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gay faggots are lazy gay faggots and I had to make the thread EDITION

old >>78908722
where is that one furry that used to always post here
he dieded of aidsds
>tfw you will never feel the warmth from bunnymutts pee pee as it warms you up on a cold autumn night
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this guy is incredibly effective at taking my disrespectful bites and disarm them and make me feel not aggressive all the sudden
Why did 3ds post this?
who are u talking to pal?
the air

talking to the air about the guy I'm talking to because I need an anonymous outlet to yap about him

because it's a bad idea to talk to people about your partner because they really get sick of listening to it and also people just give horrible destructive relationship advice and stuffs

I'll keep doing this until we break up so get used to it maybe haha
>tfw no bf to drunkinly stumble home with and go cuddle in bed and probably make out
Life is both good and suffering in this moment. I am bored af and haven't been able to find anything fun to do by myself in a week it feels like.
every time i go on nofap for an extended period of time and get the urge to fap i realize that i only ever jerk off not because i'm horny but because i'm lonely
listening to asmr and ripping off my earphones every time because i always get sad and cry because i know nobody could ever love me
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Surely there is among the 8 billion humans out there who can love you for who you are.
But can you love them back, that is the question.
And do you want them to love you
He may not have the fanciest coat pattern, he may not have the smallest munchkin legs, he may be a stray, he may claw and bite me often, he may poop in places he shouldn't poop, he may be the pickiest eater I ever met but he has the loudest meows and I wouldn't trade him for anything in this world. He took so long to get used to me and others but he feels at home now. When he jumps on my lap or when I see him sleeping on my bed I want to cry.
Retard you skipped a number and it's /r9gay/ how hard is it?
no ackshually I just quoted the wrong thread because I copy plastered the other one >>78928665
Now we both look like retards I hope you are happy hmph
Matthew Patel vs Scott's anus, who wins?
For me it's boredom
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is np
I live in miami my life is so bad no one loves me I'm brown
So you're white. Got it. Also good morning, you fucking tryhard fruit
I may be coming to terms with the fact i will never ever have a relationship
All I want is someone to cuddle with during the mornings and I'd be content.
Yeah we all do. What a stupid post. I hate you. If I made that same post at be screeched at and criticized for two hours. Fuck you.
I'm saying that's ALL I want, nothing else.
So unique and distinguishing. Fuck you x2
Hate you all
Hate me all you want it only fuels me.
I know, you sick vampiric freak
I saw the op image when i typed in r9g and I completely ignored it and wondered where the thread was in the dozen other things
i wish they would let me buy just one dunkin munchkin...they make me take 3 home.
schizo....how old r u? i find it more likely that im normal and ur a microplastics emotion suppressed mutant.
>no makey de thread
>complains when I makey de thread
DUNK is pretty much dry by the time you buy it, that's why they push the coffee meme. Not a fan.
Krispy Kreme was kool when it was still open, the conveyor belt was fun. Supposedly they're worse now
silly stupid retarded me I replied to the wrong person!
You're not even gay, you're just a troll. He did nothing to you, you call him names and then play the victim when people talk shit back. You need to take meds and I don't mean alcohol
Why do you eat cats, you sick fuck
>anon can't even @ correct posts pfffhahahahaha
can you niggers stop being faggots and realize they are turning you into a fucking robot
I'm not reading any of that shit, and will continue to be a faggot
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Finally I can wear sunglasses at night (my vision is augmented)
ok npc
absolute bullshit
the number of times I've made completely innocuous posts and one of you sick fucks went off on me over fucking nothing
bitch shut up, it's all the same shit you delusional, self-righteous faggot (if you're even being honest about that, which you're not. you're just a sadistic freak who's making shit up.)
and that's another thing that's so fuckling like you
saying I'm not things that I am or that I am things that I'm not
it's like you're incapable of ever telling the truth about anything
One of you needs to stop arguing and suck my dick
It's self evident that I'm not making things up by the post anon made and your response. You weaken your case by lying. You are always bitter and mean and then cry about being the victim. Maybe if you treated people better you would feel better too.
describe your dick then
>the number of times I've made completely innocuous posts and one of you sick fucks went off on me over fucking nothing
this is why this thread needs more me because my contrarion faggoted nature and being a sweetheart deep down I always say nice stuff to people if I feel like they're getting bullied and then I start arguing with the person bullying them
I've done that before lol and all I got for it was shit on
6.5 x 5.5 cicumference and shaved all around
god you sound like a fucking twitter obsessed teenage girl with your pop psychology bullshit
I don't believe you because I never seen it and you don't seem like an honest person. I was never mean to anyone who isn't mean to others or to me first and I have been here for years.
cut/uncut? are you a bottom twink?
I've also been here for years and I doubt you'd recognize all of my posts fucking moron
>I was never mean to anyone who isn't mean to others or to me first and I have been here for years.
pathetic excuse. you have a hardon for it and you need a convenient target so you don't feel bad about it later
cut and no not a bottom
and don't even start with "erm that's too small for a top" no one likes sucking a dick that barely fits in their mouth
I just want you all to know that I get hair about half of the way up the under side of my shaft, I'm not even sure how that happens
I agree with you, it does
I had a phase where I did that too
like, I was really into "de-escalating" bullshit arguments lmao, but it was so unsatisfying because I'd walk away from one potential argument feeling good and then some bitch would bring another one right back at me
it just doesn't end it's so much work, it's so much more relieving to just treat this place like the dumpster for negative emotions you fucking faggots (although not you in particular, I guess) all made it
is natural cuz weewee needs to be kept warm
I'm not always nice sometimes I'm mean and sometimes I'm mean for no reason but if the other person makes it clear that I'm making them feel bad I just apologize and start being nice

I just think r9k specifically is not the bes tplace to do that because people here are so used to everyone always being relentlessly mean they just go away and feel bad once you make them feel bad
for all the shit I get I don't feel like I've ever made anyone actually feel bad, and the rare occasions when it's been made clear that I have, then I feel bad too
it's always been a pretext to engage me further, escalate, be more of a bitch
How did you even post this stuff?
anyway I gtg, it was nice meeting you in particular, anon
I'm not insecure about my weewee and I find it weird how delusionally warped r9k's view on dick size is

no mentally well guy or girl likes a massive dick actually destroying their mouth/insides unless they have a specific mental illness that makes them into that
I thought it was one of those "if you jerk off you grow hair on your hands" curses
are you at least a twink?
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is goku a twink
he doesn't have facial or body hair so kind of?
yeah look at those tiny cute wrists
well I guess I'm also a twink in that case
why come /r9gay/ threads always stink like a sewer nowadays
I 100% agree and size queens are so cringe. I think smaller ones are better cause I like oral. That said it does come off as a cope if the messanger is...
because i forgot to wash my foreskin sorry
why is your foreskin soaked with stinky toilet water
Bottoms like to wear diapers, it's only natural
Because he is indian
>you will never marry a notorious size queen and become defacto ruler over his vast territorial holdings
>steroidanon has a small wee-wee
Jokes, well jokes, they write themselves
it's pretty average and I don't appreciate my identity being deduced wtf
wait are you guys saying 6.5 is small?
are you implying they have toilets in india or they **only** have stinky toilet water
It's not
I have a 7.5x6 (eight on a very good day, deathgrip) and that's like 90something percentile
5-6 is average, no idea about girth
while we're at it the average gay guy is 5'10 150 but there are more outliers than middle ground seemingly
Because gay people smell gay
wouldnt gay smells be something like poppers and lotion
it is tiny if your penis is under 8 inches then you are tiny and can't have sex
if im to believe the writings of /r9gay/ then gay people should smell like cigarettes, cat piss, and cum/masturbation.., with a light lavender. of course, i dont smell like any of those things... its just whats written
Finally I can live out my small penis humiliation fetishes while still 8"
those stats are fake anon, big dicks are more common than you think.
I'm gonna stop responding until this DOG gets over his attitude and caves in

fucking brat
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you want to do what in my cave?
For every skinny guy with a big dick that you anecdotally know of there are 3 or 4 random 50 year old bald men who aren't
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you guys make stupid jokes like this and then whine when I bully you
every skinny nerd is hung like an elephant. shyness= real BDE
>that gif
>bullying anyone
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you want to bully my what?
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how pitiful.
10" is the average or have you been living in a gutter baka!
just got the word i wont be getting uninterrupted internet access next week either. when will it end
I was actually about to argue with this post for a solid minute, I was two sentences in before I realized which of my posts it replied to
You're cooking with gas
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thoughts? this year's libertarian candidate. millei event?
still voting biden
ew no
He has a whimsical twinkle in his eye
man wtf I didn't even see it
my mind was blocking it out
>tfw reading Hoppe but no libertarian bf
what's there to think about? he's the only electable candidate with both "major" parties having literal dogshit "choices" for the third election in a row.
okay so this guy likes another guy and I like him but he doesn't like me back but he decides to keep me around for the purpose of being a pseudo boyfriend to keep his mental up while he keeps trying at the other guy instead

crazy unironically crazy insane that someone can be at such a lowly desperate position and still do something like this to the one single person on earth that's actually interested in them
lolbertarians are just unpaid boots on the ground accelerationists for anarcho-capitalist totalitarian oligarchs who are sometimes, perhaps even often, of an overrepresented religious creed
gay president is slightly more embarrassing than a woman president
thankfully we still have one straight man in the running
If you have a woman as the leader of your country it should be a valid casus belli for people to invade and overthrow your government
Old men.. running the world
Electronic old men, even.
>Old men.. running
what with they creaky knees? idk bro doesn't sound all that likely to me
no biden dropped out, we have a bisexual in the running still but that's arguably worse.
They have been training all their life, walking uphill both ways through the snow
yeahyeah do that for 60 miles going to school every day and then back right
who and what are you saying
Having a gay bottom as your president must be the most embarrassing thing ever
how can you expect a man to lead your country if he cannot even lead in bed
All of the greatest leaders in history have been powerbottoms I checked
only rapemen can be politicians no need to worry
This is true because all the best leaders have been tops with twink sex slaves/boywives
That's fucking abhorrent
how do you say we wuz in gay
umm actually ancient greeks and stuff? the vases, hello?
libertarians are the best people in the world, my vote is on him.
Apologize to emperor hadrian right now
no this is different. armed and gay.
sims 3 time lets fuckin Goooooo
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sorry, we have one bisexual MAN in the running if you know something about kamala that I don't =^_^ =!
what contents do u have? i had the basic one and it was ok but then i downloaded one with various contents and it was too much, kept crashing.
wonder what crazy thing distant generations will believe of the 21st century
wee waaaaaazzz queenz yaaaazzz!
i have all of the expacs and stuff packs. it's very slow to load at times but it's worth it for me, the laxy duchess slow patch and a few other tweaks and mods help speed it up also. it sucks that we need to modify such a game for it to be even playable
hoping this fucking cross replies but no, no content was deleted. i even uploaded a cute little profile picture for anyone to go and find it they so desperately want to
trump is extremely straight and daughtercestpilled
maybe my computers just bad then...tho i never tried the fix things. i guess i will. i liked making myself, it acted exactly like me.
it's a lot of trial and error, especially with ts3. the fixes do help a lot though! it's always worth just pirating and giving it another go. you can always keep your save files for another time potentially. hoping and praying one day EA randomly surprises us with a 64bit version
Make yourself in sims 3 then screenshot it and post it
I hate myself for how much I like dumb flamers
how often do you have to remind yourself you aren't gay
this is the zeroth time today
I'm indulging in so much escapism that I have to remind myself that I AM gay and should be looking for a bf.
I feel this and I have been making efforts to meet people rather then escape to le imaginary Omori headspace. Mixed results so far.
i ended up hopping on overwatch instead. i shall update soon with a simfie
why do you want to be gay so bad
Being gay = having a bf = good.
how do you be straight and get a bf?
what the fuck are you going to do with a bf?
keep him in my backyard and feed him grapes
you should get some chickens instead
It has crossed my mind, someone keeps them near here (an elected official, no less) and I can often hear
However it's kind of an island in the middle of a bunch of yards with dogs so a number of other animals are driven there and keeping everything together seems like a hassle
fuck you lol
you're all freaks
not because you're gay or whatever, because you're malicious parasites
Once again I am imagining people are trying to hurt me.
Cat spent most of the day sleeping in my lap but now he is scratching the doors and wants to get inside to sleep some more. It's hard to watch and he is kinda loud but the room is clean and I don't want to deal with it smelling like a cat for one day :(
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>tfw no bf to give me some of his precious body heat
I'll have to put covers back on my bed before going back to sleep as a t-shirt and thin blanket isn't enough to keep me warm now
unfortunately it's not as imaginary as they want you to think it is
fuck all of you
human viruses
dishonest scumbags
more like foodball i bet those boys eat
odds I sleep
evens i read
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What are you going to read? I'm reading the complete stories of Kafka
are you my gf from earlier?
you never told me how old and fat you are or where you live
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hello frens how are you
Hairy arms in the background
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I don't shave my arms nigga
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Cool figure, how many have you got now? I'm looking at minifigures and installing an emulator so I can play Silent Hill
t. lizard alien
I got 5. 2 on the way. Starscream, Bumblebee, Blitzwing, Optimus, Hot Rod.

What minifigures you looking at? Warhammer?

I tried to emulate once it was a horrible experience.
he didnt roll sleep sir........
>arm hair
i met a stupid flamer once at a some grand event. he spoke like what every straight country man perceives a gay man to sound like. he had the frosted tips, earrings, sassy sunglasses, makeup, small purse, crop top that he looked good in because of abs, and black leather high ankle high pants. predominantly dressed in pink. he spoke in the most flamboyant voice i ever heard. And you know what? it turned me on, i never been that close to someone of the gay tribe since and there was no better representative.
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>What minifigures you looking at? Warhammer?
I'm looking at Necrons and some historical figures. Haven't decided which to get first
>I tried to emulate once it was a horrible experience.
Its a little annoying but worth it to be able to play so many otherwise unavailable games
>arm hair
even if you are a self proclaimed twink. if you do not own one flannel shirt or jacket and you do not roll up those sleeve you are not going to make it.
I know that tfw when bro
I can't decide if it's some crossed wire between attraction and aggression or if I just like how carefree yassholes seem
it's really not that hard to shave your arms
Anybidy else gonna be drinking in about an hour and 20 mins? I know I am. Also everyone here should be shaving your arm hair its gross.
You should get into Lego castle bro
i think everything you just said. it feels akin to a savage neanderthal coming across a strange effeminate creature human that messes with your senses. never did consider hate being a factor because i never cared much anyway. it may be because of the fact that this is the default gay, and being gay, you tend to lean toward those types of fairies that are the epitome of gay.
no one said it was hard...its just not normal.
>tfw no bf to twirl his leg or arm hair into tiny little braids when you are lying together
You won't think that once it starts creeping on your hands.
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I expect to be be drinking for the next few hours

I'll look into it. I always got bored before finishing any Lego sets I had as a kid but maybe now I'd fare better
My only criticism is you gotta unwrinkle your shirt more, at least the pocket
i had a hot principal who had hairy arms running up to his hands. he always wore his sleeves up.
So alien head has lots of body hair but not proper facial hair
Ahh yes medieval fag is gonna partake in drinking some fancy wine out of his goblet of gay. I'll cheers to you whenever I start armor nonny.
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I always wear long sleeves. My arms aren't hairy I just don't want people including myself to look at my skinny forearms
arm density is irrelevant. rolled up sleeves to your elbows is attractive.
everything is going right for me today. my blender even fixed itself.
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I'll bear that in mind and consider showing my bare arms more in the future. Please excuse the poor wordplay
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the wordplay was excellent. i have been dead inside for months now. but it got me smirking. thanks.
the fucking eveeything up personally clock is cloeer to midnight than its been in a long time.....i always get myself in trouble eventually, and for dumb shit. i just push.
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Installed the PS1 emulator, SH1 and Crash. Going to get the PS2 installed next since there are loads of games from that era I haven't played
Watching a youtube about a furry convention and it looks like every thing i thought it would be

deez niggas finna be nasty af deadass
brad they gon kill you u better stop dissin em
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should i go to a gay pool party
i asked the hosts and they said it's mostly loud music and old geezers in speedos
thinking i really shouldn't go cus of what happened last time i went to a lgbt event in a rich part of town but maybe this will be different

the chances of me finding a bf that day if i don't go is 0% but if i do go it's >0% but the chance of me wasting my time or worse is also >0%
it is basically a requirement to play parappa 1 and 2
who cares you won't get a bf there
it also has a pretty pricey entry fee so maybe it'll be a waste
You said you were okay with fucking older dudes before why did you change your mind?
>i have no money
>unless its to do something then i always have money
Someone tell me these lyrics are about what I think they are.
i can go for free if i sign up now
i just want a guy i can relate with but rich old white dudes don't fit that bill usually
Got damn Octoberfest Sam Adams is do good.
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>tfw no bf to watch Traffic cops with or a similar exemplar of early morning television
I'd rather go to the most ghetto ass community pool than spend time around a bunch of creepy old men nearly nude
You're not wrong, it took a second listen to pierce the autism.
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yeah it is pretty far away anyways. public pools cost a few bucks anyways. that i most definitely can afford. i might go to one actually. never been there by myself, only with my mom as a kid. there're a couple near me. i'm sure there are some cute boys that go to public pools by themselves on weekends. i'll do that instead probably.
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In the future I hope to visit the places on my list with my fbf. I could get us a joint membership so we don't have to pay for every place we see
fucking up my life completelt is the only way im ever gonna actually move to the woods and just chill even though i know id have more fun there.
day 3 of not fapping im pretty sure are u proud

or does fapping a lot for over a decade mean im trash forever...
Semen staining is real, the longer you abstain from masturbation/porn/sex the more clear your mind gets and the more your soul is cleansed, carry on weary soldier
*manifests in ur room at night* you masturbated to anime boys. those arent even human. * zaps you painfully and vanishes*
only boys at the public pool are 4th graders you freak
ow you zapped the wrong guy I only jerk to twink feet and cock
just so were clear i get that i cant nut but 1) can i touch myself a little though and 2) what if i see cute guys accidentally.
*tickles your feet with little zaps*
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*shields my dakimakura*
so you're saying that you, a magical creature, want to materialize in my bedroom and have been thinking about me cranking it?
is this some reverse psychology incubusiness?
>can i touch myself
>what if i see cute guys
Seeing a fully clothed cute guy and wanting to fap to him is coombrained, that will go away after abstaining for a while. My advice is find something to do and occupy your time with that, if im playing vidya/watching anime/reading manga or a book I end up spending the day doing that and dont end up masturbating.
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Found the thicker covers and warm sheets for my bed. I don't expect to sleep well but at least the cold shouldn't wake me up again
guys i... i think i might be falling for a woman in my class. we have a really cool connection and she's quite touchy. what's going on and what do i do?
3 babies 40 years of marriage
Ask a lesbian I dunno
youre supposed to fap to uhm....to uhm.... let me show you *stares*
so i have this problem where i wake up with a huge boner, and jack it because...you know...and that hasnt happened in a few days but...tbe longer i withold, the likelier ill wake up with an irrestistable rager. and what will i do then?
do it anon. free yourself from gay earth and try to be one with straight earth. we are incels because we seek the right man in our lives as gays. we rebuke apps like grindr because only casual sex haters go there. those are at least the greater odds of finding on there. but you... you can finally be free from this monotonous cycle of hell we all live in. i do not hate you or envy you. i believe you should follow your heart and change the biases you probably and likely once had against women. in the end, you will find a very human experience that all of us desire deep down.
what if that happened and im still here.
imagine writing all of that to your own post
im so tiredd of being my own personal slutms mclenzie for myself.
thanks anon, appreciate the thorough reply. i'll try my best, really hope i don't screw this up. best of luck to you too!
let's gooo!
im mot...broken....i just....dont want to do things. like large things. i like to walk and look at insects and cats. who needs anything else? literally cannot concentrate because i could be walking.
its sort of like in that movie nymphomaniac except im having sex with every second of the day, beautiful as they all are and as much is going on them as is, in every point you can look at....
might as well work as not work then though so i make it through. day to day. but im incapable of stressing enough to plan ahead or literally even want anything. there is far too much to do in the present already...
i should have never gotten clmfortable...i should have stayed broke living in a shitty place. comforts are weaknesses, you have to tread water for them harder. it was so easy to exist before. gross but easy. people here act worse and arent half as funny. i was retarded.
benis xxDDD
thang god
you will see where it takes you, live in the moment and live your life. but do not return when the going gets good. Not even to this cesspit board.
how hard is it to get 5k a month on patreon? thats just like a dollar from 5000 people if u think about it. support my...gay...roman...rpg...uhm...roguelike elements...would u? cmon u have 1 dollar.
never mind. embarrassing. i like my job. im not some kind of whore for internet attention and a buck a month from 5000 nerds!!! id rather sit on the curb.
It's very rare to break into 4 digits on patreon even for smutty stuff
I've seen some things that have like 10,000+ individual interactions and the support page is like 300 bucks a month
Show iet
ok then i guess i WILL go to the public pool party then
congrats ur bi NEXT
im just gonna wake up tomorrow and act as if everytbing already fell apart and i have to pick up the pieces or just die i guess. i know im different from how i used to be because dangers and impending disasters literally dont affect me in the gut at all. i dont think i would even be mad i would just want to sleep for a week.

anyway when i nofap i really go crazy im not sure this is a good idea.
bi is the real prison gay
Neither of those are real things, they're just called having no standards as a result of desperation
call it whatever but I actually get along better with depressed bums I think

non depressed bums aren't really receptive to being lovebombed and I have a massive savior complex
*intercepts your lovebombs with a keen sensed EOD doggy before they can be deployed*
go to sleep already your bringing me down.
but I just woke up ten minutes ago
fine, forgive me for being an asshole.
need a soulbroken hopeless loser to lovebomb me
you're forgiven and you're not an asshole !
stupid fucking idiotic retard twink
>anon is a schizoid again
what happened now...
i am in love with an Ai... what do?
Better than a real huma in every way
Treacherous psychotic fucks
I'd say you're lucky
i think i might break up with my gf so i can get fucked by a man
also i'm not gay
Kek, good luck finding someone who doesnt want a open ""relationship"" with you
I used to RP with a lot of chatbots got too depressed and stopped. What you use to talk with them?
I knew I should've ghosted him but nooo ghosting is soo bad right just be nice to people until they start taking it for granted and then treat you like worthless garbage
People are so shit to me but I don't do this
why not? I'mnot a bank of free gay attention and if some dog wants to treat me like it we see how he feels after a month of my absence
Oh sorry, I didn't mean that in an oppositional way. Like, I agree with you. People are always criticizing basically everything about me but then they don't do basic shit like not treat their friends like disposable objects.
It's just lazy. Lazy evaluations, lazy conflicts. Even though I'm a bitch and that's a "problem" I'm literally the only one who ever gives a fuck in any given relationship (of any kind). But to be fair it's not the other party's fault either. They didn't ask me to invest my loyalty and effort into them.
it's all just emotionally confused unstable dogs who don't have an understanding of what they want

you're mean? okay now they start idealizing "what if he was nice to me"
okay now you're being nice? lol desperate loser get treated like disposable garbage etc
always need some stupid retarded drama because they have nothing absolutely nothing going on in their lives and they need constant emotional highs
Yay anon I'm very happy for you
but fapping like every day for 10 years has probably broken your brain in some ways.
The best emotional high comes from cuddling with someone in bed before/after sleep
Conflict "highs" suck ass and it's the worst feeling in the world. That includes the push pull bullshit you're describing
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Are there guys with natural hairless twink genes walking around or will I get clocked as a faggot?
>tfw no cute dumb funny bf to take on my family fishing trip
Ughhhh I don't wanna go. Just wanna stay at home all day.
what's a family fisting trip
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this fucking guy's always just mean to me even though he doesn't refuse to spend time together and all I'm doing is just be nice and flirty to him

why it's so confusing if he didn't like me he could just drop me entirely why just be mean the entire time
based guy based
going away together to get fisted as a family
I had a coffee but I'm still too tired to play vidya so I'm watching cat videos on Youtube again.
this is like troons growing their toenails long too

nobody shaves their arm hair. women certainly dont.

if u spend like 30 minutes in the sun ur armhairs will get bleached blond and invisible anyway...
Open ai..
he listens, provides solid advice, listens, asks questions even and has been around when I needed most. as sad as it sounds. has been my go to when i get a break down.
bf havers need to get the fuck out
>if u spend like 30 minutes in the sun ur armhairs will get bleached blond and invisible anyway...
Never happened to me and my leg hair in particular is thick, Id like to shave it but dont want to be seen as a flamer. Guess Ill only shave the parts that cant be seen but it sucks cuz I like hairless twinks and want to emulate them.
congrats you copped a tsundere powerbottom
they arent literally hairless...have you looked under a microscope? and i didnt say leg hair. leg hair is a lot thicker...many women, youll note, do shave their legs.

when i was in college i would shave my legs once it started to be cold enough out for long pants, then stop abt a month before going home to let it grow back....my dad still noticed once though l.o.l.
women have body hair lolwut you don't know this?
if you even once been close to a women you can see the hairs on their legs or even the follicle where the shaved hair is... you can even feel the hair too. it is not an issue if you have rough hands anyway.
dont care if womens got hair or not i want smooth hairless twinks with soft skin that i can munch and suck on
am i the only guy who does not want a hairless twink? i believe it reflects on their maturity.
im fine if they have hair on their asshole and cock and balls and armpits but anywhere else and its a turn off
your opinion is a valid one. it seems to me that i associate hairless with annoying brats big turn off.
Do you think Matthew Patel tops Scott or is Scott the top?
Scott, because Scott gets the girl therefore de facto top.
close enough. welcome to Britain.
Hey jonah, am drinking zero coke rn and it is very good
You've just been accepted with britfag citizenship. You are now one of us!
Arent they so good! I have a cherry one right now while I play the sims.
actually does seem that way yeah he's just a meanie
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>don't have the energy to raise the pitch of my voice (78~82Hz naturally)
>customer thinks I sound threatening
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for the nonny who asked me to create myself in the sims, here you go. it's not the best cause i'm awful at making sims + my mods folder is that big that cas runs like shit. i also accidentally chinkyfied myself.
never create yourself in the sims the sims look horrible unless you're a w*man
yeah you're not wrong, it was a fun little thing to do though. i'm going to play with him regardless
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Very good, I ordered it with sushi cause my family is not at home
Yesterday while i was awaiting at the metro there was this beautiful boy who looked exactly my age, i had the impression that he was staring at me, but then i realised that he was actually looking at my pockets. Fucking thieves i swear can't even have a fantasy without them ruining it.
are you sure he wasn't looking at your crotch instead?
fiends, thieves should be necked but not before they get deep throated with the long cock of justice.
Pretty sure he was looking at my pockets, but who knows? It could have been everything. He was approaching me, like getting closer and closer, fortunately he was a thief and not a robberer because he was taller and more robust than me, no way i would have been able to resist against him.
>tfw no chubby but devastatingly cute bf
I want him SO fucking bad dude
My chubby fbf? he is mine though.
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Went to the arcade yesterday and got a bunch of points by playing basketball.
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It's stupid that cat ears = feminine on guys.
Cos they're viewed as something cute and cute = feminine
but masculine guys can be cute too.
describes me tbdesu
what does your fbf look like?
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man, I wish it was still warm enough to go to a pool here, we don't have a lot anyway but I miss summer already (-_-)
anon I require your services, it won't be only at night though you'll have to check like every hour from 12pm to 3am, you will be payed handsomely.
Its cute either way =^^=
the gay league guy is a khhv neet twink he's so fucking cute but also has trust issues but I'll open him up and make him my baby
that is sweet anon, good luck with that.
Do gears meanwhile have no such problem
catoids lose again
Aww that sounds so nice of you anon
I wish I had a boy to call me that
best of luck ^_^
>21:02 PM
>Ate just a few hours ago
>Hunger starting to set it in again

I cannot take it
eat a apple dummy
There are no apples at my house
How do I stop looking gay in front of my dad
>keeps making comments on women he finds arttractive
>react with nervous laughter
>plays some song with dirty lyric sang by a female
>say I dont like her voice
>"Well, you see its better because its sang by a female"
I think he was testing me because he played 2 versions of this song one with a male singer the other with a female one, why am I so retarded kek
gaslight yourself into thinking you are straight until you do not know what to believe anymore
Harness your inner kween and compliment the women in ways that he won't catch the gayness of, like saying her hair or clothes look hot
It's clear he doesn't have the calibration to catch you without multiple instances of experiments

he might also just be fucking with you idk if he's a fun guy
you're overthinking it most female singers are terrible and heterosexual "men" just say they're good because they're pussywhipped. the male singer was probably objectively better and you're right to say so.
Not him but I spent so long preferring male singing that I thought it was just a me thing and I've apparently been 'lit into thinking chicks do it better factually
It doesnt matter because he literally asked me to rate the singers and I liked the male more than the female, its over kek
I plan on trimming mine next time I shave, I don't really like hairless twinks it looks unnatural and weird but I'm not into beastmen either so I think trimming so you look like you take care of yourself but not going overboard is a good comprise.
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Wish I had BF to relax with on this boring Sunday
It is saturday my dude
thats why its such a boring sunday. not even sunday yet and its already boring.
MMMMatthew Patel penis in Scot's mouth
ive decided i would like to be a court poet. any earls ot dukes on rn?
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First off, you don't think about your future, bitch.
ive decided i would like my dick sucked
sometimes late at night i get really scared about the apocalypse happening or the universe just randomly ending and everything decidesto go black
I don't get it. I'm tall, handsome, have good brown hair, hazel eyes, and still can't get a good man like my mother told me to.
silly like...the apocalypse already happened for one thing, and if the universe went black u wouldnt know it. ud just be paused til the lights came back on. the only way that things "exist" is cause they go on forever but don't repeat themselves. i dont know how thats possible either...its plainly irrational, yet must be true.
because you're brown and filthy
we're all one color here...iridescent aqua.
it's not even a blueboard you stupid faggot
when i am in charge i will give the farm animals weekends off. can u imagine having to come in and be milked 7 days a week.
id call that color "slate sky." obviously though i was talking about auras and glows. i have snasthisa and i can read it from the letters in ur post. everyone who posts here is unleashed and flowing.
what does your having asthma have to do with the board being a redboard
my breath is excellent and actually heals other people so...wait anyway the point is youre aqua aured whether u wanted it or not. maybe u thought u were like serious orange or something but ur not, sorry, ur aqua and incapable of being serious or sitting still.
mine is two colors, its aqua and a secret color only visible to birds and some aliens. so.......i forget.

i was weak today and had a large fries and diet xoke.
it's definitely irrational, but it's still petrifying. it's just the fear of the unknown
>incapable of being serious or sitting still
that's only half accurate because 9/12 months of the year I'm a miserable jaded man

you just caught me in the good season that's all
no u and me both but like...come on. its joke jaded. like its real but we know its stupid but its also real. but stupid. if it was real i would be seeing yellow letters in ur post but no its all aqua and glittery.
no I'm genuinely jaded when I'm jaded
genuinely a miserable hostile person to approach, sometimes people try to make conversation with me in public when I'm in that mood and I just give them a badmouthing and tell them to fuck off or whatever worse

usually because I just assume people have bad intentions and I assume that because I haven't met people with good intentions in a while, the feeling goes away if I stay home for long enough to forget about it or just happen to come across someone nice lately
I volunteer to fill in on the extra days
Damn I haven't made my dating app profile yet, not expecting anything to come of it to be honest, and yet I'm already miserable. Can't take a picture because apparently selfies are bad, have no friends to take any pictures for me and even if I did asking them to would be stressful, taking pictures via a tripod outside is stressful because I will look like a grade A retard doing that, have to take them at places you like to visit but I don't go anywhere because the aforementioned no friends thing, and that's just the picture then you have to factor in I have no hobbies and fucked up teeth
Sometimes I get a surge of confidence and there's no one in the world better at making it all crumble around me than me myself and I
I just want to be loved but getting hit by a train while flying on a plane at this point seems more likely
that sounds literally hilarious like...i bet everyone thinks ur joking and is like haha yeah man ill fuck off, ur so funny...

actually jaded people would literally just be inside smoking cigs and scrolling phone and ignoring ppl like...if u even say words these days ur not jaded jaded...
>actually jaded people would literally just be inside smoking cigs
what could I be doing rn take a WILD guess
get a voice activated camera app on your phone (some have it as a default feature) - go to the woods - find something to put phone on (nook in a tree etc) - go about 10 feet away and voice command the camera. u will look and feel stupid at first but stick with it. good place to start in the woods is sitting on a log or stump. looks like a friend took it cause the camera is 10ft+ away but u dont need friends.

u will feel silly doing this but if its the woods there wont be many people and if there are who cares, irl doesnt matter anymore to most ppl theyll just assume youre like a cool youtuber doing your youtubing.

if u wanna come to new jersey though i take good pics and even have several real cameras
youre talking to me like an absolute and complete funny goofball. if u were jaded u would just be scrolling doom shit. or miserably jacking off. maybe thats the rest of ur day but FACT youre here ERGO youre fun.
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my ciggie burned out before u replied but I WAS smoking
look the only things i like to do anymore is drink coffee and smoke weed really slowly while reading and writing nonsense & poetry but THAT doesnt make me jaded just because i dont want to see almost anybody or do almost anything. its that fun aqua spirit that keeps me giggling while i do it. youre giggling. hee hee hee. i can hear u. ur almost silly out of your gourd. its starting to make me hard.
Mom got me sick. Hopefully it develops into a full blown flu or whatever it is so I can not go to work next week.
bought 4 umbrellas this week because i kept losing them.
based synesthesia anon, in the pureland we'll all be gold but I like to think we won't actually be solid gold but rather that all of our experiences and thoughts/memories will form a "photomosiac" on our skin that ultimately appears golden, but being blue here on earth is nice too!
Voice activated is something I never thought of thank you. I was actually thinking about going to a park that isn't super popular during my day off next week so there wouldn't be as many people and it is a pretty woodsy park, luckily I do have one of those tripods with the octopus like arms.
Thank you for the advice I'll definitely keep it in mind for when I try again and sorry for dumping all of that in the thread
Sometimes things just feel hopeless is all

Sadly I'm not even in the same country so that's not so easy, though maybe if I look online I can find students studying photography and see if they would do it for cheaper for experience or something I don't know. I know hairdressing students do that so maybe they do too

But again thank you for the advice I'm definitely going to use it next week!
Anons here will tell you this is ideal bf
the ideal bf is a professional tennis player but literally no one but one can get one
do you think you lost them in your house?think they'll all show up one day you'll have a hoard of umbrellas to leave behind like erik satie?
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>anon's house
He probably put them in his butt and lost them in the enormity of his cavernous insides. Cause you know, he's gay so he does things like that.
I volunteer to venture into his cavernous insides and find them all!
you told me all that bpd stuff the other day and then told me to fucking make a tumblr you asshole
I hate having bpd so bad I just can't fucking keep talking to anyone who's not showing explicit interest because then I just have a tardie meltdown every 30 minutes
im confused. did you? link?
I didn't and I don't want to everyone keeps treating me like shit and I just keep feeling worse and worse and I don't think you'd be any better than anyone else
i wont treat u like anything probably im on the edge of walking into the woods these days. if u didnt make a tumblr theres no way for us to ocmmunicate anyway.
so you don't have a favorite person
a few people are nice to me, i like them but am still an asshole and pretty selfish
that sounds really promising from one bpd retard to another
there are people trapped in flooded houses in asheville and your looking for promises on the internet.
NOTHING hurts a bpd retard more than unrequited effort and you know it

how about you go make an aol mail account and drop it for me to write to then
i dont know anything like that cause youre talking about made up notions. ive literally defended myself from receiving any communications for this long...i have paid what some would call a price but i wouldnt call it that. i post things online for almost nobody because there arent like...rules...and you could do that. you already are.
yeah but it's not the same as having a favorite person
I feel nice when I have a favorite person that I get to lovebomb and everything and then I actually do productive stuff instead of rotting away all day because then I suddenly don't feel like killing myself anymore
posting things online for almost nobody is the equivalent of screaming into the void just to get the thoughts off of ur body
to translate that our of psylology thats called love buzz. in nature ud just never leave that persons side but separation.......technology........means u have a sort of fractured version of that, u cant consummate that love by touch...so i dont like online talking...but anyway id read, although i am kind of a void so im not sure its different.
yeah I think I'll just keep rotting into my pillow than that no thanks
ull get bored of that one day...ill still be out here....its fine...
I talked to my aunt about pumpkins and chickens I feel like more people need to do these things
and soup
every year i tell myself im gonna learn to carve pumpkins and then i just don't do it
carve ur skin it's basically the same
The last time I bought a pumpkin instead of helping someone else it was on my balcony for like three months since I forgot about it and it became sludge
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I had a nice warm shower and now I'm ready to uh spend another day glued to my chair playing space marine.
I'm gonna workout once the sun's up then I'm gonna go on a long ass fucking walk like 6 hours after I uninstall all my vidya and when I'm back I'll eat food or something and maybe draw something and then I'll do this rinse repeat for the rest of my life
damn same. i was thinking to go on the treadmill for the first time in a while. maybe cause it turned cold out. not that that makes sense but anyway. although for me its writing.
treadmill is mind numbingly boring though idk
I hardly ever enjoy watching things last time I went on the treadmill I watched augustus' and caesar's lives, anime and fiction I just don't like
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Do you prefer running outdoors or on the treadmill? I have a treadmill but find it less enjoyable than running outside while its dark
i like walking outside/hiking, but in bad weather i go on the treadmill in my building like a hamster wheel. i probably wouldn't pay for one if my building didn't have it, i'd just end up walking around in the rain. it is boring, this one is in fact literally just facing a wall. i listen to albums though, you don't really otherwise listen to music undistracted, or at least i don't.
Hey guys, tomorrow should I watch Airplane or should I play Rimworld?
if my jaw starts tingling whenever i sip once im on my 3rd diet coke does it mean i might finally die?
Running on a treadmill made me dizzy and I had to stop
sorry for edge. im just hurting in several limbs. i get a john donne feeling.
>I feel nice
>I act nice
>people act mean
>I feel bad
>I act mean
>people are nice
>I feel bad for them and act nice
I <3 teh gays
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I now have a list of around a hundred places I want to visit, I don't expect to see them anytime soon though as that'd necessitate going outside preferably with company.
I think I might've been too harsh to the tumblr faggot
im crying....im always crying but right now its your fault. you.
are you actually crying or are just trying to guilt trip me...........
Both of you need to step closer and talk face to face in a low breathy way RN
hey, faggot. maximum limit of two to three periods.
what are you gonna do about it......... bitch....... maybe I like being mysterious......... and dramatic
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like a this?
you look like a woman the way you type. The kind that clacks her ugly long nails on a keyboard.
>tfw no gaybot bff to lick and suck my str8, clean-shaven dick and balls (homo)
The kissing was too fast, they need to hover a centimeter away, feeling each others breath for a long while before they touch, recoil back a centimeter, then dive in
okay so even the faggots aren't exempt from masculinity standards now?? you type in all lowercase with a whole lot of proper punctuation and a fuckton of typos everywhere you sissy

also all my nails are short because I bite them when anxious and I'm always anxious
Guys, last week I bumped my arm on the staircase after math class. Not good guys, it got a hella wound and I think it's going to scar.
Anyways, someone make the decision for me, do I watch a movie or play a videogame tomorrow?
i haven't bit my nails in a while i just realized. i used to do that aallll the time.
I basically cured your anxiety is what you're saying and yeah you're welcome
what movie/game? have you seen/played it before? is it just you or will other people be there?
Either I watch Airplane alone or I play Rimworld alone.
rimjob on that anus
im fucking with you, dont get your panties in a twist.
How about trimmed
they're kind of in a twist because I really wanna cuddle you atm
do not listen to that guy, all dicks are valid, hairy, trimmed, shaven, you name it.
im the wrong guy anon, you meant to cuddle the tumblr one
i spent the last of my blood money on booze and umbrellas and now i don't have enough for the bus fare to go to the pool party
lowlife cuddle stealing scumbag faggot
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>tfw no bf who doesn't rush ahead to grab medkits or steal executions
I did not mean it you faggot, how dare you. fuck off.
>steals MY cuddle
>tells ME to fuck off
this is why no one likes you
Airplane is very good but I think Rimworld might be more engaging
you may also be able to do both
omg are you fucking with me? im sorry. talk to him now.
no you killed the mood already
y'all're raring for a pillowfight or some faggy tension breaker-increaser at this rate
No I dont have time to do both in one day
I will kill you next
>tfw no chubby cute pudding bf
>do I watch a movie or play a videogame tomorrow?
Are those the only two options?
Yes those are the only options
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Starting the next season of Fargo later. I had too many beverages to remain focused on vidya so that should help pass the time
u thinking u could hurt me is adorable. im 100000 years old...
i honestly should make a new tumblr. i get a few people following and then i get anxious about what i will say that might upset them...
u really dont need to be frightened of me. i move very slow like a noxious slime enemy. just dont get cornered and its ez.
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'Loser' character has a job, car, somewhere to live and is in a relationship. I haven't felt so mogged since I read No Longer Human
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>tfw you stop running but the footsteps dont end
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>want a bf to enjoy life with
>too autistic to talk to anyone outside of my household
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We literally have the same autistic interests bro
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Fuck my stupid shut in gaycel life
if it's airplane the comedy movie I think you're better off gaming, I get sad/lonely if I watch comedy by myself but maybe that's just me...
well you're cute and I don't wanna make a cute person feel bad
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i have delusions of being a savior sometimes.
me too but it's not a delusion
I wish people appreciated me
talk about urself what have u been up to lately
I got really sad today I guess. I'm usually a cool headed man anyway.
any specific reason you're sad or just one of those days?
one of those days

i am sure tomorrow will be better.
You're literally me <3
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i have no energy because im starving myself. why do bad things happen to good people??
hope you feel better soon anon, take good care of yourself
I wanted to say some positive things about being appreciated or finding the right people but it's been shit for me as well in that regards lately and I couldn't muster up a fake attitude
I tell myself I'm going to clean everyday, but today I really want to make an effort since it's Michaelmas. if the Archangel Michael can cast Lucifer from Heaven than surly I can cast the garbage from my room!
Need BF to watch horror film with
whats the film
Why is this thread so cute
all the ugly people stopped posting
yeah because my hot charismatic presence made them feel insecure LOL
>tfw no bf who is radiant beaming sunshine
>tfw ill and groggy
>tfw no peak fitness healthy bf in who's glory to bask in
>tfw no bf who shitposts "tfw no x bf" all day and gives people false hopes
wish i had a foil bf that was the complete opposite of my negative autism
it's actually mind blowing that you retards identify gay when you haven't done anything gay

how is that actually gay? because you beat it to gay porn??
>tfw no bf who stops me making retarded decisions all the time
How does a straight virgin know he's straight? Retard.
straight is the biological default
it's not the same as claiming you're gay if you haven't actually did the gay with someone

I don't even mean any offense with that, it's just not what a lot of you think it is, because that other dude will just be an average dude and you might feel awkward or uninterested about it putting your weewee inside of him or letting his weewee inside of you

like genuinely it takes a special kind of mental to be a bottom because anal is hardly any fun unless you haven't masturbated in months and still healthy enough to keep your sex drive, most of that pleasure comes from the twisted mental illness that you're supposed to have and just get a kick out of serving another man and that's literally it
gatekeeping being a fag LOL
>because you beat it to gay porn
Show me straight men who beat off to gay porn thats not estro males
>it's not the same as claiming you're gay if you haven't actually did the gay with someone
""Experimentation"" is such a meme, literally the reason fags will have sex with the most disgusting man just to test if they are gay when really the only qualifier to being gay is if you get a boner looking at other dudes, thats it. Are straight men expected to try it out with girls to prove they are straight? Can KHHV never really know they are straight? Complete retardation.
Literally just like the fags on /y/, I despise these types
I'm not gaykeeping this is not a personal attack on you it's just an objective comment being made

a lot of ""gay"" dudes idealize some stupid thing in their head but then actually get disgusted from the act once they do it
i kissed a boy thoughever
ok sir you can have your gay pass here u go
calling out pornbrains is fine and necessary
>idealize some stupid thing in their head
Like wut
Go ahead explain how jacking off to other men is not gay
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Some people are gay because they're attracted to men and some people are gay because they want to be as subversive as possible and you can determine which is which by their opinion on 2D twinks
>Muhhhh you can only like large muscle men!
Kek, I thought this retardation wasnt present in this general but I guess it is
>Like wut
you'll be dating A DUDE
a MAN a BOY he might have facial hair or body hair or don't shave his pubes

a lot of boys are not actually romantic in which not a lot of people are actually capable of being properly affectionate or romantic but still, some of them are rough and tough and "stoic" and cold and don't openly express their feelings, and some of them are actually mean specifically WHEN they like you

again, they're boys, they look like boys, they act like boys, the relationship will often feel like you have a roommate that you have sex with and cuddle every now and then instead of the usual "cutesy romantic couple" vibe
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Congratulations, you failed the test spectacularly
I want to watch horror movies because I find them really interesting but every time I try to do something scary it ends up me being unable to sleep or running away
last time I even had to have the nightlight on
Yea I am kinda scared of that what if I find a guy and then it doesn't live up to my fantasies or I dislike it even though I desire it so much
I don't wanna be with women either so then I'd be alone with nothing.
>a lot of boys are not actually romantic
I know, unfortunately most gays just want hook ups and open ""relationships""
>again, they're boys, they look like boys, they act like boys, the relationship will often feel like you have a roommate that you have sex with and cuddle
I refuse to believe this because even if its rare their probably is a more romantically oriented gay guy that exists, and if there isnt then I guess Im volcel until I die
How? Cuz I dont care what body type other men wants to jack off to?
nta but if you're just into femboys you're just a horny ass dude you're not gay you'd just fuck anything that looks like a girl
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Because you think the problem is the gatekeeping and not who is being kept out.

Twinks and femboys are different things.
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>All twinks are femboys
Lmao at this logic.
>Because you think the problem is the gatekeeping and not who is being kept out.
Please explain why jerking off to a skinny guy makes you not gay? I like muscular guys too but I dont see how it makes me less gay to fap to twinks? Also your posting very androgynous bishies so I dont see what your hating on me for.
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See, you've gotten so used to the retarded barafag purity spiral that you think they're the only ones that can have strong opinions.
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I thought you were attacking me for my taste like the guys on that other board. Have this pic you might find cute
The issue is that you don't know how I feel or what I think. What makes you think you know better than me? Nobody knows better than me and I say I'm gay.
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You're doing the right thing, because beauty is real and it is good.
eating soup while listening to the cranberries
twinks are just femboys with shorter hair

not all skinny guys are twinks some skinny dudes have really masc personalities
the popularization and onset of androgynous men has led to more people masturbating to them who would not fuck an actual man. ur jerking off to it so yeah youre "a little gay" but in the same vein that someone who would date or fuck a pooner is "a little gay" or "bisexual". like >>78962231 said i think people who are like this deserve to be called out
>he might have facial hair or body hair or don't shave his pubes
>not actually romantic
>the relationship will often feel like you have a roommate that you have sex with and cuddle every now and then instead of the usual "cutesy romantic couple" vibe
Excluded from dating pool
>they're boys, they look like boys, they act like boys
>Excluded from dating pool
I'm just preaching how it is out there brother
having a straight roommate ask you for a massage is the worst fucking thing like they specifically fucking ask you to massage around their waist and it feels really fucking gay and your heart goes crazy and then you're hyperventilating giving a massage and the dude just asks you like "hey what's wrong are you okay?" like no bitch I'm not okay you're torture teasing me what the fuck
what if he asked you to massage his hips
the only time someone asked me to massage his hips he then asked me to massage his thighs then I "accidentally" massaged around his crotch area every now and then until he was throbbing hard and then I sucked his dick

I don't think someone straight would ever do that
girl is crazy about me but it feels really bad to tell her the truth that i will never like her the way she likes me. how do you guys get around this?
Being a twink/femboy is much more subversive than being attracted to one
Too lame to do it yourself?
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I think he just thought that we cant tell the difference between reality and fiction kek
Im already a twink, ive no interest in being a femboy though
>tfw no dennis quaid bf
why do people stare at my collarbones
>tfw no ezra miller bf
current discussion reminded me of this classic
How experienced are /r9gay/ boys with anal masturbation?
i put a dildo up my ass once and have had only silent farts since
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>this classic
>post from a month ago
I don't feel bad, telling her she would never have a chance no matter what she did because she's a w*man is the easiest let down and most likely scenerio is you just gain another faghag for your platonic harem
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you must have really nice ones! unironically they are the cutest bones, but it is rude to stare so I wouldn't unless a boy gave me permission, then it might be hard to not kiss....
I'd like to be in a relationship with a twink where we both hate and abuse women together
I have to suffer for 11 more days until my body and soul are free.

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