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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Female to Male General, non-FTMs are typically welcome, most of us don't care.

QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?
QOTT2: Do you have a current project you're working on?
Bonus points: Post pictures of any projects, finished or work in progress.

For those looking for a source or guide:
>The FTM's Complete Illustrated Guide To Looking Like a (Hot) Dude

(sorry if this topic is lame/overused this is baby's first thread)
forgot to mention, if anyone uses this one
previous thread:
>QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?
masturbating or trying not to jerk off
>QOTT2: Do you have a current project you're working on?
does applying for jobs count
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Hi kodkod.

I learned from this board I'm not believable as Russian because I make chocolate.
to keep the thread rolling
most of my hobbies and interests are art related, but like any good pooner i have dabbled in home improvement before, i am also learning to work with computers and am planning to go into college to pursue a computer science degree or similar
as of right now, no, but my latest project was making a home page for my browser, its not entirely unfinished but its very basic and i need to add onto it
hi again timur, thats retarded make all the damn chocolate you want they look good
it can, that was my project for a while before i got too depressed to continue
now im trying to get into college because as nice as it is i cant be a neet forever
>home improvement
the show?
For me it's just been suffering and feeling like a waste of space
Since my thread will probably be superceded by this one, I will post a screenshot of the questions from it because I am curious.
Used to draw a lot but have stopped in recent years due to a lack of time and interest.
Currently working on a temple in MC, I designed the patron goddess and am planning to put murals of her along the walls.
i forgot that was a show, but i guess essentially yeah
thats honestly what pushed my decision to pursue college, i say its nice to be a neet purely because i find comfort in it, but its still a depressing lifestyle
i hate being aap
mainly drawing, playing games, and 3d modeling!

working on my virtual environments project rn. im making a cyberpunk alleyway which has been pretty fun!
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I will. I have nothing to prove to anyone.

Do you guys know laws in USA to sell these? Chocolates. Do they require label to say calories, ingredients?
Is not jerking off with a vibrator the secret to making your roidclit act like a dick
>QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?
my main hobby is the usual one for pooners, art. i also have an interest for music, cars and computers. i am hoping to enroll in a computer science based college or similar in the near future.
>QOTT2: Do you have a current project you're working on?
nothing in particular, no.
for your questions because i feel like being social and violently bumping the thread;
i typically enjoy sweeter stuff, i have an affinity for any chocolates and certain fruit-flavored snacks
recently ive been really into popcorners
i prefer to use cup ramen and follow the provided instructions, partially because they typically come with dried vegetables and occasionally meats if you get the more expensive kinds
thats really cool actually, is it just for fun or something bigger?
>another compsci major
is this also a common thing for pooners or just a coincidence?
i think theyre specific to which state youre in, unless you wanna partially doxx yourself i recommend just looking up any laws and regulations, you will probably have to get labels of calories and ingredients for those with allergies
>just for fun or something bigger?
its my homework for my virtual environments class. im a game design major! ill be making higher res models later this week
My dick can't get hard and it hasn't grown for months, it's over
thats fucking awesome, i hope to hear more about this in the future
chocolate, nuts (peanut, cashews, walnuts because I like the texture), anything with peanut butter
>how do you cook your ramen
Follow instructions on the package and cook on the stove or whatever. I don't have ramen often
Eating walnuts rn
i'd say its rather a coincidence. i haven't seen that many compsci major pooners, it is usually trans women who major in it. but always nice to find other ftms who share that interest.
interested in tattooing so ive been drawing a bit more, saving up for machine
outside of sketches not really
>what snacks do you like
kettle corn, chocolate with fruits
>how do you cook your instant ramen
i boil water then wait
Writing, guitar, singing, gardening, cooking/baking, video games, reading (mainly religious/occult stuff but I like fiction and military stuff etc too), watching silent movies, wandering around shit like that. Interests are mainly shit related to those things though I also like shit like medical oddities, circus freaks, taxidermy (never done it myself) etc.

No projects, been rearranging furniture and adding to my birds' playground and setting up a planted tank that finally has fish in it as of yesterday. Have to get into my garden and fix the mess the mint made while I was away too. So will be a while before I do anything really. Have shit I want to do, like get back to writing and whatnot, but we'll see how that goes I guess.

Most sweet shit as long as it's nothing I'll react to.

I don't eat instant ramen, don't care for it + I can't physically eat it either.
My ex was a tattoo artist for a bit, apprenticed and worked in a shop. Starting with oranges and pigskin is standard, also drawing in pencil is better than pen apparently for learning (can't remember why.)
Good thread
Also I feel like T is making my upper body look mad sexy
https://unsee cc/album#HxzbazGIm99l
>Starting with oranges and pigskin is standard
yes plus fakeskin, will practice a lot before i do myself/someone
>drawing in pencil is better than pen apparently for learning
havent heard that before, but i have tablet so thats what ill use
looking good
Just got back from a sesh ama
anyone else in a typical corporate career? feels stupid using those words. I'm a sr. director and have a team of 12 analysts I oversee and I'm fucking exhausted at all points and do nothing but work all the time.
Thanks :P
The fact I can’t do my shot this week is making me anxious. I don’t want to lose all my progress
My English is too bad, and crayons taste good, think I'll become a marine.
do you have next weeks shot lined up at least?
Nope. I have no more T and my doctor refuses to get back to me on my prior authorization. I would DIY, but I don’t have the money to drop on roids that may not even show up.
what sesh
thats real shitty sorry to hear, able to switch docs?
Trying to currently, there’s a hospital near me that has an LGBT health clinic, they even do surgery. Dunno how far out they’re booked though.
Smoke sesh.
My ex was told to avoid the fake skin, that it wasn't as good for practice. That was a long time ago might be better quality now.

It's something with shading, the pencil.
If you stopped smoking like a chimney and spread your pussy for chaserchads you wouldn’t be short on money you dumb whore. Sounds like a skill issue.
How old are you? Do you live where weed is illegal or something?
should be able to squeeze yourself in soon since skinny, wish you luck
theres different kinds based on thickness, so if using thinner ones you can poke thru easy
>It's something with shading
ah can see why now, thanks
I haven’t smoked in a week + and haven’t bought weed in god knows how long
I’m just broke
When my insurance fails to authorize, they let me pay out of pocket for it. Just use goodrx for discount
What about work?
No I can’t even get the medication without it since it’s controlled
Like, the pharmacy won’t give me it unless this stuff is filed. I tried.
if you already have injection supplies a year's supply of t should be just 90-100 with shipping
obvi not easy for everyone to drop that much but i mean you really can't scrounge up 100 bucks within a couple weeks?
I can neither confirm nor deny I had sexual relations with that man
No problem, hope learning goes well.
we already know you're underage bruh just stop being annoying about it
If you had a close friend you promised to help out when they lost their job and they were now 3 months no new job and you've been giving them money, (over 1k) and then you find out in all that time they've only applied to 5 jobs and have mostly been playing video games, would you cut them out of your life or am I overreacting?
whether you cut them out completely or not you definitely need to cut them off financially
and warn people they might leech off of next if possible
they need to hit rock bottom before they learn
Underage for what?
Must be the doc authorization. If my doc has prescribed it the pharmacy let's me pay for it, even if insurance has been too slow to authorize. I also do T gel tho
for this website for sure
You’re schizophrenic as fuck, first everyone thinks I’m trans then they think I’m Mexican then they think I’m black, now people think I’m underage? Do you retards hear yourselves talk?
Yeah, corporate ITfag for me. You stealth at work?
They're typing, not talking.
Too mentally ill (parents literally won’t let me rn until I get my BPDemon shit under control)
I got my EDS fatigue under control so that’s not stopping me at this point, but ugh
I don’t have $100
Well, what the fuck are ya then??
This is for t gel as well, the only reason I gotta jump through these hoops is because my doc wanted to switch me since I get huge welts every time I inject (yes I’ve tried different kinds of T, enanthate does the same thing)
I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.
so you have 0 income whatsoever? you're entirely reliant on your parents?
rich new lore for this theyfab ~

Spoderma'am is clearly a schizo black Mexican underage, probably, though
I’ve told everyone what I am multiple times!
Yes. That is correct.
I live off the good graces of my parents and my boyfriend. It’s not the best. I’m thankful for them, but I wish I had my own money.
I started up my socials again in the last couple days, but it takes a bit for the cash to start coming in from all of that and I don’t have my PC to stream on.
>parents won’t let you work because of bpd
…What? What do they think is going to happen?
>I would DIY, but I don’t have the money to drop on roids that may not even show up.
Wait why not? I might DIY, is this a common problem or..?
say it for the ones in the back then
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>have theyfab friend
>constantly talks about how it isn't safe for her to come out
>her parents are extremely progressive and supportive, they just doesn't really understand nonbinary shit but have zero issues with trans people in general
>all of her friends are LGBT
>doesn't have a job so workplace isn't a concern
>the kicker is that she doesn't even want to transition in any way whatsoever and hates the idea of taking any kind of HRT, just wants to use 'they' pronouns
>looks like a completely normal and average cis woman and happy with that
>nobody would give a shit or even notice, literally nothing would change whatsoever
>meanwhile myself and another friend of hers who is trans have both been reciepents of assault and harassment multiple times because we actually are trannies
this is why i can't fucking stand theyfabs, normally i wouldn't give a shit but the fact that she acts like she's in any sort of danger is laughable.
I should've seen it coming desu cause they struggle to even keep their own room clean but finding out they haven't even been applying to places really set me off. You're right, I gotta cut them off financially. I'm extremely upset but idk if wanting to no longer have a close relationship with them is too far
Damn that sucks
Bruh wtf we truly living similiar lives
>also lives off bf (and own savings), and streams
I get fired from jobs because I do stupid shit and get emotional outbursts. Had 4 different jobs in the span of a year cause of it.
I don’t like talking about this rlly.
Any time you order shit like that there’s a chance it can be seized.
If anything, she can bring down a big fat transphobe hammer if people refuse her LARP, depending on institution.

But we all just use "she" in communications behind THEIR back, anyway, in aforementioned institutions.
>job stuff
Gotcha, genuinely sorry for pressing. My mother tried to keep me financially dependent on her through manipulation and sabotage (like the idiotic shit abusive partners do) so I projected a bit and got worried you were in one of those situations.
It’s okay, thanks for looking out for me anon. I’m sorry you went through that with your parents :(
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Perfect snack size.
i'm out and my team is pretty great about it. Clients are too when they clock me. The only time it's bad is when I have to work with sales vendors / sales people, they are dicks. Otherwise it never comes up at work.
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drawing of course, climbing, coding, woodworking and electronics tentatively
always chipping at world building and plot for a comic. I'm also hacking an english translation into an old Japanese psx game, very close to getting to the easy part, translating japanese, but i have to find the reference point for some pointers as it's fucking up the text formatting...
I wouldnt give money to someone unless I was ok with parting with it, and if I felt like they were just using me for it I would stop giving and have a talk before making any further decisions. I would want to know what their mental state was like and what was going on before anything.
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I'm so fucking hungry. Are you guys eating anything right now? Horny too.
you got that poon open for spermies??
No, too late for food will just fuck my stomach and make it hard to sleep if I ate now.
Depends, are you offering?
being regular on my t helped with my bpd retardation a lot, i'm also currently off of t for reasons outside my control

you mentioned you were getting poondosed for a while, maybe once this is sorted out and you're on your higher dose of t again for some time you can start working ?
if you want to give them one last chance then you need to give an ultimatum of either actually getting at least an interview within the next 2 weeks or finding other living arrangements / funding within the month
if they cant clean up their act then they cant be ur problem anymore
but if they keep manipulating u and not dedicating themselves then u need to cut them off for sure
ik its hard to just make a friend homeless or desperate or whatever but u've obviously had way more patience for them than anyone else would & they need to learn they cant exploit other people forever. it'd be one thing if this were a teenager but you're not their parent and you're under no obligation to care for or coddle them.
your hormones won't be seized by customs if you order domestically and it's only slightly more expensive to do so. not a very pressing concern unless you're broke or a third worldie who has to order internationally
I didn't realize you needed the spermies
I could offer

who'd have thought I found tomboy love on /ftmg/
Tell me about yourself, stud.
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kek, lmao even
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theres a new guy in work and hes so fucking cute bros.. i need him so bad spent all day thinking about this faggot mating pressing me. should i go for it boys
>Any time you order shit like that there’s a chance it can be seized
You're retarded, don't talk about steroid sources when you have 0 experience with them. The main sources would exist if they weren't as reliable as they are
vidya and vocaloid
rimworld xenotype mod that's been ready to drop since may or so but i don't want to draw for
Are you dumb
>don't talk about steroid sources when you have 0 experience with them.
I’m asking again
Are you dumb
no are YOU dumb
the only risk is if you import it into the country, and a good amount of people on this board (eg US/UK/CA/AU residents) wouldn't have to because they can just buy domestically
something can only get seized by customs if it goes through customs in the first place. domestic mail does not.
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God, why are all my posting threads being so fucking boring right now.
Does anyone know who it is that keeps making threads like
>being female isn't optimal
>breasts aren't aero
Wondering if they're a trip or just anon
wow thanks for the chatgpt summary retard now do any actual research and you'll see it's virtually impossible to get a package of steroids seized outside of customs. cis men order roids daily with no issues.
you've literally never ordered DIY and you're arguing with a group of people who do it regularly with no issues
Have fun getting laughed at for being an ugly tranny poondyke
>this faggot
Is he gay? Kek
Until I can see some hard stats, I’m going by what I know is fact.
domestic packages TEND to not be seized. importing drugs from another country is almost always a mistake because of customs. you sound like all the anti diy people on twitter who are like "omg it's so racist to put black and brown afab bodies in danger when they are harmed so much by the police" as if a vial of test is going to lead to george floyd 2.0 fucking kill me mate
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What are your guys' favorite animal?
I like cats
I’m not even anti diy, I’m anti giving people misinformation about the potential legality of what they’re getting into.
what you know is fact? you've done 0 research and are going off of an ai-generated google header without actually clicking on a single link. what are you talking about.
To be fair you haven’t given me anything proving otherwise except personal testimony
what are you even talking about the potential legality
name 1 single person who has been charged for buying domestic steroids in the USA
not importing, not exporting, not trafficking, not intent to distribute, not doping for sporting events, but just possession. literally show me one case. it's about as illegal as jaywalking is. people on this site do it and talk about it freely on a regular basis daily. there are roid selling sites that have been up for years untouched.
how can i prove a negative? all that i can point to is that the amount of people who have been actually arrested for possession of anabolic steroids without any other charges (trafficking, intent to distribute, etc) can be counted on one hand. there are massive internet communities dedicated to buying and selling roids both domestically and internationally that have existed *on the clearnet* for years without any intervention from feds. can you imagine if people were doing this with cocaine or cp? it'd get shut down immediately. the fact is glowies really do not give a fuck about people getting black market hormones. whether it's DIY or roiders.
it literally says in the article that he was charged with intent to distribute genius. he bought over 5k worth of roids. there's a difference between that and a single vial for one person.
Are your fingers cramping yet
have you gotten your period again yet? or do you think that'll take another few weeks of no t
I have a prog implant, won’t get one anyway
doesn't that feminize?
Nope, it’s why I can’t keep it and still take T
g is on a poondose too low to suppress her endocrine system so she was going to feminize regardless
Why I can keep it*
What does it do? Birth control, but does it do anything else? Trans girls talk about prog horniness. Is that why you're an e-whore?
Birds are pretty cool, I like dogs as pets and I think bats are pretty cool too.
I lowkey think prog horniness is a meme. I was borderline asexual for 5-6 months after getting it put in.
how do i clean my tdick cheese
> pull back foreskin
> soap up your hand
> clean dick head with fingers
There ya go
Foreskin is gay, a grinch stole my inch :(
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I feel bad for guys with cut dick. Some of the worst bullshit it exists.
would anyone be interested in cis dad x pooner son erotica? there's a couple of those on literotica but they're very limited IMO. I've always wanted to read one that's more slowburn, exploring the depths of the mc's electra complex, and perhaps the inner tugowar between the dad's desire and guilt. it would def be 90% seduction wearing out the fears and hesitant moves forward being made by both parties
No, I would want Zelenskyy X me erotica.
ew, fuck off fembrained incestgayyden
no incest is for inbreds and retards
no, brother x sister only
>lusting over a chinless wrinkled manlet
At least lust over Denys Prokopenko. He has actual masculine characteristics: leadership, mild blood lust, impenetrability of the stare, a spirit that varies between sun core hot and absolute zero cold, etc. Plus he's actually the hottest military figure in this war.
this is fantasy tho
like ftm brother x cis sister? or like cis brother x ftm repressing sister?
Denys is good with shaved face. Yes I can fantasies about him too.

I will go to bed. Here is message I leave for ftmg:

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>This Russian Jew thinks she's a man like me? I might need to teach her a thing or two about the natural hierarchy of the races...
ftm brother x mtf sister
>be me a few years ago
>before surgery
>sometimes put my sister’s clothes on and take pics of my tits and post here pretending to be a cis woman
What do we call this?
White mom tier fantasy
>uwu powewful psychopath authowity figuwe pwease have a dom-sub enemies to lovews bdsm slow buwn womance with me
Be original
Thank you timur i need to listen to this daily
idk, catfishing?
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is it bad if i want to turn into a muscle god and spread my seed across the land?
As pets? Birds and fish. Non pets don't really have a favorite, I have a very good/old friend who's a deer, and I've had chipmunk friends before so I can appreciate them both.
tie between cats and bats
wow Timur posted his face reveal
That's incredibly normal. However, it iis rarely done because it is discouraged by society through child support.
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How tight are your vaginas, AFAB bros?
>QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?
Homesteading/Outdoors/Full-time Chicken. Like >>37276135 I'm fascinated by ancient religions and the occult for some reason. Probably because I was raised a Christfag.
wrangler. Live in the middle of nowhere, keep to myself mostly since the divorce.
>QOTT2: Do you have a current project you're working on?
Just work, sadly. I'm so fucking busy I can't get anything else started or finished.

based af Timur

>anyone else in a typical corporate career?
Production Support Manager for a giant Tax firm here. I have team segments in PA, FL, Manilla and India that I coordinate and manage. I'm right there with ya on the "work all the time." If I wasn't remote and WAH exclusive, I'd be dead.

>i'm out and my team is pretty great about it. Clients are too when they clock me.
Honestly, that' super awesome, anon. Happy for ya.

I don't know, I've never known anything else. I'm OK with it.
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Horses are a man's best friend
I've been hermit mode mostly after my first relationship ended funny enough (lasted 15 years and we lived together) also stores etc are far from me. I was raised Catholic which definitely affected my interests to a degree, but the interest in the occult came from drug induced autowriting actually coming true a few years later and the things that happened after that. I couldn't look at life the same way after and had to turn to the occult to learn about what happened and process it.
I love feet. I love fat man feet. I love skinny large gangly feet. I love tickling other ftm feet. If he has no hair I will talk tuah. I love furry feet too. Any respectable ftms relate, now when I see a big pair of feet on camera I start getting excited, it has taken 2 months training and looking at foot fetish content.
I am making art of a ftm getting abused by fat men to lick their stinky feet but the ftm secretly likes it and no one can tell because his cock is not there.
>daddy issues
You are NOT beating the fembrained allegations.
I need a man who looks like this.

I also need to look like this myself.
you have a hot voice
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FtMs, what would you do if you would get raped?
Made me HORNY
Being horny.
Yes, post it here
vidya, reading, studying, finding new heights of vanity.
i'm knitting a blanket for the winter.

the guide you linked is amazing, i'm reading through it right now. a ton of great advice in there.
i'm on holiday with friends in the depths of scotland right now. my period has finally stopped for good, which is awesome, and my friends are very impressed with my hormone effects. feels good desu.
also my happy trail seems to get curly when i sweat. my hair on my head is curling a lot more, too.
>you can't have fun, being a man is supposed to be miserable
how do you live in your own company?
How long have you been knitting? I think it's so cool when people can but I have no patience for it so I'll never learn myself and will just stick to admiring the fact that people can.
I can't be the only scat pooner in the world
about 2 years. it's very soothing. for a college project i knitted a sweater, which i think was the most advanced thing i've done so far. my cism friend crochets and i find that to be an incredible work of skill; he's making a hat for me at the moment :]
knitting is really easy but it does require a lot of discipline and patience. it can be really irritating to look at your work and it's only grown by a single row after you've worked on it for what feels like hours.
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My friends, it has often been said that I like cock.
Probably not but you could be the only one here.
i killed all the others. you're next
Post flux unsee update
My mother crochets and yeah it's amazing, I've tried to learn a million times since I was a kid, but ultimately I can't count for shit and I always fuck up then I get frustrated and give up. I tend to need shit to do with my hands to pay attention to stuff so I always consider attempting it again and in my head it's always "I'll learn this time," and then nope. I always end up giving up and not learning. Told myself I'd learn this year, tried, that was in January and it's been that long since I've touched it. I'm like that with everything. I only learned how to play guitar because I was basically bedbound and had a point where I could barely keep my eyes open or I'd get horrible migraine; can only meditate so much so I'd lay in bed with it and play since I could keep my eyes closed while I did it and go by sound. I learned in my 20's and had that guitar since I was 12 picking it up for a few days and then just not bothering with it for months-years on end. When it became a lifeline though to keep myself sane then I was able to do it.
Can you knit me a packer, king o7
Gaydens are 100 times more malebrained than straight ftms. Have you seen how degenerate regular cis gays are? We live up to that. You don't live up to how weird and creepy cis straight men are
I will try to motivate.
Mask stays on.
Thank you.

How is ftmg today?
>You don't live up to how weird and creepy cis straight men are
you'd be suprised, at least in my case
rope immediately
Good morning ftmg, I almost had a minecraft torch burned into my computer screen.
I started being attracted to feet after starting T, or maybe I always was and it turned a latent desire into a burning passion.
Man, I get this, I only have one thing I'm good at and it is because I've been doing it casually since I was a child. I've never been able to learn new things without my motivation fading quickly.
Tight. Gotta stretch, squeezes the dick out when I cum
> QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?

Medical history, horror, vintage fashion , animals I’m full of joy and love

> QOTT2: Do you have a current project you're working on?

Got one of those book nooks because I love miniatures and they’re close to being that but the glue I had to get separately so I’m just waiting for it in the mail

College started again so I’m pretty much inactive here but I’m writing an assignment on diaphonization which is where you dye animal specimens until their flesh is clean and you’re able to see their bones and cartilage clearly. Very cool…
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QOTT1: Drawing, cosplay, fashion, collecting crystals and trinkets, the occult, swimming, fishing, hiking, camping, Minecraft
QOTT2: Yes, I'm currently working on an OC cosplay
Bonus point: Picrel
go back to tumblr
Are there any breedable young AFABs here?
I'm 20, so I'm a little old...
>you must be over the age of 18 to post here
Looks cool o7
Thanks for the support! I've never posted here before, I didn't realize some of the people here were so mean. But us girls have to stick together, right?
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Feel free to seethe harder
>i have sparse leg hair so i must be a man
the inner machinations of the female mind are an enigma
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> my face rn
>QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?
Used to draw when a was a little teen. The stuff I did back then was fun even if a pit cringe. I used to write also. I won a bunch of awards for short stories and I got published on one of the big national journals but the more the ball started to roll on my career the less I wanted to do anything about it. I know have an office job and haven't done anything creative in two years.
I used to write a lot throughout highschool then I stopped doing subjects that included too much of a literary challenge and haven’t done much since
i can't wait for the day you slip up and accidentally admit that you're like 14 and get banned for so long you forget this site exists then never post again
I work in book publishing so I'm just done with the book world. The publishing industry prooves meritocracy is a myth.
Underage is a 1 month ban
I’ve never really thought about the book publishing industry what exactly is the process of publishing a book there’s obviously a criteria the books must meet??
Hard truth: YWNBAW

Jesus christ, anyone else here born in the 90s?
Yeah it's frustrating isnt it? Even if I enjoy them or am excited or want to do them I just can't sustain that shit. I've burned and thrown away nearly all my writing over the years, and I've never finished a thing. I'd write like 60 pages in a couple days then nothing for months and never be able to go back to it. Everything has to be done in bursts and I try to cram as much of myself as I can into those moments because I know once I burn out there's no way of knowing when I'll be able to come back to it again if I ever even can. When I'm in the zone then I can block out everything and get shit "done" but that only ever lasts so long.

What's the thing you're good at?
timur you are my favourite i wish passoidhood upon thee
i was born in 2005 you old man
But are you 18? Not answering if you are or not makes you seem underage. Your art is good, though
Thanks bro, but passing doesn't matter with all the gear I wear.
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I'm also curious about the lore. Someone please explain.
If it makes you feel better I'm older than everyone here almost definitely.
It depends but what genra is trending. Right now it's historical romance and smut.
The current state of the book publishing market is trash. If you want to publish a book it really doesn't matter how well you write. The only thing that matters is how to market and sell a product.
I've seen great books sell nothing and absolute shit books bring home thousands.
It's sad.
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Would you put my paws in your mouth?
My fembrain sex fantasy is basically monster fucking. It is like the movie the fly except they keep having sex while he turns into the fly. Do you think women would be into this
You gotta wrap that shit up in something like vampirism or werewolves for women.
I was under the impression he was a gay furry long term tourist desu
Nothing furry about wanting cat/fox ears and tail for tactical purpose, not for uwu.
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How did he pass so well?
how does ftmg feel about femrepgen?
there was a female incel schizo posting in there earlier
Probably not, chances of cross contamination with allergens too high.
if they can rep without suffering they should. if they cant, id rather they troon out, but i cant guarantee theyll be happier that way. i just hope the best for them as long as they dont hate ftms
This is wrong. Worst case scenario, I lick the tools when I'm making them.
I'm 25.
most of the pre-T ftmg pooners hopped over there i think, this gen has gotten dead and we regularly get more posts by a mystery meat gendered russian larper and a pedophilic pole than actual ftm
That just makes them double contaminated.
at least you still have G
yeah, exactly 1990 lol
With what? My mouth is very clean.
Nope cant, only way I'm swapping spit is if I'm kissing someone and even if I'd kiss them I still wouldnt eat off something they licked. I won't even put my own mouth on a bottle to drink out of it unless I'm going to finish it immediately because it'd be dead to me after the cap went back on.
Never gone there. Don't really care about it one way or the other
There is no mystery.
He is. But def not breedable.

I wish we could have more breedable trans bois here
i dont pay attention to frg but i might look now

nevermind i remember why i dont go to frg its just a fucking yapathon
tactical furry timur shaking my fuckin head
that being said
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Diy punk, bouldering, video games, random morbid shit like natural disasters (I <3 tornadoes, EF scale is kill)
I draw sometimes at work, drew this to celebrate seeing Kikuo again
Everyone knows Russians are allergic to chocolate like cats
More details about the home page
I like pickles and tuna and cheese, and I usually throw an egg, sesame oil, and shoyu in my ramen
What program?
I would love to swap the white chocolate for sweetened peanut butter buckeye style
Lolol I might actually write this I'll report back if I do
>full time chicken
Do you take the suit off to clean it?
They make me sad. I want to go camping with them and (redacted)
unreal engine 5!
get pregnant
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>>37286554 #
>kurwa incel doesn't want this
Oh no

>>37286672 #
The toe beans are very good to lick.
>>37286729 #
My pb chocolates are actually best ever. I'm not lying. I'm not big fan of pb but want to eat entire batch of the pb paws.

Remember for story I am captured and punished for being zigger scum, forced to enjoy being bottom fag, but I'm a fighter not a subby uwu fag
>More details about the home page
its extremely rudimentary, with a welcome message and links to media i use with little to no sorting, i really need to figure out how to implement columns so that i could ACTUALLY make the rest of the page, my blind optimism planned to make a weather section and a date and live clock section but if i cant even sort my links by columns how tf am i gonna implement the cool shit
>complains about yapathon
>posts yapathon
ok now youre makin it extra gay
forgot to reply earlier lol
glad someone actually got some use out of it, i found it in a femboygen google doc and thought i could get some use out of it
congrats on your lack of period lol
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I am extra gay, kodkod.
im aware, we are on the fagboard after all
hi faggot, its the weekend so its shit as per usual
im just doing crafts today. playing with modeling clay and paint. bored as heck. might find an anime to watch or a game to play.
lmao seethe faggot
I'm sick and is pissing me off. You?
not sure actually. i was trying to find a new series but there is such a glut of choices to pick from it makes my head spin. i'd like to find a spooky one similar in vein to shiki.

as for a game i want to continue playing haunting ground on ps2. i never managed to finish it but i'm determined now.
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yes, poontard
christ, foids are incredibly dumb
Have you drawn yet today ftmg?
I remember Haunting Ground, I never finished it either, have that somewhere along with Rule of Rose which I also never finished. My favorite PS2 survival horror game is Fatal Frame 2 and I just doubt either of those is better (actually finished that one), but I would like to get around to finishing them one day. Siren was another one I never got around to finishing either from the same era.
so, if i take t i will have nerves on my cunt and a t dick or is this just a myth? will i be able to feel shit if i fuck a girl?
>nerves on my cunt
You can already feel your clit and have a bunch of sensitive nerve endings there wdym
>if I fuck a girl
however it will probably only be an inch long. It will be difficult to do that, especially since vaginas have connective tissues (idk what it's called) around the clitoral hood which makes it less free, getting metoidioplasty gets rid of that. Some have a tdick slightly larger than that, but don't count on it
i an so dissatisfied with nearly every aspect of my life right now
Not great physically, tired and my rib keeps feeling like it's slipping out of place which hurts like a bitch, move around and feel it slide back which feels sickening but the really bad pain stops after so that's been fun. Plus I keep thinking about the shit I need to get done that I don't feel physically good enough to do and trying not to stress about it because "I'll get around to it eventually" Also tired, past nights weird similarly themed dreams have woken me up in the middle of the night and getting back to sleep was a struggle.

Pretty much all I've done today is lay on the couch with my birds watching my fish swim around and listen to music. Which is nice and all but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't draw

+ Ever played Obscure? It had very American teen horror movie late 90's/early 2000s vibes and was one of the only multiplayer survival horror games of that time. Another one I never finished but it had charm.
past 2 nights*
me too
it will be better soon

> QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?

linogravure, hypno porn, air disasters and Final Destination

> QOTT2: Do you have a current project you're working on?

im an action comic artist with a small fanbase and im being lazy about a chapter right now
i also have 2 unfinished fetish porn drawings for clients
PS2 era survival horror with a girl and her dog as the protagonists. Dog helps you do shit
Tl;dr is: I feel like shit physically so I've spent most of the day on the couch cuddling with my birds watching my fish and listening to music.
My ex's dad died in a very Final Destination-esque freak accident coming home from work. He was riding his motorcycle home from work and a tire came off the car in front of him and knocked him into the next lane. He recovered from that and got up, but was hit by an Access-a-ride van that killed him.
I wish I looked like this guy, with a young but developing MALE skull instead of a female skull that, through voice and dress, can be mistaken for a 13 year old "boy" (ie sexless alien at 20 years old)
Why are most trans men mostly attracted to other men? Straight trans men are probably the rarest type within the LGBT right?
God I wish that were me, still sorry thag happened. that reminds me of Nadia Monroy's death except she got her head crushed by a tire. it's kind of a mix between that death and the pileup
devon sawa is an attainable FMS goal to me I think
Fuck bro.
The video of russian couple driving then wife/gf gets killed by brick from other lane has make me flinch when we are passing same kind of truck.
my fav is fatal frame 3 but honestly all three games are top tier. siren is great but its really difficult and needs a lot from you mentally to get through. i really want to try siren 2 sometime. it was never released in the US.
yeah I played obscure! it was pretty fun to play with my brother the coop is great. id love to try the sequels sometime
i just wish i didn't care so much about other people's perception of me. i was doing pretty good for awhile but i've been in a rough depressive episode and there's no end it it, it feels.
we exist, i just don't know how to get a gf
i think its a "i hate being a woman so now i hate being with women" thing, maybe its an aap thing? idk how aap works entirely
i still bounce back and forth between hating women and cherishing them, maybe its the poonerworms, maybe im just retarded
guys can you please stop asking to be literally raped on grindr you're scary us cissies
What kind of dog?

It'd be fine if I didn't have shit I need to do, I started rearranging furniture and never finished so everything is a fucking wreck. It's my bottom right rib that's being an asshole.

Never heard of her. You want to die like that? I wouldn't be opposed to it if it were quick, but he died later in the hospital so no. After taking care of hospice patients I genuinely feel like getting splattered across a highway or something might be preferable. I loved my ex's dad he was like a second father to me so his death was sad, but there's something about giving people thickened water and swabbing their mouths while they involuntarily chew the insides of their mouths to hell that really puts that kind of shit into perspective. Though that being said one of the most surreal and funniest moments of my life involve a hospice patient who died a few hours after the incident.

Never saw that video. I always think about Final Destination when behind trucks carrying logs and shit though. Though I'm sure everyone who's seen those movies probably does.
every FtM that does that is a time-waster who is only there to roleplay
transfems, CDs, sissies and gay men advertising it actually go to parks to get fucked by strangers
straight trans men don't want to lose access to lesbians so generally soft transition
non-binary butches are a lot more common
I actually liked 3 the least, though like you said all 3 are top tier (still bitter at Nintendo for completely fucking up the releases of all the other ones in the franchise.) My favorite part of 3 was the look of the area you fight the final boss, the water and all the little boats with the candles floating on it.

Siren seemed frustrating yeah, that's part of why I never finished it. Ku-on had a similar j-horror vibe, finished that one, it's good but I'd rank it under Fatal Frame. Didn't know about a sequel, sucks it was never released here.

You're the only person I've ever met in the wild who played Obscure. I played with my ex but I think we stopped playing around the school basement area if I remember right, it's been forever. Never played the sequel, but I'm sure if it's like the original it's fun. There's really not enough co-op survival horror, though I've enjoyed what I've played of Outlast Trials so far.
if I must die, I want it to be some Final Destination shenanigan instead of regular rope or cancer
I get it, but I feel like suicide is the best way to go. You know it's coming, you know how, you choose when. It's a control thing I guess but I find that idea more soothing than other ways.
Just saw /fbg/ got /b/'d, what does /ftmg/ think about this? Personally, I think it's horseshit since they're almost all fags, no straight cism wants to be a femboy.
I don't give a shit
Mostly vidya and watching youtube. I don't draw nearly as often as I used to because my brain is creatively dried up. I've been trying to get myself to start learning guitar again but my adhd is so shit I'm constantly forgetting about shit, and when I don't I can't actually do it.
I wanna get back into personal art projects but like I said I'm all out of ideas. I feel shitty about myself if i'm not being creative though so it sucks
im in the same boat, occasionally get inspo and do a piece in a day or two but its usually months inbetween so i wish you luck
Good luck to you too anon.
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Why antibiotics are only prescription? I need them. This is bullshit.
Type of retard that will ruin antibiotics for all of us
yes actually they tell me that posting on 4chan and namefagging is a good idea as well
>QOTT1: What are your hobbies or interests?
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I'm not a druggie, I need them, I'm infected, faggot.
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just like me B)
love you too faggot give me a good night kiss
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hello /ftmg/ how are we this fine evening i had a horrible day at work i wish i had any relatives to support me at times like this so i could live like a parasite in their house instead of working seven hours on sunday
What happened at work?
/ftmg/-coded thread spotted in the wild
My assumption is because overuse/misuse can fuck things up (killing good bacteria in your gut, becoming resistant to them etc) and people would pop them for viruses and shit they didnt need them for.
sassy and in need of correction
But cold medicine and shit is OK. Hmm. I'll go to Dr tomorrow I guess, fuck.
Holy shit. What are the chances that those posters are cis men who are completely oblivious to the fact that they are pooning it up?
I don't see how that's equivalent. The side effects of cold medicine aren't the same and depending on the kind misuse gets you high and doesn't have the same potential for longterm damage. The kinds of medication that are available otc are generally ones with little to no recreational value (there's exceptions lile Benadryl, Imodium , and cough syrups with dxm) and little to no side effects outside of extreme misuse. If you take cough syrup when you don't need it you're not going to fuck your stomach up and make it so next time you need to use cough syrup it may not be as effective.
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i work in the stockroom of a clothing store, and one of my colleagues was absent today so i had to handle his work in addition to my own. which means i was working for two people on one of the busiest days of the week, (today!!! and i had other physically demanding tasks as usual on sundays, so im both mentally and physically exhausted.
also i,m 100% sure that my colleague was absent today simply because he didn’t want to work with me, there would only be the two of us working tday.
>tldr people suck and i had to cover their work
+ Gypsy has a boyfriend now.
That sucks, you should kill him next time you see him. Do you at least have a day off tomorrow?
you're pregnant and you don't even know it yet
+ Why do you think he didnt want to work with you?
>day off tomorrow?
nope haha
they are acting kinda weird with me for a while, they don't greet me or just ignore me if i dont talk to them first so its just a hunch desu, i dont really care for them so just one less person to talk
That sucks, hopefully you feel ok tomorrow after some rest.

Oh yeah, might be right then. At least it's mutual dislike, no loss there.
I don't know, I don't abuse drugs.
I have. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Though you don't need to abuse drugs to know what improper antibiotic use can do, or to know that a lot of people misuse them all the time (not taking the full prescription, using them when they have the flu because they had leftover prescriptions in the house etc)
+ Unless you were referring to me knowing which otc drugs have recreational value. Pretty sure everyone knows about dxm and benadryl. Imodium I know about because I used to use it when I was on heroin to avoid withdrawal if I was waiting on a dealer or just completely out. The high is a mild opioid high that's not really worth it unless you're desperate and need to kill withdrawal symptoms, but yeah...
Nah no rec value in that one. Not trying to kill the guy just trying to explain why otc shit is otc and rx shit isnt.
I really didn't know antibiotics can be misused. I'm not surprised but didn't know.

I'll make new thread soon.
is this when the wind blows anon? youve got similar typing mannerisms
A lot of people don't, they have no rec value they just can fuck you up. You wouldve used them if you could get them right now and you don't know for sure if you need them.

Nah I snorted it, was years ago. I've been clean from opiates for 7 1/2 years not counting 2 relapses with oxys in the first 2 years. Used to talk here while I was on it.
Yeah that's me. You're not the first person who's mentioned my typing mannerisms though I dont know what they are.
hey, good to see you
the only mannerisms ive ever picked up are your

double enters and your
+ plus signs for replying to yourself
you also just talk about similar stuff so i thought it was you lol
Ah got'cha, good to see you too. How you doing?
i was kinda shitty earlier today but im feeling better tonight, thanks for asking
how about yourself?
New >>37290185
Not the best>>37287526 this was me too.

Thanks, yeah I just stick to weed and psychs now, occasional nicotine, but I can also have that shit around me without NEEDING to take it (used to not be able to with weed, I'd use more of it to get rid of it compulsively when I was sick of being high instead of just stopping.) Had a few Gabapentin binges somewhere in those years too but haven't touched that in a couple years now. My drug issues started pretty young so was a bitch even getting to that point.
it was*
I feel like the only straight trans man who was not a lesbian beforehand

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