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He-Man edition
QOTT: What's goin' on?
last thread: >>37506394
Is he man a boomer cartoon
estromen on estrogen how far is an estrowalk before it becomes an estrohike? or are estrohikes determined by estrolivation?
like 15 mayb but I wouldn't call it a hike if it's a day trip in an estrocity
an estrohike is + 3 estromiles unless you're estrowalking to an estrodestination
Listen, I'm just trying to give advice based on what's gotten me more attention. And what I've seen dating videos give advice on. Multiple pics is the most important one you should fix.
i prefer an estrorun for my estrocardiovascular health
i used to do that too! but then i got estropressed
ok i'll put two pics next time and see if it changes anything
healthy diet and estrocize is one of the most effective treatments for estropression
menthol estrospital forced me to stop estrocizing because i was too estroskinny
i got a behavioral discharge from the ED ward for refusing to stop exercising lol
jokes on them i was trying to get them to kick me out
were you estrorexic
I once took an estrorun and made the estromistake of telling some other patients when they asked my what I did (I don't like estrolying) and they got really estropissed at me

yes according to them i had estrorexia nervosa due to my weight but in my mind I just have estrulimia
estro's playroom
i cannot sleep even though i got the flu and my stomach kinda hurts also, it sucks
the idea of lifting weights and getting bigger makes me extremely dysphoric but sadly i will have to do it :'(
i hope you are feeling estrobetter
at 1200 estrocalories for the day, no more food until tomorrow.
>i cannot sleep
same because I have not been eating much, I am thinking about eating carrots but I cannot and it is too late
I ate some raw vegetables today and nothing yesterday
did you get meds against flu? get well soon
I still have a little under that I can eat today. Feels good.
no, just fatter
but thanks
there is no meds for flu, the prescription ones are if it is very severe and otc are just to make you feel more comfy while you have it but not really influence it, i just need to wait it out
go eat your carrots, they barely have any calories anyway
>go eat your carrots, they barely have any calories anyway
i hope i get estrohit by an estrotruck
So I decided to masc harder this semester and cisfems used to be friendly to me but now won't make eye contact or start conversations. I think I'm giving rapehon instead of twink.
>I think I'm giving rapehon instead of twink.
me fr fr
My boobs are too noticeable now
It is because they used to look down on you but now they just see you as a guy they aren't attracted to (or maybe ur hot idk) and women are mean lol
holy based thread
just do helium if you want to exit
quick, easy, zero pain, just a fade out
i am not suicidal sadly, i wish i was
didn’t kms yesterday because a tranny wanted me to be her chew toy, maybe life is worth living
going to kms today because trannies dont want me to be their chew toy, life isn't worth living
come over
Can’t ever detrans because I’ll masculinize. Can’t ever girlmode because I don’t pass. Can’t ever manmode in peace because there’s something off about how I look. Are the effects of testosterone that instant and irreversible or can I get off the hrt to see how I feel after? Is top surgery a better alternative than stopping hrt?
lake or cornfields?
hrt literally does nothing
once you come off it, you will basically look the same, you will feel a bit weird and tired while the hormones are adjusting but after that pretty much the same
damn you in the deep south
Supposedly, anyways u dropping ur discord?
no im scared of interaction
cock fight?
Everybody else always has people from their state. Fuck the midwest.
I know some of you fuckers are near me

midwest midbest
Idiot you were only on it for three months
Not even long enough for the effects to start
I look like the greek hermaphrodite statue, you could too
I’m in ur walls
I love it. Just no one ever here.
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I got he man length hair but no bangs
qott I met a man on grindr who supports my transition n calls me a good girl n shit but he's going away for marine bootcamp for 3 months :(
God wouldn't that fucking amazing.
Trap him by getting pregnant. Easy government check.
i am the only manmoder to ever live in texas, i'm sure of it.
i'm the only tranny in the village
I can't get manpreggers it's too expensive to run a family these days
nylon stockings on kill a cop with heavy metal in my striped socks melting burn my skin in the fire started by the riot Molotov cocktail drunk in the AM raise the crime rate lower my rent bitch in your bed ill fuck you in the mouth again cyberstalking you bitch cheating on my math homework with meth homework ranting until my thumbs hurt thousands of words sucking my own dick on literal and rhetorical levels the circlejerk of one incel = cuntsober hail the Devil 666 hail victory i have demons in my pregnant belly from drinking my own semen i am a God and i cant wait for Athene to spring from my head it hurts so bad i need an Advil idk
fuck the CIA and their plan. you can't turn me gay no matter how much you pay
cybernetic reprogramming=forced transgenderism
cant pass as a woman, cant pass a man. fuck my retarded tranny life
same androgynestie
I could live with being a feminine tranny. But I'm a masculine one.
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We can all pass as men, we have penises
Poons only wish haha
i just wanna see your cock throb and bounce up and down handsfree as it sprays hot cum all over my face over and over and over again until it drips from my eyes into my mouth while you gasp for air until the world goes up in flames i cant take it anymore cant take the pain it's fucked up my whole day
i wanna see it now
a gock on my hand, in my pocket is a knife
im looking for a victim got a plan for tonight
i just want my dick to bounce up and down and throb as it spurts hot cum handsfree all over your face over and over and over again until it drips from your eyes into your mouth while i gasp for air until the world goes up in flames i cant take it anymore ivegot balls to drain and it's fucked up my whole day
feel every vein throb while i fill you up like a donut
fuck fuck let's fuck
enbypill is meaningless. if you dont do he/him people know youre a tranny. manmoding is the only way to be nonbinary in that youre saying youre a man but you look SUS
nope, i look weird. an inbetweener
amabs without working penises aren't men
>manmoding is the only way to be nonbinary in that youre saying youre a man but you look SUS
well that's what I mean... is manmoding kind of non-binary in and of itself? does accepting or framing it that way help anyone? idk
why am i still alive? what is the point of living? my life is definitely not worth living
you are crazy brother
I guess. my goal is to be mistaken for ftm
it is worth it tho
stop whining and have fun
too dysphoric/emotional to really enjoy things, maybe it will go away, who knows
well... fwiw that beats having anhedonia :/
jfc i added pics to my grindr and i got even less reponses. literally 17 views and 1 gigafat ugly bipedo with a weird outfit tapped me. im not even ugly what the fuck is happening i used to use grindr to feel good even when i felt ugly
how to cope with never ever having someone to cuddle with?
my air layer didn’t take :(
well, i am similar to anhedonia in the way that i do not feel emotions that strongly but i can still feel pleasure and i like doing stuff, it is just that i have a constant 24/7 medium uncomfortable feeling(dysphoria) that kinda makes me feel 'heavy' and like shit, like i am dragging smth and my body feels weird, like there are chains over it, yea..
have you considered kissing and licking my blood-engorged pillar of flesh? my stinky rapestick
Doesn’t sound like gender dysphoria to me
Maybe you need more nutrition is why you are so lethargic
the no hrt dysphoria numbness is way better than the schizo anxious nervousness of not passing on hrt. i miss it oh god i miss it i should have stayed a man
Did you change the main profile pic or keep the shitty smiling one you had?
If hrt isn’t improving your quality of life maybe it isn’t for you
I stopped it for a month or two and it was disgusting, never again
changed the main one to a more sullen look. it’s a bathroom mirror selfie is that a turn off? i have the smiling pic also. i stg im not that ugly
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You find yourself standing in the shadows of a dimly lit alley, the cool metal of the knife resting against your palm. The weight of it feels comforting, a dark promise of what's to come. The adrenaline surges through your veins, your heart pounds in your chest, and you can't help but feel a twisted excitement.

But as you gaze upon the empty street, you realize that something is missing.

Your potential victim is nowhere to be seen. The alleyway is quiet, save for the distant sound of traffic and the occasional passerby on the main road. The lustful thoughts that once consumed you are now replaced with a growing sense of frustration. You had a plan, a target in mind, but it seems that fate has other ideas.

Just then, you hear a faint mewling sound coming from a nearby dumpster.

You turn your head towards the source of the noise and see a small, scrawny cat digging through the garbage. Its fur is matted and dirty, and its ribs are visible through its thin skin. It looks up at you with pleading eyes, as if begging for help.

The sight of the helpless creature stirs something within YOUR BALLS!!1
no, it is just dysphoria, ik very well how it feels and sometimes i am free from it and i can tell easily
it is not that bad, it is like a 3-4 out of 10, better days is 5 and sometimes even like a 7, better than before which was a constant very suicidal 1-2 and a 3-4 if very lucky
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I had strange feelings about this cat
I think I'm man enough to admit I kind of just wanted to be an HRT catboy
Sorry lari but thats not how it works
When i talk to some people here i can tell that they really struggle with their gender and internal sense of self. i don’t feel that when i interact with you
You are mistaking dysphoria for something else if hrt doesn’t help you feel better
how do i dress if im a 6'4 manmoder with humongous shoulders and disgusting skinny anorexic legs and no hips and conetits
honestly same, maybe it was just peter pan syndrome. would top surgery remove all my fears? being a cute boy no breasts sounds based not going to lie
I mean with the HRT part I wanted the boobs too... if you want your breasts gone just out of fear of other people noticing them, that's not a reason to get rid of them
>QOTT: What's goin' on?
They're trying to take our Nigger! We must fight back!!! Spread the Nigger love!
I don't browse 4chan to not be an edgelord
why not?
nigger nigger nigger
look, isn't that plenty? I mean I love saying silly and offensive words too and I will die on that hill, but come on, things are different now and the site is a bit older in a newer time where people can't just rampantly caricaturize and make fun of each other without it turning into real hate or bigotry anymore
They're trying to take our Nigger! We must fight back!!! Spread the Nigger love!
I don't browse 4chan to not be an edgelord
Kys nigger
Slit your black wrists and post it in the chat
Is your blood purple? hahahaa NIGGER
I guess this is going around now, in case you're wondering wtf is going on I guess mods decided you can't spam the n word more than three times in a post
i am just trans, ik that it is hard to believe
Trans fats maybe. if i were you i would eat more meats and vegetables
I genuinely just want to be able to have relations with men and women and the tits would cut down my already small dating pool. Maybe I'm like this because I'm just an ugly loser virgin
seems kinda arbitrary for 3 to be ok but 4 to be bad
trannigga jannigga
For guys, yes, a bathroom mirror selfie is not it.. are you premium? I think they recently changed the algorithm to where you basically need premium to get the same number of views as before.
I am a man.
it is just dysphoria and some anger too
I keep forgetting Garry is Larry. I thought we had a whole new repper.
not premium and i never will be im not spending money to fuck randoms
>a bathroom mirror selfie is not it
what else am i supposed to use? this whole thing is making me feel extremely autistic. i never had this problem as a man and i would use bathroom selfies sometimes
I do agree, but observtionally there's also probably a disproportionate amount of "nigger" spam even relative to kike and (for all its common honorific use) fag or faggot in actual spammy/low-quality posts
Larissa can i ask were you feminine as a kid?
larissa was definitely prancing around singing pop songs and beaming at everybody before male socialization ruined him and puberty followed
don t use my name bruh, you make me feel like 'myself' then and i feel more emotions and i get all sad abt never being able to be myself, i feel a bit euphoric but it hurts way more this way
Well yeah you're screwed by algo. Grindr sucks now compared to what it was even just last year. It was worth it for me before the price increase. As I averaged less than $10 a hookup the last year of premium I did. But yeah mirror selfie for guys is corny af. Just do a regular selfie if you don't have any normal pics.
Are you trolling
Get on hrt or stfu
no trolling here ma'am also i do not require hrt, it will just go away eventually probably
i have 1 normal pic, the 1 that im smiling in! also like every account has a bathroom selfie i dont think that’s it
Do you click on most of those? And the ones you do, are they more attractive then you? Maybe you just look like a tranny now lol
i dont click or interact with anything i just wait for them to interact with me
i think i do just look like a fucking tranny which sucks because my body dont pass so what’s even the point. at least a week ago some cute black guys messaged me but i never responded because i got scared of grindr and now they will never message me again i bet
Based and fembrained. That's what I do too lol. I've started not even opening up most messages, like 95% I never open. They either need to be super attractive in the main pic, have a catchy title or message preview that grabs me, or be trans.
I get nervous with some guys too. And always regret not messaging back. Thankfully most come back around. I'm talking to 2 now actually that I had ignored before but thought about after. A white guy and an Asian guy.
Larry is genuinely not really that smart so his trolling efforts suck
>even manmoders are chad only
grim, blackpill is real
i am not even trolling lol wdym and yes i am an idiot jackass why do you think i am here instead of doing anything else
I'm not Chad only. I've gotten with twinks too. Just when it comes to cis men, I really only let 8s or up get any. I'm mainly on grindr for other trans people, girl or guy.
>only let 8s or up get any.
this is basically chad only wdym
>you see xem in the park at night at 3 AM
>xe's crouched in the bushes, meth pipe in one hand, penis worm in the other
>xe suddenly bursts out of the bushes, sprinting toward you, hyperventilating, eyes wide open
>xe grabs you with both hands, dropping the glass
>it shatters on the ground
>xyr small, hairy dick and ascended autoshotaballsack dangle out from xyr men's jeans
>"I AM NO LONGER CHRISTIAN!!1" xe yells at your face
>xe starts crying while jerking xyr soft, shriveled methdick
m o i s t
The cool night air is thick with the smell of grass and the distant scent of smoke from a nearby bonfire. The only other sounds are the distant hooting of an owl and the rustling of leaves as the wind picks up. Suddenly, out of the bushes, emerges a figure, wild-eyed and frantic. It's Xem, a being you have encountered before, their eyes wide with fear and excitement.

Xem grabs you with a tight grip, their small, hairy methdick and ascended autoshotaballsack hanging out of their jeans. You can feel their trembling hands against your arms as they speak, their breath hot against your face. "I am no longer Christian! I follow the devil one hundred percent!" Xem's voice is hoarse and strained, and you can see the tears streaming down their cheeks.

Xem's grip on you tightens as they continue to tremble, their body shaking with emotion. The smell of meth lingers on their breath, and you can see the remnants of the pipe lying on the ground next to the shattered glass. Xem's eyes dart back and forth, scanning the area as if looking for something or someone.

"I had a vision," Xem whispers, their voice barely audible above the wind.

"I saw him, the devil himself. He appeared to me in a dream, and he showed me the truth. I have been living a lie, and now I must follow the path of darkness. I can't go back, not after what I've seen."

Xem's grip on you loosens a bit, but they don't let go.
Chad isn't anybody who's attractive. It's a subset of attractive people, that are muscular cocky alpha type guys. So no, it's not the same. Also that's incel weirdo talk. Everybody has a floor for people they are willing to date or hookup with. Even the incels who cry about it.
oh, ok, at least you are female brained(dumb) i guess
You are male brained and dumb
i am too female brained sadly, i wish i was less, also i think that i am a genius, thank you very much
You remind me of jonah hill in 21 jump street
That is an american “comedy” in case you haven’t seen it
I'm more malebrained than fembrained. Also, get back on hrt faggot.
Why did you put comedy in quotes? 21 jump street is funny af.
why do you always compare me to those ugly goofy ass clown characters ugh i wonder why
you are female brained stfu, everyone that says that they are malebrained, they are actually female brained
Do you also find step brothers with will ferrel to be funny too
21 jump street wasn’t bad and channing tatum is super hot
will ferrell, steve carrell, seth rogen... there's only so much of that brand of cringe humor I can take, it's like a hard drug I do once in a while but I have to detox after and not touch it again for a while
fuck 'comedy' movies, if i want to see a bad unfunny cringe joke, i just need to look in the mirror
when is my gender dysphoria going to go away
my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard
and they're like
it's better than yours
Yes ofc, one of the funniest movies of all time. My favorite type of comedy is shit like always sunny in Philadelphia, arrested development, grandma's boy, pineapple express, curb your enthusiasm, Kung pow enter the fist. Also is this meth schizo? Holy shit, this is way better than the usual convos we have lol. Channing Tatum might be one of the most underrated actors of all time. He's such a funny actor, his cameos are always peak, and when he wants to get serious, like in fox catcher, he's amazing. And yes, by fucking God is he hot af.
Not the biggest fan of Steve Carrell, mainly cause I don't like the office that much, if at all really. But those 3s movies are good when you're with friends smoking a bunch of weed. Perfect for that.
I could teach you, but I'd have to charge
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Meth
i dont even know why im on grindr honestly i just want compliments and it made me feel worse than i ever have. gonna gaslight myself and say it’s just the algorithm
The funniest movie of all time is showgirls by paul verhoeven
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I lied. the first scary movie is the funniest of all time
I didn't transition in my teens therefore I will be taking my own life shortly.
Isn't that funny when that happens(ofc it isnt). Passgen sent me into a spiral recently. Grindr did good at bringing me back. I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe try making a second account and doing a full girlmode on it as an expirement.
Ok this is more like it. I love the scary movies, even the shitty ones. Anything with or by the wayans bros are so good.
White chicks is probably much funnier now that i am mtftm
Maybe i should watch it tonight unless someone else has another idea
>Maybe try making a second account and doing a full girlmode on it as an expirement.
lolno. im not even close to passing in the body, women’s clothes would just accentuate that. also im pretty sure im in girlmode just by being myself in men’s clothing. fml
i shouldve just stayed a man wtf was i thinking chat
I recommend it, I mean it's been at least 5 whole months since I last rewatched it
white chicks is so good
Damn, I should rewatch too. Haven't seen it since release pretty much.
Then why tf are you dressing in men's dress shirts and shit? You don't need to wear girls clothes. My body isn't the best either, I just wear boymoder stuff. Oversized sweatshirts and what not. But putting on a little makeup, and taking fem posing pics helps so much, trust me. Trannies eat on grindr. There's so many chasers. I know that's probably not exactly what youre looking for if you want gay men. But you will get the compliments you want.
any other manmoders play stardew valley itt? i manmode even there and date shane and he abuses me
yeah I fucking love that game and I've got quite a few farms since it released, I've got a file I want to go back to or maybe redo and I started playing as a chick instead of a dude character I think in 2019 before I was really admitting I was trans and starting HRT in 2020 (otherwise for games like that I always used to play a guy but if I could I'd play a kind of lascivious or grotesque chick if I could in like arena shooters and stuff)

I like sebastian (and his bong RIP) and playing with the female dating candidate mods
my headcanon is im manmoding in game
I own the disc but have yet to try it. My ex and brother have both played it a lot. And i used to watch a bit. Just never tried it.
I think prog deflated my tits :(
you let your soul speak
ayy watch my meds talk
i used to. now i just drink alcohol and caffeine, and smoke weed
Wait really? I just started shoving it up my ass every night. Was hoping for gains and horniness.
try stopping it for a while and see if it undoes things or if it's just temporary, sometimes mine look a little deflated then sometimes they look bigger and fuller on it
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Watching carrie instead hehe
yea I took it for 2 months and had ugly cone tits now it's just smaller mosquito bites
stopped two weeks ago :(
My affirmations did a number on you lmao. Cute titties.
Oh shit. I'll have to watch out. Mine aren't too big at all, so loosing any size would be devastating.
Carrie is kind of hot hehe
New or old one?
for me they go through phases of being cones then rounding out are you sure your breasts aren't rounding out before growing again. i wish you the best
I think i will torrent it so i can post stills on my tumblr, there are some really beautiful shots and i am not even halfway through
>wake up
>take meds
>have coffee
> wash face
>brush teeth
>brush hair
>water plants
>go to gym
>come back, shower
repeat repeat repeat endlessly for decades then die
I want to make something before I die
Make me cum baby girl

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