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Qott: have you ever eaten a frog?

Prev. >>37241079
Don't be a pussy
No and I wouldn't, aside from not liking meat and having no interest + liking frogs I get too many bad reactions to foods to want to try new things at this point. One mistake and I'm fucked for like a week sometimes.
Are you gloves?
Nope, Brooklyn. I doubt gloves is a picky eater or has many food restrictions.
He is tho, he's hyper autistic about textures and grew up eating junk so only likes that highly processed murican flavor
Just ordered these, what do y'all think?
I've had frog legs before, they were meh. Would try again.
Should I stop infesting?
Oh no I mean like if I eat the wrong thing I get tremors that can only be controlled by antihistamines and shit, and the longest they've lasted was a week. I have a ton of food I can't eat and have to cook everything myself in separate pots and pans etc. I cook and don't generally eat a lot of processed food outside of being too tired to cook but even that is severely limited. I can dislike things due to texture and such but that's less of an issue than the reactions. I like to cook though for other people more than myself but it's a daily thing for me.

At first it was just gluten and I'd get sick but I could ignore it and it was mostly just blood blisters in my mouth (now I can't even breathe that shit in, I like to bake and I have to wear a fucking face mask and shower etc after to do it) and stomach pain etc stuff that was unpleasant but wasn't a huge deal. Now it's become a bunch of shit and the reactions are so severe they're kind of terrifying, tremors and my heart feels fluttery and other assorted shit like that but those 2 are the worst.
you should stop using a tripcode
tripcodes are for newfaggots and are fembrained
Talk where you want no one can stop you.
Go anonymous and pretend to be ftm in ftmg
I have eaten frog legs before. They don't taste bad.
True enough
i woke up way too late today im gonna kms
no, dont plan to they dont look like they taste good
cool shoes, if i wasnt flat broke id cop
timur we need you to keep the threads alive, its a symbiotic relationship
no, you are my favorite trip and have been since your inception.
T has jacked up my libido like crazy, my girlfriend is in the shower right now and it is making me insane that I can't sniff and grope her.
infestation is my fetish
also what interests you sexually
If a bunch of people aren't constantly saying how much they hate you and wish you would shut up then you're fine
Big boobs soft hips and pudgy stomachs. I like the feeling of hugging them.
I need a chubby gf so bad
Peak female form has at least 2 rolls when sitting down
One for breasts, other for tummy
Wonder how many other ftms developed this taste due to mommy issues. Or maybe it is because of higher T, but I had such preferences before I started so it isn't the case for me.

god i wish i was pretty and female
i do have the boobs, soft (but small) hips and pudgy stomach ;__;
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I like you because when you're in the thread there is no cattiness, everything you ask is on topic or benign, and the other trips are drowned out. I am pro timur.
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Good night girls and AMABs.
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Wow I can't fucking draw
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Killing time waiting for my gym partner
Nah, I'd try anything once though. Don't really like when it still looks too much like the animal though, tried escargot the other day and all the little bits sticking out threw me off.
I think you're fine, it balances out TH. He'll keep shitting up the thread regardless so it's good to have you around.
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I will always.

I don't want to pretend anything.

Thank you. I don't try so hard anymore.

Thank you bro/girl. I'm not so special.

I know this experience well.

Men stronger than me, so when we fight/wrestle he is stronger to hold me down, tie me up, and make me learn I am a cock-loving faggot to be used.

Never bothers me when people hate me. But I don't beg for drama either.

Bro I try, I just want to talk and learn shit.

Always post your art. I look even if I don't respond.

Balance out Polish incel? How is that?
That is powder cum on the hands, don't lie.
Lol he has been repeating the same posts for years and you always have something new and interesting to say. Balance.
>Powder cum
You must be a boulderer, its insider knowledge that we all jerk each other off in the locker rooms to improve our grip strength and stick to the holds better. You haven't really experienced death grip syndrome until you've been jerked off by a guy who can suspend himself by the tips of his fingers. (This is a joke)
I want to see cis/repper females dominating trans men. I want to see it now.
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I wish to experience this bro.

Thread, what is everyone doing? I'm going to touch grass again.
This, I'm an underweight passoid gayden, but I want a chubby bisexual girl twice my weight to pin me down and make me suck her titties
Curious what you define as chubby because that word seems to have a lot of different meanings to people, like how "curvy" gets mixed in with morbidly obese.
I find it annoying when people lust for chubby xyz when that is the average person in the US. What's so special about that.
i had frog legs once, yep tastes like chicken
attempting to draw again, occasionally lurking, waiting for something to happen as per usual
have fun touching grass, i forgot to mention when i walked the dog today i actually managed to spot the purple varient of the coral fungi, although i both didnt have my phone on me and it looked rather pale, still a cool find
there is nothing gayden about this
The corals are so cool. There is edible kind but I don't know how to tell.
The average person in the US is fatter than chubby that's why I was curious. I've noticed my idea of chubby and the one that's becoming increasingly common (bigger than that) are different.
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Most of my rap list is Ukrainian. Maybe I am Ukrainaboo.

omg based fetish

ngl you're my favourite poster but then i'm mentally fucked and to be ignored
+ The average woman in the US is a size 16 or some shit like that which is pretty big. They're also around 170 lbs and 5'4 which is obese and their waist-height ratio is also way bigger than it should be if you're one of those people who thinks bmi is a good ballpark for people who don't work out a lot. So chubby is actually more rare than that.
isn't a good ballpark*
I want his voice so bad


We all are mentally fucked one way or another. Doesn't mean you don't matter.
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How long does it take for my Adam’s apple to get yknow, fully developed? I’m a bit over 5 months on T and here’s where I’m at
Will it become more prominent? Or am I pretty much done?
Isn't having big dick enough for you?
Kek, I wish it was but unfortunately the dysphoria brainworms persist
That's why it's "but", I'm only truly attracted to men
but like 5 months? lmao
Any draw requests, I'm bored
i understand you. but for me it's big titty anime girls. i would never touch a 3d woman
I always draw how I think a snake with wings would fly when I'm out of inspo. Always warms the heart.
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Thanks :P
But yeah, idk the whole timeline for this specifically. I know that it takes 2 years at least for things to be in full swing. Though, I was on a poondose for a year before stopping and getting back on again. Dunno how much that affects my poonsition.
What about ftms who are stronger then you?
>Men stronger than me, so when we fight/wrestle he is stronger to hold me down, tie me up, and make me learn I am a cock-loving faggot to be used.
same except if its about being female then it's too existentially distressing. I am just underweight
Does anyone else jerk off to ASMR? for me it's been a staple since i was a teenager
Not me, but I’m convinced my bf does considering his whole YouTube recommended is big titted Asian girls who do asmr kek though he does watch them while falling asleep.
I love him, we watch em together sometimes
draw a cute cat pwease :3
ew no
based x10
yeah but back when i was thin i was a woman's 12 due to my hip size alone, horrible. thankfully my shoulders were even wider
Draw wolfgang pregnant
i like asmr as asmr, i get the effect very strongly, but when there is someone giving you bedroom eyes throug your phone and sucking and kissing on the microphone it is kind of impossible not to jerk off to it
I'm open to it, I think.
We love zig/gers here
I'm not jealous
I'm not jealous
I'm not jealous
I'm not jealous
I'm not jealous
You are the best trip we've had so far. You don't cause drama, you view trans as their identified gender and you're actually interresting. Please don't stop infesting lmao.
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I don't remember which one Wolfgang is
Ion think there’s anything to be jealous of tbhon, it’s not noticeable most of the time.
You on T?
Despite what you'd expect from extreme examples online many men don't ever have particularly prominent adams apples. Even extremely masculine examples. It's just a genetic thing. If you've got a noticable bump at all that's all that matters. I can grow over time though as test will do that even over many months and years you can graaaadually get a deeper voice.
Same thing happens with guys on TRT, TRT+ and bodybuilding as they get doses of test their body never had before and stuff like that grows.
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No offense but given your current size I really question what you consider thin. Size 12 (which is a 10 I believe in the UK) isn't exactly small, but it's still smaller by several sizes than the average American woman. Also like I said the average woman in the US is 5'4 and 170 lbs with a waist that's 38.7 (so basically 39 inch waist.) So obese bmi and obese waist-height ratio (your waist is supposed to be no more than half your height and should be under that) both of which are well beyond chubby. "Chubby" generally indicates having some fat on you but not being big enough to be considered fat, and if you're obese then you're very fat.
My bad I mixed that up, meant to say a UK size 12 is an American size 10.
What the fuck are these sizes
t. American poon
Women's clothes sizes.
Damn, so it’s over?
I hate my dumb foid neck
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how many of you actually want to look like a masculine man?
i look like a masculine man and enjoy it. i used to idolize fem twink aesthetic but that seems to have been a cope for the masculinization not happening fast enough. now i hate twinks and femboys (mostly it's their personality)
I look like a scrawny 18 year old twink, I would like to look like a slightly less scrawny 22 year old twink
They're basic women's clothing sizes. I believe if we're going by like xs,s etc then it would be maybe a large for size 10 and then a 16's gotta be like a 2xl or something idk that's well over my size so I'm unsure. If you wear men's clothes you won't encounter these sizes because those go by waist size.
>Damn, so it’s over?
If you're not on test it should remain the same. If you're on test then it can actually grow over time until it reaches equilibrium with your dose. You've only been on it for a short time though. Changes to the voice and adam's apple can take a long time, so you've actually got hope there. You just need to give it time for things to develop as it won't do it super fast.

A guy can go on sky high body builder cycle doses of test and do 1 cycle of a few weeks and get almost no noticable change. BUT over a few years on TRT / cruise dose or instead multiple cycles he'd see changes develop as it builds up. You've got to think that it's a small body part so small changes are to be expected over time. It's a waiting game to see where it goes. I'd guess though it absolutely will get bigger as 5 months is just not enough time yet.
Do women's pants sizes not have length measurements!?
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Thank you for the correct pronouns.

I try to be OK but Truthfully some people I will call them preferred gender but I maybe not see them as. Also some people who don't pass, I would struggle with. And I don't do any xer/they nonbinary shit. Won't hate for it but won't do it.
How can someone not know women's clothes sizes as an adult? Does no one walk into store and browse any more or have family and friends who wear clothes, buy gifts, hear women talk about stuff...?
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Hmm, cool interpretation. I usually draw them like this because it's funnier. You have really good line weight.
Nah thats him
My voice progress (started t July 2022, Between first and second points)
I've occasionally seen it but not really. women had to go invent this whole ass sizes measurement so they never have to confront how wide they are
Just the standard, petite, and tall typically for length. Petite clothes don't get carried in a lot of places though neither do tall.
Pooners, what's your (men's) pants size?

I'm American 29x32
this posts smells of Arabman. how can you be surprised no one here has friends or goes outside
This explains my sister's large collection of flood pants
One tip for those with voices that are lighter in tone and they want it to sound more masculine is to copy what Clint Eastwood and others have done in their acting career. Narrow the band of vocal range while talking. If you listen to Clint his voice isn't actually low, but he keeps it closer to mono in tone so it sounds more masculine. It's an acting tip for men. If he's acting in a comedy or some other scene he can use the full range of course, but we're talking for those movies where he's projecting that masculine image.
>this posts smells of Arabman. how can you be surprised no one here has friends or goes outside
Everyone has family and school friends though unless you are an orphan who somehow homeschooled themselves.
Interesting you mention that... women's sizes actually changed at one point for this reason, it's called "vanity sizing" so people who are into vintage clothes have to be mindful of that when they buy. That's fashion industry shit though not women creating the sizes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know they are talking about American women's pants sizes
I was asking how they are supposed to work, no I have never bought a pair of women's jeans
Lol Yeah, I have the opposite issue I'm fairly short so it's a pain in the ass. My measurements aren't standard either so buying clothes means I have to pay a lot of attention to everything I pick up so it fits as ok as possible since I don't have a clue about how to sew. Could stand to learn all things considered.
Alright, noted
Thank you for this advice anon. Rlly helpful :)
i was mostly talking shit but i did hear something about that, like they made a size 0 and smaller sizes and adjusted the scale instead of making larger ones. ridiculous
pretty good i think. tight around my belly but doesn't fall down or drag
I’ve never encountered anyone who used xe pronouns in person, and most people never will.

I imagine those or they/them would be really difficult to navigate when ESL anyway. Is there any sort of equivalent gender identity in Russia that you know of?
Basically it comes down to "your average woman in America is obese not chubby."
Eh, you can make it all the way through school without making friends really. Source: did that for the first 10 years.
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Spreading misinformation <3

Lol Yeah exactly. I can't remember the details of it entirely I just know as women got fatter the number sizes got smaller. That's why you'll see obese bitches saying "Marilyn Monroe was a size 12" or 16 or whatever the fuck (can't remember) and it's just like "Yeah but we have pictures of her and she definitely wasn't as big as you" because apparently they don't have eyes and can't see that for themselves.
>44 waist
No, just male/female. No one would dare try any others.

I'm not feeling too well, I won't post so much tonight.
The only thing I remember about the gay beer was Kid Rock trying to make himself relevant again by losing his shit over it.
you really did eat terje huh
Gloves is just gonna masturbate to you both talking about how fat he is, hope you realize that you're helping him get off.
yeah, but it's funny
I wear a boys 13-14 at primark
I’ve never been able to find a pair of men’s pants that fit my 22in waist, they don’t exist
self-delusion is a powerful thing
This has pissed me off so much
I used to be a small in womens clothes, but now I’m an XXS in a lot of brands
Vanity sizing needs to be done away with. Making fat chicks feel better about their size is less important and being able to have an accessible size range, but no one cares cause skinny people have “thin privilege”
I know, I hope I can bring another human being a little bit of joy, I am not an evil or vindictive person after all
than being able* not and
Do i.... bodypass.... I am 5'7... my feet are teeny tiny

It is.

Not to mention there's clothing stores where you can't even find under a size 6. I've gone to look for clothes and it's just been like "Oh I guess I can't shop here" nevermind that they're supposed to be normal sizes yet they somehow skip right the fuck over half of them and then carry a 3x. It's fucking annoying but then there's fat women pretending they're the ones who have a hard time finding clothes. I usually have to hope a place has junior's sizes and petite options which is very rare and then even with that I'm a fucking DDD and my hips match my chest so my options are really limited because most of the stuff that will fit my waist isnt made for the rest of me and the stuff that is would be way too fucking big everywhere else.
thanks anon
It is sounding to me like women's clothes sizes are just completely meaningless and you have to try on the clothes to see if they fit
The only thing I know about kid rock is one time we were stuck in traffic from a kid rock concert and my mom mentioned that kid rock fans are "wiggers" and that's how I learned the word wigger. I think I was like 14 or something
They are, they vary by store. You have to know your measurements, the store, the fabric etc just to by clothes. I have a sweater that's an xs that's big enough to wrap around my body twice.
That's all you really need to know, though it's mostly trashy redneck shit. Not like juggalo levels but close.
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could T have saved him?
No not really
Never played a Persona game, always been mildly curious because of the occult references but I feel like my brain would just turn off if I attempted it.
>good line weight
Thanks life hack I just use Japanese calligraphy brush pens

>that's him
Cool, is he supposed to have more body hair or something?
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are any of you real-life gigachads that mog cis men? have you ever won a fight?
The struggle is real. I wish I fit mens clothes properly so I didn’t have to pick between little boys clothes and masculine womens clothes as my only option. Mens sizing is so much easier to navigate cause no guy cares if they’re a small or an xxl.
Womens sizing is completely pointless, yes
What "mog" is?
Yeah when I was dysphoric and I used to get "guy's clothes" they all had to be from the boy's section because men's clothes were too big. End up being forced to dress somewhat plain unless you really like firetrucks.
Have you tried asian sizes? They are all two sizes down from US/EU at least. Maybe you'd have luck with their smallest sizes.
No when my dad was 20 something he could bench 425lbs I can do pull ups though so whatever I guess
no, obviously, but the very few fights ive gotten into ive mostly won
to mog someone is to be better than them at something, typically used when talking about attractiveness
it derives from AMOG, "Alpha Male Of the Group"
Thank you.

I have many fights. I didn't win all of them but happy I'm alive.
Ahh I thought it looked familiar. I haven't even used mine for art.
>More body hair or something
I guess? He just kind of looks like someones creepy metalhead older brother who was really into like filthy frank or something in 2015. Passes fine imo tho.
Buy Japanese men's clothing off keimarket or wunderwelt or something. Life hack.
throwback to when we were talking about deadlock, apparently one of my steam friends gave me an invite
guess im gonna try deadlock later
Fish slut
kys i cant fishslut for you tonight
im trying to ror2 with friends, hopefully it works
>foot size brainrot
they're normal

also just send the pic normally if you're fully clothed
MMA is for apes, civilized men carry a gun
yes and you look very handsome!!
I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't require that at this point in my life; thanks though hopefully someone else can use it.
Thank you I wish I could build a little bit of muscle but I can't gain weight or apparently go to a gastroenterology because the endoscopy would be 1000 dollars and now I have to cancel it
>i cant fishslut for you tonight
Me neither slut. I'm out
>trying go ror2
Make it work
Clean your toenails, I can’t jerk off to that
I garden barefoot and if you can't handle that then that's not my problem
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Trans men are smooth
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Same, feels better to, also don't like to use gloves. I shower immediately after though and use a nail brush etc.
why does his crotch look so weird?
There is not random broken and rusted shit all over the ground at my house + i don't walk around with open wounds on my feet + got a tetanus booster a couple years ago. tetanus infection isn't impossible but its not on the list of things I'm worried about. I am really paranoid about getting some kind of evil septic infection though

This could be me
it worked kek
i just had to verify files, even after reinstalling
its a little retarded but ill take it
Shaved it for some godforsaken reason
I’d suck your puffy nips until they’re sore
>hairy as all get out
>shaved pubes
angel without its wings baka
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Would you join your country's military?
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civilization is inherently feminine. have fun being domesticated. ywnb untamed
you're literally idolizing being subhuman but I bet you're still racist
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Bro got the full body fade and it looks ridiculous
Tried, don't qualify medically. Bit sad, my family has been in every branch except air force and I had really good test scores. Could've tried to be a jag or something (military lawyer). Not hard to go private sector with that at all but a bit soul sucking. I would have liked being told what to do and how to do it though. When to eat, shower, in unity with a group.
I want you so bad but fucking you would make me miserable
>human brains were bigger 3000 years ago
>Anatomically modern humans were more slender than their earlier ancestors; they had less hair, smaller skulls
modern humans are the real subhumans. they are beneath their ancestors in terms of brain size, muscle mass, strength, and ability to take a punch. the domestication of humans by the advent agriculture, law, and society is like the domestication of dogs by humans. we were all meant to grow into wolves, into apex predators. modernity leaves us forever puppies, infantilized by our own cultural and genetic regression
jesus christ you're so fuckin hot
Because hrt?
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>Skulls from people who lived over 80,000 years ago show that they had much higher testosterone levels than modern humans
>An early Neanderthal with a very strong arm suggests that Neanderthals may have been heavily influenced by male hormones.
>Neanderthals had a distinctive face with a protruding midface, a pronounced brow ridge, long cheek bones, and a broad mandible.
>A study suggests that modern human men essentially emasculated Neanderthals when they mated with Neanderthal women over 100,000 years ago. This led to the replacement of the Neanderthal Y chromosome with the modern Y chromosome in future generations of Neanderthal boys.
that poor fucking cat lmfao
i dont even qualify because i take antidepressants, but even if i did itd take a decent amount of convincing
God I wish I were a neanderthal instead of a cucked homo sapiens
I understand.
I can see the man in every single ftm but myself. Even the clockiest poons around will visually register as male to me on some level, but I'm a woman through and through
Most people, maybe everyone sees themselves worse than others.
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Does art imitate life or the other way around
Ptsd diagnosis when I was 10. Nearly got it stricken from my record but still have nightmares so SOL, even without other symptoms. Not sure if you're allowed in on hrt tbhon, I trooned after I got to college
May I ask, is there cause to the ptsd? It is something I'm suffering with also, part of medication problem disqualified me.
this is all conjecture based on skeletal reconstruction that has then been filtered through the lens of pop-sci magazines that are looking to sell bullshit headlines to retards like you, not actually further understanding of human development
if you get all your information from popular media you will always be as dumb as the oligarchs who control it want you to be

reddit ape opinion detected
No, military culture is very alien to me, its not a thing in my family
i beat a coworker at arm wrestling with ease. cis men also say they wish their beard was as thick as mine
give me something to do besides masturbate
Psycho mom with nasty extended divorce+legal proceedings I had to give statements for, so probably a little easier than yours.
I saw you mentioned you had night terrors, unfortunately I haven't found a good solution for that other than weed (doesn't stop them but makes them less disturbing. Now I just have recurring nightmares about my hometown being destroyed by a tornado/bomb/tsunami). Otherwise I found valerian root (sedative) and seroquel (prescription antipsych that works as a sedative) as a nice off button once I was up and set off. EMDR is fake, and the current psychiatric equivalent of a ponzi scheme, so if you ever have that suggested I'd avoid it, its pushed very hard in modern psychology.
She just got cancer too, so I've had a bit of a resurgance of symptoms. It's just annoying at this point and makes me snappy.
go watch a movie
I'm sorry brother. It is not easy. You seem like upbeat person, if it is genuine, it's respectful
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29×28 which doesn't fucking exist anywhere lmao
Appreciate that, hope you get to this point someday as well. Minimizing stress was very important in letting neural pathways reset. I saw the biggest reduction in symptoms when I moved and built a life I had control of, but not everyone has that luxury.
Thank you for talking to me about it.
civilization absolutely makes you a weak cuck though. some so cucked they can't even kill an animal or they'll cry because it has feefees. imagine putting the average modern man in the wild. he's dead. human capabilities and senses being dulled from disuse and no selection pressures passing down keen ones makes sense. these things aren't very useful in civilized society after all
Missed you in /b G
We don’t speak of my /b/tardation here… kek
read blowfly girl's maggot story
need body hair like this, fuck my hairless genes
i need to go back to the gym to kill these brainworms i feel such a pear even though my measurements prove otherwise. i just need to get back to lifting goddamn
>new rock
based, i have a pair of one of their boots
why aren't you lifting
this, i will never take tripfags seriously. pooner trips doubly so, it's why these threads are so insufferable, it always boils down to tripfaggots.
Uzbek chads stay winning
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depression and lacking discipline. i've been obsessing over my diet and weight too much so i've gotten skinnier but lost muscle. i'm terrified of getting fat again but i won't gain muscle if i don't eat. just psyching myself out, i guess
it's over
If you actually believe in neolithic bullshit you'll never reply to me again, smash your computer, and go lift rocks
you wont, because by your own philosophy you are a cuck
by MY own philosophy I am not a cuck, but you are still a cuck
there is a balance to be struck between improvement of the mind and improvement of the body and a hyperfixation on improvement on the body is animalistic and subhuman

A long while ago Joe posted something about a book he had found from the 80s or something written by a trans man documenting his transition. Think the guy was a photographer or something. Anyone know what I'm talking about or the guys name?
Could it be Loren Rex Cameron? Christ he's my dad's age. I'd give anything to meet a ftm his age.
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a year maybe, it depends honestly.
mine's just started being more prominent this year
okay cuckles. and yes i am pretty cucked, i wish i could live on the fringes of society but I'll get raped by the government if i try
>I'll get raped by the government if i try
h- hot
Just looked that guy up, what an inspiration. Sad that he committed suicide after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure. What a loss.
I wish there were more old trans people. It feels so empty in the community only having young people. Where are our elders? Who are we supposed to turn to?
the internet dorkus
it is unfortunate though, fine looking guy, only died 2 years ago too
maybe (hopefully) some of us will be the elders if we dont all detransition or kill ourselves
what is your favorite or go to method for jacking off? i'm bored of my routine but i'm curious what other ftms do. do you touch yourself or just hump something or mash a vibe against your tdick or what.
mash a vibe while laying face down on a mattress, bonus points for pillow to grip onto/whimper into
>Where are our elders?
Died in the aids epidemic
body alchemy is great. first trans media I've seen that doesn't make me cringe. shame it's $350 for a copy
Just gotta post past the haters btw
state mandated gangbangs for excessively horny ftms when
at what age is it over if you're a virgin who's never dated (not into men, gaydens can just download grindr)
I want to court a woman but the only girls I meet are whores who want to fuck on the first date
send them my way i'll appreciate them far more than you
They all have bpd and will cheat on you and blame you for it, have fun!
at least women are interested in you
if you're not even attracting poon 2 years into t, its joever.
3.5 years...
tug at my clit like it's a tiny dick. Been doing this since I discovered the clitoris at 14, before that I attempted penetration because I thought it was the only way to jerk off as a female. I've never truly enjoyed penetration.
Now that I think about it, I've probably given myself death grip syndrome, but it doesn't matter since I can't penetrate anybody with it anyways.
i do this too and just stop when i get bored or start to feel disgusted/dysphoric. maybe my expectations are too high from porn but I don't think I've ever orgasmed, what is it supposed to feel like
I've always had a high libido, to the point it superces any dysphoria I felt about genitals until after I coom. Sorry about the dysphoria, anon. Hope you can coom someday.
As for your question, it is hard to describe to someone who's never experienced it. The abdominal muscles convulse and the body stiffens, and there is an intense burst of pleasure for a few seconds.
What do I draw (No guarantees I'll do it)
Draw Uzawa Reisa
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something with this pose, male preferably
if not that then idk ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Telling myself it's a warmup
NTA, thought I'd try my hand. My skills have deteriorated so much ince 2 years ago, it's crazy.
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You know what just circle something for me to draw. I need to feel the connection to anonymous persons.
hi can u draw a cls 63 it’s a car that i like if not it’s ok thx
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Search up "b0nesp0" on twitter and draw one of the results.
Red circled is pose study, blue is color study.
Gay car I'll draw my favorite car though unless it turns out like shit in which you won't see it
Homework for the week thank you
hi anon thanks for getting back to me
that was a rly mean thing to say to me i’m not sure i rly like this car i also like the c63s like from 2020
i also rly like bmws but if u call those gay i’ll probably cry
If possible, could you link a bigger version of the image? I want to give it a try as well.
Cock sucking motion
hi anon i don’t understand what that means
i like women i’m straight
Thanks anon, drank too much caffeine earlier and am now awake with too much energy.
I don't want to die alone..
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I didn't even ask to be born female. Car test is the ultimate sex determinator. Killing myself.
I have unfortunately finally contracted TDS. I was neutral to “ha watch it burn” in 2016, then didn’t care at all, but it finally got to me and now I’m arguing about graphs online like a fucking need.
hi anon i’m sorry is this the person who insulted my amg taste ? bc if so u should kys /gen bc that’s fucking cringe and ywnbam you heckin valid tboy drifting weaboo wannabe

i hope this helps >_<
those are solid poonercore
I like to tug on my clit between my thumb and index+middle finger
Then I put a modestly sized dildo up my pussy and watch straight porn and imagine I'm both people at the same time
I've never had sex or masturbated due to dysphoria so I don't know
Not a ftm, but I like to be dicked down with extreme prejudice.
It will be exponentially harder if you’re older than college age.
Do you have tits still?
>imagine I'm both people at the same time
you're insane
Lol, yeah
Saw your posts, they were hot as fuck
Nice ass btw :P
i fucking need a gucci or ferragamo belt
i had a dream last night that they added the pride month flags as a year round thing and i was posting under the funny pooner flag
now i am awake and they are gone
i pull my foreskin back and rub my tip with my fingers, basically same way i did as a clitlet but now one handed
my sensitivity is kill
>gaydens can just download grindr
no we can not
>t. 25yo khv
How to cause additional vaginal atrophy?
Unless you want to have a medical emergency, I would suggest avoiding it
You can get a hysto covered by insurance if you’re ftm I’m 99% sure
you can't get a hysto unless you've got a medical emergency in most states iirc, not even voluntarily. one or two also requires a "husband's permission' iirc but that could have been overturned
in arizona they will refuse to give you one for being ftm
Damn, guess Jersey is just built different. I didn’t know that
I remember begging my gyno for a hysterectomy when I was 16 cause my periods sucked and I didn’t even want the damn thing. Got told to come back when I was over 18.
Do you have a Jersey accent?
yeah definitely. iirc not even california gives ftm hysterectomies but i could be wrong, it could vary from place to place there
Only when I’m mad
Fuuuuuck, that’s dystopian. Imagine if places were this strict on vasectomies, cis men would be rioting
yeah it's terrible. if cali changed that recently that'd be good though
I hate having a vagina and want to make it suffer I do not care if this causes a medical emergency
I don’t think I have an accent
I’m shocked cali doesn’t allow it considering its liberal paradise.
I get you, but you won’t be able to reap the benefits of your transition if you’re dead anon
Most people don’t think they have an accent
I know I don’t :3
I feel like you have fagcent
You give off the vibes with being a bratty bottom
Everyone does.
That’s so untrue, I’m appalled you would even say something like that. JK I know I do and I love it ;3
>bratty bottom
says you
Neither do I.
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>poppers and weed to kill brain cells
>vibe under pillow
>fuck the pillow
>repeat 2-3x per day
Hello fellow Zelenskyy enjoyer.
Fair, guilty as charged
the more visibly masc i get the less i understand what my fashion style is
You keep calling me a bratty bottom with a fagcent, YOU’RE A BRATTY BOTTOM! You bitch
i larp as a man until i dont get what i want. then suddenly im a woman again
G is right.
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I don’t even know what you’re saying, I speak fucking Russian you dolt.
morning fags, i dont feel good today but its because i ate like shit yesterday lol, lets get this bread or whatever idk
both of these are good, im sorry i dont have any better suggestions, ive also been having art block and have been trying my best to draw
Hello kod.

OK. It was message of love.
We can both be bratty bottoms
I’m the bratty bottom, you’re more of a service top! >:(
You seem maybe, playful, maybe I think of a better word later. Bug is bratty for real though.
hello timur
ffffuh... ffffuuuuhhh...... FAAAAGGGOOOOTTTTTT
I’m too much of a good boy to truly be bratty
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>Mods ban this fucking tiersexual out of my chat.
Being good is gay, starting trouble is fun.
A faggot would say this.
rate the fit (or roast me for my nasty mirror)
>black on black
i had a friend who, whenever he finished jacking off, would sling it onto his mirror, kinda looks like yours
it took him at least a year to clean it
otherwise solid fit, you get a gold star
You can’t talk, you’re banned from the chat.
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Now I'm distracted at work
This is so true. I used to dress like a girl I wanted to fuck, now I dunno what to do.
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He is the only guy short than me I would take his cock. I want to hear his voice say dirty things to me when I'm tied up for him.
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Mad, loser?
Cute dog.
i am college aged
>Do you have tits still?
yes but I'm not into men so that's not helping
sorry man I assumed most gaydens were having sex but you're cursed too
I want to breed this cute Russian girl. Do you think that russian women are nice in comparison to polish or ukro roasties?
The fuck do you mean “college aged”
I don't know kurwa, but russian women will do anything for money and popularity so they are sluts too. Hopefully you never breed.
Why are you so passive-agressive my afab mate?
that's the phrasing the other anon used, i assume they mean the general age most people enter university in the US, even if some people start and finish later or earlier, 18-22
why you sue me but not timur?
favoritism much?
>t. mad, pissing pants, screaming, crying, seething, malding, coping
everybody do the poontarara!


szewc zabija szewca poontarara poontarara
szewc zabija szewca poontarara poontarara
poontarara poontarara poontarara poontarara!
szewc zabija szewca poontarara poontarara
szewc zabija szewca poontarara poontarara
poontarara poontarara poontarara poontarara!
poontarara poontarara poontarara poontarara!
>in arizona they will refuse to give you one for being ftm
this is just weird and liberal feminist coded
they want pregnant trans men
Muzyka dla nizin społecznych i AFABów
>artysta kiedyś
>artysta teraz
co pierdolisz ten utwór został wydany w 1986 roku
New >>37262882
No conservative policy on trans issues makes any sense until you realize the ultimate goal is to mandate transgenderism out of existence entirely. If there were any other motive, then it's inconsistent. They get triggered by "pregnant men" or the idea of including other genders when talking about pregnancy, but insist on ideal conditions for trans men's pregnancies. They get triggered at tampons in the men's room, but insist on a total ban and crackdown on HRT and hysterectomies. They get triggered when they see a gorillahon, but they want to make it as hard and seamful to transition as possible.

No, the whole thing is that they push policies in the hopes that transgenderism will just disappear into thin air.
you look very hot!!
jesteś afabem?
You’re 19?
He a bitch, you’re not a bitch.
jestem międzypłciowy mam xy chromosomy i kutasa (mieszane genitalia) ale jestem afabem
jaki jest twój discord?
greatest_ally, jak chcesz to mnie dodaj
chyba już wiem kim jesteś i niestety nie jestem zainteresowany

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