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It happened. Chasergen rolled off of page 10 with no new thread. This means that all past memes are gone. All past jokes are gone. Nobody knows each other anymore, and all trips, anons and references have to be relearned.

You don't deserve the previous, but it's here. >>37338133

QoTT: What new memes are you looking forward to forcing in this new era of chasergen's rebirth?
It's nice to get a fresh start
I'm finally home from work. 14hrs.
Two more doubles this weekend :(
has anyone seen frisson?
Why is being a bottom chaser bad?
Whoop whoop
Okay I'll bite. What's frisson?
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Shrimpcat is so one thread ago. What do you say we make this a meme? Haha!
Frisson is used to describe many sources of extreme thrill, but in common usage it most frequently refers to a feeling of euphoria given to some people upon listening to a certain type of music. It is often accompanied by goosebumps. It can be considered similar to the ASMR response, though there are some distinctions.
she was the love of my life and transbians took her from me. i will never forgive mina and twinkchan.
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Wrong meme buddy.
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My fault, my fault. is it this one?
Being the bottom is the woman’s job
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hi everyone im pecha

i suggest this thing as a fresh new meme
Nope try again.
Question to gf havers, would your gf leave you if you cried in front of her?
>but I wouldn't cry
Hypothetically, if you would
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Hi hi, nice block.
What about this one
Sending you to work with a limp
frisson please take me back i miss you so much.
not a gf haver but as a vaguely potential "gf" be-er i wouldnt ever leave a guy for crying in front of me
id kinda expect him to be in touch with his emotions tbdesu.
That one will do, nice meme! Haha.
It would give you the ick. It's just biology.
All women try to pretend their nature doesn't effect them but they lose out to it every single time.
You want a man to be strong for you and to protect you. Once you see him as a crying pissbaby that's over.
straight up sobbing, i would feel an ick by, unless it were warranted by grief or severe impairment. a silent weep? i dont mind. i expect some guys to tear up if they're sensitive, but id think there were something hormonally wrong if my bf were a regular crier
I once cheated on a guy because he cried I was emotionally neglecting him. Showed him pictures of me cheating on him and he had a rage fit. He still took me back after that
You GUYS are incredibly superficial and kind of disgusting, please get better <3
Let's you know how bad it is here when spider sounds like the normal one.
i dont think i agree with this but what do i know i guess
>I once cheated on a guy because he cried I was emotionally neglecting him.
this is weird in both instances. that you would cheat on him and that he would cry for 'emotional neglect'. are you sure he wasnt a woman?
i didnt even say anything so offensive. a man sobbing is unbecoming, unless it were seriously warranted. there is nothing superficial about this. hell, i wouldnt even be able to put up with a woman sobbing and being hysterical if i were hypothetically attracted to them.
like, do you actually fuck guys? youd want them to be crying about them having a shitty day at work?
am i crazy? there's a significant difference between 'tearing up' and literally crying. crying implies audible whining and bitching. i wouldnt even want my man to put up with that from me
I did that before I was trans, I’m better now I have emotions now
I hate working I just want to play Mario Kart and eat
Lots of women say they want a man with emotions but then don't like it when they show them. I don't think most will leave but they defiantly don't usually like crying.

It's not. Its a learned gender norm that men have no emotions.

Need more people like you who are ok with it.
Injection day and I accidentally smoked a good bit beforehand :(
managed to get through it though
>accidentally smoked
Do you have a job?
They tripped and fell and accidentally lit it up and started smoking. It used to happen to me all the time
Yeah it was a social expectation of Aztec men to openly cry.
seems kinda sexist
Severe addiction
Rav really does come across like a NEET
I wish pichu was my gf
In HS? Yeah. As an adult? The women I surround myself with have seen me cry, and they don't treat me any different. I know there are women who find it gross, I just don't let them in my life.
What kind of women do you surround yourself with and why have they seen you cry?
I just don't cry. Don't even know how to.
what do you possibly have to cry about? to literally CRY. are you wailing like infants or is this some hidden code for shedding a tear at a painting of the sublime?
men shouldn’t have emotions, that’s a huge ick
This question does not dignify a response
I’m a roulette wheel, sometimes I’m black sometimes I’m red.
I would love for someone to cry in my arms and let everything out as I soothe them. Having someone do something like shows trust and vulnerability, if you were a prick to someone in the same you’re kind of trashy.
Go back, you obviously fucked up somewhere.
Except for anger.
Men are wallets who are obligated to forgive me for cheating.
You have straight fantasies of taking care of a woman. You are not gay you were just abused as a child and have been confused your entire life.
no, he should be a cold blooded psychopath
just tell me, what the fuck you have to cry about. it's a frivolous exercise in tedium unless you're literally grieving. i am not going to be someone's mommy because they had a stressful day at work
i will listen
i will give him a hug & a kiss
and im not going to be a prick, but im also not going to be entertained by it, unless it were seriously warranted
this seems apt desu
Trans girls love guys who don’t wipe their ass after shitting
>all trips, anons and references have to be relearned.
do you have any idea how long it took for me to be accepted here???
I can't start over!
>What new memes are you looking forward to forcing in this new era of chasergen's rebirth?
I'm bringing back hatdog. As soon as i bother to go download him from google images
lmao i hope not
because i have done that many times
but uh
good luck with that
like, men can feel anguish, men can feel hurt, men can feel agitation and exasperation, so why is the full range of emotions starting and ending at 'crying'? you want to return to the womb? we cant fucking do that. why are you so set on that ONE thing. im not going to nurse you for leaving the cradle, thrust into this cold cruel world we all have to fucking live in
I smoked after work and forgot I had to do my injection today? Jfc

Yes. I work 7 days a week. Currently night shift
Crying in spider's arms only to get bitten and wrapped in web
I'm an AFAB transwoman
Ironic that transbians are literally that disgusting and lick each other's shitty assholes in their disgusting asmongold rooms.
Transbians are completely undesirable and that's why they are stuck with each other.
Kill yourself.
You sound autistic or really fucking narcissistic, people cry for whatever they want to cry about. Who the fuck are you to decide what’s worthy and what’s not? We’re two different people with two completely different outlooks and opinions, something that would make you cry wouldn’t phase me and vice versa. You’re acting like a fucking retard overbearing people’s emotions.
You are straight. You were abused. Please you need help.
ironic, considering a crier's only goal is to afflict everyone around them with their unimaginable sorrow and fucking stupid despair
you cry IN modesty
i dont want to fucking put up with it unless you are my child or you are grieving
man or woman, tranny or chaser
You're based
>anons and references have to be relearned
nobody knows i'm a transbian polyshit anymore, you saved my life
I've been thinking of Moldy a lot lately, I think he has potential for a future meme tbhon
holy shit you are physically incapable of feeling empathy, no wonder noone loves you lmao
ok polyfag
if I catch my chaser crying I’m not gonna say a single word, I’m just gonna make him submit. I will beat him down, bend him over, pull his pants down, and I’ll give that bitch something real long thick and hard to cry about
Women who don't freak out at gender nonconformity tend to be green flags for this sort of thing. But they're mainly people I've had deep conversations with late at night, sometimes while a bit drunk.
What have I cried about? It's not something I do often, I've known these people for years but I've only cried a few times ever around them, but it's pretty personal. It'll happen after exchanging stories with one another that are deeply personal, revealing our innermost thoughts, things like that. Sometimes it'll be from the pain we are remembering and bringing back to life, other times it'll be because I am moved by something incredibly sad that happened to someone I care about. In the end, however, it has only seemed to strengthen our bonds with one another more than anything.
No the fuckity fuckity fuckity fuck I’m not.
You lack empathy and sympathy, please get that checked out babes <3
Me telling a story to my bro and he starts crying. Lmao
I thought somehow 4chan of all places wouldn't have this braindead shitstain opinion on men considering how bitter literally everyone here is but I'm realizing that y'all all suck just as much lmao
It wasn't your fault. You were just a kid.
I mean, what did you expect....
Ion know nigga that some gay ass shit tho but you do you
i can feel empathy retard, it's why i understand how fickle and transient it all fucking is. ive cried and cried until the world could turn over and what has it given me but my own self-satisfaction about my sorrow?
yeah, wincing out a few tears in an audible cry sure made my dad a better father. he being so in touch with his emotions sure made him a more responsible and virtuous individual
you're just stuck in the mud of this raucous emotional vampirism everyone expects from each other today
>What have I cried about? It's not something I do often, I've known these people for years but I've only cried a few times ever around them, but it's pretty personal. It'll happen after exchanging stories with one another that are deeply personal, revealing our innermost thoughts, things like that. Sometimes it'll be from the pain we are remembering and bringing back to life, other times it'll be because I am moved by something incredibly sad that happened to someone I care about. In the end, however, it has only seemed to strengthen our bonds with one another more than anything.
ive had thousands and thousands of these vacuous 'deep conversations' and it's meant fucking nothing but amplifying everyone else's misery. you dont get resolution when you cry abotu these '''''personal''''' fyucking things, you just leak out emotions until both your heart and brain fall out
Kill yourself.
my butt hurts
They're just people, they can't help themselves
>I thought somehow 4chan of all places wouldn't have this braindead shitstain opinion on men
i am talking about people in general, you stupid retard. i hate it in women too, they expect me to be their rabbi and their priest. it's fucking exhausting
toxic masculinity is such a turn off eugh
You’re getting to Blu levels of autism and unlikeability. You should stop while you’re ahead before you get banned spam for being a retard.
It's really funny you can just assume a fag was molested. You're all just raped gay.
Don't go recruiting anymore you fucking ruined loser.
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what a strangely fragile perspective on masculinity being shared here today
you should actually never have a meaningful relationship with anything alive, like actually.
The meme where I fall in love with someone and get married
I live the neet lifestyle but I'm an engineer
You're retarded
stop crying, bitch, or I’ll give you something real to cry about
you enjoy the endless
then you should volunteer for a confessional. fucking hell you are definitely a better person than me
fellas is it gay if a woman trusts you with her deeply personal stories or if your homie says he loves you over a beer?
good for you ig? Dunno why you're trying to convince me (or maybe yourself) of anything. I'm merely describing the type of life I have and plan to continue having.
that's legitimately mentally ill behaivour you're framing as something that everyone does, and using it as a justification to disregard literally anyone who's upset about anything. If you've literally only spoken to people who are physically incapable of dealing with their emotions.it's not surprising it poisoned your empathy. Go outside.
If you're a man who cries just transition.
It's not about actually crying but being with someone who would leave you if you did
It's mostly shitposting but also binary trannies are by far the most strict on gender roles by nature and the 4chan ones go even heavier on that
Just don't
Aura on my lap
if I caught my chaser shedding a single tear I would just beat the ever living shit out of him, forcefully inject him with estrogen, and then boyremove him
yes, someone who makes the decision to place their weepy burden upon others in public company, actually has goals. revelation, huh?
we're talking about CRIERS here. not just being upset. i can understand and commiserate with somebody who's upset, but either you carry a handkerchief in your pocket, or you stop being a fucking WHINGING CUNT. literally everyone understands someone sobbing, if they're grieving, btu what the fuck else is there?
This is why autistic men transition
only the straight ones, usually
The bigger the shits a man takes, the more trans women like him. A man who poos often and big is sought after by trans women because it shows he is powerful and has access to a lot of nutrients. Trans women discriminate against guys who take tiny dainty shits.
je pleure parce que je n'ai pas de petite transsexuelle sur ma bite
If I had a bf and he was crying I'd kinda just want to comfort him. Y'all guys should stop trying to suppress your emotions it's really bad for you :)
Rahh. Do I know you?
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How many of you are crying right now?
>men don't show emotions
the proposed emotions in question:
here's another hot take, sublimate your autism so you don't act like an extra terrestrial without a fucking clue
stop asking men to be women
Last time I cried:
Probably some tiktok aminal video I don't remember
hewwo twannews ><
>Do I know you
I refuse to be perceived it's over for me
Nah if someone cries they usually don't have a "goal", people normally do it due to overwhelming emotions
I heard europeans all suck at typing and use keyboards with only their index fingers slowly hunting and pecking for letters like little kids
Is this true?
crying chasers trigger my beat and rape instinct
nah senpai you ain’t gonna do shit to me, you a straight up bitch that cries what the fuck are you gonna do, keep crying at me?
All of us. You too.
you're a naive fool who wouldnt realise they're endangered until you taste the woolly cotton in your pathetic mouth
Yall really just gonna keep engaging for the entire thread, huh
>stop asking men to be women
I just want emotionally mature men
Do I deserve it?
I'm perceiving you right now
I use my tongue.
Trannards you're stupid, smelly and silly
You're just a sociopath who thinks they discovered the truth about people or something when in reality it's just easier for you to think the way you do
nah you’re a bitch you ain’t gonna do shit but keep crying like a bitch, you’re gonna take all my punishment cuz you’re a bitch and you know you deserve it
Some are
>>I just want emotionally mature men
emotional maturity, is in fact, having a handle on your sensitivities and inhibitions. not smashing the wall down until humpty fucking dumpty has fallen over
yes, my disdain for those who hold their freedom to cry as revolutionary makes me a sociopath. jesus fucking christ you people have beeswax in your ears
Uh oh Rick-larper's a crier he's gonna gorepost now because he's getting a lil weepy
chasers wouldn’t need to chase pathetic failed male trannies if they themselves weren’t pathetic failed males too
Um sorry. I'll shut up now
Widdle baby gonna cwy
This is not even gore it's fake
and now someone's posting gore. this faggot probably loves to sob and bitch and moan in his spare time
Yeah except when people cry they usually don't fucking plan it
Jokes on you I'm immune to gore because I do autopsies
little chaser is gonna cry like a pissbaby piss his diaper shit himself and gore post uh oh mommy clean it up!!
I highly doubt the gore poster is mad that they get to cry in front of their friends and partners lol
Please don't post women this is a tranny thread
>a tranny shitposter said crying is gay so now I'm gonna spam gore
Bruh lmao they got to you
this is some sperg faggot lashing out at my free thought
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ive now upset this prissy sissy incel so much, that he has spent
9 minutes, across 9 posts
scrounging across his miserable gore folder he goons to
because, lol, freaking foidz????
Don't care about your gore
Don't care about the crying debate
Only care about tranny buttholes
and we're getting raided again, see you tomorrow everyone
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Not raided, it's a resident schizo
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make sure u all give him the sweet little kiss he's never had in the form of a report
this seethe is DELICIOUS
Tfw no gf
How can we post trans cuties amidst this filth, this vandalism
Same but we grew too much since we're based and attracted the hobby shitstirrers
We don't post them usually anyway
A really pretty girl posted a selfie yesterday
and he's gone
hope little chuddie guy got that out of his system
and that you all realised this is the consequence of the emotionally volatile leaky miscreants that want us to be meditating on whatever frivolous emotion crosses our mind's eye
I know did you see the size of pichu's nose?
You don't even like men you're an mtfg transbian howeverbeit
Nah, that was probably just our schizo. Your labeling of most people who cry as manipulative is still wrong
Need to smooch her nose
Welp, this thread sure is going well.
my beautiful presence has not one stepped a foot in that decrepit general
that's wrong, i definitely egged him on. see >>37343684
this bitter incel who communicates in capeshit jpgs
he's definitely the type to gorepost
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palate cleanser

IMAGINE cuddling her to sleep. you just won the cosmic lottery
my dad cried when my brother dad ugh fucking gross sissy bitch
Wtf is going on today

I want to grab her tiny soft upper arms really hard
What the fuck is this thing?
kek it was fucking deleted
im always right
i fucking see you you fat cuck
>palate cleanser
>posts a 3/10 twinkhon
She's actually perfect.
You shouldn't post other people's pictures though.
What a lad
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got my ass grabbed by a cute guy last night and then grinded against his leg for a while ^_^
Yall not realizing it's all the same "fuck up the vibe" campaign same as every day
Man, the standards in this thread for "cute girl" sure has dropped.
Don't say anything bad about rosewood you fucking faggots
Well now I feel bad
I don't recognize this ass
ten bucks this is rick saving a soc post
*desperate for female attention voice* SHE'S SO PERFECT BROS

Y'all niggas need to get some standards.
Rosewood is cute
I'm going to say only bad things about her until she starts posting more on her youtube.
Yeah ain't no one doing this in the middle of allat
Why don't the normal people ever post? Well this is 4chan after all I suppose
We do, just not at the rate of schizo meltdowns that post once per minute so it gets drowned out
>don't insult my brown twinkhon!!!!!!!

I calls it how I sees it. I see a 3/10 twinkhon, I call it a 3/10 twinkhon. The fact you all think this ogro de las americas is cute just goes to show how desperate chasers are. Holy shit, have sex.
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this is the average crier
he pronounces 'stoic' as 'stoike'
im the one w green hair that sometimes posts I just haven’t in a few days
if there’s drama happening rn I don’t know about it bc I only posted so I could get attention on my nice ass
Nta but brown twinkhons are hella sexy fuck you nigga
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forgot pic
la creatura de centro america...
You're trying way too hard if you want it to be believable you can't spam over and over again it reveals you're just a little pissbaby throwing a tantrum
nice male ribcage
Good thinspo for the girls here
What a faggot
You’re in the chasergen as a chaser trying to use molestation and rape as a gotcha against a gay man? You’re more mentally unwell than I am.
Do cis female chasers exist? Are they real?
You liked being raped as a kid so much you became gay.
Take note, trannoids. This is the body we chasers want >>37344159

Go purge in the bathroom right now, piggies. And you better not eat another goddamn thing today either. Thin is healthy.
Yes but they'll always see a tranny as a sissy man.
You should fuck your dad anon
I would let her max out my credit cards (700 credit score btw)
this nigga built like a surfboard lmaooooo
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I don’t think it’s that masculine
agreed,, trannies need thinspo too!!
You always look so good
Least obvious shit stirrer
So explain something for me real quick, I enjoyed getting molested and raped by a woman sooo much that I became gay??? How does that logic track you fucking pencil neck geek. You’re projecting all of your sick fantasies on me because you’re mad that I’ll never sleep with you baby, just admit it <3
She's cute personality wise. Looks wise, not so much. Shame.
Goddamn I could toss you around like a javelin
I'm not gay, my parents loved me. They would never let me get raped.
I would let her max out my ability to ejaculate desu senpai ngl
No cap?
I hope you get banned because ain't no one wanna see your holocaust survivor ass. Eat a sandwich, nigger.

>I don't think it's that masculine

Nah, it is lmao.
Look how pissed repper rick is
>They would never let me get raped
That's not how that works.
Shes cute
>Looks wise, not so much
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Today, I will remind them.
I think I need to leave this place
Your parents obviously didn’t love you enough because you’re sitting here posting drivel on 4chan like a fucking incel.
At least for a bit ya.
post hole first
That's why they're doing it
I'm glad June isn't here but not because this place is a shithole. More that I can't stand that retarded ass bitch.
They protected me as a kid so I didn't turn out a raped faggot like you lmao.
Post ass before you go or gock
>I don't think it's that masculine

Please refer to this post: >>37344256
flat ass bitch go away nobody cares
Mtfg cackling in their hon discord rn
Waow twinkchan and Rick shitting up a thread at 2 in the afternoon very weird behavior from the both of them
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wow. I love her so much. so beautiful and soft
It's kinda sad. I don't know why I ever thought this place was nice
To get me to leave?
Not in the mood
You think about my ass a lot

I'm gonna try not to come back here. Wish me luck
suck on my detective nose beat the shit out of you pissbaby chud chaser cat picture dot jpeg
so what concentration camp did you come out of?

womp womp nigger
woops my script broke for a second there
Can I add you on discord in case you’re in the mood later
You’re so mean, what? Some faggot break your little heart, the troon you were lusting after told you to kick rocks?
>To get me to leave
To get anyone to leave, to destroy the vibe
You are giving them a massive power trip rn
This place has its moments, but lately, it's mostly bad. Its had because there really cool people here that just get overshadowed by a few shit people.
wow, have you tried self harming about it?
making pissbaby chaser cry by making up rumors about him
Yeah sure. palmtree349
Sorry =/
You seem really cool to me by the way
thank fuck that skellington tranny stopped posting. no one wants to see that male skeleton.
Man idgaf about none of this drama fr I’m chillen on tumblr reblogging art I like you feel me bros it’s my weekend I’m enjoying my time off no cap
you are a faggot
cut yourself. do it nigger.

>likes an incredibly skinny tranny that shows of its obvious male skeleton
>calls other people faggots


speaking of male skeletons
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This gif lowkey trippy on god
Hey thanks, you seemed cool as well.

>I'm gonna try not to come back here. Wish me luck
Good luck.
I'm eaten yogurt and dringken coffee and listening 2 tech death ^_^
Based and cozy pilled :-3
Morn im just seein the drama at work rn lol

hatred and bigotry for all. tranny and chaser alike.
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what shade of brown is your shitter, paco?
I love you baby. Have a good day at work.
Same as yur mums
Bro needs to get a better post-goon routine there are way healthier ways to work out the post nut shame
Ya it's been interesting so far.

What you listening 2?

my name is bigguymandude i am the one shitting up the thread
Ty nonny, hope it’s been well for yah too

Seems like it lol have a good day tho :)
my name is bigguymandude and i seriously hate every single one of you thats why i did it
the fact that you all find scarface spichon attractive is disappointing.

have some self respect and standards
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Thanks for the meme.
Got anymore images I can steal from you?
Spinning Datalysium again

Damn bro, very similar music tastes I've put that on a bunch since it came out
It's her personality bro
Cooked that bozo.
No matter how many times you try to convince us she's not it doesn't work lil bro.
you 2 have fun at work.

I like the Zenith passage but it always reminds me we will probably never get another faceless album.
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female skeleton
ok i admit it i am actually twinkchan multiple personalities rick and bigguymandude are my alter ego
You're so fucking sexy
I love cunty regirock
I never connected to The Faceless as much as everyone else, people go on and on about Planetary Duality but I only really liked Autotheism, imo TZP has far surpassed them
what is it with trans girls and calvin kliens liiiike, genuine questions bc i don't get it
is discord down for anyone else?
Beware the gooners are going to answer this
you have a bf stfu gtfo stop hanging out here whore
post hole
i can understand it from a high quality, no nonsense underwear for women but idkkk, maybe it's cause i prefer just cheap 5 packs of pastel or neutral that always comes with bows or just thongs
Simple cotton panties with bows are massively underrated
can't even ask a question about trans women (not even mention any kind of man) and i get called a whore
I loved all their albums but one of the big things is that Michale Keene produced a bunch of other bands. I know there is more but he helped with the zenith passage and veil of maya. But he got really really into herein and is mourning the death of his wife so I think he's gone from music for good.

go away ask girl questions somewhere else idc about your girl shit this is chasergen not girlgen
It’s so good.
no wonder some of u madonna whore complexed men can't get no fucking trans girl, bitter >__> i rly do only fw with the users here who are smart enough to understand that i just wanna post here to be a reg... not to catch some fucking loser dogging me out to "cuck" my boyfriend
Yeah I don't underrate Keene, my favorite album of all time is probably The Common Man's Collapse which is a production of his
hippity hoppity
trannies are property
you are not good to anyone with a bf so go away if you won’t post hole again
you lot are sexier when you shut the fuck up and post pictures of your bodies. of which you are doing neither.
They look good and are good quality.
I have listened to that album so many times it’s amazing
All right I’m going for a bit behave all of you
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anyways... moo deng <3
post hole or get the fuck out, cunt
These guys are pathetic and some of the girls are too. It's become a crab bucket lately of trying to tear down ppl over minor differences
>forgets to turn trip back on
yeah it's almost like he's another one of rick's personalities and he's been shitting up the thread this whole time
i remember like a year ago where u didn't need to constantly attention whore or anything in here... like the guys in chasergen didn't mind that you did that, some had genuine conversations liiike omggggg >___< it's literally not chat killing if u wanna talk about stuff or not post selfies or hole liiike why can't ppl just b chill and not instantly jump to conclusions
I applied for a home equity loan. Will the chasers wish me luck if I use it for surgeries?
Shame because he has nice music taste
Called him out as fatdog but was going to give him the benefit of the doubt when he changed it because he was acting chill but he just revealed he's turning it on and off and switching up posting syntax to keep wreaking havoc
O ya I’m on my tablet I forgot I haven’t tripped on here.
nobody cares go take your girl shit to mtfgen you annoying transbian
why the fuck do you type like a retard
Good luck, but that sounds like a bad use of a home equity loan
You like that cock? Huh? You like that fucking cock, slut?
You just simply don't belong here.
It's for other things, I just wanted the luck <3
Why is it everyone who likes how comfy it was back in the day reinforce the batters instead of ignoring them? Not only do you encourage them, but you make it less comfy too.
because she's one of those agp transbians that confuses being a woman with being a retarded blonde bimbo guaranteed that her bf is some frail twink twig thats why this bitch constantly coming back here for attention
i can see ur point def, maybe ill just stop complaining and ignore them more instead of combatting them
Need me a gf that talks like this
It's been especially bad with dedicated trolls trying to harass trips into leaving, boring race bait and just not comfy anymore. This gen used to be the best thread on this board, because everyone was pretty chill, but it's become schizos like rick and angry sexpest anons who have ample time to post here 10 hrs a day
Lol fr this entire board simply has no ability to not engage trolls its a paradise for them
i wish i had a 10 inch cock futa mommy tgirl trap gf who would fill my ass with cum daily, why is life so unfair bros
hello does discord not work for anyone else
<3 idk why it's such a cesspit here lately
Working fine for me, send me your hole to test
another agp transbian wrote this post, probably anorexic skeleton selfie spamming one, go les out with angel
The first week I was here was great. It really seems like every other thread is fine or this
I can't believe it's 2024. 2014 feels like yesterday.
When you hit 30 time goes so fast
I swear I'm gonna go to bed and wake up 38
I age backwards
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ate some rice cakes. thriving. hows the day going in here
Chasers. Make sure to lift for your future wife.
Some chocolate rice cakes sound really good rn
I only lift twice a week and I have a (trans) gf but I'm pretty sure I would still have landed her even if I didn't lift at all
Can you lift her?
Most of them can’t even lift the girl they’re interested in much less any respectable weight in the gym
I would be lying if part of the reason I lift wasn’t for women, but I actually just enjoy it.
You got to start some where. I’m but super strong now but I remember getting stuck under the 45 lb bar. You got to start some where
I can lift her but not over my head
Can you princess carry her to the bed and throw her across it
Yeah she's tall but doesn't weigh much
Where da hell da new thread
> rice cakes
Ty for reminding me to put this on my shopping list
Make one
Nigga fuck you I still think you're Rick
Thats fine. I’m not here to try to convince you. Think whatever you want
Rosewood more like wifewood
She said she has bpd, would avoid if I were you
She's cute though
Shut up and kiss me Rav
It'll be worth
is she dark mistress material?
taking fp applications :3
What's fp?
omg you'll be perfect
front pooch
BPD people have a favorite person they obsess over
I'll wake up to talk with you at any hour to let you vent
Where is foxon
she got a bf a few weeks ago
Who the fuck are you?
I didn’t know I’m glad people answered.

Nice, hope she's fixed now
Why are you here? You're gay.
Dude is already acting like he owns the goddamn place
I’m the star of every thread~ UwU
Ok some one make a new one we’re getting close to the death of this thread.
>Why are you here? You're gay.
These types of posts always blow my mind
you shouldnt take it personal...
you just happened to be there, that's all...
when i saw you say goodbye to your friend and smile
i thought it was well understood
that you'd be comin' back in a little while
i didnt know you were sayin' goodbye for good..

you make it. this is chaser gen and you're a chaser ain't you
I wish to converse with a chaser
get moving you little gay babies
hi. meet me in the new thread

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