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Post pics of dogs you like.

QOTT1: What is stereotypes of your country you hate, but are usually true?

GOTT2: Do you carry weapon?

Prev: >>37249513
Why you talk to me? You think my voice sounds female? You have ears?
Masculinized with tits is difficult, I’d say tinder theyfab or dyke bar (latter is probably easier for sex but worse for dysphoria). Just try to get a little experience before college is over, don’t have to go crazy.
has anyone done the varbie thing before transitioning the rest of the way?
I'm curious how the anabolic effects of anavar compare to adding T androgens
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im a gayden and i like feeling weaker and smaller than my partner but still as a man. should i just end it all. my cis male friend pushed me against the wall as a joke and i got a boner im faketrans arent i
Are there any non-mutilated non-obese AFABs left here? I can name only G
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I'm going to lay in grass bros. Have a beautiful day where you are.

Are you dysphoric about your voice? dw, it sounds masc
Also, any polish AFABs (who aren't fat)?
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>Being a woman is being a lower lifeform
>Women don't feel real emotions because they don't experience real hardships
>We tolerate them anyways because men are just that merciful, and we need partners anyways
>Wanting to be a man is the punchline to every small way that women try to put men down for oppressing them, ie women are so insulted by men pursuing them that they larp as men and fail miserably and still live as women functionally as they never experience the male socialization experience, or something like that.
>Men are truly better women because they actually possess sensitive emotions and women have just been shutting them down
>Wish I was a lesbian for years because it's impossible to be a man yet being trans is inescapable
>Afraid of trying to mingle with men because I'm a retarded woman
>Disconnected from women (All women are it's like an anti hivemind because we're incapable of human connection point is moot)
>All to say I still don't understand why I can't just be an omega dyke or why I can't just tell myself I'm a heckin valid dood no matter how I dress, speak, feel, behave, and I'm just a big boy because I said so.
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saint bernards are cool, they look like old men when they grow up
i hate them all because theyre true but i dont like feeling ungrateful for living in america, considering that so many people immigrate here to escape harsher countries, idk i dont really think about it that much
when i was a shitty theyfab kid i used to carry utility knives because they were easy to come across and made me feel better about walking around, however i have proved to not be trustworthy around most weapons
thankfully i havent harmed anyone (what could one pooner do anyways lol) but still, after a big incident i stopped carrying them, even left my most used one behind
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Do you usually clock more trannies or pooners on average? I don’t recall spotting a mtf in months, but I see ftms all the time. I once clocked 4 different poons in a single day.
You sound like autogynephilic amab incel. kys.
I find pooners do a lot more with bad fashion choices that make you visible despite passing better otherwise
massive dangly earrings are the biggest giveaway, you never see them on gay men who aren't obvious drag queens
That’s called being a bottom anon
Not a dog person.

I'm indifferent about US stereotypes, can't take them personally so no reason to care.

No need to.
Sounds like you have a lot of unhealthy views that probably have a huge effect on your self perception.
I've only clocked one poon and two troons in the wild where i live. the troons were gigahons with no voice training, the poon had poonvoice, gauges+piercings, pube beard, and was short, the final nail being i saw his top surgery scars under a sleeveless top. all this to say, idk, but i imagine a lot of trans men are stealth normies here like me. it's a conservative area
>any Polish (who aren't fat)?
get pregnant
it depends to where i am
>malls or cafes, poons
>downtown or festivals, more mtf
Hence why I am equally non trans and trutrans.
Good night breedable afabs
Sometimes I like to think I'm plural and my main character (me) is a towering, masculine man, but every other individual in my system is a very cute anime girl/loli, or an otherwise feminine fairy-like alien creature
I think you took a wrong turn when trying to get to TikTok
I don't really think that, but if plurality were real, I have a bunch of colorful-haired lolis running around in my head
That makes more sense, ok
I thought we were about to have a TikTok DID moment
Simply speaking from experience, DID shit is basically exclusively on TikTok
get a doctor dx or shut up
It's just daydreaming, but it's also sort of omnipresent, you know?
I don't believe I have DID (not a real thing)
oh alright, maladaptive daydreaming is a thing so that makes sense
So this what pooners do to avoid male failing
So it’s like you’re making scenes in your head with these characters?
I don't know to what extent everyone else does this, but yeah there are recurring characters that live in a "separate world inside my mind". I have a very extensive made-up world.
You just have maladaptive daydreaming.
Honestly it's kind of an issue in psychiatry too. The last therapist I had in high school tried to convince me I had it, most definitely didn't, mild dissociative symptoms at worst. She immediately after revealed she was a Jordan Peterson fan. Conservative/religious therapists may be good at separating their beliefs from their practice on a surface level but they still may be more likely to misread something like gender dysphoria as whatever flavor of the week thing is being brought up, same with EMDR. Good therapy exists and works but the industry is prone to the same problems as every other industry.
LOL @ tranny hater getting rejected in the previous thread
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Anyone else ever feel like this in a bad way
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Nope, it’s more like
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Me too my husband is a plant we were married at age 16 causing me to turn from a baby dyke ftm into a he/him straight woman.
No I am a phallo worm
thank you?
Wow. Thanks for sharing this, my biggest concern with the jump in DID diagnoses is that they’re being used to silence tranny thoughts now that conversion therapy is falling out of fashion. I’m glad you realized it was a misdiagnosis.
Shit I got recommended EMDR, is it bad? I’ve heard mixed things, but I wanted to try it cause the trauma thoughts are booty cheeks
I feel like that but in a good way
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no, i have bigorexia
y'know after masculinization is finished swapping over to anavar for gainz lets you up the dosage without risking breast growth because it cannot aromatize to estrogen?
also it suppresses periods and all the other good things

DIY only though :(
> doctor hasn’t gotten the prior authorization through I’ve been asking for for over a month now
> called again yesterday
> never get a call back for the 5th time
Guess it’s time to DIY, but I’m broke and don’t have $75 for a vial of T that might not even show up
>masculinization is finished
There is no “finish”. You’d have to continue T while concurrently roiding unless you don’t want the effects of T.
won't this make beard and hair growth shittier? i already diy, roiding tempts sometimes but my cholesterol is high and i fear the cardiovascular repercussions
Genuine question when is G going to stop trolling and badly pretending to be ftm
Are you out?
after 3-5 years improving beard growth is all you get from T that you dont get from less androgenizing anabolics
and while anavar can't aromatize into estrogen T can when you have enough anavar in your system

yeah but being real some men are ngmi with beard growth and if you don't have hopes it'll develop into a full beard by year 3 it's time to give up
oh also additional masculinization only develops additional hair follicles, it doesn't change existing growth much, it keeps growing where it's started growing, just slower
trannies have to get laser hair removal because it's a problem
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I wish it was a meme, life would be easier if I could just be happy being a foid
Yeah, the problem is my doctor not getting my prior authorization for my t gel since she switched me. She also doesn’t check my T levels cause they’re “not important”
What a tard
>improving beard growth is all you get from T
I’m not sure if this is true but I won’t argue it since the problem I was referring to is refeminizing. Your body isn’t going to continue to produce testosterone on its own if you stop. Really not a game worth playing in my opinion, unless you’re cool with the possibility of womaning out.
ftm gayden bottoms are a joke. nothing lower than that
yeah anavar is still an androgenic anabolic steroid, it should still prevent refeminizing, it just has a 1:3-13 ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects vs the 1:1 of T
some varbies take high enough doses to get masculinized even though it's meant to be the "safe" steroid for "women"

returning to my original point
if you've gotten all the strong masculinizing effects out of the way and you're only getting the milder stuff like hair growth changes and you're a gymrat shouldn't you swap to anavar or something else with a stronger anabolic effect?
That’s shit. Are there any clinics in your state you could try to get into on Monday?
yeah they're gay flamers
they transitioned to the lowest form of masculinity, they're still men, just soft and weak little men who are built to get pounded by stronger males
he lives in florida right now, so no iirc
> get in on Monday
Unfortunately Jersey is a safe haven for all the trannies fleeing red states so I’m looking at AT LEAST a month wait before I can get into another clinic. There’s also no planned parenthood’s near me that offer HRT. Last I looked they were showing me locations 200+ miles away.
I don't know what you mean?

What incident?

I have opposite problems with therapists. But yes both extremes are bad.
I’m back in Jersey now o7
Came back on Wednesday night, hallelujah
I actually wanted to ask you about this. Did you previously mention your therapist tried to convince you you’re trans? Or am I mistaking you for someone else.
good, hopefully you can get that sorted
dont say that or ill get a boner. which inmediately makes me paranoid about someone detransing me
This made me feel things….
How weird is it to feel guilty for not being attracted to trans women (or women at all) anymore?
Yes, you're right.
become gayden like us and live miserably. we can do catholicboo celibacy together
Why feel guilty?
Is that normal for Russia?
I've accepted I'm a gayden, I just feel guilty about it.
Don't really know why, just every time I see a girl posting about how she wants a ftm bf on here or elsewhere I feel bitter both since I wish I was attracted to women and masculine enough not to be hated
god finally someone who gets it. i feel exactly the same. theres so many nice girls out there that would like me, and id like them too, just not in the romantic way. its a pain.
it was a few years ago, i wont get too into it because its a very personal incident and i just dont want to, but ill just say i was acting extremely dangerous and irrational and being a generally horrible person
im so glad i never actually hurt them or myself, and i thank whatever god there is that they forgave me because i know i didnt deserve it, but it of course took a while to repair the relationship we had before hand
so now out of respect and guilt ive decided to stop carrying them, it does get troubling but i think the safety of myself and others is more important than not being able to open a package or something

also im pretty sure that anon talking about your voice thinks youre afab lol
being weak disgusts me. i may be a gayden bottom but I'm stronger than my top, also not a flamer
the longer you fight it the worse your fetishes get
dont go so far you end up wanting to be a rape-pig breeding slave
Since you have a prescription already, would you be able to use a service like Plume or something?
You like what you like. You're not obligated to be with anyone.

The therapists are in US. My therapy in russia was alcohol, cigarettes, and adrenaline.
I’m too broke for plume to charge me $90 a month
Straight up destitute, might have to sell some feet pics
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Do I sound female?

I am glad nothing serious happened. I'm glad you're hear to chat with me.
This made me horny
no you sound extremely male lmao, theres no mistaking it
and i am too
now back to me not venting in ftmg
He wants me to be female so bad.

You always can vent to me. I read every post in this threads, even if I don't respond because I don't know what to say.
>might have to sell some feet pics
genuine question, did that kind of service ever work out for you? i know one poonfriend that made 600 in a week doing something similar but im skeptical
(im not planning on selling btw)
you are genuinely the nicest user/tripfag i know of, i dont know why you decide to use this platform save for the anonymity
It's not even that I like these women platonically, I just feel like I have a duty to date them or care for them some how.
Yeah but have you considered men are supposed to be protector figures for women or whatever
I used to make over $1000 a month ewhoring I’m ngl
Its tempting to go back
oh... thats really tempting... but i need to keep what little dignity i have
I lost my dignity a loooooong time ago
Been trying to wake my followers back up, it’s been working. A lot of them are glad I’m coming back :)
I just need some consistent time with my PC in order to stream again.
How do you experience gender dysphoria?
Thanks bro. My adhd is so worse and I like chatting with people in different places.

Why am I suppose to? I would, yes. But I don't like them.
i mean, i want to be bred but...
>Why am I suppose to?
We're men (or at least trying to be men), we're supposed to like women
We went to grocery store today and watch couple with little girl do nothing when little girl throws 3 glass jars of pasta sauce. Father was pissed but keep walking away, mom only softly said to daughter "why are we throwing things?"

How would your parents react if you act this way as a kid? I would have been beaten at store, then again at home, for first jar broken. Are American parents so afraid to discipline?
Usually when someone tells me I'm "suppose to" be something, I tell them to go go fuck themselves. I'm not living my life for them.
didn't used to be that way. now it's considered child abuse to give your child a light spank
its already so over for you
dude thats fuckin wild, my dad wouldve bent me over his knee almost immediately, my mom would probably dragged me out to tell me off in the car
i think this generation of parents are too afraid to discipline because of how often they were beat as kids, and are taking "gentle parenting" too literally
she shouldve let the father intervene, sometimes its good to smack some sense into your kid as long as youre not straight up abusing them
I would’ve gotten yelled at and put on time out in my room when I got home. That’s what my parents did when I was that age. Mom would maybe spank me, but that only ever happened when I was reeeally bad a church
My mom would’ve got a hold of the nape of my arm and pulled the fuck away and scolded me in a harsh but quiet tone. My dad would’ve beat the shit out of me in front of god and everyone.
>we're supposed to like women
yuck, say it for yourself
Good for you, I still feel like I'm indebted to others to be straight for some reason lmao
I'm also a gayden
I'm telling you, you're not. Be you, live and like how you want (in healthy way), people that matter will stick around.
It's, fine. It's just talk therapy with pseudoscience sprinkled on top. The back/forth movement has never been proven to have any effect in a clinical setting. You'd be better off just doing talk therapy.
I would tend to agree. Bias is bad in therapy, good ones can abstract completely.
I misread, also doing that one now lol. I need to go back to have one on retainer just in case I think.
Dad probably would have smacked me just enough to sting for a while and said "Why'd you do that for?" Mom would have taken me to a bathroom for a spanking, while smiling and apologizing and digging her nails into my arm so I'd know not to cry. There would be more organized spanking at home, they liked quantifying it. I think it was weird fundie evangelical shit. Spare the rod and whatnot.
>in front of god and everyone
Morbid but I laughed at this phrasing

Actually this is interesting, lots of ftms I know where physically abused as children, esp. beatings. I know a guy who's dad broke his nose and another who's dad would get drunk and throw shit at him. Is this common?
a lot of my friends that arent ftm were also abused in some shape or form, so i like to hope its not common or related, despite what some may say
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I don't know, there are many abused, some are lgbt weirdos (all of us) some are "normal". My abuse didn't make me gay just hate water and women.
anavar isn't worth it unless you're a cis woman. just take test or maybe low dose mast or nandrolone. the 'advantage' of anavar is that it tends not to masculinize.
is it important to take your shots at the same time on the same day of the week? if i usually do it on saturday nights is it fine to do it on friday night or saturday morning instead?
this is my second dose would it fuck up my levels if i change the time so early
I wouldn’t recommend going a full day early, but as long as you’re doing it the same day each week it doesn’t really matter.
not in the slightest
early doses are loading, just building your levels up over time, it's the maintenance doses that keep them at that level that do the heavy lifting
you can double your dosage in the first week and it wont hurt so long as your supply doesn't run out early because of it
I want to suck your t.cock
I'm DIYing out of a 300mg/ml bottle, so my dose is only .17ml to get 50mg of test weekly. However, I noticed today as I was injecting that there seems to be about .03ml left over in the dead space of my syringe after injecting.

Is this coming out of my dose, or am I still getting .17ml and the extra stuff is just waste?
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adhd is so frustrating. i get really excited about a new hobby and invest in it only to get bored a month later
I creeper on a youngshit I knew on grindr and now I'm terrified he's going to spread my shit around and tell people how much of a pervert creep I am
I understand the feeling. What is your current interest or hobby?
the measurement accounts for the dead space. don't worry about it
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I learn recently bleaching the asshole is something people do. My asshole is purple. This is normal?
Depends on lighting, my butthole looks like 8 different colors depending on lighting
People bleach their butthole to make it lighter basically.
I know a few others who were (myself included), but several who weren’t (very taboo in my region, I can’t imagine anyone younger than me going through it without CPS getting involved). So just a coincidence.
Is it worth it? Husband doesn't want me to.
DND, drawing, making bracelets. do you like swords and knives?
Not really but I always carry knife. Can I see bracelets you make?
i'm in bed rn so i'll try to remember to show you them tomorrow. i'm admiring my dagger atm, it's very cool. i like guns but don't have the money for that sort of thing, knives are much easier to get your hands on
not experienced in any form of butt stuff but i would personally say dont do it
currently watching slapping tournaments at the moment
>Depends on lighting, my butthole looks like 8 different colors
All the colors of the g-anus rainbow
I look forward to

Why not?
just seems like a bad idea to put any type of chemicals on your ass that arent prescribed by a doctor, or are for similar reasons
HOWEVER if you want to dont let me stop you, in fact if you do then report back for learning purposes
With or without pics?
your choice, im not trying to creep
>prescribed by a doctor
So cucked. Fags have been doing it for centuries upon centuries. Ass sex predates doctors
I'm also not trying to be creepy.
yeah but this is ANAL BLEACHING not anal sex
if you can show me that the bleaching has been around as long as the sex has been then ill resign to my fate as a cuck
I love being a straight pooner, I love being gynephilic and attracted to women, I love being extremely malebrained

If you aren't like me, you're faketrans

AGP pooners are BASED

Posted by an ugly anus haver
its an anus, shit comes out of it, why does it matter?
imagine having an argument over the internet about anal bleaching lmao
Not my problem you have an ugly poopy butt
Show yours
yeah show yours then whiteass since yours must be so pale and perfect
Don't threaten me with a good catbox.moe/xi7gfl.mp4
This image is of a 16yr girl
No I'm just miserable
If only
nice broken link, retard, try again i was waiting
>broken link
LOL can't even open catbox
fym, cant open it? some new gay secret other than copy paste?
Is catbox better than unsee?
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>cat learned to open the bathroom door while i'm pissing
picrel was before he got it open
Your house looks dingy as fuck.
it is but it was like that when we moved in
Despite not being male-attracted, you still have the personality of a faggot. People secure in their own masculinity don't feel the need to post how manly they are online.
>t. also a straight faggot poon
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I'm fucking retarded and didn't see that this was a reply. Do not let my retardation reflect on Hoshino, she is cute regardless of me.
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The bump is appreciated. What's up?
I don't understand how you can claim to be a well-adjusted socially active cisgay with a loving husband while also posting on this board literally 24/7.
three types of danganronpa fans
>i hate teruteru
>teruteru is hilarious
>i want teruteru to fuck twogami
i'm firmly in the "teruteru funny" category but i haven't played sdr2 since 2018
>literally 24/7
You watch me 24/7?
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meant for >>37267787 sorry
No, but I use this board actively and see you posting in the early morning, noon, and late at night, with seemingly very few breaks during the day. You've made basically every FTMG for the past few days and you post in here obsessively, responding to replies usually within seconds or minutes. It doesn't line up with someone who has normal hobbies and a partner.
Am I supposed to believe you're in bed with your bf right now, on your phone refreshing this thread (and others) repeatedly while he sleeps?
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Believe everything you want, anon.
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While I find certain things about Timur a bit suspicious (I do not care enough to question/challenge them), in his defence, I also post here obsessively, made several ftmgs in a row earlier this year, have a full time job, normal hobbies, an active social-life and a long-term partner who is laying in bed sleeping next to me right now while I refresh the board. The grind of the mobilefag never ends.

It’s worth noting that I have adhd, which he admitted to having as well. I switched to this instead of refreshing endless scroll social media, seemed slightly healthier.
FtM girls make the best mothers!
I failed to realize that I no longer just pass a weird dyke, and got caught off guard when some people IRL used he/him pronouns for me. I was planning on full-time girlmoding after my hair grew back out, but I do not know what to do now since it seems like it would be a waste.
my arm hurts so fucking bad if i don't get approved for surgery i'll kill myself i s2g. drawing and writing and doing anything hurts so fucking bad
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AFABs, what would you do if you would get rape, made pregnant and forced to give a birth?
Back when AI was first getting big, I played out this exact scenario with multuple AI girls. It's honestly kino, especially if you brainwash them to love it. Was fun doing it to the human-hating AIs, forcing elf bots to carry my inferior human genes and love the offspring felt incredibly good.
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I’m on vacation in bongland and the bus driver called me “buddy”, what does that mean? If someone said that back home they’re either looking for a fight or talking to a kid
I buy things and never start and have thrown away countless things I've started and never finished. I'm currently halfway through rearranging the furniture, I did most of it over a week ago and now... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just lock the door. One of my birds will try to squeeze herself under, she's managed it a couple times.
they thought they were talking to a kid
it’s joever
i do lock it, but the doorframe is cracked so he can still open it
None of this would have happened if you simply let your cat watch you piss
Exactly. I leave my door open when I piss, the cat can choose to come in or not. Neither of us give a fuck.
if i do he pisses in the shower, otherwise i would
Oh got'cha. One of the doors here the lock can be jiggled out of place, same bird discovered it and opens the door from the top corner. It takes her a long time, but she's stubborn. Wouldn't think a tiny bird could do that but she manages. My mother had a cat that would turn doorknobs with his paws to open doors.
Why is your cat pissing outside of the litterbox? It shouldn't be.

Depending on the animal they don't just want to watch they want to sit on your lap while you pee.
aww, ive had a cat that could open round doorknobs before at an old place, these ones are levers
his boxes are clean and we take the best care we can of him, but i guess it clicked to him that we pee on the toilet and the shower is right by it
These were round ones too, you'd think the levers would be easier.

Is he neutered? That can do it too, though my ex's mother had a dog that liked pissing down the drain to watch it. She had one of her bathrooms set up so it was completely tiled with a showerhead, sink, and toilet and a drain on the floor. Dog would run in there and piss and watch it go down the drain.
before AI got big, I used AI dungeon, and it sucked at everything
yep, he's neutered. he's also an old man (11 years old) which could also contribute
Sorry to hear
Wow true cultural exchange. The midwest is so funny. That's what it reminded me of too, my friend from Kentucky, but I didn't know it was a common saying. Also sorry to hear
I think its probably obvious something is different from a young age so there's a greater feeling of frustration from emotionally immature parents who either see something they themselves repressed or a difference from themseves to be attacked.
Yeah its a really nice voice btw
Who else work full time+hobbies+8hr avg sceentime rn
It could be any number of things desu he could have just decided he doesn't really like where the box is placed or the texture of the litter compared to the shower. Cats are funny.
Aww yeah old man
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yeah, and he at least does it down the drain
I always forget cats are considered old at 11 because I've known so many that have lived to around 20 give or take a couple years in both directions. >>37267880
Honestly I have ADHD too and I'll regularly do stuff like be outside on a walk or in a store and talk online, work too (plenty of jobs you can have a few minutes to yourself here and there if not more.) People seem to forget phones can come with you anywhere and it doesnt take long to read/write something then go on with your life. I don't use my laptop to post, phone only and who doesnt bring their phone around?

What happened to your arm? When I fucked up my left hand and couldnt play guitar (I'm left handed but learned to play with my right because my mother told me as a kid no one would be able to teach me properly and it seemed to check out since no one taught me how to properly hold a pen and slant paper to avoid smudging as a kid 'til 3rd grade) for a bit I took it as a sign to learn left handed guitar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I get that shit can be difficult, but sometimes it helps to see shit like this as a challenge to push you to do shit you wouldnt have otherwise.
shut up
It's the normal to gayden transition. Very common for ftms, nothing to worry about
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I wish I were him
I wish I had the r1a Y-haplogroup. I wish I looked like Kazik (>>37270223). I wish I didn't have to study Polish in adulthood with textbooks and Anki. I wish I were living at the height of power of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Even if that could never be, I wish at least I were born with an EU citizenship so I could more easily move to Poland.
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id lose my soul
Good morning FTMG
New non binary college girl coworker. I don't think she even is a "they"fab, just a regular woman. Might go for it
having no boobs is perfect. wish i had done it sooner.. touching my muscles, feeling them and jerk off while touching my nipples is like a paradise i every dreamed about
Good morning anon <3
How are ya?
>I wish I didn't have to study Polish in adulthood with textbooks and Anki
why are so many pooners slavaboos
Slavs, but particularly Poles, are the only masculine men left in the West; countries where masculinity isn't demonized, but the people aren't braindead violent apes (Poland is one of the safest countries in the world).
>the people aren't braindead violent apes

Unless they find out you're homo.
For real
These pooners tend to forget that Poland has laws revolving around upsetting religious people, which can be as small as two men holding hands or even laying eyes on a tranny, then boom. You’re in jail getting ass raped.
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>are the only masculine men left in the West
Russians aren't Slavs. They're Mongols.
that sounds hot...
you are probably a mutt and shouldn't be talking about ethnicities and race
Don't know if what you say is true but many American women love our accent.
i haven't see you write anything in russian so i kinda assume you are a slavaboo too
AFAB bottoms are "women", actually

Based beyond belief
I've been more accepted as a pooner since moving to Poland than I ever was in Canada.
I'm right. See >>37270382. Poles are Slavs a.k.a. Wends. Russians are Finno-Mongols.
Whatever helps you feel more manly ig lil dood
I call bullshit
Post passport and black out any personal info
You're not watching me close enough.
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I didn't know AFABs could become self-aware, this is honestly impressive
>point at some random graphs
very typical for a mutt
I only have a Canadian passport. I don't have a Polish passport yet. I'm not a citizen yet. I'm not sure what this would prove.
Ironic how you're the one who ends up using the genetic fallacy here.
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Obviously, we'd make ideal masc mothers to our warrior child
it's just funny when someone uses graphs without considering what kinda of data was used to create it or if someone just made that up
The source is on the image.
>look for new house
>straight swinger's couple 25+years older offers to share home if we all fuck

Conversation too much to greentext.
I don't get the problem
I don't like this shithole, but what? I wish it could be like this, but these things are legal. I live in eastern poland, and we have pedo lgbt marches even here. you're high, my vagina bro

Even when I was is hs there was one ftm and I had one twink(?) even in my own class.
99% of 25+ men are masculine, but afab hypergamic brains don't notice non-chads
I always heard that LGBT rights were in the shitter in poland
Are you this ugly afab from canada?
You're braindead. Polish men are turbocucks and vermin people. Retirment age for AFABs here is 60, for men 65.
I don't know how poland compares to russia with this stuff but remember it's TH you're replying to
Pedofags cannot officially marry and adopt children. That's it. Ans it's good. 90% of non hegero couple abuses/rapes children. Plus it's degenerate.
so? as citizen of this hellhole I know more about pooland than some random jewish girl
A few things:

>we are gay (they know too)
>we don't want to live with others
>they have kids
>woman looks like the Cooney girl on YouTube
>they were almost begging

You get off on what you call "mentally ill girls" and want to rape them and make them cry, the fuck
Drag his ass timur.
99% of gm are minor-sexuals. That's how they procreate. It's a circle of abuse.
ok do these pants clock me, are they too tight? am i wearing them too low? i accidentally dried them and they look weird now (theyre the athletic fit from american eagle)
Poles can legally change gender and the retirement age changes with legal change. Furthermore, immigrants in Poland who have already changed their gender in their previous countries are necessarily recognized as their updated gender in Poland, and the appropriate retirement age applies.

Many countries have outdated retirement age laws. One of many overlooked outdated policies. In Argentina, your retirement age doesn't change with your legal gender change. At least Poles' retirement age aligns with updated gender markers.
show your face. only then we can tell if you're a breedable afab boi, or a mutilated woman
Go back to your Jordan Peterson fan club fuck nigga, all your talking points are nothing burgers that have been disproven.
It's not like this system won't collapse in the next 20 years, so idc. But still, troons should be legally treated as males. For the safety of real women.
>For the safety of real women.
I don't care about women's feelings.
Where are the electra complex anons?
I hardly know who he is. I once saw video with him from jewly wire, and I closed the tab
I too desu, but I hate troons more than regular afabs
Pooners should be legally treated as males.
I agree. It would be fun to watch them being raped in the military
i have a light bruise on my injection site that's lasted a week should i be concerned
no swelling pain etc no other signs of infection
it hasn't gotten larger or darker it's stayed a very faded green & about the size of a nickel this whole time
i bruise easily and often get random light bruises so idk if it's concerning + i bled a bit after that shot so i think i hit a capillary
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are my shoulders clocky for a pooner?
you are so boring
A study in Finland has shown that FTMs outperformed cis men in mandatory military training (Cooper's test).
no they're very broad
>people who weigh less can do more push-ups and run for longer periods of time! pooner strong!
fuck off
they look a little tight and like they need ironing. they're not clocky, just maybe a poor fit
do you think those are the only things that military fitness tests entail? lol
That makes me wonder
The White Death, perhaps the most well-known Finnish soldier, was a really short man
Does being short give you an advantage?
So they run faster, huh? I guess it will come handy when they will be trying to run away from gang rape in barracks.

this is exactly what it entails. Even a middle schooler could kill an adult transgender AFAB.
What's in the cage? Show pet.

I hate everything you're wearing (the color, the tucked shirt into tight pants, the cuffed bottoms, the fact that it's all beige/brown) so I can't help there, but reminds me of shit a weird manager at my first job used to wear and he was a guy so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We'd all joke about him keeping little boys in his basement to kill and eat though. As long as your face passes no one's gonna notice you.
These tests have nothing to do with real life. I saw 6'+ ripped-off men being outperformed by scrawny manlets. Plus, they is a different set of goals for AFABs and AMABs.
I wouldn't be, bruises can take a long time to heal, and sometimes they'll look worse after the first day. I looked like some shit out of Requiem for a Dream once after getting blood drawn, lasted way longer than a week and I was alright + I always have bruises from walking into shit and whatnot. You'll be ok I promise.
i'm gonna try stretching them out via the bath method
i ended up changing the shirt to an off white tee and uncuffing the pants, it looks all right now. i'm headed to the mall to get new pants as we speak
you've posted this before i'm pretty sure
they run faster despite having shorter legs, smaller hearts and lungs? pretty impressive
That video makes me feral, wish I had the opportunity to boyremove her. She would make an amazing mother.
But what's in the cage anon? That was the most important part of my post, glad changing those things looks better though.
I've been so horny recently I keep rubbing my boy clit thinking about fat asses.
you should get pregnant. pregnant bois are hot
What do I do
1. You are a woman
2. You don't have a dick
3. Get pregnant
I want to kiss a girl and have her explore my genitals.
Same, my girlfriend has a huge ass but no libido. It kills me being around her sometimes but I love her company so I just jerk off.
Even if I don't have a dick, I can still enjoy the sensation of a horny pathetic troon moaning and wrapping her legs around me as I plap her butthole. Cope and seethe, faggot.
Big fan of broads, it's why guys must go after my sister

I dunno, be a masculine woman? That's what people used to do before the great DOODening
>Be a masculine woman
And make everyone happy except yourself what a great idea
I tried and the mental illness won. Now I pass and I feel nothing but shame for being a failed male. The suffering never ends.
I want to kill myself so fucking bad. Waiting for my job application to be accepted and do an interview that I'm scared about because I'm a massive pussy with estrogen poisoning. Each day I want to blow myself up because I hate every cell of my body, can't look at any of it without becoming suicidal and emotionally unstable
I want to die
I want to die
I think I might have brainworms gender OCD I feel like I'm going insane
Anyone else? I think this might be a sign to finally commit suicide
Is it American thing to say you want to kill yourself, so casual?
Just a 4channer thing
This website is highly concentrated with mentally ill people (myself included)
>failing as afab
you're pathetic. get pregnant.
majority of people get anxious about interviews. gl anon
Mentally ill girls are the best
>the color, the tucked shirt into tight pants, the cuffed bottoms, the fact that it's all beige/brown
These have all been zoomer trends for a while, get in with the times old man
>cooney girl
Eugena cooney?
Imagine thinking just because something is a trend it looks good. I've never dressed according to trends and I can't imagine why anyone else would feel a need to + beige is a disgusting color and looks flattering on basically no one. The tuck makes them look like they have a beer gut and makes the fact that the pants are ill fitting even more obvious.
morning fags i failed at staying up all night to fix sleep schedule and now ive woken up later than when i hadnt, but i got to like 6am as opposed to 2am so we ball (coping)
That never actually helps anyone fix their shit. Get melatonin and magnesium and take them together or knock yourself out at an appropriate time with benadryl.
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>waiting for me to throw the yellow spring that's behind him
> go out for breakfast with family
> see hardcore butch lesbian sitting in the table next to us
> we make eye contact
> mutual head nod
I can’t tell if I found a fellow pooner or a really chill lesbian. They were there with what I assumed is their gf. Kind of a nice moment of silent queer acknowledgement.
it helped me a few times, but i should stop being retarded and find the melatonin, thanks for the push
ethereal specimen, whos this one?
Does it have all white cat problems? So many of you have cats.
It takes longer to help than just taking something one night and resetting because there's no reliably staying up long enough. I've had insomnia since I was a kid, trust me it's easier to do that or meditate in place of sleep if you really cant sleep when you need to.
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Good night cute afabs. I have a night shift today :-/
there was a lesbian at my group interview recently but im too retarded for eye contact so no silent queer acknowledgement for her
ive never heard of meditation in place of sleep (or magnesium and melatonin), then again i never really try to look for methods to fix my fucked up sleep schedule, just follow familial advice of "lol just stay awake or take melatonin"
Hi Kod. He is Floki.

White cat problems?
i really like chinos but the pockets always flair out and give me bigger looking hips, i want these ones from uniqlo so bad but they don't fit me well ):
Magnesium makes melatonin work better, also you actually want 5mg or under of melatonin rather than a higher dosage because that actually won't help shit. Meditating when I can't sleep helps me be more functional and feel less like a zombie. Other weird shit that helps with sleep: Put your pillow on the opposite side of the bed and try to sleep facing a new direction. Sleep in a different room or spot for a night. Change can make it easier somehow, but that doesn't continue to work every night after a bit.
A lot of blue eyed white cats are deaf,
that matches up with what i looked up to check, ill screenshot and try later tonight, thank you for your advice
ive actually been sleeping on a mattress on the floor recently because its more comfortable to me, and occasionally switching sides helped, surprised theres a correlation
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Visualize. Focus. Execute.
He looks so smart though
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He is smart. Usually he drops toy for me to throw, by my foot, then meows at me or does this (sometimes the meow is not heard).
is this bag girly. i need a messenger bag but men's ones arent made for manlets
It's bigger than half your body and makes you look even more puny
Real men don’t carry bags.
I use backpack. More comfy to.
any smaller would look like a literal purse. what would you recommend?
yes very creative billy
i have a backpack but there's many places that don't allow them so i need an alternative
you could try tailoring it, maybe specifically the straps, the design itself isnt girly, just large
>be pooner
>"this she woman girl does not get my dick hard. ugly afab."
The FTMs in the study did the same training exercises and were judged by the same standards as the cis men.
You're welcome I found it out just because I happened to mix them, and had taken each on their own before. Hopefully it helps.
adjust the strap so its more snug to your body and wear it on your back
Not real feminine but have you considered getting a bag from a military supply shop?
Get a fanny pack
Don't you look like a larger
Someone please make new thread when ready. I don't follow after bump limit
being smaller/weighing less is an advantage for some things and a disadvantage for other things
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'jak spotted during urbex
fitting in small holes like a rat?
new thread

easier lifting your own bodyweight
shorter limbs = mechanically easier to lift things
bruh it was deleted
what did you do to get your thread nuked in .3 seconds anon
lmao new thread got deleted instantly, finishing my totally cooler and better new thread
That's a big advantage.
hopefully it lasts longer
god dammit i cant win
That is the apex of malebrain

Slave for society

Abandon your happiness

Do your fucking job

Simp for foids
>fellow pooner
You mean, GNC girl.
Which is sort of an oxymoron but NBs want there to be some kind of "not-girl" uniform. Sadly, there isn't. Women can wear anything. Style any way they want.

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