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Qott: what kinda drugs do you take? Legal or illegal.

Last >>37224723
in case the guy i responded to >>37232535
didn't see my response >>37233917
occasional weed, that's it. i had meth-laced sativa weed once that i didn't realize was laced until a year or so later when the guy who offered me some got a dui for meth in oregon. no jail time, but the courts suspended his license due to it a month ago. took them a long time
>trump promises government mandated cis boyfriends with at least decent bodies and decently sized cocks for ALL ftms
would you vote for him?
I would use that boyfriend as free labor and as a bull to fuck the chicks I bring home
by the power of this qott i summon terje
i would rather die than have a cis boyfriend, sorry chasoid
not a chasoid. also the men wouldn't be chasers they would be regular gay or bi men
i'm also not into penis, sorry i was rude before though
Not homo.
eed. I used to be hooked on benzos.
More for me then
I smoke weed, do a bit of acid, pick shrooms when they're in season and some other research chems. Also DXM. also I hate G
We could just smoke a bowl and kiss a little, ain’t gotta be like that
Smoke a wood, in the woods, on some wood!
Favourite activity while smoking chat?
How I’m tryna be rn
Sucking dick is my best answer Steve.
Just a small amount of weed. I found morning glory growing wild but I'm not retarded so I'm probably not going to take it, just to keep it as part of religious worship like the datura I found
Laying on my back in the dark dissociating
Jerking of
Wait are u guys solo smokers?
Weed, occasional gabapentin and random psych drugs, did shrooms a couple times, and I have some acid I'm saving. I need a day when my roommates aren't home because the one who wants to do psychs together the most is obnoxious and I need control over my environment off psychs. I want to try molly at a show but my guy caught a felony and moved.
Don't need another one
Actually wait I'm changing my answer
Jerking off. Actual answer is video games in bed. Working out high is also fun.
You should combine them and boof the resulting mixture
Yeah, though I usually smoke with my boyfriend
All my knowledge about weed is secondhand I’ve never smoked the shit before and don’t have any interest too :p
>Actual answer is video games in bed. Working out high is also fun.
Finally the true answer has appeared.
>You should combine them and boof the resulting mixture
Oh god....
One reason I haven't done them is because I don't want to ingest, I like the short onset and duration of smoking. I know you can smoke datura but I really have no interest in that, if there was something similar for the morning glory then I MIGHT be interested in that
Weed and occasional psychs. Used to do plenty of other shit.

Not all morning glory is good for that i.e. heavenly blues are but grandpa ott aren't. Each type varies in the amount of lsa they produce and some it's essentially nonexistent. Also if it's in the wild it may be bindweed rather than morning glory, unsure about the lsa content of that, they're related so it's highly possible it's similar but something to keep in mind.

It's no different than sage, various kinds contain different levels of thujone (same thing that's in salvia, wormwood, and mugwort)
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>In the apothecary asking for that mugwort pack, I know these Dunmer are holding out on me
My English is so bad. Fml
The more languages you know the more shit you are at speaking in any of them.
I'm not in the USA, sadly I'm a Canadian redneck
No boyfriend to take on cute dates, play games with, or take to wrestling shows. Fuck my rotten life guys, this shit does not get better fr
until it does it won't
Freeze right there ftmg, surprise malebrain test.
What's the difference between a muscle car and a pony car?
Muscle cars are fucking gay, give me a Hayabusa or a Nissan Skyline fn
Hello dog. English I very struggle with.

One eats carrots.
Muscle cars have bigger engines
Idk cars bc I'm a public transitcel so this is intuition based, muscle is horsepower and engine specs and pony is shit line autosuspension?
>What's the difference between a muscle car and a pony car?
The engine of a muscle car is always a v8, at least mid size, mostly two door couples. Pony cars it depends but its mostly v6 engines and pony cars in general have more diversity.
A simple and elegant response.
Pirates or Dinosaurs?
Ur on /tttt/ ur literally gay

Close enough

Not necessarily, muscle cars have bigger bodies and have sedan and wagon variants, sometimes even pick up variants, ponies are small sporty coupes

Ponies did came with sporty suspension packages so yeah, kinda

I mean, muscle cars also came with Inline 6s, but close enough, muscle cars usually hade bigger engines as stock options.

You can keep moving now, you are all based and valid.
not ftm but heroin
I thought this board was /lgbt/ and yeah I am GAY but I’ll damned if I’ll ever be seen as a FAGGOT!
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You are faggot.
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Anyone who would do that is a woman who should have their rights revoked
Standard caffeine and alcohol. Regularly, weed and prescription stimulants. Went through my bottle of percs after surgery but they just knocked me out and I couldn’t shit, couldn’t ever do them recreationally. Xanax also disappointed me when I tried it. I avoid shrooms, however I want to try ecstasy, but I have the schizophrenic gene so I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.
You didn’t answer my question, Dinosaurs or Pirates? And then explain why
the real question should be cowboys or pirates

i FUCKING LOVE pirates but id be a cowboy any day over that
Dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx is a Dinosaur.
Why? Because who doesn't like a huge beefed up crazy chicken that can fly (depends on species).
If I were I dinosaur I would personally do my best to find the creature that is responsible for humans and take care of that.
Fun fact: Dino metal is a thing. Pirate metal is also a thing.
Do reptile eggs taste like bird eggs?
Interesting, interesting, now what about Ninjas?
My hyper fixation as a kid was Ancient Egypt and the Egyptian mythology.
They taste pretty bad honestly.
Good question. Never tasted the eggs but once when I went to New Orleans I tried alligator and it was good.
I feel guilty for loving the cowboy aesthetic because I am not amerikan. Feels unpatriotic of me.
>tried alligator
Nice, have always wanted to try it. How does it compare to other meats?
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Nothing compares to russian meat.
>My hyper fixation as a kid was Ancient Egypt and the Egyptian mythology.
Cool. I watch a lot of porn with that stuff, that's it.
Exotic chicken. Good I would have some again.
Nigga what?!
i lioe learning about the tools and tactics of ninja but they cant beat the cool factor of samurai
dont feel guilty its basically being a weeb but for a country thats actually the best on earth
Our country is not the best in the world, we’re on the cusp of a fucking culture war every other day.
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Move to russia bros.
You have to be amerikan to agree with this take and even then... let's be honest.
In my experience with mugwort it kind of sucks. Thujone in general gives me little more than 15 minutes of severe anxiety. I've tried it many times (rolling joints where I didn't have much weed or didn't want a strong joint etc) and it's never been enjoyable. It only lasts 15 minutes and weed lasts longer so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ decent tradeoff
Resources for voice training?
im being sarcastic but even though the people here mostly suck the entire country is beautiful besides the city's and i wouldnt rather live anywhere else
Suspect it's I. hederacea
I love my country too. Its beautiful but it's hell to live in so I get the feeling. Reading Lolita kinda made me curious to see the countryside, but the little I've seen of americka hasn't turned me into a fan.
Taking testosterone
Why it is hell?
I am but Scared of tranny voice coming.
You can avoid that by talking from your chest instead of using your “head voice”
People that go through afab puberty usually speak at a higher register, you need to bring it down and teach yourself how to use that instead.
I still sometimes jump back into foid register when I mask on the phone, it’s a bad habit from working in retail
i wanna visit the mountains and desert

its sucks that everyone thinks of citys when we think of america

im not too far from some noice beaches so its a nice escape
Italy? Shit pay for all jobs at all levels, most politicians use tax money to pay prostitutes, a lot of actual fascist, a lot of women being murdered, corruption everywhere, if you don't know someone you don't get to work, americans raising price of living, everything is being europafied without privileges, south people are intrusive fuckers that don't know when to stfu and die, Northern fuckers are fake polite assholes. People in the middle of italy are great, Bologna is the last really good and pure city. Also no gay marriage, a lot of weirdly complicated laws for transitioning and adopting. Taxes here are also insane. If you are middle class you should just die.
Can't find anything specific about their lsa content, you'd have to try and guess, but the thing is that content can vary a lot through the different varieties so be careful.
But Italian food...
I'm italian I can eat Italian food wherever I like.
It's true that Italians are triggered by breaking spaghetti?
Is easily made at home.

I hate this shit, I'm not an Italian in a "from Italy" sense, just have Italian ancestry on both sides (I'm mixed though), but why not get a big enough pot? Why not wait a handful of seconds to push it down? Why not just get smaller pasta? Why take something that works, break it into pieces and make the texture of the dish not as good?
I mean, Italians will break spaghetti when cooking for toddlers. So no, we will think you are physically impaired for not being able to just eat spaghetti like a normal person BUT... we will pretend to be triggered because Italians love making jokes at the expense of Italy and Italians.
Why so many pasta shapes when all of it is same thing?

Can I hear the accent?
I’m moving to France in 5 years to work in fashion industry.
I’m gonna be real, I didn’t even know that was a thing. I was just joking around with the name because it sounded like a fucking Skyrim potion ingredient lmaoo
pasta shapes hold sauce differently as well as different textures and "bite" plus they can just make it different in different areas like bread
I want a straight trans man to kill me
Just poppers and edibles.
What about forced t4t arrangements? No free gayden handouts?
>Why so many pasta shapes when all of it is same thing?
Different ways of interacting with sugo. Some are made with slightly different ingredients so It's not just a shape thing. Also fun factor!
>Can I hear the accent?
Sure give me a sec. I'm not proficient on vocaroo kek.
I see. OK. I don't eat pasta much but husband loves it.
Different textures and they hold sauce+ toppings differently. Exactly what >>37235828 said.

Well technically it's popular with occult practitioners so you're not too far off. Tea from it (I don't recommend, tastes like you're drinking boiled latex gloves and car tires soaked in hospital cleaning supplies) supposedly can induce vivid dreams and it's used in ritual dreamwork etc. Personally I've noticed absolutely zero effects on my dreams from it, magnesium and melatonin taken together before bed on the other hand has a very pronounced effect in my experience. So it seems like a fake thing because it's generally referenced in fiction in association with witches.
I want a pair of cunty latex opera gloves so fucking bad
I can't eat it myself, but when I cook for other people I've made it and breaking it bothers me deeply. It's kind of like serving someone bread you ripped into tiny pieces and didnt even bother using a knife for.
>you can't even get pooped on and then suck your bf's cock at an empty parking lot without going to prison for "public indecency" in case the cameras catch it
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I eat bread like that.
Stop bringing shame to our name. Identify as something else if you're going to be a shitpig.
They’re fancy with things, I was raised by people from the south I always rip my bread with my hands.
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I love your voice, no hugbox bro. Also Italian is one of the favorite accents. Maybe #3

Thank you.
For prostate exams?

Thank you btw you didn't intentionally remind me that I had shit boiling on the stove but I immediately thought "long gloves = pond gloves" and remembered what I was doing. I was chilling with my birds and totally forgot.
Do I have a strong accent when I talk English?
has anyone here ran a scam before? I think that's something a group of bros would do
Yes, I enjoy it.
You can eat bread however you want, I eat standing by the stove out of the pot, but there's a difference between feeding yourself and feeding someone else. >>37236109
See above.
You should hear my dad then kek.
describe your dad physically and send audio of him pls
>joe's gimmicks are thirst traps
Heavy breathing. Do you smoke or are you fat? sick? Your voice has a pleasant tone dont get me wrong but it sounds like it's a struggle to talk. Your accent isnt super heavy and you dont sound like a dyke, you do sound young or androgynous though.
Possibly, I just like gloves like that :3
Yeah, It’s common courtesy to slice bread for people and such things. I completely understand what you were talking about now :D
unrelated to ur post but just wanted to ask u a general question, did you shave & get haircut bc of the advice in passgen from a while ago?
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I rip bread loaf in half for guests. I am bad host?
My dad is a tall bear like Italian man, has a goofy face, likes Taylor Swift and is basically a silly man with occasional rage issues over computer stuff. He basically has a reverse mohawk because of balding. He is married to my mom.
Yes, that shows bad manners lol
>reverse mohawk
so like an afro with a line shaven trough the middle?
I smoke but I'm gonna blame that on having a pretty serious Tonsillitis issue.
My husband is who has good manners. I'm slavic barbarian that stays in kitchen away from guests.
Your voice isn’t that bad compared to mine, people can never tell if I’m a ftm mtf fag or what and I lisp when saying a lot of words because I bit through my tongue :p
Kek at the burger anons thinking you'd describe a hot italian DILF. Nigga is just a normal accountant
When I say I'm originally from brazil, burgers tend to think I'm what we call a "morena tipo exportação" with short hair. In reality I'm an acne ridden, meek, redhaired manlet
Mine looks like serial killer from Mocквa.
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Do any other ftms literally do nothing all day but play games? I very regularly have 16-18 hour gaming sessions where i only get up to pee maybe two times tops and eat whatever scraps are on my desk
Well, serial killers are the #1 gayden fantasy tho. So perhaps your dad could have a blast with the userbase here
joe was a total attention whore. the difference between him and G is that joe is funny and more masculine. think about it, he even dressed up as a girl too. it's all about execution
Women like them too, weird.
I’m going to lay on the floor, can someone walk on my back?
I will sit on you back. My gear is heavy.
DND went so well last night, i had so much fun. i could tell the party members who are control freaks and like suspicious of everything were a little bothered but playing with them lately felt like we were just dogs on a leash so i talked with the dm and felt encouraged to just do what i want (within reason) and it went great
I love D&D but hate it at the same time, it’s very very fun if everyone is on the same page and wants to have fun. It’s very shit and boring when people try to be rule nazis, murder hobos, edgelords, and all that other stuff.
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I like to think I’m funny at times, but I’m mostly just horny and shitposting on main
Dog, your accent is so cool.
yes being around other people ruins it because it makes me really self concious about everything i say while also making it impossible to shut up
You’re like a raccoon on meth.
you're like the girl who is somehow allowed to mingle in a group despite contributing nothing only because all the guys want to fuck her
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This is me on an off day sometimes.
Joe was more of a troll and G posts for sexual attention
when i was 15 or so yeah. i would go insane if i tried that now
What game is that?
ftms this is a scary image
Yeah exactly, but when it's your own food anything goes. I barely ever even use utensils myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah definitely, I would be put off if someone served me food that way. You're supposed to put more effort and care into your guests' food than you would your own.

Ah ok, I could tell something was up. Your voice is great otherwise but I noticed that. Hope it clears up, tonsil stuff sucks I deal with issues with mine often.

I can't do any one thing for that long generally. I do play games, but if I'm playing for a long time chances are I'm playing with friends. I actually struggle to play games with a story on my own, even single player I need to pass the controller or I never finish. Only games like Deathsmiles or Binding of Isaac etc are the sort I can finish alone. I've played those tons of times over too (I have Deathsmiles on my phone and on my laptop) because usually I'd rather replay and improve than start something I wont be able to finish.
based. rp aspect is more important than trying to win, even if it gets you killed. even more interesting if it gets someone killed
yeah 2 of the players have a very "party vs dm" mentality and wanna plan everything and don't trust like any npc ever so we don't make much allies or get info without overcomplicating bc they act like the dm is trying to kill us. but i've talked to him about this and he's like 'i want you guys to be the heroes and have fun and interact with the world' so i took it to heart and tried to be a bit more brave. i'm not gonna sit and wait to be given instructions for every little thing, that'a no fun
Fuck bros. I put work into the dinner.
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>unfunny afab thread again

girls, will you stfu and start posting unsees/photos? nobody cares about what foids think
I'm sure and that's nice, but like... if you went to a restaurant with friends and the waitress walked over to the table with a loaf of bread and ripped it into enough pieces for all of you it'd be offputting right? This is what it's like to serve your guests that way.

The only people you can serve that way are like kids if they're yours and someone you're dating if they don't care.
dating/married to*

Unless you're eating in the woods and forgot a knife or something.
I'm sorry G but I've only ever laughed at one of your posts and I've been terminally here for every thread for the past 7 years
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It's not their fault. AFABs simply cannot be funny, you have it in your genes.
I was not raised good
you're even less funny than G, though it's fun to laugh at how pathetic you are
I don't even rack up those numbers with multiplayer games actually. I only have singleplayer games with giant campaigns in my library
lol true
Utensils are overrated most of the time.
I hate that shit, everyone should play as a unified team with the same end goal in mind. You shouldn’t fear npcs ever unless the dm is very obviously setting you up story wise, or your dm is a shitbag.
It’s just a courtesy thing.
Can u post yr downstairs lips?
Pretty much, yeah I’m not denying that
you should post your favourite fit
I'm sorry that you're fat.

she should post her pussy
weed and coffee
Me either, both my parents were abusive.
Same bro. Hope you got away.
Tbf I don’t think anyone with a stable home life is coming to post on the tranny board on 4chan
Poor little afab :-/
Your parents are rich. Kys.
You're a young afab, you can a stable home life in like 5 minutes. Just hop on tinder and pick some rich cuck with a house who will let you live with him
Is this polish fuck? I refuse multiple times tell you about parents. Not rich at all. You say yours are rich though, so?

If not polish fag, don't know why you would assume.
Immigrate so you can troon out already
my name used to be sabrina and my parent's said it meant "little sword" in italian and I'm just finding out that actually it's something something irish
wish I had known so that I'd name myself something irish upon transitioning instead of something sword related
I saw your guns collections, and I refuse to believe that you can afford to buy all of them from russian salary. even in pooland I had to pay 80% of my salary for a glock g17. Or maybe firearms in Russia are much cheaper, idk.

And my parents aren't rich. They only have good parasitic "jobs" in gov sector.
lol no it isn't trust me, I have always heard/seen worse
My parents never would pay anything for me.
You make stupid assumptions.
You hear it? I try to delete but erorr occurs.
That could end up being just as bad if not worse than my current sitch
It's all fine now. Hope you can say the same.
Lol True.
I'm not asking for sympathy, just stating facts. Don't need your passive aggressive pity.
Rich people can still be abusive, money isnt everything.
Do you know how gross and fucked up some of those guys are? The ones who want to move you in immediately and lovebomb you with gifts while saying they're in love with you are typically shitty people.
I’m going to kill Blu with a rusty spoon I swear on my fucking life
>do nothing all day but play games?
some of us work
Lame. I'm a neet for life. I will never contribute to society
how do you get neetbux
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Good afternoon, FTMG.
QOTT: Abilify, Cogentin, Remeron, Celexa, Prasozin, Vyvanse, Finasteride, Testosterone, marijuana, alcohol, and nicotine.
how do i stop my tax dollars from going to people like you
You have to make bad things happen to powerful people
Unfortunately you can’t unless you wanna fuck over everyone accepting disability or unemployment benefits which a lot of people actually do in fact need
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i dont have this luck desu so its wageslaverism for me
How much do you get from disability? I’m assuming not enough to live on your own due to your recent situation.
I’m not even on disability, that’s the fucked part
Happy 9/11!
Have you ever had a 9/11 threesome? It's when two twins go down on you
would that i could
Oh shit. Do you know what’s preventing you?
I hear from American before his stepdad lost legs to disease but still would not get approved for disability. But his ex gf get disability for anxiety.
twincest DP... you've awakened smth in me...
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I wish the right was female(no visual change)
Getting my autism officially diagnosed by a professional, my appointment is at the end of this month.
Been referred multiple times and honestly am 99% sure I have the tism. I know self diagnosis is cringe, but I’ve interacted with enough autists and neurotypicals to know something is amiss.
I fucking hate G I hate I just hate.
You tax dollars don't go to me because i'm not american. Happy?
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Should I eat it
No don’t eat that, you can only realistically eat dandelions and shit.
is that a mandela catalogue picrel???

only prescription drugs aka antidepressants
Hello puppy. How are you?
>people like you
there are plenty of you in America, so no
I forange all the time + I'm not retarded enough to eat random unidentified flowers I find on the ground
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What are americafags doing for 9/11? I made this latte
Teamfight Tactics, board management league spinoff
Speak for yourself I'd be amused by someone breaking bread. Archaic formality. Binding of Isaac is good.
How do you feel
Still waiting for EDS specialist as well, I’m guessing?
I’ve only eaten dandelions lol
You’re a fucking loser, bros over here no-lifing teamfight tactics lol
Itll pay off challenger next set bro trust
You made very realistic saddam. Hello purple.
You should rather be worrying about 90% of your tax dollars going to the american israeli industrial war complex instead of the infinitesimal sum of money that goes toward funding disability checks.
Play Street Fighter 6 like a G and play tournaments and shit loser
morning faggots (its afternoon)
weed and antidepressants
thats so fucking based lmao howd you even achieve that?
i forgot it was 9/11 today, probably the same shit i do everyday
You can’t call me that, I’ll sue.
I'm not faggot, you're faggot.
also whoever made the cuntboy art in the gen last night that shits good
I feel pretty okay for the most part.
I'm still here idk what to draw
I considered posting my other attempts but they sucked
nuh uh
hi timur
felt that, ever since shitty tablet i yapped about last thread died i havent had motivation to draw, my skills have definitely dulled
Draw an anthropomorphic spider.
Bros how concerning is it when a birthmark mole starts changing? Do I got cancers?
hihiii :3

im okay. slept in on accident and feeling pretty groggy. had a friend from uni reach out to me about an old stalker of mine who has been harassing a bunch of people lately so its put me in a bit of a spiral
if its bigger than 20cm id get it checked, but if its growing in general you should probably get it checked regardless
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Fuck you mean “Nuh uh” I got the best lawyer in the biz
oh fucking shit whats he gonna sue me for the 2 dollars in my bank account!???!???!!?!???!???
Do you mean mm?
I hate niggers
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Cism invading your thread for a second.
Every single pooner I've ever met seems to have a rough relationship with his mom, including a poona I dated for a few years.
Is this a universal thing? Is mommy issues the equivalent of daddy issues when it comes to trooning out? Is it only gaydens or do straightpoons also hate their mother?
Also, preferred body type for men if you're into men?
My apologies for coming in here just to ask annoying ass questions.
I’m coming for your riot games account loser, I’m finna fuck up your rank in teamfight tactics >:)
Take into consideration if their parents are divorced, due to how rare single fathers are.
have issues with both, as for body type everything accept middle row and 9
Pooner I dated had severe daddy issues too, but his dad was dead. I think he died when pooner was like 10 or something.
interesting. So you're good with a bit of strongfat but not full on fat? And you like very slim twinky guys?
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Talk to cis guys and mimic their speech patterns.
I'm straightedge.
I'm straight and also have mommy issues. It's led to a preference for motherly fat women because my mother was fat and very loving when she wasn't being a bitch.
Picrel is my ideal male body type.
i suppose i could go with 4 desu, but yes, i love both slim twinky guys and the idea of being a slim twinky loser
about strongfat and not full on fat, theres only so much fat one can deal with, i feel like its somewhat universal to not want full on fat save for fetishists
some people look good fat though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gonna have to award a based for that one. Sorry to hear about your hot and cold mother.
I like fat bitches myself, but yeah like you say there is a limit. All the poonas who have ever come onto me tend to mention they like how I have a bit of a stomach despite me being a lifter. I'm just not strict on calorie control lol
>relationship with mom
I joke about trans men transitioning because they “need to become their own fathers” for one reason or another, but at the end of the day I’ve seen too many different family dynamics to believe it’s anything other than genetic.

That said, pre/early transition trans men almost always have complicated relationships with family, for obvious reasons, and the responsibility of enforcing the female gender role typically falls on the mom, which may explain your observation.
I know one theyfab (but like an actual theyfab who is 5'10", on T, and is getting top surgery next month) who has an extremely poor relationship with both their parents, but they will at least talk about their father's existence. They only refer to their mother as "my birthing parent" and have never said anything more than they'll never talk to her again lol. They hate their dad too but they will at least acknowledge he exists and talk about him.
I've heard similar cases from a few other poonas, so your explanation is backed up in my experience at least. Should mention I know a shockingly high amount of poonas for a cism, likely a side effect of living in Portland.
true, have issues with both parents but mostly narcissistic mom, dad is doormat
i like 1-3 +8 the most
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Shitty spider and fails of last night
Don’t even get me started on family, I f people looked at my other trips really hard they could piece together a vivid picture of my home life.
>narcissistic mom
I have one of these too and I think it has had an effect on my sister's gender identity as well. She's not a poona but she's definitely not a typical woman either. She plays a ton of video games, doesn't really have many friends and almost all of them are dudes, she doesn't like to wear things like dresses or skirts, she didn't have her first irl boyfriend until she was like 23, doesn't wear makeup at all, etc. She has shorter hair than I do, is very reserved and shy, I am positive if she was younger she would have pooned out. She's straight up told me before she doesn't really understand other women and doesn't relate to them.
I'm positive she's autistic too but she's never been tested for it.
these are really good bro, i love your art style
aint nothin wrong with some fat bitches
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I haven't been called zigger for few days. Am I accepted now?
I fucking love G I love I just like
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>aint nothin wrong with some fat bitches
Don't I know it. Fat girl fall is coming up brudda
Shut the fuck up zigger.
That would be a huge 7in mole
Nah it's about half an inch maybe 1.5cm. Still getting it checked
real, i dont understand women at all unless theyre masc in some way, nevermind fucking them
I don't need the acceptance from bugs.
I'm the same way. I can be attracted to women but they gotta have that dawg in em or I'm not interested. First cis girl I ever dated the relationship lasted for 6 years and both my parents hated her because she was pretty masculine and it irritated their boomer brains lol. Funny enough she got along well with my sister.
Me personally I could only ever date men, poonas, and masculine women like first gf. Femboys, trannies, twinks, etc. don't do it for me at all, they're just annoying
I am having gay thoughts and I think I’m bisexual, but I don’t want to be a gayden because gaydens are cringe and I am based. Should I repress my urges to buttfuck cute twinks or should I embrace bisexuality?
I know you love me <3
fembrained = not interested
For real though. I tried dating a tranny a couple times but it would always break down because I don't like having to walk on eggshells around my partner. They always got some fuckin problem they refuse to actually fix and just want to complain about, and they will always take whatever you say in the worst way imaginable. Ditto with fembrained cis women. Tired of the fuckin mind games.
well either way, maybe search results are retarded idk, hope its not cancerous
idk why its so much better for a woman to have some fat than a man to me, but im excited, if i do get out into society im hoping to see some cuties and not just the same hicks and old coots i usually see
The whole fembrained/malebrained shit is retarded. I don’t even know which one people would say I am.
yea at any point someone does those retarded relationship tests is when i ditch, or trying to catch you in some imagined lie. makes me second guess everything i say/do
fem since you care about what other people think
nearly all dioecious animals display sexual dimorphism, but for some reason fembrained people get all up in arms any time you mention it when it relates to humans.
do you genuinely think there is no sexual dimorphism in humans? none at all?
Fembrained/malebrained rhetoric often extends far beyond what could be reasonably attributed to sexual dimorphism.
He’s so shy, that’s what I love about you~ <3
In humans it’s bordering on pseudo scientifical. Animals are completely different organisms compared to humans.
>In humans it’s bordering on pseudo scientifical
the fact you think "scientifical" is a word is interesting. maybe you should go back to your drawings while the men are talking, sweetheart
I'm not shy at all. Except to speak English.
trying to bulk so i can look like a god. i really hope that this gif doesn't have a cock in it because i can't tell until i post it
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oh my god it's worse than i thought
Ewww that’s I how you’re a fucking chasergen tourist.
>retarded relationship tests
The worst part about people who pull this crap is they think it's the norm and so everyone does it. I had some cis lady I went on one single date with completely schizo out because she was certain I was trying some of that shit on her. She basically accused me of spawning some huge Machiavellian scheme within one week of knowing her. I didn't even know her last name. Women are insane.
what is ftmgs workout routine? testosterone dose?
yikes, thats why i prefer knowing the person before considering a relationship i dont have any time for that shit
going for the big walk today, hoping to see some cool fungi and the like, will try to take pictures and see if i can try my hand at foraging, see yall later
Not ftm but part of the g

>eat breakfast, put full gear on (unless hot)
>cardio (running, YouTube vids, sport)
>walks/hikes (long if not hot)
>chill, recover
>eat dinner
>sleep when insomnia allows
>also dance throughout day
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Just mocha on the end of a bar spoon lol. Once your milk texturing is good you can just paint on top like its paper.
I suck at fighter games lmao. What else can an rngfag play when gacha is fembrained.
Maybe. I fall into this so who knows if its nature or nurture. Doesn't matter to me if the course of action is the same. As for body type I like most kinds of men but prefer they are around my height and throwable.
Once again asking if anyone else here was raised by single father
Post black flag tattoo
Alright CM Punk, don’t have a hernia now.
Get good then loser, I need more people to play.
i love my mom, also 7
I look forward to it. Be safe kodkod.
any im a fucker for men i love men i want to dominate and be dominated by men (8 and 1)
>testosterone dose?
my dosage is 250mg and it stays in my body for exactly 86 days so every 84~88 days i take another shot. its expensive but my money can afford it and it's the only T that havent been rejected :^)
i only workout 3 or 2 days at week so
>wake up, eat 3 breads, two eggs + cup of coffee
>pre-workout 6g + creatine 3g
>walk to gym which takes like 15-20mins
>lift (happy place)
> more walk2home
>when home do plank and push-ups
usually one day I do chest-shoulder-triceps
the next day it's back-biceps-shoulder
and I repeat every other week doing leg day, if not I repeat chest-shoulder-triceps
I will be leaving soon for little bit so if mushrooms posted for me I reply when I come back.
i don't mind my money going to the military because at least (in theory) it's protection money. i don't mind supporting people that need it. what I don't like is enabling selfish people who are capable and manipulate the system. worse is that it enables lifestyles where one stares at a screen all waking hours of the day completely disengaged from reality and other people. that's not a life. it's degredation of the soul
Nah got diagnosed last year
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Yeah, I normally am the same way. But I was fresh out of a breakup and feeling like shit, wasn't thinking clearly.
What about your father?
mfw reading this thread as an 8
im back, only went for an hour but it felt like longer, unfortunately no foraging due to lack of quantity and quality but i took a few ok pics of mushrooms i found, not many though
however i found a trail i havent been down before so that was cool
im sweaty as hell and covered in spiderwebs rn so im gonna get in the shower soon after i cool off and re hydrate
even though the walk was miserable im glad i decided to do that, makes me feel more productive
ill post pics in a second gotta make a gay little collage, srry for long ass post
What ester? undecanoate?
what do they taste/feel like? ive never tried them
Leafy, the petals taste pretty good all things considered.
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i love my dad too, but we both have quiet personalities so one-on-ones can be awkward unless we're drinking
yes, forgot to mention it
I wonder what king terje thinks about this
i wonder what biden thinks about it
i dont think even biden knows what he thinks about it
>t. biden voter
I'm ready.
fair, he does drink a lot
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went and showered first, its only 4 images but heres what i got
before i went to the trail i went to the abandoned house in the neighborhood and this is where i found all the ones pictured, unfortunately they all seem either inedible or eaten at by bugs
>thought I was done with serious dysphoria
>turns out I was just disassociating
>got out of the shower and went to change in my room
>have a large mirror on a dresser
>normally it's flat against the wall
>I pulled it out and tilted it to take pics with my head in frame yesterday
>it was fine when I was fully clothed
>got out of the shower and toweled off in front of it and seeing my head on my naked body ruined the disassociation
I want to vomit and die, but I was getting ready for a therapy appointment in an hour anyway so at least now I have something to talk about
You're right. I don't have a soul anymore. That's why i love playing video games all waking hours of my life.
I need to see stipes on them and under cap helps usually too. My guess the top maybe is bolete and right maybe is blewit. The left I don't know, it is old and bloomed out. I can't see the yellow ones well but amanita are pop up like crazy, many here is bright yellow.

I appreciate the pictures bro.
not yet
No dysphoria I think but still cringe to see my face in mirror.
I'm fine with my face but not with having the body of a pixar mom
no problem with the pictures, im sorry about the quality it was all covered in leaves and i didnt feel like touching anything with bare hands today, if i go on another walk like that (which i probably will) maybe i will either get better pictures or bring them home
some of the yellow ones are the coral fungi, was pleasantly surprised to see more of those
Might be weird, but the philosophy I have goes against tattoos too. They're cool, but I never want any for myself.
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this person roasted theyfabs in their own language
I do like Punk. Is he perhaps one of the more well-known straightedge guys?
Oh, sick. Well not sick, just sick in this context. If things happen not to work out with the autism diagnosis (I just know some American psychs are weird about diagnosing adults that don’t have apparent high support needs) definitely explore that route. Not sure if you looked into it already or already receive it, but you probably qualify for social assistance too. Hope financial independence is in the near future for you (and anyone else here struggling with it) no matter what form it takes, scary situation to be in.
Fair, respectable.
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No worries man, I like the pictures even if I can't identify. I'm still learning especially mushrooms in USA from Russian.
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just the occasional pullup for now. im trying to gain some weight though. how am i doing?
New when ready, homos: >>37241079
Looks like back, very good.
I'm not saying you don't have a soul, I'm saying you're neglecting it
what kind of mushrooms were in russia? im not too educated on mushrooms in general and i find asking people is more interesting than looking it up
I have an opinion, but my vote doesn't matter in this state.

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