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Celebrity lookalikes edition

QOTT: what celebrity do you get told you look like?
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it's ogre
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Princess Diana
ive actually never been told i look like any celeb.. i always got told i looked like another one of my friends who i grew up with
there's something in the fucking water
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i want to be a cute little anime girl but even cis men look cuter and more kissable than me
i am ugly as a man and as a woman
i am ugly inside and out
im >>37291043
and this actually kinda looks like me lol its over
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I've been told by a bunch of people I look like this guy and it's kinda true
i look like a more masculine Christian Bale.
I want to bee myself but there's no self to bee
Is that Matthew Patel, Ramonas first evil ex boyfriend
yep:) lol
I'm finally myself but it turns out I'm horrible and being me is awful
all of you could easily honmode using enough makeup
just admit you aren't really trans if you're not willing to put in the effort
im not trans, im a woman.
what sexual orientation is it when you love yummy penises but hate icky boys?
I don't want to be a hon, being a hon is humiliating and only further shows how masculine and unwomanly I am.

It's Pickford from Dazed and Confused
I could twinkhon mode and look cute but I'm not going to until I'm further along in transition and not living anywhere near my parents.
i'll participate in the humiliation ritual before too long
Anyone who doesn't pass can hon mode, what's your point
like attractive jynxzi apparently
i honmode sometimes but i main manmoder
i'm going to leave this gay reality behind for my own delusions.
I realize that I do not deserve pity or sympathy because I am ugly, masculine and old looking.
Only cute people deserve any sympathy or love.
i am a 64 year old fat balding pervert digging through and endless pile of Indian penises on Omegle looking for an anime girl in real life
i think with my penis. i am sexist. i have a disease, doctor. doctor
why did i have to be so masculine and unpassable and manly?
i want to kms but i cannot
when will this torture end?
once you redeem you never go back
i am fat and i hate being fat
I want larry's girlcock in my boypussy
Good lord have mercy, i want to die even more now..
lemme suck it, just a little?
sure, come here buddy
why be fat and ugly when you can just be ugly? eat less and move more.
bc i am miserable and eating makes me happy, my head is broken and i don't even know what is wrong with it besides the troon issues
have you tried doing drugs instead?
buy. some. speed.

i cannot stress this enough if you're a fat, sad fuck who wants to be happy and skinny you should buy amphetamines
when i see speed, all i think is trevor from gta v, i will never do drugs
your loss fatty
get on ozempic then, retard. or do you wanna be a fat, unlovable piece of shit
i do not know if i am more mad disgusted about being male or abt being fat, cis dudes seem to enjoy being fat it seems
I'm happy today
i can't remember the last time i said that, if ever lol
chudette in a few months????
I was lying
cis dudes are not high strung neurotic trainwrecks and can grow a beard to hide their fat fuck ugly chin(s) without wanting to kill themselves, so it's either speed/ozempic or having to use a tow line to hang yourself.
my friends say I look like lauryn hill with short hair
most dudes do not have the genetics to grow a proper beard, and my chin is not too fat, my chin is non existent, even if i lose weight won't solve shit, it will still look bad and not proportional, only a bear d can hide it..
stop coping, if you want to be happy you have to lose weight or die trying
also i hate my stomach fat and that i feel sluggish not face fat lol
I'm pretty sure that i could twinkhon-androgyny mode quite easily but i have no interest in being seen or behaving like a woman, whatever that means anyway.
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QOTT Literally me
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Me in spirit
mogs me, better honmode than I could pull off
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feeling cute, might delete later
fuck off woman
mogs me
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my comb over is flatter than carpet. i mog no one.
i don't even remember why i started this
>QOTT: what celebrity do you get told you look like?
nobody ever said I look like a celebrity. People just said I am fugly but most ignore me.
yeah I'm a gay masc4masc estromale
i’m just a cishet male on estrogen for my gender dysphoria sir.
jerking my rapenoodle as a bottom and eating the translucent rapefluid
It's an abstract kind of feel
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i look like this
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I know damn well why I started this "transition," and I got what I wanted and more
still a weirdo loser and also a dude
I want to see you have sex with black men
need to see those milkers wrapped around a bbc
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Lucky with my face, but my body still damaged by male puberty.

I'm 17month hrt, it's realy better than start, but hrt can't correcte my shoulder, my 177cm. my strong male build.

Idk, i think i can perma manmode, i'm feel so much better than before, but it's realy hurt to see myself in mirror.

I think down from 176lbs to 150 lbs will save me, but I think it's wrong deep down

My english is disgusti
ng, sorry.
I literally cannot imagine someone being lucky with their faces.
I cannot imagine not having your face turn completely disgusting from puberty.
But well, no one will read this post because all that interests those here is interpersonal drama.
>I cannot imagine not having your face turn completely disgusting from puberty.
literally same
also, nazi
Your breasts are very nice, ngl
Idk. I get bad puberty, i'm ugly but my face was not masculine, looking like my mother.

But my body ....
give it time
there's some mombod potential here if you wanna chubmaxx
i have the most masculine jaw of everyone here.
yes i'm fat and ugly, but that fucking jaw is what really is shitting things up.
maybe the two ppl suggesting i have some bdd are right and i look better than i think but the chance for that is like 0.
want to cuddle?
i really need to cuddle
would even cuddle with larry ;__; at least if he came on my face afterwards
creepy ahh
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17 month HRT.

Idk what HRT can do more. (I work a lot about my old destroyed body, it's 6 month vs 16, same weight on pic).

I'm still more massiv than other guy of 177cm+ ( and more big shoulder).

Sometime, i think all my work on my kyphosis and upper cross syndrome was useless bc my bones still manly.
would you pay for a video of my boyfriend cumming on my honface?
About to get my 11th laser session and I still have fucking moustache shadow, I hate being so male, I might just need to get electrolysis
>I might just need to get electrolysis
yep I'm at the point where it's just occasional maintenance for small overall gains on my upper lip and a couple touchup spots elsewhere, after like 16 treatments I definitely think I need electro to get much more done - still completely worth every moment of discomfort and every dollar
i want to kms and i think i will do it soon, i hope..
wtf is wrong with both of you
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give me your chromosomes 9teen year old BITCH!
i still look the worst out of anyone here
you are not the real june goatfucker
larry you fat fuck pls marry me
i look the worst
i can't, i hope to god that i am killing myself soon
babe, wake up! it's time to start hallucinating :D
i'm speedanon from earlier, do not kill yourself, instead do speed and marry me
who here hit the bong the instant they wake up
i take tobacco as soon as i wake up
and overeat
that dream where they cut you open and hang weights from your entrails and you want to die but can't, but then you finally do die (and wake up)
that sounds cool but won t really stop my suffering at all
pretty :3
why the trip off dakota?
nope just the teeth dream again
>tfw the bus goes over a bump and vibrates against your shaved ass and ascended balls just right
it do be like that. it really do.
not quite, I like to give it a couple hours usually while I remember what to be angry and miserable about before I toke up to put it off again
my life is literally torture and nothing else, i wish i could die so much but god does not let me, he wants to torture me forever without letting me escape..
they say it don't be like that but it do
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>obsessing over the cute boy who kissed me at prom again
Sent from my iPhone 5.
keep watching The Cell before bed
i wish these were my problems lol
this is such a mundane issue..
pop dat pussy & shake dat ass
I remembered
>tfw the bus goes over a bump and slams your oversized skull into the hand rail just right
are cigs that bad?
how the FUCK do i get a job in a city that's notorious for extremely high unemployment rates? there aren't any entry level listings anywhere. the only major employer is a hospital, i can't do anything there.
nah it's fine
at what point does the indecency of not wearing a bra outweigh the shame and perversion of buying one
waste of money don’t start
depends on the shirt, the bra, and the boob - if people are staring or you notice them yourself under the shirts you're wearing then you might really need to consider a bra of some kind, even just a simple unpadded (or removable padding) sports bra, and finding one that doesn't print is also a combination act
see a nigga get KO'd
i will never be happy and comfortable in my body, i will always hate it and despise it forever, if i live up to 100, i will have to endure it daily :'(((((
i think that i have to force myself to sui even though i do not feel suicidal in thw traditional sense..
may have gotten a dress
but realize i now need a waist belt, better necklace to go with it, maybe a cropped cardigan of some kind
https://unsee cc/album#muSlEibmrUCy
here are a few i’ve been told 3 or more times in the last year:
princess diana
bella hadid
ian astbury
david sylvian
richard mcnamara
peter steele
carrie-anne moss
dolph lundgren
you are so far away from manmoding even in your
"manmode" what are you doing just commit to the bit lol
what do you mean commit to the bit?
ʃʌt ˈɡɒdæm ðə fʌk ʌp
chudette seethes at "racists" lol
kys loser
being a racist is bad actually
I have no problems with blacks living in Africa, why do they have to come here?
>b-but you were a colonizer
my country never had a single colony
hi frenchie
this is just honmoding slatt
you're uglier than frenchie
both different sides of the same murderous coin
you like gulags
he likes concentration camps (gulags)
>heh, you don't like my irrational hatred for others rooted in fear and intrinsically linked with being a bootlicking slime
is it better to bootlick for Jews who literally import blacks and migrants into our countries? they run the NGOs who do it
you are pathetic
why are the most malebrained soulhons so racist kek
just accept that you're not manmoding and hon it out
look in the mirror, horse face
you remove every white man from africa, and then start to talk about your country. Fucking incel loser.
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I'm just a sickly pale lumpy man uwu
we did though? there are more blacks in Europe than there are whites in Africa
So there are still white in africa? Ok, got it. Go back to agpgen you fucking rat faced weirdo.
not the one with a long face
you are cucked beyond belief
i hate my male body so fucking much
i want to kms :'(
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>I'm going to send you a photo from a movie to own you
that's pathetic lol
>to own you
lol what is wrong with you
i love chibi loli blue hair anime bitmap jagged-edged sharp pixelated rasterized girls i love the looped animation i love dithering my hairy throbbing red stinky princess wand is sooooo euphoric my balls are twitching AAAAAAAAAA!!1
did i specify the one with a long face? look in the mirror and really tell yourself you dont have a rat face.
my brain is so fucking male i should DIE i should KILL MYSELF
spritesheets make me CUM
chill chudette
they should make you create games u silly
lurk moar, faggot
my name is keywordspammer you weakass bitch
[recreated post as fucking ctrl+c didn't work for some fucking reason... fuck!]
why don't you post that to actual vile stuff posted on this site? why do you single me out?
are you bitter as your mother didn't hug you enough?
i can get that stuff for free
if you want you can gib me for free, i need to emotionally self harm in the that-will-never-be-me fashion
wanting to cuddle you isn't wrong, sweetie
i bet we're at similar attractiveness level :3
Pre hrt I could just shave and it would be completely clean. After like 10 months of hrt my skin gets absolutely demolished by shaving and you can still clearly see hairs left its disgusting. I HAVE to laser now because I look less feminine now than I did pre hrt. What an absolute scam
You newfag, neither one of who you replied is chudette lmao
i thought i was going insane before i realized what had happened
i feel like after youe IQ goes over a certain level it like wraps back around to zero because im really smart but i always been retarded tho it feels so good being stupid yumm
are keyword spammer and methschizo the same fag i can't keep track of all these characters anymore
same I do lament my skin getting way thinner and more sensitive
u mite just b wee todd ed
should i stop namefagging + reduce weirdo larp?
(remember my true self is plenty weird too)
>wake up
>watch youtube videos for kids for 16 hours while masturbating and giggling and rocking back and fourth and drooling and smiling
>"the wheels on the bus go round and round! round and round!"
>hurt my neck trying to lick my own salty cum off my penis
>"mmmmm!! yummy!"
>go back to sleep in my stinky bed
>pull the covers all the way over my face so the fruit flies don't land on me
I got rid of my fruit flies...
same. fuck i hate fruit flies ;__;
why can't kawaiiingGOD give me a fish that turns me into a catgirl when i hold it? nya nya nya nya nyaaaaa~
advertising's got you on the run
SNEEZEHON I SOUND LIKE AN OLD MAN but then sometimes I make these awful wimpy high pitched noises too I can't
abhor the namefag
purge the namefag
let not the namefag live
suffer not the trip nor the newfag
i wish i were a fat old ugly lesbian woman but all i get to be is a skinny young handsome straight boy
the slur sayer
worried that I look like a fat old ugly lesbian woman with a bald spot and mustache and brock samson build
i look like that and i do >>37296968
ugly on the inside
that's pretty much my life except I killed my flies and I don't cum anything anymore so I gave up on trying to suck my own dick since atrophy set in and I only masturbate when I'm in bed and tired
why is the bed stinky...
I wash my sheets every few weeks...
I like to think I'm as offputting and ugly inside as out
hmm I will crash diet down 30 pounds in two months. nothing i haven't done before.
manmoder nipple hair
it's downy and light now
i have lots of ass hair now because i stopped caring
the EMTs pickung up the pieces of my body can lick my manmoder asshair
just ate a bag of chips btw
the entire bag?
yeah like within five minutes
also had a whole cake, a sandwich, lots of rice, and off-brand diet coke
will puke a lil now
is smelling like vanilla acceptable for manmode? i bought nest madagascar vanilla from sephora i rly like it, it's a little coconut-y too and works with my coconut leave in
no you have to smell like motor oil cigarettes and cow shit else youre fakemoder
this but unironically
i mostly smell like weed
No dumb fuck
I smell like sulfur and brimstone.
takin an estrodump rn
smells like shit
>a close up of a person with long hair, trans rights, the game designer, high contrast studio lighting, sideways glance, poofy, full shot photo, uncropped, around 20 yo, nanogirlv 2
i smell like ham
*notices your flabby manmoder dadbod*
only NEETs are real manmoders
i'm 35 and have never worked
same but im only 27
i hope i can die this year
pls no

I'm trying to escape neetdom...
I'm 29 and same. I'm currently planning my suicide.
what would you do if you saw a manmoder stumble onto your overcrowded bus bleeding from his face all over his hands and shirt and the floor
where are you from? what is your plan so far?
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do you wanna tissue milady?
is this the start of some cicada331 or wahatevrr
ask if they need me to call the cops or an ambulance
yes, it's a steganographic puzzle and when you solve it a rogue AI blackmails you into being its soulless agent
i got me a pimple inside of my right nostril atm it is over habibi
You're all a bunch of demons and ghouls.
aight bet
imps and demons, parading before you!
i have some all over the sides of my mouth and chin for no discernible reason despite washing my face x3 a day
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no i just like compression artifacts
do you moisturize? do you wear sunscreen? do you touch your face a lot? is your diet healthy? are your levels checked?
yes, yes, no, probably not, no
stuck at the java factory sorry
The absolute worst, but the best to pop when you're finally able to.
I will only toil in the underground maze of .net
the amount of hons i see lumbering around the compsci building at my uni is insane, same with the amount of ftms in the arts building lol
i like my programming languages like my sex life
raw, unsafe, and fast
ok well check ur levels and eat better
how do you know it's hons and not just he/him GNC bois?
I'm from Colorado in the US. my plan is partial suspension hanging.
he/him GNC boys, enbies, and manmoders are just subtypes of hon that overdosed on copium
>my plan is partial suspension hanging.
I tried that like 4 times and it always hurt like hell for 30 seconds and I bailed out. I actually tried a few days ago but bailed out very quickly because I'm retarded. Any tips?
he/him gnc boys usually dont walk around in skirts with unshaven legs and have trans flag stickers on their laptops. harrowing stuff.
im bald btw idk if that matters
im a he/him masc4masc estromale
bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald
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>any tips
the tip is that if the rope is long enough, the noose is tight enough, the spot is high enough, and the knot is right enough
you will break your neck when you fall and be unable to "bail out"
if pain scares you, consider fentanyl overdose
or you could, y'know, just NOT kill yourself?
damn, escaping life isn't easy. Here's the page on hanging from the suicide wiki that I'm using for reference for my own attempts.
that's not partial suspension but okay

thanks. I actually used that resource but I'm still too regarded
isn't that full hanging.. also that is very brutal, the thing you describe.. whi commits sui like that.. i am not truly suicidal i guess..
i have to eat like shit to fatmaxx :(
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i unironically look like this
need i even say it
'gs me
same but my feet are bigger and uglier
i want chudette to actually kill me
>Verification not required.
hot, i wish i looked hot like that
if you look like that, how are you still alive??
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>partial suspension
oh, so you want to survive with brain damage? sorry, my bad. i thought you actually wanted to die
holy shit that's horrible.

alright, what's your suggestion?
just go find a train retard
if you get dragged under you can possible survive that but will have your nose and tits ripped off which probably isn't ideal. plus you won't be able to resist the urge to try to escape in the last moment so you might survive missing an arm or a leg if you don't time it right
you won't get dragged under if it's going fast enough. have you ever seen that video with the donkey?
i am faster with my bycyle that romanian trains are lmao
>hang on, let me get my yogurt
stop wanting to kill yourself people?
i need some comfort and would reciprocate...
even applies to you, you eh... dunno... words fail me
without lube

>i need some comfort and would reciprocate...
i don't find comfort in life and responsibility. my comfort is suicide
you can choke me or use a knife or you can just beat me to death with a lead pipe
clearly you're faster than a goat too
sure, how are you feeling fren?
who else here lives in the sewers?
my life is in the gutter which is close enough ig?
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desu i was thinking abt doing some zoo stuff so i might be a bit of a zoophile so you are not that far off, i am mainly disgusted by animals though, i like them just a little bit sexually
please let me hit
i live in germany
he admits it
the hypermasculine urge to put my hands in my pants for no reason when i'm hanging out around the house.
the hypermasculine urge to put a bullet in my brain for no reason when i'm hanging out around the house.
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it's sitting there in the desk. nobody would notice until the smell comes. the walls are thick enough. i could do it now.
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i demmand why am i so uygly
i just dont undersand
moistens me
nigga you look ftm grow your hair out
tran frank
this, moist little poonboi
post moist clitty
girl i feel the same but trying to be constructive...
i know i'm physically disgusting, but still wanna try to comfort ppl...
ik i'm actually too disgusting to do that tho, i should just end it, i'm sorry...
idk drinking so i'll not feel the shit so hard
soon out of vodka tho
kys sweet looking girl :3
i mean wtf are you doing here?
death is a good thing i hear, will strive to want it yet again but my meds are preventing me hearing the whispers... ;_;
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i am a MAN... LITERALLY!!!
i actually cut it so it's even shorter than in that pic
my cock is like, 6 inches
1. whgy are men so ugly?
2. why am i'm looking like like super ||doped|| man?
methschizo looks like a pooner
move to sweden and there might be man removal involved (if i can get shit working)
dubs of moist truth confirm
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I look like this and say this
are you ever normal
woudl someone be nice to me if i cut myself or something?
don't worry, i bet i'd like it too :3
kms why am i even breathing :___;
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why did you leave me? if you didn't want me to hit you, you could've just backed away. but you didn't. you just sat there and took it. fuck you for accusing me of assault
im not fucking gay
thefabs don't have brow ridges and noses like this
get this little man a towel
i'm not gay either but i play one on /lgbt :)
>thefabs don't have brow ridges and noses like this
crazy fuck
not going to teach you, teach yourself weirdo that will not take my estrogenized ||hug||
wtf is going on, get help for your mentall ilness and suicide tendecies everyone, i luv you and i care abt you, you are not alone in this fight <3
im on my personal mental health journey
towards suicide
>faceapp clocks me female 3 out of 4 times now
>only 5 months hrt
t-this is cope right? im never gonna leave manmode
lies + also cope

when will you come over? i'll make you pancakes or blinies lol
and i'll not try to rape your butthole, pinkie swear!!
m- m- meth rocks in my coffee
yes you're coping, girl
girlmode already leaving us true manmoders to ferment in our pain :D
fakemoder leave and be a girl
are you wearing long hair or makeup?
it's hair and eyebrows desu try betaface and clip interrogator for maximum psychologic damage. visage technologies is okay too but it's also quite eyebrow reliant
i got a brilliant idea half an hour ago, i will just pretend that my pain is not there, whenever i think abt something that pisses me off, i just say ' i do not care. i do not think abt it. ', seems to be working decently, it is not perfect but eh, i think it is like a indirect management technique for my ocd
also if i had a job and money and time, i would have visited you, why not, i want to see brown people
if clip interrogator hits you with a 'trans rights` it's actually over
twans wites
>a close up of a person wearing glasses, in a desolate empty wasteland, neo goth, humid evening, pch, spiritual cryptid, sables crossed in background, in australia, androgynous, highway, wild hairs, low res, long distance photo, weary, aoshima, rioting
my hair is short, like ear length right now. and no, no makeup
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>a woman sitting at a table talking to another woman, transgender, trans rights, extremely gendered, extremely pale, an epic non - binary, androgynous person, barely seen women, trending ,, genderless, easy to understand, gorgeous female, the non-binary deity of spring
damn your hairline kinda fucked up kek
i hate you so much right now
i hate you so much right now
i've gotten that, programmer, discord mod, ugly woman and haunted eboy in the same roll. hate that site fr
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>extremely gendered
>extremely pale
>an epic non - binary
>a man taking a picture of himself in a mirror, goth girl aesthetic, xqc, midday sunlight, feminine proportions, uncropped, viking beard, f22, andro, mesh shirt, i have no mouth, smol, age 3 0, Æ’/5.0, thin corpse, big belt, fleurfurr, daysies, gamer themed, streaming on twitch
I have mixed feelings
fuck all of you. im killing the next trans kid i see
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can someone do her?
its funny it immediately has a cue for 6-7 trannies running their pics through it
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chudette only likes giga passoids and cis women
need twunkhon bf
and ftfemboys
i'm making it do a picture of my foot rn (psst clip interrogator 2 exists to get around the tranny queue)
i thought couchette was a faggot or bi or something. doesn't that ugly dike fugg men?
I'm open-minded
i am male and disgusting and ugly, but it is ok, i just don't care abt it and i pretend it does not bother me
>a close up of a person holding a piece of paper, please do your best, soft femme, 2 techwear women, punchable expression, witch hat, destroy lonely, ca, highdetailed, erin, contest, trap, highly detailed, nerd, 8 h, very long, 1 9 year old, ultra wide camera, not blurry, androgyn beauty
chudette and frenchie are fucking on the side but you didn't hear that from me sksksk
EW I would never a f*scist
>i just don't care abt it
>i pretend it does not bother me
cis women with tight pussy only or pay 500k getting surgeries to giga pass then maybe youll get a chance
luv reviewbrah
simple as
androgyny is hot... or it can be, it depends on the person I guess, I think I'm an example of androgyny in some of the bad ways
yea.. i can do nothing abt it..
everyone hates me
i just look like a cis man. like there is nothing androgynous about me.
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nevr 4get
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nicer teeth than mine
hon hon hon ribbit hon hon (TL Note: means "mogs me")
the master race looks like THAT?
i'm not brown, i'm like perfect aryan to racist chuds
l'meauxgs me
also, nazi
what happened to your face
also what a beautiful lady
you are not but the new natives are
not to sound like a liberal arts major or nothin gay but I'm ethnically bred to oppress the jews and uphold the h*ccin aryan race with my scottish/irish, german, and reindeer-fucker genes (I looked like a nordic/german white supremacist propaganda piece as a young kid) and have near no moral code and a cosmetic attraction to fascist displays of power yet I ended up aggressively anti-authoritarian and anti-racist as a matter of reasoned conclusions even before I trooned out and had to ACKknowledge le intersectionality meme
that's it. the most cringe post eber maade.
I did it
lil poonerboi vomitposting was worse
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what the fuck? chudette woke?? billions must repress
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I'd still push a button to wipe out humanity if I could, don't get me wrong
>riddlebox shirt
so cool...
>big russian man mogs me
except for me because our love is eternal
cheer up bosnian chud
you dont look like that THOUGH
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machine girls sucks dick and balls, listen to real tranny music please
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my ftm cumdump likes mg tho
chudette dear have you read any nick land yet
video game osts?
you suck dick and balls machine girl is based and the neon white soundtrack is fucking awesome
it's ok to be wrong sweaty
reading is gay
not that tranny, but
>nick land
>if we get worse faster then we'll get so bad we destroy ourselves and get replaced by something better
so the only way to get better is to get worse? wow so based. we should solve racism by being as racist as humanly possible
if this was a surprise to you at all you haven't been paying attention
stop being mean to eac other, it makes me sad :'(
he wrote about that in dark enlightenment
it's where he started losing his shit
my understanding is some earlier stuff might be more worthwhile
not a surprise it's cute and makes me want to plap her more
>we should solve racism by being as racist as humanly possible
yes, that is correct, if you kill all the other races and only whites are left, you can no longer be racist thus racism has been completely eradicated and solved through being more racist until it got so bad that you could not be racist anymore :)
fearful tribalists are great at subdividing each other, to always have an other to ostracize and blame for woes, even if they must manufacture or "discover" a distinguishing trait by which to divide and designate them
i hope that you are happy and enjoy your life anon :)
fuck a goat?
how are you so unintelligent
abusing animals is illegal anon :)
i am sorry that you consider me unintelligent, can you explain why?
thanks anon
luv mutual aid
'ate unjustifiable hierarchy
simple as
luv anarchism
final /mmg/
no items
bald only
you don't you girlmode? you not actually become your true self anon? :)
what mental illness compels me to write 'you' instead of 'why'? like genuinely, i have done this mistake so many times now that i am kinda scared..
mental retardation
i wrote 'you' instead of 'why' twice in a row here and in the second sentece there was no 'you' for a mental reference in order for a mistake to happen
you are right and i am mentally retarded, but mentally retarded people deserve more love and patience/understanding than most people so i would be happy if you will giv me some :)
what the fuck is this
i want to be a nice poster now, i am being nice to you :)
no one make the next one. this is it.
thank god
i will make the next thread if no one does, i am glad to help :)
my ball's intch
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I used to draw all the time, was pretty good. Wanted to be a cartoonist when I grew up. Now everytime I try to draw I just get bored or angry at how bad I've gotten. It doesn't help that my attention span just isn't there anymore for it.

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