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I Know It's Over edition
QOTT: Why are you on your own tonight?
old: >>37413919
gay retsrdtggg
Top 5 Smiths songs are:
The Boy with the Thorn in his Side
Nowhere Fast
I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
William It Was Really Nothing
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i have to leave here soon
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so please please please let me get what i want this time
xth for you are all FUCKING UGLY FREAKS (no exceptions)
because I burned every bridge
because nobody wanted me
because people always lie
because I can't let go

I've spent so many years alone, and I thought I had finally come to terms with it or maybe even was ready to move on, but someone hurt me and showed me I was wrong by reopening old wounds and giving me new scars that hurt me in ways I didn't know I could feel and the way I have responded to that makes me wonder if I actually have ptsd
wandering through empty malls alone forever in my head
because lies
I am beautiful both inside and out, cocksucker.
>(no exceptions)
I bought a sports bra but it is too tight and I have too big a belly
Are you supposed to pull it all the way down or…
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how do you guys stopped feeling just absolutely gutted all the time. I just woke up and I already feel hollow. I just wanted to be a girl and now I'm stuck at the weird half way point after a year of hormones. all I do anymore is go to class and get so high i don't have to think abt my stupid tranny life. I've been considering cutting again because I can't stand this stupid moid body and I want to be in pain. please help I don't know what to do anymore
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Reminder that none of you are actually manmoders ur all actually cute boymoders or passoids. I'm the only actual manmoder and im getting closer to killing myself bc I can't take this shit anymore. I look like such a chad and therefore i suffer. I know no on e cares but im gonna say it anyway :3
ur future if you don't take your pills now alice
my bf is on a trip for uni
No self care for 3 days cause of illness
I look like a fucking lovecraftian monster
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you might need a bigger one, don't wear it if it hurts or restricts your breathing at all
you look like one of those nonverbal autists that has to be dressed in the morning by their mother
Its xxl
I hate my life
where is it too tight? around the ribs? it's not supposed to go around your waist lol just in case since you said your belly...?
nah I'm King Man of Moder Mountain
i love being a manmoder and pretending im not transgender. i love being in queer spaces and silently mogging nonpassers as a fem cis man. i love going home and crying because nobody can even tell im on hormones of if they can it can be gaslit away very easily. god ruined my body because i ruined my mind on bitterness, anger, and competition
Yeah not
My ribs flare out too lololol
I think it was tight at the back of the neck a bit too
I’ll try it again I did t wear for more than a few seconds cause lol I look disgusting in it
can't seem to wake up today
I wish I could force chud"ette" to get off the tranny meds and have sex with women
lesbian PIV sex is not real but heterosexual PIV sex definitely is
but why tho
I already did that
I wish I could force you to stop taking estrogen
literally why lmao
Only transsexuals should be able to take hormones intended for the opposite sex.
rara ahahah roma romama gaga oh lala
and who made you gatekeeper king? why shouldn't others? furthermore, what makes you think I'm not "transsexual" rather than "transgender" when I'm more literally speaking very much the former and not the latter?
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You LIKE your penis and using it, a part of your body that is EITHER masculine or feminine. It is a contradiction to hate masculinity everywhere EXCEPT for your genitals.
oh okay so you're just jealous and mad that I love my gargantuan pulsating girldonger, got it
oh yeah let me let some sheista surgeon cut up my insides and replace it with a barely functional axe wound instead of using my normal genitals
Yes. I think you are fundamentally different from cis women and male to female transsexuals. I cannot understand the mentak gymnastics necessary to consider yourself a woman yet have no problems with sticking your dick into women like any heterosexual male.
>to consider yourself a woman
or be a chad like me and get a hole install but keep the pole
you sound disgusting tbf
If you do not want to transition to female you should not take hormones.
you've failed to answer any of my questions: >>37433591
so, again, why? I'm just fascinated by the idea that someone cares enough to even make the larp post about caring enough to wish they could make me stop taking HRT, and I'd love to understand actually why
It disrupts society, because you, a man, disrupt your sexual function for no apparent reason when you are clearly fit to reproduce.
but I was never going to reproduce anyway, my sex having days were done for years before I started, and technically the option's still on the table for now were I to find myself in the right position in life (improbable) and meet the right person (ha)

so far you have dodged most of my questions or simply asserted a personal discomfort with nonconformity on its own merit alone, so I am beginning to suspect that it just may be possible that you are less than sincere in your concerns or principles and are in fact engaged in an attempt at something of a clever ruse by which way you might deliver insult for its own sake
No actually, I am not trying to insult you.
>was never going to reproduce anyway
You had a girlfriend and you would have definitely found someone if you had not castrated yourself for no reason.
I last had a girlfriend 10 years before I trooned and had been alone since, and again I still have my galls (girl balls) so hypothetically I could change things up for a bit to produce healthy gemen (girl semen) and get a biofoid gregnant (girl pregnant)

but more importantly, why would you care if I reproduce? I have neanderthal tranny psycho genes and largely no interest in being a productive member of society, or indeed in society at all, and I don't think I would feel good about trying to raise a child in the world as it is now without a lot more resource and social security
I don't care if you personally reproduce or not, but we should not encourage this
wait wait wait
if you don't care if I reproduce, why call me out specifically and state that's the only reason why? aren't you just saying you're against anyone being trans at all, or if they don't conform to your standards? your story makes no sense
I hate being a tranny, I wish I could afford SRS and FFS, can anyone relate to this lol
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just an absolute giant fridge brick

i can’t pass, and i malefail at work an awkward amount because i just look like a tranny no matter what i do. so cool : ))))))))
post face faggot
pick any random 40 year old man
mogs me
you look short
how old?
lose weight fatty, also mogs me
Are you opposed to crawling on your knees to me while oinking, and then getting face fucked?
"validity" doesn't matter, take whatever hormones you want for any reason at all, it's don't fuckin matter.
a bit
based and true
I will continue to take feminizing hormones and intrude into women's spaces while inseminating them with my feminine penis
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so what are you supposed to do if you don't pass after 4-5 years of hrt and not passing and male presenting.
have you tried just being a normal bloke?
a man taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror, black hoodie techie, xqcow, shaved face, luka mivsek, sexy masculine, no - pupils, german, bad photo, sick with a cold, eboy, highres, photographic. imposingly tall, after rain and no girls, curled slightly at the ends, looking tired
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just keep doing what you're doing I guess, I mean do you want something different?
i did at one point but now it feels like my life is just on autopilot. i don't even know what to do anymore.
yeah I'm in college I have had an internship for two years, I was an athlete most of my life, I have friends, i have a job, I've had girlfriends. if I could go back and restart w/o this stupid tranny brain I'd do it 100 out of 100 times. I didn't choose to be lile this and it fucking blows i just wanna be happy.
you probably have to ask yourself then, what did you want back then, and why? what changed between then and now, and what do you think you might want now if not the same things as back then? once you have some possible answers to those questions, even if they're not complete or perfect, you can think about what you can do to actually take steps toward getting what you want instead of just continuing on in autopilot and consider how that makes you feel or if it's really what you want

me? I'm just gonna rot and keep whining and shitposting on 4chan for another N years about how miserable and lonely I am while I continue to grow more uncanny and deranged as I slip out of the comfortable gravity well of masculinity but drift still further out into the darkness away from any kind of femininty or even humanity
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she is so cute bros
less cringe in a dress than me
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look at her all dolled up!
so pretty!
mogs me
honestly i don't think larry would be that bad off if he just stopped being fat and got copious amounts of laser.
i mean yeah he'd still be ugly but not especially masculine
or I mean, started hrt... lol...
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She is beautiful, don't insult her.
stop having bdd then?
never seen someone in their 20's actually look 40
i am 19 and I look male
handsome male or ugly male?
idk, do you want an unsee?
i regret meeting her

she’s perfect and everything to me. my life is awful. i’m a piece of shit giant man that will never be a woman, and i’d be better off dead. the only family i have is abusive, and the fact that they love me is just motivation for me to take my life to make them hurt worse. i want to die. i want them to feel half as bad as i do everyday because i’m gone. i want them to have to realize every day that they are the reason i’m dead. i want them to live with that pain

but i don’t want her to have to experience it too. she’s perfect and the only person who cares about me. i can’t make her go through that. i’m unstable and i’m honest about how much i want to die and it scares her. i can’t help bringing it up because i almost hope that one day she tells me it’s okay to leave. i keep hoping in the back of mind that she leaves me and finds someone better. i want her to be free from me so that i can die and make everyone else who loves me hurt. i want someone to take her away from the pain of being trans and make her complete, but i can’t be the one to do it.

i need to die and be free. i want to stop hurting. i don’t want to wake up another day as a man. i don’t want to see her in agony as she tells me i’m not and i cant accept it. i cant see what she sees and it hurts her. and i regress more and more. she praises me more and i keep rejecting everything she gives me. i cant tell her enough how much i love her when my actions dont align with what i say. i cant love her enough to justify all the pain i feel and the emotional pain i throw onto her when her attempts to heal me aren’t enough

i want to be free and its going to hurt her when i go, and i dont know how to keep her safe when i do it
eat your abusive family then kidnap her and flee to a country with malleable local authorities to live out your lives in sin
Ughhh, I want to catch something that I might be ashamed of.
And I did.....
what do you mean catch
I made the bed now I have to lie in it. I'm a tranny like you anon, and I don't know how to cope with it. Seemed fun in the beginning, now I hate looking in the mirror.
I do not pass
Don't let that define you.
I am a man
oh I get it now
When no one is around I sing the smiths in the most girly voice ever lol....
And I am too anon. We all feel like this.....
It's a sick and cruel fate.
I think I will pass after FFS but I don't have the money for it so now I distract myself by scanning public domain leftist (and also generic books) books and uploading them online, so I'm not totally wasting my time
I sing along to stuff I've got in my head or that I'm listening to in embarrassing voices sometimes
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when does being a gigahon omega browbone sigma manmoder end and i get to be normal
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I was never going to get to be normal, idk about you, but it doesn't happen without you making it happen
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The boy with the thorn in his side
Behind the hatred, there lies
A murderous desire for love
How can they look into my eyes
And still they don't believe me?
How can they hear me say those words
Still they don't believe me?
And if they don't believe me now
Will they ever believe me?
And if they don't believe me now
Will they ever, they ever believe me?
Oh, oh, oh, oh
it wont happen. hips too small by 1 inch. ribs too large by 1 inch. shoulders too large by 1 inch
i deadass look 40 lol
shes so me

bitch lose some weight you fucking pass
Mwa mwa mwa
and I know a place
where no one is likely to pass
every woman i see i clock as a tranny. i think it's over, i think the stress and trauma induced brain damage has gone too far
Ok I'm sorry. We can cuddle and make out instead. You're a cutie durian.
If I see another cat girl I think I'll dissociate.
tfw being the disgusting durian :(
wow this is really sad im so sorry everyone :( this charming manmoder...
tfw being the disgusting durian lover :)

im listening to the smiths all the time last two days and i like it
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Will any man ever be able to love a fat manmoder like me?
I feel like my hip-shoulder ratio is too fucked and that I'm too fat for anyone to love me as a woman.
But my boobies.
They won't stop getting bigger.
It's only been 5 months.
Please stop growing.
Please booba, any bigger and my compression shirts won't be able to hide you anymore...
I unironically saw the clockiest cis woman I have ever met yesterday.
Like, if I didn't know for certain that she was cis for other reasons, I would have automatically assumed she was a trans woman.
>HUGE jaw
>Big nose
>Weird forehead
>Deep, masculine voice
It was fucking crazy, she was with her boyfriend and they had a baby so she had to be cis but holy shit did this lady get dosed on T as a teenager or something?
The voice especially took me off guard, like I've met clocky, ugly cis women before plenty of times, but that voice was something else.
i'll lobotomize myself if i have to, watch me
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Any late trooners take antipsychotics?
Can you plz share your experience? I've started medication recently after a long history of alcoholism and weed (both when repping and after trooning).

I'm mostly asking people who trooned in their early-mid 20s and used to rep hardcore because I think I have lots of trauma from that
no way i got fatbodymogged by a bitch 5 months on HRT. I’m cooked
pls stop posting me on the internet, i wanted to quit but i randomly saw myself posted as being from romania, bro stop, i am extremely miserable already and i genuinely want to sui but i can't..
randomly as in i checked the archives for may name and saw it
boo hoo nigger go fuck a goat about it
Probably genetic, stuff like congenital adrenal hyperplasia (adrenals are too big and pump out too many androgens). I knew a woman once who I thought had it but she was too dumb/fickle to look into it further - her hairline was starting to get trashed from it.
QOTT working the night shift, at first i thought that a 6 hr shift 6 days a week would be cool but it has killed my social life, i feel like a fucking hermit bc i need to work to feed my sorry ass god i fucking hate working fuck fuck fuck someone come murder me in my sleep
just stop posting me or talking abt me, consider me dead, if i come back to this bitch ass shithole for some reason, i will come as anon or another trip
god, i hate my life, i wish i could just kms and end my suffering already
I want to put twins in you.
no matter how reduced my emotions get, gender dysphoria will probably never go away since it is probably physical discomfort and i cannot even kms bc i cannot feel suicidal, wut can i even do :'((
goatfucker how many times are you going to post here to get the same answers you always get. you know the way out you fucking imbecile
no feelings, heart empty
I hate my feelings
stop being angy
being angy is bad
giwtwm i still feel too much
what is your end game chudette
this is further than I ever expected to get so I'm already post-game - as far as I'm concerned this is all bonus time, baby, so I'm just taking what I can get and figuring things out as they come
same i guess for me too, it is not like i have a choice, but maybe you can do smth better with your life than be a mmg goblin
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this time next year if I have my shit together and have a job and I'm also not stuck in another downward spiral over my past or getting involved with then blowing up another social circle I'll hopefully be thinking more seriously about SRS and even starting the beginning of learning enough to figure out what I can get and how or when, which might still be realistically some years away if at all... and also hopefully moving somewhere else to live that doesn't suck ass, with its own kitchen that people don't literally render unusable with their stupidity and that I'll be comfortable using with my anxiety, and thick enough walls/floors that my neighbor's mood and work hours don't dictate my sleep schedule

I don't think I've had a good night's sleep in 2 years
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it's all so gay
you are so drunk and high that you should not even hear your neighbour and fall asleep
also SRS is trash and not important, why are trannies so obsessed with a wound axe
my gf left me
we were together for a decade
got in too many arguments
wish i fixed myself a long time ago
don't think I'll ever find real love again
I pull tranny bitches easy
I'm going out tomorrow to legally change my name to Nipplesgreg Wreckagebrother, wish me luck
nope, as a manmoder you will probably never find another cis f
good for your gf, imaginine if you would have sui on her ass, and who tf wants a manmoder, that is basically a eunuch male
legend. hope u have a nice life nipplesperg
I want to move to Berlin and homelessmode.
im aware anon. not gonna sui tho. rest of my life is meaningful enough.
What kind of sleeping bag and other equipment should I buy to be homeless? Is there like a hobo forum?
if you cannot pass, you probably would have been better repping, hrt gives you gyno and limp pp and that is it..
there are so many male prostitutes from romania in Germany
being a male prostitute is not exactly a desirable job. good for them.
I've had sex with 2 cis woman in the last year. And many more messaged me. Get on hrt girly.
how did you meet them?
maybe you are just very hot bro so women overlook the whole dude on estrogen thing
was his mom and his sister and the many other women were his aunts, cousins and grandmothers..
i was too tight and we just frotted instead...
disgusting faggot, kill yourself
I love frotting. I've been too tight most times too. It sucks, but is what it is. Funny cause I go crazy with larger dildos all the time.
my hole is loose so I'm never too tight
it's easiest to take dick when lying on my side though
I usually just can't be bothered to do anal. that's like a twice-a-year thing for me.
I only take real dicks
I don't like dildos
(masc4masc btw)
taking a bath and about to shave my megs, mass, mussy and maint
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>don't take HRT because you don't want to grow boobs
>grow boobs anyway
Listen anon, unless my experience over the 5 months I've been on HRT have been uniquely extreme in terms of boob growth, those tiny little mantits aren't even remotely the same as the big honkers you grow while on HRT (or at least not like the honkers I grew on HRT, again not sure if my situation is especially extreme or something).
he got trolled so hard lmao
Time to smoke a fag (myself)
I wish I could smoke with you. What brand do you smoke? I'm gonna take some nasal snuff.
i'm a marlboro man myself
I smoke american spirit (yellow because blue usually is not available)
hipster gaylord
I'm gay but I am not a hipster (I can't afford to live in a city, I am poor uironically, my parents are poor, and I don't even have a job to affor hipster pleasures)
everyone thinks i'm uncool and unhip
>smokes expensive cigs
you need to get on the montegos or the eagles, save yourself some money.
I smoke like once every few months
I haven't bought new cigarettes in like half a year
I only smoke more when I'm @ the psych ward but I save food money there
All my decisions were horny based
Yet I crave not sex or satisfaction but the comfort of my own skin.
I hate that I have none. I look disgusting. My brain and feelings are too. I can’t connect. I can’t connect. I can’t connect. I am dead
A dead man on hrt. Pretending they can be a woman one day.
It hurts. I’m trying yet not enough trying. I will never even understand what it means to cry. I haven’t done that in a week or two. I’m dead
Alone. Cold. And tired.
I will never be a real tranny or a real woman.
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I'm masc4masc
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I'm masc4anyone
I’m not mentally I’ll I’m mentally unfortunate
hmm today I will steal a car
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I want to go out like picrel
do it pussy
I have really long hair tho :( but I should go out with makeup and a dress
final mantasy
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i want to kill myself. two years hrt and still a man. it’s never going to end, is it? im uncanny now, aren’t i? nothing helps anymore
cute picture, thanks
the cats do be chillin
theyre literally me
you need to find a foster home where you can get shelter
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i actually need to kill myself fr
you have seven lives tho
seven male lives
but you could become fixed
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i am fixed already.
i am jelly
i still take cypro and never will get non-diy-orchi
how long?
3 years. doctors thought i had testicular cancer and removed my healthy-ish testicles. i was a 20 y/o repressor so it didn’t really bother me that much but iwnbaw
I'm jelly :( but glad for you, cypro sucks
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just do mono?
nah I don't trust it
I need to kill my testes
wdym trust
if it doesn't work it doesn't work but it can work for most people with good dosing
it made me smell like man
and did you check your levels and adjust your dose without just removing the aa?
>and did you check your levels
I don't have access to that as I am poor and doctors don't want to help me with that
mono is great
worst ive had is old lady smell
so let me get this right, you stopped taking aa and didn't up your e dose, and your t came back, therefore mono doesn't work? are you an actual child?
I obviously upped my e dose (according to the transfemscience calculator)
butt hurt
>didn't say that when directly asked
>talk with trans friends
>get all cute over text
>they start being overtly girly with their memes
>mfw im an ogre
the best girly memes and vibes are the inexplicit ones. just be subtly fembrained and mog them lowkey
How when Im shown a cute anime girl speech bubble and my body is raped by time and T?
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youre jealous of anime girl trannies? bruh
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get on hsts twitter
high test behaviour
maybe try an antiandrogen
retarded behavior
maybe try not being a retard
No I am jealous that those can reasonable apply to others but never ever me
Should i get a blahaj
Sharks are manly right?
I went to ikea three years ago when I moved into my new place to look for desks, and thought I might get a blahaj too but the shark pen was empty so I think they had all escaped... also some guy started flirting with me then got really rude and stared at me from another car in the train on the way home after he heard me answer and I think that was the last time I tried going out to a new place for something other than a medical/dental/laser appointment
do you think the people posting anime girls literally look like anime girls? do you think they think that?
No but I know these specific people and they actually wear cute clothes and girlmode sometimes unlike me
Ill just order it online and pay the delivery fee
you WILL be a stereotype
i have a similarly sized quagsire to hug instead
nah that's based
>sleeping with any stuffed animal that isn’t from your childhood
ok, weird
My doggie has been with me longer than my parents have been rolf
Are any manmoders gay, attracted to men?
oh, i kneel
yes. yes, yes, hey hi haha heyy, yes
Me too. Bf doesn't want me to transition, put it off two years and it only gets worse, what do?
kill your boyfriend, obviously.
sometimes I find myself attracted to a guy and it catches me by surprise

bf is 31, I'm 23, he's very stable and has a career, I work at entry level service job. we have a nice house. I'm not willing to break up to transition openly
ok? what are you saying or asking?
you're not special
you're a tranny
take your pills
Idk, I'm more gay than trans, or security is more important than identity?
that's nice, hon? are you just making sweeping statements here or what?
get married/civil partnership and make his death look like an accident so you get the house and his savings.
why would you not transition? why would you transition? honestly answer those questions for yourself

if you have gender dysphoria then it's not going to go away, so just take your damn pills and figure out the social stuff later or just don't bother (that's the idea for actual manmoders not socially transitioning but still medically transitioning), don't be a fucking coward and don't ruin your life for the sake of someone else's demands or statements - fuck that and fuck anyone who tries to impose their will on you without heeding your desires they're not worth your time
Not a hon. I'm saying being in a good relationship with a masculine top is worth preserving
then you've already made up your mind, fuck off and enjoy aging as a man before you john 50: huss edition
like seriously what the fuck are you trying to say? you haven't even said you want to transition, all you're doing is basically saying being trans isnt't valid to a people who can't decide for you and you obviously dislike or see is not legitimate in some way
I like manmodeing. He doesn't care if I take HRT, he doesn't mind me passing as female part time at straight festival events. No orchi, or srs !>>37443797
what the fuck are you asking then retard
Why getting mad, asking me what I'm saying, when I'm saying it clearly?
You end up chasing off people by being such a hard-ass
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fuck you
NTA but chasing people out of this general is a good thing
Not trying to be a problem. What general do you think I should post in?
you indicated that you're able to pass when you choose to, so i guess /mtfg/
but really anywhere but here
>Bf doesn't want me to transition, put it off two years and it only gets worse, what do?
>bf is 31, I'm 23, he's very stable and has a career, I work at entry level service job. we have a nice house. I'm not willing to break up to transition openly
>I like manmodeing. He doesn't care if I take HRT, he doesn't mind me passing as female part time at straight festival events. No orchi, or srs !
what would you think this person is trying to communicate or ask? there is one question or call to action:
>what do?
and initially minimal, disjointed context, with context clues or absences suggesting things that are countered by the next pieces of information revealed only when they are pried for - this is a very frustrating way to try and communicate or ask something of someone even in the dregs of the internet, and triggers my autism as I (despite myself) actually want to understand what your problem is and what you're asking for help with so maybe someone can actually give you advice or if there's a joke or some kind of bit I'm not getting so I can get it and laugh or roll my eyes or call you a dumb faggot

you seem to be asking if you should socially transition, presumably because you want to and are already medically transitioning with HRT but your bf doesn't want you to, is that correct? this isn't a place for people who socially transition, so you should probably ask in >>>/lgbt/mtfg/ with the normal mtf trannies
got called a boy lol
zero malefails but at least i look underage
I like manmoding. There is no thoughtful discourse and mtfg it's a clique of little minds
You're suggesting that I don't write well?never was academically inclined. My boyfriend is highly educated and could write to your standards, then he would know what I'm saying. It would not serve my purpose
>I like manmoding.
and that's exactly why you don't belong here
>You're suggesting that I don't write well?
no, I am suggesting that you do not think so good, as you still have not answered the single question I have posed and instead continued responding in the exact same style as a recurring poster who seems to show up and spout the same kind of broken language nonsense while citing the "discourse" here
If you could explain why somebody who likes manmoding doesn't belong, would be greatly appreciate
>broken language nonsense

What does this exactly mean? You can ask me any questions straight out and I'll give you a straight answer
I did ask you straight out, here: >>37444009
>you seem to be asking if you should socially transition, presumably because you want to and are already medically transitioning with HRT but your bf doesn't want you to, is that correct?
Yes my boyfriend doesn't mind me taking HRT. He doesn't understand it but he doesn't mind. He doesn't want me to have any kind of surgery.
and what do YOU want?
I want my boyfriend to love, honor and protect me.... this more than anything else
I'm about to give up on this "conversation" holy fuck you are dense, that is ENTIRELY irrelevant to what I am asking
what do YOU want to do with and for yourself and your "transition?"
We do realize in real life I would not fan talking to me when it's nasty and ridiculing and cruel as you. I know you're just doing an internet thing. You're probably really shy in person.
"I would do what my boyfriend wanted me to do because he knows best for me" if that is an answer to you, you're the one who's stupid
this is the weirdest kind of troll, I really can't figure it out

"I would do what my boyfriend wanted me to do because he knows best for me"

"I would do what my boyfriend wanted
me to do because he knows best for me"

"I would do what my boyfriend wanted me to do because he knows best for me"
>We do realize in real life I would not fan talking to me
> if that is an answer to you, you're the one who's stupid
See, I can be an ass too
you should probably finish learning your own language first before you take a stab at english because you're contradicting yourself and not making any sense at all, you absolute fucking retard - now I'm just gonna have to guess because you still can't say anything directly for some reason, but let me try and summarize:

>what do?
>I want my boyfriend to love, honor and protect me.... this more than anything else
>I would do what my boyfriend wanted me to do because he knows best for me

hey look! you have your answer! you HAD already made up your mind! you weren't asking anything! now fuck off
QOTT: My bf and i aren’t married yet but i am gonna grab coffee after work w a friend tmrw and then i see my bf on tuesday
making chit chat and looking for a reflective response. You have this competitive male ego where you want to always be the intellectually superior individual. I have no interest in that because I'm totally fembrained
wait wasn't that what the STT troll always said
I really don't understand, I just can't wrap my head around this
I'm about to seriously girlmode for the first time at the Renaissance festival. I've forced myself to at this point because I've already driven an hour here and don't have a change of clothes. I've never girlmoded beyond for hookups or a movie with barely anybody in it. I'm starting to have some bad anxiety.. im really nervous.
do you have friends there?
good luck anon i hope you pass :)
looks like a more black / ethnically ambiguous version of that guy from cumtown that nick mullen shits on.
I flirt with gay guys sometimes because gay guys seem to flirt with me (I'm not a twink at all but I'm not super chad so maybe I'm a goldilocks of fem / masc energy). I never go anywhere with it though. straight up got a gay bartender to buy me a shot after I paid the check recently and then just bounced after he went into the kitchen thinking we were going to go to another bar after he closed up. it's way easier than getting girls to be attracted to you desu.
I'm with my ex and kid. I pussied out threw on a sweatshirt I had in the trunk even though it's hot af. I may still take it off at some point if I can't bear the heat.
I mean that's kind of the place to costume up and just beeeeeeee yourself, don't make it weirder by overheating lol
I love gay men probably because straight men scared me, bullying me in HS. I can give many reasons why I'm gay. No reasons why I'm transgender yet I know im trans
donate sharks
>easier than getting girls

I have absolutely no use for girls.
They always try to out-femme you. Why would I want that?
Youre right. I took it off:)
I'm so close to trooning.....
I'm full of honfidence rn.
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PSA if you're manmoding out of fear but really want to honmode you should just fucking DO IT FAGGOT
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It's going pretty good so far at the festival. I'm definitely more aware of my looks and how people are perceiving me(getting a lot of stares), but honestly it's not as crippling as I thought it'd be. I do have a couple beers in me already though, and I haven't drank since last years festival.
>and I haven't drank since last years festival.
then make sure you take it easy
youre so OLD
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make my laser go faster then
I will, this is the first festival I haven't been smoking weed. Usually this is my time to get fucked up, but kinda taking it slow this year.
>hazzah to the HANDSOME tipper!
It's over
Proud recipient of the Nigga Please Award
need to chop off my tits and twinkmode boys. it’s necessary, it’s happening, i can be a beautiful sensitive young man
honestly props to you. when I was with my ex she tried to encourage me to do fem cosplay with me at cons for the first couple years before she realized I wasn't ever gonna leave manmoding. what you're doing takes more strength than I have
aww, you should have taken her up on that...
Thank you, I'm super surprised I even am doing this rn. It was a last second decision, but I'm glad I did.
repressing gender, representing self-harm, you repper
its scary :(
so we have a larry being whiny as usual
a fucking retard, unbelievable even more retarded than me when blackout drunk
"manmoders" not honmoding just for their facial hair...
did i miss something?

lose weight and your boobies will reduce in size too, a win win.
yes i know losing weight is a pain in the ass and have problems with it too, still it's the right thing...
dubs and I set my house on fire
how come nothing ever feels good?
dubs and I set the world on fire
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new: >>37448382

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