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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>QOTT 1: What uncommon thing would you encourage everyone to try once?
>QOTT 2: What are you interested in that most people haven't heard of?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
Hello lesbians
functional programming
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I will never have a girlfriend
>QOTT 1: What uncommon thing would you encourage everyone to try once?
lesbian PIV
>What uncommon thing would you encourage everyone to try once?
learning sign language + braille
>What are you interested in that most people haven't heard of?
goalball, it's like soccer but for the blind or visually impaired
being a male trans woman
dating male trans women
i've done that, pretty hot
Have you done it? Do you want to?
and i'm doing it again in november >:)
The exaggerated swagger of a puppygirl transbian
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no, yes in theory
Are you trans or cis?
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oh, this amuses me so much, anon. thank you for the laugh. i really needed that
anon you are talking to the most infamous rapehon transbian in the history of lesgen, people call her rapecorn for a reason
Are you the top or bottom and are you cis or trans
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i honestly really dislike that, for a variety of reasons
i am infamous for being a tranny who posts about PIV a lot, but i really don't like that word associated with me. it's gross for a variety of reasons
I want to PIV a girl so bad but I'm ashamed of myself and feel guilty >.>

Is it really so wrong to feel this way?
there's literally nothing wrong with it, and anyone who says otherwise is a psycho
people can do whatever they want with other consenting adults. there is literally no other sane take
cant u people just be nice for a change. i bet its actually just the same 1-2 people that are always mean. you are probably the same person that always hateposted at lago
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i need a cis gf who makes me eat her pussy and locks up my little trans dick for october
thinking about PIV
me too and it's getting worse
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what are we gonna do....
PIV concept gives me gender dysphoria, despite being post op.
Me on the right trying to hide my dick
Pick a rainy night and go out for a late drive in your company A5 to a gas station just outside of town, get a cup of bad gas station coffee, pop a xannie, and just watch people coming and going while listening to the rain from inside your car.
Secure corporate intranet WANs with long range packet radio links. There are entire country/world spanning parallel 'internets' just existing all around you and most hoes have no idea, its pretty neat.
>functional programming
poser, i bet you dont even a monoid in the category of endofunctors
that first thing just sounds extremely depressing and like one of the last half dozen or so things i'd ever do in my life before planting that A5 firmly inside of bridge support
Nah its super comfy, you're probably just in a bad headspace.
>Secure corporate intranet WANs with long range packet radio links. There are entire country/world spanning parallel 'internets' just existing all around you and most hoes have no idea, its pretty neat.
I'm listening
it's just corpo ham radio..
>taking xanax is super comfy
gee who would have thought
Oh I thought you'd have like campfire stories about them
I mean that's it, I deploy and manage networks like that and they're super neat. idk.
Yeah no.
I need a gf who I can read across the room from every night.
im not her, she probably does have fun stories about it like that one time she took a xannie
>Yeah no.
so what are the difference? channel doesnt count because of course corpo has their own channels, encryption doesnt count either because of course corpo has more encryption
>it's not ham because i know what i'm doing
doesn't count either because nobody uses ham to mean ham-fisted and bad at radio anymore anyway
bottom, cis
uhm hi are you cis??
i just said i am
God that's so based
hey where the hell is the link to the last thread i wanna look through the images
here it is!
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tummy ache gf
Im so fucking lonely
not me, after multiple half gallon enemas over the past 3 days i have finally resolved my constipation !! :D
good morning lesbians i accidentally used my salad with nuggets bowl for my breakfast cereal and it tastes a bit funny
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thats just a picture
23andme results came in now i actually have nothing to look forward to
average lesgen poster
>people can do whatever they want with other consenting adults
libcuck identified
Liberals do not care about you. Liberals eat dogs. Liberals engage in human sacrifice. Don't believe me? It won't matter for much longer. Events are in motion that will turn us all into haitian barbeque.
going back to my nose stud
ring wont heal properly..
fuck my tranny life
Women only groupchat on Snapchat

Add iserikaacutie on snap and ask about the group to join. Everyone must verify to get in
jordan called me a person of the world and thats so insulting but also really funny
I have to make a choice, bottom surgery or detrans, there’s no way I can live as a begricked twinkhon my whole life
confession: my dad doesn't actually know i'm black and thinks i'm just the puerto rican race
how do u verify?
t. conservative militia
posting a blood test showing you have a xx
I wake up. Still no cis asian gf. The nightmare continues.
>coworkers think I like men even though I said I don't multiple times
genuinely what do I even do
I saw an attractive cis asian female on the train today.
I am a real woman you terfy terferina kill yourself!!!!!
Bring a blow up doll to work and introduce her to them
The people you vote for will roast your little puppy bones and that's not my problem.
how do you know i have little puppy bones >:C
Is there a term for conventionally femme presenting cis lesbians that are internally malebrained af and often act like tomboys but feel no friction between the two and kinda just vibe? Terms other than "awesome", "mommy", and "goals" I mean.
um hi are you cis?
me irl
i have a coworker like this
er, i guess she's not a lesbian, but rather a bishit. same idea, though
Not really, it's like a futch. It definitely exists just people tend to be tomboys futch dykes and ftms when they male brain.
cis asian female spotted on the train again. These asian bitches love riding trains.
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Trans girls belong to cis girls
dont call them bitches????
>halimede will never belong to me
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Hate to break to you but the people who run halimede account were in Sao Francisco few months ago doing a met up and they're both trans
i did a low effort halimede cosplay meme that mia and aevee both retweeted a few years ago and no you can't see it
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A cis asian halimede gf would fix me.
soon i will have a wife
But.... :(
No, plenty of cis women use strap ons for their partners and no one acts weird about that
>will never be abused by halimede
This is why I have to keep another trans girl in a cage, to cope
>using a strap is just like piv
oh uh
Do you consider me to be a lesbian? I like males who look like females in the face and they wear their hair long and are gentle-like women but I do not like genetic women are extreme feminine bodies. I like some trans women if they don't have big breasts and our small hip. I don't really think of myself as a lesbian. I just don't like masculine looking guys
I mean its a bit different since you cant feel with a strap but its still penetrating your partner.
you’re bi
Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP)
both are just as hetero as the other
If a cis girl using a strap on is straight I think most lesbians I know will need to get used to their straight relationships
go out and get her... the trump way
same applies to PIV between two women
I used to know this one cis lesbian from El Salvador. She was so racist against her own country she would always say she'd never date another Salvadoran girl. Instead she pursued girls on discord from the states who cheated on her. lol I fucking lol at cis dykes who were born cis and fail worse than trannies do.
if i have a neglible amount of balkan is that just noise or does that mean a few ancestors fled to italy from albania
>Instead she pursued girls on discord from the states who cheated on her
waow literally me
it can be a variety of things
you can have genetic links to ethnic/cultural groups that are represented in modern categories but those groups have no real representation in the modern world
for example, you could have a genetic link to areas in what's considered the balkans from ostrogoth related dna, and that can show up weakly on a modern test since technically the genetic legacy left by such groups is represented in modern populations
this is why tools that let you test against other samples are fun to explore because you can take your raw data from something like ancestry and go further in depth into why you're showing up as from a particular region
No I'm not bisexual in the slightest because I have absolutely no interest in a woman's body or in somebody who sees themselves as a woman.
I'm sure I might have this what it's confusing to me Because I do not have autogynophilia. I have absolutely no interest in women's bodies once they are fully developed. I like very small male bodies with feminine looking faces.
I am attracted to guys who look like me
I can put some french in you
I only remembered that now
you said you’re into trans women so you are bi
>hurr durr pee pee poo poo
oh okay
not sure why it upsets you or why you felt the need to ask us when you’re not interested in hearing our responses
i've tried scissoring once and it felt like fucking heaven i want to do it again so bad but there aren't any bottom queer girls where i live
Same, but too many women can’t do it. The fact that so many queer women are obese and out of shape doesn’t help.
I think this is an accurate post in a sense but it takes an incorrect attitude. The locked in the attic analogy is great, but, they're not prisoners of their own fears/mind, but rather of the general publics lack of interest in relationships, especially comitted one, to trans. So like prison gay people they only have otther trans as options, but, even that doesnt work usually.
last time i did it with a pretty chubby girl and it didn't really make a difference, i think it's just about finding the right position. I'm slim and it went well when i topped her, i tried being topped by her just to see how it would go, i didn't enjoy it as much because i generally like topping more but it wasn't uncomfortable at all. Picrel is pretty much the position we were in (i used that as a base for a drawing lmao)
This is so autistic its cute
>I fucking lol at cis dykes who were born cis and fail worse than trannies do
same. imagine being outlesbian'd by a fucking tranny. loser
i wish someone would
i'm a francophile after all
Thats really cute, autistic girls belong together
Tfw never will be abused by a french woman
autist4autist is very cute unless they have a child together then it becomes child abuse
Autistic kids are better off raised by autistics than nt people
autists should be neutered until the autist gene disappears tbdesu
that would cause a genocide against japanese people
it would have been cute if the situation didn't end in a total fucking mess, but i'd rather not talk about that
i am voting for kamala harris to become the first afro-caribbean president
please never express an opinion again
I don't consider passing down autism some horrible crime. Nuerotypical people are the weird ones who want everyone to conform to a certain neurotype
literally how are two cis lesbians supposed to have a biological child
very carefully
It's not passing down autism in and of itself, but rather, passing down difficulty and misery. if ur rcih and pass on autism with a million dollars id say go for it lol. If u pass on autism for ur kid to be bullied all his life and then wind up in retail or a depressed neet, still being bullied, then obv thats bad

i was referring to straight people and this concept more broadly as a tangent, not gay people obv. I dunno much abt gay relationships. Some gay people can use surrogates.
>Many genetic defecineies
>such as
please stop posting forever you fuck
by doing it with enough love
kawoshin is a lesbian relationship
oh sorry i dotn mean it in a bad way. rather just as an example of genetic variation that can arguably occur through womb development rather than direct inheritence and thus hard to remove from a genepool. obv being gay isnt the same as down dyndrome. However both stem from "accidents" or "hiccups" during natal development and not according to the typical genetic plan for humans. I know this sort of language is charged and hard to discuss and throny but i mean no harm. I just mea like from a clinical perspective

This is sweet but bizzare
Fuck off, no one gives nt poor people shit for having kids
I'm not bisexual because I'm not attracted at all to women. Definition of bisexual is being attracted to men and women. I'm not attracted to women I'm attracted to men who look feminine enough to pass as women but they do not have the kind of body a woman has.
I mean if a trans woman has big tits and srs I'm not attracted to her
put your trip back on and fuck off
Actually there is a good amount of that these days in some circles. Especially unnatractive poor people, and low iq poor people. Ur way better off upper class handsome and autisitc than ugly poor and NT.
Find a trans woman or man they like
Go to a fertility clinic
so you’re saying you are into trans women who don’t pass
please continue expressing objectively correct opinions
Here's my take on that. If they pass they're not going to be a sexually attractive to me. It's easier to be around straight people if they pass but if they don't pass their more sexually attractive to me. Especially if they can do boy mode and look like an attractive younger male
>these days
>Ur way better off upper class [...] than [...] poor [...].

this is such a chronically online take. autistic people are, to a degree, disabled and socially impaired. a child needs a capable parent, and while being nt doesn't guarantee you will be one, being autistic does guarantee you won't be
lol cis women only date hons is true innit
soooo you're a faggot? cause like, if you're not bi and if you are into non-passers but being with a passer would be easier around straight people then a passer would let you pass as straight even though you're a cis male homosexual
Being raised by neurotypicals is a garauntee you'll be raised by people who don't want you and will abuse you. A capable autistic person is far better than the average nt parent of autistic kids
>a capable [parent] is better than [an] average [...] parent [...]

cis women mostly date men or other women. the percentage of cis women willing to date a tranny is super low but you people seem to have an obsession with that scenario so it gets talked about a LOT in here, while showing examples. maybe that's why your perception is skewed
Yeah, an autistic person who isn't too disabled to raise kids is going to be a better parent to an autistic kid than a neurotypical parent who hates them (90% of nt parents)

pick one, can't have both
Plenty of autistic people hold down jobs and graduate from phd programs
my neurotypical parents were very capable of neglect :)
yes this is true. it's impossible for trans to get ltr especially if not truly gay
Howeever many people r alone forever so isnt that unusual
im tranny and had sex with over 2 dozen cis women ask me nothing cause im actually really busy rn sry
"plenty" not really. they're not the norm, but the exception. that's why they get so hyped up. nobody talks about the autistic people who don't amount to anything important in their lives
as I said, being NT doesn't guarantee you will be a capable parent. doesn't mean you would have been better off with autistic parents. Autistic people are very self centered, most of them lack patience and social awareness, per their condition, therefore they are not the best caretakers, specially if we're talking about children, SPECIALLY autistic children who are a challenge.

I understand being resentful at your NT parents, but autistic parents are not really the solution
>Autistic people are very self centered, most of them lack patience and social awareness, per their condition
this is such a ridiculous definition of a """pathology""" lol and you're not only arguing in bad faith but also stupid
you're a fucking retard
I just want a bad bitch
tell me i can do the same
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She spoke to a stranger without asking for permission first
This is all a big distraction from the fact that autistic girls are cute and deserve to be pet by their fellow autists
>another gen destroyed by laf
lago was an idiot for not banning laf on sight
what, did you think "autism" was a positive character trait? maybe read the definition and clinical characteristics of autism again
we were talking about lesbian sex how did the conversation get here
I'm laf. I only made about 3 posts today. The others are all by other people. I only made like 3 posts. U r just obsessed.
These r mine. No others are. Please dont make me your boogeyman.
>missing the point this hard
look at my room mate, he's smarter than you
Yes, I'm a gay (homosexual) trans woman who likes my image sexually. I like men who look like women, especially in the face. I have a very feminine body because I been on estrogen for 10+ years. I like all hay men but only attracted to feminine looking males.
well, you're into men
Looking for a dominant transgirl who wants to be my gfs "owner"
Gf is 23/f
Must be a furry and into mlp
Must use secondlife.
Not allowed to bully me.

Please post your discord if interested
That's so insane
>second life
are you 80 years old you boomerhon
tbqh i know some cisles in their late 20s who love that shit for some reaon
How true. I'm into men who look like women. My boyfriend doesn't want to take HRT and he's starting to lose his feminine face features. He's got too much facial hair and I've talked to him about electrolysis
What's your gf like and what are the expectations of her owner?
Also cis or trans?
wtf gross dude
There's a dedicated sl thread on /mlp/
t. tranny who can set up a second life account
Why put it down! Why put anybody down who's different?
She's cis
An awkward autistic girl that is a turbo nerd. The fact that secondlife and ponies are a requirement should tell you a lot about her.
And as far as expectations right now it's mostly just a generally dominant person who has the actual time dedicate to her but actually respects that our relationship exists and wouldn't try to heck with it.
Did you finally come out sexual? You're into women, transgender or ?
that's what professionals exist for
>wouldn't try to heck with it
why. transbians stealing each other gfs is m favorite soap opera
>She's cis

Is this your idea of better? She outfemmes you, makes you a male dork.
no. im questioning/confused. i dunno if im asexual or straight or whatever. i used to think i was possibly gay/meta attracted but now i realize im not really after a bad experience with a guy and srs stuff. i generaaly always thought was fully ace or agp but i kinda gained the ability to coom more after srs and prog ig?
it doesnt really matter, my plan is to stay single forever. i came here largely to avoid schrodinger and cause the server is friendly
Cute and adorable. Hope she finds a trans girl to dom her, I might go for it but I'd have to think it over
I wish we could be girlfriends. I really think you're pretty. It's not possible though now that your head SRS. I had a SRS too but I hardly ever tell anybody.online.
I regret having an SRS. I've dated straight guys didn't know I was trans and it worked out fine as far as them not knowing I'm trans but there was any emotional connection because I don't really like straight men.
I have no idea what you mean by this

Well take your time. I'm gonna keep my eye on this thread and hope you end up posting your discord.

She's generally pretty dominant which is great but when she's feeling like she wants to be a sub it's hard cause I'm like a MAJORLY submissive guy so I can't really help so if we can find a girl that fits in with her and I can actually get along with that'd be awesome
U know exactly what I mean
Why do u regret srs? does urs look realistic? Do u think trans/you can look female?
i wish i had a friend
File deleted.
nobody even acknowledged the funny picture me and my gf made
she has and was born with a vagina, do you MEN not understand that? she is an afab and she has sex with trannies!!! whats not to get?? you HAVE to give us attention and react in a nice way
thats how this works you cock having losers!!
the guy on the right looks like supereyepatchwolf lole
I've always looked female. Always thought it was a curse. I hated it when I was a teenager.
Do you mean my vagina looks female? Most men seem to think it does.
I don't really happen to opinion; I never
looked at that many CIS women's vaginas. In fact, I've only looked at one and it looked better than mine..
Now I've had guys go down in me; they never say anything like it's fake. Guys who do not even know I'd had srs.
I don't date straight men anymore, only femme gay men who are open-minded, which are very few.
Ok. I understand. Doesnt your srs have scars or something to indicate is srs?
For all practical purposes those are two men
shut up pooncuck
I don't really know? I don't really like looking at it and really haven't looked in a mirror and examined it and quite some years.
I don't think I have any outside scars.I only know guys don't say "How come you're different down here"
ok. Thank you for your answers. I understand
i hate you
viciously disgusting image
>>37299765 are u and >>37299385 different people or do we have two ftm cucks on the same thread at the same time?
can we stop talking about the beautiful yaoi couple i posted to garner your attention and instead talk about my beautiful cis f dog boi and her corner punishment?
thanks for your understanding
yes ftms and other cis women are taking their ordained places beneath mtfs as is proper.. i suppose when all the gender stuff gets so convoluted it messes up their nwo programming and allows them to be slaves and pups for *men* without freaking out about their fake self respect and hatred of cock
nigga u weird stop saying things like that
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stuff like what?? the TRUTH??>>37300040
And to be clear I'm a cis male not ftm
im tired of pretending that pooners aren't women
worried due to posts here. very worried. worried trans isnt real and all trans look like and are birth sex, like people here say.
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to be clear im jordan (an mtf male) and i have a cis f boi dog gf and also if youre reading this youre black and lost the game
thats even more pathetic. at least a ftm being a pathetic sub who cant top is understandable bcuz theyre afab. but a cis guy being too submissive to top his cis gf? pathetic. you should be embarrassed of yourself
it's true.. all trans look like and are birth sex
I wish none of us would have to pretend we're the other sex! I wish sex wasn't so fixed in people's minds, like women do this and men do that, women look like this and men look like that. It's what's so fucked up about our society.
That's kinda mean. People have different sexual preferences and it doesn't make anyone better or worse than anyone else.
Don't be a bully
im a certified gold star lesbian but when i pass big strong guys at the store and theyre nice to me it gives me butterflies and makes my knees weak..
ur right im sorry male sub anon i apologize the evil got ahold of me
super worried abt this and this idea/post
damn so lago was really the necessary evil huh
transition ftm, fuck them and then detransition after ur done. that way ur still gay after everything
It's ok. Sometimes we forget there are real life people behind anonymous posts. I forgive you
trump voice: now clg, clg isnt sending their best folks. theyre sending chasers, theyre sending bishits, theyre sending comphets, terfs. just terrible people
If this was true I wouldn't have had a transition. I always wanted to be the Butch's toughest kid in school able to beat up all the boys that picked on me. I'd love to be a male and be gay
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thank u.....
You ok? Seems like you might need someone to talk to?
no, ive never been ok. its fine though i dont wnna be a burden. i was just taken aback by how kind u were..
i need to fuck her so bad
Noone is ever a burden. If you're comfy sharing your discord I wouldn't mind talking!
terf gf who sees me as one of the good ones
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I'm the puppet master. You're all here for me to play with.
gf who doesnt use 4chan
im sorry i was too mean to you i dont deserve u being nice to me
Everyone deserves kindness in their life!
Besides you were just a tiny bit mean
Did you forget you're a human being or something? It's not fucked up it's completely natural. Just because trans people exist doesn't mean life isn't beautiful.
got a date with a chaser
first date in a year
i saw this like 5'11 cis chick walking to class today and i felt so envious of her for some reason . _ .
like im envious of all tall girls but the way she carried herself i just was like damn, i'll never be that tall, this sucks
How do you know she was cis? I also prefer how taller people look in a sense but at the same time there r a lot of negative consequences for being "too tall" or even taller than av in general so i dunno.
It's true! Don't be too hard on yourself. Just be kinder in the future!
oh cool we're doing eugenics now
>How do you know she was cis?
i thoroughly checked her genitals and studied her chromosomes of course
> oh hey could you reach this for me
it never fucking ends
drunk in a warm bath missing you so fucking bad tonight. about to drain the water and then fill it again ice cold. hope to drown. i deserve it i am evil
accidentally drew on my pants at work ( ._.)
i just dont know. im sorry ill try, i just feel awful everyday
are you sure you don't wanna talk? Cause you sound like you REALLY could use someone to vent to senpai
It's a nightmare to me and the only remedy is to not talk about it publicly pass really well and everybody think you're cis.
Fuck it
>falling for jordans psyops
and a new luz is born
>anglo canadian girl
>fantasize about being dommed by a quebecois girl who doesn't let me speak english
jordie jordie jordie :3
*t4t lesbian piv
step on me
im playing tekken smoking weed dunno who youre replying to but its based you think of me bb
same thing
u should play me in tekken
When I get his big and smart as you are, I hope I do that too!
okay i will
i only started playing last month or something
kay i added if i see u on ill hit u up
im sorry but i cant
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do you also want to have a biological strap anon?
no i have an srsussy
i feel like i'm too fat i'd probably crush you
from accepting trans men speaking about cutting their tits off in the 70s from this. peak cis lesbianism in 2024 is wanting to be a man slayyy
where do i find a gf who will let me make her sleep in a cage
are you cis
how am i always like a decade ahead of my time
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Dyke boy on T, I love butches so much ugggghhhhhhhhbbbb.... I need butch dick so bad. Please I need a butch mommy gf FUCK.
Which IG regiment would make the best gf?
you're perfect
what in the maritimes fuck is this
good morning lesbians, did you know that socialist germany says a 5'0 person who doesn't exercise on unemployment gets 193€ per month for a healthy diet, and a 6'4 person who exercises 3-4 hours a day also gets 193€ unemployment bucks ler month for a healthy diet and nobody seems to think that this contradicts the constitution which states that no one should be disadvantaged because of their body?
just wondering!
weeding autistic people out of the gene pool is the only ethical course of action
height doesn't matter that much
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getting real sick of these tranny hating chuds
you are extremely dumb and should kill yourself
I bet you think BMI is an accurately measure too even though it was made by some random dude 50 years ago who himself later admitted it is a useless tool
wow, you'll have to eat half a chocolate bar or something to meet that difference
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tfw the prerequisite for dating is playing ffxiv
screaming the n word in public and then showing everyone my 23andme results when people get angry so they feel stupid
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watched picrel with a group of 3 trannies and 1 theyfab and we all but the theyfab cringed at the t shot scene. what did she mean by this
God I wish I had friends
not having friends it's all your fault btw
i took a shower for the first time in 2 weeks
Not really, I can blame this board for destroying my confidence when I started college
i love how my dna results could tear up my immediate family if anyone finds out
bro it's been like a week stfu about your dna results
i dont have anyone to talk to them about. if i could tell anyone besides my mom i wouldnt be spamming my random thoughts right now.
oh wait I thought you were luz sorry nona :(
thread fell off
been for months desu
the bad part is that now we can't blame it on lago anymore
it's all your fault
downhill since the pancake posting
all lago did was post yuri, rabbits, and be kinda annoying sometimes. trying to pin a the badness of the thread on her was always stupid
yes but it was funny so
you know i've been in lesgen for such a long time and i've seen all the shit flinging but it never really registered and i don't know why everyone hates lago. all i remember is that she's mexican and posts rabbits.
she has the audacity to be cis in a tranny space
shes cis
clg terfs and people who got banned from the discord
I can't have one girlfriend
gonning in a kente cloth
basically male trans women hate her
im pretty sure clg raiders stopped trolling this place a while ago since clg itself is dead and most cis women here either transitioned or left. i mean if even someone as trans accepting as lago left this place theres no way other cis women still use this board. at this point even r9k is less misogynistic
justice for my homie nigga/sigma
Wait what the fuck when did lago leave??
she was being harrassed extra hard for no reason. then acorn conviniently appeared out of nowhere and told her she should leave the gen so she doesnt get harassed anymore and she agreed and left
literally pissing myself rn tell me it's not true guys
i forgot about the racist demographic
she told me she’s gotten a lot of harassment outside the gen too. people messaging her on discord to khs and someone warned her that some people have been trying to doxx her. I have to agree with >>37307247 but also lc and cc posters (overlap with clg) that talk about this thread on there.
who cares. the second she started shit with that one halimoder I stopping giving a fuck about her. Lago is a loser the only motive she used to post here was to get attention from trannies and feel better about herself
you are the reason the gen sucks now
she also leaked a terfy lesbian reddit into here and they found out about it iirc. i think it was something like r/lesbiangang or whatever.
it's okay we'll always have the containment server
does this thread really gets posted on lc and cc? what do they say about us?
lago: a woman hated by both terfs and manhons
I think it was lc, I looked a while ago, but it was generic terfy stuff like that the lesbian general is full of men. they talked more about ftmgen and trips like terje.
i just realised i'm never gonna get to smell the way she smells ever again
i remember how it smells now but soon it will be a distant memory
i don't know what to do ive been crying for hours

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