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Aott: make yur very own shrimpcat, just save a shrimpcat pic of you liking and paint something on it! if you wish to of course. :)

Qott: How does shrimpcat make you feel? Love, Hate? pls explain. Also how was yur day, anything eventful?

Jade Slade makes me feel happy.
this meme is getting stale
how many shrimps do you have to eat
before you mak eyour skin turn pink
eat too much and you'll get sick
>>37286424 old

A movie would finish the series better I think.
all I want for christmas is to never see jade post again
No one fucking cares about having affinity points with a manlet loser like you
Whats wrong with shrimp posting?
Not injecting this week, let's see how mentally ill I get
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stop boymoding
also i just wantto comment that israel is as religious as near every other nation in the near east but still has exceptional protections for reproductive rights
i think it's a special kind of religiosity that creates this american exception
I enjoy shrimpcat. But Im not sure if it's more because of shrimp, or cat.
You're angry tonight.
gl I guess
this creature disgusts me
another girl ghosted me off taimi after agreeing to a date
really trying hard to get dates but i cant seem to get anyone out of their house to meet me anywhere. only gay dudes are willing to come over so they can get topped, but im bored and want a girlfriend. i hate internet dating but none of you people go outside. can u fuckers start taking a chance please?
Yeah but it's also full of kikes.
Necessary evil, money is tight.
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>reading smut is probably what id do with my free time anyway lol so, sounds like a good deal
Deal I'll pick you up at 11
based jews? protecting reproductive rights for the western world?
thats cause judaism has different views on abortion than christianity and islam
>How does shrimpcat make you feel? Love, Hate?
filled with a seething envy
shrimpcat enjoys a peace and safety i can never know. shrimpcat is beloved by all and cute beyond measure. I pray silently from the shadows for shrimpcat's downfall
>Also how was yur day, anything eventful?
my day was pretty good! i had olive garden!
what's my current score?
hey maybe don't
I would say Israel is very much exceptional in the inverse way of America. I know at this point I'm just calling near everything an exception, but I think Israel and America can very fairly be called rather singular nations.
No one said it was gonna be easy
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true but the people have been pining for a shrimp thread since like 2 days ago


i did it last week
Could transitioning have saved her?
>Ava has SRS booked for January
its never been more over
Shit well sorry.
When you here your family.
Its not my crying night. Thats tommorow
Sorry, I must
>agrees to it being stale
>posts it anyway
Looks like you will have to post good songs to make up the lost points.
Good for her. Im happy.
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Hot guy sleeping :( what a horrible day
what! i thought we were cool bug!
good for her tho
>I pray silently from the shadows for shrimpcat's downfall
I can't believe this
i don't care about shrimpcat
my day was fine
Going to post here to say hello and test something.
wrong answer
Sleeping with someone else
literally go the fuck away nobody wants you here

he found a woman to sleep with
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shoulda been faster ig sorry buddy

this is alright bug ill make my comeback eventually

well see im listening to a lotta jpag rn and i know hes not most peoples cup a tea
who even are you
I love shrimpcat. should I have tempurrra? I just had pizza but still hungry.
dont be, a tranner without her gock is like an angel without wings
Thank the Allfather, bug was a huge faggot.
Ohio mentioned.
oh god, now the milfag poser is here.
im trying rly hard but damn its like 1/100 matches end in an actual date and at this point im running out of people across all dating apps. shit is frustrating.
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Time for sad Jade time.
Start saving up now.
>most peoples cup a tea
This is why I never post music. My music taste is bad. Your stuff good tho.
If you have it set up on Wednesday u might have a deal
I'm becoming convinced that Jade is part of the transbian crew who are trying to destroy chasergen, there is no other explanation for her continuing to shit up these threads when nobody here likes her
regular shrimp tempura. NOT shrimp cat tempura.
>im running out of people across all dating apps
How do this?
What's up?
Ohio again... agangp
there's your error
just use a regular dating app
no it doesnt. rabbinic judaism doesnt enable contraception any more than the other abrahamic beliefs do.
the fundamental tenet of judaism, is that it is your IMPERATIVE and PREROGATIVE to create as many jewish babies as you can
abortion obviously contradicts this, and it's held as controversial among specific kinds of people
these are just lies? it's determined by a medical committee, the government has no say in the procedure, and definitely not religious authorities??? exactly how is israel semi-theocratic? it's legal system is entirely secular, the only reason there's not like, civil marriage institutions, is to acclimate with the imams, priests, and rabbis. it's more a compromise than anything 'theocratic'. the rabbinate has nothing to do with the knesset or their supreme court, their biggest role is essentially assisting in repatriation
>The first step is seeking the approval of a pregnancy termination committee. All women who wish to undergo an abortion must first receive committee authorization, and forgoing approval can result in the person who knowingly terminated the pregnancy facing up to five years in prison.

>There are more than 40 pregnancy termination committees in Israel, all of which operate out of public or private hospitals. Each committee consists of three members – two licensed physicians and one social worker.

>Of the two physicians, one is required to be an obstetrics and gynecology specialist (OB/GYN) and the other must either be an OB/GYN or a specialist in internal medicine, psychiatry, family medicine or public health. At least one member per committee must be a woman.
i need to find a good surgeon that my insurance will cover first and idk where to look, most results look incredibly fake
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ok jade
wdym? theres only so many people in my area, and only so many of them use dating apps. eventually you hit a limit. im starting to see the same people show up on the apps
i use lots of dating apps the one from today just happened to be from taimi
judaism does not inherently support abortion for the sake of not wanting a baby, of course your goal is to multiply. But judaism does theoretically support abortion in the case the mother will die without an abortion
Oh no.
My cutest beloved pookie bear Jade Slade was shunned from mtfg for being so pure & beautiful.
If you think you guys are mean to Jade, well mtfg puts this place to shame.
I've seen some pretty good ones. No idea where from though, I'm not trans. Try and get shit done before you're off your parents insurance.
(S)he gave off repper vibes.
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the bugs are back

>erm 3/10 cause yur politics actually

i mean music is subjective tho i bet some people really hate what i post and just ignore/filter me
>But judaism does theoretically support abortion in the case the mother will die without an abortion
so does every mainstream christian and muslim (iffy on that last one) though
it has what should, in a just world, be mine
oh. well okay then. In that case i feel like we haven't interacted enough to warrant that. but i also care less.
he was bitchy, which i found entertaining
i don't have a crew and i don't want to destroy chasergen
oh you can't afford it
dang, sorry nona :/
that's rough

participation :D :D :D very very good jap anon!!!!!!
Why are we always talking about Israel?
Stop, that word makes me cry myself to sleep you asshole.
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oof gotta littlr excited there
(S)he is a trans woman in denial.
>the bugs are back
1 twink gf pls or if there are none than 1 twink bf please
It's ok. Life happens.
Why do u want me to kill myself so badly
Around here we love shrimp cat.
I mean I'm assuming this isn't something that is happening super soon. So take your time and look around. And I'm not sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they kept getting better and better at it as time goes on. It seems very complicated so you really want to get the doctor right.
I listen to a lot of metal. It tends to be the the the most amount of people do not like. So I'll leave the music to you. You have interesting taste in music in a good way.
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need a dark mistress in my life
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jesus you suck sometimes, or all the time ig
He's mad I used your name to trick him into jerking off to nikocado avocado.
just fucking leave holy shit how are you so annoying
>or all the time ig
Glad people are catching on to that.
>Also this; immigration is handled by the Rabbinate's office which determines if prospective immigrants are pure and Jewish enough racially to migrate to Israel.
lol. there's a huge difference between being halachically jewish, and speaking in blood quantum like a german race scientist.
every nation state wants to repatriate its ethnos, italy, france, russia, yada yada yada. of course when you try to dupe the gov about how well you qualify for a specific sort of naturalisation, they will deport you. that's a good thing! you can gain citizenship in the country while being a non-jew, it's just a different process -- and as it is, israel has the largest and most economically productive diaspora compared to anywhere else in the world.
there may be tendencies to xenophobia, but it's no different to any other nation state, except when they're out of touch with their people.
and if anything the knesset is modeled after the british parliament, you'd have to provide documentation for that nazi claim
Leave her alone, hon
i just thought it was relevant towards the question of reproductive rights and religiosity
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HA what a retard
Dude I'm not going to have children already wtf
People like me more than they like you anon
still. I hope things work out for you
i really want to get the procedure done while im still young enough to do stupid fun stuff
Yeah (s)he is.
I can't type through my tears.
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Me when I look at kat
They will, just might be a month or two before I can get it.
It was, but it spirals out every time and we end up debating the entirety of Israel for hours. I know more about the workings of the Israel government from you in this general than my own learning. I'm not saying it's a bad thing necessarily or that it's even your fault, but sometimes I'd like to just talk about the original topic.
Rada rada

rada rada rada
oh, okay. Well that's not so bad! Like it's gonna suck but at least you can be sure it isn't permanent
What did I do to you.
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Call me zigger again, flamer
Shrimp cat knows how to have a good time. We like to have fun here.
True, although I do have some amount of morbid curiosity from a scientific perspective about how my brain will react.
i totally agree, but it's hard to resist bringing it up, it's such an interesting case study of a country to me. existing at the intersection of liberal and traditional thought, constantly oscillating between the two, to which it bursts out in territorial extra-legal violence. there are a lot of problems with the country, but there are also a lot of interesting things that the rest of the world could take from
Genuinely turned on now, tears are gone.
ok. seems dumb to me but whatever
whos kat?
I mean that makes sense. I wasn't saying to wait 10 years or anything. But even if you wait a few years you're only 20 now. You will be young for a lot longer and have time to do your stupid fun shit.
Shrimp cat isn't dumb. You just hate fun.
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i miss this show


shaka shaka shaka
bitch i would much prefer timur staying than you. you're not even liked in gaygen either. fuck off already or stop being a self-obsessed prejudicial primadona
Mtfg user.
30+ year old German manchild who causes chaos wherever she goes.
Lives off negative energy like a demon.
And that's exactly why I think it actually might be a poor use case for us here as I was saying upthread. It's unusual as a nation both on a global and a regional stage. Very interesting though for sure, there's a lot to read, too much maybe lol.
A danger woman who's really pretty
gross whats her disc
Don’t know. Ask her in mtfg. She lurks there
I feel so weird today
Like everything's just kind of happening and I'm observing behind a lens
I feel kinda numb in the face but not really
yay drama hours great time to be here woah wowowo
That's called dissociation, anon! That's a bad thing! Happy to help!
maybe that's just not my idea of fun
You could also just not be here
Anon can you please not insult anyone i don't want anyone to get mad at me
This entire gen is literally just trans girls talking about tranny shit and gay men saying nothing now wtf how did that happen
I just came here hoping to take my mind off my life mate
it's LIKE you're an annoying FAGGOT who provides neither amusement nor exuberance
Yes, your majesty.
that happens to me sometimes. Or, it used to anyway. Very common feeling pre-hrt idk what it means, but it's not all that bad and usually goes away by the next day
they finally trooned too
Poor decision frankly. No shot against you, but this place is not the best avenue for that.
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im imaging you being literally gorgonzola and now i cant unsee it, omg yur literally gorgonzola

i got pipe dreams of crack rocks and stripper poles
How do I know you exactly? You said you knew me when I was dating guys?
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Maybe you won't say it again now.
Holy shit he actually is. That little fucking snot.
I'm going to roofie you and get two huge black guys to spit roast you
>i was intending to be retarded
yeah, okay. when are you going to leave?
for me it is hit or miss but I usually am the most active at the end of eu hours and at the beginning of us one which sometimes are chill too
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The best annoying people have something funny or weird about them. Spider is just plain annoying. There’s literally nothing interesting about him.
Hes just an angry manlet that comes here to lash out
gay men trying and hilariously failing to exert wit and cattiness should result in boos and the lobbing of tomatoes
I have yet to really see it be chill. But the chaos is fun for me because it distracts me
totally agree. nym does it way better
whr the whyte womn at
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i meant chill as in not being all about drama its a chaotic chill general as long as no one mentions rick or jade aaand after that the two camps rises up and start talking shit or simping to them
Ok that makes sense. I'm just happy to see shit absolutely hit the fan.
tis a glorious day for shrimps, amazing work!
I’m your biggest fan! My favorite vid is Bobs TGirls: Jade Slade Played.
This isn’t me. But, I do know some parts of your dating history.
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I like this one more but I do not have many occasions to use it
mogs me
Wtf I was just about to post almost exactly this
What joy you get from purposeI y being mean and annoying?
Yeah nym at least has some appeal.
This is gonna be the larp that pushes me over the edge
i'm faketrans
I'm sneed
I'm Chuck
No queen don't, we still need you for more videos, you're so talented!!
im gay
I'm dad
Goodnight tranners and channers. I gotta get to bed. Back to work for me, for another week
Goodnight, don't die.
Please don’t, your majesty.
Leave her alone, incel.
whats boymoding?
also i looked away for like 10 minutes and this thread got to 200, hot dog
Sissy repping
a jennie larp
taking a tranner to a mexican style hot dog place I like
youre chinese
People get confused and read it as boy-moding but it's actually boym-ODing, which is a little more self explanatory.
we're FULL
taking a handful of prog and sweating to death in my hoodie call that boymODing
I am Rick. You are morty. Sit down.
Please just stop drawing attention to me stop talking about grooby stop being weird
why dont you get a real job?
>determines if prospective immigrants are pure and Jewish enough racially to migrate to Israel
All it takes is one Jewish grandparent. And you can bring your gentile family.
You can just call me your family, that's fine too.
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I want to die is the biggest reason. Dont see the point working for a life I don't want
me too but I have cats and dogs to feed

No, I haven't been
I love you more than anything, your majesty.
IKTF but I think I'm starting to overcome it
why are jew haters so neurotic about artifacts of language. being a goy just means you of are another nation, there's no diminutive, there's no insult, it's just a quality
I mean what's the plan then? And not say die. You're not allowed to do that.
It's othering. Why should my family be literally divided up between Jew and Gentile?
Yea I dont know how because I don't want to be me I don't want this life
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maybe idrk, but if you can see it its not my main one i made this for a guy a while back
>i made this for a guy a while back
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You are all not allowed to quit.
I already did years ago
then start proposing
the same way your family would be divided by protestant or catholic or italian or irish or blah blah blah
everything is othering. it's the nature of our linguistic roots. we are not one people, we are a multitude
god gave the torah to one nation, and the hebrew language is centred around that, shaped and molded by the present times to which it loses such divine significance
Bro you need to voice train harder
Don’t worry, your majesty.
I will make you smile again.
I will make life worth living again for you.
I really do just wish I could die
just stop eating and drinking, it only takes 3 days.
>everything is othering
No. Just say we're I'm from then if it's just a nationality. I don't say here's my American dad and my foreigner mom.
I understand I have been there. But looking back I'm really glad I didn't go through with it.
The feeling dosent go all the way away but it gets easier to live with.
great thread. you should feel proud of yourself
nationality =/= nation
this is a certain kind of american brainrot
you're all so prissy about language and words and fuckin' crumbs of meaining
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youll get yur playlist one day anon idrk if he ever even listened to them, this version is admittingly sm better than the first

oh no you saw my schizo vid, tru tho but its hard and i sound like a fag when i try thats just my reg voice at work and stuff. imma try and post more but they are very cringe atm

same desu but i make them for special mofos and maybe one day ill get one back
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Please cheer up, your majesty.
Think about it this way.
When you wake up tomorrow, realize that you’re a beautiful woman deserving love & respect.
Be glad that you wake up as this beautiful woman instead of an Indian.
Your day will get better.
If they're just crumbs to you and they bother me why defend it so strongly?
because i think you're being a prissy little miser
you're no different to thought controlling PC police
guys i got kicked out of walmart again
I just don't think it's a good choice of word and then you called me a jew hater. I think you're being overly defensive off of reflex rather than any interest in the discussion.
Getting a rosewood playlist means you made it in this world.
This actually takes skill
For being racist?
yeah lad
at Walmart?
i called you a jew hater because only jew haters pull hairs about being called a goy. there is no discussion here, im calling you a faggot
you started it off with all the passive aggressiveness of a seething gay guy, and continue to react with effeminacy to quirks of language
yeah in walmart. they kicked me out for being racist.
You were kicked out?
yeah in walmart
>tru tho but its hard and i sound like a fag when i try
Let's hear it
No I'm quite fine with Jews actually. I just don't like the usage of goy, sure maybe I was a little smarmy with it but we're on 4chan. Being called a faggot doesn't bother me so much though, why did you think it would?
what were you doing?
When a crow notices patterns, people say it's cool and smart but when I do it, I'm "anti-semetic" and "have to leave Walmart".
They kicked you into walmart?
Anyone like angry music?

being racist
wtf are you talking about
can you (You) me and respond directly to the conversation instead of being a misdirecting effete?
you dont like being referred to as of another nation? do you look for offense everywhere you step?
Here's the bodycam footage
at walmart?
let's explode.
yeah walmart. i was racist being racist inside.
It’s not 9/11 anymore, Pichu.
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No, again I don't like being referred to as just "that foreigner". You've said it isn't that meaning, but I can't help but feel it is. I'm not joining some group of goy. There's no goy holidays or collective. It's literally just excluding me from Jewishness. Sure you want to use the easier word when we're choppin it up in Hebrew? But in English, I'm not into it. I'm honestly barely offended, I'm just saying it rubs me wrong and I think if it was my family I'd ask them not to do it. That's all I'm expressing.
Not everything is a fight here though. We're not enemies and if this is just making you angry we can stop.
They are going to lash out in pain as they strike you
anons how do you guys feel about early-mid 2010s era tumblr?

I kinda miss when it was relevant, but now its too long gone to indulge in the aesthetics like i was meant to
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some do say this, i have yet to believe in the validity of this statement

idk anon i dont wanna embarrass myself more than i have these past few days
Meet me at Grand Central Station.
It was a blight on the internet.
>No, again I don't like being referred to as just "that foreigner".
no one was doing that
>You've said it isn't that meaning, but I can't help but feel it is. I'm not joining some group of goy. There's no goy holidays or collective.
if the meaning we acquired from language was through blind & uninformed intuition then any communication would be a disaster
you are excluded from 'jewishness', because you are not a jew, you are of another nation, and you should be proud of that fact
im not angry but i am exasperated with this sort of talking point. you dont deserve reverence to sate feelings of discomfort, it's petty to expect language to revolve around your infantile sense of wellbeing
I hate it and thinking about it makes me vigorously misogynistic. This is why I hate you.
well, I'm a guy so I've never looked at it
blame the porn ban lol
im not doing any explanation
i am polemically calling you a sissy fag
I don't understand why you feel the need to be insulting. Is this actually how you talk to people? I get we're on 4chan, but you do know I'm a real person, right? I could just as well be a friend or a family member.
I actually don't care about the argument anymore though.
They should have mercy killed the users instead of sicking them on the internet.
Tumblr still likes to pretend they didn't send death threats to teen girls for drawing a characters nose differently, but they totally did do that. 2010s tumblr was a fucking nightmare.
must be war vets
i would respond to you in the exact way i am doing now with a few social niceties.
if i wasnt in danger of ostracisation i would speak the same way to anyone hoping to dictate expression towards PC dogma
people stop seeing others as human when they are anonymous. interestingly on games I noticed people were aggressive often but when I would talk on mic suddenly they were nice to me, like they saw me as a person
Back then I was photoshopping peoples faces onto porn and spamming gore lol
oh no there is definitely still porn and it is gross
Tumblr is still good even though it’s kinda dead
How would we know anything about it? Where do you think you are?
your opinions are so shit
okay grandpa i was dressing as a disney princess back then
This site got overrun by tumblr refugees.
were you the gore spammer on /a/
I don't know why you keep mentioning PC. I'm not saying everyone needs to feel how I do or we need to 1984 the entire language. I'm just expressing a very mild opinion about not liking a word. In the meanwhile you called me jew hater, faggot, faggot again, infantile. And supposedly this is you not even being angry.
It's not your most endearing.
No. I spammed it on tumblr. I don't use /a/ and never really did
i just realized /a/ is a blue board, i kinda just thought every board except this and the outdoors one were red
Isn't tumblr more of a woman thing?
do people really call them that? ive never heard that before
have you tried not coming to this website?
No Pinterest is
Just waiting for my queen to post again.
my favorite boards are blue!
and this one too, i guess.
I had one I made with pot pie recipes
Its true. But for real recieving a playlist or a mix tape from some one is such a good feeling.
Please stop reminding me of my decrepit age.
I miss mtf porn tumblr
Twitter never hit the same
Hi newfag here. Tell me if I'm in the wrong general.
A month ago I met this woman over tinder. We had a great time watching a movie and having dinner. I learnt that she was trans we we were going to have sex. I really didn't care because I was drunk and I really liked her. Eventually, we've been going out on dates like going out to an arcade, going on hikes and taking cooking classes to get to know her.
We also spent nights together having sex. She's submissive and I'm dominant so I'm always topping here. I give her handjobs when she's riding me or when I eat her ass, which I have no issues with, but I never sucked her dick. The idea of sucking her dick sorta makes me uncomfortable. How do I get over this uncomfortable feeling? I really like her.
you don't have to suck her dick, it's ok
Did she even ask you to suck her dick, dude?
simply don't do that. Most of us don't like it
you have to actually see her as a woman. she has a feminine penis full of estrogen, it is a woman's penis. in the same way you would want to like a vagina to please a girl, but you just suck on her pp instead because that is what she has.
Where is the grickle goo poster when you need him

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