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old >>37365413
QOTT - what is your favourite book?
gurrrrrr its so uncomfortable not to do compulsions
deep discomfort
dislike it
i must post about the topic
have to
need to
otherwise bad

its a nice thread
i like the OP pic a lot
why do you make so little money?
Gaygen wishes they had the life that I do (a bf that let's them be a neet). He's probably banging someone else but who cares lol.
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I want one of these lads to read me a bedtime story.
it's these 2 bottoms again. gotta step your gif game up OP
do you get trick or treaters? i live in an area with almost no kids and mostly rich people. its weird
>its a nice thread
no it's not black twinks are disgusting
Hai normiepoo how was ur day
suit yourself
i prefer women over gays anyway
i need to stop watching porn
or if i do only jerk off over women
and stop posting here
im in nyc, aint no trick or treaters coming up to the 16th floor
>im in nyc
sorry to hear

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>you get trick or treaters
is that like code for anal and cumshots?
no we dont
why is that? nyc is whatever you want it to be
glad i could bring u joy
I will revive Concord
it's literally a landfill
again, sorry to hear
except being a good place to live in
you must be poor
uh oh here she goes again
nice cope excuse. you couldn't afford a single family 2-bedroom home where i live
hey, it's been meh. tons of laundry and cleaning and there's still more to do. i need a maid. did you finish painting
i could literally ocd post all day
for multiple years
don't remember asking
and you will
Cat feet
I'll also post a selfie

elon musk lookin ahh
its kinda sad desu, at least if he had a youtube channel so kiwifarms could document his lolcowery
>what is your favourite book?
War & Peace or The Story of the Stone
i mean the problem with ocdposters is that we get kinda samey
we're powerful in our persistence, but other mental illnesses are at least a bit more exciting in content imo

like i'd say cersei was way more entertaining than me
and here you go again trashing on a city you cant afford to live in
you most likely still live at home because you're a loser

lmao i can live anywhere i want but keep telling yourself that
girl you know youve never held a book in your hands past high school
i love Tolstoy so fucking much
Read War and Peace at an important time in my life, and so much of it just continues to resonate
always used to cringe at the whole a book can change your life shite, but it really did
love that nigga Pierre
and he could make money
post your pay stubs, larp
Diary of a Seducer by Kierkegaard
Nail biter
should i continue posting about needing to repress and go straight
or should i post about liking boys and tfw no literary bf
i recently learned thar ny is Now collecting trash loooooooooool
degenerate mutts, fuckin nigger and junkie hellhole
why are all the crazy ones cute?
>and he could make money
ehhh, i dont think he's entertaining or likeable enough for that, his more of a cyraxx kind of lolcow
Ill be ur maid :3 oh i paint it as i go - even internal parts need painting, ive finished the base and the engine o.o
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>pay stubs
lol im not a wagecuck
>won't post proof cause can't
ah, yep. glad that's settled
Ill be ur bf and u can ocd yap at me all day uwu
>30% black population
>homeless people literally everywhere
>literally built on top of a landfill
>cancer-and-asthma-causing smog levels
need i go on?
How would you fix bishit?
what if i started saying that i need to be with a woman
what? they've always collected trash and recycled in my area which goes back to the powergrid and generates 1% of electricity for NYC lol
Cant be any more depressed than now so its fine
man that black twink thread is full off like the same 3 dudes getting posted over and over. disappointed tbqh
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don't really have one yet, recently started getting back into reading, i bought some classic horror books and recently copped a very pretty hardcover copy of le morte d'arthur. was tryna look for y maninogion too but couldn't find it at the store, they did have a bunch of irish and scottish mythology books but no welsh so i settled with arthur.
23% is more accurate but i don't see any black people in my normal day because they can't afford to live in my part of town
oh you being depressed wouldn't work
trying to fix you would become my fixation & we'd both burn out

yeah i just liked the OP pic

ACT & ERP therapy
true. it's more of a slow motion train wreck type of vibe
lol no comment
my (boy)friend accidentally left his hoody over before leaving for college and it smells just like him and i have not stopped wearing it and it makes my brain all melty ^w^
how long do i have untill the smell fades i cant see him for another 3 months
because cute black twinks don't exist
the only decent looking ones are mixed race
Im unfixable so u dont need to try
>ERP therapy
erotic role play is the problem not the solution
>that weebem of the twink getting a facial from a bwc


mountains of shit and by that i mean the people
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silence fatty
one of my favorite characters was Anna Pavlovna, she was so sassy
Yeah ik what u mean its quite a time consuming process :3
exposure response prevention therapy
its specific to OCD
is the head good

have you read the cossacks
its cute
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worse poster than me
hate him
wont trip either asshole
Yeah he should try CBT O.O
they're talking about Manhattan which doesn't have back alleys (i don' live in that area and haven't noticed any trash issues or smells)
don't care
I gib the sloppy toppy :)
Even when he did namefag he changed his name constantly so you couldn't filter him
i can help him with that
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Is there more of this guy from last thread?
>thread is the middle of the "demographic that is predominantly poor and worse off than others pretending to be rich erp" episode again
Yikes. Why are you faggots like this?
based :)
take your meds schizo
Should have kidnapped the cat
There will be cock and ball torture for all posters with less than 30 days of gaygen membership
Its some french twink from int
im in luck!
But you're the one erping. Take your advice.
If you want a recommendation for some October spooky reading try Tim Curran's "Dead Sea." It is a about the crew and passengers of a freighter who get trapped in a sea of endless fog and the things that dwell within the fog begin to kill and devour them.
no, that's the other anon - common mistake
i never brought up the living costs of nyc, just how gross and dirty it is
Help me i need it :3c
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always thought she was very conceited and too up her own arse
it's funny the BBC made a tv series based on War and Peace, and I spent a lot of it fawning over Boris
Admittedly a bit of a prick, but the actor was cute
same for the lad who played Nikolai
i order you to kys faggot
you're a kinky little one aren't you
im upper middle class, never claimed to be super rich
Nyoo, just for u :3
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every major city is "dirty and gross" most likely to you
that sounds like a creepypasta i read when i was in high school.
Do you at least understand the irrationality of posting this and then blogging here if there were some expectation of sympathy for your problems. Do you possess the intuition at least to suppose that doing so seems a bit retarded at best
He has ocd, those ppl are like that
yeah, because i was raised in a mcmansion in the 'burbs
i was rightly taught as a child that city living is for minorities and criminals
but i'm not kinky , what are you into
I thought you fags said you weren't erping lmao
i order you to kys my cheek and pat my head faggot
Do you like horror radio plays and have half an hour? Check out "The Thing on the Fourble Board."

Im into whatever ur into :3 and spanking
post your payCOCK
and many of those suburbs are built over landfills or by them
the bottomry of it all
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i wish iwas 17 and a dude with a pretty cock drove with me to italy in the summer and id suck his cock alot
fuck i hate myself
I'm really jealous of his bf. Have they ever posted lewds?
Why don't you just pretend to be 17 then? Lots of homos lie about their age
AAAAA stop calling me a bottom id rather be called a faggot :c
i wonder if i could get a cute bf if i tried
i've smelled enough air near the suburbs to know that my air is cleaner
even living near a farm is dangerous due to the pesticides and everything else that corrupts the soil and seeps into their neighbors well water
why do you think so many small-town people look weird and inbred?
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threw a walnut to this squirrel and he decided to eat it gayly with his tail swishing
>source: my ass
As long as it's a cute ass
the bottomest thing you've ever said
i understand, i am not retarded, it is logic, i just do not care, my head feels really funny now and i am becoming more and more mentally ill, eventually i will lose my mind completely, yipppeeeeee hooooooray
people with ocd are extremely rational, they just do irrational things bc they cannot control themselves but they know that what they do makes no sense
>anecdotal evidence
okay whatever kid
bro thats like not the same, im dead inside and only vodka mdma eek out a little bit of human thats is somewhere lost iny brainz
plus the dude is like a unachievable construct...
No its nyoooot AAAAA *blows up all the electrical equipment around me with my antibottom scream*
you made that squirrel gay
is it possible to have a fem4fem relationship when you're not fem
Not that I recall. But I remember a thread by the French guy bragging about and describing a time he and his boyfriend were intimate. No pictures but the description was pretty risque for a blue board.

I don't have the archive link to the thread but I also remember tankanon coming onto the thread and seething about their relationship while he was still single.
it's just obvious
more cars in the suburbs = more air pollution
less cars in the city = better air quality
ugh that is soo so unfair
I desperately want to fuck skunk's pussy.
Should i post cock?
>less cars in the city
no. did that dude get back to you with the answer to your riddle
Ikr shit sux bro
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just want a boyfriend who reads Russian classic literature
is that too much to ask for lads?
Omg i just checked and he responded :o he didnt solve it tho, im intelectually superior :3
how do i tell if im like masc or fem tho
can someone tell me for me
i dont wanna use my brain rn
extremely relatable and useful, thanks bro
but i kinda have other mentall illness too so i am kinda disconnected heavily from reality sometimes and at least a bit most of the time, i will try to apply whatvi saw in the video though
Post pic ill tell you
>i just checked
lol you clearly don't like him. how old is he
Im not online there 24/7 xdd he responded an hour ago. Hes 20

one from earlier
gaygen, have you ever recorded your boyfriend or crush, without him knowing, so you can listen to his voice later?
kek why is tankie like that
he's younger than you?
>Im not online there 24/7
shouldn't you get notifications though
How inappropriate is it to continue talking with a guy you've known for almost as a long as your bf, and he still welcomes you to crash at his place (in sf)? Cause I really wanna take him up on it lol
prefer Tolstoy to Dostoevsky, but The Idiot is one of his best, much better than Crime and Punishment, up there with the The Brothers Karamazov. Very underrated.
would date you /10, and then immediately regret it as soon as my OCD boyfriend has a manic episode
Ye hes younger, the notifs are muted cuz id get spammed nonstop :3
i hate that you are functtioning and actual real and decent life and i cannot function and i do not have a life, it is not fair at all
i did nothing wrong, i just got unlucky
siehste hawt aus, alki? post ass
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so much, agony
cradle robber. muted notifs will have you missing important people

u dont have manic episodes with ocd its not bipolar
anyway u didnt answer the question lul
pls don’t tell me you are thinking about cheating on your boyfriend :s
Well now that ik hes alive ill check more frequently. Hes a philosophy student so thats hot. ALSO IM NOT A CRADLE ROBBER
think you're mistaking me for the other anon.
sure you def not bipolar too?
yes im sure. my mood is pretty stable. autistically so
your a mix of soft femmy cheeks and eyes with masc hair and jaw
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Yes, why?
if i had a bf, he would basically own me, because to even be my bf i have to be in love
i am truly masc fem
thats all i needed to know

anyway god i really need to get out of here
not like ill find a cute uk literary fem here anyway
können sie bitte aufhören mich nach meinem ass zu fragen? :s
darüberhinaus denke ich dass sie einen kleinen pipimann haben giving smol dick energy :s
i can barely feel the skull inside of my head
i hate to be rude to someone about how they look
but have you been tested for stds?
you have this diseased sort of look in your eyes
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finally getting a masc4masc white house
its part of my look
good to have a touch of sickliness
a candle out before its hour
you're fucking retarded if you think that is ever going to happen
it fits. you were complaining about old men hitting you up and now you're hitting up a baby
practically built for delta's 7 incher
um this is bait
i don't get it
SKSKDJJSK when he picks age range on online surveys we both pick the same age range baka also the baby hit me up...
you cant seriously think i look like a bottom in that picture
need a guy friend
Twink x Twink is, in my opinion, what true love looks like

I hope I get to experience it one day myself
Diagnosis: stage 4 severe retardation, stage 6 faggotry
Therapy: immediately kill yourself
>the baby hit me up
that's what all the cradle robbers say
ja ok ich posteeine 15cm ;>
now u
Not illegal and feels good until its done and then u feel shame idk if its worth
maybe you're in denial about your health or there is some inward block where you keep telling yourself you're fine when you aren't
your eyes repulse me and it's because something is going on with your health
Dilate and seethe harder, tranny


Eh.. I was thinking more of meeting up with him and going from there. We talked about adding a third guy but didn't go further than that
No he did fr AAAA, but hes super nice i hope hes mean irl
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someone ought to teach this homo to close his fuckin mouth
deranged. bfs should be super nice
der schwanz meines freund‘s ist größer sryyy not sry
some men enjoy hunting as a challenge, but it ain't really fair for the little critters since well, they can't escape a bullet. to honor the animal spirit, consume and use as much of their body as possible
I need to bite his lower lip
>planned on taking the bus to the local resort because why not
>wouldn't even be there 2 hours cause last bus runs at 5:30
wtf why is american public transit so shit? im am not driving there
The chapped lips make it clear this is a mouthbreather.
erzaehl nich, proofs
also assbacken
uber? rent-a-car?
sounds like you're poor
But i need to get obsessed with him to be able to relax
buses are for peasants. you really trust some rando with your life? lol
Can bottoms drive stick shift?
mutts xD
how old is bishit?
I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us.
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I don't know if anyone's read I Wished by Dennis Cooper, but I think that's one of the most romantic books I've ever read, without it descending into sentimentalism. It's a great read, I'd read up on the author beforehand to get an idea of what it's in response to first!
Is this bait? When u drive u literally trust all other drivers to be normal, ur literally safer in a bus.
>mention bus
>all the poorfags start seething
>convienently forget that part where i said im not driving there
lmao nice try faggotrons

i can. i used to drive a ricer (lmao)

nah its like 45 bucks where i live
what about trains
ispent alot of time on drugs in trains
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twink4twink will never die
Is it gay?
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i take a drone everywhere from my buildings helicopter pad
Frenchie looks abused :(
Yes, it's about an autobiography of a man who became fixated (for about 50 years) on his childhood crush. It's great, all of his books are really gay.
i've avoided several collisions by having sub 200ms reaction speed, i even check both sides when it's green so i don't get t-boned by a retard, i also use my horn when dipshits think they can cut me off, usually they get the picture
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need a mouthbreather bf then
>schizolarper still going with the larp
is this what genuine poverty feels like?
he had to learn to take big croatian dick
the croatian is 8 inches, no joke
Easily fucked up with a 10 dollar laser
manifesting eiertritt für you :3
>not refering to hunting
you're a psychopath, not even human. i feel nothing for you, if you died i wouldn't care at all
take your meds schizo
Ye yugos have big dicks, i wish that was me :(
meant for >>37368687 >>37368637
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So cute
I NEED a bf to do that with me but I'm ugly so it's probably over for me
fucking hot
how do you know tho?
whom are you talking about?
>nah its like 45 bucks where i live
poor detected
oh i see so you are in an open relationship then? … right? :s
it’s time to create a new mind for myself out of the ashes of the old one
Self-reinvention anon?
we've been discord friends for a long time before he became a /int/ poster
i hate being bisexual so much
my sexuality is broken
Try shrooms
i hoffe markus söder und scholz lol vergewaltigen dich du schlampe
i showed u my coq >=[
why dont you just message him already
Did u see his dick, r u croatian?
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did you see his cock then?
they're so hot
are you extremely near-sighted?
that might be what i pick up in your eyes
you will always be ******
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he looks so soft and squishy
I hope he gets plenty of cuddles
If i dont get a squishy bf i can cuddle in the next year ill kms
message who?

I am myopic
yeah myopia means near-sighted
It doesn't make you feel better, you have to live with that on your conscience forever.
Need a pregnant mommy to forcemasc me and make me step up for our future children
>menthols calling out menthols
Unironically take your meds
I'm pretty squishy but also kind of ugly looking, like in the same way a sad puppy is
Would you settle for that?
need a*
i know lol
just wanted to be sure

goodnight anyway
tfw no dykey bi gf or femmy gay bf
(no bi males allowed)
i have bi frens who are proud of being who they are. why can’t you be, anony? :s

söder und scholz haben erektionsstörungen ;s
und dein coq kannst du dir selbst reinstecken du schwuchtel :3
Yes i wanna squish u my sad lil pupper
lol but i did take one of them when i went to dubai :3
>message who?
daddy D, he's waiting for you.
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i need head
trying too hard, poorfag
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Please do :)
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Where u from?
Cersei and Bish would've had disgusting sex if they had been around at the same time.
He looks like he has a big butt
pretty sure cersei never left. this thread has too much uncontainable bottom energy and actual bottoms
ich wollte ein bild hochladen aber dann hast du mich als transe bezeichnet und jz ab in die hölle mit dir ;s kein ass mehr für you.

i miss him he was so nice to me and funny :s
Continents apart:(
post his cock
that’s the plan
****** is illusory and attachment to the concept of ****** leads only to suffering
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i dont believe anything u say anymore anyway
She must have just gotten too fat to show her face anymore.
so there is this gorilla in japan that is so handsome that girls are crazy over him
are any gays also falling for him?
i wanna see cersei painted gray with ozempic face
No, r u insane?
i wish bish was gay
now its just cooper1, cooper2, cooper3… the spirit of cersei is still amongst gaygen but its dim and fading. i wish she was here to talk about her hookups and hoping they all die :s
yea I think chimps and bonobos are better because they have bigger dicks and are more closer to humans, but gorillas do have nice butts tho
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I could probably land a JU-88 on that forehead.
It's over :(
I mean he is, but same.
landser treff
ruhm und ehre der waffen ss!
nao eternal slumber
wërk wërk
I mean idc but i cant long range squish :C
those are 3 anys in one sentence :s
also sry not sry for cockblocking

do you even have a license? :s
In these dark times when Leadpig is posting again, we need Cersei back more than ever.

würk würk
why are tops so dumb, oh well. gn gaygen uwu
>ywn be surrounded by an uncountable host of bottoms singing holy, holy, holy
why live?
Why have i never been hugged :(
You stink?
i will kill god and take his creation and make it into my playground
become a mormon and you will have your planet in the afterlife, but you'll need to stop being a practicing gay thoug and marry a woman in a temple to get exaltation
I dont
can i have gay sex again after i get my own world
God is my kill though. Don't you dare steal my kill.
Cute bellybutton
not enough cute latino posters
Why do i need to be drunk and/or high to interact normally with ppl
Because people are so shitty you can only ignore their faults if you aren't sober.
no, because you'll need to have sex with your goddess wife in order to create spirit children whose souls will inhabit your planet with bodies of flesh, also according to their religion same sex attraction is like a defect or struggle that only mortals have so when you die you wont be gay anymore because you will be fixed
Or is it thst i can ignore my own faults and stop thinking that every interction is a catastrophe
But why does my therapist insist im normal and i tell him everything:,(
It's because you stop overthinking stuff when drunk.
Yeah probably, vut hiw do i live a good life without being drunk 24/7
Need french BWC, Jules Bouyer's to be exact.
new >>37369402
Stop overthinking things when sober

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