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Qott: are you depressed

Last >>37565422
:') :') :') :')
No. Depression is for pussies
Don't apologize I hope you choke and die >:-3
I don't think so I think I'm just a bit less inclined to enjoy things rn because I've been on a deficit of over 1500 calories daily for like 8 months
Maintenance break is not worth getting that back
Deeply and have been for a long time


I wish I was eliminated but irl

Not rly desu kinda just a worse kfc imo and idk how it is now prolly way worse desu

When I go to the farmers market this weekend I’ll make sure to remember and get you one :) there’s this amazing local restaurant that sets up there you’d prolly love em!
Time is a flat circle
I don’t want to answer the qott
Yeah I'm going to die alone
wagmi bro
> wish I was eliminated
Sorry not allowed your stuck here with us.
> worse kfc
That’s bad I think kfc is trash. All right I’ll avoid
Whats on your mind, chasergen?

I have to leave last 2 times I ask.
Anyone else actually listen to baby music to relax
I was diagnosed with it but ever since getting treated for it I've been doing pretty well all things considered. I hope that outcome for others who are like me
Answer the qott
yeah ive been diagnosed with it but like who hasn't? everybody is "depressed" i think
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Is my chicken trying to tell me something
Sometimes I get too carried away with asking questions that I'm afraid it comes across as intense or like an interrogation. I hate texting, I just wanna talk in person..
It's a bicep, you should get buff.
Just embrace it, amigo. The chicks dig it. Some of them anyway lol. But those are the ones you're looking for anyway I hope. The ones you can just be yourself around.
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we can chase ftm trannies in here too, let's do a hard reset and get all the ftm femboys in here to post pussy
>I should text her
im not depressed but i am suffused with a tragic wealth of melancholy
>Deeply and have been for a long time
Same. In my dreams we could be a sad couple for a little while
He could do whatever he wanted with me
twitter keeps showing me caged femboys that i want to top
No homo I would fuck him
in 1984 i was hospitalised for approaching perfection
broken and smoking where the infrared deer plunge in the digital snake
i tell you they make a few kids shake hands, when they make your hands shake
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have you seen chef
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not nearly as much as i used to be, since starting hrt 2 years ago i feel better at least

you should call timir

i’m unfortunately banned from “camwhoring” so i cant post my fit today here but i want u guys to know it was prime boymoder and i’m still terrified to present as a girl
and that's why it scared me so, when you turned to me and said
'yeah, you look like someone'
'yeah, you look like someone who up and left me low'
'boy, you look like someone i used to know'
That's really based
Maybe I should use twitter
Hell of a thread question.
You shouldn't be you're really pretty
I've seen more spine in jellyfish I've seen more guts in 11-year-old kids have another drink and drive yourself home I hope there's ice on all the roads and you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt and again when your head goes through the windshield >:-3
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I like G, he's cool. I'd look like a pedo around him though
yeah that's fair, at least she still responds. I guess I should just cool it for a while

>stuck here with us
For now :p (and the like last 6 years I spose)

Yeh it was always kinda known as like a value kfc imo but it’s not even really that anymore cause inflation and stuff, good for the time but anytime I’ve been after was humbling lol

I’m liking the language this chicken is speaking

Kinda true I’ve met more depressed mofos than non ones, seems like everyone has a bone to pick these days. Guess it’s not too hard when the world is crap

>little while
Why only a little? Fair tho :) would prolly be nice for a sec before reality set in, depression relationships are kinda a nightmare after a bit
G is an autopedophile
i dont udnerstand why your desired look would be as a pre-pubescent boy. i find it sick
I know it's cliche to say, but I'm surprised. You seem upbeat and like you have a ton going for you. Just got bad brains?
Idk about all that, I think just happens to look like that. Even with a mustache G would look 13.
newfag here, is this where chasers go to hang out?
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Insane janny has finally left 4chan. Lets all post selfied.
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No. Go away.
>>Idk about all that, I think just happens to look like that.
not really. he intentionally dresses like a teenage boy. hairstyle is that of a teenage boy. uses EDS as an excuse for his autopedophilic eating disorder. i think men should be men. G should learn to do a pull up
aw dang ok
I'm not depressed.
>ywn have taste of Dude's chicken cock
Pluto was peak manga
i have treatment resistant depression and it sucks. have tried lots of different meds and even transcranial magnetic stimulation which has helped a bit but it always wears off unfortunately
I see you've put a lot more thought into this than I have. I don't think I care enough about this.
If you're a cute girl and/or not insane and not a transbian, then yes
Huh. Thanks for the info. What games are you playing rn btw?
Thanks Rosewood. You’re a sweet lil chola. Too bad you’re not in the glorious overpriced West Coast where only the best Fallouts take place in
Mostly TV static
Right? Astro Boy of all things too. Never saw it coming.
Wait the other anon is right. I forgot women exist. If you're that you can stay.
i hate femboy aesthetics immensely. at least the pederasts of yore had the intention of cultivating a beautiful man
you’re sweet <3 i’ll know i’m pretty when my name is brought up when im not here

the jannie has an alert for when i post an under and im not risking a longer than 3 day ban now
>Why only a little?
Well, not to get too dark on you...but uh...I'm thinking like a Leaving Las Vegas situation
manhood can be beautiful
>at least the pederasts of yore had the intention of cultivating a beautiful man
I'll admit I didn't think this is the direction we were headed in here. I would've picked a lot of other things first.
I knew you ah e been here a wile but I didn’t know it was that long. Well obviously leave when you want but I like you being around here

And ya I don’t do much fast food because it’s like $20 to get a meal now
> I’m liking the language this chicken is speaking
Chasers and their future wives
I was on an Urusawa kick when I read it and was very pleasantly surprised. 20th Century Boys was also fire af
she looked like my mom and that's why i realized I couldn't
femboy lovers now, all they care about is the pump and dump until he grows a hair on his chest. it's a sickness
the erastes should be taking on a nurturing role. not an amorous role
Anon I'm not really up and up with pederasts, past or present I'll admit. I have sex with genuine crossdressers so I'm not sure I'm part of this dialogue.
McDonald's is fucked with their pricing now, I haven't given them money in over a year and until they straighten that shit out I never will again
I am trying trust me
Do it
lol the chicken did taste good
Ya I no longer eat there. I still do Taco Bell because I’m still willing to spend $7 on a box.
yeah I only get the 2 for $5 breakfast sandwiches, the $5 McDouble meal, or drinks
So let's end this call and end this conversation >:-3
Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Chick Fil A are the only ones I still get food from, all the others are totally screwed up now. I'm not gonna pay 17 bucks for a greasy combo meal that's worth 7 bucks
>$7 on a box

it's a shame Jack in the Box can't really keep up. filling your belly with a Munchie Meal is $12 before tax
I feel a little sad tonight, but I wouldn’t call myself depressed.
well you dont need to be, im merely pointing out the difference between 'boy love' in 500 BC and 'boy love' today
today it's exploitative and lustful, humiliating, base
yesterday it was sublime and transformative

>William Armstrong Percy III maintains that Cretan sages established a system under which a young warrior in his early twenties took a teenager of his own aristocratic background as a beloved until the age of thirty, when service to the state required the older partner to marry. The practice spread with significant variants to other Greek-speaking areas. In some places it emphasized development of the athletic, warrior individual, while in others both intellectual and civic achievement were its goals. In Athens it became a vehicle of cultural transmission, so that the best of each older cohort selected, loved, and trained the best of the younger

Pederasty was from the beginning both physical and emotional, the highest and most intense type of male bonding. These pederastic bonds, Percy believes, were responsible for the rise of Hellas and the "Greek miracle": in two centuries the population of Attica, a mere 45,000 adult males in six generations, produced an astounding number of great men who laid the enduring foundations of Western thought and civilization

im asking femboy lovers to put their money where their mouth is. it's too bad fembyo lovers are all ugly and fat and uncultured
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/fastfoodgen/ hours
/slopgen/ moments
Very chill thread rn
>In some places it emphasized development of the athletic, warrior individual
sounds amazing
I think maybe pederasty as a whole should just stay in the past and the weird femboy obsessed freaks should just get our scorn.
But I guess your idea is more creative.
>are you depressed
yeah, like clinically
doing alright atm tho
>you should call timir
im happy this ship is catching on
Yea i tried to kms two nights ago
if i had an erastes i wouldnt be a stupid dumb pathetic tranny. i would be a great man with hefty achievement. i wouldnt be suffering without a father

Therapy was cool today, only the first session but the lady was cool and had a funny my accent

Same I just don’t treat it

Only a few states over :)

Pls don’t hurt yurself anon :( I’ll be yur lv tranny hooker. But fr don’t chasernon I hope you can find a light in this place even if it’s just talking with us or me :) I hope it eases yur pain even a little

Technically longer that’s just around the time I started tripping and namefagging around then. I will but for now this is my home and has been for years, I’d only leave if I was in a healthy spot and had a support system or if I’m being very frank, wasn’t “around” anymore :p

God I miss 5 dollar foot longs, pls take me back
I miss 89 cent burritos
Anon you'd definitely still be a tranny. Just maybe also a great one lol.
You spend too much time fantasizing instead of living I'd wager.
5 dollar footlong was the best, good times
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Call me for what?
Don't do that
I enjoy that this is also related to the pederasty conversation.
Lol I've never once heard it referred to as pederasty in conversation, good vocab
maybe if i had a chaser to love me, i wouldn’t
>sui b8 my e-crush
>she says kind things to me and wants to help
screw it, I'm rolling with this, it's 4chan, baby!
scenic this, scenic that
don't fall for the traps of a man who was never born
of a man who was never born
> doing alright atm tho
I’m glad therapy seems to be good and found a cool person. That can be hard to find
>healthy spot and had a support system
I hope you do get that sooner than later
>“around” anymore
>foot longs
Best I can do is 4
Sorry bad joke
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Mouth raping Sarah’s hon face while she’s forced to beat Fallout 1
Can you not do that?
Look at picrel.
This is the future you could have.
When you're 15 you want to look poor.
Do unto others, and run like a mother
I like you better this way anyhow. Sorry if that's selfish of me.
There's plenty of us to go around, I'm sure you'll find your hot chaser bf in no time
When are you joining the military Timur
I think you’d like it
You get to see so many cocks in the communal shower rooms
How do i find one
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I really want to. But, I cant.
Depends on what kind you're lookin for.
Talk to people, meet one who likes some of the same stuff as you, and get to know each other. Hell, he could be on here for all we know
A man to verbally assault me and I verbally assault him back
idk if anyone here looks remotely liked Henry cavil drop ur discord
every leaf in a compact mirror, hits a target that we can't see
Trite, cliche, boring.
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Lol best I can do is mid-looking semi-fit (can do 10 pull ups) nerdy dork
Is timur a cute girl shaped thing?
I work out 5 days a week but I don't have hollywood money to make me that perfect, just engineer money
I look like the creature from the African-American Lagoon.
He;s a russian man
at least for the last ten years. with brief moments of happiness here and there
>But, I can’t
If you say so. Not sure what country you’re from. I’m guessing some post-soviet hellhole. But, the US military has really really good benefits
Drop ur cords
I can only do 6 pullups, it's fucking joever for me
Talk to you all later if anyone is still on

Im a temu version of him
They can still look like women, anon

Anytime I prompt captcha I keeps making me wait a minute :( very annoying

I wanted a burrito from Taco Bell the other day and if you get it alone it’s like 4.80 something before tax T-T it’s genuinely over, I just got the box but I felt cucked into it

Fr I still get it if I have coupons which I can find fairly easily and I also get mailed them fsr. But it’s still like 7 bucks :p which I am willing to do for subway, I hate to admit how much I enjoy it.

I can’t tell if this is a good or bad response :0 but ily anon and I’m sure there are others too, keep yur head up. It’ll be okay in the end :)

Yeh she was chill and didn’t threaten to hospitalize me after I told her about suicidal ideation, I genuinely hate that shit sm. Like I get I’m mentally ill, but at least treat me with a little agency (idk if I’m using that word correctly desu)

>sooner than later
I’m tryna build it back up but I still am doing kinda bad at it, I’ve recently got back in touch with a few people but I find it hard to keep reaching out, they love me tho. Hopefully I’ll have enough for a plane ticket to see em soon, Boston sounds v fun.

Lol. you bouta make me act like a fool
lB can do ten pull ups with a chaser holding onto each leg
I know, I do and I'm a man
What type of engineer where
t. Bay area EE
Potbelly is way better than subway these days anyway
That's why we love LB
and another chaser milking the third leg like a cow udder
MechE, go between Virginia and Massachusetts cuz the project I'm on is annoying
Please never do that. Life will get better
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I'm not strong, I'm not attractive
But I'm working to improve
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Hey, proud of you anon
Can relate.
Tell us what happened lad
Smoking is injurious to health.
i love smoking
ugh i have to work out tomorrow frack

Never had it :p looks v gud tho

Same :) good job anon I’m proud of you I Te very hard
Are you like the kinda engineer that works on a site specific thing? I just work on a device so I don't travel ever. Would like to travel a little but not too much.
MechE seems more fun too. But all the mechEs I know are chads so I wouldn't fit in.
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Me too. Cancer doesn't seem that bad of a trade off considering i didn't expect to live this long anyway
hot hands
i misread that as 'ugh i have to work tomorrow', and did a double take lol
I'm actually looking for something else more stable now, all the jumping around is a bit annoying. I hate the idea of being a cubicle engineer so I like spending time on the shop floor when I'm not working on a design or doing calcs
Yeahh, I've more or less been depressed my whole life. I just try to make other people's lives better/happier by being upbeat instead of bringing them down bc of my own problems <3 <3
Reds are middd
I'm bored.
If you think being a cubicle engineer is bad imagine being an open office engineer.
I like to actually know what's going on in production too though. I try to be over there whenever I can. But since we separated buildings it's harder
You said you're an EE? Mad respect, that shit is HARD
Marlboro black 100’s menthol is where it’s at
Yeah but they're only 5 foot tall
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That’s actually not bad. If you hit the gym semi-often, you’re probably bigger than me and lift more than me anyways.
I specialize in calisthenics & cardio.
Been looking for a bae to jog/run with while we play our super shitty playlist on a loud speaker. Or a simple homebody that likes video games
Nah, you’re too superficial. I recommend the self-proclaimed engineer from the Bay Area. Those guys make more than me. Seems like your type
: ) ty
It's an expression I use to describe engineers who don't actually build the things they design lmao, I can only imagine how bad it can get on a larger scale. What sort of stuff do you work on?
I’m not really in it for the money desu i just want a comfy chest to rest my head on : (
That's very kind of you. Don't be afraid to ask other people for support too though.
I get the depression thing though, pretty much been the case for me since puberty started.
You started off with Henry Cavill
>pretty much been the case for me since puberty started.
lmao i sincerely hope you're not a chaser
Well Alice, we've both got autism haven't we
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This lol
His looks, not his money lol I’m a big enjoyer of dad bods tho too, i just don’t like super skinny guys or like 300+ men (been there done that)
Can't help but think Henry Cavill's chest would be very hard and uncomfortable to rest your head on
for fug
i don't understand
why would you not instead find someone you don't think is a hon to play this game and have sex with you?
Lol, it had nothing to actually do with puberty. It was social stuff and my ADHD finally catching up to me.
I get that, I was the same way, but being a tranny on top of it too
Sounds miserable lol. Not sure how any of you manage it, but I guess what's the alternative really. Got my sympathy anyhow.
any nice boys with big pps in thread?..
I take very convincing pictures at least.
I do when I absolutely need to <3
I'm sorry too hear that. I hope you at least still have some good days and happy moments <3 <3
At the right angles we all got big pp lol
manly hands
I honestly got too good for my own self. Some girl was talking about what an absolute hammer it looked like. Figured I should break the news early that I am very mildly above average before she found out the hard way.
You are NOT driving Iris
Good, we all need a hand sometime, no shame in it.
>I'm sorry too hear that. I hope you at least still have some good days and happy moments <3 <3
Oh yeah all the time! I'm a real optimist in spite of all the challenges. I just have bad seasons basically, but right now I think we're actually in a pretty good one. How's it been going for you?
Iris mentioned in the depression thread!
See you gotta set expectations low. I'm lucky enough to be half Asian, so I lead with that to make her think it's small so when I whip out my 6.5 incher she's relieved it isn't 3 inches
i will never be loved
Lies, we love you
Aren’t you like 19 chill lol
It's... too hard for me haha, all my coworkers are smarter than me. I honestly am not sure I even like design too? Or if I'm just burnt out of my job. I kinda want to move to a more ticketed troubleshooting role. I like the idea of rolling on, fixing the problem, then having no long term project hanging over my head.
>I recommend the self-proclaimed engineer from the Bay Area.
I'm not a chaser just a tranny haha. I'm just here to network and look for a new job
Icic, yeah imagine being at Boeing or something and being so far removed from anything. I'm at a small company so we actually touch and work on the thing we make. The company makes medical instruments for research. Sounds cool but I honestly barely know how the thing works because it's so bio heavy. I just keep the power on
Gotta play to our strengths lol.
Happens to the best of us. I mean, not me, but I'm sure there's some huge fucking loser it's happened to.
finally someone with sense
my mom met my dad when she was 19. i turn 20 in just over two weeks.
I have close to 7" but I have to anglefraud to make it look its size

Forgot about this song, was my dads fave. He always cried to it
>I'm not a chaser just a tranny haha. I'm just here to network and look for a new job
I'm not even from California, but hey how are you? Couldn't help but notice you from across the thread.
when i was a kid i dreamed of having a family to belong to, i dont believe in anything anymore
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I want to sleep here, in chasergen tonight.
I worked for a massive company, and I can confirm that it sucks and I hated it lol. I'm at a mid size firm now and I actually get to do stuff which is real nice. The constant travel is killing me tho so I'm looking for something more grounded now.

And don't say that about yourself, I'm sure you're way smarter than you give yourself credit for. I've felt that way before, I was on a research team back in college and I was convinced I was the dumbest one until the parts I designed and fabricated actually worked damn well lolol
Ah. Yes. I almost forgot I'm not happy. You hit well, anon.
Meeting your soulmate that early is so not the norm, at least not anymore. You've got plenty of time to find your person
My parents didn't meet until my mom was in her late 20s and my dad was 30. Neither of them seemed to date before that
You have about 60+ years to find someone you’ll be alright
Please I’ll let you drive my Supra
Chaser in mass??
i'm not even asking for a soulmate. i just want to not be single. it's been a year and a half. i want someone to hold me and tell me that they love me. why is that so much to ask.
ah yeah thanks i'm happy now knowing that i might finally have someone not blood related to me tell me they love me when i'm 79
this is so boring, where's the happy people at? where are my people that are looking forward to tomorrow
>just here to network and look for a new job
I’m from the Bay Area too. What’s your background? I can probably drop something for you here but you gotta be really specific. I work under a Talent Acquisition/Recruiting team
im not greedy enough to think im owed anything for surviving everything but i guess i expected at least something for it all

in its own way i guess it is beautiful to be witnessing the love people share for others
Here. What you want to do?
Not mope around I guess, I love my life
Yup, chaser in Mass lol. I'm in Waltham rn. Wbu?
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Hello anons i am back from work

I made bechamel and a fake cheese sauce (dw i also made beer cheese on monday)

This post is for the anons that say i cant cook a bechamel
>in its own way i guess it is beautiful to be witnessing the love people share for others
Fuck you got me twice. Bitch.
Want to cuddle?
It’s slop…
Fancy schmancy
no one says that
Don't you have a husband? I don't want to intrude
You turnt Timur straight
I am single virgin in Russia.
My condolences.
I guess I did
Ok good
Ah that's tough
ive been told im pretty good at making people sad
You're too powerful
do you think if i asked a guy on grindr to hold me and say "i love you" he would
>i mog anguish

I guess I'm not lol>>37569190
I need to save Russian gayboys
The right guy would I'm sure, but the right guy also wouldn't say "I love you" on the first date lol
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I’m the Joe Schmoes of Joe Schmoes. You’re not achieving much
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They're doing just fine by the looks of it
Surprisingly few people are from CA given it's reputation, I don't even see that many of us outside and I only have one /tttt/ friend here. I have a coworker who's a passoid and I want to make friends with her but she works in a different department and I don't have a good excuse to go over there and chat. Obviously bad form to lead with "so I can see you're trans too" as well.
Are you an autistic engineer too?
>I worked for a massive company, and I can confirm that it sucks and I hated it lol.
This is probably grass is greener talking but at the same time it sounds like it could be nice in that you just don't have to care about anything besides your small, silo'd specified task. And... if you're lucky the processes are probably well defined. Though I've heard stories about massive companies with processes and documentation as bad as startups so...
>The constant travel is killing me tho so I'm looking for something more grounded now.
What percentage travel? I think that I might want 15% travel ideally. I have friends all around the country that happen to be near the field sites my work has so I think that like, could be really cool to do if I get a more field facing role. I like, might not care about design so much I guess even though that's what all engineers are supposed to want. You're in a design facing role it sounds like? Do you like it? It's the natural thing to like isn't it...
>I've felt that way before, I was on a research team back in college and I was convinced I was the dumbest one until the parts I designed and fabricated actually worked damn well lolol
Hahh, back in school I interned at a Stanford lab that had no other undergrad researchers. Boy did I feel dumber than a rock there talking to all the grad students and professors. My stuff did work I guess but I was mostly given schematics and just did the layout and assembly and test setup so it was well defined work.
welcome to chasergen.
I love you
This is so me-coded
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Yeah you too
What sort of work do you do now? Also do you wanna take the chat to discord?

I'm at like 60% travel right now so I'm legit miserable lolol. 25% I'd say is my max
i mean like ask him to say it even though he doesnt mean it. i just want to be held, and i can pretend everything else is right for a few moments.
theres a gross chaser guy on married at first sight and he makes my skin crawl holy shit
i know lol i'm mostly messin. 10 pullups is good tho, you should start adding weight.
both are good sizes… especially in a mating press <333
im gonna cum
yeah, probably. question is if that really works for you. and also if he's a good enough actor, although i imagine anyone willing to do that is willing to put in enough effort to be convincing
Please be a tranner
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I don't swallow cum.
i am
he doesn't have to be that good an actor. it's not like i have anything to compare it to.
Something tells me I'd really enjoy a mating press with you
chasers are faggots
prove it
i would swallow if i could but unfortunately i have no boyfriend
Timur no one asked
fuck no lmao
mating press while he holds my hands and kisses me while my knees are over his shoulders…
Drop your disc, I'm in
My bad
drop urs… i dont post mine </3
See this post >>37568775
It'd be pretty nuts to actually get a new job on 4channel.com. Honestly I probably shouldn't because I'm trying to get my surgeries done while a this job. I'm dumb enough to feel a sense of social pressure and obligation with work so I feel like I've stuck with them long enough that I'm allowed to take long FMLA leave for this whereas I'd feel like I was disappointing co-workers at a new place. This is obviously stupid and I'm certainly going to get dropped during the next round of layoffs for this childish loyalty I feel.
I guess I'm an EE I've been working for about 4 years in a design role. Experience is all in medical research devices but I don't particularly care about them in specific. Idk what else to say, I'd post my whole resume but if someone from real life recognizes me I'm cooked

Purely electrical design, PCB stuff, harnesses. Not like cutting edge interesting stuff or anything either. Really just legoing parts together to support the systems level requirements. We can take it to discord but just to be clear I literally popped into this thread to talk about engineering lol, I have a boyfriend so I don't really belong in this gen haha
>I'm at like 60% travel right now so I'm legit miserable lolol. 25% I'd say is my max
Yeah... 60% would be dreadful. 25% sounds like a good max to me too. 0% is too low though, I want an excuse to not be in this office day after day after day sometimes...
That's hot
Cool I just wanted to be on you mind when you came
You'd swallow mine
chasers kys
it's this song
Not even if he were a Ukrainian soldier holding you captive?
I have a bit of electrical experience, I built the Vali Coaster Amp as my first SMD project and I'm pretty confident in calling it IPC class 2 compliant. And ye I'm on here to have fun, if you've got a bf that's totally cool it'd just be easier to chat on disc is all. Also we're on opposite coasts if I've been reading correctly

I'm also a big fan of SOME travel, but my current situation is just way too much and it's killing me desu. Hence why I'm on the job market lolol
jesus liz
you don't need to settle for that. I know dating as a tranny isn't easy, but you're way too young to be giving up already
He will force me, yes? I don't willingly
Hey that's pretty cool! I want to build my own headphone amp and microphone ADC, and also, stereotypically, my own synthesizer, but working as an EE has kinda killed any passion in me for EE lol. Maybe sometime if I ever come to like it again.
Not a real server but I don't like just dropping my username on here lol https://discord.gg/qZkRZttQ
>Hence why I'm on the job market lolol
You should the trip upthread know lol, we could both get a job off /chasergen/ >>37569362
If he's on grindr he probably wants to touch your pp.
need a rick bf asap
anons what are good weighted core exercises?
this bitch refuses to use google i stg
i want to chat with you all :(
If everyone Google everything there will barely be conversations.
Reminder:vocal fry is incredibly hot on both cis girls and tranners alike
I can’t get rid of mine
Can the passoids please post vocaroos?
Poast it please
Reminder: tunnel throat vocals are incredibly brutal on both male and female deathcore vocalists alike
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vocal fry is kinda annoying. Idk if guys find it hot. but it does help you pass if youre the right demographic (young and white)

i don't actually know if i naturally have fry, its hard to tell. Im able to naturally accentuate it but i can tell older men don't like it when I do

>captcha: M0TH
I’m in Boston
Idk I’m in bed and exhausted so I sound a bit shit
i uh
it is
but i hated mine so it's gone now :P (mostly, although it's hard to keep gone when speaking quietly)
You need wrist exercises, I'll train you to shakeweight my cock.
Do you like older men, June?
i remember my mandarin tutor telling me when i do a low dipping tone to add a bit of vocal fry. Idk if thats just from her dialect or not though since my other teachers never taught that
>I’m in bed
It hasn’t been recently unfortunately
Sorry to hear that. What's been troubling you lately?
That's close, real close
are we doing this again?

I think men aged 25-30 are typically more respectful and responsible than men my age, a lot of the ones ive talked to especially when they know im single seem to be pretty protective of me or atleast respect my boundaries better than most men my age. Also i think they can be hot, but typically never cute like many men my age.

The big hiccup is that if was in a relationship with a man 5+ years older than me the relationship would not be equal at all. I would have an inferiority complex. I would def feel like either he owned me or he would be like a father figure and neither of these are ideal. its too risky for me to let a man have a lot of control over me, i dont want to end up in an abusive situation that i cant leave
Got discord? I dropped mine over at >>37568775
Nothing other than the usual life things, my anxiety just massively spikes when I’m laying in bed and trying to fall asleep
god why does a guy having control over me sound really nice if im not supposed to want it
Cuz you're a bottom
Ok I’ll add you tomorrow. What are you looking for tho?
Do you know about breathing exercises and learning to control your breath? I started having panic attacks in bed last year, started meditating for 20 mins before bed to combat them
Depends on what you're looking for. If you just wanna hook up then cool but I'm also looking to meet someone and see if it works out too
I have tried almost everything, but the only thing that reliably works is to stay up so late and get so tired that my brain shuts off. I’ll fall asleep every time but I average 3-5hrs a night.
i want to be told what to do by people so badly fuck i hate being old and ugly
Where do i find one of these controlling men?
Cmon you can't be that old, and I bet you're not that ugly either
I’m looking more for a relationship but even just someone cool to grab dinner and a show with here and there would be fun.
>>37564692 I found a schizo pichu thread
Here lol if you look hard enough
I keep on finding myself acting more like a dad instead of a bf, so maybe me
I didn't mean to offend you, sorry. Thank you for the answer.
I dont need a dad i need a master i can call daddy
Will you let master suck your gock whenever he wants?
I'm also looking for one, so I'd def be interested in meeting if we talk on disc and we click lol
Its not even the gock part its the fact that you asked
Holy shit sarah you destroyed him
You seriously piss me off on God
That sounds a lot better
Lmfao peak meme
A master cant make his little cum slut feel good now?
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Hmmm. Fuck. Best I could pull is Electrical Engineer work under Transit + Vehicle systems.

Does that sound interesting to you?

Or do you think they’ll filter you because you mainly worked under medical tech and mostly design & PCB?

Filtering the overconfident retards isn’t my job so I wouldn’t know

Also, yeah just stick with your current job and get your surgeries done. Like you said, you already got enough leave for that. The surgeries sound important
fucking gross you guys are so bad at this
Lol this is /b/ tier garbage
It's probably someone having fun, they jumped into the conversation to post that
Weighted slantboard situps. Now post tummy
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yes? and also no. i've never got a depression diagnosis, but the analysis that was done at the gender clinic thing when I came out did mention that I fit the criteria. I enjoy doing things, taking care of myself, and meeting goals, but at the same time, I struggle a lot with self-image and self-harmy thoughts. So idk what this is.

good morning cg :>
im not offended

its just that some anons keep trying to make me comfortable with a larger age gap
You're the only girl your age on this board who doesn't want to date daddy.

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