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If You Were a Woman You Could Just Walk Around Wearing This Edition

QOTT: Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?

>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.
>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
"The 'debunking' of autogynephilia is in good company with the debunking of biological sex and the debunking of natal males’ physical advantage in competitive sport." - Ray Blanchard
>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?
No, you can be AGP and trans.
>Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
Some people with AGP will go on to transition, while others are content with incorporating it into their sex life or simply the occasional indulgence. It varies greatly in intensity. If AGP consumes a lot of your mental energy or causes you lots of distress, it is probably worth asking more questions.

Bibliography of articles written by Ray Blanchard: http://individual.utoronto.ca/ray_blanchard/
>Why Gender Matters, the Emerging Science of Sex Differences
>The Gender Variant Phenomenon:
Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7

Previous: >>37285024
I have a dress just like that except its black and sleeveless. very triggering lol.
>Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?
you mean like pegged? i don't mind my femdom gf being slightly ugly and out of shape than me but she has to have that personality
desu the women that look like they're taking great pain to look good don't seem dominant anyway
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thinking of low dosing again
>If You Were a Woman You Could Just Walk Around Wearing This Edition
this makes me want to sexo her
>If You Were a Woman You Could Just Walk Around Wearing This Edition
why not become a woman?
>QOTT: Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?
I do not want to have sex with women at all (I need men for sex)
Fellow AGP's, I just spent another day jerking off and cumming 4 times in a single sitting to pictures of myself in lingerie with ai generated titties and pussy. I need guidance. Should I troon out or just repress forever and be an aromantic monk who continues to sit inside and play deep rock galactic all day?

>QOTT: Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?
Probably? I like uncanny femcel phenotype skinny / skinny fat women who wear traditional dresses and cardigans and stuff but in a 70's psychedelic rock kind of way and not a tradwife kind of way, like Shelley Duvall (picrel.) I would never do p-in-v with a woman though, I would feel disgusting. The only way I could allow myself to penetrate a woman is with my tongue or strapon+chastity.
what's the term for epople who are attracted to femininity no matter the gender?
holy fuck lmaoooo
ty for the pic

For example, I’m sexually attracted to big fat chubby women, but that’s not what I want to be. I want to be a pretty little waif with small tits.
it's not that over, right? please tell me there's hope
alright, which cartoon woman do you wish you were today
haha how is gender dysphoria real nigga just become a woman
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but what is it!??!??!
>If You Were a Woman You Could Just Walk Around Wearing This Edition

I wear that and look like that
Is a vial of E from 2 years ago still safe to use?
Why cant I wear that lol
If you’re a man, it won’t look pretty and society will hate you for it
I want a cute wholesome middle school lesbian romance with my best friend. I want to discover my sexuality and be supported by my parents and my friends. I want to sleep over at my girlfriends house and snuggle with her in her warm bed while there's a winter storm outside. I want her to cuddle me and rub my tummy when I get cramps. I want her to tell me I'm beautiful. I want us to plan our future together. How am I supposed to live knowing none of these things can ever happen outside my own imagination.
Sounds like you're enjoying life just keep doing what you're doing.
I really don't.
Being a non-transvestic AGP sucks.
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is it possible we're calling it just a fetish out of humility
Do bi/gay AGPs exist or are they automatically HSTs?
I'm Bi AGP
Blanchardian discourse has become so low quality here, sad :(
oh boomerhon, tell us about the days of yore when husstussies sailed the seas, and when boymoders and reppers lived in harmony
more like swam the seas of jizz
Threadly reminder to coordinate your outfits with pantyhose! They look so pretty on you, they feel so nice, there's no excuse! You're a girl after all, this is your privilege!
blanchard is a hack whose "work" is abused by miserable anti-humanitarian sacks of shit, that leaves nothing substantive over which to engage in any kind of discourse if you're willing to actually think critically
civilisation enables feminization
AGP as a pathology is fake but I am AGP as an individual
t. 3 months e boyboobs
I'm a bi male with agp (among other kinks).
I'm a zoomer.
Blanchard was right and his theory will never die.
AGP has never been a pathology. It's a paraphilia/orientation.
I have a crossdresser fetish. And you?
what is there to talk about? in my experience, blanchardians get together to talk about how weird and sick "autogynephiliacs" are
then blanchardian agps get together to discuss how every aspect of their being is somehow related to agp, how weird and sick "unaware agps" are, to gossip about other agps and people they think are secret agps, and (usually if they're trans) to bully "hstses"
all it mainly attracts is just insufferable people
4chan in general is a low quality place now
i saw a wedding kinda dress in the thrift market last time should i have bought it
it looked one of those drapey ones that drags on the floor a bit
there's no such thing as a gay agp really. A lot of us are either bi or pseudo-bi (we want to fuck men only because it's a girly thing to do)
have agps tried exorcism
Can someone recommend me a story where a guy falls for his mtf friend?
I'm thinking of re-reading Diversity Hire by nicegent again, but it's sorta forcefem and I prefer stories where the mtf character actually, you know, wants to be a woman or realizes midway they wanna be a woman
No. While I like the idea of being a confidant strong woman, my masculine side isn’t attracted to that kind of woman at all. That said, I rarely fantasize about sex with a woman and I actually just had a dream about getting fucked by a man.
Any blackpilled AGPs here? I have AGP objectively speaking but almost a decade of blackpill / MGTOW content has warped my perception of women beyond repair.
>this gets to stay up
>but anything relating to hdg gets nuked
fucking mods man
What if I am both into discussing Blanchardianism and HDG?
what is hdg?
ATP is just some phony crap even invented. You say he's self-insured it doesn't make any sense how do you sell insert anything? And you say you fantasize about being a woman that's something probably most women do. It's just a difference between a transsexual and a gay man
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We're all the same no matter the country, aren't we?
I think we're just not meant for this world, we should all date each other.
do AGPs stay AGP forever?
it’s really screwing with my romantic side. i’m certain i could find love if i seek it out, but i don’t. i’m pretty certain AGP is a big factor playing into my inability to easily find attraction to others
hdggen is on /trash/ now btw, if anyones interested
jannies r gay
I want a cute wholesome middle school lesbian romance with my best friend. I want to go to sleepovers and gossip about our crushes. I want to get into stupid fights over nothing and then cry and make up. I want to spend my summer holidays at the beach with my girlfriend. I want her to rub aloe vera on my back when I get sunburnt, I want to sneak out of our beach house at night and lay on in the sand and look up at the stars all night. I want to try alcohol for the first time and get tipsy and fall asleep on my girlfriends shoulder.
no agps should take naltrexone, go to church, and find cis women to date as normal, straight, masculine men
> Treatment of fetishism with naltrexone: a case report
> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24655631/

here is a case involving a 40-year-old man who has been fixated on women’s undergarments since he was 25. on top of that, he struggled with alcohol and cannabis dependence. even during times when he was sober, those agp urges still popped up.

here’s the interesting part: after being treated with naltrexone, he managed to not only overcome his agp but also his issues with alcohol and cannabis. it’s been 11 months, and he’s maintained that progress! this case suggests that naltrexone could be an effective treatment for agp, especially when someone is dealing with substance use as well. it’s exciting because it might just be the first reported success of naltrexone in such a scenario!
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fuck i love chinese 'jeeps so much
>QOTT: Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?
No, I like curvy women with big tits and big asses (and maybe a dick lol) and big muscular men, but I like to keep myself lean/androgynous with a big butt.

For me, it definitely is. I love taking sweet, sexy petite girls, and making them into total cumsluts… and that’s exactly who I like to be for men
I wonder why AGPs seem to be so attracted to each other.
Stop watching porn
no. I will goon for another hour because you posted this.
it'e easy to do with naltrexone
you're literally burning out your dopamine receptors by gooning
you won't have the motivation to do anything but goon long enough
>you're literally burning out your dopamine receptors by gooning
>you won't have the motivation to do anything but goon long enough

good. I just want to fucking die anyway.
fucks he doing
i'm sorry to hear that :(
i wonder why very few people post about their experiences with naltrexone (the closest i've seen was someone taking wellbutrin to cure agp)
but then i realize that they're probably out living their best lives, agp free
this isn't an addiction it's an expression of self and sexuality, oftentimes indicative of gender dysphoria
> this isn't an addiction
that study i posted earlier had a subject with his agp in remission
> it's an expression of self
identity isn't real
> sexuality
nuh uh, paraphilic disorder/fetish
> gender dysphoria
gender psychosis, blanchard said agps don't experience gd
psychosis is a likely explanation
Cuz you keep spamming naltrexone and nobody else cares lmao

I'm not the other anon, I don't have dysphoria, but AGP is just fun. Why would I take drugs to get rid of it?
> Cuz you keep spamming naltrexone and nobody else cares lmao
i feel like i helped one anon last thread, if another one comes around i would hope to be there in time to help them too...i aim to reduce thebnumber of agp sufferers in the world
> but AGP is just fun
how? it's a debilitating illness that causes excessive complusive behaviors, breaks apart families, and ruins lives
not even mentioning the shocking number of older agps who's cause of death was an asphyxiation "accident" while cd-ing
> Why would I take drugs to get rid of it?
don't you want to be normal? doesn't it get old? what would your wife think?
I dress up in hot clothes, I get fucked by big muscular guys. How is it not fun?
>don't you want to be normal?
Not particularly
>doesn't it get old?
Hasn't so far.
>what would your wife think?
My gf (who will likely become my wife) is a fujo, as was my previous gf. So it's not a huge problem.
> My gf (who will likely become my wife) is a fujo
oh, i remember you, you're not agp, agp only affects straight men, sorry. i'm not sure if naltrexone will work for you.

there was a guy i talked to once like this, spilled his past about his gay experiences and how emotionally deep and satisfying it was, but "did the right thing" and got together with a woman during/after he got over his meth addiction
poor thing forces his wife to peg him all the time while dressed up and fantasies about being cucked, and also seriously believes she enjoys it, all while trapping her with a kid, holy fuck
and like you he also believes he's agp for some reason...
i'm not attracted to men so i don't really understand it at all...is this comphet or something else?
bro just take it to adult comics or whatever, that's not lgbt shit
>i'm not sure if naltrexone will work for you.
Again, why would I want to get rid of AGP? This is /agpgen/ not /ditchagpgen/.

My gf is into a bunch of this stuff anyway. A ton of girls have pegged me, all of them brought it up first lmao
> Again, why would I want to get rid of AGP?
well if you were an agp you would understand, some fall to the siren call of transitioning but most others resist and try to get on with their lives
they know accepting agp is the end of their lives, familial support, relationships, job opportunities, etc
being gay or bi or whatever and dressing up sometimes is totally different from that
> This is /agpgen/ not /ditchagpgen/.
it's still on-topic though, some agps are too far gone in gender psychosis that naltrexone can't help
> My gf is into a bunch of this stuff anyway. A ton of girls have pegged me, all of them brought it up first lmao
maybe you attract a certain kind of girl, i've never been propositioned for being pegged
AGP literally means attracted to oneself as a girl, which I am.
>i've never been propositioned for being pegged
That's too bad (assuming you're into being pegged), but yeah I have a nice butt lol
And like yeah help for alcoholics may technically be relevant in a thread about beer, but assuming everyone wants to go to alcoholics anonymous would just be kind of annoying.
> AGP literally means attracted to oneself as a girl, which I am.
self-diagnosed "agp", you don't have the same symptoms as actual agps, one of which is a chance of gender psychosis
probably one of the biggest difficulties of studying agp because everyone claims to be one
> That's too bad (assuming you're into being pegged), but yeah I have a nice butt lol
i mean nothing wrong with it, yeah, i'm just shocked, didn't know
okay but what if getting rid of alcoholism was always talked about in beer discussion groups? that's how agps are, most don't like it
I guess I’m not AGP cuz I just had a dream last night about being fucked by a big strong man last night and I fucking came.
yes, correct, not agp, agps fantasize about having sex with women
Anyone else use fetlife?
what's on fetlife?
local ageplay munches :>
I jerked off to the idea of having a pussy again
naltrexone sempai ^_^
>probably one of the biggest difficulties of studying agp because everyone claims to be one
I mean, based on the topic post of this thread where it says "What is AGP?" I can answer yes to all the questions lol

And I incorporate it into my sex life, as also mentioned.
What does that have to do with anything
they kinda look like boys but it's even better that way
every hdg story contains lesbian relationships, how is that not lgbt related
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imagine not wearing them every opportunity...
yeah... agp is no longer a rare and debilitating disorder, just a fun personality quirk these days...
everyone is a little agp!
you can get rid of that desire with the power of naltrexone, no more pussy ideation, take back your life
stop fapping, start living!!
naltrexone would make imagining that very easy, you know...
Blanchard literally said some AGPs fantasize and engage in sex and relationships with men. You are just misinformed.
humility and too much brainrot, AGP isn't a thing, but the people here are obsessed with the AGP/HSTS shit and whether its ironic, a real belief, or a fetish(as in to call yourself AGP, not to be trans) doesn't matter, its just kinda tiring and retarded
> some AGPs...
to fulfill the idea of being a woman, you fake agps always forget that, dressing up alone is not agp, having sex with a man is not agp, etc...it's all supposed to fulfill the idea of being a woman
*you are /not/ agp*
Having sex with a man is a thing women do, yes? You sound like someone who just heard about AGP from the internet, thought it described you, and then generalized your experiences as the only form of AGP. What you miss is that there are numerous sub-types of AGP, many being extremely different.
I wish my bones were small enough to wear cute clothes, but god hates me and gave me a massive skeleton. I wonder what I must have done in a past life to be damned to eternal misery like this?
yeah because agp is a personality subtype now, we're identifying so many people as some form of agp we gotta make up their own little groups for them
maybe animals are agp too?
> Having sex with a man is a thing women do, yes?
...and men. having sex with a man doesn't automatically make you a woman.
are you agp? there's a cure...
I've been narcanned and it didn't cure my AGP, checkmate retard
naloxone is not naltrexone...
whatever, they're both opioid antagonists, if one had an effect on AGP they both would
Yes? According to Blanchard all MTFs are either AGP or HSTS. That requires AGP being rather broad. It’s a rule that any MTF who is attracted to women at any point is AGP. Even if they otherwise seem to date men and have relationships with men.
naltrexone acts over a longer period time, they're not the same drug...
also. you could already be in the grips of gender psychosis, i don't think naltrexone can help once you get that deep
blanchard honestly fucked it up, he made his terms vague enough that random people thought it could apply to them, like people seriously forget it is a tranny typology all the time, and get confused by the gender psychosis... you mfers aren't agp!
you could argue hsts is a form of agp at some point...
i dream of a future where agp is given the reputation it deserves, as a serious and debilitating illness
the state can provide free naltrexone and therapy
when people hear of agps existing, they offer their pity and respect for surviving with such an awful condition
maybe i could even get some neetbucks from my local govt. for being agp and undergoing lifelong treatment for it
all and all, we'd be goven the help we need...
i mean just contrast that to the horror show that's going on now
hated everywhere, depicted as serial killers and criminals, used as a political football (albeit indirectly)
you join support groups for it and they only give you suggestions of embracing being some weird crossdresser or giving into gender psychosis
your quality of life immediately goes down once you find out you have it, and it's almost impossible to get that back unless you have a will of steel (like me) to help you navigate through your brain gaslighting you and making you obsess
it's literally the worst thing ever, total nightmare scenario
qnd i think this is partly blanchards fault, he should have emphasized a real treatment for agps instead of funneling us down the tranny train
we're not transexuals
he spent all his time developing weird devices for measuring boners and developing questionaires for how weird agps are that he forgot the point of research into psychology is supposed to help ppl
not that purely psychology will help, agp is a biological ailment, which is why naltrexone is effective (only if you catch it early before gender psychosis)
agp is to hiv, like gender psychosis is to aids basically
This nigger is becoming as annoying as cure was in old repgen lmao.
cute, cute, cute
And what does the "cure" feel like. Unless it makes you wanna chadmax and become brad pitt (gender acceptance wise) theres no point to it.
hey, at least i'm not frenchie ;-)
oh, I'm not on naltrexone, it is too late for me, but from others i hear its freeing, the goal of it is to give you back control over your life
then from there you would go to discover/rediscover a love of masculinity through either willpower or therapy or something, you need to fill in the void that gender psychosis would fill if you weren't cured
and just like using prep to prevent hiv/aids, you would keep on using naltrexone to keep the urges away
it's not ideal but it'll keep you being a man, maybe an agp will make a permanent solution one day...
at least frenchie was iconic
>lol what is meta-attraction
eh, maybe in-between doom spirals
yes, like i said, to fulfill the idea of being a woman, fake agps will instead insist their completely homosexual fantasies and sex lives are agp because they're dressed up in some clothes and forget the main point, all style and no substance...
Blanchard: AGPs can be bisexual
AGPs on 4chan: AGPs can be bisexual
Naltrexone retard: AGPs can only have sexual interests in women

Frenchie was actually pretty adorable
I'm not dead, just lurking and busy with school!
Ah! Glad to see you back. What is your opinion on this new Naltrexone anon who has taken over the gen?
Thank you, that's very touching :)
I think he'll get tired pretty soon, you need to be a special kind of obsessive to act like cureanon long-term.
now you're just making stuff up, i never said agps couldn't have sex with men, all i said was that having sex with men didn't automatically make it agp
yeah, those yt vids were kinda cute
>taken over
you fags just don't ever talk, ever since i left this place several months ago you all just let the thread die at like 100 posts
i'm not cure, i'm just here for casual conversation. i have a day job and hobbies and friends and etc
Did you not make this post?: >>37345293
now you're taking me out of context and forgetting my replies, it's only to fulfill the idea of being a woman
anon's fantasy sounded gay af with no mention of him being a hot woman, 0% agp
The anon you responded to specifically said that they guess they're not agp because they had a dream about being fucked by a big strong man.
Didn't have details, and big strong man is obviously part of the meta-attraction (big faceless man is contrast).

You didn't mention anything about being women in your reply, you specifically stated that AGPs fantasize about having sex with women.
Hello beautiful girlies~. Does anyone have any advice for the start of my sissy journey? x
a true agp wouldn't have failed to mention the important details, sorry
lmao naltard is truly declaring himself the expert on who is or isn't a real agp
take naltrexone, throw away all your weird sissy paraphernalia, get a job, and find a wife

or if you're actually just a coping gay guy then just be gay. you don't need to dress up to have sex with men.
respect mah authoritah
look at this horrible thread: >>37349532
you retards are going to end up making agp part of lgbt at this rate

say it with me:
weekend is here
time to wear my fake tits around the house
take some naltrexone and get some work done instead, like fake tits wtf, what's the point
they're not even real
>If You Were a Woman You Could Just Walk Around Wearing This Edition
it's not fucking fair
>QOTT: Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?
i'm not attracted to women
Given that you didn't mention it in your response either, I suppose you are also not AGP? If not, why are you here?
is it agp if I masturbate in front of the mirror sometimes (I have a vagina but I wasn't born with it)

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