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damn is this why ive never been cheated on i thought it was the implicit threat of murder/suicide
True. I cook Cuban food once or twice a week and my bf loves everything I make. We'll have been together for five years this October
Maybe, but I don't have the time now
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I think... you just made me gayer.
Why are all bisexual posters so mentol
i need a new black queen
U cant convert gays with black women, they are all racist
Accurate but not just because of the food. If you're the type of person who puts the care and effort into learning the skills and making a meal the right way and making it really good, then you probably apply that mentality in other areas, too. If you're sloppy and lazy and you'll eat stuff that tastes like shit rather than making the effort to get it right, you're bad in bed and bad in a relationship, too. I have no respect for people like that. NONE.
beastiality is not allowed, reported
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Oops I'm gay again
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i hate bisexuals too...
I'm straight now
ok boomer
Cooking good food for people you love is the best feeling. I also sew, bake, decorate, and maintain houses well, it's too bad that since I can't get pregnant no one wants a workless boywife, so I have to career grind and live my worst life instead.
uh oh here comes the seething
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Who's this asshole
Xanthippe is the doxxanon, he is from south africa and nazi
Calm down Jerome
another one of xanthippes alts. notice how she likes to wait til new threads to use different ones
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Sounds exhausting
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*blocks your path*
I added ya.
i need him :-( i can treat you better than your bf bucks
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Hi! Ask me anything (again) \m/
- J
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Sis get a bottle of lotion and something to exfoliate with, wtf
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He looks like a genie that would grant you a really sexy wish
What the fuck. What's wrong with him
you're exactly correct. It feels nice that someone would care about you enough to cook for you
post hole?
is your hole hairy
How far along are you in your transition? Your hands pass at least.
Why would i?
Santino/ xanthippe started hating on marea btw, he likes to manipulate the tripfags to hate each others
Every successful relationship needs a plant gay and a cooking gay. My bf is a good cook but he gets so stressed out/needs my help when cooking that I do most of the cooking. However he loves decorating the place/keeping things tidy whereas I mostly don't give a shit if the walls are bare. We balance each other

I guess you guys think I’m a pooner? Idgi
Will you please go away? :3
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Are you obviously gay? There's a guy in one of my classes who I could tell was gay the millisecond he first entered my field of view. He wasn't covered in pink clothes and makeup or whatever, but you know... you can just tell.
Why not
So you don't have flakey dying skin all over your toe?! It's good for your face too?? You're gonna age like warm milk.
what does it mean if someone wants to "go french" on a meal?? all this terminology confuses me
santhippe hates on anyone she's intimidated by/gets more attention than her
I'll be a good trad boywife. I'll stay barefoot in the kitchen and cook food for me and my bf... if I had a bf that is
It probably means to fuck it up since French cuisine sucks
it means to go halfs on something i think
Split the bill.
no >:(
- J
but you cant cook... the idea is to learn before you get one, not on the job
it means you dont shave your armpits
That’s going Dutch
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What do you suggest? I'm on my feet a lot. Keep it simple please.
hm. fuck it ill just ask what was meant

just about everyone assumes I'm straight for some reason
Im turbostr8 passing with a beard, but i think i look a lil gayly without one
post hole
Once we have reproductive cloacas with implanted wombs our fantasy will be achieved.
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Should I expose him?
so one plz post ass
Straight people are clueless so that's a bad assessment but I don't ever go out of my way to conceal my sexuality so they are usually surprised when I casually mention my boyfriend
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yeah fuck that transsexual rat with multiple personalities
top? bottom? dick size?
Im back :3
How tall
Hemoroid reveal when?
Vers, 5 inches

I am really afraid of doxxing, he’s very weirdo
i hate tim cook
did he harass you in dms too?
she started the whole cross necklace trend
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no hole?
I already know how to cook already though, all that's missing for me is another boy to eat with me
>he's very weirdo
bottoms usually are
Pretty bucci
I made beef patties the other day but I forgot to add the thyme. still good though
Alright, I'm gonna need couples costume ideas for Halloween. Something that very clearly indicates who is the bottom and who is the top
Rick and morty
He’s more powerful than me I will stay silent
this would be good without the star
who is next on the /gaygen/ chopping block :)
Can't. Too reddit
That's where the roid is. It doesn't bother me, I like my ass, but you aren't missing anything.
Sherlock and wsttson
it clearly bothers you if you won't post it
idk but im glad bucko ended santhippe
i love my bf :3
i wish his sex drive was a bit lower tho :/

Does anyone like small dicks in risky locations?
hi beenie how’s it going
damn holy uppity argentinians
its part of his larp lore :3
only if i get to seduce the henchman before he chops off my head °w°
i don't think santino and xanthippe and apostle are the same people
I wish i had a big dicked bf with high sexdrive :C whats ur secret
pretty good thanks, still loving life etc
how's things with you
yeah you said that last thread santhippe good thing no one asked you what you think
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where tf is bish
i know i was bad and wasn't there for several days but his kisses would just taste as sweet
third sentence to make it look like a haiku
Do you consider snails and frog legs "good cuisine"?
Are flamers valid or should they be pressured to conform?
Listen Linda
dude...so risque... people walk out half clothed out of techno club toilets
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American NB are cringe
the french haute cuisine is starting with monarchy and the mother sausces, not some extravaganza
the french formulated the taste fundamentials and stole from eryone else
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just manifest it sis :3
i met mine eventually at an cosplay event out of all places where he cosplayed as a knight uwu we then exchanged numbers and went on a couple of dates before SEX uWu but yea the right one will come eventually queenie also just be confidence and dont be boring
Learn some punctuation and grammar
I'd totally act gayer if I wasn't 6'0 with broad shoulders. It's not nearly as charming seeing a muscular 6'0 guy wearing makeup as a skinny twink
i like them they just need to be more demure
After you can pass basic algebra classes the first time babe
Omg ur so nice acc, tysm ily :33
as if thats gonna help to make a monkey understand
know your place pleb!
learn how to be less of a bitter incel :3
woahwoahwoah sis! wat r u doin kek
drag him xd
>I'd totally act gayer if
Another homophobic excuse made by a lying repping biscum for whatever reason.
>responds twice

Someone iz mad
do you shower in the night or in the morning?
Flamers with high charisma are one of our strongest forces. No woman can resist their humor.
oh no xe forgot to take off xir trip
Night, why would you bring gross day germs to ur bed ?
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I'm not bi :/. I've never even kissed a girl or gotten off to the idea of sex with a woman
its called changing your clothes and bedding :s
it's so furry
Huh? You can do both.
night, morning showers sometimes
how's Delta doing I haven't seen him around in some time
nooo ur allergies from trash like santhippe is acting up
you shower in the morning daily and change your bedding once every week :s
you also don't wear your germed clothes on the bed :s
stop itz
Identity Theft!
You almost got it right, just switch showers to night.
You really sit here waiting for someone to mention you? You total fucking lose holy shit
all the better for hearing from you :+)
delta needs to go
I had dinner and was in the bath for an hour and just turned my pc back on
odds i kms
even i keep on struggling with this
hell ya, i just need to buy the rope now
i take a shower in the morning daily and then make my bed. if you take a shower at night you will just get all the germs back again once you lie in the bed so you gotta change your bedding and make sure to exfoliate thoroughly during the shower :3
do white guys like filipino guys?
lmao you haven’t posted in the last three threads and randomly show up when you're mentioned. that's a bullshit excuse. get a life or kill yourself already delta. stop wasting up space and hoarding fraudulent government assistance off your mother
I am invincible bitch
no, i HATE woef i hope he posts nudes
Your bed wouldnt have germs if u didnt put ur dirty unwashed body in it.
not since they kicked Lara out of MNL48
actual gays who r allowed to post:
anon with shaved hole bit not legs
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oh this was you
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this is the perfect relationship
it's not about germs anyway, it's fats. shower time doesn't really matter in that way. I shower in the AM cause my hair is fucked up otherwise
would my therapist help or am i wasting my money again
last time i wasted my money
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trying to come up with a guitar track but i went to some thrift stores the past week and was able to find some old college yearbooks to buy
i love how guys dressed and looked back in the 1920's
the human race has become such slobs :/
Anon with shaved hole but not legs?
This thread is false. I literally don't give a shit about food. I've eaten at Michelin star restaurants and all I could think about is how I wasted my money and how all that fancy food would be turned into shit in a matter of hours that I would then expel. Food culture and cooking is the lamest hobby. If I could eat a healthy, tasteless cube every day and never have to worry about eating again I would choose that instantly.
I do
I remember a video of a mostly-nude fashion show from there I saw in like 2010
I posted a video of me getting fucked in the ass here awhile ago. Why do I get a question mark
were you playing with yourself?
I haven’t posted in the last three threads because my computer has been switch off and I've been doing other things
beenie just happened to make that post shortly before I arrived
damn u did? im a 2 months newfag
pls tell me you wash your face and floss daily :s
you don't wear the same clothes before going to bed lol

yup that too. it's just generally better to get a nice shower to wake up and be ready for the day
right, oxford comma or somethink
I wash face and floss daily. Who wears day clothes to bed??? Showering before sleep is just superior in every way.
gotta clean ya bits

surprised me too
maaan, i know but its not a pooner at least, so what can u do....

there was also another anon i gorget
Huh o.o
man, there was a brown dude with unseen post, had shaved hole lol, but legs hairy
freshienon exposed
Im not brown.
women r dumb, bro, night shower jerkin
what can i even do besides crying into a corner, i go to my therapist suicidal and no advice, is just idk keep on living i guess, wow, nice advice my ass, i will only to make as many people as possible suffer heavily, fuck you all motherfuckers, i bet you will scream like a pig if i stick an knife in ya(in minecraft), it is not like i enjoy living or have anything to fucking lose
i have never met a filipino who dresses really nice
>wearing clothes to bed
dont say u r spanish =P

i forgot spider? small dick
I wanna hug you
Why does he browse "r/askgaybros"?
why don't you want to smell good when going out? if you have longer hair it's much better to shower in the morning and you are cleaner instead of waking, dressing up and then heading to work straight away.
pennis pennis pennis! i need pennis uwu
Im just white c: superwhite even
i wish you would record yourself crying, maybe i'll add it to a song i create..
daily showers are a meme imo
I smell good when going out, your metabolism slows tf down during sleep, so you barely sweat.
I'm not allowed because I'm Russian or because you think I'm female?
oh u like penis o_O
/int/ hates indians, he probably just wants to troll them
could you explain why you choose to come here instead of your own gen? terrible list btw
He meant to write pennies....
if you have a particularly physical job it wouldn't be
black hair says otherwise?
Chalamet is so disgusting
only like 2 or 3 good posts in this thread
you can do better than this
i workout and don't shower on the same day
It annoys me when bottoms touch their dicks
Its not black tho o.o
woman, u r not russian
jesus christ just stop it
i hope my bf doesn't leave me once he realizes i'm a sub bottom
bottoms should just cut those useless things off
Same, if a bottom tries touching his dick i beat up his plushies
whats my gen? dont say bi, asswipe
thanks man, i appreciate
why would you even enjoy that
maybe i was drunk then
post cock
be more creative
be more gay but not sexual
killed the fucking thing

based coin collector

>fervently inhaling through nostrils.webp
his grindr dox was posted before i remember seeing it but it doesnt phase him
he has literally nothing in his life except a dying mom he uses for govt gibs
I dont rly like my cock
https://unsee cc/album#hU9ZIRsAFgUk
is it too straight for your tastes? go rape a woman somewhere else, third worlder
y? would tongue under foreskin
small balls kek
Yeah, i wish i had bigger balls :c
i wonder how happy people feel, it must feel nice to be gifted a good life
huh? biste behindert?
Omg teach me german :3
prison or suicide, i feel like smth is going to happen soon
getting filled with dick makes me very happy..
i remember someone posting your grindr profile and then saying you live in a really rich area next to a golf course and mansions
Dont doompost larry just talk to ppl at ur uni, you are quite likeable, judlst open up
sprich teutsch du hurensohn!
Ich kann noch nicht tho :c
fuck through the target
so lonely uwu
What happened to Orion?
it makes god very angry tho
what are you looking for out of /gaygen/?
no ones going to fly to wherever you are and hold your hand
i feel like you're looking in the wrong place for someone to give a shit
they really aren’t. since the body naturally produces oils and fats it’s healthier and better to shower daily instead of falling for the once-every-three-days shower myth. besides, a lot of shampoos and shower gels have vitamins in them that protect the skin longer and disinfects it from bacteria. showering at night is fine if you went to the gym earlier or had to do a lot of physical activity. morning showers are superior :3
from drag race?
i want my top to call me a fag while he's ramming into me, i like being bullied
ur first lesson is to translate this song

its based on the factum that the christcuck church led a literal crusade against proud teutsche bauern on german clay and killed thousands

death and hatred!
Night showers are superior in every way.
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The tripfag Orion
not where I am
some natural fat is good
wasn't that texanon's twin sister?
the sentimental bond that a bottom has with his top is unbreakable
thats them? no idea who that is. i remember a guy from discord that went by orion
Delta please pin me down and fuck me until my hole is torn open all the way to my balls
agree to disagree, then. getting up and taking a cold energizing shower or a hot soothing shower is one of the best feelings ever
Es hat zu viel neues worte fur mich aber danke for recommendation o.o
soldier in mask as profile pic
Yeah cuz ur body is happy to leave your disgusting bed.
Your dick is okay
yup not arguing against that but it’s unhealthy in the long run if you don’t shower daily
Thanks c:
brain scrambled egg, but still, living best life
but that would hurt you
ewww go away
it has nice words in it, rare and beautiful
wont find it in modern cuckmany kanaken pop
I need to get the common understanding first tho o.o
I do this but I'm the top
I just like learning and gitting gud at things and having people trigger that pavlovian response by praising me
wish a cute filipino poster would post a sexy vocaroo in their native language
You're getting boring luv
So ur in the closet?
the germanest of german sing alongs
yes it is you had the grindr posted deleted from the archive and all mentions of the town you were in lol
my body is happy after a nice shower :3
also my bed is very clean despite my boyfriend using it more frequently than me when he comes home from work and wants to lay down.
i only speak english
>big dick small balls
literally perfect
You cant see the germs and dirt how would you know that its clean, esp if your big bulky, massive cock bf is using it ( im so jelly )
you didn't grow up with your parents speaking tagalog? or watching anything in tagalog? very odd
your larp was never interesting
They go too fast :c
there's council houses
Tyy why is it so hard to get someone to suck it AAAA
I want Zelenskyy to hate fuck me so bad.
i like the full feeling of a big dick stretching my insides, it has a calming effect
How do you feel about being gaped as a bottom? I rearranged my boys entrance last night ngl
Why did the thread suddenly die?
maybe you just haven't found the right guy yet
you know who tired out of the trolling but she'll start again soon
Where is he hiding tho :c
anon please, have mercy
Sometims it time to slut up or nut up
xan won
-at getting btfo every thread she posts in
keep your trip on
jerome fundamentally altered the structure of conbot's brain, i’d say he won
Shut up santhippe
if you see my toes curling, that's a good sign.
Gaygen winners list I'll start Skunk
ok but we split the bill on dates
would you like fries with that :)?
Sure idc im so alone :c
Yes pwease
i need HOLE
lol the most middle class looking council houses
you aren't poor you're just pretending to be on here for some reason
the ones who never tripped
need blc favela monkey brazilian bf
vers tops are cute because they act like they're not total bottoms in disguise
don't know what you think a council house is

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