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qott: how are you feeling today?
real original thread >>37311398
Qott: Fine.
>how are you feeling today?
depressed as always
Nervous and sick but, somehow, spirit is high, mood is good. Husband makes me happy like this.
How are you, OP?
Bad cause everyone is shaming me
Very tired. I got home from work at 7am and haven't slept and go back in now :(
No one is shaming you. Lol
>Why do June and Jade both use incel talking points? Makes it hard to believe they're women when they talk like sexless men
you know why lol
Cheer up, it's a new thread and you have big tiddies
Loving and protecting June
I think im going to poop my pants from the taco bell.
when have i used incel talking points???
I want to fix my life but at this point everything around me is just reminding me about how much of a loser I am and about how much people hate me. tl;dr i just wasted another day i fucking hate it and probably should kill myself long time ago but I don't want to bore anyone here with that part of my existence. Any tips or should I just start drinking and hope that my liver will give up soon?
it fits here even better lol
Be careful
You say retarded shit, I'm going to call you a retard. Simple as.
Men only wanting 20 year girls?
thank you :)
Talk to us on toilet just to be safe, bro.
Also that women's love life ends at 30, even worse, when there's a 30 year old tranny here.
I'm not an incel I just am retarded
Start small and improve your life. Learn something or do a workout or clean part of your house/room. Dont drink
Im stationed near the bathroom just in case.
No its a fake chart made by incels.
thats what men tell me all the time
You're both.
When do fuck do you talk to men other than the ones that groomed you and sexualize you? Go outside for once and talk to people for fuck's sake.

No wonder your father left the house.
Which men? Do you really thing if a 20' guy had a chance with a 35 yo woman he would refuse?
June did you troon out because you couldn't get women
I hate zoomers so much, it's unreal.
i started transitioning when i was 12 and was already out as liking boys.. ive said this a million times
idk how I could do that whit family that punches me down for this other did and not being a perfect left sustaining being after my 8th birthday. I just can't stop giving up more and more of my life, not to mention anxiety that is getting worse with every day
Wish I could psyop myself as strong as she does, I'm already on E
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>qott: how are you feeling today?
im good, although last thread i learned im apparently dead now

chasers, if you like the risk of rain 2 soundtrack give me a shout
there will be not much to say but at least we can like nod at each other
Its wrong
Im clenching for now I'm ok
I wouldn't of. I almost slept with a lady in here 50s. Regret not now.
How do I cope with the fact I will never have June as my lover and soulmate?
he left when i was 6..

i dont think they were hitting on me

Go to the nursing home, tranma.
>he left when I was 6

I would have too.


You cannot be this retarded. Holy shit.
No, we don't
It's all coming together
what is that supposed to mean??
i don't understand
feeling kind of hussed right now ngl
ok, I took my calc 2 exam and I feel alot better. I got Macdonalds and I'm gonna go smoke some more weed here in a bit
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You just have to try.
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stop being a femcel.
It’s never too late to do something with your life anon. I spent my 20s depressed, being a neet for a few years, and working shitty jobs, when I turned 28 I told myself I didn’t want to live like that anymore so I enrolled into community college and started really focusing on my future. I’m 30 now I’m not where I want to be but I’m much closer than I’ve ever been. You can do the same.
All the pieces are coming together.
I wish a trans girl raped me for I am but a twink
Congrats! You should do calc 3, Calc 3 is a lot easier and more fun than calc 2

Coming together into what? What are you getting at?
Why are you a femcel
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>unironically thinks a 20 year old man wouldn't be interested in a 35 year old woman
What makes you feel like you're a loser?
i used to have this quote up on my wall back in college, it genuinely helped me get generally better so much
stealing this ty anon
sorry i dont know what men like
Woman mostly, some of them like men but its a minority
Really it depends because there are some really rough 35 year olds
jesus christ you are such a fucking retard it is hard to believe you're not trolling
Oh yeah I understand now.
Then try talking to men.
i dont know where to find them when theyre looking for girls, i cant go to bars yet
im so fucking hydrated right now
everyone here go drink a fucking glass of water right now you dry-ass disintegrating bitches
You shouldn't stress about it, you are already trophy wife material
yay! I'm fucked thanks for reassuring me at that
good for you, and I hope it will work out for you but I think I will rope before getting that old
>can't hold a job
>never felt in love
>everyone around me pointing out the smallest of mistakes I made
>never loved by parents
>never been treated as a equal by others
>mentally ill
>dropped uni after 3 years
>ghosted friends because of sudden social anxiety and still haven't even tried to reconnect
>suicidal since late primary school
stuff like that
if i'm a college student can i still use that to pull chasers even if i'm an elderly dropout returning student
is it catfishing if i use real pics but lie about my age
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I drink a lot of skittles water.
alright, but I'll drink a Mexican cola instead
I don't understand how Kevin smiths only good movie was clerks and they let him go ahead and put out garbage for the next 25 years
You need to go to a psychiatrists to treat your suicidal ideation. Depression can be treated and there is several ways to improve your life. Don't give up
Jay and silent bob is good
I can't believe he can still find those shorts
There is nothing that 20 year old girls have that I could want more than from 30 year old women. Men who push 30 and still go after 20 year olds only want them for their lack of experience and because they're pathetically at the same maturity level.
Fuck no
Do it, that sounds funny.
Someone please find Ava and bring her back here asap, June's brain damage and Jade's autism is destroying these threads.
have you tried therapy or psych meds?
you might be able to get yourself back on track once you start establishing good routines and habits in your life. peace of mind, then work, then school, these are all in your reach. grab them and you'll be a lot happier afterwards.
i know you've probably heard this advice a million times but it really is as simple as taking one step, then another. start with talking to a professional. or better yet, just start by listing clinics you can call and what paperwork they'll want from you. then the next step is just the first item on the list. break things into the smallest steps you can. you can take little steps, i believe you can.
ygmi anon
i wish ava was my friend she seems really nice
I've been on 2 or 4 antidepressants and few other meds that sometimes help with depression as for now they did nothing or barely anything, hope to get something else in a month
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My calories allow one more chocolate today, should I?
It has helped me as well. Love the quote and the show.
You don't want here right now she will not be nice to the age stuff you said.
You expect to join the military with such a shit diet?
eat one more, kitten. As a treat.
I actually like June a lot, she is a lovely girl and nice to talk with. One thing is that she seems sorrowful
Ya why not
? Isnt he super lean and in shape?
nice quads dude but that's kinda weird :/
Need to get a gay bf as a bi chaser and then come back to show the gen
A foil to all the transbians who've done this
Then, if I may make a suggestion, refrain from saying stupid shit like what you said. More so when there are some 30+ year old transwomen here.
I feel like june in person would be more fun to talk to
bros Ive gotten my self into a situation, I think Im just going to kms to get out of it
You could've just not cheated
if you want her to like you back maybe dont say that men arent interested in people her age?
I feel like she would start crying mid conversation
Has she ever posted a vocaroo? I want to know what her voice sounds like.
Hi me
I haven't lost a game all day.
What situation? You got me curious
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I'm in good shape but improve still. I eat very healthy but have treats if under calorie intake.
Thank you, you have some too.
didnt cheat
Yeah she’s a voice hon
pretty good. saw a friend today after rotting for a while. need to get some work done tomorrow. i am a chaser. what's everyone up to tonight?
finna take a bubble bath
meds as in >>37313743 as I said before I just can't stop giving up thanks to how my family treats me, literally waking me up if I'm sleeping thru day so I can at least try to get some groceries for myself is too much for them aka the only person at the moment who doesn't eat at work. I barely ate when it comes to calories because of that instead I mostly stayed up hungry and when shops opened again I accidentally felt asleep.
what scent and how big is your bath? not innuendo just curious
You get tired during the day? How is your sleep?
on my fourth replay of this
I can't get past the retarded things she says.

I like my girls who think before they speak.
Yes sir!
I can't, belly prevents it, sir!
i think so too but most of you would hear me start talking and be like "wow i want to murder basic white girls they're so annoying"

i do this on occasion

ive never posted a vocaroo
Post one please, we need to hear your voice
6-14h of sleep and lately I've been waking up around 10PM, I'm trying to move it forward but it's not easy for me
she does this thing all the time where she tries to vent or make a point but does it very carelessly and insults almost every other trans girl on the board in doing so

like by saying men don't want women over 20 when she is 19 is putting down every trans girl here who is over 20
I agree with that other anon we wanna hear it pls
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its called Mr bubble. and it smells like bubblegum.
Need autistic gf to swap doing asmr routines on
I noticed this too, is it autism?
June just isn't cut out for 4chan
hope the next med works out better for you then :c
i'm also sorry your situation is so difficult. i think it's important not to push big "can't"s on yourself like that though. "can't force your family to change their actions towards you" is true, but "can't stop giving up" isn't. you just need to find something to cling to. you're in stormy seas without a light to guide you right now. you don't have to answer this to me, you can just think about it: what kind of life do you want to be living? what kind of road do you want to travel along the way there? spend time visualizing those things, make them real in your mind's vision of the future. then when you feel like giving up and darkness creeps over your mind, that light will shine for you
It's not that I want to murder basic white girls, they're just prettier when they don't talk.
i just recorded one but i sounded so annoying i wanted to murder myself on behalf of mildly misogynistic men
He's so me
>i think so too but most of you would hear me start talking and be like "wow i want to murder basic white girls they're so annoying"
I kinda actually enjoy your company
hmm. i prefer something like a eucalyptus or lavender but whatever floats your boat.
just post it
While that can be an autistic trait I think it's just being self-centered in her case

Although people thinking your autistic traits are moral failings is an also an autistic trait, so
That's why you never listen to your own voice and just post
I also have clinical depression and a fucked up sleep schedule. Do you have any experience with antipsychotics?
That's normal, people usually don't like their voice. I dislike my own, it probably sounds better than you think, thus I urge you to post it anyway please :)
the moon is partially eclipsed
someone give me sometime to read while my parents are gone

no i will listen and i will hate it and refuse to post
Your leaner then me so.
Its normal to hate your own voice. But not sure if you should post or not.
Mildly? No, I hate women on a competitive level.
Post it post it post it
I thought you only had a mom
is this that negging thing you all keep talking about?
You're autistic as fuck and not the cute kind.
All The Pretty Horses or Blood Meridian
I'm a shithead, that's pretty much it.
I have a mom and a "step dad" (WoW freeloader)
I have to wonder how someone like her even got here
how are women expected to date when men say things like this
men are an alien species why can't i just want women
When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow.
The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These take the
shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently
beyond the horizon. There is , according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end.
People look, but no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond his
reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
What you did?
we will see, this is as far as I have to go with math for my major so I kinda don't wanna do more lol
This is the strat. I never listen. The first take is the only take. Plug mic in record post all over in seconds, no thinking.
How you know this? I was skinny, then chubby, now skinny fat, working on cutting and lean now.
Am I mixing you up with some one else I thought you posted pictures. Maybe I'm mixing up users.
nta but what am i supposed to do after calc? like i know linear algebra is in there somewhere and presumably some other things? not a math major but i'm going into biomedical engineering and trying to map out a road to just learn all the math. my major is kinda lacking
God forbid women think before they say retarded shit.
Its a bad idea to cut when you are skinny fat
I've decided that June is a troll, adding her to my list of blocked trips
can you add me
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i meant to post this earlier when height was being discussed more
if link can be so cute at 5'4", then real life guys should stop worrying about it too
I have, but, never really specify which ones I am. You have Pic?
Don't try to uplift me. I'm 5'8 and I hate myself for it every day. Also, Link is a twink. I'm built like a linebacker.
how am i retarded you're the one talking about murdering people .-.
>"can't stop giving up" isn't
technically yes but practically not really at least now for me.
>what kind of life do you want to be living?
impossible, I will not pass, I would never be seen as a girl, and I am not skilled enough for doing arts. starting life at 35 and catching up to others from there isn't a nice vision anon, it only makes me feel worst about myself
Lack of muscle mass
Oh maybe it was pics you posted of someone else. I think it was a shirtless pic. I don't save stuff from here.
I live with my exgf, we broke up 4 years ago, but both needed a roomate. After 3 years of monk mode I started using tinder. Matched up & had a date(it went horribly), but she's super fucking pissed. And I'm just confused, we've been over for 4 years
I said I don't want to murder white girls. Is reading not a feminine trait?
>I'm built like a linebacker.
Yikes you should move out with your man soon
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my coworkers thought i was a high schooler
>break up
>date someone else

Woman moment.
You sure?
Anons i need some vocaroo ideas i tried singing Flo Rida cause of the "jessica" meme but it was so goofy and i couldnt stop laughing
I don't think so
Why she is pissed of if you both aren't in a relationship anymore? You did nothing wrong lol
Read us a small passage from a book pls
Make a vocaroo yapping about stardew valley
Were they new or did they just think this for a wile. I got "are you in high school" till almost 25.
Just try saying something we don't need a whole song.
Any what member?
Can you call me the N word?
at everyone do not post about masturbation copypaste
This made me remember yapper :(
You sound fucking hot
I think I need to get out of losing fat mindset then.
high schooler? more like migrant selling churros on the corner.
I think because I kept her ego afloat by being around, and thinks I'm more of a safety net
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just thought it for a while ig i get it a lot i havent aged much since then

You should move out as soon as you can. This is toxic behavior. Why do some women see men as safety nets?
I think tranners should post vocaroos of themselves reading something while using a vibrator or having a vibrator used on them, trying to maintain their composure and keep reading for as long as possible.
There was a youtube series called Hysterical Literature that used this concept. I want to see it applied to the trans.
i am 26 and just restarted college. we take our lives where our pasts left them for us, and go from there. it may not be what we'd like but as long as we live and breathe we have choices available to make and options to increase thriving.
anon, i am cptsd survivor, a college dropout, a late transitioner, a recovered stoner loser, in the last year i became suddenly too physically disabled to work, i've been kicked off my health insurance all year as well, and at the end of this month i'm losing my lease and being forced to move back in with family.
also, this month, i restarted college. i'm fighting to get my health and healthcare back. i'm looking for jobs in range of what i can still do, once i can get my energy up a bit. i promise you i'm as beaten down by the world as you are, if in a different way. and i did give up for awhile. but i don't anymore, and i want others in that hole to see their out like i did and become determined.
you can solve all these problems. but it has to start inside, by just telling yourself you can, shouting over the "i won't i can't i couldn't be good enough" until you start to believe what you're saying, that you can make it. but you gotta do that part yourself, you just have to choose it even if it feels stupid and useless, just choose it anyway. it's not something anyone or anything else can save you from (except maybe dbt which just teaches you what i'm telling you now at the start)
Whispering makes me want to die, the sensory input of someone doing it in me ears is absolutely vile, and no I'm not autistic
That requires having a sensitive vagina. These trannies have cocks and balls. Manly cocks and balls.
have you ever touched any woman? sounds porn brained
Looking young kind of sucks for a while but ends up being great. You will just look really good as you get older and look better than people the same age.
It just feels gross
The lease is up in 2 months, and I'm gone. But just the last thing she said really got to me
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i want to be shocked youtube would allow that but that's probably not even in the top 50% of worst youtube content ugh
Holy shit Mina and her little pp are here now it’s a party
whispering ywnbaw to a tranny mid sex
some people get a reverse asmr reaction, maybe it's that
no i'm being loud again
you sound cute
to be honest I don't know how to answer to that, you seem like you're going thru much worst things than I am not to mention being from usa and at the same time I'm the one unable to do anything or put effort into changing things. I may just be lost cause people don't hear about so don't feel bad about me I think I will just rot away until I'll become homeless and then I will just find a nice bridge or smth, sorry to disappoint
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fucking lol.
not gooning just speaking the truth, you sound cute
considering that most rick posting comes from a variety of different IP addresses? No, I think Rick has been gone for quite some time. If Rick was even a real person to begin with
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do i pass? no hugbox zing please
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When man mode you would chase girl mode you
Pass as analog horror
It would've been hilarious if you clapped your hands at the end
maybe ig ill just have to take care of myself and see

Dios mios
Oh mein gott.
I don't want to be beaten up by you or your third leg.
sloppy blowjobs with eye contact
I have this exact minion saved.
Has to be give and take, just make sure you call her a good girl
Oh, I would
>those shoulders
I'm so sorry
chasergen has gone downhill we have literal crossdressers in here now wow
putting trenbolone in a tranny's estrogen vial
something something slipperyslope
playing trombone with a tranny's estrogen vial
people post hon pics of "themselves" all the time
I mean, what are trannies if not that?
you must be insane she is EXACTLY my type AND hot as hell lol
What does this mean
Are the trannies actually stolen pics?
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what in the goddamn
>take care of myself
you better.

The black eye will be hard to explain for sure.
Pics are stolen sometimes yes. For chasers and trans but less for chasers because they don't post.
stop bullying me facist
anons i spent forever recording vocaroo and i hate it so fucking much i sound so much like a gay boy i am not posting it and i cant record anything better cause my mom just got home
all my pics are stolen or ai generated
I also sound like a gay boy so nbd, but why would your mom care about you speaking
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no they are not, she's literally posting here everyday anon frfr 100% no scam
this general is just 4 guys and we each take turns being the girl each thread
Bet you sound fine but do what you want.
well she would wonder who i am talking to because she is nosy and doesnt understand that i might like a bit of privacy. I bet you in the next 30 seconds shes going to walk in without knocking
you're not supposed to listen back you just record and send it, close your eyes, and let god guide your ship
He's the easter bunny.
>wont post voice
the evidence for you being a troll keeps stacking up
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I want Pichu to be my nerdy little wife
>doesnt post voice
>must be a troll
>posts vocaroo
>haha listen to this flamer voicehon
I respect the confidence, but what a poor decision on her part. It is hilarious though
I think if I use the excuses they will think I'm covering up domestic abuse. The only answer is the truth.
Its impossible to win. You can just do timestamp if you feel the need to silence them.
some day im going to have to record myself doing something for you all
why would you be a voicehon if you're a youngshit?
We don’t care we just wanna know. Also all the hottest girls always have a fagcent
nice digits
It's okay I'm a femboy on estrogen now. They are clocky but like back then I wasn't because people didn't know about tranners
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Holy cope
Idk this board thinks im a clocky hon and i tend to believe that
are you smokng weed
Can't even make a natural guy voice now
June tried to make Mac n cheese and burned the water
And she forgot to take it out of the box before putting it in the water
Which part
i work in a restaurant and cook for myself and my parents every day
i fucking hate americans
I honestly can't take June seriously anymore, it's like talking to a retarded child
can you kill yourself please
What decision?
ummm all trans voices are beautiful and natural. i sound like a real boy
and she didn't even take the sauce packet out
what? No. You can not get HRT when youre 12 that is not allowed by WPATH, 14 is the minimum age

i got puberty blockers at 12, first an AA then GnRH agonist
no but fr these r cute
Literally can't even answer the question
shred a strong cheese into milk roux, that's it
Youtube keeps trying to advertise to me a gay test. I think there on to me.
I how to make it lol
>sauce packet
No you should use sodium citrate or add american cheese
how do you possibly sound like a boy if you never went through male puberty
melt butter, add flour and roast shortly, slowly add milk while mixing, add cheese and spiced DONE
You really don't need to do that to make mac sauce. The water content in the bechemel is enough to liquify cheddar. Sodium citrate will just make it stay liquid at lower temperatures.
you said that all sexy
Got blockers at tanner 2

again, WPATH does not allow blockers before puberty
you just want to be known as someone who can't cook
It's not easy being cheesy
picturing lb in a bathtub full of Doritos
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I hate europeans so much
june is full of shit
voice of an angel
a thing whole word is using idiot, bet you like measuring stuff in the lengths of english king more? fucking english cuck
>you came in my mind
Damn you are one freaky fuck

kinda cute
Theres a really cute trans girl in my local pokemon go group and I am crushing hard. Shes out of my league though so that sucks. I wanna get fit just for her, any tips?
Water content? No the point is to hold the emulsion. High quality and aged cheeses will lose their emulsion and break. Sodium citrate the the best emulsifier

Roux is not really an emulsifier. In a cheese sauce with no chemical emulisifer like Sodium citrate the milk is the emulifier because it is already a stable emulsion. However its not very effective if you add too much fat which cheddar tends to have a lot of

Water is 100% not a emulifier. If cheese can hold an emulsion in water its cause the cheese contains an emulsifier like sodium citrate (or even just milk proteins)

What roux does is thicken the mixture by gelatinizing the starch
Kisses from Brazil
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Your mom love me
ask her "do it hang sweet cheeks"
I'm glad that ended
I dont know how to feel about this one
why are you guys so mean tonight??
horizontal bar rows, lunges and side lunges the next day, core and pokemanner game every day
You're talking down to a culinary grad who's been doing this for 13 years. You don't need a chemistry set to make mac sauce. Low heat and water will melt the cheese into the sauce and it doesn't need an emulsifier. The sauce won't break if you don't overhear it. The bechemel is just the mother sauce that mac sauce is built upon.
This one was somthing llol.
Is this better call saul? nice
Post something we can goon to babe
By water, I mean the water content in the bechemel.
start to take E so you will start smelling like a girl then you can sneak behind her more easily then then hmh I bet we both know what comes next anon
I'm not wren. I'm shrimp cat enjoyer.
I think it's PA anon

yeh lol
why are you so retarded tonight??
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literally slowly melt cheese into white sauce and you'll be fine or stop pretending that you can cook
lbs feet smell like cheese
>aspires to be a tradwife
>can't cook

you need to be 18 to post here anon
why are you guys like this jesus
I literally said i cook for myself everyday
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35 and your dad love me
you’re an annoying egomaniac which is ironic because you also think lowly of yourself
Rosewood often draws shrimp cats for me. She's awesome.

That's not me. I'm the other guy from the same city as him though.

We're just telling you mac sauce isn't that complicated.
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me and my chaser bf. next chaser to post gets to be the chaser bf and also gets to decide which of the two in the pic is him
I said add some american lol that is actually simpler than making a roux

when i make mac and cheese ive done roux before but its never worth the effort
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Great taste as always
yeah and your uncle works at microsoft and will hack my mother board and...
also I'm left, because I'd get to kiss Ashley and shes so perfect
voice train
Well guess I'm back to the drawing board
which one is ashley again
I wish icky would groom me
i dont use recipes outside the restaurant
In what world is making roux and pouring milk over it even remotely difficult? Why bother cooking and acting so proud of it if you're not gonna put in any effort?
everything is chill and then this out of nowhere.
oi mait i focking hate the focking goi voice it focking sucks in'it
the hotter one
How are we still arguing about mac and cheese?
Its not even good enough to argue about in the first place.
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Jade "I pass perfectly in real life and everyone who doesn't agree is just a mogged liar" Slade, everyone

I like the jars of tikka masala/curry sauce because you can't fuck it up. Sautee literally anything, add sauce, have it with rice. $3 for 16oz is not bad. Shrimp chicken vegetables whatever
you want me to go make you a béchamel cheese sauce or something??
This is based. I do this with noodles and jarred pad thai sauce.
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jokes on you my uncle is gay and my aunt has two wives and my mom is dating my sister what now liberal
if i weren't retarded i would have been able to figure this out when you said "left so i could kiss ashley (right)" but alas i am retarded so
nice haircut liberal. Where'd you get it?
no kiss each other
I'm left
Did you get it at the liberal store?
i'm married to the game and the game is grilled cheese
me on the left
There I was before this week, happily believing that 1) Venus was straight and 2) Venus was a passoid. Two false beliefs shot down at once.
also taste and correct for salt guys

y’all are using fancy words to describe just putting cheese in water
a twisted fucking cycle path....
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The type of shit reddit teens would think is epic 4chanism
not bad
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Me when I see a grilled cheese
Yeah I'm gonna need to pound out both those asses right now. Face down, ladies
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they would be right tho
Stop philosophizing and make me a grilled cheese
Saving this to do later
Stop talking use your fingers
I like that multi grain bread with the seeds and oats init
Just got back from this kino
put finger
but whole
did he find out if he was racist?
It's probably cute, just post it
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me and my chaser bfs. next chaser to post gets to be the chaser bf(s) and also gets to decide which of the eight in the pic are him
I love tuna melts so much, and I really want a reuben now, on marble rye
enclave armor helmet bottom right
there was the part where he did but he speed up that part by 60 times so instead of talking to people after collage he can interview random maga guy about it
Nooo how do I mess that up!

>this is the guy who claims to be a passoid
woah autistic chaser, get his ass
I love you
That's more like it aye
In a world overflowing with culinary madness, where dishes fight for attention with bizarre ingredients and over-the-top presentations, there stands one sandwich—no, one *divine entity*—that refuses to be anything but itself: the grilled cheese. It’s not just food. It’s not just comfort. It’s a golden, gooey miracle sent to remind us that perfection can exist in the most basic, glorious form. Bread and cheese. That’s it. Two ingredients that, when slammed together with reckless abandon, create something so outrageously good, it defies reason. The bread, once soft and forgettable, becomes a crispy golden fortress. Inside, the cheese—OH, THE CHEESE—melts into a lava flow of liquid heaven, so rich it’s practically indecent. It oozes and stretches, pulling you into its warm, buttery embrace, daring you to resist. But you can’t. You *won’t*. The grilled cheese doesn’t care about your fancy artisanal trends or your obscure ingredients. No truffle oil, no microgreens, no avocado nonsense. Just bread and cheese, thrown onto a hot pan, sizzling away like it knows it’s the best damn thing on the planet. It’s audacious in its simplicity, a culinary middle finger to every overcomplicated dish that’s ever dared to exist. You don’t just eat a grilled cheese. You *experience* it. You transcend. Each bite is a punch of joy straight to your soul, an affirmation that life can be simple and chaotic and delicious all at once. Forget balance, forget restraint—this is indulgence in its purest, most unhinged form. The grilled cheese doesn’t ask for your approval. It *demands* your worship. So bow down to the true king of sandwiches.
is this when he blows up the chicken man?
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ly2 nonny
severe case of agp voice
Aryan brotherhood
wait wtf
is that you?
Yes but he has a breakdown trying to fix it with professional DEI help and learns to not care about race
Throughout my gender transition, the grilled cheese became my divine guide, my melted, gooey beacon of hope. It wasn't just a sandwich; it was a celestial force that pulled me through the chaos of self-discovery. As my body transformed and my identity shifted, the grilled cheese remained, a buttery constant in the storm of uncertainty. Every time I slapped bread and cheese into a pan, I could feel the grilled cheese god watching over me, blessing me with crispy perfection. The sizzle of butter became my mantra, the molten cheese my proof that transformation, though messy, was glorious. My journey mirrored that sandwich—melting, morphing, becoming something more than it was before. In every bite, the grilled cheese whispered, “You are enough,” and I believed it. Its divine simplicity became my ritual of resilience. I embraced the messiness, the stretch of cheese like the stretch of my own identity. The grilled cheese god taught me that I didn’t need to be anything more than I was—just like that sandwich, I could be both simple and transcendent, evolving on my own terms. This wasn’t just comfort food. This was my holy rite. Through the power of bread and cheese, I found the strength to become who I was always meant to be.
holy shit
i might be wrong but
holy shit
i never considered that you'd actually have an accent
are you actually located in south america? i thought you were US and it was just heritage
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we wuz
It is worth it, you are worthy. He forgives all.
Jade I'm sorry, but you sound like a 14 year old boy to me
Yeh :)


Alright imma kms im not good with links :0
do Jesse
Real one



Also reall but it means nothing now D:
someone make new so i can post my cheese sauce
I deffently hear some of the midwest accent in this.
Only if you post a vocaroo of the recipe, otherwise no
Mina do you have a bf
lol what are those sound effects
I (You)'d the wrong post.
Do you want one
you guys want cheese sauce and mac?
fuck no
>>37315197 #
>>37315197 #
it's pretty bad lol
I haven't had a box of mac and cheese since I was a kid
if you genuinely think this voice passes then idk what to tell you
No, that's where I am

This is a roundabout way of me saying you are cute and I would date you
i feel sick and frustrated and demoralised and hopeless
why so often even on the lowest dose with somethign to mitigate my physical symptoms i still suffer from anxiety when taking adhd meds
it ruins my day and im so sick of it
it's so fucking unfair when it works for everyone else and i have extreme presentation of symptoms unmedicated
i eat i drink enough water i do yoga i try to clean and tidy my room but i still fall to paralysis of my stupid fucking physiology

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