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save me vers latino cowboy
>posting files from your ip range has been blocked due to abuse
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indian guys are so sexy
clearly iranic
need me a southern boyfriend to show me the ropes
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Tops need more flirtatious emojis than just smiling face with horns and smirking face and occasionally winking face with tongue. Bottoms have like twenty. I know that everyone who works in the silicon valley emoji mines is a bottom, but they should represent all of their customers
Anusol smells like chocolate.
What do you think about all the flooding lately in the US? Have you been affected? Multiple states have no water, power, or internet in some areas.
Global warming is a hoax and anyone who believes in it is a sucker
It sucks? What else do you want me to say?
it really does
hes not even using his own photos and you guys never catch on to all the larpers
wow you’re right, i checked my most used and all three were there. you did miss the red sweating face though so four
Emojis are turn off.
aah >.<
Do you think politicians have had a bit of a slow/delayed/unenthusiastic response?

On the one hand, I don't think taxing companies or regulating pollution solely in first world countries is going to fix anything, but on the other hand I think a planet with a rare environment habitable for life produced by its atmosphere might be affected by hundreds of years of burning fossil fuels. Not that I think wind/solar are viable alternatives. Maybe nuclear is, but nobody likes that one.
to be expected when you don't take care of infastructure
a lot of these dams are so old and will give out eventually
Red sweating face is a bottomcoded horny face. I won't judge you for using it because we don't have our own horny face. Bottoms have like five or six emojis for arousal alone

We need a second presidential debate and I need to know which candidate is gonna do something about this
I thought I was imaging things when I had to use it (for non-gay reasons), it smells just like the chocolate from advent calenders.
Trump 2024, the true president of America
Because they haven't given us the right tools to make your bussy self-lubricate with a string of wordless symbols
Trump, 1946-2024, he will be missed by few
I don't need faces or symbols to leak.
Delusional seething at its finest
Homophobia is not the true enemy if the top's rights movement; it is bottom-privilege, the indifference of those we should be able to count as allies

You should be ashamed of yourself
what did you post?
blatino pics
Build the wall brother!
trump will kick you and relatives out of the U.S., you aren't american
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Ask me anything
I’m born and raised cali country boy brother
https://unsee cc/album#UtJpoMswdKND
Why should I?
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why aren't you doing roids?
is that you?
Because I go to the gym 3 times a week & look like that. Are you fat?
Do bottoms get the ick?
lmao no you don't
i too can change the time on my phone
Whatever helps you sleep at night
I have swum since I was 3 and did gymnastics and track throughout school. Now I still go to the gym 3 times a week, that is not a particularly impressive physique to achieve.
I'm a manlet sis.
>circumcised cock
I wonder sometimes if women make circumcised cocks the norm to desexualize men so other men can't truly enjoy them out of spite
now post arms
oh wow look at lil' hercules over here
i want to give my love to someone special
He's so clearly gender dysphoric.
i want to steal someone's heart
not again xan
I feel so inadequate
i want to get ice cream, like rn
i sleep well on my stomach
i don't have a potbelly
Yes, and just like the statues of Hercules made 100s, if not 1000s, of years ago, no steroids needed for that physique.
Woah nice
me too, but i don’t know how many more times i can take being wrong
I don't think at all
what response are you expecting, it blows and a lot of the damage could have been prevented if American politics weren't criminally retarded
All it takes is one of them being right and all those other times don’t really matter as much brother. You either push on or get left behind in the dating pool
whatever you do don't give your love to a sissy
how anyone can even be attracted to that phenotype is beyond me
just date a real woman or a real man
Sissy was Mexican wasn't he?
i don't know who that is
Better off, he was very embarrassing to witness.
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i guess the european posters are the blood of gaygen that keep its moving and americans are the clots
a Canadian-American white guy invented basketball yet only blacks ever play it now
too depressed to post
Shorts , ewww
Shirt, meh
Face, good
Ass, good
Height, perfect
On all levels except physical, I am woman.
Wrong /gen/
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Will the army let you have a boyfriend ?
AI slop is the #1 indicator of AUTISM
me & haribo (post tren)
do you want to go on a date?
Jup a tah... Venus a who////?
depends on your height and what you do for work
it really isn’t gay if you’re the one penetrating
She was my favorite trip. I liked how unhinged she was, the current trips are all just depressed e-thots
It's not a sin to bottom because in catholicism anal doesn't count.
so true sis
THe only differents between you and the boohoo is order a chinese foo.d
Kissing a man is still a sin sis.
i will see two round male asscheeks peeking out of the bottom of a skirt
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Such good dinner.
why are you eating with your gun? you can’t be that lonely
Russians must always have a gun nearby in case the urge to commit suicide becomes too strong
I can't cook. I'm fat.
In catholicism nothing counts because you can literally pay for it not to count.
how many have you killed with your gun?
I only have 3 meals I make repeatedly. Bolognese, curry, and bbq chicken wraps.
Piggy forced to work in the naked gulag mines BALD
I wouldn't ever kiss my meal, tops can keep wishing.

Do they have a subscription service?
How fat? I might like to feed you :x
Very nice. Looks tasty.
i miss ai piggy his laughter rolled through the realms shattering the illusion of separateness
Sentimentally I am disposed to harmony. But organically I am incapable of a tune.
Chicken and you wrap it in a tortilla and dip it in bbq sauce.
My story is one of resilience, perseverance, and a deep commitment to serving others.

Proud husband and father
Small business owner and employer
Child care provider dedicated to our next generation
Earned Masters in public administration

I grew up in one of the world's largest refugee camps, dreaming of the kinds of opportunities I can only find elsewhere. 15 years ago, I came to america, where I have worked every day to make the most of the opportunities according to me here. I will put that same drive and energy into leading in the legislature, so I can give back to the community that gave me so many opportunities. I will stand up for what's right and work with anyone with a good idea.

We all deserve access to opportunities to pay the way for a better life. Thriving small businesses, safe and connected neighborhoods, smaller class sizes and more school funding. Secure, affordable and stable housing, affordable healthcare and prescriptions, access to reproductive care.

I am America's best friend and I would love your vote this November.
no, don't speak for me
is that your polish last name?
Chicken cut into chunks, mixed with a full container of some generic bbq seasoning, then cut the chunks into little slices and put them in a tortilla with cucumber, tomato, peppers and red onion and a bbq sauce of your choice
are your sneezes loud or soft
Twist on the classic BBQ chicken wrap add corn or ranch dressing.

Loud. Like a hatecrime.
For some reason my dad does small loud sneezes 13-20 times. I count them every time he does it. It sounds like he has weak lungs or something and it sounds painful.
A lot of old men try to close their mouth when they sneeze which messes with the pressure so you just end up sneezing more. Bad for your ears too.
i need someone i can be corny with
Oh wow. That sounds nice.
hi innit
He's definitely doing something wrong, it's not normal at all. It sounds like "ECH... ECH... ECH... ECH... ECH..." instead of my "ACHOOOOO".
I am a fried garlic bread.
i rarely sneeze or cought
It's pretty good, this is my fourth day in a row eating them because I make sooooo much chicken at once
If half the tops itt were mine I would whip their asses raw. I can't believe bottoms itt put up with these disgusting, pitiful men. They should all have their cocks flogged, frankly, I want to see them in terror when I rest the toe of my foot on their cocks. I want to see them squirm fruitlessly and break. I don't even think I would give them their pay off, I just think the helpless expression of a broken whimpering pig is the cutest thing God created and that's all I need to feel joy. You should all consider yourselves lucky not to be choking on my cum right now, because these other bottoms have let you have it too good for too long.
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I was sitting by husband.
I tried once, it failed, i don't want to die anymore.
Thank you, it was great.
It was free thing from previous job. They had multiple cups(?) employees never pick up.
you type like a pudgy little piglet
lol ikwym
Soft, I don't like being disruptive or spreading germs
it's getting over
the moon got a moon boyfriend for itself and bish is to be my drifting moon
no im so cringe and dumb
Locktober is coming
replacing the bottoms prep with chinese counterfeit ozempic
you don't happen to be in Illinois?
might be this guy's who died in a crash with other members of his family :/
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Which one are you gaygen?
i've never been in a relationship and i've been volcel since i graduated college in search of spiritual enlightenment
cat cat cat cat cat
You’re sexy af
awww kittieee
I'm slender and firm, and you are going to be slender and firm when your cock is locked for speaking back pig.
Damn bitch you shit with that fat ass?
kot :3
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Damn bro. I never met who has the last name.
All the gays in California vs all the crackheads in California. Who wins?
should I make marble cupcakes?
do you keep your fupa smooth
Yes, then post pics of them. But hurry, I'm going to bed soon.
But also I like being a hoe, anime movies, plants, and Marx in that order.
i know, its interesting how things all connect
Neither I guess
cat but more animals in general
Crazy if it's him. How did you find that case specifically?
nice airsoft, poser

Sure do :3
just a hunch, and the last name is very rare, like only 300 in the U.S. have it
i wish dom bottoms actually existed
i typed dobosz on google and some of the first links are about a crash that killed him, his wife, and children in 2022
kill yourself faggots
sorry, I'll be making them tomorrow
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I would smash and slide your face in my own mess for talking like that. You'd be dying for a sip of air burried in my cum slicked fupa, pig.
is this supposed to be "slender and firm"?
>timur cheats on his husband
6'2" nurse
Is this what you fap to?
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Well then stand on bidness and go fupa for fupa.
Aww thx anon
I don't match one
>I was sitting by husband.
Did you marry insecurity?
who is the asian guy? did you use to have an asian boyfriend who went up to your eyebrow (but not higher) or bestfriend or something?
Where are my autistic strategy games and hiking?
Do gay dudes get into guns for the same reason as middle aged hetero suburban dads?
why are you guys so fucking cancer online?
you gotta be demons
I've never seen mean girls
why do you feel that way about our posts? what posts specifically?
have to let it out somewhere
cuz ur fat
you shit up every fucking board on this shit
you are leigon
Imagine thinking a pig with an ugly cock could cum inside me on a normal day of the week. The best you could hope to impregnate are the soles of my feet or the floor of your cage.
the homosexual is legion
and not man
lmao what?
>implying it's real gun
>implying it's not a prop to grab attention
>implying he has a husband
>believing anything a tripfag says
I'm not though
the homosexual the legion conscious
and not man conscious
For peace of mind, and fun to shoot.
and it is making me real fucking sick
you ever wonder why a bunch of jews had pigs around for jesus to drive legion into? wake up
Cute baby.
gay man is legion conscious
not man conscious
I know it may be difficult but I'm going to need you to stop thinking about babies pidor.
I opened up my consciousness by fingering my third eye.
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you're a trans man
why don't you ask ftmg?
>burglar gets in
>you screech as you pelt him with 6 mm plastic pellet
if you hit him in both eyes you might have a chance to escape before he robs you of your virginity
She's so perfect, she's dramatic and sassy tho, idk where she got that :x
She's also an LGBT ally

Everyone likes babies, they are cute and helpless.
if I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?
a queen, a stan, a mother
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facial recognition is powerful
stops a larper in their tracks
(but also could be used to pretend you have knowledge you don't really have)
Only a man who hasn't sucked an uncut cock would think cut is better.
i hope all you pimeye detective freaks find full-time employment and a boyfriend. literally fuck off.
Imagine showing your face on 4chan.
well sure it is stupid. but if you scare the lolcows off this place becomes fucking reddit
Oh no I want my virginity in tact
this is a thread for men
the only requirement is you have a penis
Hey bottom, hey bottom, we can make it easy if we lift each other
Hey bottom, hey bottom, we don't need to keep on one-in' up another
who cares
this place already is reddit
come on feet, cruise for me
how the fucking shit do I kill margit the fell omen
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kitty ^^
which poster needs rape correction the most
Me by big hit Ukrainian soldier.
not necessarily me but i think i could really do something with it
Weapons of gigi
Tex: empty bottles of beer
Delta: a neck beard so long and resilient it can be used as a piano cord
skunk: some knives (without loicense) and a toilet brush
Timer: toy gun, heart attack on a plate
Sissy: knickers, snakes in place of hair, the putrid stench of death
Kuurst: German sense of humor, Stielhandgranaten
She's so cute! I love the tabicos, her white toes kill me :3
I can't believe you forgot tank's.
Fuck you, I eat healthy except for small treats.
Piss bottles
I would snap your dick like a twig, I'm a different beast, you're not matching my freak
Did Sam die? I hope he did. His selfies were bloodcurdling.
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I recently take this one into my care.
blu: smelly nappy pussy
definitely hyacinth
Do tops like frotting small cocks? I'm like 5ish inches and skinny.
blu could've trooned and become tranny psl god. black incels are great at being women
the rapings will continue until morale improves
her mother died methinks
leave a nice message for blu
My cock is smaller and yes.
fuck blu bitter hateful little cunt
need a white boy to rub cocoa butter into my feet
I like that gaygen night-time trolls now have to resort to trolling trips who arent even here. Poor lonely pathetic bastards.

Thats right, squirm, fuckers.
She looks so young, she wasn't abandoned was she? :c

Insanely cute, I love potato size and the ears are still limp :x, I want to squiiish
Gaygen likes shit talking people who are here or not. I don't understand the fun in it.
do you really think he searches for mentions in the archives?

hey blu what's up
you put a lot of effort in caring about these generals ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
blu is too high iq for the posters here to understand if it wasnt for social promotion half of gaygen would have flunked out in middle school
I'm a nurturer but I don't like race play.
the real me ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
i don't get why you faggots try to pathologize the users of the big bad freaky website instead of starting a whatsapp group chat for your tranny cat rescue and rape kink discussion??
They are broken and socially incompetent. They cant converse here either. My guess is that they are so socially isolated that posting here is the only way to practice and remember their own language.
blu is nappy headed :3
>tranny cat rescue
There is litter with stray mom cat. She didn't show up for over 24hrs and the babies were scabby from fleas. I decided to take him in (kittens are in someone other's yard). He still has no teeth and poor vision.
If your top likes you, then he'll be open to doing most things with you, unless it's something disgusting like scat
I mean, tops already eat bottom asses, so what's the harm in dick cuddling even if it's with a smaller cock?
Trip on, Delta
Yeah look at all this effort.
nappy headed et pharaoh
Drag xanthippe
Hope your mom is rotting in hell where you belong blu xoxo her skin tone matches yours now
ohmygod hahahaha
seething lol
you guys are awful
this is a 7th graders idea of mean what stunted your development
These gens are either dead or shitting on each other, i don't understand why wanting better is bad thing. But what is worse is that i keep trying.
we try to match pharaoh blu's idea of deep here sisma :3 she only knows middle school edge
That's so sad.
>No teeth
Are you bottle feeding him? Looks and sounds like he's around 3 weeks old, poor baby :c

Idk why I let my insecurities get the best of me sometimes, I'm gonna just ask for it next time.
FUCK. i wish i was an american their cops get to actually do shit
Poor things. Thank you for taking them in. But are you sure you can handle all these cats?

Turkey has feral cats everywhere. People enjoy them but unfortunately there was recent talk of a cull like the rabbits in Australia.

Just some vids if you get bored later



i got ozempic for the low
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Yes he drinks from bottle. It is tedious because he doesn't latch. But he's doing great so far. He purrs nonstop and wrestles with me already. I didn't know they did this things so young. How old is your calico?
Eh, you'll tire of it eventually. Oddly this place only retains appeal once you stop caring about it. It just sucks because they keep running off good posters with their creepy stalker bit and endless flaming, presumably out of jealousy. The ones that just tease get lost in the mob of literal psychopathic basement dwellers.
Thanks for videos.

I only took 1 in.
Oh thats good. I once lived next to a cat hoarder and it was sad. She was an old lady and had some dementia. So she could barely care for herself or the cats. It was a big place and absolutely the whole place was swamped with cats everywhere. They seemed happy enough but I have no idea how she was feeding them all. But then I guess she didnt do much else. I did some garden and pool work for her as a teenager and there were cats on every piece of furniture lol
>they keep running off good posters with their creepy stalker bit

what good posters have been run off, because i'm pretty sure the ones who left no really cared for or liked that much
Gaygen doesnt like anyone though.
how come you have no issue when xan spams "blatino" pics?
or when this bucko personality spams his weird ass photos with splotches all over them because its not his photos and he knows they can easily be reversed.. he goes out of his way to cover up tattoos because he knows they can be traced back to the actual person hes stealing the pics from lol
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That is sad. There are many stray cats here. I rescued one... I tried. He have many things wrong with him. But I take him to vet and found him sanctuary for cats that are unlikely to get adopted. But he pass away in his sleep only one week into sanctuary life. He was opening up to humans and other cats. His last week's were happy, at least. Pic was day before i took him in.
why would he complain about himself?
She's a year and a half. I had her from 8-20 weeks, before my uncle took her back from me, and then he gave her up 4 months later, like literally just traumatize me for nothing.
why didn’t he give her back to you
Liking cats is extremely tranny coded
cats spreading into the new world and killing native species is very similar to what trannies are doing to real women

remember when bucko tried to pass this image off of as himself earlier? i do
Obsessed! Your mind has been fried by the larps you engage in so often. Real people exist here
When I said mood and specifically didn’t say it was me when asked, and confirmed I was uncut not cut like the dude in the picture? Congratulations you found the source of a reposted picture
you literally told someone it was you dumbass
Find that post then
He did in the end, but like he was just trying to get rid of her. I had to hear about it and reach out for my cat, that he knew I loved! He was in town for a month before he came to get her, and I was having nightmares about people stealing her it just felt kind of careless.
you knew exactly what you were doing by posting it, there's nothing to prove, and you chose it specifically because the guy had boots on
So you admit I never said it was me? Then shut the fuck up. You lost
What a pos. What's her name?
I wish you’d be brave enough to do this on trip but you never are. You’re afraid of everyone seeing how stupid your jealousy and delusion makes you look
no cus spill
Miss pancake one day I want a brother for her named toaster strudel.

I just call her stinky/stinker though and she thinks that's her name
I love it. But how you came up with it? I miss pancakes so much.
>first time was with an intact cock
>latinos aren't typically my cup of tea
What do I do? I literally hate this country for cutting all these perfectly good dicks up.
another image you posted and hinted that it was you bringing these ugly flowers to your bf


oops..and once again you pretended as if it was you to those who thought it was...

am i a creepy bitch like you? maybe
but at least im not a loser using other peoples photos to gain attention
Kill circumcisers. Behead circumcisers. Roundhouse kick circumcisers into the concrete.
t. Ethnic Jew
Alright I lied about some of the pictures. Now go figure out which ones are actually me brother. I’m still gonna post
One of my girl friends suggested beef stroganoff, but I think breakfast foods are cuter so I came up with miss pancake.
First dude I was with was an American white guy. Cut. Next was an Aussie, uncut. I was hooked. My boy now is cut so plus for me
i dont care which ones you are bucko, cody, florida teen top (18), florida teen top (19), daniel (25) from myrtle beach
whatever you are you have sick motives that i pick up on it and don't like it...
You're like Dexter but for doxxing 4channers, do you have an approved list or are they all bad?
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Anything else pussy?
gaygen vtubers
>His last week's were happy, at least.
Well thats good at least. You are a very kind and caring person. Its a better world with you in it. :)
I’m creating the niche now anons gonna be piiiised you’ve just solidified my rebrand
>I miss pancakes so much.

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