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nostalgia and dead links edition

▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶Makeup Tutorial: http://imgur.com/a/JO33K/
▶MTF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/36HC6ZmT (HTTP)
▶Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶anon can be an asshole at times
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge (HTTP)
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/00000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/

old thread >>37335584

>No hugboxing
>No drama
>No *actions*
>No tumblr shit
now those are some retro links. only missing thread number and actual transitioners posting instead of being glorified repgen.
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I want to die
im a transitioner

No one will ever love me
officially reaching too mentally ill to leave the house or do anything but sob in bed because im so terrified of getting the rheumatoid arthritis test. awesome. i can't get the test because im afraid ill hurt myself if i get the results while alone and I also wouldn't be able to work while waiting because I'm too mucv of a fucking lunatic, I keep irritating the nodules on my wrists, ocd treatment stuff not helping anf mu girlfriend is sick of dealing with me, fant make myselg get dressed and get to work vant stop sobbing too disoriented
I'm going to be alone forever
shut up you whinging freaks
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>finally find a nice jacket
>only available in black
>all my bottoms are black
i don't wanna wear all black what do? get a colorful scarf and grey leggings or something? wait to find a different jacket and hope i don't freeze to death by the time i find one?
>no drama

fuck you
mono won

if it goes around your heart untreated aren't you gonna die rly fast
get differently coloured trousers and skirts
god even more reason to not seek treatment god bless
>i can't get the test because im afraid ill hurt myself if i get the results while alone
do you have anybody you can be with until you get the results? or maybe ask your provider to make a followup appointment to tell you the results instead of letting you find out from some mychart message?
>I also wouldn't be able to work while waiting because I'm too mucv of a fucking lunatic
i think that makes sense tbdesu, maybe im just mentally ill but honestly focusing on work sometimes takes so much more energy than one has available esp if you're busy putting out fires internally all the time
>I keep irritating the nodules on my wrists, ocd treatment stuff not helping
at least you know that's what's going on, even if its hard to do anything to stop it as it concerns the ocd behaviour. it really sucks having to deal w that stuff, you'll get through it though since you are a strong person
>mu girlfriend is sick of dealing with me
given your history of relationship ocd, i would guess that this is likely not true unless your gf (trans?) is directly saying as much
>fant make myselg get dressed and get to work
if you don't go to work you don't need to get dressed and it doesn't sound like you should go to work

wear a coloured top under the jacket
>i don't wanna wear all black what do?

this is literal self harm
a full black outfit every now and then is just pog
I don't think we did qott back then
no I don't have anyone to look after me or keep me off suicide watch rn. i live with family I can't trust or deal with.
The issue is I'm stuck with my job for the next month and I'm going to quit after that but until then I'm stuck so I can't take off of work or anything except the days I've already taken off for appointments.
Told me yesterday she can't deal with me crying anymore which is fair because I'm completely insane and threatening to kill myself all the time which isn't fair to anyone
I wish I could take off work but we're severely understaffed and I don't think I can right now
stop whining fellas
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i don't wear skirts but yeah i guess i can try to get new pants.

it's a pretty long jacket. i tried styling it like that but nothing will show when it's all buttoned for winter temps.

ehh it's overdone where i live. i used to wear all black as a teen too so it kinda gives me ick even if the style is all different.
>>mu girlfriend is sick of dealing with me
>given your history of relationship ocd, i would guess that this is likely not true unless your gf (trans?) is directly saying as much


oh that's funny now
bc as a teen i didn't rly dare to wear full black but I do now
well fashion changed a lot too, it was very "gothic" to wear full black 15yo ago here
post bobs and vegana before you die Paul
I worship muscle
So Felicitas is dead? But why
sorry fremn
another day, another dogshit painful existence
fck my tranny repper life
black/death metal was the dominant influence here but black clothes in general were disproportionately popular idk why. goth/emo were a thing as well but not a lot of ppl actually did em.
Oh wow I’m still male
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good morning what are you watching
my childhood was so male. I literally just gooned to tranny tftg as a teen and developed rogd or some agp shit lol
Wish I could enjoy it now but nope
Wish I was born girlier so my transition was less doubtful
i watch myself descend ino misery and insanity more and more
is that on Hulu or
it's a quibi original
Kimagure Orange Road it's 80s kino
not yet, unless i become a serial killer and they become interested
dragon divu
Anon from last thread who thinks she's asexual here. I sort of feel like I am "fake," as I have a great degree of sexual trauma. I wouldn't think others are for this, so I guess I just need to accept it.
cool style what’s it about
same question
it's about being the strongest so you can impose your tyranny to the world instead of your ennemy's tyranny
what about your friends’ tyrannies
It's typical 80s anime love triangle romcom
Mono Won. Get over it
how do i become a pornstar? is there a subsection of tranny porn for those with hon fetish?
What are actions?
Just plopped in a 5-inch plug in my bussy. Any other girls pluggin right now? Feels great :)
do u smell it when u take it out? :3
i don't feel so good
>hon fetish?
isn't that like almost every chasers whole shtick already?
mr stark?
i dont believe you, post source
Moron retard manmoder pis DIE DIE DIE
Nondysphoric agp trender faketroon
no ty
i wanna be a transbian
how do i become a transbian?
Have sex with trannies while on hormones
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We should gatekeep harder and tell so called reppers to not troon
Repping is literally just your body telling you it’s a terrible idea to troon, and you should listen. If you really wanted it you would troon the moment you realise you are trans
Hesitation is just you realising you aren’t really trans
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Will I ever live the life of my dreams with a girlfriend in a small but comfy apartment and working from home?
means you're a bitch made coward, real men transition
mister... stark?
No it means you luck a true female essence
Trutrans troon the moment they physically can
Mentally they are women before they even know trans exists
Everyone else is agp rapehon trender or John 50 sissy fetishist
you are a bad person
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No I’m just saying the truth
Most troons who transition late aren’t real and just get mind controlled abd groomed by porn and abusive people or other “supportive” trannies
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there is no test to prove that you are trans btw
hii oomfies, new slayyter is a bop she rly cant miss

i got 2 doctors, both psychiatrists that hold PHDs, to sign off on my orchi even though i am just a body modder that wants to be a futa some day. they literally have no idea how to spot trans people it's hilarious.
They shoulda never made the internet
need to paint stuff but anxious about it so im going to sleep instead
paint what kind of stuff ?
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i don't have my balls anymore, playa. tax payers flipped the bill for me as well. life is good. nonbinary femboy futa mommies stay winning.
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prezzie for sibling's birthday
Did they pay for the lobotomy and lead too?
is it a gundamu
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i have asked for this on several occasions. the dysphoria is too unbearable. if i can't be a delicious futa mommy soon i will rope. just a few more years. i'll make it or die trying.
chill out gooner
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I'm going to rape this little twink and you can do NOTHING about it
i am angry and i hate my life, kys
i dranked a beer and it calmed me a bit but eh
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Why do so many trannies choose to fight "misogyny" and "incels" instead of TERFs and transphobes? There should be more pressing matters for them? Maybe it is an euphoria thing, wanting to feel like a cis woman?
did you get some sleep yet
Morning chat! How'd everyone sleep?
meow meow meow
kitty catto kitty catto
i love you
mew mew mew
yea, i slept during the day, very disappointed in myself, i am doing some food for me and my sister to eat, hby
mr stark pls
>grow hair our
>shave twice a month
>fetish collar
>1mg Premarin
I'm a heckin reformed incel
calm down girl jfc
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>what are you watching
is voyager any good?
been contemplating watching that
but I'm not sure if it has prerequisites or if it's, it's own thing kek
the crew just looks interesting to me
especially after watching a few episodes of the orginal series
I slept for about 5 hrs and had some breakfast
desu I fucken hate it fr fr like everything about it except maybe tuvok
but a lot of people love it so
it’s ds9 for me
i hope im not banned and i can post this,
can someone please give me an idea of how long I should wait before I switch from 200mg spiro 4mg Estradiol Hemihydrate, to 300mg spiro and 6mg e

inb4: get blood tested, soon tm

love you thanks
Love ds9
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Voyager has the only female Captain, are you misogynist?
im not a doctor so this is not medical advice but you can do that anytime, it doesnt matter.
why would you need 300mg spiro? Anyway if ur doing this cus of the theory tht bumping up e dosage slowly over time helps development then i usually see increasing the dosage every 3 months suggested
Janeway is shit
Going on a date with an ftm friend of mine tonight :) We're gonna go bowling.
wait is this pring?
>Janeway is shit
>deep space 9
another one of the series that looks the most interesting to me
that and the animated series
I kinda wanna watch the orginal series just to then watch the cartoon
I didn't even know there was 70's cartoon until recently
I think the original cast does all the voices for the cartoon too
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No that's not me.

This is me. Favorite pic of myself.
>why need 300mg spiro
idk, to nuke t more i guess :D, wouldnt more aa = less t
that's my understanding aswell
nimoy and shatner but in retro cartoon flair seems fun
and plus I can watch it with the lil kiddo since it's basically saturday morning-ified if the lower rating is anything to go off
Please do some fucking blood work. Test can only get nuked so low and more Spiro isn't more feminizing if your test is already managed
>Janeway is shit
She commands a single starship across the galaxy, defeats the borg, maintains the sanity of the majority of her crew.
kayy i will do blood test before changing anything then, I already need to go in to get prescription anyway i dont want to stay on diy forever
pluck your eyebrows and get a nosejob, then you'd begin to mog. also chapstick
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>get a nosejob
Yeah I know I have a big nose, I got my mom's. I assume you're referring to getting a smaller nose?
it's not really big for your face, but the contour and base shape. you don't need to but it would be funny to see you make people seethe by succeeding.
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Gymhon, reporting for duty
>231 -> 217 this morning
it's a cat doing funny stuff, made to look like her favourite cat growing up
i hope they like it

pring already thinks they're succeeding
it's ma'am vibes
The only thing that really clokcs me is my voice, it's androgynous, I sorta have the stereotypical tranny voice
>it's androgynous, I sorta have the stereotypical tranny voice
pick one
cameras phone were a mistake
Voice training is hard. I used to sound way deeper. I was unlucky in that I had a really really deep voice pre-transition
you lost 14 pounds in one morning?
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skill issue
>I had a really really deep voice pre-transition
why do I doubt this
very sweet
Nah, almost done with 4th week of calorie counting and added cardio
bc pring is a disney adult and guys like that are normally weak men with pitiably pitched voices
I mean... I can do a vocaroo of what I used to sound like
I'll be real that won't convince me
it's not worth the self harm, don't do that to yourself
don't count calories that's disordered behaviour
Some of the coolest people I know were mistakes
“disney adult” always gets me
It keeps me consistent, I'm still getting 2500 or so
reeeeeeee stop it
nice try devil. i will only eat 800 calories a day
what's funny is I never cared about dysney world as an adult
but watching many many hours of jenny nicholson content I actually kimda think didney worl is kinda cool even if I'd never want to enter that kinda hellscape
>dysney world
>didney worl
Sorry, I'll see if I get get my A1C high enough for kaiser to give me Ozemlic instead
only in some situations and certainly not for someone who trains and coach
idk what that means
just let your body do the work of telling you when to eat and when you're full
>dysney world as an adult
holy critical brain malfunction
I mean as an child
like I thought the whole thing was pretty lame
probably because I was born in a city with a literal indoor amusement park that ran year round
nigga u cant even afford that shiet
Alright that's fine. I can't really prove it then I guess.

Paige, in my entire collection of films, only 7 of them are Disney films. And even then, 4 of them weren't originally Disney movies. They are: The Original Trilogy, and Alien
he cant even afford to shit*
yes I am retarded
and likely somewhat dyslexic
so dumb. your body is your slave, slaves need to be violently coerced into conforming to your desires. listening to your body is why everyone is so fat and ugly.
This is how you get fat lmao, the more you eat the more your body asks for, which gains weight, which makes your body ask for even more food (and this is ignoring having a slow metabolism which means you'd stack weight plus eat more even faster)
other words i could use are filtered, and i think it captures your self infantalizing attitude quite well
>simply master interroceptiin with your autism
Gods I wish
I don't get any signals for fucking anything until it's a problem. Don't realize I'm thirsty until dried out, don't realize I'm hungry until nauseous, etc.
Schedules and structure are really good for me tee bee desu
Also simply tell my body to produce estrogen, etc
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exactly. you have to crave hot guy dick more than cheesecake.
i i I don't feel so good mr stark
>don't want to eat
Boyfriend registered as republican. Tell me what I can do about it?
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convince him that voting is retarded and doesn't do anything
whatever you do, dont tell him youre trans
genuinely skill issue but we know you are pretty low IQ already
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eat shit and kys
>self infantalizing attitude
what do you mean?
im pretty sure i have one of those, thats where my bf puts his pp to give me handsfree O's
IQ is 113. Got tested when I was 19 and that was my score. I'm ever so slightly above average. I never said I was a genius.
you and i are similar in the sense that voice training for us was less training and more 'just do it'. i am sometimes unsure on if its good advice to give people, but i do think 'just try to sound less like a man' is legitimately what i needed to do more than obsessing over this long winded stuff about resonance or whatever
>heat through fire fire through heat
no actually i am just going to talk like a woman
think about it less and just do it
For me, I read the end passage of one of my favorite books ever and that has helped significantly.
my iq is 37
I'm very smart :^)
idk man i just went out and chatted with people as much as i could like i never really consciously worked on my voice i just kind of trial and errored it for a bit until my voice passed, and went out of my way to get as much instant feedback from people as i could
my internet's out so i'm rewatching my pirated copy of superman the animated series
The problem I have mostly is I can do a fem voice, it's holding it that is hard. I go back to my comfort zone which is androgyny. And I need to stop doing that.
you actually just need to talk more. it cements through use
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imagine having ppl come to ur door harassing u abt what healthcare provider u visit. literal prison state
But who would I even talk to? I spend most of my days off at home,
hi I hope you’re feeling better

i am feeling a lot better thank you
ok private healthcare chud
can someone call mr stark
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day 16 post-zdv
day 7523 of pph (pp having)
>how do i be not at home by myself
you go, to where there are people? online or off. if you prefer to be at home take up an online game or something that facilitates voice chat. but you should go out more probably, you seem like someone who needs more irl socialization in your life
also talk to yourself. i live alone and i talk to myself all day long, like full trains of thought and conversations.
good for improving cognition too
trans girl pp <3
I feel weird when I talk to myself. Feel like I'm losing my mind. I only talk to myself when I need to remind myself of something
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at the point now where im completely broke. have a part time job but its going to be at least a week before i get my first paycheck. i'll be fine bc im living with parents but i really fucking need to move out and i dont know when that's going to be feasible. really want to 41 rn
good to hear I was worried when I read you went to the hospital
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Same t.b.h the only full time work I can actually qualify for is a minimum wage level stuff and that's basically impossible to live on solo. Even then I worry that i'll have a mental break down trying to live by myself without my parents.
those brows mog mine so hard I'm going to cry
common notion, but it's actually to the contrary! research shows self-talk can have major cognitive benefits. makes you smarter, and mentally healthier. it's very important what you're saying to yourself, but the nice thing is that when you're talking aloud it's also easier to govern your inner/outer monologue and shut down unconstructive thoughts.
full disclosure, i'm ADHD and DID, those probably drove the formation of this habit as a way of just keeping myself sane. but i don't think the why matters, i think it's just a tool and what matters is using it wisely.
i took a bunch of oxy last night and didn't even get that messed up. it just made me barf this morning.
sure lol
oh also, at the root this is just embarassment right, it feels a little cringe?
well, that's another benefit of doing it. reduces your shame
not litigating this again pick a different dumb thing to care about for no good reason
DID is Fake !!!!!!!!!
and so is being psychologically healthy
Horrifyingly, I have neurotypical coworkers with normal upbringings
im already mentally unwell due to living with my parents so i'm hoping moving out will improve things. it will create new problems im sure, think im fucked either way.
Nah if you're parents are dicks then it's totally understandable, i'd just try and find a freind or someone you can move in with to split the rent, it will save you ungodly amounts of money.
hello computer people
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I'm going to try this once i have enough money that i could afford to move in. only problem will be finding someone, all of my friends already have roommates
hi, how are you?
hi, how are you?
You become a fully biological woman, but you now weigh 500 lbs. Do you accept?
im ok thanks for asking, u?
maybe it's my jaded view growing up in a family where almost everyone has chronic depression
but I see healthy people and I just see people who tough out the unspeakable horrors in a manner we view acceptable
compared to those who don't
like a person who gazes upon the old ones and doesn't lose their mind
they were already mad to begin with
a little anxious about some stuff and a bit sad that I mucked up a recipe a bit but mostly ok
what did you do today?
Alright, you girls have taken the heat long enough. Thanks for the break. We're gonna draw the hate back to gay men. How? AIDS 2.0 baby, airborne this time.
do you have to stay 500lbs?
It's good you have friends at least it ain't fun being lonely.
hi, how are you?
i went for a walk and did a little bit of work
nta but real
it's such a cosmic irony how many people are all here being lonely together
too ez question then
simply do not stuff face
Yes but then you end up with giant skin flaps
I don't want to be lonely anymore :(
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alive and unwell
then you get skin flaps removed
pic is a load of shit
sounds like a perfect little day
Have you ever seen the body of someone who gets them removed? You end up looking like a clay model made by a toddler covered in scars.
I go back and forth about what I think about dying
sometimes I am melancholy, sometimes I am elated, sometimes it means nothing at all
how fast can you lose weight? how many years does it take off my life?
it's from a old nursery rhythm
the point is to prevent children feom hurting themselves
amuses me because I've always been extremely thanatophobic and thus think about death always
and it destroys my life
better than having the skin flaps
a penis is a skin flap
YOU'RE a skin flap
How fast can YOU lose weight is the question. And idk, I'm not a doctor.

All this for a real vagina and tits, the dysphoria is strong with you
>sometimes it means nothing at all
this is where I'm at rn
want to just close my eyes and sleep for a long time
and if I happen to just never wake up again so be it
but alas im not gonna ditch my responsibilities today
not unless I have a full episode
and not having masc skeleton issue anymore
I think I'd lose it fast but idk, it does seem like a high price health wise to get a cis body, does somebody of that weight need people to care for them and stuff? I don't think I would want to inflict that on other people, otherwise I'd trade
actually kinda thought I was dying today when I woke up and had the worst pain in my diaphragm I've ever felt
but it only lasted like a few hours
and now all my joints just hurt
life is swell
ozempic fixes this btw
yeah just ignore all that shit about the skin flaps and scars and health problems very good

I'd rather just get FFS and a BBL honestly

Well you'll definitely struggle to work as walking will be very tiring, you could work from home at a desk though.
I am well. how your self?
a little anxious about some stuff and a bit sad that I mucked up a recipe a bit but mostly ok
what did you do today?
ok sry im wrong
>Well you'll definitely struggle to work as walking will be very tiring, you could work from home at a desk though.
I'd need to know more about health stuff but I guess that could be ok
can I fly with the skin flaps? like a bat?
>can I fly
do it
become the first human emolga
oh sorry, I hate when that happens. I'm just working, a little stoned. I hope to go camping this weekend.
no but you do have a parachute if you jump out of a plane
oh camping sounds nice, extreme grass touching
more like a flying squirrel
NEED y'all to appreciate how good the romantic tension is in STAS. like it's basically the main running plot point of the show, and it's so perfect. other stories just make them a couple, or make superman an awkward simp, or make it too much about the big secret. but STAS just gets it. clark has a one sided crush on her but he like, feels like her chum and subordinate a little at work, so he keeps his feelings appropriate. lois has it BAD for superman, but superman doesn't know. clark doesn't know how he feels. you could cut the air between them with a knife. she even hooks up with batman and it's like, yeah, superman wasn't going for it, clark had to see her dating someone else to even realize that would make him jealous.
ugh god i wish superman was my boyfriend who doesn't know it yet
that's acceptable
Sometimes people just have luck with genetics and an upbringing that wasn't full of trauma
And they feel like outliers at this point, given how fucked up a lot of us are
is this a copypasta
That reminds me, in the same week of DC comics
>killed their transfemme super heroine
>broke up Jon Kent superman and his boyfriend
>9/11 comic
So I see there's an editorial shift...
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if making it one would spread the gospel of how sexy clark kent is then let it be so
i posted earlier in thread i was rewatching STAS, now i'm just obsessing over the main reason i love this show again
did this all like just happen? damn .-.
frank miller's revenge
why does she have baby hands
Literally this week
Technically Dreamer died last week but this week was the last of her consciousness going as she helped free Jon Kent
hard to draw
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yk i never noticed, but the DCAU takes place in the babyhands timeline, even superman and flash got it
bruce timm quirk ig
maybe it's a psych out
jon kent broke up with his boyfriend because he's gonna come out as a chaser after resurrecting dreamer for saving him, then together they'll prove bush did 9/11
*luthor did 9/11
don't have any friends I'm all that close to. just people who occasionally talk to me and we maybe hang out a couple times a year
who the fuck is jon kent?
probably superman's kid or clone or alternate dimension child self or smth they're always doin that shit
relatable oof
i wonder if interview anon got job. i hope so
damn comicbooks r too bigbrained 4 me
but I liked what I saw of agatha all along
that's about my wavelength
So doing some voice training, how do I not be so nasally? When I was 9, I broke my nose, and it made my voice nasally because of it, is it possible to fix? I hate it.
my lil bro loves that shit tho
dudes been reading through the silver era comics
we grew up with old 60's comics
but I always liked graphic novels like bone more
hey any cute girls wanna show me their cocks? dm me if interested
fuck off creep
Become vegetarian. The aliens are on their way and they are all furries and are going to put all meat eaters into concentration camps.
they said they did
HEY dont b rude to me
Why is this game so gay
Nevermind he's straight
honestly i dont have much advice because ive always had a weirdly gravely and kinda nasally voice but now after voice training i just kinda sound like a chick that also has a sort of nasally voice with a bit of gravelness to it, especially when im eepy
its not clocky, like nasallyness, its just a feature of a lot of peoples voices for what its worth
I imagine solutions that work for snoring would probably reduce the nasally sound
but idk
my nose is broken but mostly in the sense I can't smell and it's hard not to mouth breathe
but not much nasally sound I don't think
Jon Kept is silver age superman's kid with Lois lane
Been actively in the canon since 2016 in DC rebirth
Then they aged him up with some time dilation bullshit and he jumped from 11 to 17, and is now his own Superman
fuck off creep fuck off creep fuck off creep
I can smell, just to a reduced sense. Was playing with some friends at 9 years old, went head first into a mailbox, broke my nose. And it made me really nasally.
i am really really really sad is that a good enough reason to get a packet of cigs even tho i quit again
I'm trying to go to events but it seems like every fucking trans person I meet is already dating some guy.
im a rapemoder
go away loser leave the thread and goon elsewhere
i really want to consensually rape a cute transgender girl
>Then they aged him up with some time dilation bullshit and he jumped from 11 to 17, and is now his own Superman
I see
kinda cool we even got to see gay and trans superheroes I guess
didn't even know there was a trans d.c character
and I used to watch cw's arrow, supergirl and the flash
with my family back when I was still a minor
i really want to be consensually raped by a cute transgender girl
Why did the two women alone in a room run away and drop this item I wonder. Why is everyone gay and horny in this game
maybe it's you reading too much into things
unsee cc/album#cyVSIc1cxPSj
So you're telling me there are no implications coming from this. In a game where in one of the first cutscenes there's lesbian rape.
seems completely normal
what if mr beast got rizzed by logan pauls sigma aura
I’ll be alone
I’ll learn how to be myself alone
I don’t need anyone
If it means hurting everyone
I sound like a 15yo
Maybe I haven’t grown since.
I wish I was truly trans and female
But I guess I’ll learn how to be!
I’m so tired of myself.
I was getting that item for a male prostitute though.
I will seethe
I'll learn how to cope
If it means moggin everyone
I sound like a sigma male
I wish I wasn't truly skibidi rizz
But I guess I’ll learn how to be!
I’m so ohio poggers
bro what
you should have had ffs and twink moded and married me
hawk TUAH .
are gigolos not allowed to have stuff that isn't for sex? baka
He explicitly says he needed it to go back to pleasuring others then tells you he could do that to your female companions.
maybe he means in a non sexual way
you'd like the 90s-2000s dc cartoons then
they're just good tv that uses comics as inspo
The dungeon is based on him and explicitly "his desires" and these are the goddam walls. Not to mention it's full of love potions.
Afaik I've only seen 1 alleged straight character, I've seen 2 lesbian npcs, 2 gay npcs and 2 lesbian main characters. And apparently there's more homosexuality yet to come.
just a normal man's bedroom
what a kindly matchmaker for mongamous couples. how good of you fetching his bamboo divining tool that he probably uses for helping detect matches
He literally upgrades your stats by fucking you.
energy transfers might require skin to skin contact, there's no reason to assume it's a sexual thing or that any penetration is going on, yeesh
Fate anal energy transfer ptsd triggered
Hmm... do we maybe want to consider a femme version of mog?
And this is a guy apparently.
Mono Won
Rape won
oh yeah it's rape time
>what if
already happened my friend
cis women talk about mogging each other now. it doesn't matter
average me
Thread is gonna die so nobody will see me say that I am crushing so hard on that youtuber,
Lily Alexandre. Brains and beauty, and such a soothing voice, what a catch.
Transbian looool
who is this
If you don’t support anti-natalism and human eradication you are literally transphobic
Rape incoming
any mefsters in the chat?
I'm not a newfag, but I very rarely post here. I'm not a usual.
actually i supoort eugenics against trans people so we can continue births while sparing all trannies from suffering dysphoria forever, therefore i am the best ally
Bit weird but ok
yeh now that's poggers that's insanely poggers
have a lot of nostalgia around the batman animated series
that one still aired when I was a kid
still my favorite incarnation of harley quinn I've ever seen
but I've also never seen the new animated show that seems to be about her and ivy
Humanity deserves to die
I prefer wogs me
I love being a tranny because I love playing pretend
>tfw no mefsters in the chat
we should psyop "fogging" until reddithons start saying it out of paranoid fear of misgendering themselves
i want to rape !!!!!!!!
i am very disappointed in you repgen newfags
rapes you
Rape this
wdym larry is epic
it's called transmogging. you all already play gay mmos anyway, how do you not know
starts raping
oh wow 1006 rape points
i am larry, i am talking abt those other niggas that think they are faketrans or whatever
I need to get out of this fucking gooner dungeon I feel like I'm losing my mind
you should all go to repgen
this desu
watch out she's gonna rape u
yes, this is how we will proceed. everyone please download the reference image.
I’m the only trumtf here since I’m the only one who was always a girl since birth but doctors and my body were wrong and I couldn’t change those till I was 18
The rest of you go to agpgen or w/e lol
wanting to be a girl is AGP
I didn’t want to be a girl I was always a girl. I just fixed some stuff lol
spend some of that jew gold you have left and do it yourself
Some of us play good games that call it glam
i cannot get suicidal can you kill me or fix my life and stop me from being like this? i feel like i am going insane
Murder suicide
probably going to happen based on how i feel but more like murder jail
Miqo'te or Au Ra?
Hey so, sometimes people will jokingly call me The Queen of mtfg, but where does that come from?
Greenskin femroe baybeeee
stfu hemorrhoid
fellas get a load of this knee slapper i mean WOW
These were the ones that were hidden and run away once you find them leaving behind a dildo. It's lesbian incest if I assume twin means blood related which it probably does considering how they're identical. This dungeon is the last straw of my sanity and the fact there's alice from the books but genderbent for me to see soon I'm fearing I will go insane. It's 100% gonna be the most goonable little twink ever seen.
i found my polaroid nudes
your the most goonable little twink ive ever seen
I want you to give me a fair guess on who's about to be raped
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do i look better now or on the night i lost my virginity?
ummm is it you
It's you.
wtfff don't rape me
i am the one who rapes
so why did laguna even start posting his gay shitty gook rpg/gacha braindead games to begin with, and why does he continue to do it? who does he thinks wants to see any of it? did kat really break this retard or what
no bags under your eyes, so id say better
you have no empathy and for a repper neverpasser it is over, i am doing pretty good
agp collar + really ugly
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guess who forgot to take her pills for a little over three weeks after six months of being consistent :|
day 3 of getting back on them, still having wicked mood swings, still boymoding, it's hard to hide the mood swings from family but years of masking got me covered until levels return to normal
feels like i'm a junkie waiting for another hit of estrogen just to feel normal or at least manic for a little while, how long is this supposed to take
chat i hit my elbow really hard and now it's been several hours and it still hurts like a lot and bending my arm and using that hand is hard
did i just break my fucking elbow on my desk
>(the collar belonged to the guy i was effing)
God awful
Thank you
don't think i've ever seen you smiling. it suits you. i hope you're that happy again in a way that sticks, at some point
What's the little foreskin slimes either side of the twincest duo there?
>teehee I had sex with a guy I am so unlovable and ugly teehee
why do passoids do this
Idk they're just recolored normal ones I never looked at their names
They look like foreskins desu
they weren’t intentional smiles
and it makes me look gross and mef
the man was a repressor
you have a nice smile. you hate yourself too much. way way too much
it gives me a jew nose
getting clapped by crowbar gave you perma scowl face.
i lol’d
can you fix my life pls
i cannot take it much longer
i do not want to go to jail
ty ill leave now
why would you have to go to jail jimmy
i have been unemployed for so long and i fear that at some point i will lose it completely and hurt someone out of desperation (i am very mentally ill)
you sound like a good candidate for working at door dash
use your jew gold and grandpas old grease gun to go murder your enemies then pop your top
hello moder how are you today
i have bad social anxiety and feel a lot of shame and no one is helping me
fuck you, i am just a pathetic creature, how can you not pity me?
Going on a date to go bowling. Bye everyone!
door dash hires the worst subhumans you could imagine. This one driver ate half my order of chicken wings, and door dash wouldn't do anything about it.
who did you lose it to? did you get plapped or do the plapping?
ok niko
larry why can't you just pack your bags and move over to /repgen/ idgi go home dude
do y’all say the n word in your thoughts ?

i’m high and real introspective right now
ask me a deep existential question
trans/cross dresser/repressor of grindr
i got plapped and it was the only good plapping in my life of being plapped 4.5 times
4.5? what's the .5?
Y r u so gay?
do you think a hug would be better in zero gravity?

I guess I say it in my head when I read it
where does she find all these dates
thread queen
chasers fuck anything
i cunnilingused a girl
am i gay due to nature? or to nurture?
i am confounded. i don’t believe that gender is innate. why are most people cis? do they just not care? why are they so un?opinionated are they sheep?-slaves to their societal expectations?
i don’t have enough information on hugs to give an educated answer
>i don’t believe that gender is innate
imagine being a twitter tranny and beliving in infinite genders. cool worms guy
newfound confidence from dating navy
even sheen?
i don’t believe in infinite genders i believe there is zero genders
was it gross going down on a cunny
i look back on it fondly but i was very scared throughout!
I am sorry but I believe that word conveys something different than what you think it does
typical bi girl
wdym does that not mean vulva?
I am afraid you have not been on the wrong circles of the internet yet.
scared of what?
that i was being agp
WTF ok never saying that again
did you even know that stupid term then?
I don’t have real dysphoria
I just have fake agp dysphoria
i think i did, but it’s too close to call
I don't think I will ever do sex everybody has diseases now, no pure body apart from me left
well that's sad if you were thinking about that
did you get mouth cancer from it like michael douglas
Based desu

Again, based
what are you high on
i believe in zero genders for everyone else but there is one gender for me and that is MALE
i found my salvia i’m excited to try soon
gl with the brainworms I believe in u
salvia isn't marijuana
Hey mef you ever had a Mc chicken
nigger dread

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