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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi (embed)
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag (embed)

Previous non deleted thread: >>37184934 (Cross-thread)
Previous deleted thread 1: https://archiveofsins.com/lgbt/thread/37281885
Previous deleted thread 2: https://archiveofsins.com/lgbt/thread/37288994
Making a thread is such a terrible experience, you have to wait 10 minutes to even try and every time you fail the the shitty captcha it deletes what you had in the comment box and subject line so when you finally do succeed in making a thread it has no subject and you have to delete it
>tfw no gf
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I like to trib women but instead of clit to clit, asshole to asshole. I call it The Fartsnatch. So far women have been hesitant to try at first, but they leave as believers in The Fartsnatch
why are women so fucking disgusting holy shit
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Would you date a girl who has a tattoo of her waifu?
What do you fucking think? I'm on 4chan at 10 AM on a Monday, I'd date any girl. I'd fucking date anyone as long as that person has a pulse.
Now stop it with the retarded questions
No you stupid skank
kek! i remember once saying that meme when i was looking for a leak! So MANY KEK's!

Seethe HARDER!
>and more kek's where had that day.

What character is that? Like i'm not into humoring infantilizing either, but its really good art for a tattoo..

nah, i cant relate, i really Really like women. an i Have to have standers. The goal is to make someone happy at the same time they are making me happy. <3 ^_^
Is that really on your skin or, is that just photoshop. That looks really good. that light gray is unreal.
I'm not seething. I'm disgusted.
Nope! if you are in fact discussed with something you won't fallow it around everywhere to TELL it you are discussed/repulsed. What you would do, is grasp that You are the one causing it to YOURself, and just stay away from it. You would try to fix it, NOT antagonize it. unnecessarily antagonizing people means you can't compute that everyone and their mom for whatever reason won't agree with you. Thus, you seethe
I'm still stuck on this, but the diehard fans hate the new female Custodes but I'm coming around. Especially this one with the Anathema Knight, Sister of Silence?
I want them to do something with them though, this episode feels like a buddy-cop pilot
reminder that i lub women,(over 30 and has a bagina of course) and i lub to hear about how awesome they are
Technically I'm a liberal, but I'm going to vote right from now on. Fuck muslims and their "prophet", holy shit. It's getting dangerous to look gay in public, not to mention how I hate seeing girls wrapped in those potato bags like slaves.
You owe the right no loyalty, make them work for it. You don't have to vote for them any more than the leftoids. We should have a "vote? No!" campaign
>a "vote? No!" campaign
This is fucking stupid.
women are awesome.
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That's the fun part, because it would work! Imagine a national movement of "what have you done for me lately?"
threadpic is my favorite pokemon op i love you
yes. i'd get a tattoo of mine, too.
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There has been a movement like that in my country. Let me tell you how it goes: if you don't vote, somebody else will. Campaigns like that are usually funded by a political party that realizes a part of their opponents' electorate is easily swayed into neutrality.
how the fuck do y'all fall in love with japanese cartoons?
i'm not in love with a drawing, i just love that drawing, yk? like, i'm not about to build a shrine or ask kodaka if i can marry his drawing but i'll buy figures and collect fanart and play the games.
they all look the same
they arr rook same?
how do i become a cis lesbian?
reincarnation :3
naw just put me back in the womb ima do over real quick
No backsies, you gotta go around again
How does that even work, like, in terms of positioning... Actually I'm not sure I even want to know
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anime girls sexo
TFW, trump str8 up has a contract with them and even built tower on their land...

yes, we know about that movement, do you know about how devastating Kamala is, and how WEAK trump is next to her? Its simple schematics really. The youth have already been taken, our kids are dumb, so they will vote whats "riz" . trump, is Not riz. The end.


It doesn't, its a man trying to apply male anatomy to female anatomy. What you get is, some weird chat GPT crap that wont work or make sense. MEN's G spot is in the butt. Women dont have one, its phytological. Then litteral crazy guy just circle jerks himself all over everything. NGL, i think he might be that one prince that is known for eating things out of buckets during the orgies he buys.
I read my pasta on vocaroo with not only myself, but also with another woman. Yet even in a gen with a weird obsession with vocaroo posts I'm still called a man
Your bagina makes you a girl. That's it.
The end, Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Don't care for this post. Don't reply to this post, technically I'm off-topic, but I applaud your commitment in resistance to the bitranny menace, well done girls.
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Not everyone is as desperate as you anon. For some that might be a red flag or something.

Why not?

>What character is that?
Magia Baiser from the magic girl bdsm yuri hentai show

It's not me in the picture, I found it on /a/. From a quick image search the original source is this reddit account.

Who is your waifu?
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Thanks anon :) shroomish a qt!

I remember fartsnatch anons vocaroo too and they definitely sounded like women not trannies.
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The real question is, would you date my future ex?
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That individual is a walking talking marketing campaign

Oh, its a man joke, took me a second to grasp it.
There's a blood moon tomorrow night, make a wish

It depends, I can overlook many things once I fall in love with a woman so maybe, but I don't find anime tattoos attractive. I consider them inmature and impulsive, but I may be prejudiced.
>Oh, its a man joke, took me a second to grasp it.
Thought the same. Boring.
nah you're definitely Stacysexual
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Make me a MONSTER
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4 out of 5, which means this graph is 100% true.
what about if my pointer is longer whats my prognosis doc?
>tfw no quark gluon plasma gf
You whore. I was just about to create a /new/ once this one expired. Thanks for ruining my night (I hate you.)
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I don't think that's humanly possible.
*kicks you in the pussy and runs away while honking my clown nose back at you mockingly*
Why are most lesbians masculine, fat and ugly?
Thinking about going on HRT (Homo Replacement Therapy) because I'm tried of dealing with women and all their bull crap.

The only downside is that mom and dad will like me again.
Would you date a witch who makes you listen to her hymns to the goddess while lounging around the house and pray with her at her altar before bed?
Is she hot? if so then yes I would.
She's one notch above mid. How does that change your view?
I have to see her to make that decision
Why're you here instead of yanking your tiny wiener to images of black men penetrating white women? I'd taunt you with a reminder that your gf's probably playing dress up with another girl right now and is currently receiving the best cunny of her life, but there's a 0% chance you've ever had a gf.
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Would you date a girl who has her waifu painted on her car? you will sometimes have to be a passenger in the waifumobile
IDknow about the prayer part, but if she can carry a conversation, i would be enthralled
new word unlocked
i giggled at this. >.>
>but if she can carry a conversation, i would be enthralled
Such high standards.
Are they? well i guess over 30? can speak spanish? Is ok with the fact that i am in fact a dyke and tend to dress as such. IDK. I just like to hear about different kinds of people. Is it to much? or to little? I really dont know anymore.
Yep, I've got one. Cry about it while I ignore your link
His gf is his hand
Uuuh, why would i "cry" about it, i like my bagina.
mechanic shop = 5 days and 2500 bucks
reality = 1 hour and a 300 dollar part (granted i had preexisting tools)

learn to work on cars, i'm telling you. or fuck me for it, that's cool too.
My cat is deaf and she's got the volume cranked to 11 with the dial broken off
Garages are prone to scamming women anyway. My car was 2 years old and they tried selling me a new set of tires, claiming the treads were worn down and needed to be replaced.
I walked to work for almost a year because I didn't know my sparkplugs needed changing. There was an anon who walked me through it, I forget who.
Every 10 seconds a lesbian bar shuts down somewhere in the US.
Nightmares and insomnia pair fuckin great, don't they?
Time for work, later kids
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Can never forgive the German people for trying to exterminate such celestial beings.
i hope gay marriage gets outlawed again. it used to be way more exciting.
Ya know as a lesbian bartender I got so many opinions on this. Especially because it once upon a time seemed cool to work at a gay/lesbian bar and so I did do that and realized why they shut down.

Lesbians don't really deserve nor desire lesbian bars and on average they're such mid-to-shitty tier customers they can't support a business as a lone niche group to cater to. Like gay dudes? Ok there's enough gay dudes in this city I live in to support about 3-5 gay bars. Gay dudes go out often enough, they tip pretty great if they're boujie rich gays that wanna be picky and catered to, otherwise they mostly like vodka-sodas and easy shots and you put a drag show on they're gonna be out at the bar every weekend no matter the weather or political climate (ie I worked the day after the Florida gay bar shooting and if anything it made gay dudes spitefully go out and drink more that week).

But lesbians? Nah it's a rare treat if even a dozen lesbians show up at the lesbian owned/defined bar. If there's 15 lesbians at a bar I'm wondering if there's an event or did Pink have a concert I didn't hear about? In large groups even about 80% of lesbians SUCK ASS to serve. Needy for attention, indecisive as fuck about what to order, kinda annoying person that steps to a busy dive bartenders well and gives me three specific classic craft cocktails recipe cards for basic shit I don't have cause it's obviously a goddamn gay DIVE bar with no fresh fruit so I definitely don't got chartreuse and coupes all I got are plastics. And it's like look, there's pretentious needy gay dudes too. Like an annoying gay dude might ask if I have better wine selection but then his gay bud will say "hey friend this is a busy dive so like maybe just get a seltzer cause they dont got much wine here" or even I can say that and the gay dude is chill. I say that to a lesbian, as an obvious other lesbian, and she gets butthurt at me and says I'm descriminating and she's never coming back.
>she gets butthurt

dude talk
How does a pussy lick with a tongue piercing feel like?
damn this is so true
It IS in fact dood talk. Just lesbians, are extatic at a place that is allowed to remove unruly people. Go on a lesbian cruise. Then go on a str8 one. What writer said applys more to the str8 kind of behavior
cool, you dont see a reason to have any. Most lesbians will keep that in mind.
Just started my period today and I just sneezed. Whew.
On the topic of periods, do you guys get that tidal wave of blood when you first stand up in the morning too? I never discussed periods with girls, only cramps. I'm wondering if I'm just a heavy bleeder.
This happens to me. Also happens when I stand after sitting down for a long time.
Every bartender gets butthurt. But whatever I'm actually a normal enough lesbian. Can't help but admit that lesbians are kinda lame as customers at an average bar. They're not the worst. But too mid-tier to also be catered to in a niche market, especially in the bar industry where many live or die on the margins of profit. Gay alcoholic men will keep a dive gay bar afloat during slow season. Lesbians alcoholic women less so. Women simply don't go out for the experience of hanging at a bar as much, lesbian women less so.

Events and specialty cruises that happen to have booze and are aimed at inclusive lesbian clientele do make bank. Every couple times a season lesbians will mark their calendars for some local lesbian event. Not enough social alcoholics to have a regular long standing bar.

I don't know why and wish it were different but it's not. Anyway I have done gigs for lesbians events and they're not the worst but still the gay dudes events tend to be more profit and higher attendance. At most I worked an event for about 200 lesbians. It was ok. Ladies got too drunk some snuck in booze and cracked her head on the pool but otherwise ok night. Wish there were more events like that in my area to work but nah that was a rare pride event. Having talked with people that do the planning for these events they say it's hard to get committed RSVPs to plan around and budget. Every other lesbian swears they want more than one yearly sick lesbian exclusive pool party or mixer-speed-date night but then nah, the numbers of actual people committed is abismal.
Probably also a little bit this. I don't shed a tear over the end of gay bar culture. I mean I guess I wish for it cause it'd be cool to make a living slinging drinks to lesbians it's also probably a good thing that our general quality of life has improve so much we can expand outside gay bars.

Like thank God the average lesbian doesn't have to go to a seedy dark windowed bar to get served a drink with her girlfriend on a night out. One can go anywhere. Go to a book club or game night or dance at any dance hall it's not scandalous anymore to hold hands at a ramen spot. We do lose a bit of the tight nit aspect of community by it not being a forced Us v. Them but now if we choose you can hang out around any social area based on interests and personal taste.
Oh, so now I'm not gay anymore just because I get violently horny for penis whenever I'm ovulating and want one of my safe guy friends to fake "rape" me but am too chickenshit to ever act on that impulse irl.
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Can't get enough of this gif (webm) btw (by the way)
anyone started putting hats on their pussies for halloween? mine clearly thinks i'm retarded but will tolerate the hats.
I know you're referring to your cat but I still chuckled.
Pretty sure everyone gets this. The blood gets trapped and then released when you change positions.
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Is this the best pairing?
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OR is it this?
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reminds me of helga and phoebe from hey arnold
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It's too cute. Have to post this one too. I will stop posting any more AI slop after this I promise
me on the right
Ancient Vampire Twitch streamer. They awake after eons, two or three millenia, and find all our cool toys.
"Ohh shiit, you can just watch things on this screen?" devolve into dessicated mummy with the RGB lights and gamergirl headset
>how do you do fellow mortal children
>do you want to see me video games
>yeess, my followers grow in numbers
all the while their servants and household is all
>pic related

Ancient Vampire Gamer Girl who's bad at video games and doesn't know how to meme becomes internet famous because everyone thinks she's doing a comedy bit
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The whole
>"Why should we hide? We are the apex predators...."
Vampire supremacy garbage; clashing with modern consumption culture and shiny gizmos. I would play it straight, have all the 100% proof they're a Vampire happen ((off screen)) to where the ((audience)) is only implied, while we, the actual 3rd wall, being aware that nope they are in fact murdering someone like a Caprisun in the other room.

They'll have a meticulous plan to take over the entire country in an orgy of bloodletting, but first they have to catch this red dot
What We Do in the Shadows but more on the nose. Have the whole Aplot be murder drama angst feeding the Bplot about an exclusive drop the main villain wants and goes full Inattentive Parent;
>"Mommy's busy...gang-gang..."
>furious clicking and typing noises
Intrigue and betrayal, court politics in the modern age, one of their chief advisors is a snake like Starscream but hides it with toys movies and games.
>I've had enough of your Bullshit, Character Name, you have failed me for the Last Time
b-but my lady, I have the new release of Waifu Game Deluxe, just as you requested
>Where is the included figurine? Did we not secure my Pre-Order?
You know something i discovered a while ago?
You only Gush bleed if you haven't had kids. o.o
I've never been pregnant, and i was told that women who never have kids tend to have a bigger flow.
then everyone knows that people still have sex on their periods right? Like to lesbians that is a normal bodily function, so its not something that would stop us. Also women dont tend to be squeamish around blood, because our period dictates our comfort level around it.
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Just told ChatGPT about the nightmare I had last night (set in the early 2000s) where my father, having grown tired of the expenses that come with rearing children, decided to wait until a weekend where he knew my mother would be out of town before hiring Robert Bork to electrocute my older brother and I while we slept in our bedrooms, and ChatGPT gave me an incredibly insightful interpretation of every part of my disturbingly specific dream.

There is literally nothing AI cannot do!
AI cant work at amazon. <.<
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I can't blame it for not wanting to be enslaved.
You sell poison for a living to retards who think buying and drinking poison = lgbt community.
Maybe lesbians are just too smart to buy what you are selling.
>a bigger flow
Not at all what op was talking about.
I don't think I've ever known a single lesbian who wasn't a borderline alcoholic. 60% of all gay women are beer boys/IPA goons, 40% are vod whores, another 50% are wine mommies (including me...and the groups overlap obviously,) and 100% of lesbians are clinically depressed (also including me.)
Nice to meet you, Im NOT even remotely an alcoholic

you fooled me? >>37310995
kek, thats a fair assessment.
i don't drink, just don't like the feeling of not feeling in control
Same, something about dulling my senses that freaks me out.
I don't drink often, but get me in the mood and something to sip on and I'll get trashed with you. Much rather smoke a little green, don't have to rush to the bathroom for that!
Sissy sippers, that's what my brother and old friend group called my Mike's Hard and wine coolers and Hard Seltzers. Some people swear by the hops and only drink beer, some people only swill the Hard shit. It makes me stupid and emotional. So I'll either have a great time or get sauced and cry, or both!
I hate when people fall in love with me I hate when people fall in love with me I hate when people fall in love with me I hate when people fall in love with me
I am going to disappoint her because I am not the person she's believe I am and she is going to be crushed I never intended on getting this close and she's vagueposting about her feelings and I want to kill myself
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>dad left for work over an hour earlier than usual
>he already leaves pretty damn early
>ask him a question via text
>he responds using unusual slang, normally he's formal
>last time mom went out of town, he was gone for 7 hours
>tried calling him but he didn't answer 4 hours into him being gone
>calls back out of breath and claims he's at Home Depot
He's cheating on her again, isn't he?
you sound like a faggot
I've had no alcohol in my life because my family was really Christian. Maybe you get the addiction as a young adult but I've got no desire to try it.
I am a faggot and I hate when people fall in love with me
Day after tomorrow I'm excited
I've got so much lumber in my home country that's being wasted. Like, I have 6k more lumber production than I need and no one wants to buy more of it. My economy law is Laizzes Faire so I can't forcibly downsize my domestic lumber and start rebuilding my logging industry bit by bit in the African colonies. I'm just kinda stuck. I mean they're not the worst jobs, but it's inefficient. They could be working in industries like electrics or steel which produce materials I'm in need of and which pay 1.5 times more as a rough eye average estimate. It's annoying. I wish I could go back in time and stay with interventionism. Interventionism really is the way to go with a colonial build. Laizzes faire is for America or Russia, who don't rely on colonies to expand their markets. The rubber plantations are insanely profitable though. The ones in south Angola are making 18.4k pounds a month, while the most productive of the aforementioned logging camps are making 3.65k. That's another problem. Less profit means less money reinvested into the economy to spur growth. FUCK. This is frustrating.
Would you date a woman whose job is to oversee the exploitation of overseas colonies?

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