just 5-10 years ago
in fact, id bet there are now currently living perma-manmoders that had abusive transphobic parents growing up that would mock and shun them for acting effeminate that have younger blood-related siblings that are also trans being completely loved and supported and walked through the transition process from their earliest memories in life
imagine watching your abusers turn around within 7 years of making your life a living hell, now giving the young people everything you have ever wanted but will never ever have in the single life you were given
>no but
>were the adults that probably mocked and spit and assaulted and neglected the manmoders here for being feminine/trans/gay just 5-10 years ago
lol real my parents hated fags but started to change their mind a few years ago, they think I'm gay now
>so basically, life is all about luck
they also got unlucky bc were born trans and infertile basically, they also imagine if they would have just been cis instead, instead of imagining how unlucky you got not being an youngshit, you more realistically should imagine how unlucky you got not being cis in the first place and not having ever to deal with anything trans related..
while you are at it you should also imagine on why you were not born rich famous and pretty, etc. then you wish you were born also smart too, it never stops
could tell this was larry without even seeing the name
I think I might actually have wet brain now idk. haven't felt right for a while.
thats cope
youre like cancer patients forced to live with cancer in pain this whole time just begging to die
while everyone young now is receiving the best possible measures as early as possible to prevent it from ever happening
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>think I have (bad thing)
>think I have (good thing)
Nothing ever happens
Kids born today won't even live a full life because of climate change.
some of them migh randomly get cancer at 30 and die anyway, to some cis people this will happen also, we got the bad ending, you could have gotten cancer at 15 and died at 19 or get hit by a bus or become blind, lose limbs eetc.. you could have had some bad schizophrenia or depression and commited sui at 12. life is all a gamble, there is a bunch of different bad endings and you must be lucky enough to dodge them
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>trying to demoralize mmg
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mmg meetup
me on the right
someBODY once told me they couldn't stop coming
Whos the passoid on the left? Rkun fits the shorty
the anon reading this uwu
kinda wish i had a fistful in my bussy
yes, i'm wishing for people to get disgusted, it brings me joy* and satisfaction**
(* actually no joy)
(** actually no satisfaction)

hello jimmy move to me and i'll let you out once a day to be walked, get a good meal, and suck my dick?
`btw wghat does a romanian think is a good meal?
is a bit hard to get locally sourced goat testicles here, but i bet i could get my sister to send me a package (lol) once in a while
i would unironically move, it would have cool if it was Norway, Sweden is like a shithole nowadays
wonder if i could get hold of goat penises
norway is weird and they have those things called fjords ;__; scares me to hell!
it is apparently the happiest country in the world so it must be good, also the prisons are nice so i have where to go after i inevitably uhhh
it is apparently Finland and not Norway, i don't even, nords are the same, nothing interesting abt them, no different characters, they are just cold and quiet and unintersting and copy and paste
lot of diferences
for instance in finland they'd execute you for being ugly
while i'm here in socialist sweden welcoming you with open arms to become a slave
norwegians are occupied getting rich from oil, eating fish, and driving their teslas
>a close up of a person wearing glasses, soft femme, power metal album cover, streaming on twitch, long messy curly hair, confused facial expression, tran ross, casual streetwear, large tall, big overcast, mostly black, shaved, by Nōami
fuck i wish i didn't have therapoy tomorrow otherwise i'd get drunk af and puke onto my living room floor
but those weaklings would send me away for being a tiny bit drunk wtf...

sounds hot
wanna cuddle?
>but those weaklings would send me away for being a tiny bit drunk wtf...
I've been to therapy high on amphetamines lol
last time i went to therapy a little tipsy my therapist produced an alcohol meter and made me blow it (it came, shit was cash)
then said i should be actually be sent away but she'd allow it that time...
i had been talking weekly wt her for the last 5 years at that point...
lay off the sauce for 5 minutes you creepy ahh nigga gotDAYUM
what's your issue?
srs curious?
my therapist broke up with me
does your therapy help? hope it goes well, don't drink too much
post smooth chin? pretty please'?
a young man wearing headphones looking out a window, 2019 trending photo, inspired by Fyodor Vasilyev, public bus, facebook profile picture, opengl, midsommar - t, 1 6 years old, vacation photo, jamming to music, in focus face, road trip, # e 4 e 6 2 0, redsinski
yes it have helped me realizing how i had bad ideas how things works, and how to improve, and also showed how i already learned to handle thing, and how to do it better
i mean i'll always be fucked up but now less so :)

opengl? i bet you're hot af
boobs are visible now i need to kill myself or get laser
i'll never pass even with laser so why bother
>i'll never pass even with hrt so why bother
the man moder to rule them all
or get a manmoding bf? 0_0
retards not realizing this is june
abhor the namefag
evidence? if it is june, he is doing an extraordinary job impersonating durian

every time i post anon someone clocks me as durian anyway, so why not post with name so you can eh... block me
i mean i've posteed how to block me (or other namefags/tripfags ) a few times
hello sweetie, i know i'm not a GOAT nor even a sheep but still wonder how big your dick is?

also nobody can impersonate me, i'm to retarded and stupid random shit for that
ps. tell june to fuck me?
please click this link
it is the real google
i promise
match up from archives when “june” stopped posting and the uptick in “durian posting”
also durian is easy asl to imitate ;_;
a loser among losers
the reject of rejects
i don my bindey windey like a crown of thorns
i think that you are just schizo, june came here to tell us to stfu abt him cause he no longer posts and durian is a pain in the ass to impersonate, i am not that intelligen but he is just too random and has not like 'routine' which makes him both easier and harder to impersonate since him being random gives you that flexibility to makes mistakes and still be believable as some random durian bs but he is random in his own weird way..
why would june even torture or subject himself to this bs? when i impersonate people i do it in very short bursts bc the scenario is fun or i get a funny idea, i cannot imagine myself impersonating someone long term, that would be extremely boring and literal torture, especially durian..
the namefag is guileful, trust it not
also how do you know that june was even real?
like i am a newfag but from what i heard june was an actual old namefag that just came back but with same old pics and no new ones which seems like a complete larp as a whole..
fags and losers, the lot of you. shameful behavior.
Fogs me
the manmoder lives in honor; the namehon dies in shame
idk why they are on it, i ask myself that daily
they are just retarded like Shahonn, i guess
wtff am i that bad? ;__;

i'm just here as i'm bored af like i need attention/gving attention all the fucking time or i'm bored to death
so while i can cope at days giving attention to friends/acquaintances being nice, supportive and all shit like that my evenings are boring me to death

god i wish i could have someone to give my attention to

like for real, i bet you know june and want to suck her juicy ||censored||

i'm on it in a vain hope to fuck you silly, silly
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i wish i was at least one of those niggas who was successful as a guy so i'd have something to go back to. this is ass.
>i wish i was at least one of those niggas who was successful as a guy
You eventually stop being able to do that when you begin to deteriorate mentally.

t. repper
lol i don't even want to be a woman anymore man. it's just now i'm fucked either way.
Come to gaygen baby bro you are too good for these dead end hons
it helps me
con trol my
rape tendencies
wtf did i do
anyways i've thought about it but i'm not gonna do it bc suicide is fucking gay.
ok, you actually are not real durian
rkun, you said you were leaving bitch, you just changed your age a bit, instead of like 20 is 22 now or whatever
why and who are you
hello you like old failure-at-life guys with big moobs?
Isn’t this lari ?
I am bill from mmg
yes and ik but why are you in gaygen?
>you actually are not real
kms and also why?
gonna tell group tomorrow i want ot beat goatfucker to death and they'll think it's because i think goat fucking is bad (i actually don't - as long as the hot goat consent)
in what way
nigga i have no idea wtf you're talking about. i stopped frequenting this board over a year ago when i realized it's ass. now i only come here once a month to complain.
would you fuck me hard? asking for larry
friendly or maybe romantically? idk anything about romance tho and is practically asexual ;__;
This a gen for trannies who present as men
I am a man who takes hrt
This gen isn’t for me. i have nothing in common with people who are desperate to girlmode but too pussy
haha nah i'm not gay bro sorry
I’d split your mussy into three pieces
Bend over faggot whale
>I am a man who takes hrt
why, what do you gain from it?
i do not take it as a literal troon bc i do not want limp dick, i cannot why would a cis man take it..
forgot name..
>i cannot why would a cis man take it
severe mental illness :-)
>This a gen for trannies who present as men
so where do i go as a "detroon" straight cis male
t. >>37228594
I’m a detranser because i didn’t pass as well as i wanted to
I like having soft skin and smelling great and being clearheaded and not masculinizing as i age
My dick works and my levels are great
so you are just a tranny and a regular manmoder, got it
one of the women i'm totally out for talked all day today how i'm masculine and said i should wear masculine stuff wtf wtf pointed to masc stuff and told me i should buy it
so you're based as i'm ugly freak man, one that should spill his blood

omg! omg! it's tingling hard as(s) fuck rn!

hot you like your quivering gock touched/sucked?
asking for larry/jimmy
you can like certain aspects of it without being a troon and wanting to be a woman
i'm durian
you're durian
everyone is durian
stfu fake durian
ate june
luv durian
simple as
nigga how is it a cope? i have no interest in being the opposite sex and my dick still works so who cares
i was barely even a tranny when i thought i wanted to be a woman. lol never crossdressed in my life
ate durian
luv methschizo
simple as
how'd you do that
why are you here?
why does everyone seem to have such extreme communication issues now
why doesn't anything work
where do you suggest i go instead lol
repeated bumps to the head have rendered me functionally regarded
may i suggest therapy? for your denial issues
'ate myself
simple as
nah lol that's gay
>for your denial issues
legit i don't want to be a woman. i just have dysmorphia or some shit on top of an irrational fear of aging.
are you a sociopath?
peter pan niggas
idfk man. i don't interact with other people enough to know whether or not i am.
yeah that's what they call it. i forgot. only reason i don't "regret" trooning out really.
I need to speak with your manager's manager
deep into my rear end?

>have dysmorphia or some shit on top of an irrational fear of aging
omg! same!
tho i'm already aged af
do you live in a swamp? are you Shrek?
i like own this gen now so ask questions here
how to remove chudlines
hey you ugly freak weirdo n-word dummy I rule THIS GENERAL
and i ask you to post lewds
wtf, how hard is it for you untermensch slaves to know your true place?!?
angle grinder
>when i impersonate people i do it in very short bursts
ya me too
i know this isn’t durian cuz the real one is a spineless shapeless pathetic fat blob that rolls over and takes everyone’s shit and doesn’t fight back
also it’s easy asl to imitate durian ;_;
show ass pls?
can you at least be as funny as the other namefag
just injected bathtub estrogen into my hairy manmoder thigh
everything sucks and I'm high key breaking down over it and I wish I hadn't quit my job
me in a few days except it comes from some domestic pharma factory because I have a prescription
I have a boyfriend now i think
He is really obsessed with me and he seems extremely sweet so i think he will be my boyfriend for sure unless he does something crazy on our date friday
gib me shit, my agp stick is hard rn
i'm a simple man of simple tastes, making myself fatter while blaming the jews :|
yes i'm simple to imitate
still would fuck juuune silly, well she's already silly
applied to an inner city fast food restaurant it really is beyond fucking over
dark durian (impostor)
I don’t want to be a woman anymore
I am going to age as a fem guy who never finished adult male masculinization so i’ll always be feminine
If i was straight it would be over but i like men more than i do women so being a fag works for me
got rejected by mcdonalds (they did not even call me)
good luck fren
>deep into my rear end?
haha yeah sure man we can be lesbians or whatever
i have to inject in a few hours but i don't like doing it cause i feel like a retard calling myself a straight male afterwards
if I can't get a job that pays more than what I was making at my last one under better conditions it won't be worth the stress, I'll just kill myself when I run out of money
why are you doing this? what satisfaction do you gain from it?
well, idk what is funny abt it
shut coping tranny, i am not your personal bozo
the last time i applied at maccas it took them 6 months for them to get back to me kek
I will never get a prescription because I'm ugly and have very low social capital
those aren't reasons to not get a prescription
t. ugly and has no social capital whatsoever
well I guess the doctors I talked to thought differently
glad it worked for you though
fuck you talking abt jobs
just be confident and have a firm handshake next time
>well I guess the doctors I talked to thought differently
I mean that's not legally a reason for them to deny you a prescription if you live in a place where such things are available, that's some bullshit
soo funny, go kys

none over spending a few seconds posting shit?
what's your deal? really?
well doctor's can deny everyone for any reason (in my country)
obviously they will say it's mental issues/sexual perversion/health concerns
>i am not your personal bozo
yeah stop calling me a coping troon then
we know already that you are fake durian, give up, decent larp, 7.5/10
>soo funny, go kys
that's such an un-durian thing to say (but such a june/larry thing to say)
you're dark durian m8
that's fucked up you should kill them and eat them about it
I wish I could kill myself
punished "venom" durian
a fag denied his mussy
my mock and my malls are quite stinky
I can kill myself whenever I'm fed up with things and that makes me feel better about living
I tried and it was hard and I failed. It just gave me some nerve or brain damage
coping troon
you are not a man
>you are not a man
explain how i'm not. you can't lol.
i'd say it's pretty easy...
but then i've failed a lot of times

hanging can bring permanent neck problems fyi lol

why are you denying it to me? don't you want it filled and stimulated? ;__;
suicide can bring permanent living problems fyi lol
i am a loser, i have no money, i have no job, i have no future, i feel like shit, yes, this is my life, fuck you god, fuck you
>hanging can bring permanent neck problems fyi lol
yeah rip. I never got diagnosed with anything though. Like I told some doctor I tried hanging myself a few months later and he did not even look at my neck or anything
a stressful phone call or rescheduling an appointment did NOT used to require an hour of emotionally processing and recovering like I'm fucking shellshocked afterward and I'm stuck in a feedback loop of feeling embarrassed and furious over my own reactions to that compounding the stress I felt in the first place over what boiled down to a simple miscommunication on someone else's part

I think this emotionality shit and some occasional pains are the only things I regret about this estrogen nonsense, it doesn't make me question the general choice but does make me suspicious that anyone can be expected to respond and behave rationally at any given time like this and makes me miss my detachment and more disaffected attitude
Come to canada little bro you can move to the west coast with my boyfriend and i
You can be the maid and live in the basement
Bc is nice think about it
manmoder refugees are ruining canada
it's 7/11 in Germany
government agents are shooting me with the cia bald gun
i hope you do not want to put me in a gimp suit and keep me in a box like in pulp fiction or whater movie
sucking a sexy mangirl's pretty little penis
Nope we will keep you in a maid costume like the dirty old mad at the start of my own private idaho
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licking syrup off of a mangirl's hotcakes
my shenis is gnarled and root-like in appearance
there is hair on parts of the shaft too
i'm not even considered for that role as too OLD, FAT, and ugly ;__;

pics?? we could do a pic swap ig but am soft af rn :|
so i was sexually harassing a stranger online for free when i noticed that i have an erection in my shorts. does this mean that the straight conversation therapy is finally working?
yes you're a Real Man™ now
I will never be one of the beautiful people
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im no longer a rapehon
the rapeGOD
methschizo is a vtuber faggot too? fucking yikes
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i can't believe /mmg/ is finally dead
I can't believe this was the last /mmg/ ever
day five of pizza hut
I am not well
I can't believe /mmg/ was never real and was just in my head
I can't believe I was the only manmoder all along
don't kid yourself, i manmog
I can't believe the real /mmg/ was the friends we lost along the way
fine, i made it, AGAIN


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