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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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previous: >>37432948
is this weezer
bottom face
quit being poor and buy a self-driving car? idk
that's rivers homo the singer of Weeeeeeezer
why is /int/ full of actual femboys?
they just look like teenage boys
I don't know why, but grey, dreary days below 70f make me so happy, nostalgic, and mushy. Fall is the only season I like.
omfg I need this
they make me nostalgic too, which is pretty funny because i grew up in a place that doesn’t even experience fall
what's the difference?
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i like it this way desu

i'll just come back as an onryo and slither out of your tv :3
It's just so nice. I'm not much a fan of the sun. Give me dreary. Toast the grey.
>>>/int/202796888 #
would racetrait... :0
chasergen is dead
ill just have to cope by dating a fem twink with long hair instead of pursuing my chaser dreams
Theatre gays
Who would've thought the mentally ill prefer their own...
bugpeople horror is such a comedy...
your vagina is scarrier
wtf is that last one raving about
uhh i wish i could sing this high
all the people i could annoy
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rate face
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thank you king :3

i wish you were nicer to me, anony :v
and i don't have a vagina. i'm a proud owner of a penis :3 tyvm
9/10 beard
profile is 4/5
frontal is 3
cuban conquistador
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>i'm a proud owner of a penis
In your eyes (In your eyes)
Deltoid love
In your smile (In your smile)
Deltoid love
In your kiss (In your kiss)
Deltoid love
If I had one wish love would feel like this
(Love would feel like this)
there's too many transbians
and there's too many straight trans with bfs who just blogpost
and the other trans just BDD post

the chasers just get confused and attack themselves
and then there's obsessive shitstirrers like gayjew/jerome etc
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it never ends with the accusations for this guy
because it's /b/ for yuropoors which tends to attract the most underages
Whats on your mind, boys?
can't believe we have an unironic chaser itt, what happened to this place
unconscious guys on ketamine
Your beautiful Russian cock
Too much for me, I'll just kiss a gay dudes wiener.
russian broomstick sex
i wouldn't call myself a chaser
im just a bishit
I'm trying recreate funyuns at home. Recipe coming soon.
It was never the same after the Feetening of 2023
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will you be nicer to me if i post my dick? i'll even add a hole pic on top! :3

everyone is welcome here ^w^
just got all my pics taken down from the archive
is there anything better than the smell of ballsack?
>will you be nicer to me if i post my dick?
if it's a nice dick yes
>everyone is welcome here ^w^
Welcome in that you're allowed to post. Feedback will likely be negative to a degree that makes you question why you posted.
you're talking about Timur, right?
who's timur?
russian pooner invading gaygen like russia invaded ukraine (unsuccessfully)
He's that guy
I was getting depressed watching a series that reminds me of better times, now I have half a mind to strip clean my AK, it might be a healthier thing to do.
have you checked out other places gays chat on the internet?
I hope you live somewhere on Putins nuke list.
1 day old cum under foreskin
like where?
ill be the bestest dom top you have ever known!
Yeah. They're not as interactive, and they ban you for saying nigger. This is the least gay of all gay spaces online.
there is no filtering when phoneposting...
putler is a pussy, he'll never drop the nuke, he knows it's over if he ever does
yes I play FFXIV
people who use putler give me the heebie jeebies, true psychopaths
putine is a pussy boy who knows his place and would never launch a nuke
there is a forum but its dead
reddit is TrannyCentral niggers too
trip on timur
Head back reddit
͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°
He cute
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>true psychopaths
>the heebie jeebies
they all look under 18
Gotta toss my tendies
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its here, amongst us, ready the bloodtest like in the thing
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has some cute guys
would fuck them all, but particularly Russia, Finland and Spain
Bad news, I didn't succeed in drinking myself to death last night. I did, however, throw down some really transcendent dance moves while alone and drunk in my apartment that I wish you coulda seen. The good news is that I'm quitting drinking now. I had my fun and now it's out of my system. Not another drop of alcohol will enter my body from this day forward. I mean it this time. For real. Honest. Pinky swear.
>boring body
>micro tub
>dirty underwear and CROCS swept behind the door
>some garbage bin
The horror! The horror!
you'll never make it to the 3rd chip, tex
that's not horror
Buddy, let me assure you, alcohol is the slowest death ever. Also, you learn to love the high, and it makes you not want to shoot yourself. If you're honestly looking for death, alcohol is the worst choice. Just pull the trigger. It's better than getting stuck here as a drunk.
>>boring body
( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
he's from croatia, maybe that's just their standard of living?
Strike me down for my hubris of doubting AI when I double check my math… but I swear this bitch is wrong
how old are you?
need to work on the whole wanting to fuck a vagina thing
>seemingly normal college guy
i miss bishit
I'm your dad.
That’s larry / bastian
esl moment
measure the extent of a dizzying descent down the anal staircase
>Also, you learn to love the high, and it makes you not want to shoot yourself.
this man actually telling truth on 4chinz
If you have a nice ass I’ll be nicer to you, yes.
lmao ESLs like you are pathetic and retarded
>Just pull the trigger. It's better than getting stuck here as a drunk
Nah, hard disagree. Spending your life abusing drugs is way more fun than just ending it right away
Right after I pay my respects to the vultures, for they are my future.
why are gay brits really into the farting fetish?
I really hate to agree with you, but you make a fair point. As awful as addiction is, it's also a rip snorting good time when it's not a waking hell.
Whatever you say kiddo.
It's not as great as you make it sound.
aren't you mixed-race? you're just as bad as any ESL
It is tho
Well, i guess you'll just have to find out. I doubt I'll be around when you do, so I'll just say "I told you so" now.
who do you think i am? lol
lmao even
have fun ending it early you quitter
You're needy, whoever you are.
you know who
in my lonely life i feel alone
i feel alone in my life in my home in my life
lol call xer fatherless and xe's gonna spazz out
I'm not ending it, nature is. Cheers fren.
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question: why havent i seen this thing with a dildo attached fucking a tranny? or has it already happened?
womp womp
Chodes are beautiful?
You take a toke of crack rock or something? No rational person would say those things.
literacy gap relationship
yours is
>rational person
oh sweaty... :3
didn't ask, faggot
Well, it is not as much as it is. It's not the right solution, it just works. I would never, ever suggest to somebody that they should get addicted to drugs or become an alcoholic or anything like that. When I say it's fun, I'm being facetious. It's not fun at all. But it's also a great time. Addict logic doesn't really work the same way as normie logic. It's got twists and turns and makes up its own rules. But you probably knew that already.
Those things are $75k, I doubt trannies could afford that.
Why you say this?
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that'd explain it, they're subhumans
>I would never, ever suggest to somebody that they should get addicted to drugs or become an alcoholic or anything like that
But we could all tell, little boy.
there are prolly some onlycucks with some money, could lease one kek
I do that every time I see their trip pop up lol
I fucking hate that retigga
weirdo fag fucks
hey guys, racism is not cool! knock it off (ง'̀-'́)ง
All the twinks in faces of /int/ make me feel really ugly :(
oh shit those pics are nsfw... fuuuuck abnned again
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shit wrong pic
Are you making chocolates?
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>no armament
>no IFF system
>not completely autonomous
useless piece of junk
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I mean it's kinda hard to "make" actual chocolate but ik he likes galaxy so gonna get a couple of bars of Galaxy and melt them down and pour them into these moulds >>37436739
yeah, that thing is a meme without a usecase
donkeys works much better
That's nice. Solid chocolate or with filling?
Yeah sorry. Cringe is what courses through my veins at the speed of love.
you have a worthy cock
I love getting filled.
whjy is there a v*gina on my screen????? in my homo thread??????
that one's too far
get out
I'm like a guitar with a broken truss rod, you can't see it on the outside but you know something's broken when you try to play it for a while.
this blatant violation of the rules can not be allowed on a blue board, where are our saviour janitors when we need them!?
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How come they decided to make those flimsy ones rather than those big ones? like it seems better for use as product. be it delivery as it could probably hold more and for services like Mountain rescue/military can hold more supplies.
Spot only seems good as maybe a security robot that could guard premises.
Solid chocolate
Did you make these? They're kinda cool.
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used to draw
could you imagine if nothorny got permabanned
why did you draw roastbeefs?
who are you? don't reply to me again
imagine being a disgusting bisexual, tranny, or chaser
makes me wanna puke
You should temper it and fill it with good cream filling, if you know what i mean.
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wy not?
is that a possiblilty?
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if there was ever something that cements your gayness it's seeing one of those monsters
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Left or right????
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they hidin
You should start again. Do you draw anything else or is genitalia just your jam?
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pic is me when not coomed for 7 hours...
hey that's the university that i went to
i mean it's not bad but also, not that great either
organs of mass destruction
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bro, a proper artist is his own worst critic
its not 'not that great'
i dont even konw where to begin describing how fucking terrible it is and im ashamed to have it on my harddrive...
what did you major in at oklahomo university?
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why are gay black men like this?
business and finance
I graduated in linguistics :0
Why are black people still so scared of coming out of the closet?
aren't most blacks homophobic?
i don't like non white ppl besides Asians, but they're kind of white in a way. we should kick everyone out besides whites and Asians
trip on bleagle
when i was in my leftist phase i tried dating a few black guys but they were always overly fem and had stereotypical gay mannerisms despite looking masc
left has FAS
I'd let right fuck me and then probably shoot him in his sleep through a wet pillow
gay black masc guys just don't exist in my experience
are you me?
I don't know.
only s. koreans and japanese are acceptable
Why would you shoot him? :(
>besides Asians
let me guess, you're into twinks
smiley face kill freaks me out
i don't even want to see smiley faces in public
or i will feel like im being gangstalked
Most are devout Protestants, and Baptists in particular aren't generally fond of gays.
I accept this correction, but I had a huge crush on a girl named Stephanie who was born in Hong Kong, in high school. What about that
sounds like you should sui
Mostly yeah, but I just don't like brown people desu. They actually give me depression
i want crypto to be banned
im tired of getting these crypto spam/phising emails everyday
can't actually, i have to drive to pick up my bf in an hour because he doesn't drive. if I sui he'll have to walk his liddle legs, and i don't want him to have to do that
>I had a huge crush on a girl
i'd make my bottom walk home
remember those killer clowns back in like 2016 lmao
have you seen aboriginals? lmao
she was so cute, and her parents were rich and she had this self deprecating humor about herself. you had to have been there
Hey butty, I'll have you know I went to ART SCHOOL so uh... Ya know

I think its cool. But I'm also a hack and a sucker for anything that's a bit different I unironically enjoy some of Gothic King Cobra's music, so that probably says something.
he's coming to my home
yeah what are they exactly? they're like The Thing, half man and half rocks or sth.
keep yourself safe buddy ૮( ´ ꒳ `)ა
Would you fuck the Mexican if you saw him at a frat party?
I dunno, man. I think you should keep at it.
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should i even bother telling my family i'm bi if some of them openly talk about how they hate lgbt, that it's a mental illness and not normal. the same person often jokes by saying "you're not one of them are you?" his sister is a lez, so it's kind of confusing to think that he supposedly loves her but doesn't rrspect her or her gf but won't say this stuff to her face
yes, ruin christmas this year
>Should i let my family talk shit about me indirectly for the rest of my life or should i grow some balls and just admit i like boys?
maybe try a rope
why can't bis stay contained in their own general?
i was thinking of trolling them by using slurs which is out of character for me, like, "god i hate faggots, they ruin everything" and then later on casually bringing up my bf during a convo
>trolling them by using slurs which is out of character for me, like, "god i hate faggots, they ruin everything"
epic troll anon ૮ ・ﻌ・ა
They probably already know which is why they bring it up around you. You should kill all of them.
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thanking god everyday i was blessed with being born gay instead of bi ૮( ˃ ⤙ ˂ )ა
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at least we bi are normal
horror’s looking good
why do i even bother trying when you're all just newfags like this guy
i have a pair of shorts i got when i was 16 and if i ever stop fitting into them i will kill myself on stream
Imagine if you were on Grindr and you found a guy and it said that he's 2 feet away and then you look up and you see him right in front of you
we can just be cuddle buddies, you don't have to take my hole to be my bf
how old are you now?
i'm too busy imagining you thinking this would hit before clicking that post button
I hate tiktokers and love the smell of gunpowder in the morning
I dunno I think that would scare me.
"૮( ˶•⤙•˶ )ა
Happened to me at a club with a qt chink twink
We ended up at his place and then stayed together for 3 weeks, he would've wanted a LTR but I was on holiday and I don't do LDRs
It's probably the only reason for me to keep using grindr but I had no luck after him
he's a 10 but he has a 30 year mortgage in Asheville NC
Delta and Anon were swingin' on a vine
Sippin' from a bottle of orange double juice
Anon lost his grip and a down he fell
Squared himself away and he let out a yell
Aaayyy yeah
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Don't touch me.
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you try too hard
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Im sadge
still can't believe just how fuckable is haribo
at the end of the day, nothing is better than a snuggle
isn't he a kid?
he's only 18
esl moment
he's 23
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And "I love you"s that are genuine.
I looked at the gay dating Reddit and man, it’s just grim.
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a thread hasn't reached bump limit after 5 hours? gaygen is truly dead.
sup tex
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gay death
tbf I think tex is more fuckable than haribo
no me from maryland chevy chase
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i miss >blessed with being gay-core.
side with him against trannies and slowly warm him up to the idea. once he learns that most gays are pro 100% total tranny death, he'll be at least tolerant of it.
tranny in mutual friend group keeps on flirting with me (omg i'm a gay man too1!!1!!!!! sorta shit). she's 'stealth' to her work and some of the group. would outing her as a sex pest fujo ruin my social life more than hers? do i just run?
what show is this?
i would laugh my ass off if his daughter ends up lez or poon
pls stop posting me on the internet, i wanted to quit but i checked the archive and saw myself posted as being from romania, bro stop, i am extremely miserable already and i genuinely want to sui but i can't.. i am unemployed dysphoric good for nothing loser, tf do you want from me.. i suffer already..
meant for this
You aren't gay though. I thought you were asexual
>omg i'm a gay man too
that means they're not trans, they're a gay man. they aren't stealth so much as they're riding a social trend.
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most would argue it is gayer to have romantic attraction to men than it is for sexual attraction.
i don't remember.
????? I'm talking about a female tranny, not a male one. She is just a confused straight woman/anime porn addict who is obsessed with her yaois or whatever. People irl believe that she's male, so i want to knock her down a peg and make her cry a bit. Turns out we went to the same highschool and my yearbook has some pre transition pictures that i could send to her friends who don't know. Most of them are libshits who would hugbox her anyway (omg you're like, so manly!! I'd never even guess that you are trans!1!!)
you are mega gay
you sound petty as hell, are you sure you're not the woman?
>find dudes on gay apps with good strength potential
>tell them my kink is getting fit with guys
>trick them into getting into shape
>ghost them now that I've completed my mission
>move onto next guy who needs to be gaslit into taking care of himself
he hasn't even posted many pics unless he's a discord whore or something
tell her friends that she asked you to have piv sex with her whille dead naming her and that she must really identify as a woman seeing as she gets off on being validated as her sex assigned at birth.

blame the failings of feminism. if a woman's worth isn't decided by the size of her breasts, then removing them doesn't make you a man. that was the whole thing to support breast cancer survivors. they're not less of a woman for having a double masectomy. they're a warrior and those are her battle scars.

these kids. ya spoiled 'em. spoiled 'em all rotten.
odds its over
evens were back
double odds, heh
did you miss his unsee album last thread?
what would you eat in diddy's prison?
let's be real:
they get fed better than the food you get homeless shelters
he got pissy when someone called him a dicklet
>coffee only on the weekends
I'd probably pay someone to shank me in my sleep
was he?
cut? uncut?
don't act like you above suckin dick for cigarettes
he's had a fat uncut dick, probably 7.5-8inches
I don't smoke
size queens act like the great american challenge is normal.
what you gunna suck dick for ramen noodles?
what makes a bock
I'm loaded, I suck dick for free
it's just a normal 6 incher
buddy, the scenario was you're in prison with diddy, an alleged freak. in prison your money don't matter.
The way I see it, its pretty intuitive. If you didn't want beat, you wouldn't be gay.
it looked big when i saw it
idk i just know it's a dark lager named after a goat, and shiner "bock" isn't a real bock. they're supposed to be very malty and shiner just tastes like a regular lager with caramel coloring. hardly any malt at all.
you're right. i want them to beat me off.
I have no idea who diddy is, I was baffled by the menu. Serving coffee on the weekends only is a cruel and unusual punishment.
>in prison your money don't matter
Did you not watch Breaking Bad?
shallo & texanon would be a cute couple
they are both the same age
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i grabbed this today its not bad i like amber generally
in prison coffee is a treat
but most likely it can be abused
do you really want to deal with wired coffee addicts fighting?
my dad drinks this, it's just like shiner. "american-style bock" just translates to "amber lager larping as a bock" and it tastes like a regular lager with notes of wet pennies.
so i am yet to have a bock
>do you really want to deal with wired coffee addicts fighting?
I'm a lawyer, I do that on a daily basis
tbf i am not even a fan of german bocks anyway, except doppelbock and maibock. i am just autistic about american breweries calling their basic lagers "bock." drink paulaner's doppelbock, salvator :3
all i know is bocks are some german shit
big hairy bock
>t. pooner

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