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Angelic Twinks Edition!
Saint Michael protect this thread from evil!

agents of evil:

threadly question: what evil are you banishing from your life for Michalmas?
Is this a stealth apostle thread?
no just a silly boy that likes obscure holidays and cute twinks with angel wings
sorry it says "evil" 3 times the "agents of..." was supposed to be lucifer but I was trying to get past the spam filter and I thought maybe it wanted discussion of lucifer to go on /x/ so I took him out idk if that's what finally let the post go through or not
having a duel with >>78964719
post in the thread you think should win!
Nigger you didnt even add the #
I had a tantrum about this like 3 years ago
giving this thread my blessing because i hate tripfags
>what evil are you banishing from your life for Michalmas?

I quit smoking, last cig was I think 3 weeks ago.
Poor jonah getting thread mogg'd
i'll let them have this one, it was made before.
this was made before! it's only understandable and fair
understandable honestly nonny
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Hm today I will not be targeted or demoralized by semirandom antagonistic posts on /r9gay/ that realistically only reach a few dozen people who weren't going to change significantly anyway
Whats your escapism cope, r9gay?
getting rejected by virtual dudes after I get rejected by real dudes
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bunnymutts warm yellow delicious pee pee splashing on my face
Masturbation and music.
Oh and maybe youtube videos
I use escapism like videogames and reading to escape the escapism that is doomscrolling and jorking it which themselves escape from other stuff like hopeless romanticism
I don't know how many layers down I am in yet
having autism
i feel my depression creeping up again
what happened to logic man. everyone just uses thought terminators over and over. no one is open to actually thinking anymore.
like everyone complains about there being no meaningful dialogue, but then when its their turn to participate they just revert to thought stoppers whenever an uncomfortable question gets asked.
ask me an uncomfortable question
i wouldn't know what to ask. how about you proselytize to me. convince me of something important to you, i'll ask clarifying questions.
gaming. writing. masturbation. moodboarding
well first we would have to disagree on something. i dont know that we do.
thats not true. you probably have a different perspective on the topic even if the main gist is in agreement.
What do you write? Gay erotica?
how do i un-escape
nope, just my thoughts on how i'm feeling. little things that are happening in my life, about media that i've consumed, what i want to happen. stuff like that really, nothing major or interesting.
crazy I've been neet for 13 years now doing nothing every single day. how time flies eh anons?
thats pretty crazy i guess. hope you're at least satisfied.
Start reading self-help books like "learned optimism"
Start working out everyday
Get a hobby, preferably something with sport or martial arts
Learn social skills from books like dale carnegie.
Did all that a year ago and now I am "much happier"
>hope you're at least satisfied.

haha no...
never knowing what you want always what you dont want, innit?
i think as people age their life gets worse as a baseline. so it could be that you're less satisfied now, but maybe you would've been even less satisfied in an alternate timeline. who's to say.
need to stop procrastinating.. banish procrastinating qwq
How would you feel if your fbf sneaked a peak at your diary and writings?
I know what I want
I want to want :[
I banished the evil of alcohol from my life by drinking it
just got my math homework back and jumped a little when it said 49/ in the score before realizing it was out of 50
I accepted that I stay a loner for all my life and before I get sick and old and have to go to a hospital I shoot myself
fuck off you weird troon
id be angry. like seriously angry, my bf can go through my phone if he so desires but my diary and writings are off limits. those are extremely personal
Even when I'm not-quite-journaling to myself I struggle to describe events clearly and accurately out of a persistent paranoia
nice thought terminator...hypocrite.
no escaping is a good thing, if it comes from within. i just feel like i should come back to reality and idk help pepple or smthing. people are dying...
alright here's a hot take. i dont think there's anything wrong with hypocrisy.
I need escapism. can't imagine living without it.
doesnt that terminate pretty much every argument
sexy professor?
not really. most arguments aren't about hypocrisy. even the ones ostensibly about hypocrisy aren't actually when you drill to the heart of the disagreement.
hes not very sexy. but hes ok. hes from the same country as my best friend and he has autism. he teaches the content so thats good enough for me.
i had a math professor for logic that was a pierced fit shoulder length hair skater guy always in oversize tees, cargo pants and sandals.
i had one who was called mr anderson like in the matrix and he was bald. this one time i was walking to class in the morning and i saw him out in the courtyard. it was cloudy, but when i saw him the clouds parted and a ray of sunlight shined down onto his bald head and it gleamed. this is a for real story, i'm not even exaggerating anything. he was really good at teaching, one of the best i've had.
Need a comfy film to fall asleep to.
watch rear window
no watch his girl friday
he already watched my suggestion because i was first and better
Anyone else really turned off by butt stuff and just wants to rub dicks together?
everybodys seen rear window fool.
so? i rewatch rear window all the time.
I'm not really turned off I just know it's a lot of work
I see it as more a means of stimulating the prostate than I do as actually fugging the butt, the same way you might do so externally
so to answer your question yeah I like the latter more than the former
you should watch his girl friday, or the lion in winter, or theater of blood
no i shouldnt
stop terminating my thoughts.
*blinds you with my camera flash*
heh nothin personnel
anon thats still ridin with biden is my actual fbf
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Bunnymutt feet but anime
Hate to admit that this thread feels wrong when story and meow aren't posting. I hate you new nigs.
i can miaou if u want me to...
Bottoms like it in the rear gross disgusting faggots die
what does it mean if you have a friend whose really nice to you on discord but mean here on 4ch*n?
shut up and stop posting this dumb bitch
things are going so fast now. i can just have an entire breakdown and recovery in my head in 5 seconds.
this is the first time ive posted this (i think)
idk though, this thread is a lot like a treadmill going nowhere so it's possible that's not the case
oh wait was that supposed to be meta
do i care what it was supposed to be? i do, it's my weakness
I think Anon is just messing with you, don't worry about it.
yah I figured that out later but I'm very slow on the uptake
ty anono
i would say my top 3 hitchcocks are 1 rear window, 2 vertigo, and 3 psycho
back from the pool party. i went for free. i noticed plenty of guys looking at me. one of them was following me around but we didn't talk to each other. other than that nothing really happened. mostly older dudes in speedos. i think i would've preferred a public pool. thinking about donating plasma soon.
quaff down its lukewarm pus
I miss quaffing down room temp cherry syrup
Hello, how may I help you today?
put me in touch with the right faeries
I don't trust you to do that tho
Wave your magic wand and make me unsick please.
I prefer asura bfs to angel bfs
I don't think it's worked out well for me so far
thats it. the worlss gotten so shitty that smokjng weed isnt fun unless youre deep in a wolderness. gonna be soberchilling and nofappinh from now on, unless im in the wooods.
Even if you're being facetious, I feel it
i just trying to have a good time and they have to keep reminding me...
stupid fucking ukranian PIG texted me AGAIN asking to meet late at night. i'm so mad that i said yes because i just want him to stop wasting my time
I think both barafags and twinkfags are equally obnoxious

the irony is that it's probably harder for a barafag to find someone because only about 10% of the population lift at all, and the 90% of those people that lift look like shit anyways, and then you still have to manage to find a gay dude in that 10% and he just happens to like you

not that it really matters but those specific preferences will keep you down whether you're into one or the other, a lot of really likeable and sweet people out there that don't fit into your categories
thats true or real life but on the internet where people are fapping, what actually happens is they get more and more narrow in their preferences and end up at one end or another...
brown boy desperate for BWC
he's cute and he's showing interest and we have similar interests (gaming). he kept my number saved for 8 months. if we don't like each other than that' that.

i'm still wearing my swimming trunks.
now hold on a moment here, ukes (lol) aren't huwite
I dunno
I "like" barafags because they help gaytekeep online spaces with their disgusting ugly pig men but as already stated it isn't always a muscle thing either, especially on this site it's fat fucks
people who profess to like twinks without any of the negative trimmings (you know, groomer shit) aren't nearly as common outside of like, /y/ which has its own problems because of fujoshit and even the common image of a promiscuous dude is usually gym-adjacent and not skinnyfat frosted twinkies

people are allowed to have types
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Made a chicken casserole today. I haven't cooked for a few days so it was nice to have a meal. Now its getting cold I might start doing stews and soups
i think the steins gate guys look good. okabe and daru both.
found out today that mario is canonically isekaid into the mushroom kingdom
yea i only got isekaied into teal life a few years go
I'm a barafag and a very large minority of men in their early to late thirties are hot as fuck
for some people it's just genetic I think
not fat bastard bara, but like, builtfat
hot gentle giant protector who can bear hug you and handle you in the bedroom
it's really not uncommon for men to be masculine in their prime
but overall I agree and I was harping on something small so apologies for that
if someone conveys a personality that I find attractive through their aesthetic, their body type usually doesn't matter
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need a bf to cuddle with before i anhero
you should go antihero instead
the suicidal urges are still there but you combust them instead of acting on them
it's very edgy but also, very effective
wait.......be evil?
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Just finished watching another enjoyable episode of Penguin, I really thought they'd fuck it up but so far so good
someone who only has a superficial gaze won't be able to tell the difference
and someone who pretends to will, and will also use it against you
and in doing so they reveal critical information about themselves
so i finally met up with the ukranian. he got a buzzcut and wasn't as handsome as i remember him. he came off as very immature and smug and dimwitted. his speech was very slow and slurred and he kept looking at me with this stupid grin. he brushed off my questions with vague non-answers. i don't think i'll respond if he texts me again.

i realized today that if i can't get a job and can't get a boyfriend, then i should pursue my passion. my only real passion is video games but those are pretty costly. for some reason plasma donations pay more than whole blood donations so i'll be doing that from now on. there's this one spot that pays a couple hundred on your first visit but it's pretty far and i don't have bus money currently.
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should I watch the penguin or transformers one first?
does anyone wanna play nuclear throne mobile with me before i shower
how are they donations if you're paid to donate
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I haven't seen Transformers One but I hate how it looks so Penguin would be my pick
separate it out. if you like the narrative elements, get into writing. if you like the game mechanisms, get into math or cs. if you like the imagery or sound, get into art.
if you're like what this population is supposed to represent, you're probably a hard introvert who's trying to go outside their comfort zone, so the collective effort to create a video game might not be your thing at the outset. but you can independently use some of the relevant skills to communicate something comparable via a different format
probably a dumb post because I take everything too seriously but whatever, go fuck yourself if that's how you feel
his passion is playing videogames dumbtard, not making them.
and here we go
god fuck you
I think it's implied that I was extrapolating that into a productive framework
jesus fucking christ
what won't you be hostile about
i think the closest i ever got to anything creative related to video games (excluding warioware diy) were some sprite mods for necrodancer and high quality video game rips. i liked ripping so maybe i can try composing some original songs in warioware instead of just making covers. i also want to buy a switch.
why would he want to make videogames (hard) when he likes playing videogames (designed to be fun). you need to suggest a job that is designed to be fun like playing videogames. suggest he becomes an hr consultant or realtor or something like that. stuff that is stress free adult daycare, not stuff that requires effort and tears and crying and staying up late.
because that's unfulfilling busywork for normalfags and I think for the people here, knowingly participating in those systems is even worse than doing half of something that you actually care about, even if you fail
might be projection though, true
I don't follow thread personalities, so forgive me, but are you the guy who posts music sometimes? it's really good if you are
idk how to make that into something that pays but you're definitely talented
no. i wish i was as talented as him. sorry.
literally everyone here is a normalfag. you are all normal humans. you are not grey aliens. you do not come from mars. you live in a human house and eat human food and speak human language.
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I reinstalled deus ex. Going to try some of the mods and take a break from space marine until the next update releases.
>he doesn't know (or is pretending not to know) that everyone who posts here has some amount of alien dna and that this board and especially this thread is a social/psychic experiment
psychic experiments lain
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>you do not come from mars
bullshit next you'll tell me women aren't from venus
boys go to jupiter to get more stupider
girls to got venus to get more
ah shit, sorry
I meant to be motivating, not the opposite
it just means it's something you can do because you have real evidence that someone else has too
covers are how you get the technique down and once you do that you can express what you hear in your head
I wish I was in your position cause I'm the opposite, could never learn to play music for shit and I'm not wired for that, but I always hear it in my head
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>tfw no bf because I'm an idiot who would sooner swallow his tongue than talk to anyone
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I have never heard of this movie the only Hitchcock I've seen is The Birds. is the 1998 remake any good? because that one is free on Tubi, I'm surprised the original isn't on there because they have a decent amount of his work and I have been meaning to check his stuff out
Tubi has 3 versions of HGF, 2 are an hour and 31 minutes (one is color and the other is b+w) and the other b+w one has and extra minute (an hour and 32 minutes). think it matters which one I watch?
i had some rips approved on ttgd but only 1 got approved for siiva. not saying which but it's a deltarune rip.
story is probably lurking and meow is really eepy from all of his lectures about how bubblegum hubbabubba activates the same neurons as when getting fisted by an elephant on dmt.
sounds like the typical tourist. they come here to get there frustrations out dwai non.
so everything south of a hurricane gets blown back to summer? this is good information to have I'm still in rainworld for the past week and today was the worst.
> i said yes because i just want him to stop wasting my time
if this were true you'd have blocked him like you said you were going to or at least muted his notifications
that was not it, definitely not
they had been posting here for awhile
I think it was a ploy, deliberate confusion
depending on the game that's usually fine, but not with this one
florida has 365 days of summer a year
yeah that's the kinda bara I like too. but the only bara that get's posted in /y/ bara threads are the ugly bastard baras with the huge thigh thick cocks that would fit right in with orctober if they were green. imo that is just as bad as the twinks that are so skinny they look like women or like holocaust victims, either extreme is disgusting to me.
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Its starting to get cold out so I hope other people have stopped buying all the ice lollies I like. Last time I went out there were no milk lollies and I was disappointed
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did a meditation to Saint Michael, it was already midnight but it was more about commemorating and personal wellbeing than anything mystical so it's ok. I lit some candles and incense and said the prayer on wikipedia than meditated for 5 minutes but I still suck at it. I took my trash from the can and about half a bag from the floor but didn't fully get the room clean but I will banish more of this mess today (sometime after sunrise)!
yeah I know how you feel, the grocery store is always out of shotas when I go :(
wait, your store has shotas?
>sooner swallow his tongue than talk to anyone
do it and then flirt with the ER nurses. they are all gurofags though. every single one
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The last three boxes of rocket lollies are now mine, no milk lollies but I am satisfied with what I have

If I knew how to flirt and there were more male nurses I would consider giving it a try
This thread has gone full schizo lately. It's honestly worse than having huebot spam. It's worse than meow melties. It's almost as bad as when dreaded pooposter was spamming.
Just pirate you stupid moron lmao. Everything is free if you know how to Google.
I really wanna make my friend my boyfriend cause his relationship is failing and he's really cute and kind and hears my autistic interests.
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Just one more ytp before bed I told myself an hour ago, must be some satanic black magic keeping me awake
I will be doing straight conversion therapy...
yeah, straight up gay conversion therapy
hehe... i am tired of being loveless gay. nothing I do is clinical anyway. I only watch love movies with straight people more objectively. At least trying to look at it in a way.
I really want to fucking fap so bad I haven't even touched my dick in almost a week now but if I do it it's just gonna numb my brains and I'm not gonna be able to be nice and sweet to the guy I'm talking to
kill him.. get your hard dick and fuck his brains out drill his skull and fuck the hole
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you're making it so much fucking worse I'm gonna go lay down
pyscho max when are you boys going to realize that psycho-maxing is the way.. only a fickle boy feigning gentleness can court you. ultimately you have to end up killing.
>tfw cold
>tfw no high thermal mass bf to keep me warm
>culture warrior on twitter calls godot woke for no reason
>godot says "ok we're woke then"
>everyone freaks out
woke is literally a trigger word now. it's the nigger word but for conservatives.
its crazy how in a few years conservatives went from 'facts over feelings' 'words dont hurt me' to 'dont say that specific word or else i'll go into a blind rage'.
its a university day. i dont want to go
day 5 of nofap and im miserable. what are these powers im supposed to gain. like what else am i supposed to do play video games?
literally jealkous of hobos at this point like i just want to sleep
>like what else am i supposed to do play video games?
>tfw no cute polish bf
ive already played every video game infinite hours. now what. write a book?
the era of books however is over im pretty sure. posting here is basically like being ovid.
would u shill for me? id shill for u. even if u suckt.
>tfw no racist jamie bf
I really had the feeling to rape you earlier but it went away for now
did i give u teh ickies

understandable im pretty rank
no I just don't feel like raping someone 24/7 you're okay
ill have to try harder....im not sure i would like to be raped. unless u just mean stolen and ticklled til i nut.

i drink tea all day out of the same stained cup and uhhh...i fart a lot i think? one of those things u forget abt when youre alone all the time. then u just fart standing in line at the store and youre like hmm thafs kind of uncouth...
Any schizoid gays here? and I mean schizoid not schizophrenic.
i met a schizoid once
i think its not diagnosed much so even if you had it you wouldnt know or care
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I think I might be, never diagnosed but fit the profile of little interest in interacting with others, little interests, flat affect, etc. I do still want a bf though so I dont know if that disqualifies me
are you suicidal and underweight
apparently they dont like eating. thats weird. me and my friend both dont really like to eat, i thought it was pretty normal for people to be like that.
wow thats kind of disturbing, the more i search the more it seems everyone likes to eat? are you guys just constantly happy whenever you eat? thats crazy to me. how can you even feel sad if that's the case. you eat every day.
I mean I personally don't enjoy eating specifically because I dislike having a full stomach but it makes sense that eating makes you feel good since survival and all

I have a severe caffeine addiction though, eating just means bloating for me so I do it as little as possible
food fills the void in my heart but only temporarily
This looks like Light is about to piss on L
>tfw you will never get to see what bunnymutt will look like right as hes about to piss on you
I would assume most people here are schizoid.
>tfw you will never see the pathetic look on canadian simps face as he licks your feet
Sleeping honestly
why are u so obsessed with someone that doesnt even post here anymore
Reminder that bunnymutt and canadian simp, two of the most prolific simps itt, don't post anymore
>reminder that, i am dying and probably on my last threads
>reminder that
>tfw no bf
stark reminder that the simps always die out and fail
its looking grim for simps
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I don't feel like doing anything but I don't really feel depressed either
>thread "personalities" stop posting
>hangers-on continue to discuss em
but hwy
>be someone instead of being a nobody
>nobodies start looking up to you and care about your whatnots to the point they keep discussing you after you leave
could be worse could be poo poo posting instead of pee pee posting
Probably stockholme syndrome or something.
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>have a false appearance of being extremely popular
>people get scared off of even trying to be friends with me because of the perceived competition
needs more poo poo desu
what about boogers
id prefer smeg posting im gonna smeg post
>tfw canadian simp will never ask you if you're from canada
>tfw you will never doxx him and make him cut himself
>tfw you will never get to give yourself a dirty sanchez using bunnymutts smeg
Lately there has been an influx of them and schizoposting in general. Mental asylum this is.
lately in the last 5 minutes i've seen a lot of dumb dumb posting
wrong schizo
he clearly just said "schizoid/schizotypal not schizophrenic"
boogers are cute if they are not dry
ew that fetal alcohol syndrome suffering puffy nippled photoshopping troon is still posting on here i forgot about it
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What to do when you feel like everyone you know hates you?
you say "fuck em" and you move on without them.
>check out new anime coming out this season
>sequels, Isekai and dumb rom com gag bs
>remember why idc about aime anymore
Ask yourself why that's the case because usually people have reasons for it. But you're going to cry about it here instead of introspecting.
But it's not true, they don't really hate me right? It's all in my head, as per usual. I'm always afraid they're angry with me. I wish I was not so sensitive. But they'd be right to hate me.
it might be just all in your head but pretending like you do not care ironically solves this because you ignore something that might have been in your head anyways.
>Ask yourself why that's the case
Idk I am extremely sensitive to negative criticism and kinda hypersensitive so whenever someone makes a hint or changes their tone around me I get scared they are upset and have started to hate me. I don't know if they really all hate me, usually it's not the case but I'm scared and sensitive.
Doesn't solve it in this case, because I cannot stop thinking about it because I cannot stop thinking. I have impostor syndrome or something I think.
yes hence you say "fuck em" and move on
Hoping new season of rezero is aight nigga
I want to bring back all personalityfags from earlier this year, sit them in a dark room and force them to answer questions about their life and why they left
with a cool voice changer? but you can still tell who their silhouette is because of really obvious features
set up an /r9gay/ livestream/interview/podcast
they dont really seem very humanlike to me
It takes a little imagination, and forgetting about what you do at the moment.
you must be talking to some very dumb people
You can get pretty good replies and I find a lot of the bots on character AI for example fun to chat with. Basically mogs normal social interaction but it gets depressing when you realize your RPing with a chatbot
I do not talk to any
link me an example, let me judge
would listen actually
let me judge how humanlike it is
heyyyyy dont go back to talking to the bots yet, im still here waiting
bot bro wya
Just told girl I don't like them. After them repeatedly love bombing. It is almost a gay trope where you swat women with a stick to get them off you.
im still waiting can you
>easy (You) farm
You need to be more sensitive to prisongays that form majority of this gens user base! You have to like guys because women don't give you attention, you're breaking the rules here
What does this even mean dude? Say it in layman's/gayman's terms.
women are so annoying. i remember once i declined dancing with someone and all their friends came and told me how i was an asshole.
no idea how to feel about the new walking dead episode.. idk i think it was enjoyable maybe
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I turned down a dance too she started crying, and her friends all looked at my like in this picture here. Yeah I felt bad, but it was not my fault. Once I was caught between three women who wanted me in the same month and they were besties. The anxiety was driving me nuts.
always feels like im constantly approaching a point in my life where i will either have to kill myself or change my life completely, can anyone else relate to this
no but at least you get to a point you change your life completely
and not a single care for the people who havent left their house in 20 years
Why would anyone be watching the walking dead?
saar please saar give me the bot saar. i am beg on my hand and knee saar
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>be me in the early 2000s
>relentlessly bullied for being openly gay, particularly by this one guy named Hayden
>unironically ended up in the hospital one time because he pushed me onto a handrail and fucked up my eye (still can't see that well in the dark out of it to this day)
>fast forward to 2020 - Hayden comes out as trans, transitions to Elle (not after an illustrious career as a university professor)
>the fucking faculty informally renames a classroom after her to "honor her bravery"
>a local lgbtq community group I'm in tells me I should recognize my experience as a tragic byproduct of a society that won't accept queer people and that she was in more pain that she inflicted on me???? and I should just bury the hatchet?!!?!?!?!?!
>finally got the courage to email HR/prof advisory at the uni about my experiences, Elle's past, and how to this day I suffer from CPTSD because of her
>haven't heard back yet

Wish me luck bros. This is fucking bullshit. It's not about being trans, she ruined my goddamned life.
why didnt you email them before he transed
Because my bully/abuser wasn't being actively championed and forgiven. I was ready to just move on as best I could (with therapy, of course) but the fucking praise she got just destroyed me and pushed me over the edge.
I really like that you still refer to it as a "she" even after it ruined your life nice touch
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goodluck bro don't take no for an answer don't take any shit until you get it through their thick tyrannical fucking skulls. raise a ruckus until they have to admit they were pieces of shits or look like pieces of shits publicly for defending themselves.
I'm not enough of an asshole to balk on my respect for being trans as a whole just because of the particular person. That's not how morals work.
thats dumb you gotta take the elle now haha
idk i just really enjoy the show its kinda comforting plus carol is a badass..
wishing you luck and healing <3
chuckled irl
Thank you. orignealero
hey prof i'll let you bunk with me after you get kicked out of your job for transphobia and lose your house.
hey prof is it this
prof im thinking your story is fake. this is the only transgender elle professory i can find and he was already going by the name of elle in 2017.
get the fuck out child castrator
therapist said i should be approaching females
might take a break from r9k and only browse blue boards for now
bot man i await your response
the future is trans just get over it
Hairy sasquatch legs
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Nice feet but the gormless look on his face and all the leg hair ruins it for me
dont leave me without a response my friend, im still waiting
Reminded no one who posted feet itt had cute feet, you are all footlets and I will laugh keep laughing at you *keeps laughing at you*
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>tfw chris-chan x meow will happen before chris-chan x story crossover
I hope he doesn't respond to you you are annoying and pathetic. Fuck you

To the faggot who used the word gormless I hope you die before visiting any of destinations you want to visit. Fuck you and your stupid words.
What the fuck are you talking about? Let me just reveal information about my city, people I know, etc. on 4chan. I'm glad you haven't found her and I hope it stays that way
so you made up her name then
>tfw i will never have bunnymutts big fat meaty grippers crushing my head
another day another fake story on r9k
is the top scarcity a myth made by sizequeen bottoms?
if demand exceeds supply then there is a scarcity
what is a gorm and why do british hate those without it
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I've had a really shitty past couple of days. However I have lost 5 pounds. I now have edged into the 140s so alls well that ends well.
Gaybots, why do you have AIDS?
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I feel that. I had another dream about loveing on my ex bf without even thinking about him. What is wrong with my brain?
I wish someone would develop underwear that doesn't ride up my sweaty nutsack and become uncomfortable
I was watching a movie with my younger brother's gay friend and he asked me if I wanted to go for a beer sometime
it's actually happening
Is this a 3ds post? who's getting a bf?
I have never had a bf in my 26 years of existence (he's 20 or something), I can't believe it
Having a brother gives you so many advantages but people don't like to admit it.
why do gay people still have AIDS its been 50 years
If you're a top you should do a few hookups so your virgin pipe game doesn't ick him out
I've had some really unsatisfying straight sex + I'm a bottom
20, M, gay, UK - kind and loving masc top seeking a cute 18-23yo UK femboy. My sexual interests include: Free-use, Teasing you, Roleplay, Public Sex, Voyeurism, Consensual non-consent, Breeding, Begging, Orgasm control/denial. My d1scord: tommcuk
british are so weird
There's a couple brits here like jonah and i'm curious what he would say to that
ive really come to hate the ever growing list of autistic ass words ppl use to describe every single part of normal sex

"consensual nonconsent" = when theyre squirming away and saying no but u wont stop tickling
"begging" = pleas give didk
"breeding" = just sex afaik
"orgasm control/denial" = when you stop the stroke so you dont nut yet

literally everyone does these things......like just say u want to have sex, hot sex, lots of it.
its like for me (feet) if i was like yeah im into touching, feeling, tracing arches with my finger, holding, squeezing...its just silly!!!!
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I slept for 15 hours today and had really weird dreams. Probably should have gone to bed earlier instead of watching all those dumb videos.
I think what's more common is people taking "kink" language and normalizing it to their very vanilla behaviors, rather than the words being off to begin with.
>free-use / consensual nonconsent
Are basically the same thing but they are not "normal", because this implies anytime anyplace no questions asked. You are not allowed to say no, ever, to sex or sexual acts unless you have this established safeword I guess, and even then. I take it this guy is just horny and wants sex a lot but not enough to actually softrape someone, especially if "kind and loving" is preceding it.
>begging / orgasm control/denial
I will grant you that these are more just normal dom kinks that are being hyperspecified for no real good reason, especially when both mean the same thing in the end.
I'm giving you this one 100%. Breeding means getting the other person pregnant, two gay men cannot be into "breeding". It's just creampie. Say creampie. Or that you don't pull out. There is no breeding happening.
if a guy says hes into breeding and is trying to say he's gay as well is actually biggest red flag for prison gay status, he will know he cannot breed you for realsies and want some real pussy eventually
i should add that every person who uses any of these terms is guaranteed sucky
I agree that anyone using those terms unironically in a semi-public facing way is also just likely a non serious porn addict.
I love you sassy anon
>if a guy says hes into breeding
thats code word for that he likes to fuck every guy in a 50 mile radius
oh no guys...i...i said i wouldnt but...i smoged weed...
not my fault almost. i have a cpmfy place to sit and...theres a cat who comes sometimes. its a nice place but what am i gonna do just come and sit?
you did not need to be in the wilderness like you said?
meant to (You) you forgot for some reason
no i...i...broke the rules. arguably its like a jungle here at times, plants grow very fast, and there are animals, and this is the wilderness of the internet...but...those excuses are no excuses.
its so sweet when you troll me. i would throw you to the ground.
>cant barely lift a 50lb sack
throwing ks theoretical in multiple ways but...you deserve it
>threw a chick once and old manned my back
how much drugs did you do?
completelt zoop be ajss i didnt smogr all day though...

guy just went by me slowly on a bicycle singing "baby im the reason why i dont like plther person that i am? i know a dont deserve u but im praying u dont leave, im so sorry for the way things went down. i aint a king i aint tryna wear no crown. i wish that i am...i wish that i can change to be a better man...i think its worth a chance..." he had music from a tony radio that he aas singing along too but odk i could only hear the music when he was really close, i could hear him a long way coming and going though....
two piffs of my small pipe
you are confusing, stay away from drugs kids.
are you this schizo above you? how much is two piffs? cost?
ask me to explain anything of science if u like. i do literally like 10% the drugs of the avg person and dont even drink.
Ten percent is still a lot too many. If you are talking about the average person in my city. They are just freaks that come out at night. ghouls or night walkers as you may. What is your favorite science?
interesring calculation. an 8th of wee (3.5g) lastes me about a month, of avout 3 (?) piffs a day, so 3.5/90, call it 100, .035, times 39 dollars, call it 40, 0.035 x 40 = 0.03 x 40 + 0.005 x 40 = 0.12 + 0.02 = 14 cents a piff...thats pretty little. i hoped the result would faze me.
lot of people seem to think i have drug addict vibes but ive literally never touched or even seen anyhing hard or even a pill. explain that...
math is too real for me. so it is $39 for a momths worth otherwise called an "8th"?
it lasts me longer than most other ppl. u rip a fat stoner sized bowl, thats about what 5x the rate minimum. but maaan, also mathwise, if weed is 20x stronger than it was in the 60s, then u need so much less mathematixally...in other words im smoking like the beatles and everyone else is like 20x that.
it seems like there should be a ratio you know? suppose it was always supply and demand that fixed it. what do you make of prices when the potency of a drug increases? should be a bigger value.
thoughts on shoulder length boys x tit length boys?
bald boys are better bonus if they are balding. they are more gentle as a person.
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Well maintained long hair is pleasing to see. Shoulder length is my preference but longer is fine
I have thistl video, and his other one, I love him so much! guy who posted him on /hm/ claimed to be his bf other posters said he's a well known OF model and the op was delusional (neither side would give his name tho)
oh no...september is over, and i cane. just to myself, but still...oh well. october is here and i wont fap.
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September's over wake the heck upppp!!
I know this thread is addicted to jailbait but how can you not like hairy legs? legs and pits are the only places I like hair it's sexy!
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I like hair just not that much if its for foot content. If it were trimmed I wouldn't mind at all
I'm going to do nnn this year for sure probably try to stop the last week/week and half of oct (except halloween it self of course) w(^vv^)w
I want a bf to dress like 18th century nobles with.
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I want a british twinkie bf

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