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I'm eating a baked yam for dinner and going to bed.
Thank you anon.
i love the departed but casino is scorseselekseys' peak
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Whats on your mind, gaygen?
That VSS is so sexy
Two papers to write, another to revise
the emptiness of existence
breed me~ uwu
Is gaygen eating enough veggies?
approved list (i've been able to confirm their real identity that matches up with their location and persona):
Good bait, you almost got me
it's 4chan's birthday :0
:3 ty
Hope its the last one
what are your qualifications? who are your references?
>Playstation has been down for over an hour, probably more since I just got home
>look it up online and apparently it’s down worldwide
I don’t care that much but how does this happen lol I downloaded a couple demos I wanted to try
i swear if you call this bait and it turns out you think his best is taxi driver or shutter island
Having a menty b over an entrance exam instead of studying for said entrance exam
You have to go through it to get to it brother
Why pay this much attention to anyone on 4chan?
Nothing else going on in their life
I'll probably do fine but I get testing anxiety bad which, among other things, drives me to neurotically post on 4chins
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If you can find this, it’s delicious! Really nailed the huckleberry flavor. It’s from Kellogg, ID.
Usually yeah. I eat a fruit or vegetable with most meals
House work []
Cooking []
Twink []
Sucks []
Fucks []

References your dad
some of us just want to talk to genuine people being themselves
not those living in some delusional fantasy on 4chan
You need at least five references, including at least two managers
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there's a whole world out there you dumb cunt
Goodfellas is my favorite, but taxi driver is at least better than casino. He's got like ten films better than casino
You can only do what you can. Don’t let it make or break you but you control the outcome, mostly, and you’ll have to accept he consequences. You have the tools to prepare yourself I’m sure, just takes the gumption to get going and not let yourself sit there in anxiety. You’ve got it brother
All my bosses were straight dudes that looked like picrel
Matter of fact shutter island is also better than casino, and I forgot it even existed until you mentioned it. But it wasn't actively bad. casino was dogshit
Well someone has to put in work at the dick sucking factory
fuck no. now this is legitimate bait, i couldn't even sit through shitter island.
I'd rather die poor and alone :c
Hello idanon.
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no shit but i still like to make sure people are real by whatever means necessary
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i am not a trip
where are the bottoms that will hold a loaded gun to your head
The fact that you’re still trying to scare me off with threat of doxx is hilarious
Herro. I’ve been drinking after a day on making food… and mostly drinking.
Is timur a tankanon rebrand?
It's not a compliment to shutter island. Casino is the worst movie I've ever seen from people capable of making good movies. I'm guessing it was just a matter of way, way too much cocaine instead of just the right amount of cocaine
no, timur is very much russian, you can't fake it
some of the things he says are very russian ESL
It’s just a clever larp clearly. He probably uses ai for it
He posts better pictures.
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Hell yeah brother.
pretty cat
Real bad. I suck toes while I fuck sometimes
hello nismo hows it going
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Hello sis. I'm right here.
can't complain. how are you anon?
who is the realest of the real?
I'm going to start making my feet more cared for, I think i have potential.
She’s just a pretty baby girl
I have big callused feet. How do you feel about those?
Well I guess it’s what’s inside the feet that counts…
You hold promise for your future footfag bf brother
>inside the feet
My husband isn't footfag but loves mine. I get hard but in bliss when certain area of foot is rubbed. I don't know what it's called.
I don’t know the timur backstory. Congrats. I don’t know brother, not everything needs a name. Just let it flow
Imagine if a male politician started cackling maniacally and clapping his hands and twerking every time he was asked a question
the world isnt ready for the trump twerk
no thoughts, only cuddle
Thread ressurection jutsu
go to bed my little prince
shallo agreed to have sex with me one night. very agreeable lad he is.
Brown man! There's no need to feel down
I said - brown man! Pick yourself off the ground
I said - brown man! 'Cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy

Brown man! There's a place you can go
I said - brown man! When you're short on your dough
You can stay there and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.
Hope you all have a really good day
stfu fat fuck
don't be rude
Ty its my first day back in uni, so its gonna be hell
So, when's the /gaygen/ meetup?
thinking about learning something useful that can land me a better job
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Idk when, but ik a place
As someone who doesn't see himself in the top position, I don't really like the idea of being a bottom either.
Anal seems to weird to me, plus I am ashamed of my flat ass and weird looking butthole.
I find frottage most erotic.
You got a flat ass? Well fatten it the fuck up by eating and lifting. Then you can take dick.
Chunky cum
What causes this?
What do you recommend? What should I eat ad what exercises should I do to get a fat ass?
Ask steve when hes around
lick his body

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