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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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prev >>37303343
Gay sex
Big fan of the image ://o NEED this
Lunch time.
i don't just want a bf...
you can't just say that
you don't know that
i can make my own decisions
she looked so cute when she was angry
and i was the one who made her angry
Why do
Your format your
Posts into
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Sexually attractive
i don't do that
not specifically
you need stable relationship
gender swings x attraction swings is even force than
ocd x bpd
okay tell me what I need
idc if my hole gets loose from all the gay sex, as long as i get to be with him, it's worth it.
Ooh, couplets. I see
And appreciate the variety :)
Boys don't make passes at tops who wear glasses.
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And so the evidence is clear. The tragic irony of the homosexual is that he is not gay because he has a special empathy and intuition towards men, but because he has none.

The more I learn, the more I realize its worse than I imagined.

And then theres your shitty generals. And you poor fools wonder why every other thread is trans. Because thats your future. Youre looking in the mirror, fools. But because you are gays, you naturally are the last ones to figure it out.

Every society. Across the planet. For all history. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Even the trannies have figured you figured out; you are not complete men. What else would a total failure to mature as men look like if not the homo gay. Being gay is not about some sexual attraction. Its about deliberately denying all that is obvious to everyone else.

"its about love!"

So much shame.
Shameless shamefulness.
a bf with enough nerve to take your shit for months
OK so I sent bf off with the kiss. Ppl didn't like that lmao

Time to go back home and sleep... if I can
anyone else miss all the tripfags?
do i get a say in this
u live in a third world country or something?
Whos that?
I want to tie up my bf and rail him but he is so cute i dont want to hurt him
>nasty tattoos
>cheap underwear
No thanks
U do know its like that in 90% of the world roght?
90% of the world is third world, yeah
that's how global capitalism works
How do I ease my bf onto bottoming? We've been together for 10 years and I think is time for some change. I don't want to die without experiencing how top feels.
I imagine the hearbreak of your fathers and brothers. Your friends before you 'came out'. Your parents friends who watched you grow up. Your grandparents.

So much shame.
yes go you have 5 minutes to find an excuse
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Dont say that ill kms AAAAAAA
And some of them are fat and buy clothes from shein, i am ashamed of them too.
Ok bi boomer
Skunk came back, can't you just stalk and harass him until he leaves again? Would be a better use of your time
If only he didnt have slavface :c
Cling to your sodomy, its all you have. Its what you sacrificed everything for, to seek some modicum of approval by humiliating yourselves. And then thats gone too, and all you are left with is each other. And the shame of looking at each other.

Shame, shame, shame.
Nice one faggot
Yeah it's called America. That said ppl usually don't respond positively to 2 age gap homos kissing
how old are you and your bf?
Looks ok to me
You go through life repressing the urge to suck dick. that is the gayest thing i can think of desu
A masculine guy would do whatever he wants but you sulk in cowardice with your tail between your legs!
Meds nigga
Idk maybe im just biased against slavs
biboomer doesn't have sex, he just posts here
Porca Madonna
Sucking dick isnt gay if u only like the dick and not the man
i just think trans women are cute
Eating mcdonalds isn’t unhealthy if you only like the taste but not the calories
>have "sex"
>do you have "sex"
>lets prattle about "sex"
>Its all about "sex"

Everyone here is just some degree of fatbaser.
Sorry not looking to get doxxed uwu
How big is the age gap. Maybe they see you tongue kissing him and think he's your dad
Health doesnt depend on how it feels, but gayness does
But that's based?
Op prolly got groomed thats why hes scared to say ages
that's hot though. nobody would condemn him for that
30. Nah I doubt they think he's my dad we look nothing alike lmao
Gay bros itt under the age of 22 PLEASE stop giving it away to these nasty old men unless they are super rich
You deserve better
what OP has to do with this?
How do i find a rich man ?
>In 2024 AD
If only
I would
isn't that a good reason
Waow though. I'm 18 years older than the guy I've been seeing, but 30 is a lot. Good for him
This nigga mad cause we won't fuck with her
I am not successful in this department because i am too self absorbed
Its basically a full time job. you can find them on grindr, just pretend you think they are hot and aren’t after their money
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The metaphorical future of every homogay in a webm
But im autistic idk how to lie :(
Kys dude
I know your coutry is very backwards, but why did you post a trans woman getting bombed tho? Also why are you still here?
Looks like a tranny
Is what you get for calling me a bi boomer.
good morning, faguettes and faguettines uwu
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Lies so obvious even school children have you figured out.

And yet you will not confess your guilty shame when the evidence is plain for all to see. Clutching to your self deceptions, an entire self image based on pretense and denial

So much shame.
be a better skiver next time
Ye i am, why?
what is actually wrong with the biboomer lmao. he's posted here daily for multiple years, the only relationship he's ever had is paying skunk's rent
fine you make the decision for me
he's just lashing out cause that's his only outlet
>but 30 is a lot. Good for him
It is. Aside from the usual relationship hang ups I'd say it's been pretty good for him. Says he's happy with me
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>gay culture
And this is the future you will still be defending. This is your image. Your peers and those before you built it for you. This is your legacy.

And what do you have instead of shame? Denial. Excuses. Distractions and claptrap. Anything to avoid the shame thats obvious to everyone else.

And you think you have anything whatsoever to do with men. Be serious.

Only shame. And shame it should be.
Do you think others will approve of you being gay more if you are loudly self-hating?
Sister, I think you pointed out at least two of his problems here.
Bitch it is afternoon. And it's not a good one if you have diarrhoea
Idk maybe, im just being honest theres no ulterior motive
Debaser looks beautiful here. And he looks much more happier and validated than you too!
what a miserable bisexual life
If there was an ulterior motive, even perhaps a subconscious one, would that reflect poorly on you?
Post your cock.
She doesn't have one. A misguided zooner woman.
Post hemoroid
so tankanon disappears, ostensibly going to a mental institution for throwing a piss bottle at his sister, and a new tripfag who spams military pictures emerges
anybody else find this weird
It's totally different he's Russian :^)
Is there any difference?
i've been making the decision every morning and night sometimes
i'm not your guardian and can't do it for you and forced marriages are no longer a thing sadly
yeah tankanon was actually one of the less creepy/persecutory/catty "personalities"
annoying that he spammed those same images, sure, but otherwise harmless, there's way creepier here, just best to not acknowledge them
I agree, Timur seems like an old character by a new name, but it doesn't matter, just ignore them.
Wild to think that tankfaggot and I share bdays. Ni one should have to suffer thru that
Did you really had a piss fight with your sister? I'm not blaming it just sounds out of the norm, like you can't make that shit up.
OP here, I wasn’t groomed wtf dude
How would u know
I am virgin and sexless
I don't spam and many of my pics are elite police.
post ze hole
So your special interest has changed
I'm bisexual!
His feet are different
He said he wont because he has a massive hemoroid
timur is tankanons new persona
i miss the yodelling anon :(
Like the song by Beirut? I like it :)
Also, my first and only kiss was with a female friend, you guys need to stop projecting on others
Whats funny is that if gay really were a genetic mutation or whatever your current excuse is, and it could be detected before birth, none of you would probably exist.

I can just imagine the lengths a couple would go through to avoid having a gay son. Especially one too stupid to keep it to himself.

I mean, imagine youre the father and you find out that your son is not only a bitch-bred loser cock chaser. But that he is so hungry for dicks or so clueless that he announces it to everyone because of some shit he saw on television.

Or just because he has no respect for you or his mother. In the old days you would just pack him off to a boarding school and never mention him again until he got the hint. Or hand him a train ticket and point to the garden and explain thats where he will end up if he ever comes back.

Honestly though its easier just to claim they ran away. No one really looks for them. Kind of like an old dogs last hunting trip, iykwim.
Get out
What causes someone to be left-handed?
ok any better ideas?
came from Bahrain
got to Beirut
looking for someone
comparing to you

tearing down windows and doors
but I could not find eyes like yours
spit in my mouth
ngl if your trip isn't SissySpacek then im not reading your schizo essays
why is that lame
she wants you to spit (cum) in her mouth (bussy)
Not a bithread
Idt we really have to worry about gays much longer. The more Africans and muslims there are in public schools, the more gays will be chased out and beaten to death or stabbed before they can ever do some stupid white shit like coming out in 10th grade for attention. The fact is that most gays are fug af and those get beat. The pretty ones end up bending over for would-be attackers, which is a fags dream anyhow since selling their self-respect for approval is sort of their whole thing.

More Africans, more muslims, less gays. Fugs will get beat to death. And they are all fug by 25 anyways. Figures the same limp wristed parents that make these weakling sons would be the same ones cheering to have savages imported to murder them.

So I guess it all works out in the wash or something.
*hawk tuah* how is me spitting in and on you gonna make it cute? *hawk tuah* *hawk tuah*
lgbt is an inclusive community!
im up for that too
lemme lick it up
Npt this thread tho
rambling about le gays in a gay general is probably the only way he feels in control and power in his life. he's honestly a sad character. reminds of this one black woman in my neighborhood who walks around with a loudspeaker seething about white people while everyone ignores her. kek
Is tankanon cute?
LG(T) is. Poor allies not welcome.
Brainlet gays just jabbering away in blissful ignorance in their little containment general. What a tiny little world you have built around yourselves.
He doesn’t answer me on discord anymore :(
no, he's slightly retarded looking
when you live on an island there's not too many choices to breed with so the people start looking like someone molded them out of clay and got sloppy
he's at least not antagonistic towards others, which is more than most here
Hhaha skunk truly DAMAGED her. The meager power of brown hands.
post hole
He is just british sis…
post hemorrhoid
Post puffy hole.
raping santinos farthole until he becomes incontinent uwu
trip on fagtino
We could just start with simple facts if reading is a chore.

Gays are not normal men. Its a fact and its not complicated.

So then gays try to re-define normal. See: https://i.4cdn.org/lgbt/1726574610000729.webm

They have to change the definitions in reality to claim they are normal. Which they define as acting like you.

And yet have the balls to complain about any other group thats just as obnoxious. Gays are the most insincere creatures on the planet.
I gotta say I try chasing
but part of me seems to want a bf more at the moment
what's happening
why am I losing me hetero romance
i farted and it smells pretty bad
Define normal retard
I post hole, then you ask for pole. Then there is no mystery.
Why are you having beef with Debaser? Let him live his life happily, unlike you he's more successful at that.
gay or bi what's the difference? we both like men
he's probably one of those boomerfags that came to terms with his own faggotry real late in life and realizing how it's over for him before it even began, he's constantly lashing out. why would he be here daily in a den of gays if he hates gays otherwise?
that not an answer explain yourself
spitting on you doesn't feel correct
The difference is if ur bi gtfo of this thread
all one min apart and actually responding... LMAO cannot make the samefagging more obvious tbqhon
skunk won. it's over
have you ever had sex with an indian? is it gross? do they smell like shit?
do what you want
wassup gays
Hi normiepoo
What are you up to?
I havent, but they 1000% do
ummmmm have you like ever been around an indian?? ive never been a single one that doesn't smell bad unless they're like 2nd gen or whatever where the basic fundamental and principle of hygiene is actually fucking taught
Idgi, these three things can happen simultaneously
f off. gaygen is an incest-free general
hi bpdobsessive, why are you awake
watching tv
no because you'll bitch about no gf if i ever touch it instead of *hawk tuah*ing and *pssst*ing
Its 3 pm for me :3
Pajeets will fuck anything. Blacks are down low. Muslims who fuck males all marry women anyways. Spics still do machismo.

The point is bisexuals take many forms and they are all beating down your door so your little white gay world is coming to an end.

We won. Get over it.
oh right, i don't know timezones
Its trans, bi or the bullet.

There is no fourth option.
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omg i peek into a gay thread and 2 trip pooners are talking
im out
Cute pic, whos the pooner ?
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my ideal bf
wish you could get jacked without roids
Tankanon if he tried
Just go on low dose of roids in not unhealthy
Bishits ideal bf
ideal top
looks like a child :/
I want to be on a beach.
a 15 year old boy?
i miss debaseroo :(
Yes, not masc not fem somewhere inbetween.
my ideal bf
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are foot fetishes more common in bottoms?
fem4fem is the most wretched form of homosexuality
i like feet but I'm not into sucking the toes or licking the soles. I just like to admire them from a distance. slight stink of sweat and may be some radiating heat and I'm bricked up hard like a diamond. some feet fags just take it too far imo
so you're a bottom
i think we need a study. it seems to be very bottombrained
agreed. its in the ninth level of hell if Dante's Comedy was about homos
Footbottoms have no self respect
i am really disappointed in the quality of this thread
no one with a foot fetish has self respect
so now that the dust has settled.... is deadlock any good?
They are ever high quality?
>whisper in his ear
all hot except this part. I freak out if someone whispers in my ear :s
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Foot rubs are so fucking amazing, especially because mine is extra sensitive from injury.
i like foot jobs
I only like pawjobs
imagine gaygen, but in the unity engine
what do you do that causes you to need a pumice stone
Why is WMAM so popular now?
i do cardio, it doesn't cause crusty feet
I have callous, from cardio I guess, the footwear maybe?
is this that fem4fem thing youse we're talking about
Its genetics
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also your professional murder club doesn't provide good footwear? do you even get dental?
i see
no, i can afford shoes
affording footwear? in this economy?
Why is it always labels xanthippe? You don’t even like masc4masc
pumice stone doesn't even work for me
i need a callus peeler
i think its from wearing boots with thin socks
>professional murder club
Made me lol. No, they give expired and Chinese made shit.
I do this, but it's soil and grass. I think it would not cause callous?
eat my feet flakes
just use picrel, bro. simple as
Are you an atheist?
hell yeah baby
bro you need to talk to your union rep, that's not ok
we're all a small fragment of God
Jesus is our brother
its hard to explain
but you'll know everything when you die
I feel so bad for trannies
They actually thought they were smart
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what an ugly painting
I believe in the Allfather, hesistant.
delta dawn
whats that flower you have on?
could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
well I hope these gangstalking sheep fucks feel good about themselves again. it's only been a few months and im already entirely isolated and about to be homeless again. I don't understand how a human being could feel good terrorizing another person like this so I assume they are not human beings
post hole
Post hole
host pole
Gay boys sucking TITTIES and pounding PUSSIES!
>4 benefits and one supposed drawback
>time to go back to the paleolithic era
i think you have poor decision making skills
Only did the former
your pussy was the one being pounded, wrecked your hole
I don't have pussy.
everybody judges everybody dude, it's a basic requirement for consciousness
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Voice is not enough?
can you explain what's going on? and how it all begin?
i've never heard your voice and lots of trans people train their voices
yay. crush it good, bruv
bf gets mad when i ask him if hes prison gay
i think its true
that little nyet was very cute :3
Cute Polish twink at the office :3
How did that happen?
you must be blind
>objectification is not the same as judgement
no clue what this means
are components of good judgement and decision making skill (which was my original statement)
>that's not me judging them
that's you making a judgement about the situation. your example is part prejudice and stereotyping and bigotry. which are commonly substituted for judgement and decision making skill by awful people but is neither good judgement or decision making
lol this sounds like a tv russian accent
Drinking with kind of friend and his crush, stripping, when she take off her shirt and bra told me to.
bisexuals are all the same
I'm not bi.
Lol you cucked him
>doing sexual stuff with women
>fucking over your friend to do sexual stuff with someone they're into
>''open relationships''
the signs are all there bro
ive been being systematically stalked and harassed for at least 6 years they are a coordinated group using declassified technologies to induce a state of panic (v2k etc) they use this as a basis to have my rights taken away so they can legally drug me with psychoactives and rape my body. Ive lost countless fiends and family over this and faced evictions and enslavement
seriously fuck off what is wrong with you people this isn't even subtle you really want me to be raped and molested for over 10 years of my life since I was a teenager
no one raped you crazy
Wasn't turn on for me, and he only was kind of friend.
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Laraposter PLEASE come back and curse Normie with your girlboss poosai magic
>he only was kind of friend.
selective loyalty and morals. another bi trait
when I was 16 I was committed by my parents and the male "nurse" would grab my dick and rub himself to me eventually penetrative me against my will so yes I have been raped repeatedly by these facilities
me when bish
He liked it.
>just because he's got a maga hat on, doesn't mean he's crazy or an asshole
and yet is that not always the case
Why are you paying attention to xanthippe and his larps
Do you take your meds?
Disgusting lying spineless zigger swine.
how much of a friend does he need to be for you not to fuck him over?
deep stuff but i think you're misjudging the situation (pun intended). is this bpdobsessive?
crazy and an asshole
He was not good friend but someone I hanged out with.
You fucking faggots can call me bi and pooner but don't call me zigger.
awesome. what mental illness do you have?
>He was not good friend but someone I hanged out with.
>You fucking faggots
stop being homophobic
Hot u should go again
Its not me baka i love u atm
I love grabbing young people's cocks
nyoooo I dont wanna get out of bed -__-
OK *gets into bed with you instead*
it won't last
It will i cam feel it :3c
fuck you nigger
tfw no gay bf who'd kiss me till im gay too
Russia doesn't leave me.
don't let your dreams be dreams
straight from the horses mouth folks. homophobic bottomry is russian culture
As he should
eh, i think people can be better than their misguided bigoted upbringing. do i have evidence for this, no but here we are
peer reviewing computer science papers on grindr
peer reviewing hole in nature
can i be a peer? i like to review hole
Reviewing feet in my mouth
do different holes actually feel different for tops? I only topped once and it felt good but I could imagine there are differences in hole anatomy and specific hole-dick interactions.
some dudes are ribbed for your pleasure (hemorrhoids)
calculating the attraction between white dwarves and black holes
I'm always told I'm too tight.
that sounds weird. does that like unironically feel good for tops or is it irony?
ok crazy

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