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Post Pics of anything it looks cool to you.

QOTT1: What is stupidest thing you did as a kid?

GOTT2: Favorite motivational quote?
Bonus: vocaroob it

Prev: >>37233830
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snorted a piece of plastic, didnt have to go to the ER though
Put it all on Green.
i refuse to vocaroo because i have a horrible theyfab voice
I hate G(irl) so much. She is a girl
>qott 1
I was a horny preteen and I jacked off in my brothers room while my brother, and 2 of his friends were in the room, and the only thing they noticed was the smell. I was in between the gap of the end of the bed and the wall, covered by a blanket. this keeps me up at night when I remember it.
I also stalked a guy home in high school because I was convinced he was in love with me and was sending me secret messages in the form of looking at me and walking down the same halls as me (because we were, literally, in the same fucking school) and knowing I did that is enough for me to contemplate suicide, even worse than masturbating in my brothers room.

man hook hand car door
Busted my chin open and bit through my fucking tongue doing something stupid.
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>stop taking t
>the necrophilia comes back
What the hell...
at that point seek therapy or rope jesus fucking christ
jesus anon the secondhand embarrassment
I have lots of actual fetishes, this is different. I don't jerk off to it, it's like a weird ocd thing. I had completely forgotten about it, it is making me feel sick to my stomach
This is brutal. How did the stalking thing end?
I love roided bitches! :D
oh god those are the fucking worst, sorry i told you to essentially kill yourself in that case god damn
Might want to talk to somebody about that friend.
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with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, unofficially dropping out of school, graduating GED, and many years later, apologizing in his facebook inbox

otherwise, a few days after that incident, I tried to ask him out, he said something along the lines of "no, you scare the fuck out of me", and specifically for that situation, I realized I was incredibly creepy and stalking him, and not playfully flirting with each other. after that, I did practically the opposite of stalking him, doing everything to avoid even slightly seeing him, outside of the one class we had together.

I still have the sketchbook where I drew him while sitting less than 10 feet away from him. we both sat in the same hall during lunch. I'm not going to post the drawings, just know, that's something I did
This question of the thread fucking sucks because it’s making people say depressing things :(
Does anyone here... know who keith is...
sounds familiar but i have a poor memory
>t. newfag
+ I read that wrong thought you wrote "do you have a favorite" I don't so... can't say shit there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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How many bros here would rock a ball dagger?
ball dagger sounds badass
Bollock dagger
Not an advert (I wish I got paid or free samples) but tod cutler has a great range of these daggers and purses to go with them. Absoutely wicked looking. Check out what the blade shape is like. He's modelled them on the site and in videos.
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Not my fault. I was expecting funny stories. Stupidest thing I did as kid was see who could stare at sun the longest.
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It does, but I mistyped. Meant bollock dagger

Thank you.

They're pretty badass
is this a common ftm fetish?
does T do that to you?
even better pic, if i could i would certainly cop or if i knew how id try to make my own
So how big can the tdick get?
not big enough, unless you wanna take a massive gamble on SRS which isnt really recommended
ive read too many horror stories as most have
What horror stories?
I always had that fetish, T just made me hornier.
anywhere from no growth at all to +2 inches, usually though, only +1 inch or less
If it’s any consolation, someone did something really similar to me (including the drawings) and this made me feel more empathy for them. Sounds like it would be a lot to go through socially at that age, sorry it wasn’t caught before things got out of hand. Hope things have been better since, congrats on the GED.
well for one if youve ever seen a before an after pic its a horror story in and of itself, the penis looks like frankenstein's monster's dick and youre left with a GIANT scar on typically a limb, and then they gotta lengthen the urethra shit and that can go wrong many ways, and all that just so you cant even get erect and fuck bitches without something like a pump
i try to be respectful but i think any ftms that get SRS, especially in the fucking makeshift ass way they do it nowadays, are extremely retarded
That sounds horrifying. Packers are better? And strap on?
You’re going to get a lot of hate for saying this, but to be honest you’re not lying.
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oh, it was caught before it got out of hand by my mother when I was a small child hallucinating bugs, dead people, having very very in depth imaginary friends, and describing my second life/fantasy world in extreme detail, but yknow, psychology wasn't there yet and my psychiatrist told my mom "kid's can't have schizophrenia", so... yknow, fuck me.

when I look back, I genuinely think I've only spent 6 years out of 23 "sane", or in reality, and 3.5 of those are in the last 4 years.
what do you do with someone after you sissify them?
I mentioned it a few threads back but extended metoidioplasty has been looking decent lately, especially under clothes (I find phallo and regular meta don’t always) but I’d have to look into complications and sexual function for that procedure more.

Doesn’t involve moving the urethra which partly sucks but also prevents those complications. I’m still under 30 so I’m comfortable waiting a bit longer to see if anything better gets developed.
idk bro i have a few irl ftm friends and so far they all share my ideas on srs, if i do get hate what do i care its fuckin 4chan
certainly, although i think packers that let you urinate through them sound extremely unsanitary, until the surgery progresses past the horrid state its currently in id much rather strap some fuckin silicon to my pelvis and say its my penis
im a youngshit so maybe im just more scared about it than most, havent looked into extended metoidioplasty so i guess ftmg gets a live reaction tonight
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Left for 2 weeks and the tripfag population has exploded. What happened here?
Extremely based take
Why get the limp skin sack over the potential we could have lab grown cocks or cybernetic dicks in our lifetimes
I’m just gonna strap bitches and pack in the meantime as I wait for medical marvels to take place.
old tripfags left, new tripfags came to try to fill the hole, eventually it will balance out again

>t. been here for almost 14 years
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I need a man inside me asap
I deadass think I’m the only trip left in here that had contact with the former trips
I miss Terje daily, he was a bro. Could’ve really used his wise methhead advice recently.
You get railed in the ass every day like a good girl.
Idk I think I was thinking about the other srs surgery and the reception around that, I’ve seen people get crucified for saying it was garbage lmfao
terje was the resident lolcow, for the same reason you wouldn't take advice from onision, chris chan, or boogie5844, you shouldn't take his advice.

I recommend making other friends, not me, but other friends.
live kodkatze reaction; it doesnt look bad, i guess, but i still stick to my original opinion, plus if im getting srs i would rather not get a micro penis, no offense
define other srs?
He had some pretty decent tips for me about dealing with parents and homelessness bullshit. I know the guy can get really retarded, extremely so, but he had some good advice on certain things.
The axe wound.
make them submit to the alpha male (me), duh
in a perfect world they'd eat my cum out of a third but all I've got is strap
the roleplay still works so idc
I think I could get into the scene of cucking inferior men without a single bio dick in the room, a transmasc ftfemboy sissy would be fine too, the hard part would be finding a lesbian third who isn't going to transition male later


idk about common but I fully understand the appeal
Is picrel terje?
good news, you're on the "my parents are shitty people, I'm facing or am homeless, and I have a/know someone with a drug addiction" website, take your picking, just not the lolcows.
>extended meta
It’s still far from perfect, just better than any procedure around when I started T so it’s been hopefuel for me. Some results are better than others.
always feel like I should offer rooms to people who end up homeless due to having shitty parents but never willing to offer to strangers because I know that the odds of rolling a BPDemon are crazy high
eg. Terje

all my friends have borderline supportive parents
I used to publicly vent on my snapchat story with my entire grade added. I then proceeded to spend the entirety of high school completely friendless.
Dawg you’re talking to me rn, the bitch everyone on here hates
Ain’t nobody giving me useful advice on the board
plap and breed them, make them cook for you.
Unfortunately im prolly a BPDemon
Almost did some rlly stupid shit while at my friends house in FL cause I thought my life was joever o7
Why does everyone hate you?
im assuming mtf (you have to make it plain to me im retarded), i dont know enough about mtf srs nor care because its not really related to me at this point in time
im glad its evolved far enough to give you hopefuel, heres hoping itll give it to me one day
>Some results are better than others.
of course that applies with just about everything
I’m femme and (admittedly) very annoying
no, I think he looks like some victorian age swedish boy, idk, I don't save namefags pictures, tried to find one on my pc, too lazy to look through archive.

that's just some screenshot of a japanese game show or something I found on /vg/ maybe

>drop namefag
>go on /r9k/ /vent/ or /feels/
>nobody gives a shit who you are
>ask question without revealing you're a tranny
>people answer
I would love to hear vocaroo but I understand you guys are worried about voice. Hmm.
Well now I’m curious, care to elaborate?
>looks on archive
>finds skibidi toilet rant
>closes archive
i usually like to scroll through archives but for once i dont give a fuck
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I wonder why my brain made me hate being a cute skinny asian girl so much. Looked back on old naked bodychecks I did, and they turned me on somewhat. And yet I gave it all up because looking like that made me suicidal, and being a beta manlet feels better.
curious, why do you want to hear vocaroos so much?
this feels like bait, but whatever doesnt make you kill yourself
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I've wanted to post a vocaroo for some time out of curiosity, but I never know what to say.
how big is your dick? :q
Is the FTM roidrage real? I've been on a hair trigger lately but I'm only a week in and I feel like it must be psychological.
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Not bait, I regret not being attractive a lot. However, my only option would be to be an attractive foid. I just regret not accepting that I'm a tranny earlier, I went through a lot of copes before reaching this point. But because I coped so damn much and thought my dislike of my body was because I wasn't a hot girl, I'm ruined for life as a male.
>must be psychological
If you’re starting on a full dose it could be the T, it should level out a bit once your system is more used to it. I didn’t develop more negative emotions overall, rather anger replaced some of my sadness, and I had to learn to cope with that differently.
Depends on the person, but messing with your hormones will change your brain quickly. Think of how quickly your emotions change with your menstrual cycle.
I don't hate you, and I'd give absolutely anyone advice I found useful if they were in a shit situation even if I did hate them. Hating someone doesn't mean "I want them to suffer and become worse." or some shit.
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What kind of man not only wants to have sex with an ftm but also date? Chasers are easy to find

My pussy is actually verbally begging to be creampied, I wish I could help it but I can't
many such cases
BS aside what copes have you gone through? i cant offer much but my condolences sadly, im sorry things turned out this way for you
>what happened to terje
see pic. gloves VIOLENTLY ATE HIM
>Think of how quickly your emotions change with your menstrual cycle.
They don't but I get what you mean

Going off t fucked with my head much more than going on. T did shift parts if my sexuality, but gradually, while going off changed it overnight. It makes you really feel like free will is fake
this is so fucking retarded i lol'd, lmao'd even
What the hell did you make this
I started at 50mg. I'm DIYing but online that seemed to be the usual starting dose.
Will it even out and stop being so volatile as I get more used to these hormone levels?
>Will it even out and stop being so volatile
Probably but it takes a while. Idk maybe 6 months or a year or something. Like your experience on testosterone will evolve and generally settle down the longer you're on it
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kek, remember the guy who made picrel?
he also made the phallo gangrape image and trans shapes
>normal starting dose
This is correct. In that case, it could just be the T, but another possibility is that you may bleed/spot, even if you’re not due for it. In some trans men the first shot (or a very late shot, over a week) can trigger this. Like most things, completely normal unless it doesn’t go away.
i just listened i shouldve known you were buggy lmao
i love the amount of non-pooners in ftmg i dont know why
please share i never got to see
I miss him desu
Like I told gaygen, Blu is a pussy bitch who can get anyone banned in 10 minutes.
The usual. When I was a young kid, I would beat up guys until that became impossible due to puberty. After that I became a feminist in the female supremecist way, and developed an eating disorder. I also enbycoped for awhile in the "pronouns are stupid, gender is fake" way.
I also had male domination fetishes that have since evolved into tranny chaserism because I'm not actually attracted to males. Go figure.
What the hell I wish people made comix about me
>I’m just gonna strap bitche
You can't even strap your desperate boyfriend. His prostate is withering in despair
You truly understand the trolling meta
Idk man I’m just kinda crazy like that. My emotions run like crazy and I never feel something “mildly” it’s always either I feel basically nothing at all or every emotion is turned up to 10000000
Doesn’t help that I’m most likely also an actual legit tard
> captcha YJ GOYS
share more of your fantasies, its hot
I was supposed to fuck his cute butthole and then shit hit the fan with my whole existence
He shaved his ass and everything I’m so upset
I want to have an older mentor figure who looks slightly too similar to me gradually develop an inappropriate sexual/romantic relationship until we are fully secretly in love & having mind-blowing ego-annihilating sex on a daily basis then having to pretend around others that we are purely professional/platonic
You don’t want this I can assure you
Leads to too much projection
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Get with the time babes, I AM THE META!
It's a last resort reconstructive surgery for guys who get their cocks blown up by ieds, mauled by pitbulls, run over by cars, etc.
Have you done this before
Also I'm autistic idk what too much projection means
>mauled by pitbulls
thats funny as fuck
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picrel is the gangrape comic. i don't have trans shapes saved however
>Blows up dick with mind
>Just kinda crazy
Meant more what shit you got up to while in Florida. Maybe you were avoiding that topic though, which is cool too.
capital, thank you
Something similar, not exactly the same by any means.
But finding someone that looks very similar to you and starting a tumultuous relationship can only end badly.
> throwback to when I cut off all my hair
Yeeeeeah, nah I don’t rlly wanna talk about it on here. Maybe on the discord someday
Speaking of which, I haven’t shilled the ftmg discord server in a bit
Discord is icky
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>looks very similar to you
Oh, I assume the issue would be having a sexual relationship with an older man who is also your coworker or authority figure. I think I would trust myself to not be a spaz about dating someone who happens to have a similar haircut as me
This thread died faster than the people stuck in the towers on 9/11, Hello!
That part is also concerning, but I don’t have personal experience on that one
And trust me, you don’t want shit to hit the fan and be brainwormed
Discord can be fun sometimes
Talking to the pigs is fun sometimes aswell, doesn’t mean I want to fucking do it.
i was too busy cracking the fuck up over the terje gloves vore comic to reply to every single post in hopes of keeping thread alive
i do not trust the ftmg discord to not be filled with more whining than the thread
You can’t talk to pigs silly
It’s actually pretty chill, I own it and you need to request membership to get in. I keep a tight ship
Do I have to beg on my hands and knees like I did for my Deadlock invite?
i recently increased my t dose and am trying to stuff my face to gain mass. any suggestions?
work out more or the "stuffing your face" bit will leave SOME fat behind.
You’d know a lot about fat.
Again you look the type to say something like that.
you don't think i don't know that, cocksucker? i feel an intense urge to move or work out most of the hours of the day. the rest, i spend like a lion, laying flat on my chest, letting my back stretch out and GROW. I feel so goddamn anabolic it's intoxicating. I've been spending at least 5 minutes a day (often 20-40) flexing in the mirror and admiring my hot bod. my road leads to godhood, where does your route go?
This is obviously bait but it’s pretty fucking funny.
i jack off to every new pound gained
kek x2
clearly never felt anabolic. low dose t perhaps?
good, me too. except my weight is functional. every pound turns me closer into what i am WIRED to be... a death mecha who can sire thousands. a being capable of CREATION and DESTRUCTION.
I’m amab who doesn’t produce enough T, I was on TRT for a spell and I fucking hated how it made me feel.
I've been making homemade ice cream from $oymilk, eggs, and erythritol+honey to minimize fat and carbs. sprinkle a spoonful or so of protein powder in a bowl and mix it in to eat with breakfast every morning. i gained a few pounds the last few weeks after struggling to all year. or protein shakes but i hate protein shakes
there's no real way to prevent fat gain while you're bulking and there's no better way to build muscle, all you can really do is switch between bulking and cutting and that's better for transition results, anyway
Hi keith
my sister came over today and revealed that she wanted to be called Tom for most of her early adolescence while also insisting that the repression thoughts were true and she was a woman, but also that she believes in destroying the gender binary
bruh how do reppers double-think like this

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She's literally me
Hope she roids out
swag content again artanon
im about to go to sleep i need to stop lurking
heres hoping new gen is made or this one is revived, i should figure out a time where most users are posting if that exists
>captcha GUYUG
i always get insanely horny within 10 minutes of doing my shot and i feel like part of it is AAP. like i feel this warmth spread over my body and i'm humping my pillow like an animal. can the test really hit you this hard or do i have some sort of fetish?
Stop being a disappointment to your parents
just remembered all the Toms she used to date
and how she continues to friendzone and string along an absolute cuck called Tom
i'm not a disappointment because their "gifted kid" expectations went out the window the second i was diagnosed with autism in 2011
why would I want to minimize fat and carbs? only hinders weight gain
you should only minimize one of fat or carbs, not both at the same time

minimize carbs on the cut, minimize fat on the bulk
maximize protein for both
anything else is guaranteed muscle wasting over time
>Favorite motivational quote?
Sic vita est.
Such is life.
Be wise about what you eat.
Eat what you would eat on a cut but 3x more (It's called a lean bulk), so protein, not a lot of gluten, veggies etc.
Tom is a bit of a shit name at least go full swing with Thomas.
>at least go full swing with Thomas.
Tom is not any better
do you guys like mtfs here
im so sick of the mtf centric gens
I do.
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is being obsessed with black women based, or cringe and dykebrained? poonbrained, even?
9 inches when i see your tight slav booty
Probably poonbrained considering the sheer amount of ftms with black gfs
what is the explanation for this? because it's much stranger that cis black women want to date trans men at higher rates than the fact that pooners have jungle fever.
Since when is this a thing?
mogzpit is an outlier
i wonder if he browses here, he definitely does right? such a shame he's not a gayden i would suck his tdick like a ring pop
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Vagina bois look cool
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don't listen to them just date me
Stop replying to her, she feeds on your attention, because as a morbidly obese worthless creature she has none irl

No quote you like?

I couldn't take 9 inches bro
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I haven’t used a hair-pick since I was a kid
Jewfro is slowly coming back in full swing
Show boobs?
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>SEGAAA, Release Jet Set Radio future on Xbox as a backwards Compatible Game and my life is yours!
This hair suits you. I've never seen you more breedable than in this photo. Why you won't get pregnant cutie?

Are you AFAB?
No lol, I’d fucking kill myself if I was.
God I hate G
what an insane opener
> This hair suits you.
I’m just gonna ignore the rest of that statement tho rq
unironically my first vidya. who's your main and favorite character? i've mained corn since i was 3 and my favorite character is hayashi. he's so maniacal it's fucking hysterical
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Guess so, you sound like an incel

That's because you are a mutilated woman that nobody wants to fuck
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>cool photo
Got half a drumstick after it flew offstage from a band opening for Dillinger Escape Plan
When I was alone as a kid (4-5yo) I'd play a game of seeing how many goldfish I could swallow whole at once without chewing.
Fuck it we ball
It's like max 4 inches no?
If I get it and regret it you can all laugh but otherwise I want $5 from everyone who made posts like these
This is more reasonable
I didn't get this so much. No amount of anger compares to the psycho freak outs brough by full body girl emotions. Getting a little pissed off is so manageable in comparison.
Picrel is trans shapes guy? I feel like he should get some kind of memorialization for cultural contribution
Almost had one but his boyfriend plays league with me and marked me off limits for slutting around because it might get awkward and he'd lose his duo queue partner. Now he just looks at me longingly and touches me when he thinks I'm too drunk to remember. Sad.
Pavlov maybe?
Normal and sane
Very matt machine girl
For some reason my brain hadn't read the rest of the sentence. I have brain filter now kek.
Off of what? I just like being a guy and having tons of say Gex.
How many you swallowed? kek
Dw th is a re. Just ignore.
Are you cute?

You give AMAB vibes
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> Very matt machine girl
You need to with TH around, good for you kek
Five then I almost choked to death lmaooooo. Also got the wind knocked out of me pole vaulting with a broomstick once.
Prolly not to you. I have my fans.
Hello trannyhater. How was a date with this blind woman?
On this note who's going to see them with femtanyl? I hope I get my neck snapped at this one
they are tiny ;-;
Put them in my mouth
Okay? That’s a first to be said by literally anyone. Usually I’m being called an mtf or ftm this is kind of new for me.
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Poor fishies. That is dumb shit we would try as kids too though.

You don't want to show photo so TH can add you to the folder of "breedable afabs"?
1.Are you fat?
2.Are you mutilated?
3.Are you expired (30+)?

We scheduled it for today, but I will have to postpone it.

I ate substantial lunch in georgian restaurant and then had two beers, and I'm feeling sick for some reason, might even take day off tomorrow
Lucky, he calls me chechen.
ok c:
i am an ape from prehistoria how do i open?
unsee dot cc and then the address
How did you meet a blind woman?
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Lolol the crackers not actual fish, should have clarified. And fuck it idk, I like to think I look more mutilated than breedable lately but lets cast a line and see if we catch any, its a nice litmus test. This is the closest I got to his folders.
i think its gooone
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I don't know there are fish crackers?

Miss mine.

Can I ask what is your um... fuck I forget word every time... ethnic? Ancestry?
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Fuck yes
Imma dive into the tiddies
You look very breedable. Just shave this middle schooler stache. Are you hispanic? You don't look 100% white.

I had "interview" to auchan as security, and ofc I didn't get a job. I saw her going home with groceries from auchan, and she was walking on a bike lane without a guide dog, so I offered her help. She agreed and we moved on. She's cute, so I hope that we will get into relationship.
I thought you were gay?
That’s actually quite wholesome TH
I hope she fixes you
I’m what the industry calls “a bichad”
>She's cute, so I hope that we will get into relationship

You say she is 5/10, and you tell me you want to make girls cry. What you have to offer her?
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Tee hee okay
I don't have hypergamic AFAB brain, I cannot catalogue people like that. She's cute to me.

And I like to make FtMs cry, that's a different thing.
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Fucking industry plant, I had to work my ass off. I scratched and clawed my way to get here!
Because you want to have your holes penetrated by two chads?
You consider FTM mentality I'll women, so there is no difference to you.
yблюдoк mentally ill*
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These ones, popular with kids and about the size of a ruble. They taste mildly cheesy and have a good baked but light texture.
Lmao its a tough one. My dad is white (maybe welsh? maybe polish? both grandparents were adopted) and my mother is Colombian and a mix of indigenous, black, and spaniard. Most people just guess asian and hispanic and I could sperg out about this topic with the connections between South America and Oceania (big running theory many Pacific Islanders originally sailed over from South America, the ancient Hawaiians were not the original group of people living there)
Still have some work to do then lol
I’m like Chappell Roan
That’s a good one
Had to google this
She was at Kentuckiana pride, I’m mad as fuck I didn’t go.
English frustrates me
Get better at it then loser, you come from a European country it should be a little bit easier for you.
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Who doesn't consider ftms as mentally ill women?

Don't mutilate your body mate. You're cute.
they are rly sensitive be gentle
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why'd you stop taking T anyway? i'd do your injections for you as hot as the necrophilia is
You aren't even white
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It’s like every time someone says that to me it gets funnier and funnier!
Jet Grind Radio was better.

I thought you meant the fish too, the crackers didnt cross my mind. I was torn between "That's horrible those poor fish" and "I guess people eat fish anyway." I imagined you swallowing those feeder sized baby goldfish.
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i want a gooner ftm bf so bad, i would let him violate me in unspeakable ways
t. mtf
Still don't know meaning of gooner and pooner.
The original sucks compared to Jet Set Radio Future, it controls way better and has better stylistic choices.
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also jsrf has better music AND a better cube design
goth mommy...
That person's nails/fingertips look like they have a lung disease.
A gooner is a porn addict that faps a lot, a pooner is a term for ftms.
I get this much, but where the words originated?
I preferred the original. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Couldnt get into it past that. Controls were fine on the Dreamcast one. That was a completely underrated system if only because of how easy it was to pirate games to play on it.
im the little animal ignore the fingers
That’s not true, all Hideki Naganuma music is fucking Goated. The designs are better and more futuristic which I think is cool. I played as Gum? The one with the toboggan.
I can't, they were more noticeable to me than the hamster because I immediately wondered if they'd thought to see a doctor since that sort of look can be indicative of lung problems. It overshadowed everything.
The internet and 4chan.
I have to remind myself that you’re an oldhead, I love the Dreamcast and Sega in general.
im sorry i was just trying to hornypost i didn't mean to worry you ;~;
Go back to your mungo, we talk about video games and depressing topics here.
Sorry, but there are 100 another incels like you for one breedable ftm
Lol yeah. People tend to forget my age or assume I'm younger even in person so I'm pretty used to that. That being said I have a feeling that's a game that's gonna be overlooked and you probably want to get an emulator. It was a surprise Xbox picked it up in the first place when they did and there even was another game, but most of the games that end up on the back catalog are larger franchises or more recent. I'm still sad Eternal Darkness died with the Gamecube because it was one of the most unique takes on survival horror I've ever played and it's just never gonna see the light of day again (no pun intended)
Lol It's cool you probably didnt notice the nails. People generally will look at the cute hamster first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't like hamsters though they're usually bastards.
Pooner comes from poon which is slang for pussy, and as for gooner no idea but it's been around for decades. Picked up in 2019 but earliest I remember seeing it is like 2011, prolly way before that
It’s not Sega’s making a remake of it, it’s supposed to be more like the original mixed with some shooting elements with an open world. They’re also supposed to be making a new Virtua Fighter game which I’m hyped as fuck for
i love hideki's music but his remix skills improved in jsrf, also agreed on the design bits
Oh I guess I misread, damn I'm surprised. I cant do open world though something about that shuts my brain down completely and I wander aimlessly then get bored and give up. Struggle to stick to the story because there's all the side stuff and struggle to finish any of the side stuff because it's too much and not usually engaging enough. I've been playing Space Marine 2 past couple days, 2nd campaign mission was better than the first, but everything wrong with it wouldve been improved if it had just gone full Gears of War instead of being so similar it's impossible to avoid comparisons while lacking the combat options that made Gears gameplay better. It's a constant stream of fighting through hordes but you can't take cover properly and not having fallen teammates that can crawl can be annoying (granted most games dont do that, but most arent so similar that you notice the lack)

Gotta look that up though, wouldve guessed that was just gonna go the same route as like Space Channel 5
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Less afab nonsense, more cute vagina bois!
I can agree with that, just wish his talent wasn’t wasted on Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.
I’m very methodical about how I approach games like that, I usually do all the side stuff and then tackle the main stuff and do it in a cycle. I get burnt out on open world games faster than other games though
Never got into Virtua Fighter always preferred shit like Guilty Gear. I havent played a fighting game in forever though last one mightve been one of the Mortal Kombat games years ago because I was smoking weed at someone else's house.

I want to play Luna Abyss whenever that comes out.
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Wtf is wrong with androphiles. How can you feel attracted to someone so antithetical to beauty? You're mentally ill and probably got raped by your dad didn't you
I will die on the hill that Guilty Gear is free, especially strive. The skill floor is relatively low and the skill ceiling is also relatively low with no steep learning curves.
I wish I could do that because some of those games seem good in theory but it's the same as my can't read comics typically issue. I know it's a me thing, and it's annoying because it's limiting. The only games I don't get burnt out on are shmups, stick a plane in space and I'm nearly always happy.
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Girls! Post unsees!
Never played Strive, though that being said I'm one of the few people who actually enjoyed Isuka. I like the pacing, I find a lot of fighters feel too slow. I never play any of them enough to care too much about their flaws ultimately, they're always the kind of thing I'll play a fair bit immediately and then a month or so later I'll have lost interest. I have heard that about Strive though from a lot of people and it made me uninterested in it; the franchise seems like they took a good thing then tweaked it so much it became shit.
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Want to see mine?
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Honestly no. I prefer cute afabs
Have to remove the thought from your mind that there is so much to do sometimes, limiting your choices when they’re infinite is how you stop choice paralysis.
That’s my biggest problem with Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, they take amazing concepts that worked amazingly and tweak them slightly to create something abysmal. Street fighter 4 had universal overheads from street fighter 3 and the super selection but added on to it and created one of the best fighting games ever made. Street fighter 5 had the V-Trigger, V-Skill, and V-reversal systems which promoted good resource management and made the game more annoying than SF4. SF6 has the Drive gauge which promotes insane resource management and overly aggressive play while also punishing players who play defensively.
where can i find an adult shotamoder ftm bf to mommy dom
t. mtf passoid
My vote counts for nothing in this state
fuck off incel
All of those terms together made my brain cells commit suicide.
I want Americans to realize I'm not a fetish and I'm not evil bad guy like putin or guys in your movies. I'm not killing ukrainian and I'm not ussr nazi homophobic.
i get fat and carbs elsewhere, i just want it to be like a shot of protein calories. namely avoiding fat because my cholesterol is through the roof
>guaranteed muscle wasting
what, I've never heard such a thing
How is retirement going? Are you glad to not be campaigning anymore?
I just crapped my pants
oh, your post made it sound like you were advocating for cutting carbs and fats overall, my bad
you first faggot
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Why "lesbian"? "Gay" covers men and women, yes?
No, Gay is for homosexual men. Lesbian is for homosexual women.
>I'm not killing ukrainian and I'm not ussr nazi homophobic

You are AFAB, your body was designated for breeding, not being a soldier of homophobia
Gay is for AMABs, Lesbian is for AFABs
What foods would you recommend to someone trying to breakfastmax? I'm to lazy and picky to fuck with macros and I eat meals from the kitchen at my work 50% of the time (they have breakfast). Salmon omelette? avocado?
They are both gay, why the gay women get specific word?

You really love the words amab and afab. Why do you care so much about those terms lol
They’re both queer and homosexual, they have different words to describe each group.
Chickens are chickens but you have roosters and hens
Exactly! That’s a great way to put it.
kek rooster have different meaning in Russia.
I fucking hate these old ass crackers who work at my fucking job. I was told to move cubicles to the one behind me that wasn’t in use and this lady got so fucking belligerent with me and started huffing and puffing. I literally almost flipped shit on here until this Mexican guy besides here stopped here and tried to ease out of chewing me out. I literally walked to another area to put my stuff where the other intern sets and she TRIED TO CHEW MY ASS OUT AGAIN! I literally had to walk out of the fucking building before I almost had a mental breakdown.
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I think it just needs context
>The english language is stupid, and there might be different ways to address female and male homosexuals
>The term gay or homosexual doesn't come from one guy, but lesbian does.
>Lesbians had very little literature about them, and often were assumed to not exist, the idea of a homosexual woman was considered hysteria rather than a perversion
The real question is, why isn't there a noun equivalent for lesbian for gay men in the english language?
But I think lesbian became so popular because it was something that was positive and specific to gurl luv or whatever, the words gay and lesbian just have different origins.
wdym breakfastmax? in what sense? ive been eating bacon, fruitz amd some cereal if possible every morning. i just try to stuff myself basically
Because pooners think that they are men, and troons think that they are women. AFAB and AMAB leaves no room for mistakes
You sound like an incel, or a sodomite.

I fucking hate these clean-shaven zoomers with brocolli hairs and zara t-shirts. They all look like sodomites. I'm 25, but I have no common topics with them. I currently have a zoomer next to me on CNC, and he just shows me unfunny tiktoks
It's okay alice, everyone knows you're not like other girls
>incel calling others incel
I am a Sodomite, I am going to hell in every fucking religion. I don’t care.
I've never been one for quotes, I prefer to believe in ideals instead of memorizing the words of others. However, the reason I can't speak for vocaroos is because when reading the words of others, my voice sounds hollow.
Say "Maxim, you're a stupid fucking zigger'

For my friend.
I wish I could do that but I can't trick myself I know there's too many things to do.

A lot of fighting games end up fucking themselves up that way, they tweak shit that worked endlessly and "balance" things and you end up with characters who were great becoming unusable or nonexistent and new characters that fill the niche the character they fucked up filled but not as well. I get that there's only so much you can do with fighting games and new installments but it always ends up being the worst possible shit the further into the series you get.

Votes don't matter anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is she in her 50's? In my experience women in their 50's are some of the worst people to possibly work with. They're nearly all condescending cunts who try to micromanage things that aren't even part of their job, and even worse than that they never know what they're even talking about. It's always some dumb useless busy work type shit that makes everything go less smoothly but they'll nag and bitch at you like you're the problem. Unsure if it's just a getting older and being a cunt menopause thing or if it's generational, either way I can't stand them. They're even worse the younger you are, and I know this for a fact because they're always bigger cunts to me before they learn my age. People think I'm younger so women like that think it's a free pass to treat me like shit. What gets me too is their only use typically is that they've been showing up for years so they've basically become part of the furniture.
Damn, I sound gay as hell. How do I fix this?
You are a zoomer lol and nah they don't sound like an incel they sound like they're working with a dumb woman who's in her 50's.
I'm sorry that the words of hateful people have hurt you. You only go to Hell if you reject the Lord (which is to say, reject all that is Good). Do not let the heretical church which has used His name to slaughter innocents and rape children push you from His light. Hypocrites and false prophets, empowered by the devil, plague this Earth. God and His love is infallible and extended to all, including you. Search for what is good and follow it. In the end, all secrets will be revealed and only God will judge us. I pray He is merciful to everyone led astray. May all who seek, find. Amen.
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You are a boss, bro. Thank you. Yes gay voice but not faggy like spider/buggy.
>rape children
homo priests
Heterosexual as well. Evil takes all forms
I don’t even know this women’s age but she literally had me on the verge of fucking tears or punching her in fucking her face. Her superior or whatever is a dickless pussy I went to his desk and was like “Hey do you know *explaining to him the location of where this lady sits*” ‘yeah *name*’ “did she talk to you after having huffing and puffing about me switching cubicles?” ‘Yeah she’s like that, are you okay’ “No I’m not fucking okay, if that’s a common occurrence you need to reprimand her”
By getting pregnant
Nobody cares. If you don't like you parasite office job so much, then quit and go to trades
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Cool drawing, but i couldn't help myself to fix the pose your character was in. Unless they had extreme lower body strength, sitting like that would result in falling on your face. You need to make the weight of the body lean on the heels of the shoes
Who cares if some old lady is annoying. I can't imagine having a meltdown over someone being rude and nagging, either say something or live with it, freaking out and nearly crying that you "aren't fucking ok" is gayer than either of these things.
Don't think that's how it works, bro
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It doesn't really fix the perspective (Every part of the figure feels 'crammed' into the left side, feet should be closer together, the knees are the worst part) but i know what you mean. I just didn't want to polish the turd and keep tweaking it, always better to just go to the next drawing. Thanks.
Yeah I've dealt with that shit, people always somehow brush their bullshit off too. Just like "Oh yeah she's a cunt ignore it." which doesn't fix the problem ever. Sorry you found one of those, I've dealt with my share and they always make every environment they're in awful. Unfortunately because no one will wrangle her you just gotta let it slide. >>37248435
I can't see the difference lol. By the time I scroll up and look to compare to theirs yours is already gone from my head (I have no visual imagination so I can't properly retain it either)
I started rereading homestuck for the first time since middle school
Getting my bf to read it with me
What have I started
Nothing wrong with someone being honest about how they're feeling, and sometimes (very often) other things are going on and additional stress makes everything worse and it boils over. Why shame someone for being more sensitive or stressed or whatever than you? He's just venting somewhere else because there's nothing he can really do about the woman right now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm sure there's shit that can get under your skin that might not affect other people him included. People have limits stress adds up and boils over. That's normal shit.

Christianity is just stolen truths from other things that came before it packaged as a tool for control. Their God is just a personification of the void.
Google says symbol of unity, is this the case? Also I tried that sugarcube drink, it was good but the hot coffee caused the cube to fall apart really quickly. Do you have multiple cubes or another trick to make them dissolve slower?
Heard, just trying to have the most efficient meal. I mostly eat chilli or tuna or something if I'm not at work.
Words too far in the front of your mouth, head voice
Can you explain this using the parts of the vocal tract and mouth? I've never understood the "head voice" "chest voice" things.
dear gog
My point is, say something, or don't, instead of freaking out and being disappointed by hr. Be the change you want to see in the world. You don't have to go on a tirade, but you wouldn't believe how much of an impact just saying "Jesus, you don't have to be so mean" will have. Did that with my POS coworker and ever since she's been entirely silent around me or respectful.
Пeтyхи or "roosters" is slang from Russian prison, what you call the bottom/lower prisoners, often who get beaten, humiliation, and rape. It is like to call them "faggot".
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Post them
Do you say this because you have searched and found nothing or because you are trying to disprove Him? What do you believe in? What do you worship?
> pooner making a dave strider reference
Never seen before, amazing, spectacular, demure
pure tumblr straight girl larping wannabe-lesbian brained because "yalls ain't real if yalls ain't stanning kweer black kweenz don't @ me"
I've dealt with and said things to these kinds of people too, with varying results it can make them worse too. I dont know how long he's had this job, if it's a new one he may be better off waiting to say something or just got overwhelmed in the moment and couldn't right then. I'm sure there's going to be a next time.

I say this because the void is the all and nothing through which all things go back to and come from. This description fits the Christian alpha/omega God. I also say that because stories like the flood of the old testament can be found dating as far back as Sumeria, many of the spiritual ideas, symbolism and ways of worship can be found in religions that pre-date Christianity as well. Also the history of the church is loaded in being used as a tool for power, there's inconsistent translations the books that are considered to be the true bible were hand selected and cherry picked while others that deal with the subject were left out etc and so on. Christianity makes an idol out of the Bible and the church and puts that over any God.
>the void is the all and nothing through which all things go back to and come from
So, the void is just what the human brain cannot experience, therefore unknown. Is this supposed to be a negative thing? Be not afraid, fear begets anger, anger begets violence, and violence begets fear. It is a never ending cycle.
>many of the spiritual ideas, symbolism and ways of worship can be found in religions that pre-date Christianity as well
I would agree and say it points to an ultimate truth that has been obscured throughout time and often times forcefully through negative sources.
> the true bible were hand selected and cherry picked
I am very critical of the church and it's teachings, as mentioned in my first post. To believe anyone has the full truth is arrogant, only God is omniscient. The early church hid and likely destroyed many other holy scriptures the early followers of Christ believed in, its important to review all available information rather than following blindly what unreliable humans pronounce (as they likely only do it for their own personal gain). Modern "Christians" are more "Paulian" than anything else, he persecuted Christians then wrote 1/3rd of the New Testament. God himself warns of false prophets who will harm His followers and His followers took their bait. I don't follow a particular denomination, I follow Christ. I try to live traditionally like the Orthodox. They try to live a life of humility, as opposed to the brash and proudly arrogant Protestants who declare "sin boldly" and then speak for the Lord. Do not let the folly of man lead you astray from all that is good.
Where did I call it negative? All I said is the Christian God is the void. You're projecting a lot onto me that isn't actually there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My entire point is Christianity is far from the only way to know these things as they were all sourced from and exist elsewhere.
Do you guys use men's bathrooms? You're not scary predators are you?
I never get bothered in em, even when I was in FL. Most people just assume “oh, that’s a 15 y/o” and move on. In high school I’d get called gay or people would be rude, but once I got into the real world nothing like that happens.
Dunno everyone else’s experience though
I've been using the men's, I can't remember the last time I used the women's, but it hasn't been too long I think. Still get scared.
Very afraid of using public bathrooms when I travel next week.
I didn't say you called it negative, it was a question. Why did you mention it? If doesn't apply to you, don't take it personally. There is no projection.
>Christianity is far from the only way to know these things
All I've said is to find goodness and chase it, and apologize for the way people related to me have pushed others away from what I worship. I have spoken about my own personal experiences, I didn't suggest what to read or believe. I believe something that is much bigger and powerful than us is real, and that He is good and loves all of us. If I misspoke or offended offended you in some way, it was not my intention.
I'm not offended I was just pointing out that Christianity is spiritual truths wrapped up in things that are used to control people. You were talking about hell in a largely Christian context so I mentioned that it's all irrelevant anyway in terms of knowing God.
More cute FtMs should be using men restrooms. I wish I could rape a pooner in male restroom.
Damn you want to go to jail for rape + have the hate crime label tacked onto it?
Too sleepy to make new thread.
thats crazy, just ask
Someone else will eventually, the old way used to be wait til it falls to page 10.
I agree, I do not like modern Christianity and its overall use in society. I was responding to someone who was saying "I'm going to Hell in all religions for being gay", which I disagree with. I rebuke those who judge others and insult them in the name of the Lord. We as people are called not to judge, but to serve others. I hope we are all saved by His grace, I know we do not deserve it.
As opposed to Christianity in the past where people were going around and killing pagans and so on? The Christian past where only they were particularly educated and everyone else was held down? Its past history of killing people for scientific discoveries and such that were seen as going against God? What's bad about modern Christianity in comparison to that?
New >>37249513
New >>37249513
Btw what makes you think people behaved any differently back then (even though evidence clearly supports otherwise) when this is just a common human nature thing? The church is arguably more accepting now than it used to be.
As above, so below; as now, so before. You are misunderstanding me. Ask more questions and stop assuming my stance on these things. I do not agree with crusades. Humans do not have authority over God, and never have. When I speak of early Christianity I am referencing the times before any organized church came into power, before it was legalized in Rome. I say "do not associate the evil of man with God" and you say "but this man has killed someone!" why are you arguing when we are in agreement?
Human nature is what I warn against, your heart will crave that which is bad for it. Do not lust for the trappings of the flesh, the mundane can never satiate your hunger. Sins are sinful because they hurt you or others by leading you astray and clouding your vision. You are conscious and alive and you are worth more than this. Do not follow the words of others blindly, follow the truth and goodness in your heart. That is to say, do not lead yourself astray with selfish desires: do what is good for all, not just yourself.
Idk my great great grandpa was smuggled from Russia as a child 100+ years ago I'm not going to judge anyone for being from a country ruled by retards because then I would have to hate everyone and kill myself. Sometimes I also think about how all my ancestors for hundreds or thousands of years until one or two generations ago would have been Christian and hated black people
Yes and I would be except I'm 5'7" and 110lbs
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>people just assume “oh, that’s a 15 y/o”

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