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QOTT1: Beach or forest?
GOTT2: Most aesthetic animal? (Post pic)
COTT3: Current favorite song as of reading this?

Prev: >>37275343
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depends, im in a forest right now but i would love to see the beach, of course if i lived at a beach id probably miss the forest
lot less animals at a beach though
this cat that is my favorite file on my pc, next to the gif version
hes so cool idc if thats fembrained or something retarded i love him
as of right this moment is loonboon from the pvz soundtrack, partially because im playing it for the very first time despite watching and knowing about it for years
i figured, i didnt wanna jump in the middle of that conversation at that moment (kind of like im doing now lol)
Forest, the beach is only ok at night and I hate sand.
My birds because I'm bias.
Don't have a current favorite song, but this one is stuck in my head: https://youtu.be/3r-qDvD3F3c?si=sfy51fsa3b2JZgI6
Lol it's cool, but yeah that's been my day. Need to roll around and hope shit goes back into the places it needs to be.

+ My deer friend is pretty photogenic too.
forest 100% i fucking hate sand

i love stupid low res cat pictures. they are so stupid and i love them

crime and punishment by sheena ringo
How long you've been on lgbt board?
Can you pet the deer?
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post your guns bros. you so work out, right?
On/off since it started.

Yeah, I could but I generally don't unless she forces it. She follows me around and tries to lick me too. I met her on my birthday 10 years ago and she's just been hanging around since. She brings her babies over in the spring and sleeps on the lawn. She's pretty fucking old, has to be like 11 or 12 because she was an adult when I met her.
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+ I don't like touching most animals, birds are fine so are like snakes and such, but not a fan of petting dogs and cats etc. Animal fur/hair is just kind of gross to me and I get rashes or itchy or both from so many of them.
I prefer fruit bats.
probably butcher vanity
Too late now we know you both have something in common.
Spider in ww2
hi puppynon im stealing that image kthxbye
QOTT1: Forest.
GOTT2: picrel
QOTT3: https://youtu.be/FcoHNI9qSj8?si=hskzsmQe63kO3r7a

I'm home from work. Drinking and smoking. Going fishing with bf tomorrow. Contentment is the flavor for this evening.
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i dont really understand what 'aesthetic animal' means so id say birds or snakes for its varieties
armee der tristen by rammstein
yeah we ball
post more deer pics
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have another for the road kodkatze <3
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What would happen if I put batteries up my cooch?
I don't have dysphoria but every time I see a trans man who looks better than me I'm filled with jealousy and self-hatred
>Luna moth (lazy pick)
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Maybe I'll listen to the music links everyone posts, tomorrow. I won't be doing shut anyway, sadly.
Different deer, she moved and lives on a different road now, but when she sees me she'll come over still even though we don't see each other much.
+ I have more videos than pics.
aw thank you
i think someone here tried a pol raid today and they just called her a woman and she abandoned the thread
If you're talking about the pics, that was just me.
no i was on pol and an uwu ftm femboy made a thread and left after the assertion that logic is masculine and being asked to provide a counter argument for why the statement was "crazy"
Probably nothing.
Might have just been a larp.
Probably because it's not a crazy statement so they had nothing to say. It's true in an energetic sense, but the problem there is that the negatives sides of being too logical are always ignored in those sorts of conversations. It's stated as if it's always superior when really life and the experience of it can be diminished to a large degree when someone takes logic to an extreme. Being illogical has its place and purpose and can add depth of feeling to life which is integral to the human experience. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
they posted pics in footsie pajamas. probably just a trender
it was in the context of women responding with emotion as the norm versus men responding with logic so they were challenged to explain why and instead they just made a final post saying they knew they were in the right and to be better people uwu and left. it was weird
Footsie pajamyas is pretty cringe. I think that person probably has bigger issues going on.
I assumed it was something like that, it's true at any rate. Women are generally more emotional than men and that colors their decisions. Everyone tends to be a blend of these and there's individuals who embody opposite gender traits more, but yeah more or less that's how it goes. They were probably just touchy because they place more value on logic and their feelings stopped them from seeing it. Like I said the problem most people have with saying that is logic is generally seen as superior, except in reality it isn't always. Time and a place, logic can close people off to deep experiences and can also push people to keep themselves in "comfortable" misery because it can be illogical to take risks and change things up. It can cause people to ignore things and bury stress etc and all the issues physical and mental that can build from there. People don't acknowledge that shit so they tend to just get offended instead of seeing the better side of it, it's the instant negative connotations that are the issue. Had they seen that side of things they probably wouldn't have gotten so emotional and left without discussing their views and explaining why they felt it was wrong. Hard to argue against patterns that exist afterall.
+ Basically if they stopped and thought about it they'd know both ways of being are important and necessary for living a full life. Also it's an immediate jump from "logical" to "illogical" when really in the case of masculine/feminine traits it'd be phrased as "logical" vs "intuitive."

All that aside I just noticed the pajamas bit... don't know how anyone could stand wearing those. Nevermind the weirdness there's just no way that shit is comfortable.
it'd be better phrased as* I should sleep.
Nevermind can't get comfortable enough to sleep too much pain.

What I'm getting at is let's say you meet someone they're very kind and charming etc basically great on paper right? Not a single flaw you can logically find, but you got a bad feeling about them, something in your gut that's gnawing away at you saying "Something is wrong."

This is feminine, this is the female version of logic, and it can be just as right. There might no logical reason revealed to you at any given moment why that person is a piece of shit, but the feeling that they give you can tell you a lot more about them. It's intuition, feeling based decision, it's not logical at all but can be every bit as correct. That's a very feminine way to judge a person, but also a very good one very often. Acting on that would be illogical because when you only judge them based on what they present and ignore your feelings they're great, in fact maybe you'd convince yourself to trust them and get fucked over.

People knee jerk react into just going to the negative and then getting worked up by it. Very often the people making the initial statements are coming from a place where they're negative focused too, just how people often are, all that's stupid though. Still that's probably why they got so upset. Kind of ironic considering...
God please make me 5'10" and a passoid when I wake up from my drunken stupor amen
i just came to a video of myself cumming that i filmed a few months ago. testosterone makes me so narcissistic. im just really fucking hot ok?
That makes you autoandrogynomorphophilic anon (also that's really hot)
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Why only 5’10?
I know. I've thought about making a reddit account/twitter and posting some pics and vids to see if there's an interest. the problem is, one of my greatest qualities is my face, which i wouldn't want to ever be public. i need to work on my body a bit more and get a better setup before i make this journey. if i can make some side cash from being a hottie and feed my ever growing ego in the process, why wouldn't i?
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I want my fucking boyfriend back I'm going to kys. Why did he have to be a stupid poly retard like every other FtM twink
i started doing the same thing after starting t
same. my bdd got worse after starting T
>my feelings are just as real as reality and logic
Why is ftm just a retarded fucking woman? jesus fucking christ lmfao. hilarious
Have had basically no changes so far on T and now I'm on my period. Only a few weeks in. Is this a sign I need to raise my dose?
I'm not ftm, but you clearly can't read I said that intuition can be just as good as logic (and in some cases better, but obviously not always) when it comes judging a situation in spite of it being illogical. That it can still be correct and in certain cases work out fine where logic won't. This is just a fact, and most people are able to acknowledge that. Feelings can be accurate, not always, but "not always" isn't "never." Logic isn't infallible when it comes to life because life doesn't always operate on reason nor does it need to. So you're free to mock me but that doesn't mean I'm incorrect. I never said logic didn't matter or that there's zero situations where it's better just that there's times where illogical thinking works out and we've got a word for it that should be used instead when discussing gendered traits. You just proved my point about stupid people though, thanks.
>No changes
>Only a few weeks in
>Do I need to raise my dose
Post dose
jsyk i beat the living shit out my meat to this pic
>QOTT1: Beach or forest?
Love the Forest. Hate the beach, enjoy the lake.
>GOTT2: Most aesthetic animal? (Post pic)
>COTT3: Current favorite song as of reading this?
The cover of painkiller made by death.
R u ftm too?
No. It takes more then a couple of weeks. Go look some compilations for reference.
Dog wit da visor on it...
>using mouse left handed and windows bar on left side of the screen
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>qott 1
>qott 2
black mamba
>qott 3
Do you own a snake?
Glad to see you're still around! Hope you're doing well. I wonder how many other people from 6+ years ago still occasionally come back to this place
no but one day, maybe a python tho since mambas are scary to own
I'm sure there's some others, you're not the first person to recognize me since I've been back. I got bored while at work and wondered what this place was like at this point and now I'm just back for a bit I guess. How are you doing?
>mambas are scary to own
How so?
Hognose > all other pet snakes.
they have one of the most deadliest venoms, so unless i get one bred in captivity plus a lot of snake experience theyre off the table
Not that anon but they're venomous.
true theyre cute
Didn't know snakes were such a big deal for ftmg
The big Russian snake (russkiye cockgiganticus) is most deadly in the world.
That snake has broken several Geneva conventions.
id have to see it to believe it
It took 3 months for my period to stop, did you do any research before starting hormones.
They are not intelligent.
I show you if I owned one. I only have pygmy species.
Yeah I love them, if I were ever going to get a snake it'd be a male hognose (since they stay relatively small in comparison to the females), but I probably never will. I have the birds and the fish so that's plenty of pets right there. I get a fair amount of garter snakes and ringnecks living in my garden, and I've had a few come into the house before (one surprised me by climbing into my bed while I was meditating once, only time a snake has ever managed to scare me lol) so that's plenty. My garden has low rock walls all over it that they really love.

Not a big deal but I like them and grew up around them + had one as a kid.
ye id start off small, maybe cornsnake for me
>one surprised me by climbing into my bed while I was meditating once
Talking about snakes how many of you have snake bites and/or other piercings?
I almost got a corn snake years ago but ended up with birds instead. They have some really nice color morphs (I'm partial to the red ones.) Had a shit experience at the hospital and my mother and brother got me a budgie to cheer me up ended up getting it a friend, ended up with conures from there. Not the biggest fan of snakes' diets is my main issue there ultimately.

Lol It was a hell of a surprise, felt something touch my neck and thought it was just my hair + imagination and ignored it. Then I felt something trying to go down my shirt and it became pretty undeniable something was alive and in bed with me. That was the second time an animal has done something like that to me, first time was worse. Felt something touching my eyelashes, was really high + tired and thought it was my bird since she likes doing that. So I'm just like whatever and dont move, realized after a couple of seconds the birds were asleep and that'd be impossible sat up to find a wolf spider on my pillow with its front legs still in the air.

Took it out of bed to go live by my plants since it was polite about the whole thing.
I had a fair amount of piercings when I was way younger, just have my nose and earlobes now.
they are cute !
i have snake bites, love fidgeting with them since they healed
>sat up to find a wolf spider on my pillow with its front legs still in the air
i like spiders but that wouldve killed me kek
I used to have snake bites. I took them off last year. Have my ears pierced and I think I'll keep that up.
this but why only 5'7
I like them too but that was a terrible surprise lol. I prefer jumping spiders though, those are great. I feel guilty about the whole thing ultimately because I didnt realize the corner by the plants where I kept bringing spiders to live actually had this tiny monster spider that had been eating all the big ones. I was playing ball with my birds and it rolled over by the plants and I found a web full of wolf spider corpses with this tiny spider in the middle all happy. I had been feeding it for a long time by accident, and I probably got that guy killed.
Dog what time it is there?
wrong rep but why take them out?
im sure he was happy eating good tho, any idea of what kind it was since it was smaller?
i have one snake bites and 6 piercings, all in my ears, other places i find really ugly
I did, and saw that it happened at different times for everyone, but the majority of people I talked to stopped menstruating as soon as they started testosterone. Many of the people who didn't started at a low dose, so I assumed they were correllated, and it was likely I'd stop menstruating sooner at the dose I'm at.
No didnt know offhand then and it was a long time ago now. All I remember is the guilt and being surprised that something so small had been eating all the bigger spiders. I kick most animals out when they get in, but I usually leave spiders alone or relocate them to parts of the house that are more convenient for them/me.
I don't want to be huge or some woman's dream guy, I want to be normal.
3:30 pm
Work and felt like I was getting clocked more because of them.
Sorry it's me. I was posting on other boards.
fair, at old job i wore face mask so it wasnt a problem
It doesn't seem like bdd tbdesu, just extremely painful jealousy and self-hatred.
What's bdd?
Nice. What was the job?
Body dysmorphic disorder.
retail, i either was in the back or stocked
I mean if they have you take of piercings for retail just laugh in their face. They don't pay you enough.
Are you doing something different now?
pay was decent and work was easy, moved so now im looking for new job, no luck yet
good morning ftmg! i finally woke up at 8 today. its the earliest ive woken up in months voluntarily which is wild. making good progress!
hello!!! >-<
hru ??
pretty good so far! im about to make some coffee and breakfast. im super excited about today cause itll be my first time working in a research group! little nervous about meeting new people but im sure ill be fine

how about you? anything exciting going on? :3
i start uni in a while... nervous
been in uni for almost 3 years now. it gets easier to handle overtime. the initial nerves feel awful but its completely normal. you can do it anon! >-<
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Good job.

Nice. Is there a reason you're trying to wake up earlier?

I woke up at 5, did a couple of things and went back to bed for like 20 minutes and gave up on sleep at 6:30. Didn't get to sleep 'til after 3 because of pain, and now I'm somehow wide awake anyway. I'm always up early but I get a weird energy crash in the afternoon usually around like 3-ish that goes away completely around sunset when I get another burst of energy. Hoping I'll get some sleep then, but probably not.
Show your boipussi bro
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Sorry lad, hot AFABs want chads.
Good luck (it'll be fine though you don't really need it.)
what major r u in puppy?
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I wish only cute AFAB bois could post in this thread. Rn I have 90% of tripfags on blacklist
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Are you a slim AFAB?
i wannaa have more time in the morning to enjoy myself and take it slow. ive been skipping breakfast a lot lately cause ive been waking up late with little time to get ready

i appreciate it regardless! <3

game design! im a third year

no not rlly. im curvier with wide hips and squishy thighs. im happy with my body though since im healthy!
That's nice. What's your BMI?
Oh got you, that's the one major plus side to waking up really early, there's all this time to yourself where the world just feels more peaceful.

What about making your breakfast so it just needs to be heated up and can be grab and go in the morning? I tend to prefer dinner foods for breakfast, which also makes it easier to do things like that.

Suppose there's no such thing as too much good luck. <3
Nah, gimme the skinny twink lads
i think its like 20 something? 22 maybe?

i usually have a bagel with whipped cream cheese and coffee for breakfast. that or those jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches!
So you are slim, no reasons to worry. What's your discord bro?
im not comfortable giving out my discord on here im sorry :3 i have a burner email for people to send me theres but i feel like i should preface that i am in a relationship
Are you straight or a lesbian?
im bisexual! been dating a guy for almost 8 years now :3
is this guy AMAB or AFAB?
Wow congrats.
Are you a slim afab?
hes amab but def a bit feminine at times

thank you! we met on undertale amino back in 2016 so idek how it i managed that

are you seriously going around asking everyone in this thread that?
Hmm, you need a chad to breed you. Trust me. You need to follow your primal afab instincts.

so yes or no?
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Kurwa what happen with the blind lady?
yikes.. youre one of those
Ah amino. How did it go down?
>are you seriously going around asking everyone in this thread that?
Yes he does that. Ignore him he is an incel that only has a shot when dating blind people.
I was on a date with her yesterday. She lives with her old jelaous roastie mother that gatekeeps her from men, and I wanted her to stay in my 20m2 shitbox for a night. But date was fine. I like her. She's hot.
pretty funny how it happened. we watched the same newscapespro video that was sponsored by amino which prompted us to download the app. we joined it on the same day and got put into a new members chat. the rest is history lol
>mutilated 5'3 straight girl calling me an incel
I wonder when your "gf" will break up with you
> undertale amino
Stop stop stop stop stop stop
Why you are still being creepy online then? Yes you are incel, not chad.
Do you still have periods G?
No, haven’t for a long time
Sorry, but I don't care too much about opinion of mentally ill AFABs. Also stop posting some cringe images with soldiers. Cats are better.
You should get off T. You don't want to lose your fertility.
guessing you were also on there growing up-
Is this you? Prescribing testosterone to afabs should be a criminal offense.
If you tried to made these accurate maybe it would hurt someone sometimes.
So you aren't a mutilated short AFAB?
No, this vagina is closed
Yes, that and homestuck amino
The horrors…
No, I've posted pictures of me. Mask never comes off.
i dodged homestuck thankfully. but i was a yandere sim fanatic when iwas younger..
Closed for business? You don't run onlyfans anymore?
You don't have to ashamed of being AFAB
How bad you want to see my cock?
V old pic from 4 years ago when I used to be a twink.
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Why all AFABs cannot look like this?
Hot. Are you still breedable?
> yan sim
You’re hitting me with too many flashbacks rn jfc
One of my friends in middle school made a shitty yan sim inspired short film that I helped her with for a club. The cringe…
Lurk moar sis, that era is long gone
I am to tall for you and you are not cute enough for me to even consider. I am in a relationship. You will figure out what that is when you grow up.
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I'm a man, breedable bro.

Also, I wonder how tight is vagina of picrel
loved your earring !
Don't put so much hope for him.
Do you not like being misgendered baby girl?
Yeah I used to look like such a fag.
Men like tall girls, I'm not surprised. I hope that you will give birth to many children, and become a happy family with your AMAB partner.
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I don't care my vagina bro
Then why make the correction?
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I thought you did a mistake, not that you're being bitchy. Mhmmm, I love breedable bitchgirls
This bitchgirl is mine, keep your hands away
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Was the agreement made with my bf first? He’s my leasing department
thoughts on two beefy t4t ftms meeting up after their gym sesh and doing this?
i need to become a beast. an animal. a superior mammal. need to have a body to kill. need to have a body to fuck. need to be a primal being. god... testosterone is really changing my brain
I like walking through forest trails
Idc how fembrained I love cats
come as you are by nirvana

I went to an interview today and I got gendered male the entire time and got asked if I have kids. I look like a 14 year old boy so I feel like the entire world is hugboxxing me when they he/him me and call me sir.
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I love when husband and I do this. He has sexy pecs.
NEED giwtwm i will never have this fuck my life
I wish my autoandrophilia spurred me to action so I could be a beefcake poonchad instead of a skinnyfat girlmoder
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>visit my crush to go to a concert with him
>stay overnight at his family home
>try my best to not but i really need a poop
>leave skid marks on the toilet
>look EVERYWHERE in the toilet for a toilet brush
>cant find one
>give in and finally ask if he knows where it is
>he cant find one
IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF but at least it was kinda malebrained of me
lol look at this faggot, the only person in the world who poops.
this actually made me feel better. thank you for reminding me to be normal.
My husband still is shy about that stuff. It's cute. Me, I make jokes about embarrassing shit I do.
https://unsee cc/album#aoUCWf7d2Xlo
what does a poon gotta do to eat some meat and clap some cheeks?
black panther.
sundowner by fontaines dc
https://unsee cc/album#JFB1t5aKNNPh
Extremely enviable, giwtwm
Thanks o7
thanks, im trying to get top surgery and bulk up a bit so i can have muscle tits instead of normal tits.
Drawing, but I haven't completed a piece for 8 months now. Just random sketches every other day or so.
I always avoided the lesbian label because it made me uncomfortable to be categorized as such, would just say I was bi because I liked anime femboys. I did know I liked girls from a young age though.
Did anyone else get no effects from testosterone other than balding
Whats your dose? IM, SubQ or gel? Are you on birth control or a DHT blocker?
My happy white pussy.
60 mg subq (40 mg until last month), on 1.25 mg oral minoxidil. Never been on birth control. My levels were 594 ng/dL when I had them checked last month after a few weeks of 60 mg shots.
Also started at the beginning of February.
you don't have pooner voice or bottom growth at all?
You haven’t even been on a full year and you’re balding? That fucking sucks
Mods pls, I don't use avatar. I use military, elite police, from different countries, and random shit sometimes.
I started balding around six months when I switched from gel to injections
Also I have a bit of bottom growth, but it stopped growing at all a few months ago.
I didn't expect it at all, my maternal grandfather has bad genes but I was on such a low dose and it didn't really start affecting him until his mid-twenties so I thought I had a bit of time. Depressing since I'm pretty much stuck between keeping my hair and detransitioning or going bald and being seen as subhuman (and maybe not even getting the full effects of testosterone).
hi guys
(„• ֊ •„)੭
What's up?
nothing i'm just waitign for my lecture to start & wanted to say hi to the ftms :)
That really sucks, not being able to finish anything is an awful feeling because then you're looking at all of that pile up. That's part of why I throw away and burn my shit after a while, so it stops just sitting there reminding me of all the things I never get around to doing.
update on this. even after introductions and whatnot i got misgendered the whole time even after correcting them politely (even by a theymab that was there). at least the teacher was cool asf and used my preferred pronouns :3
I have difficulty using gender for someone who doesn't look like the gender they ask to be called. But would try if they are good person and not freak.
Have you tried passing?
im decently androgynous according to others so idk. like i said before, ive been pretty polite about it and didnt make a big deal over it. just kinda sucks that they didnt even try getting it right even after i corrected them :P
>corrected them
You can't force anyone to see you a certain way. Proclaiming one's own pronouns is pointless. Just keep transitioning until you pass
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>5'7" 110lbs
Gonna kms
Sometimes I feel like I'm okay being off testosterone and sometimes the fear of feminizing sets it
trust me i know. its more just a mild annoyance. hopefully ill pass better when im finally on t
>when im finally on t
Oh dear lord
Scrawny but not bad all things considered. Why no t?
Looks fine.
waitlist hell sucks :<
brother what are you doing just diy
Paranoid about hair thinning & pressure from family. I was on 2 years have been off 3 months. I should have just cut my dose in half. I'll probably go back on within a few months
i would prefer to transition safely with my healthcare provider and am estimated to get it by the end of the year
I’m almost 20 and not sure whether to go through with this. My biggest worry is that I will regret it, or that I’m wasting my femininity. Women get to be pretty and valued and for the most part, be whoever they want and be loved for it. By trooning, I don’t want to waste that opportunity. I’m a 5’2” retard with soft features so I won’t pass, but I just want to look like a male. Should I just crossdress instead? Become a reverse trap?
Just don't be what you think other people want you to be.
The only thing T gives you is baldness and back hair. Just be a tomboy instead. Testosterone is poison.
ftmrepgen is that way
What if I want to look more manly? Body hair on stomach/chest, bigger build, etc.
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I'm ready for my slutty female chaser
Hit the gym instead. Body hair is gross.
You're in a space with transitioners, should be respectful of their choices. It's one thing to bring that up if you're asked or in a space meant to discuss that, but if you're not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Their lives/bodies no sense in telling anyone what they should do unless they want your input.
Sorry it went that way, how was it otherwise?
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Me btw
Never had complaints about my body hair. I love it. Built in sweater is gross through.
Sure women get coddled and are boyfriends easily and all that, but will you really be able to make use of any of that? Will actually be able to enjoy the love others give to you and love them as well as a woman?
Sorry it went that way, how was it otherwise?

If someone does say them though the polite thing to do is respect it regardless of your own personal issues. Not hard to treat people how they ask to be treated, it's basic civility. If you're not explicitly told that's different, but once you are it's not hard to adjust. No different than learning a new person's name.
+ My bad, just saw they asked.
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>Fruit Bats
>Hozpital Ov Diabolikal Macabre — Opiated Devilsperm
I don't know. Probably not. I've tried makeup and dresses on before and yeah, I felt pretty and elegant, like a doll, but it felt like I was playing a character. Of course, clothing doesn't make you male/female, but that extends to each part of my being; I can embrace a feminine side to myself, but what feels right is masculine, from my voice to what I want my body to look like, to my way of thinking. I still feel completely alien to most women, whether they're Stacies or autists even after years of overcoming my self-hatred because of my gender.
other than that it was really fun! we are learning a board game called blitz bowl and i really like the skaven team!
>No different than learning a new person's name.
Of course it is. It's deluded to refer to something as something they blatantly aren't. I am supportive of transitioners, but there is no reason we should be expected to humor this. It undermines all the trans people who worked to get the respect they deserve.
Obviously don't be a dick about it to their face. The best thing to do with somebody like that is to avoid referring to them with pronouns entirely.
>to something
You should do what you feel comfortable with, whatever that is. My height was a big factor in me never transitioning ming other things. Though that being said I was more androgynous when younger and look way more feminine now, so that possibility is something you have to consider. I made peace with things and dealt with dysphoria in a different and now I don't have that issue, I'm glad I never transitioned because that probably wouldve turned out poorly and shit, but that's me. Find your comfort zone whatever that looks like and take time to really consider all possibilities before making any decisions you can't take back (waiting until it's 100% too late is also a decision you can't take back ultimately)

This isn't the kind of thing where anyone can tell you what you should do, they can only offer you advice on how to do whatever it is you choose. You have to really think about what's best for you and what you could live with, and no one else can tell you what that is.
You can just be a masculine woman if you want to, but if you actually just want to be male the whole time it's never going to feel right or like it's enough for you. I'd encourage girlmoding on testosterone, but that's just something I personally enjoy and I have no idea how someone else would feel about it.
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i like fruit bats too super cute
If someone asks me to call them something I'll do it, not a big deal to me, why should it be? If someone is on T and doesn't pass it's the same essentially anyway they're just in a different place in their lives. It doesn't put me out to make someone comfortable and there's not some standard they gotta reach in order for me to do that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Like I said if you don't have a way of knowing just by looking and you go with what you think and are wrong that's fine, but if you're told something it's real easy to be respectful and it has zero ill effects on you to do it. I fail to see why anyone has to earn being treated the way they'd like to when there's no genuine imposition on me there.

That's good then, glad it went well for you otherwise.
Thank you.
I'm curious what the statistics are of ftm who actually wear a packer.
thank you <3

i do know one ftm guy who wears a packer. hes cool asf and i genuinely didnt know he was trans till after he mentioned it
i only did pre-t, then decided it was too much of a hassle because it kept sliding out of place
2 years t
>immediate man voice
>Thigh hair
>big sensitive clit
>minor change in skin texture
>Better muscle tone + slight change in body shape
>Neck stubble
>Moderate sexuality change
>Possibly minor hair thinning hard to tell
>less weird body aches and headaches
>slight decrease in pussy moisture
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I'm so tired of relying on and paying for steroids to feel normal
Please show me your titties!!!!
This your progress? How you make firearms masculine?
>This your progress?
From almost two years ago now, but my hands look more or less the same.
>How you make firearms masculine?
Assuming you mean forearms, I didn't. My wrists and arms are scrawny
I don't think this person has ever met a FtM before because 99% of them are fat tuna lesbians or faggot twinks
Right Pic is masculine though.
Male calibers: .45 and up
Female calibers: 9mm and below
Of course the artist had to give him a tiny ribcage and wide hips.
By comparison, yeah. I'm still more feminine than 85-90% of men.
unironically hopefuel thank you
god i need to figure out how im gonna acquire T and stop being a pussy over injections
I have both...
I wonder if your skin is stronger
often wondering if testosterone will treat the effects of EDS, not having skin that breaks/bruises easily would be nice
Anyone else hate yourself because you're unable or unwilling to put in the work to transform your body so you can enjoy it
It doesn’t from personal experience, sorry man
Helps mildly with joint pain, but besides that no
Come to the range with me and let me shoot your woman guns
t. ranny
My skin is much more resistant to cuts and burns and is thicker overall.
I hate relying on drugs, I hate the drama that comes with being trans, but it's a blatant upgrade.
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Doing better than me and I'm ten years on T lol
trim your nails
Nice Job Sailor
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Are you that roofer? If so you mog me
yeah I been slacking, i've usually cleaned them out by now too
I am lol, and your hands mogs me hardcore
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Meh, yours would probably look more like mine if you were as skinny as I am. Exposes more of the tendons and the veins.
It's at this point that I'm reflecting on what I've just typed and questioning what the fuck we're even wasting our time talking about
Just some good old feel good compliments, and yeah absolutely being a fat ass doesn't help me
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STFU afabs, no one cares what you have to say. Post unsees
You're the most boring person who's ever been here.
i will never be desirable to females no matter how hard i try.
wanna start a club?
I think about this image almost every day
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Don't laugh, English is hard for me, I cry.
Use to be me.
yes i do.
That's only true if you try really hard in the wrong ways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ People in general are easy, and with women the areas you try are shit like making them feel heard and seen which is accomplished by just listening and responding. Treat someone like they're special and matter, simple shit.
>this post with that webm
I'm so confused
terrific. we can discuss our incel lifestyles.
i think i've just decided to take the volcel path. i cannot imagine a world in which i look male, and i don't want to inflict a dysphoric nightmare on some poor girl.
He wants to see gloves naked.
What about if someone just accepts that you're dysphoric and has issues and wants to be around in spite of them? That happens you know, no one's perfect, and it's up to the other person rather than you what they can/want to deal with.

You're overcomplicating shit.
god i hate it when people try to help me. let me stew in my own misery!
but that's kind of you to say anon. i think i probably am overthinking it, or at least projecting my own insecurities onto some hypothetical lady.
funny, he spergs out whenever i post. it's clearly not the real tranny hater
You know depending on how you look at it that was an opportunity to continue stewing in misery lol. You are doing that yeah, you're seeing all your flaws and thinking about how you feel about them and not thinking that your own perception of yourself isn't going to stop someone else from seeing you however they see you. People are generally harder on themselves than anyone else because they have to live with themselves 24/7. You know that saying familiarity breeds contempt? That's how most people judging themselves are being about it.

Someone else can love you through all that shit you don't like about yourself though because they don't see you the way you see yourself and how you treat them and who you are to them will always stand out more than your insecurities.

You can keep being miserable about it though, it's cool, don't let me stop you lol. It's just something to consider another day when this is out of your system if anything.
My brother in Christ there is nothing gay about telling a guy that he's looking good. Don't let camaraderie die
It was a joke because the webm was of someone overweight.
I'm so tired of girlmoding, all I want at this point is a gayden bf
What's it like to be 10+ years into your transition
+ You know whoever this hypothetical lady is she'll be flawed and have insecurities too. Shit you won't ultimately care about if it's outweighed by the good and shit that you can't even comprehend her thinking. That's just part of being human. You're putting hypothetical women on a pedestal while you dig yourself a hole to stand in so you gotta crane your neck even harder to look up at them. Anyone is going to be impossible to have anything with if you talk yourself out of it before they're even in front of you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not going to lie to you I'd suggest sorting some of that shit out for yourself or at least wrapping your head around the reality of things prior to getting into anything with someone else, that'd be ideal afterall. At the same time shit doesn't have to be ideal, can be worked on over time, so if someone comes along and you're not 100% where you want to be don't let that keep you from trying and have enough respect for them to let them choose being there if that's what they want and you care about them.
>What's it like to be 10+ years into your transition
Hard to say lol, I'm not good with words. I've lived almost(lateshit) my entire adult life as a man, so I guess I feel like I've accomplished my transition and am just living now. /tttt/ is really my only connection to the LGBT community other than the rare catch up with old lesbian friends, I've moved past it otherwise. I'm mostly comfortable in my skin I just wish I liked sugar less because fat. I don't feel dysphoria anymore for what it's worth.
Good Lord girls, will you stfu? Post unsees or get pregnant
You first girlie.
flexing in the mirror makes my cock hard and my hole wet. the more test i take, the stronger the desire to masturbate to myself is.
Jesus, I saw just now that over 1000 people applied to work in fucking IKEA in warehouse. It's so fucking over
Just click "find in page" type "unsee" in the box and skip the rest of the thread.
you should get pregnant
What's your discord AFAB bro?
Congrats on officially making it as a normal, integrated man, exactly how late did you transition though
Autoandrogynomorphophile spotted
i can't, good try
just call her a girl if you're going to talk like that
what does this mean?
You're attracted to being a trans man.
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Are you terje?

But he isn't a girl. He identifies as a boi
i'd rather be either a cis man or a cis woman. i can't cope with being afab and i can't magically become a XY cissoid
you mean he identifies as male? as a man? a 'boi' implies that he's the sk8terboi in that one song, and i just don't believe something like that
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>cis man

you wouldn't survive a single day as a cis man. why you cannot become AFAB twink?
Oh yeah, I meant that he identifies as a man.
chaser here ama
If you’re having difficulties being a cis man trooning out is always an option.
I don't have autogynephilia
Good Lord polcuck, will you stfu? Post unsee or go bald
Honestly, you don’t really have to. Blanchard’s theories aren’t exactly fact, despite how the board speaks of them.

Regardless, what if you imagine yourself as one of the people you post? Does that do anything for you?
surely being a cis male would have been better than being treated as an 'it' through all of school for being a very male looking/acting girl.
>why can't you become a twink?
i don't want to be one. I'm not interested in being one.
reflecting on it im only a chaser in spirit because i dont want to live life as a gay man so ive never actually chased. but i am curious on a few things:

mostly what does transman pussy taste like
Begone and eat glass
>>37301033 New
New >>37301033

dont be so sour
I don't want to be a roastie my AFAB bro

Men love tomboys. You're just fat. And you refuse to lose weight. Die.

Nobody will consider you gay for fucking mentally ill girls.
I'm not even remotely fat. You don't even know who i am
No, ftm chasers deserve to rope
Unless you’re tryna fuck a beef cake with a pussy, I’m just gonna assume you’re a pedophile that wants to diddle little boys
>you like sexually dominating manlets??? PEDO!!!

you unironically sound like you need to get laid
I have a bf that does so on the reg
you just wanna fuck little boys
not regularly enough then. were you abused as a child, or? i don't really see the connection
I'm sorry then. What's your discord?
>How late did you transition though
24 nearing 25
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>I’m just gonna assume you’re a pedophile that wants to diddle little boys
You can really tell when a supposed FtM is just a larping BPD froid when they constantly slander other FtMs for being young, slim, and getting a lot of attention. Women always tear others down to stay competitive
Joe's not fat he's just got big flappers

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