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qott: Are you into cars? You know it's an insta-pass right?

Previous: >>37301033
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Don't give a fuck about cars, I'll never pass.
фeмбpэйнд :PP
Seeing G talk about cars killed that for me
G doesn't like bmw's / benzos like a real man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm into motorcycles, i had to sell my old one for money :^) hopefully I'll buy a new one soon or later
ive lost too many loved ones to fatal accidents to ever feel comfortable in a car. my dad would always drive high/drunk too which made my fear even worse..

id rather neet out than drive
>I'm into motorcycles, i had to sell my old one for money :^) hopefully I'll buy a new one soon or later
all malebrained you pass dw

extremely fembrained you should be plapped
having trauma is fembrained now? its so over for me
extremely so
a real man would cope with his trauma by purchasing a car and doing illegal stuff :^))

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How many peopl e here have a good amount of muscle? Post pics if so.
She is such a sweetheart
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Happy Lunar Eclipse
witchcraft is gigafembrained
I think cars from the 50s and 60s are cool, but I don't know anything about them.
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You're cooked, kid... It's over for you...... Your weak aura is being penetrated by the enormous cock of my magical power as we speak.....
I'm trying to get into cars and be on that male grindset (I also need a car)
true carfags just drive beaters and do all repairs/maintenance themselves but never talk about it with others. initial D fags and nu-anime car fans are just posers
ok so. we'll divide cars by brands
see: bmw, mercedse (bit generic but safe on both)
lexus (toyota can be here) - jzx 90, 100 (nice clean cars)

in mercedes you want to research the older models, think w202, w203, find what u like
there's diesel versions as well. extra based if u go that route, they last infinitely long

in bmw there's the older classics, e34, e36, e46,
newer ones can be like the m3, m4 (wide range, decent cars)
goes to m5,m8, too

research various engines, years, trims, watch vids on them. this is how i learned abt them and bought my current car


if ur getting a car just get a toyota or honda unless u can afford it.
Cars are gay bros.
>m3, m4
im retarded this is just generation im a bit high rn
on m3 and m4 there's like m3 f80, m4 f82, peak malebrained cars. i love those.
i dont know much about cars but i dont like mine, it looks like a woman car :-/ my boyfriend put windshield wiper fluid in my car for me the other day and all i did was just stand there and watch and it was fucking emasculating cause i could have just done it myself
>woman car
How does it look like a woman car? I was listening to a podcast the other day and these guys said white cars are feminine. Otherwise idk what counts as a feminine car
Next time you just gotta act fast and grab that shit, or be like
>bf I'll do it you deserve a break
or some shit
Thanks transphobic
I mean, there have been cars marketed towards women in the past. The Dodge La Femme is an example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_La_Femme
True, I doubt anon bought a The Dodge La Femme though
I think those cars that are short in the front look like woman cars.
grandma car, will last forever if taken care of
same as above but with less street cred
you know nothing about cars
seethe, woman
I know, I was just giving an example of how a car can look feminine
My dream car is a 60s bug
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Tell me more about the Ukrainians please
nazi pigs
The newest Trump shooter was obsessed with Ukraine for some reason
No not like this.
i don't understand the relevancy of this. i don't care about united states politicians
You fascinate me
>tfw will never have angry strong ukrainian soldiers hatefuck me and call me zigger but force me to enjoy it all
politics are for poor people and western women

i'll do this for you timur but i'm not ukranian but i can pretend to be one
I moreso meant in general, you're an interesting person and I enjoy reading your threads/posts
You're very kind to offer.
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thank you dear.
i just spent 10 minutes almost having a panic attack scrolling pinterest to give u a nice picture i think is cute
i hope u like this one sorry pinterest isn't hitting today
Who is this cute girl?
I love snow and that gen of mercs isn't bad, so win for me. I appreciate it. I used to know someone quite like you about a year ago, but we lost contact
BMW’s are GAY
>I love snow
>that gen of mercs isn't bad
>isn't bad
i know. i'm not happy with it. i was getting anxious. i wanted to send you an older crashed w203 or something. then i thought, x5, an older one. i don't know. sorry
>I used to know someone quite like you about a year ago, but we lost contact
tell me about him

get the fuck out of my thread you woman i've lost all respect for you
carfags are sooooo insufferable
you're suuuuuch a woman ywnbam
I could beat you up if I really wanted to
you wouldn't do shit nigga
I'd beat you up, but only if I really felt like it
I'm happy with anything. He and I used to talk fairly casually about rather difficult topics surrounding our lives. He used to send me car photos much like you do. He also shared some of the same sentiments about transition as you did in another thread. If it's you, I won't reveal it, just curious.
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1989 chevy silverado, very sad my parents had to sell ours
"we have a hummer!" yeah and it breaks down every 5 seconds
Don't talk to my pretend Ukrainian captor this way, faggot
you're weak

not enough details to know. mightve been me. if it's you who i think it is it's because you sent some slightly sexual stuff / subjects that shouldnt have been brought up and it made me uncomfortable.

i want a boyfriend but my cishet passing resting bitch face and social anxiety will never let me get laid
>resting bitch face and social anxiety will never let me get laid
are you me? word for word
I think it's plausible that it was me, but same case here, not enough to be sure. I was certainly doing rather deplorable things back then though if it's any consolation. Mental health is awfully damaging when you don't have it in check, however no excuses. One further detail to maybe clear it up, his favorite car at the time was a murdered mercedes
give me discord
Resting bitch face isn't an excuse, start smiling bros
How the hell do I get a normal libido when taking antidepressants as a teen ruined my sex drive. My shitty foid body doesn't work because god hates me
maybe, kinda want to kms knowing that im officially in wizard territory in less than a month but i just sleep off the painful days atp
It’s like asking a Jew to wear Chanel
hmmmm is it you? the guy i know was i think 26. is this what you mean by this?

amphetamine, high testosterone
if this doesn't work, kill the doctors who did this to you in minecraft.
I hope you can fix. Mine gets me too distracted sometimes then makes me annoyed.
>hmmmm is it you? the guy i know was i think 26. is this what you mean by this?
im dumb i mistook you for the other anon sorry
I'm not into drugs other than the occasional edible (which actually helps) but I am interested in higher doses of T I'm just sort of broke currently and rationing what little I have left. My usual dose is 100mg weekly injections and my levels end up 700ish so I would probably be fine taking more idk
i am not walking down the street or around school smiling like a crackhead i straight up only involuntarily smile like that when im tripping
probably not me i dont have friends
Why, I do
because im literally a hairy male and thatll be more scary than having resting bitch face?
>amp, high t
this made me goon to the point that it rewired my sexuality. be careful
Hairy guys aren't scary.
amphetamine makes me so uncomfortable. gooning is disgusting. i'd rather sit down and do my work for 6 hours than masturbate.
tell that to the people out here, i literally try to make myself less intimidating by wearing bright colors and putting a lot of effort into my clothes in general and i still can barley manage conversations outside of strictly classwork or passing comments when doing business or something
Can you post pic?

Cap: GAYW2
no i thought about it and thats the last thing my depression needs
i feel such a tightness in my back and 'yoke' area with test. it's almost addicting. i know that i am becoming increasingly v shaped. it feels so good......
i look like this btw
A good night bump.
>he sleeps like a bitch
i can probably stay up for 5 more days
good night timur hug your plushies for me you faggot
I'm not going to sleep if you are turning me on, dick.
wow you're one of those bottoms
that's so hot
god you're pathetic you're not even a real man, how am i more of a man than you? christ you're pathetic
go masturbate and think of me you пидop
every day the urge to take out a loan to spend 40k on a used firetruck that I can't park anywhere burdens me
If any ftm owns an aston martin and not some shit like a lamborghini instead then I would instantly see you as more of a man over so many cis men
they're all pooron fags anyway anon, i'd be impressed with a lambo.
i want to adopt a ftm under my wing, teach him to be a man, be masculine in a toxic way
they're all pussies who play genshin impact and cry after they starve themselves for attention. never again. even the ones on T.
nigger you have d cup breasts in russia sit your rich larper ass down and learn when to speak
90% of the ftms in this thread mog you
retarded woman piped in
i'm probably taller than half the ftms in this thread and im 160cm, come on now
also funny you took insult to that
Why I would think of you?
What are your go to remedies for fighting colds? Mine are
>zinc tablets
>mouthwash 3x a day
>eating raw garlic cloves (pain)
>saline nasal rinse
When I do all these I’m rarely sick for more than 3 days. But I can do better. I must remedymaxx
clearly i ticked something off within you, you little faggot
benzodiazapenes, unironically
>and im 160cm
holy KEK
stay a woman, you were built to be a breeding sow
i'm 173cm and you outright admitted you're just jealous i pass better than you
nobody likes you, just admit it faggot
i have a dick and balls nigga something you'll never have

are you on your period nona?
haven't had a period since week 2 of testosterone, slav. clearly you're seething because your dick was too small to dig a hole
rather be a slav than a fat american like you
you wish you had a dick, you fucking weirdo
now im gonna get banned because of you
i'm not gonna report you bro but clearly i hit a nerve
Fuck you hohol
and i didn't even want to be mean or something i said bad stuff here
i was excited i got to make a ftmg and sort of relate to the trans guys
but then this fat american had the audacity to talk to me like this
and i ruined a nice thing
fuck you gloves

look who just came back from his masturbation session over ukranians (me) pinning him down
Pal, being a man isn't about height but not taking shit from people and fighting for what you believe in lol, I was just saying I think men with aston martins are a lot hotter than those with lamborghinis
I didn't and wouldn't, faggot, you think of me?
>I was just saying I think men with aston martins are a lot hotter than those with lamborghinis
fuck are you busting my balls for nigga? i didn't really disagree with you, i literally agreed and added on my own view of it

i usually watch straight male porn and pretend imf ucking the woman, usually
male on woman* not male
Don't lie, you're gay as fuck bro.
I know you agreed but the whole "They're all pussies" thing and the stuff you said after words struck me as you being a prick
I agree on the being a slav is better than being an American though, fuck the US
nah bro, i watch straight porn, i like women.

im sorry. i don't want to be mean
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You think of me.
you don't look like this.
It's fine, besides, busting someone balls is funny, though it definitely doesn't have as much fun to it doing it online
hehe yea :) ur nice
here you go this is for you
Oh yes, I forget to post picture of my woman body, straight fag.
is that actually you
cuz ur hot as fuck. if it is
Don't be gay.
this gen contains 99% of my posts i almost never leave it kek, you're really gonna hate it here
shit i'll be gay for you

okay we should become friends then. as an apology i give you car picture. can we be friends gloves.
sure, nice car by the way
I'm trying to sleep past my boner and getting annoyed.
okay gloves we're friends now, i take back everythign i said we are brothers

im horny lately too i lowered my E dose but it seems to have no effect. imagine if i was on testosterone? allah yahfazuni
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This is your fault.
what did i do you russian cock sleeve built for ukranian military usage

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I have no words.
choke on my cum you faggot
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Fuck I really should sleep now.
i keep on waking up in the night desperate to fuck or fight. does this mean i should increase my test dose?
didnt see this thread until now been sitting in a dead gen for nothing
i dont give a fuck if its an insta-pass, only retards and the gold digging bimbos that manipulate them like cars
this general has continued to run to shit and i hope you get yelled at by that schizo again
blessed finka post thank you timur
some retarded mod on /tv/ keeps saying im banned on past dates even though ive never been on that board in my life
this general has continued to run to shit and i hope you get yelled at by that schizo again
BMW's are gay as hell any real man would agree also most men think being into cars is equivalent to being into lego's so
ftmg was shit yesterday, and some schizo came in and started a fight with 'transphobic?'
probably some lurker but it was mildly funny to watch because they shut the fuck up real quick after a while
>t. has never talked to a man irl
the guy who called me a woman? bro i don’t care, it was funny if anything. he’s prolly some angry pooner
schizoanon hasnt posted in months?
i didnt know there was a dedicated schizoanon, it probably wasnt that one then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am mtf repper lurking
Legos are a more realistic instapass then cars (due to the lego sperg stereotype)
Being into cars just to pass is trying too hard
Being into DIY stuff is the biggest thing you could do hobby wise to seem more masculine desu
well i do rly like cars and im a cis guy so
and i know cis guys into cars - no women
>mtf repper
why rep anon?
Usually only rich ppl or low iq ppl are into cars as far as ive seen
idrk anyone into cars I spent my entire highschool years socializing with cis men exclusively and the only guy into cars I met was a really autistic GTA 5 addict
>why rep anon?
SA & rape threats also 6'4
> SA & rape threats also 6'4
my deepest condolences
i wish you a happy life
Thank you, im probably killing myself this month or the next
i take back what i said, too. i was a complete asshole.
It seems like I missed a lot today.
Sorry I was actually working today.
Awake for few minutes bump. Have to take dog pills. Hope all is well ftmg.
Why my pills, take your own.
Hi my Italian friend. Are you doing ok? The dog pills are all I have. Please I need them.
productive good job

me too im fucked up in general
Fine my bro. Have a nice trip (get it) with them.
I'm doing great last day of work. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor and checking the test levels. I am diying and it is not technically legal but I hope the bitch isn't a snitch.
Thank you for understanding. Good luck.
Hi hohol.
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snitches get snitches nigga!
you’re begging for this dick at this point nigga
Why are you taking antibiotics? What are your symptoms? Do you have an infection? If you do have something that requires antibiotics (which you may not, most illnesses people get are viral) proper dosing and taking a full course is necessary otherwise you could make your situation worse. Are you taking your weight into consideration when dosing? Medications can be ineffectual if you're over the weight they're made for and you're an adult man so I assume there's very few dogs that are your weight or over. Remember when I told you people misuse them? This is what I meant.
i do not care for cars.
Fr. Technology is Pandoras box.
hi flux i like you
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I will see Dr soon. I appreciate you try to help but it's OK. Don't worry about me.
Maybe start calling me z word.
Where do you get all the pics?
it feels mean but i guess you’re a pathetic bottom so i may just have to indulge
these captchas are killing me
what has enticed you so?
and look how that turned out for the greeks.
we should all go back to riding horses and taking part in jousting tournaments.
i don’t know i remember u were cute that’s all
u took a break from posting for a while right? why was that
key word was :(
>took a break
i don't like this place.
i don't come here very often anymore, if at all. it's gone to shit anyway.
I love it.
I get them from internet.
I'm not worried in the sense like I have an emotional attachment. I'm just telling you that you're being stupid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're potentially creating a much worse problem for yourself by using these things incorrectly. If you're not using the proper antibiotics at the correct doses for the proper amount of time you're going to get worse not better. If you're taking antibiotics when you don't need them then you're killing the good bacteria in your system while doing absolutely nothing that will help the illness (and potentially giving yourself other issues such as thrush), again creating more potential health issues. This is how people end up with antibiotic resistance and how worse strains of bacterial diseases are created. People doing stupid shit because they're misguided about antibiotics being a cureall for everything when they're not and have some very negative side effects.
nah ur probably handsome dw
>everything else

of course you do, typical zigger faggot
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I did not mean worry in such way. I meant, nobody should have me in their thoughts.
You wouldn't tie me down and say it to my face, fag.
You're telling us all about it in real time, you don't need to be in my thoughts for me to see that you're doing something idiotic. I look here, read shit people are saying, see you doing dumb shit that's potentially harmful and say something. I'm not thinking about you when it's not actively in my face, but it is if I'm here and reading shit.
> You wouldn't tie me down and say it to my face, fag.
i just remembered you’re into the power aspect
unfortunately im weak as shit and have no muscle so i’m gonna stop larping im sorry
Good morning FTMG. Today I will put on clothes
noooo don’t put on clothes ur so sexy haha …
Understood. There is more information then what I post.
Don't be sorry. It's words. I enjoy it anyway. But don't continue if you're not comfortable.
I'm sure there is, which is why I asked questions. You seem retarded though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ good luck. Can only waste so much time talking to a wall of stupidity.
Such a peeved off response for something so mild.
fuck you nigga leave my zigger alone
I dislike it when people are stubbornly retarded and say as much, at the same time you're projecting more emotion than what's there. https://voca.ro/1bW0kaQnY8Oy
I already said I give up trying to share sensible advice about misuse of medications. Telling me to leave someone alone after that is just pointless. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Anyways... what games are we playing rn ftmg?
If anyone can gueess pic I'll give them a little kiss on the cheek.
If I was mad I'd say as much, nothing wrong with getting mad, normal human emotion that doesn't require any level of shame unless you deal with it in really fucked up ways.

Haven't played anything at all in a couple days. Still need to finish Space Marine 2 but I'm playing that with other people so everyone's schedules and lives have to align for that. Don't have an ability to focus on them much currently either feeling like shit physically so that doesn't help. Just been chilling with my birds and fish. Did read a book my younger brother lent me yesterday called The Hike, didn't read the summary just started reading it so I was surprised when it veered off into a more fantasy-esque territory than I wouldve guessed from its opening. Heavy occult themes in there though not in an expected way, wasn't fantastic or anything but was enjoyable and a quick read.
Do you read much? Rn I'm looking for something to get me back on the horse. I took a bit of a big break because I was so exhausted from work. I don't really read fantasy but have read more surreal stories.
You're a biological woman with some bullshit office job. How are you exhausted?
All AFABs are weak. Nothing to be ashamed of
I read books as one as my jobs.
In my free time I've stopped reading books.
I'm tired of reeding books.
Agab has nothing to do with anything.
It has. You were hired only because you have a pussy.
kek incel th.
Isn’t that a route in Pokemon Emerald?
It's pokemon emerald rougue. Its a romhack that makes pokemon a rouguelike rpg. It's fun. I cried fpr the first time in two years because of my team dying on me.
What game are you playing?
NTA but I have a friend playing that right now too. What’s with the sudden increase in popularity?
I find that old school pokemon in general is having a bit of a renaissance. Gen 3 is super popular competitively rn.
I’ve redownloaded Cyberpunk: 2077, and Persona 3 Reload but I just keep playing Fallout: New Vegas and Street Fighter 6 :p
Fallout I want to play the first two but I'm less intrested in the others.
My gf is playing persona five rn and seems to have a lot of fun.
I'm a fan of the original ttrpg but I haven't played the game. Is it fun or a buggy mess?
I’m taller than you
What’re you even talking about? I didn’t even know Persona had a ttrpg lol
I was talking about cyber punk but forgot to mention.
Ooooooh, yeah it’s good! They fixed all the bugginess of the initial release. It’s a good game with an abysmal story though, all the side characters that can be romanced kinda suck :/
Rip. I'd rather play fear and hunger then. Still have to start playing it. I hope it isn't just hype.
the average us female height is 163cm
Was on the phone. Anyway I used to as a kid, but now it's pretty infrequent. My brother lent it to me because it had short chapters so he knew it'd hold my attention, and it worked. It's more surrealism than fantasy, but yeah... The only surrealism book I can think of off the top of my head is The Obscene Bird of Night, which I liked but I wouldn't rec it to someone who has trouble getting into shit. The translation is choppy (though there's a new one) and the book suffers for it, but I enjoyed the themes in it particularly the second part of the book. First bit is about a little girl in a convent orphanage who's pregnant and the nuns want to take the baby and lock it away in the dark never letting the world touch it to keep it pure. The second part is about a rich man whose son is born deformed so he constructs a walled in town that he populates with circus freaks and fills with statues of deformed people so his son feels normal. He can't bear to look at people like that himself so he hires a normal man to stay there and be the one who tells him how his son is doing. The guy's other purpose is to be the "freak" in their world. Third part is about a deaf mute.

Anyway not sure how you'd feel about this particular book, it's ultimately about having faith and creating your own reality etc.
I have like autism or something, I only play the same 8 games with slight deviations if something really interests me lol
Finally 4chan is useful. Thanks.
How to be a woman:
>play sports and video games growing up
>hit puberty and stop going outside and only play video games
>have short hair and boy clothes
>get ostracized for being a dyke
Hope this tutorial is easy enough to follow
You sound like a prick, hope that helps you have some introspection.
he's right tho
Your "gf" is autogynephilic man and sees you as easy pussy
Where is G?

I have a question for (you), G, wherever you are.

Do you ever wear diapers?
companies need to fill roasties quotas
Exhaustion can come from your mind rather than just physical shit. Stress, mind numbing work etc can all be a cause of feeling that way.

...does gloves? Gloves might be the one who actually does.
Poor little girl. Your life is so hard.
That's just my female socialization, if it doesn't sound beneficial to an mtf, that's the point
Whoops, wrong thread. >>37316004
Fuck no, diaperfags need a meeting with god
ok i put them on
AMAB troons deserve to be executed (in minecraft)
i want to step on transphobic balls until he whimpers for my name
Congrats. Sometimes that’s better than being naked. But only sometimes.
I'm an amab ftm
I wasn't talking about you, you're a cute breedable afab boi
You will become a diaperfag. You will. Your natural form is to soil your cute nappies
What do you think about pacifiers then?
I'm afab
Confining AFABs to their appropriate, biologically predetermined role as mothers and homemakers and chaperoning them through life via fathers and husbands is a prerequisite for civilization itself. Men have always been the inventors, innovators, creators, builders, and sustainers of civilization. Women (along with children and the elderly) are net consumers of other’s life energy. 100 years of women’s “equality” has been an unmitigated disaster for the western world. Women support buffoonish, totalitarian, collectivist, and socially catastrophic political causes. The total fertility rate of ALL developed nations are well below replacement levels and plummeting exponentially as more and more men learn that placing themselves legally and financially at the mercy of a women is suicidal. Almost all 1st world governments are fiscally insolvent as they labor to sustain dysgenic social support programs largely voted in by women. You simply cannot place men and children and society at the mercy of women’s decision making and expect that society to function. Everyone from Confucius to Socrates to John Adams considered this to be common sense. Women are inherently irrational and duplicitous and malcontented and solipsistic. Like children, women are ruled by their emotions. Like children, they must be protected from both others and (more importantly) themselves. Women’s “equality” is shaping up to be infinitely more destructive than all the wars and plagues and famines mankind has suffered since the dawn of civilization. It is nothing less than an extinction machine
how tall are you?
shut up
I’m not readin’ allat fuck nigga, give me the tldr
Shut up you insolent, retarded faggot.
I know, I still disagree with the statement though cause I’m not a psychopath
Are you saying this cause you saw the thread of people calling me a shotamoder
I tower over your little ass, you’re like an ant to me lol
i will cherish the one inch i have on you then
I wish I was 5’6 or some shit, being 5’3 is like living in a constant state of humiliation
>t. 5'4
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I’m 6’2 girliepop
If it will cheer you up, nobody sees you as a man, and people like short girls.
Wasn't talking about myself, though my life has been hard in ways most people would go "Oh damn that's fucked" about. I know this for a fact because I've discussed my life with other people.
Well damn
Happy for you anon, godspeed
Short kings ruling the world
It’s over
Thanks. :/
*other afabs
I was talking about the idea that only physical labor can lead to exhaustion when in reality exhaustion can also be a psychosomatic symptom of other issues. That goes for everyone, male and female. It's not a gender issue.
o/ just glad im a bottom so not end of the world
I’m not competition, I’m not a ftm goofballs.
unsee cc/album#0UDih89b8Vgx
i love what testosterone has done to my body
cool me too
Now post your pink tight fertile boipussi
I wish I could have an amputee ftm bf that I could make pregnant against her will
You’re insane.
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I’m a bi switch and my taste in people has shifted primarily towards women
As a female, I suffered from extreme psychosis, anxiety, self-hatred, self-harm, suicide attempts, misogyny, transmisogyny, racism, violent urges, narcissism, alcoholism, addiction, and apathy.
Now that I'm on T I'm just based and redpilled
You sound like the type of person who wants to play both sides all the time.
go to asia lots of short girls there
Switches are god's favourites
The strap calls me, but I also love to bottom
As is life
It’s the best way to do it, why pick when I can have both? My bf and I are both bi switches
I WISH, I’d kill for a short Asian baddie gf (with a penis)
My bf and I would pass her around like a J
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Sounds like a cop out honestly, all that shit is boring.
Have you ever had aggressive flip flop sex with a partner anon? If not hmu when you do cause it’s awesome
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Why you girls are so boring
No I’m not really interested in being anything other than a power bottom. I like having people at my feet ;3
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That’s very cool anon, now let’s see your Warhammer army.
Are FtMs women?
Your cute, childlike, pretty 5'3 little frame would be perfect for diapers. You might not even need the adult size!
You can sit on my lap while I feed you girl pills if you want
currently playing the witcher 3, god of war 3, kingdom come deliverance, and dante's inferno.
>Dante’s inferno
Isn’t that some religious fanfic?
i wouldn't call contributing to antibiotic failure mild
Are we so back? Or is it so over?
Not wrong to me
there's the ‘divine comedy’, written by dante alighieri, which is about his trip into hell alongside vergil. the videogame is based on the first act of the work, inferno - which is the most notable act.
How old are you?
I watched Wendidumbasses video on all of Dante’s works. Pretty interesting in retrospect, Dante and Vergil were soooo gay for each other.
It's a hack n slash based on the book, so kind of I guess. Never finished it myself, played it a million years ago.

Those purgatory babies were funny as hell.
Are you on T? If not, that will probably change
I was a strict bottom before T brain kicked in
Sounds lame honestly.
You were talking to me dummy
i find it very interesting because of the depiction of hell and also because of the fact that it's one of the first ever self-insert fanfictions, kek.
they're so… goofy-looking. the crunchy psp graphics don't make it any more serious.
Don't do Warhammer but I have a friend try to get me into it and help paint his figures
Nvm, I stand corrected
Him putting Achilles in Hell for his lust of Patroclus was so fucking funny to me.
You sound poor, get your money up.
go back to /pol/
If any of you struggle with acne I gotta say these livaclean acne patches are life savers. Had a huge cyst acne, grape sized. 3 days of patches, almost gone completely. Normally would've suffered with one that size for a month
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All my money is in gunpla and digimon/pokemon cards
‘between two fires’ also has an excellent depiction of hell if you’re into that sort of thing.
>He forgot his name. How long he had been there stopped meaning anything. He went from one torment to another, starting with bodily pain and going on to heartbreak; he was skinned and then made to drag his skin behind him, then made to sew this skin back on himself, with the dirt and gravel it had picked up now under it; he was shredded slowly, crammed with thorns and made to eject them, crowded in with naked throngs and scalded, made to fight for cool water or a glimpse of sky, and when they saw that he liked fighting, they made him fight again and again for everything, for years, until even his rage was broken, and he wept and succumbed when confronted; he was murdered and betrayed by those he loved, and then made to murder and betray them, then desecrate them, cannibalize them, regurgitate them. >Nothing was left out. No weakness was overlooked. For pride in his strength he was made a plaything. For his carnality he was rendered sexless.
>He was made to live each oath he’d spoken, no matter how ridiculous, lapping Christ’s wounds, drowned with Christ in shit, boiled in Mary’s sour milk, sodomized by the “cocks of the Apostles, until he had been stripped of his capacity for laughter, or even the capacity to disbelieve the outrageous. They took his humor from him not because they themselves were humorless—they most certainly were not—but because it so offended them that man had been given this, too. Hell was mutable and hard, banal and shocking, painful and numbing, burning and frozen, but mostly it was real.
I was on trt for like 3 months. Having more T as a volatile teen just made me more of a fucking punk.
I was just fucking with you, I don’t have money for Warhammer shit. If I wanted to get into warhammer id just buy the books and use Halo megablox figures lol
Is the digimon tag good? I live digimon.
i know you're not the real TH because the real TH thinks i'm 30 and screeches at me that my eggs are all dead.
I almost just hit a random trans girl with my car because she was jaywalking in the middle of an intersection
Oh shit, my bf had to go on T as a kid cause he was rlly small and puberty wasn’t starting properly. He’s good now tho
That whole year was terrible for me it’s such a long story. 18 - 19 was such a fucking fever dream.
I was the same way, never went on T though
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i hate my job i need a new one
are you 30?
I suggest babysitting or finding a rich husband and getting pregnant.
It's an ok game, really basic but entertaining for what it is. I played it for a bit once then I was done with it though.

I played it when it first came out and I just remember being high as hell laughing at them. I'm sure now they must look even worse. I didn't get much further than purgatory when I played. It was my ex's brother's game and we were visiting for their grandmother's funeral which was a whole crazy mess (like everything their mother was involved in always was.)
Sadly I do have the money to blow on useless fun
Digimon tcg is great tho, especially the early sets. Awesome art, great holo designs, and really fun gameplay. I was able to get friends who only liked MtG into it, and they didn't really know digimon either. The newest sets have been headed the yugioh direction with more complicated rulesets and paragraphs of text on a card. The old sets were so fun
I’ll stick to my fighting games and 10 year old rpgs thank you lol
The Christ in boiling shit thing is in the Talmud and has clear parallels to the torture of Dumuzid in hell. Which isn't surprising given their shared nature + symbolism.
Are we talking Older Yu-gi-oh or newer Yu-gi-oh because that’s a major difference. One is good, the other would kill a game.
I’m sorry :(
My bfs dad is one of those toxically masculine individuals, so he probably felt personally attacked having his son not start puberty soon enough. I don’t know that many people that have done this, usually they just get written off as late bloomers and they just wait. That’s just a theory tho, A GAY THEORY.
Only 10 years old? Go back even further and there's some interesting ones. Hack n slash isnt my genre either but it's alright if it's what's there and the first Devil May Cry, Bujingai, and Chaos Legion all had charm. The Blood Omen/Soul Reaver games were alright too.
Yea understandable. My dad was fortunately not like that, but I was also a little faggy effeminate kid so having a slow weak puberty wasn't abnormal
you mean the pussy that couldnt even take a tampon pre t? highly doubt im fertile
That’s how I started on mine, when the whole red pill shit with Andrew Tate was happening.
If I want to play a hack and slash with nostalgia I’ll play Crash of the Titans, Twinsanity and all the other sierra Crash games.
Vaginismus isnt an indicator of fertility or lackthereof.
Yeah, my bf was lowkey a very faggy kid. We’ve been friends since elementary school, so I remember. He was smaller than me most of the time I knew him. Didn’t really start looking super masc until after our senior year, and when he started getting piercings and painting his nails his dad almost had a heart attack.
Bringing my ass over was game over, but his family was at least kinda okay with it cause I’m femme so they can pretend he’s a strict top.
O o f, Andrew Tate is destroying our generations twinks and femboys. NOOOOOOOOOO.
New yugioh, it sucks to see it coming. Still have some good old decks together but I had to give up on yugioh
Literally, glad I stopped with that shit and started flourishing as a flamer, TWINK, femboy.
That’s not kino, new yugioh is very cancerous and like playing a different game. It’s constant hand trap, flood gate, omni-negate bullshit.
>Bringing my ass over was game over, but his family was at least kinda okay with it cause I’m femme so they can pretend he’s a strict top.
I think it's more that they're happy their son is dating a woman and isn't strictly a homofag
Never played those. Ive only ever bothered with those kinds of games when they've belonged to someone else.
They think I’m mtf tbf
His brother once yelled as we were leaving “have fun having buttsex with your tranny boyfriend”
Heresy, treason even. They’re really really fun and I love the characterization of Cortex’s niece or daughter.
ew, that's fucking disgusting, i would never.
My dad did the same thing when I came out to him, even though I have had long hair earrings and been wearing makeup for years. I think he just didn't want to accept it. I can still outman him though if I tried and I think that scares him a bit lol
Dads are lowkey the worst. I hope our generation is better when it comes to this stuff, cause goddamn Gen Xer’s and Boomers fucking SUCK.
What are you?
On god, single gen X moms are even fucking worse.
Mine is really good otherwise, which kinda sucks. As fucked as it sounds it would be so much easier to just write him off, but I love him dearly so I won't.
I'm out as a mtf because it's the easiest thing, but if you asked, I don't really have an internalized sense of gender, I'm just me.
Luckily it makes the old digimon boxes really cheap. The new sets are also more expensive, 130+ when it started at 80 a box. Watching digimon die real time is sad, it started so strong
Their memory mechanic is really interesting. If you spend more memory than you have on your turn it becomes your opponents turn and they get the excess memory you spent. They even have a pretty good app for teaching the game but never released a digital version
Sounds pretty gay, very cool.

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