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QOTT: do you have irl tranny friends? would you be friends with your tranny’s friends?

previous >>37361281
God i wish i had a cute doll friend to bar crawl with
Yes and yes.
umm... idc?
*goes back to drinking piss*
no but i want a few. im stealth so i have no one to talk to about it
No way.
I don't, but I would be friends with their friends if I had any
i used to, before she developed feelings for me, frustratingly. so i had to be mean to her to get it to stop. this unfortunately required cutting contact with her.

i no longer have irl trans friends
I dont have friends because I’m gay and I love rape
sad but many such cases. a girl i was trying to be friends with recently asked me out after hanging out like 3 times...
Whoa naoto looks hot while azelf just looks like some fag
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Can’t believe these two are dating
They both do really
And you told her no? Wow that’s mean transbians need love too. Lucky tho on the 4th hangout she was gonna rape ask cmao that’s how she does it
Based on this pic it would be fairly gay to fuck Azelf while fucking Naoto would not be particularly gay
Nooo naoto is a hsts babe she never be a transbian
I wish I had irl trans friends. One of my closest friends growing up transitioned before me, but when she transitioned got really into white nationalism and ketamine and diapers and stuff. That probably delayed my transition a couple of years because that's what I associated trans people with for a while.
I haven't really met any trans people in a social context since I transitioned, and it feels weird to approach a girl I clocked in the grocery line and ask her to hang out based on nothing other than being a tranny.
i didnt tell her no but i havent talked to her in like 2 weeks and idk what to do. my roommates partner said that she made out with some chick while she was super drunk so apparently im supposed to be wary idk?
You should hear her voice it’s really cute
>when she transitioned got really into white nationalism and ketamine and diapers and stuff
Many such cases
i have some? like i know a buncha other trannies irl, I get along with most of them but don't really properly click with any (other than my gf obvs). there's one girl I know who likes like all the same stuff I do and has a similiar sense of humor to me but she's really fucking elitist about everything so being around her just makes me feel bad and insecure and also annoyed like no fuck you I will not install Arch on my main PC we've talked about this fuck off

I have two ftm friends and them I get along with really well but they also always hit or slap me a lot when we're drinking, idgi??? maybe that's just what T does to your brain ig
Lol idk I would be a bit tho. Where’s your bf to protect you?
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we are? news to me esp bc azelf has a bf lol
oh hey thats me
my single irl tranny friend is azelf.
stone cold pichu
mina has a tiny pp
>QOTT: do you have irl tranny friends? would you be friends with your tranny’s friends?
I had a few lost contact with them.
Would do again.
Fictional story from a transbian. Stop lying.
it's sad. I hope she got out of it, but she doesn't have an online presence anymore so I'll never know. I cut contact with her completely a few years ago
weaving through all the cis girls to find these two and inform them they're coming to my place immediately (for sex)
the reality of living in an European country with conservative tendencies is that you don't get to meet trans people irl, unless you're in some uni circles in which there are rare people, mostly gigahon transbians
finding straight trans girls is definitely harder outside the internet there
No but if I did I would fuck them

t. Chaser
i dont have one yet :(
what does that have to do with anything
tranner friend is too busy with her bf these days
it’s really embarrassing imagine having a 1incher
Same as it ever was
who cares its not like im topping anyone amyways
You have to just do stuff that all of you can do go see a movie or out to eat but you really should just for a threesome
Is this true? Does she post anywhere?
No way why not? You’re really pretty. Somthing must be off. Are you stinky?
still really embarrassing
this is well known info and no that’s only her bf to see and bully her

jokes aside, small is cute, so in the end it's not even a bad thing
i have never posted my dick online and i never will
i dont stink im just really shy and idk how to talk to ppl. i went on a date with a guy last week though and i might try to go on a second date with him but idk
its nottt
yeah its fine
I have a big hard cis weiner. Is anyone into that
How’d the date go? What did you two do
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When you eat yo boymoder out and she ain't cleaned they bussy
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is it uncut?
Mine is. See this is why trans girls are based they’re the only girls who LOVE uncut dicks
we watched speak no evil. it was really scary and i cried at the end but it was fun
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mutilated goy
this thread is like 70/30 trannies/chasers. embarrassing frankly
>they’re the only girls who LOVE uncut dicks
Not really? How many cis girls have you been with? Maybe it's different in the US since cut is the norm there
2⅓ tranners for me
You know how reppers are, I'm sure if you look at the numbers over time it's even worse than that.
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pretty good ratio compared to other threads tbhon
hot... >///<
aww dont cry anon, im sure yr cock is cute and nice too. even if it doesnt have its hoodie, its probably still suckable
what's embarrassing? isn't it just better if there are more girls for the chasers? ;)

too bad among them there's a completely uninteresting one
It's arousing. Imagine all the stupid trannards sitting on their butts and posting in cg.
just more options for chasers ig
The trannies are interacting with the chasers and discussing dicks. What's the problem?
4 they always said it’s was weird looking but once I pulled it back it was fine. But yeah more guys are cut here
Boo, at least have jokey over the top fake self-confidence.
Why do so many chasers want to eat ass? It's not something I want them to do (I want to eat their ass while I jerk them off).
That’s a good ratio we wouldn’t want it to be a sausage fest amirite
in your erotic fantasy, is everyone sitting down on normal office chairs or does someone have one of those weird saddle chairs or a standing desk or something?
>oo bad among them there's a completely uninteresting one
Which one?
Most of the posts about eating tranny ass is me. Sorry fellow chasers.
Yeah it's a US thing, most women I've been with have said they find uncut weird looking. They're just used to it I think.
when did you first learn that T Pain is short for Tylenol pain reliever?
It's mostly gaming chairs
Some may be phoneposting while on their stomachs in bed with their cute butts facing towards the ceiling
>even if it doesnt have its hoodie
Boymoding pp
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Naoto could play with my foreskin
Why do you want to eat ass?
Eating ass is based I love it I could cum to just doing that
this nearly applies to me, just with a few extra words
also my cat is lying on my back
Idk it's inherently a submissive act to me, a man eating my ass is a little gay and gives me the ick tbqh. I do not care however if my penis is touched
Has your cat ever seen your buthle?
im on my side laying down rn
right, let me build that skill to say with a straight face that you're really gonna love my lasagne

a totally random person, it's not obvious
are u passing gas?
Eating ass before you put your dick in it is natural it’s like eating pussy before you put it in. Is this 1717?
>do you have irl tranny friends?
kinda? He's really more of an hrt femboy. Still goes by "he" but wants to change his name to something female, and he mogs me to fucking death
Appalonise, for those of you that might be xivg citizens. Although i don't think he's been there in a while.
>would you be friends with your tranny’s friends?
would anyone ever answer this with "no"?
damn that sounds rough
voca pls we need to know your thots on getting eaten out? Is it gay?
no im not. what a weird thing to ask
u can rape me anon ...
https://unsee cc/album#45mRlyr8Vw4e
no because the one i've known irl were cheating scum who keep trying to hookup with me despite them being in relationship/married
I miss my foreskin it was taken from me in the night

I like them odds.
I just don't see it that way. I've been with women before and that's not how anal works, we just used lube. Eating ass just comes across to me as inherently submissive and gay while I want my partner to be dominant and straight
considering i don't have a bedroom door and he's usually hanging around me even when im getting changed, im sure he has, though it's not something i think about
Letting someone do something to my butt feels submissive, so I'd rather not
See. I love lasagna, now I'm interested. This is how you get men. and Garfield.
I have an Ikea Markus, does that count as a gaming chair? gonna go into phoneposting mode soon though, I'm really eepy
Lucky cat
Hot post ass I wanna think about something
i'm open to try a lot of things but eating ass(or getting mine eaten) doesn't really sound appealing
i dont get it but okay
I would personally suck a fart from a transgirls ass
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I'm so sorry if this makes me a 'phobe but I don't want my mouth on XY ass. Though I have a powerful urge to eat XX ass.

XY girls I still want to stick my dick up you and squeeze you and kiss you etc.

Honestly it might just be a matter of cuteness/passing. Now that I think about it, for a hard 10 tranner like Sayuri or this girl I'd get my face in there. So you have a chance
They're bored and sucking dick is gay so they want to come up with something else to do.
Sucking gock is gay and submissive but eating ass means intruding on the most intimate part of a tranny's body and completely owning her which makes it an inherently straight and dominant thing to do

Do not reply to this post
that makes sense
oh, false alarm about the gaining 60 pounds after last night's dinner. i actually lost a pound. we're gucci
inhaling a transgirls brap is reserved for only the highest test males
It's definitely gayer to suck a gock than have a tgirl blow you

But somehow it's the other way for ass eating

There's some kind of powerful tongue/cock link here
I would be if I knew any nearby. Pretty sure it's just me for like 75mi in any direction
umm sweety u took a 60lb dump
but i didnt poop yet...
why are so many chasers into farts?
completely dominating a transgirl means eating her ass, sniffing her farts and then putting your penis in her butt
Forgot trip
The Greeks thought it was dominant to suck dick because you were the one actively doing something
high testosterone causes that fetish
Some people are into weird things idk. Anyway Mina all this talking of your ass has me curious is it phat?
No they didn't
They despised bottoms
I can't believe azelf calls naoto her bf that's so rude
it's definitely less gay than dick in your mouth
really i just don't think id enjoy the sensation
>But somehow it's the other way for ass eating
im not sure i agree with this
>Though I have a powerful urge to eat XX ass.
have you ever done that tho? because it's not as fun as you think it is, in my experience.
lasagne is actually one of the things I'm most confident in, made it for a few friends and every time they cleaned the plate, including the picky girls that usually don't eat much

my cooking is worth continent hopping (even if it's not continental, I made a girl from the UK come to Italy for them)

dunno if it attracts only men, besides, it's a treat for the girls ;)
hold up I change my opinion. Greeks invented gayness.
you can definitely suck a dick dominantly but the receiver has to be small and overstimulated
thats gross im glad im not a man
yeah id say so
you say that but you still make braps daily...
Retards. Tranner buttholes are way cleaner than the average cis f butthole.
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>yeah id say so
Could we see pls unsee
95/5 at last surveying
Was 2:1 like half a year ago then 90/10 several months later, now this
Transbian takeover occurred
yeah and i hate it! i wish i didnt have to cough or sneeze or fart or any of that stuff
yeah bc we have to give a shit lol. most cis foids dont do anal
This, what cis f enemas at all? I enema every time I shower, in addition to having a bottom friendly diet
Height Check.

porn addiction and repressed sexual urges, make them smell a really smelly brap and very few will remain

I would, because I'm a sucker for challenges, but that's just me being a dumb dopamine chaser

but would you like to get your gock sucked, that's the important question
when the tgirl butthole doesn't smell at all its a turnoff
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I could handle your braps from now on
>have you ever done that tho? because it's not as fun as you think it is, in my experience.
honestly I would briefly wander over there while eating her pussy. I was too inhibited to really commit to a fart box tongue punching. I don't think I would be now
Did all the chasers leave or did they transition?
6’1 chaser
that's right, this is MY thread now!
i actually gagged reading this
My ideal man. Can I still eat your ass?
6'1" the ideal male height
i wish i was a bit taller tbhon
i thought i was gonna like it. I did not. Be careful out there, brother
I guess your butthole is sterile and you could eat ice cream off it
5'9, the perfectly acceptable statistical male average
Average Kings Stand Up
>Be careful out there, brother
Aye aye sister
5'9 is only average in like bangladesh
That very much depends on which country you live in lol
i mean it's clean but im a top. I don't do enemas or anything.
and the USA
5’5 its so hot how much bigger most guys are
5’9 is average in America
5'7 manlet
American whites are only 56% white, that's why they are short
no i hate it when my dick is touched
ew weirdo
probably not it feels rude to just randomly post unsee and derail the thread
sphere hunter!
no vocaroo today. i’m not opposed to the idea though i admittedly would rather just have a guy fuck me instead
when it retracts its girlmoding. force femmed penises are cut
Trannies are for sex not friendship.
5'6" just started estrogen, hoping i lose an inch or two
We want it to be derailed right bros?
I want to play Mario Kart with a trans girl
5'8, 1 inch below the average therefore I legally get to call myself a short king and get a 15% discount at IHOP and BK ;)
are cut dicks more feminine than uncut?>>37366798
no i feel like an annoying bitch
Off your dick?
put her shrunkened penis into your testosteronly largepenis.
I've never actually been alone with one and I'm a little worried my dick would Bullet Bill into her ass
ngl, when I see someone declaring themselves a top, I get a bit giggly, but I guess that comes with how I'm not expecting it
I would say uncut is always cuter, there's something endearing about a short cut dick, but the skin always makes it look somewhat more refined or smth

or maybe that's just me being Euro
imo theyre not, but i also dont think theres much that can be done to make a dick feminine lol
Uncut dicks are both more masculine and more feminine
It's a vibe multiplier
3" penis hoping i lose some there too
5'4 ish
the context does a lot, and the maintenance, a neatly shaven uncut dick in a feminine body makes it look like just the completion of a really beautiful girl, even if it's big
semi rapeable for a XY
sad but true
how does that work?
what about a small shaven cut dick?
would gladly feed you lasagne, and homecook whenever and whatever

of course that doesn't mean I wouldn't bring you to fancy places
You're so pretty
this! when theyre big and throbbing, its so masculine and hot on a guy and that alone makes me drool.

but on a feminine body with a clean shave and fully unretracted, its weirdly delicate looking
Dear Americans

Mutilating your penises at birth is not normal
two words: balls deep
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i don't have friends
only ashes remain
All girl-penises are beautiful
this conversation doesn't help with the allegations that chasers are obsessed with dicks, but oh well...

if the glans is slightly oversized I would consider it cute af, so, I guess it would end up being very feminine

essentially, the trick is always good maintenance of the area, keeping the skin smooth and clean, then most dicks can look delicate

maybe except cut big dicks, because then it loses that "innocent" feeling, don't know how to describe it

frankly even a big hard dick on a girl would make me drool, in that case it's more that indication of her desire, to the point that her feminine body can reveal such a strong part of herself, but never too vulgar or animalistic

I swear, I look further than that, but I can't help also liking that part
It's normal to be obsessed with the genitals of the women you love
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Left: tranner butthlé
Right: me
I need you

weight check
how light are you?
6'2'' I think? Maybe 6'1''. I haven't been measured in a while.
what about the braps of that woman?
At least under 300 lbs
Imagine the girth, the texture, the taste, the mouthfeel
155lbs or so, i want to get down to 130ish by february though
>I swear, I look further than that, but I can't help also liking that part
honestly thats fine, respect that more than being bothered by a girl with a penis
5'11" (i round up)
145, been stuck at it for about a month. trying to get to 155 bc pio
ive never seen one of you in the wild
well im actually a switch, but my current life situation is just that i always top. Which has also always been my life situation... curse of being 6'3" i suppose
Cute! CUTE!!
I got taller on estrogen :)
Travelling to america to top Sarah because I'm the only person here taller than her
Then stealing her belongings afterwards
pro ana queens
it is still a tricky thing, on one hand I feel like it's important to state how even a penis can be beautiful, on the other, who says the girl wants to keep it, so...

meanwhile at this stage in my life I would be bothered by the girl not having a penis, somehow.

frankly, I'm a virgin, so I can't really speak for top or bottom exclusivity, all I know is that I love the idea of having a switch gf, I imagine myself being the top most of the time, but I just can't help feeling like bottoming must feel really good

I've already been called a natural bottom for being 5'7 but that's besides the point
you don't need to be taller than me to top me. You just need to be able to make me feel submissive, without making me giggle or roll my eyes at you. It's harder than it sounds. I've only met one person who could do that
ive never actually been a bottom, either. I just know i get subby sometimes and i bet id enjoy it.
i gained 2 lbs back and am at 144.2 it is over. i have to gym extra long and eat extra nothing
the few trannies ive met irl are all steretypical reddit trannies so... no, no, we are not friends. >.>
tall enough to feel like my body is a disgusting vehicle of flesh and bone instead of a home for my soul
145 is average.. trust me im not skinny but sometimes i get self conscious that i look like a fatass
Nice disguise.
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>gyoza ingredients acquired

but no gf to help me make dumplings why live
In real life ive only ever met one MtF that ive known for certain is MtF. Maybe seen an FtM in public, couple theyfabs and theymabs.

I met her a few months ago and i hated her so much, she was so bitchy and i felt like she tried to fake female sterotypes to look female and had just a negative view on feminity and female relationships. She said a lot of terrible stuff to me, like my feelings of intense dysphoria are "internalized transphobia", that i would get raped if i tried dating, that she would be friends with me because she pitied me, commented on my driving ability despite her not having a license while i drove her in my car. Also she forced me to play baldurs gate 3 with her and when i got bored she got so upset

other than that ive never met other trans women. This is probably kinda super bad for my self esteem and mental image especially when i was a kid/teen (or now) and never had trans role models. Never knew of any other youngshits let alone lateshits. But whatever
you're skinny but you have a phat ass
In real life ive only ever met one MtF that ive known for certain is MtF. Maybe seen an FtM out and about in public, couple theyfabs and theymabs.

I met her a few months ago and i hated her so much, she was so bitchy and i felt like she tried to fake female sterotypes to look female and had just a negative view on feminity and female relationships. She said a lot of terrible stuff to me, like my feelings of intense dysphoria are "internalized transphobia", that i would get raped if i tried dating, that she would be friends with me because she pitied me, commented on my driving ability despite her not having a license while i drove her in my car. Also she was totally babytrans and was totally unaware of like how babytrans she was. Also she forced me to play baldurs gate 3 with her and when i got bored she got so upset

other than that ive never met other trans women. This is probably kinda super bad for my self esteem and mental image especially when i was a kid/teen (or now) and never had trans role models. Never knew of any other youngshits let alone lateshits. But whatever
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>gyoza ingredients acquired

no gf to make dumplings with why live


Frens why are you doubleposting?
same thing happened to me and I double posted
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Me fat
that part about the submissiveness reminds me of the only time I got intimate with a cis girl (never ended sexing her) I was so giggly and couldn't take her seriously while she was being all dom on me, another girl went full dom with me a few times in text but I always felt giggly even then, for some reason I feel like I would feel the same with anyone else, but regardless of that, if the sex of the day is that she tops, she tops, I ain't gonna ruin the plans lol

I always wanted someone who could make me awaken the dom part in me, I dunno, a partner that makes me actually act like the fucking chad man, sounds like a cool couples activity of self-discovery, isn't it?
Anyways anons im going to go back to working on my nutrition google sheet cause getting a job ruined my diet and i gained

Playlist i like
>Also she forced me to play baldurs gate 3 with her and when i got bored she got so upset
this is the most stereotypically transbian thing i have ever heard
im pretty average size, but ive always wanted to truly hit 130 and i think thats where id look best
i see lol
id kill to try yr gyozas anon
i think 4chan is a bit fucky today
>tall enough to feel like my body is a disgusting vehicle of flesh and bone instead of a home for my soul
Sounds hot.
i dunno how to lose the last 14lbs to get to my goal weight and it makes me sad bc i have been trying forever but even then i feel like loose skin will make me look ugly even if i make it :c
Servers a little fucked today
have you been on a diet for a wile? If yes take a break for a month or 2 and eat normal and reset everything and then go back to the diet.
too much. but 12 pounds less than a month ago, at least. i wanna get down to like 25bmi optimally, i don't look good skinny but i don't look good this fat either, that would be a good sweet spot i think
Site thing then I guess
Stays stuck on 100% but goes through anyway
Then won't show (you)s annoyingly
The transbian invasion.

Imagine a transbian beasthon chadmoder alpha standing next to June's bed.

June is naked, face down ass up. Her nude body exposed. Her butthole fully visible.

The ogrehon's massive throbbing cock gets ready to breed June.

It's impregnation time, says the transbian as she prepares to mount June like a stallion mounts a mare.

It's mating season.
5'8 :(

My doctor seems to think im 5'10 for some reason so compromise and say 5'9

whatever my height is i hate it. I am the tallest girl at my job and taller than like all but three of the men (theres like probably 30 or something in total). Atleast the tall guys are REALLY tall so its not like im around their height or anything but still its really embarassing and i wish i was so much shorter. I think some of guys there are not really happy that im taller than them, not that any of the girls care i think, there is like two waitresses like maybe an inch shorter than me but the rest i can see over their heads. I can see over the heads of all of BOH except my sous who is probably at or a cm above me
me taking a break from stuff is usually how i lose progress i just have to force myself to not give into cravings and be less stupid if i want to look good. ALSO I HATE GOING TO THE GYM IM GONNA BLOW MY HEAD OFF
i guess. i have a bit of tummy but you cant tell unless im naked
why are you like this
>do you have irl tranny friends? would you be friends with your tranny’s friends?
don't even have irl cis friends...
lol 130 isn't underweight until 6'+
I think restaurants must attract short people because when im out at like the grocery store or class most of the girls near my age are like average maybe 5'5 to 5'7 but the average here has to be like 5'2 even for the men

Actually im not too sure how to estimate someone height from my own perspective. If the top of someones head is at the level of the bottom of your chin how many inches would you assume that is?
You can keep going if you want. It just is often faster to take diet breaks even if you put a few lbs on during the breaks. I lost a good amount of weight and then started stalling so I'm on my diet break now.

5'8,5'9 area is a very attractive height for women tho. I wouldn't worry about the dudes tho. Men get weird around taller men and women.
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i went number 2 and i feel so much better, chaserbros.
frankly, as a guy, I would love a girl taller than me, at least most of us on the shorter side of the spectrum love girls taller than us
IRL I have none really anymore. In the past I got hired at a startup by a trans girl I met through an ageplay related skype group on /d/, and I ended up spending a lot of time with her and her wife and their girlfriend and their roommate (the gf and roommate were also trans.) But that was years ago and now I'm just a cis man surrounded by cis couples entering their parenthood phase. I miss my weird queer friends... every freaky little gay person I know is just online.
You're a chaser right? Because trans girls don't poo
Why do you hate bisexual men

142 lbs as of last night
Why are you like this
u already know
Have you tried not being a bigot
it's autism
l o l
will chasers still love me if I get an orchiectomy?
I think she was bisexual, like genuine bisexual not like comphet. However i can figure out from the way shes talked about relationships she probably had a lot of sex with women as a straight/bi man in her first year or two of college

but i do feel like a lot of her feminine behaviors, mostly social, are forced. I dont think thats bad for baby trans, its better to learn them somehow even if they arent authentic, however it was difficult for me to communicate with her when the behaviors that developed naturally me and other women are just kinda off in her, like shes not a native speaker of whatever language this is.
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I love all my friends
Youve been at it nonstop for hours maybe its time to take a break
But i want a bf that is taller than me and towers over me to give big hugs and be big spoon :(
Lmao, yes why wouldn't we? Am I allowed to make jokes about it though?
Ion even know what that is weon care we just trynna fucc
Will you pretend to be in pain when I slap your empty sack?
a horrifying glimpse into how im perceived
oof, it's not impossible of course, just restricts the demographics a bit more, depending on your country, in the Netherlands you would have no issue finding a ton of 6' people for example
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184 cm
69 kg

trans btw
I could kill you all btw
bestie miss u <3333
need this so bad tbhon... maybe in like 4 months
I mean i like to think that about 50% of men my age are taller than me.
Stop saying these things you are not that lethal
try me bitch
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Autumn and naoto and berrychan and azelf on their knees next to each other face down ass up all holding hands and pointing their buttholes at me
One of the weird things about height is when i go on tiktok and find videos from like 15-20 year old cisf that are like "omfg i am so short i wish i was tall like 5'10 like models are" and its so confusing to me i just dont understand why theyd want to be taller. I understand if youre like under 5ft it might be hard to get taken seriously but if youre just average like come on
Based alert
I think youre just sheltered and would feel that way around anyone you knew was mtf because hardly any of us get to be. Its pretty annoying how you use that to attack their femininity though. Shes right though you will 100% get abused by the first guy you date lol
hello monsieur frog
I may be shorter but you should consider my nationality is famous for one thing.

be careful before we add fishes to your sleeping company options

it's a lot like us men all wishing we were taller, when height matters little in life aside from clothing and aesthetics, being taller is just cool for most people
.... why are they like this?
from ur cuck chair in the corner? lmao get real frog
long legs are often viewed as elegant, and being able to mog pathetic, insecure men are good bonuses
makin' muh memba hord af fr ong frog killin' it
no theres 100% a lot of MtFs with natural female socialization, but very few of them are baby trans. Those that have been going on for many years or started young. basically like learning a second language.

I dont think of her as less of a woman. If i did i would make that clear. What im saying is that theres something lacking in her female-typical socialization that made it difficult for me to talk to her like i would cis women or a lot of mtfs.
Nah men being tall makes them better lovers sorry
Being taller for men usually just means being bigger in general. Bigger cock, bigger muscles, bigger chest.
This is the real reason
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famous last words
my nationality is famous for fucking and killing and a bit of pillaging
do you smoke
>famous last words
i'm waiting
women without brainworms enjoy having long legs and being statuesque. models are typically tall and thin, short women look childlike or matronly. as a chaser i can tell you 100% that one of my favorite things about trans girls is that they have incredibly sexy legs because they tend to be taller.
Oh yeah forgot to ask

one time whiole she was dragging me through baldurs gate 3 i was talking about children, idk what about them. She asked if i wanted to be a mother and I said "yes totally when im older" and then she started laughing hysterically at me. Not happy :(
Just a vibe then. igi
That's like all of them
She's saying mothers who adopt aren't mothers. She sounds like a shit person.
I am a head taller than you, it WILL work.

Also for our entire marriage I will deny ever having posted here.
>I'm a clever Jewess, thinks June.
>I'll get him to say he DID post here to prove he's not that Anon!
I might lie in a situation like that.

Point is, I'm gonna be him and he's gonna be me and this post is the only proof you'll ever have.
Based Department on line 1
>from ur cuck chair in the corner?
all the power's in the chair
Well we can rule out Mexicans and Canadians at least. Thats a start
wouldn't know, pretty sure I am bigger in those departments than the average lanklet, but you do you
that narrows it down too little to know if to be scared or not, but I'm gonna accept the fucking part, thx
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And im saying theres a lot of cis women youd feel the same way about if you didnt categorically put them on a pedestal.
She probably laughed because youre so predictable if I had to guess, but thats still not ok sorry you had to deal with that. You deserve to be a mother I hope you can be one day.
Isn’t that what mexicans are known for?
She will explode your car radio remotely in the next few hours so good luck with that
Pretty sure youd look like a woman standing next to tom brady
she sounds like a bitch and a shitty person
im not so sure i believe in the whole categorization this site places on "male socialization/ malebrain" vs "female socialization/fembrain," its extremely black n white and the reality is lots of trannies never had proper male socialization as people say it either. theres a degree of reality in why so many babytrans have no idea how cis women act, but i dont think its dependent on their socialization as it is they likely have high degrees of autism/ocd that shaped their behavior long before they were even all that aware of transitioning.
t. someone who hasnt had male friends since 2016
June wants a boyfriend she's afraid of but it's ok because she's pretty sure he'll never use that strength against her. But if he does maybe she kind of deserved it it's ok it won't happen again.

I love that were just now arguing over how is bigger.

and I'm large and Tom Brady would make me look smaller
just a dwarf, would be an hilarious way to have irl Lord of the Rings so if ever I get to meet the guy I'd make sure to show up in chainmail and helmet
This is why women like Twilight.
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they are known for their delicious food
Meh it’s all just spicy I like Italian more.
You've changed
lol this white boi can't handle spicy food
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6'1 (I round down height)
400lbs (i round up weight)
I save every new shrimp cat I see and post them.
Spell that thing backwards
lmao even
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kamaler harris
haitian gato taco ocat tacgnol vs longcat gone wild
>And im saying theres a lot of cis women youd feel the same way about if you didnt categorically put them on a pedestal.
Ive not met many them, but im sure they exist. Maybe this is just a personal thing about what places i spend most of my time in. I think waitresses and female college students are probably more typically feminine

>She probably laughed because youre so predictable
Im sure that the "predictability" has something to do with why she laughed, she talked about it a lot, she thinks i want to be cis "too much" (which really offended me because obviously i want to be cisf). But i think she also thinks im too mature to be a mother, when laughing she kept saying "oh yeah im sure youd be a great mother". Hated that so much

Think it was also supposed to be like a childfree thing. I notice a lot of trans women are strongly childfree in belief (obviously we all are in practice). I support people who want to be childfree but its wrong to judge people for wanting kids. Im not too sure why so many trans women are so staunchly proud of childfree, a part of me finds it weird. Because most cis women declare being childfree as a pushback to people trying to force them to be mothers and make a point of them not existing just to make babies, but trans women dont have a very strong pressure from society to become mothers so it reads weirdly to me. I mean there is definitely a pressure, ive felt that pressure from some people, but its in no way comparable to what any cis woman will experience.
He said height doesnt matter. I wish all transwomen passed and short kings were all 6’+, things would be better that way
truth nuke nobody was ready for
mexican food is pretty boring overall, even if its tasty.
what the hell
Every dish, candy, and chip is just hot for no reason quesadillas are the only good thing
Mexicans known to have large families but that isnt really the same as known for fucking, and I suppose the drug war is a lot of murder but its not all of mexican society. maybe you referred to aztec sacrifice? I suppose if I credit swedes with viking history then mexicans get credit for aztec history. but "killing" seems too generalized. I had no idea the mexicans were pillagers, i thought the aztec conquered and incorporated
you've only had tex mex slop and 3rd generation mexican slop, you need to go down to mexico and get some authentic longpig pozole
I bet your white ass doesn't even put salsa on your quesadilla, shaking my damn head
Carne asada fries are a top 3 dish what are you talking about whitey
Italian is literally just pick one of two sauces
But mostly this.
gnigt taht
Height does matter but I think less than people say. People act like it should be easy for me because of my height but it isn’t.
> candy
The only thing I can’t get into is spicy candy. But spicy Mexican food is amazing but I grew up eating it so it dosent feel that spicy.
I don't subscribe to the negative view of height, that's all (also it felt like you never saw certain kinds of short people)

I second your wish though, removing those insecurities would just benefit everyone
>has never had proper italian food
it shows so much...
jade tier post
authentic italian food is proper dogshit, it's just carbloaded peasant garbage
enjoy your dough ball with random bits of leaves in it
White people tacos are pretty good actually
ill be totaly honest, i am kinda attracted to the idea of a boyfriend intimidating me a bit, but im more attracted to the feeling of being protected. I would not want to be in a relationship where the main factor in me being attracted was me being scared, that is just going to end in abuse. I just like the idea of having a bit of it

I dont think this is particularly weird, a lot of women feel this way i think, atleast at my age. I mean choking is a really popular kink for a reason but most women will draw the line at whips and punches

Even if a man does not seem intimidating 9 times out of 10 he is 100% capable at any moment of hurting his girlfriend way more than his girlfriend could ever hurt him. So even if i date a weak "shortking" twink for some reason chances are he can still use his strength against me, because the average man is like literally physically 2x stronger than me and most cis women

also nobody deserves domestic abuse and i like to think i can try to avoid a bad case of it
Carne asada fries are ass. Late night drunk food for white frat boys.
The brown's seethe at whites. White people are always on the mind of the minority. They constantly feel inferior only because they truly are.
Listen here little guy if I can inject silicone into my tits and chop my balls off you can get your bones extended a few inches
I'm whiter than you, and I eat tastier and healthier food than you, amerishart
White people tacos are horrible and i hated being subjected to them as a kid

however 49¢ "taco seasoning" packets that you sprinkle over a pound of trashy ground "hamburger" beef is really really good. Not exactly something i want in a thick cold flour tortilla (those should only be for quesodillas desu) but very tasty over some rice with cilantro
Just admit you're agp and hate men. It's not like that's a novel thing around here.
That's white people taco
Hard taco shells are an american thing. In mexico it's all soft shells.
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the only brown part on my body is my dick and you're gonna choke on it
Do you want to be choked by a man who slightly scares you?
You don't know Mexican food, what little you've seen has just made you declare that you've had enough. People accustomed to spicy food obviously don't only taste the heat. To them, it's just one extra variable that modifies the overall flavor of food. It could be dry heat, sweet heat, vinegary heat, earthy, chocolatey, etc. That's the real reason, but because you can't tolerate heat at all, you think people use it as an ingredient 'for no reason'.
It's not other people's fault that you cannot experience something because you stubbornly refuse to adapt. Nobody's telling you to start with a ghost pepper or anything like that, you have always had the option to get accustomed to peppers with lower heat and build up from there.
Corn taco > Flour taco > Hard shell taco

< Doritos locos taco shell
I would just let my cooking do the talking, but you're not invited
Im white, whites cant cook. The french can do 3 things ok, italians made pizza, texas bbq and thats literally it. Mac and cheese palate having ass.
Youve never had proper carne asada then. Most tender meat I’ve ever come across, ive had expensive filet mignon from french michelin restaurants and its good but good carne asade is sacred
A good hard shell is really good though. You just need to know how to cook them. Just because it's american doesnt mean it's bad.
maybe, never tried it, but i want to be cuddled held and caressed a lot more than choked. I guess im just attracted to a bit of strength maybe
>Im white, whites cant cook.
lol we got a self hating white person here trying to ingratiate themselves.
infinite jest was pseud trash
I do not want to eat authentic italian food ever again
I'll settle for americanized italian food, it's superior
Wasn’t Taco Bell credited in inventing this. I know it’s at least a California thing.
It’s normal to be attracted to strength. You just sound submissive like most women.
No i just prefer mexican and asian to pizza and chicken nuggets because im not 6. Put some beans on toast you fucking angloid.
>Youve never had proper carne asada then
I've had carne asada hundreds of times from many many restaurants, and they all serve nasty rubber Krocs carne asada. That's the norm in California
>Most tender meat I’ve ever come across, ive had expensive filet mignon from french michelin restaurants and its good but good carne asade is sacred
Where are you getting your carne asada?
>infinite jest was pseud trash
t. lives an insincere life
I have to add when it comes to desserts only whites and japanese are good at it. Mexican candy is ass
I'm mexican you self hating faggot

No idea. It's definitely chicano though
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boymoding today
Youre in cali and you cant find good mexican?? Im in colorado we have a bunch of authentic places who use actual steak and not that ground beef “carne asada”. Its more expensive obviously but its not even the same dish.
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Im so sweaty :(
Im actually not even white sorry
If i was id kms
Eyes looking cute here
I wish skirt steak was cheaper and less fatty i really love it so much especially since you can overcook it so my sad white mom wont complain about how its still mooing and stick it in the microwave
You don't like tamarind literally everything?
I actually feel bad for them, they must be going to the whitest fucking tex mex restaurants that only serve slop. Like if you've had 'hundreds' of bad experiences, why not actually try homemade? Especially since it's super easy to just marinade carne ranchera and grill it that afternoon. Mexican beer, citrus juices, optionally a bit of garlic and onion slices, and some seasoning. Delicious.
Deserts are the only things the french and germans can cook well
iii like eating candy
I'm gonna eat some pollo asada in honor of this thread.
>Doritos locos taco
peak food, beat the game. gourmet chefs stay seething
They are my only naturally pretty feature :/ I wish I wasn't a surgery freak and was born feminine and beautiful it feels like such a cheap and hollow imitation of the real thing
You have terrible taste
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I will never look like this man and it keeps me up at night

If only I looked like him I would be swimming in trans women.
You're cute. Here's what I'd recommend to go from a 6/10 to a solid 7.5/10

>dye your hair brown, take good care of it
>remove the piercings
Based Danish risalamande versus inferior Mexican arroz con leche. Based Nipponese kit kat and meiji chocolates versus the inferior culture that brought us chocolate.
Deadass. I'm not even Mexican and this shit annoys tf outta me because a lot of these people are clearly only spouting nonsense because they do not know what they're being ignorant about.
I only go to Mexican restaurants owned/ran by Mexicans. Carne asada is basic white people meat of choice, and it's not found as an option very often in Mexico, where the tacos are usually pork or some version slow cooked beef like barbacoa or birria. You guys don't know shit about Mexican food if you think asada is as good as it gets
did captcha go down?

anyways love this playlist please listen

So I sent a chaser my pic and he said I’m beautiful but didn’t send any picture back.That’s weird right?
It depends. Sometimes it can take a while before he feels comfortable showing what he looks like. If you ask him he'll probably show you?
It's weird for normal people, not online chasers who are only here because they couldn't hack it in the real world
Guys just aren't as comfortable in front of a camera.
It actually makes a lot of sense all trannies hate themselves for being white.
As in he has never sent a photo of himself?
Good for you, I have been making carne asada with my family my whole life but I guess I'm white now. I never even said anything about carne asada being the best, you just made that up about me.
No that don't lol. White transers are usually more pro-white than white cis women are.
>if he refuses to share a pic of himself it's sus or he might just be rly uggo
>if he posts a lot of pics of himself all the time he's probably a repper or a bottom
did you ask for a pic?
I never take pictures of myself
I wish I was built like Stalekracker
this. regular guys will show a pic to let you know what they look like but most guys aren't taking 100 selfies a day.
it's hard to build up trust, unfortunately the internet just trained us to be careful about sending pics and also >>37368377
this, very much this.

that and not having much pics of myself, that's a funny thing I keep thinking about when I try setting up a dating profile
Yeah basically the only real ugly nigga tactic is to not show yourself and hope you can worm your way in with personality for a while until she might stick around after you reveal you're an ugly nigga eventually
Bashed into us that it's over if we lead with appearance, rarely works out going with the faceless slow burn but rarely is better than never
Can I get some F's in the chat
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Like you decided I only eat at white Mexican places without knowing anything about me. I've never had carne asada that didn't suck, and I was offering my opinion on that.
fwiw i prefer an ugly guy whos nice and respectful over a handsome one whos not

t. mid tranner
that's not unusual at all, i think
I think i look really ugly with brown hair desu maybe im just ugly period
Damn so if he doesn’t send a pic he’s either ugly or not into me despite saying he’s into me? That sucks, i was really hopeful
this is correct
I only send pics back if asked.
That looks good and I'm hungry now.
Thanks anon I love you
If I send you a pic and you do not send one back then to me you are not a man
he thinks he's ugly, which isn't the same as being ugly. If you ask for a picture and he doesn't send one after that, then he's not into you.
Just my take on it
What do you look like with brown hair?
Most likely
i met a guy on tinder and he was so so hot but he basically just lured me in with shockingly good dick pics after a few minutes of dry conversation and got me to post titty pics then stopped talked to me and i feel very very stupid
imo you're a qt even without dyeing your hair, but if you would insist in changing something which doesn't involve makeup, black hair rather than brown, go full goth

as many said, have you asked him? if he says he needs time, it's one thing, if he makes up excuses then probably you are right with that, sometimes we just don't assume we have to send a pic back
you're genuinely braindead lol
This means June titty pics exist
That's so embarassing

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