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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT: are these threads back to getting insta banned again?
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is picrel a comic?
where i can read it?
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good morning
hello alien
We will find out
t. tranny
cute. did you make it?
no but i will be making new ones soon
Good evening <3
good evening
How're you?
What's the lore?
good I guess. just watching some documentary where this feminist investigates mens rights movements and shes slowly becoming red pilled and being emotional because these guys are actually making sense
I noticed something when watching videos of regular people from the 70s talking. they seem more honest back then. like nowadays people will stop before answering a question and think about what they are going to say and make sure it supports whatever side they agree with and being careful not to say something honest If it helps the other side.

if you look at politics today and groups protesting, just look at what those groups of people said back in the 70s, and that's how these people today actually feel inside before they throw out whatever acceptable slogans they've heard repeated
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what happened the last time they got banned?
>shes slowly becoming red pilled and being emotional because these guys are actually making sense
ew, cringe
if someone shoves a camera in your face in 2024 you could easily go viral and get doxxed and harassed for having the wrong opinion
sounds like a classic grifter lol
there was just a season of no chasergens until the mods chilled a little i think. i don't remember too much, i just stopped coming here
I don't plan on leaving, I'll just go on other boards desu
why do they even wanna do it? what the problem?
God they do really hate us.
Not who
I don’t know but I do see other threads complaining ing about there being cis men and chasers on here

It’s part of the reason I don’t post much out side here
unless someone here i sure hope so >:(
jk jk
has anybody seen frisson?
But they also come here too all the time, and very rarely is it to simply lurk or contribute to the conversation
You who?
the last time, it was like a year ago. they would often just delete the thread and ban the creator. but people were determined and kept trying. we would have random ones here and there cause janny would sometimes let it go all day. at some point they started letting us have our thread but would sit in it all day.
and just ban any girl who self posted within 1 second. and that's where were still at now, although they seem to have relaxed a bit.
during the times they kept deleting them and when we didn't have one some of us just went to other threads with similar topics
Well they are were saying if chasergen didn’t exist the amount of cis men would be lower on lgbt. Basically they want us to just leave for good
yeah. but they are fighting a force of nature. you can look back in the archives and find these sporadicly posted here and there back to 2014. but this past year its become a regular every day thing.
there's always gonna be guys who like trans women and trans girls who want to date men. If I left this board for 10 years and came back there would probably be a chaser gen or something similar.
i miss when frisson was in these threads she was the love of my life
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I look like that and say those things
transbians slowly poisoned frissons mind and made her think i was an evil chaser
idk why all these rules about self-posting exist? it's just stupid

literally cis lgb exist..... yap

you really do!!
My favorite deer girl
i don’t know what a deer girl is but morgan was very dear to me
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i bring vibes

good? bad? i dont know
a good vibe!!!
Ya I think the chasergen will stay, or at least I hope. I enjoy interacting with a lot of you all.
I know I never said it made sense lol
There is a lot of hate in general around chasers. Chaser is a large umbrella and there are deffently really bad people that exist in that group. But I feel we got a lot of the good people here
It's the kind of girl you wish to tie to your hood spread eagle.
You remind me of the babe
I wish I had a yoohoo rn
Rip in piss to the brave men and women who fell so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have today.
Losing battle for them ig. There's clearly more of us than them
I want to fuck you so bad alien cat poster please be my girlfriend
a lot of chasers even here objectify/fetishize trans women to a really large degree + its kinda weird to have horny cis guys in an lgbt space
quokkas a cute!
every lgbt do it
>horny cis guys
gays? literally what the hell
id rather horny chaser scum than the deluge of thinly veiled /pol/tard spam. thougheverbeit, i suppose the jannies are /pol/ so what can you do
I honestly have no idea how many people are actually in the threads.
I mean ya there is that. I try to be chill but also I try to mostly stay here. So if you don’t want to interact with me it’s easy enough to avoid me by just avoiding 1 gen.
lgbt dont fetishize as much as chasers
meant cishet/cisbi guys sry

I don't mind chasers personally but I can understand why people have a problem with them

idk I'm a regular here and like interacting with you

idk why they don't just stay out either was just explaining why I think some people mind
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>turns off trip
Yup. It’s that time again innit
oh had to delete bc i found it myself
very cute this kafka type stories make my eyes wet every time. so sad that are only three pages
I miss the ip counter.
IP counter and/or IDs would be nice to bring back
Well thank you, but I’m sure there are plenty of that do not like me or other chasers here.
They were complaining about chasers venturing around the board. I have on occasion but try to only post in threads about chasers. I think I have made a total of 4 post outside of here.
I understand the board isn’t my personal play space and try to respect it.
bars are loud and very whelming
i feel like ill turn into a sad wojak if i dare say "i want to go home"
no, i mean many lgbt here pornbrained coomers (and troons tooooo) so it's just doesn't matter at all.
time to time i'm here and it's chill
i don't see any problems
it's all made up
I have but not often
I was not here for that but it would help
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>look literally like this, average
>smol fingers and feet because Russian
>but very ugly scars under eyes, hands, and body (not self harm)

Can I still be pretty someday?
by fetishization/objectification I don't mean pornbrained coomer, I mean specifically treating a person as if they are an object, (aka treating trans women as sexual objects) not being specifically horny

I'll be honest it feels really discouraging sometimes being compared to others and put in tierlists n stuff idk
you look like that but call yourself russian? that's some kind of -stanistani in your picrel
transbians do that more than 'chasers' tbhon. at least in person. irl transbians are fucking social poison, they're lecherous fiends without a lick of inhibition
the tierlist stuff is just terminally online permavirgins
The people who make tierlists have the same motivations as those who do calories counts or other shit like that, to induce brainworms on the tranners and fuck with their self esteem.
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Is this a lovable amount of clocky? Or is it too much?
and what? how deleting of chasergen would resolve this tierlist problem for exemple?
You look cute desu. I would hit on you
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>Can I still be pretty someday?
What did Timur mean by this
You pass perfectly
uhh idk I can't really comment on that at all that hasn't been my experience

only thing is that sometimes I've noticed they have very low social boundaries for flirting/touching which can be uncomfortable

okay forget tierlists, I'm just specifically talking about objectification (which chasers do by definition) and I thought tierlists were a good example

nothing it wouldnt, I like chasergen
looks good to me girl in the brown coat
Does the trans community hate "chasers" or men attracted to trans woman?
the stupid "calorie counts for the day" bait troll whatever gets me every time
hate that anon so much
pretty sure the trans community only hates "chasers" because of the implication
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Another picture. He dye his hair black i think.
fucking lmao
What implication?
>lgbt dont fetishize as much as chasers
I've seen too many lgbt people to know this isn't true at all
does he change back or stay a deer???
I love chasers and want to smooch all of them
if a straight man falls in love with a trans woman even if he has never been with one before or even thought of it, isn't he now a trans attracted man?
Chasers more but anyone who likes trans women is often called a chaser.
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You hit the cute zone to me
the implication being that chasers only want them for the identity they belong to, and not for them.
chaser implies you specifically and exclusively go after trans women
chasers have such shit taste holy fuck
as an actually passing trans girl, things like this are what make me want to have nothing to do with chasers
I meant this pic. But it doesn't matter.
I wont lie.
Your average John Doe will clock you and swipe left.
But, you’re good looking enough to do well in the transbian dating pool.
I personally think you’re cute even though you have dead fish eyes and chunky dude hands
Nope. We dislike interacting with men who don’t see us as people beyond fetish. Men who are attracted to trans women honestly in every group of trans woman I’ve ever been in are held in high regard
I love you too and your digits confirm kek is on your side
and who of you dated a same level passing girl before?
You're both on a boat in the middle of nowhere. They won't say no.
The implication that the chaser wants to take them on a fun day of boating
You look like an annoying girl from New York who’s into the DIY hardcore scene
<3 maybe one day Prince Charming will find those features acceptable
I wanna go on a boat... that sounds fun
Did Pichu go to the bar?
probably. a lot of these girls are normalfags who have friends and go out
Nice quints, I've dated a self-described "twinkhon" before so kinda similar, but completely different facial features. But to me it's just cute or not.
>people find this homeless guy hot
why r people so dang rude to her :<
I meant tonight.
why are you like this
im overwhelmed and confused and can't hear what my friends are saying so im lurking on my phone
i think so
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hi again chasergen
iktf lol
only chaser i like is nils and i'm not gonna lie :|
I'm proud of you for going.
you ever wake up to a cat in your face like this. what are they thinking
It happens sorry to Say… maybe one day the world will be better and I’ll be seen as ugly
It is fun. You just have to wear sunblock and stay hydrated especially if you drink any alcohol on the water
That's alright, I don't even know who you are.
how was it in public?
should i keep boymoding after ffs?
thanks but im thinking im probably not going to bother doing it again for the foreseeable future
it's just loud and warm and crowded and thus very overstimulating on three counts, i don't see much reason to do it again after this experiment
just drink the ocean or bay water duh
good answer to no one at all
0.o; drinking on a boat in da sun
if you don't feel safe i think its fine, when i get FFS i will still want to wear boyish outfits from time to time anyways
>which chasers do by definition
Depends on your definition of chaser. Most of us aren't actually using it in the colloquial sense. I don't call myself or consider myself a chaser any more than I'd call any of you trannies in real life, it's just part of the culture.
fluffy AND with the cuwtest eyes?
drink alcohol ON the water? ethyl alcohol and water is miscible right?! i guess if you'd freeze the water _then_ add ethanol that could make sense but otherwise...
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You definitely don't go to barcades all the time.
It's good for you to get out though.
well if you're just someone that is okay with trans women or bi you aren't rly a chaser

but if you only date trans women you're a chaser

thats what I mean by chaser basically

but yea obviously not every "chaser" in chasergen is a chaser I know what you mean
It's kinda wild how enjoyable being on a boat is, I can't even explain it.
only when the OP breaks the rules
that implies that she's not, tho?
i mean i don't really think that's a good reason to troon. you should do it because it makes you happy. But i do understand where you're coming from and
yeah, possibly. It's really hard to know before you start what you're gonna look like. Especially from behind a mask. But ive seen worse starts go well.

Im back!
The movie was very mid for its genre.
lol i don't even know who i am
You look like that? Yeah that dude could transition tomorrow and would hit passoid tiers instantly.
>>only thing is that sometimes I've noticed they have very low social boundaries for flirting/touching which can be uncomfortable
exactly. men dont do that unless they're the worst kind
i did for two years in college and regret it immensely. it's probably my #2 regret, after putting off starting hrt at 17 and waiting until 20
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Stop Boymoding.
real as fuck
I think you should ask yourself what you're even waiting for at that point. The point of transition is to transition after all. Gotta start the girl stuff up at some point here or what are we doing.
Why do I find FtMs like this so fucking hot
that's the face of molestation
when you uglify yourself so profusely
it makes me pity ftms
Are you a dude
What did you see?
Idk man, not really my taste. That mustache is nasty.
do trans gals like subby twinks
A Serbian Film
A lbanian Film
Not usually
top subby twink?
An Albanian Film
Lmao. Your best work so far.
:> yippee love albania
does anyone remember that nils was ahead of the curve in calling venus (transbian) a bitch and stu (a transbian) a fat tub of lard? this is why he's the best
Yes... need a gf
I never had problems with anyone, and I have no problems being in public with her
Stu you should start girl moding online (Not going by stu)
i do
Why would I care about any of that. Is this high school?

And dang they obliterated Stu fast as hell. Hi Jannie
no, this is chasergen
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i aim 2 please chasergen
Strong points. I'm listening.
not very confident yes
but whatever
as far as you top and don't troon out you have high chacnes
do you like top subby twinks?
>subby twink
Pick one
Oh mein gott.
Culturally this is an Albanian /gen/ Albania pride forever
thanks for listening
not since college
Piece by Piece
im very sick of music artist biopics after seeing just one of them, but i thought "hey, this one's lego, so that's a neat gimmick"
it wasn't enough to save it. still just like any other of its kind. Not bad, and i do love all the music Pharrell Williams has touched, but
not good either
fack off this is a GREEK general. albanian pig, mountainous muslim sheep shagging FAGS
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albania pride!!!!!!
>that implies that she's not, tho?
I didn't think that deep on it it just sounds like her and she uses deer pics
wear a bra you whore
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You shut the hell up, that's the land of my queen you're talking about
does such a thing even exist? if it did, i would marry him immediately
I H8 U
I do exist! :D
Kisses from Brazil
its 930 at night and im in my PAJAMS
Are you hot
albanians are basically bunker gypsies
no i see what you mean and it's very appropriate. Just funny that you implied the opposite of what you meant
Your “country” (collection of man-boy love mud hut villages) peaked over two thousand years ago, while Albania’s reign will soon be upon us
Albania pride worldwide!
more than 99% of the people here, yes
This image is beautiful, good lord.
y u r so mean 2 me..
an Albanian film
discord? am original twink poster
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You're donezo, buster.
Alb,bnainann .,.. aayuhg
you are gypsy
read this in borat voice
shout out to my khazakstani niggas
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Something doesn’t feel right.
Something doesn’t feel right.
Something doesn’t feel right.
Something doesn’t feel right.
Something doesn’t feel right.
Something doesn’t feel right.
shout out belarus!!!! is anyone belarus!@!!!! yyaay!!!!
nyo i cannot
belarusian are east slavic gypsy
You people are retarded
Lot of albanians on tonight
Oh I didn’t know this existed but looks interesting. Same it’s eh I’ll put it on the not worth my time list.
It's so over
sleep well
i am already in a relationship u_u i was just speaking hypothetically
blue amogus stands tall at the top of plushie stack on the corner of my desk
i dont speak gypsy
goodnight, anon!
I love you <3
goodnight. I love you
good night I miss you
Night, bud!
well if any other girls want a subby cute twink I'm here
tfw no gypsy trannard
you speak english
are you better? LOOOOOOOOL
I'm interested, but I'm not a girl lol.
I am not even from albania... i lied foir clout online.. deep shame on my whole familly..
Don’t let da bed bugs bite, GOAT
what letter?
why would you advertise yourself as 'subby', it's retarded
oh yeah i would like a partner who cant think for themself and lacks any sort of independence or self-involved volition
no one wants that male or female. do you watch porn a lot?
We should kill this guy.
sudoku right now.
Thank you Sarah. Did Dude tell you bad news about us?
Yes, average guy but my hair is lighter and he has many tattoos.
You are meowmeow
A as in alb- (loud bang and a gunshot echoes across the quarry)
we have a merciful janny goddess tonight on this fri of days
I'm a bisexual cis man. I only top though.
Would you transition if you knew it'd work out, Timur?
>Angel numbers 22222 means that you are on the perfect path for balance, stability, and leaping to the next spiritual level. This number sequence hints at keeping faith, believing in your own sense of success, and creating surroundings that will help you triumph.
my brother this whole general is about sex
>bad news
no??? what has happened????
any tips for optimal frotting with my tgf?
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>a partner who cant think for themself and lacks any sort of independence or self-involved volition
Any ladies like this in dis thread rn
next poster explodes
evens you survive, odds you... well....
Raising your partner gets exhausting pretty fast.
both of you should take adderall and then put on liquid drum and bass
I like your mind, anon
me bruh

me bruh

me bruh
this was not supposed to be a reply, sorry durian
There is no greater stolen valor than the stolen valor of claiming Albania heritage
In Albania we have devise the most terrible of punishments for this. We tie you to the meanest goat in the village
No but I wish I can be attractive without mask.
He is city boy, i am can-in-woods boy, so we are only bros not compatible as lovers. Sorry
Where do I go to find irl trannies?
How many times are people gonna ask this dumb shit.
I had a W124. It now is in Albania.
>my brother this whole general is about sex
maybe to you. this general is about LIFE AND DEATH AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN
anyway a hookup is much more easily available on other platforms.
um if this general is all about sex then why am i a virgin? huh? yea think again retard
have you tried your local video game store?
This general is about starting beautiful long term relationships between autistic retards.
It’s living a good life though. Daytime a busy taxi, nighttime a busy brothel
good post
identifying yourself in an amorphous category is the mark of a boring person
this general is about asex
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sup shawty
where u from
Give it back I wanted to stuff a 2J in there.
cali forni a
Whereas commenting on boring people is pure excitement.
this. where else could I meet people to cuddle and watch car crash compilations with?
only through critique can we come to higher understanding. ithastry knows this.
I'm not autistic.
>car crash compilations with
you're sick
seek help
That presupposes any higher understanding is desired from being here. I in fact endeavor to be even stupider, by mere exposure.
i started planning the wedding...
east coast, seaside, probably Maine
small ceremony
i had you in a dress, flow-y but not SUPER long with a nearly opaque veil which is unusual but it can function as a mask for you
bridesmaids in a deep blue (half of them are boys)
I have zero idea on how I learned english
What kids? US bodycam vids?
i use chasergen for anthropological study!
Moi non plus.
Heyy everyone. Hope you’re having a wonderful Friday night! I’m playing cozy games with friends tonight. Should I meet up with someone from this board or are they a murderer or both?
I keep telling myself the same thing.
Would have been beautiful. Its ok. Just got to find a new bride
My brain just sorta did it for me. I wasn't involved.
Lol, I aim more for sociological. Zoological when we're really kicking.
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Its OK. He deserves one of you pretty lady's. I will continue to chase chasers.
tierlist for known chasers ranking them by how well them meeting your parents would go
Bjorkfanchaser gets S tier, and only him in S tier
what are you
i thought we were done with remake culture in gaming but everyone is eating up the silent hill remake. it doesnt even look that good. why now of all times do people praise konami for such clear greedy business practice with this and mgs3 delta
Chaser chaser
That would depend on the someone.
Nils is the only one I know what they looks like. I'm sure my parents would just be happy I have someone
Also the opaque veil is very cute of you to consider for me. Made me smile
>I will continue to chase chasers.
What? That's what you've been doing here the whole time?
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Are you the chick from LA
Lol, what known chasers?
I am from LA but aren't there more then 1
one day i'll turn timur straight and he'll be happy about it
This is why I paid for 4chan Premium so it damn well better be
Sacrilege but to be expected in a place like this
meet them in public places during daylight hours. share coffees or a matinee. walk crowded parks etc
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every girl who gets banned for self posting is a martyr
Do a background check on them
What did you think?
Does it? Doesn’t everyone deserve a chance?
Hang on let me get my notebook, I’m writing this down.
Just how cute are you, Timur? I could be convinced.
i was gonna post a selfie in response to this but i got cold feet
>Doesn’t everyone deserve a chance?
No, lol.
bide your time, our chance will come
Good luck on the chase
Damn that’s sad
go timur go!! you can do it :D
I thought you were just here to pass the time and post military larp photos. I haven't noticed you flirting or anything.
did the dude just reject Timur, sexually
frankly if there were any ambiguity in my thinkign i should meet up with someone, i wouldnt do it at all. you've got to trust your gut instinct, someone who is worth meeting up with, and safe to, will show that from the first day you speak
You're an inspiration to the cause.
>Damn that’s sad
Brother I don't mean like a fat dude or a chubby person, I'm talking about people that are actual horrid monsters. Redeeming them is not our business.
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any chaser wanna meet up with me in the middle of the woods at 3 am c:?
dont worry bout the huge kitchen knife im carrying i just find em cute c:
oh wow timur do be rizzin and stealing the chasers :o
it's been going on for two days now lol
>ohhhh TheDude i wish you were my husband ohhhhh Dude you could live with me if you wanted ohhh Mr T. Dude i would transition for you if you wanted
it's really cute if a little unfortunate
putting an almond break and a fat donk on a chaser
He’s still cool by me but I like women.
How does that make it less sad. They are still people
timur. become the girl that the dude wants
i am not just recycling the wedding i made for you two for someone else! New bride, new wedding!
No, he deserves a city girl and you deserve a cabin-in-the-woods boy
>one of you pretty lady's
im not one of those, for like four separate reasons lol
one of THOSE pretty ladies, maybe
a moment of silence for our fallen sisters u_u
>>He’s still cool by me but I like women.
wtf DUDE you ass! give timur a chance
Some people have it coming. Don't get your heart bleeding too much here, I'm talking about people who hurt people. God can sort out their soul, we can stop them hurting people.
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Idk. I do remember a lot of LA anon chasers lurking around here
Would you ever move out of LA for the right person?
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if u dont wife timur up im gonna hurt ya >:c
need dbluecrusher on dat chaser stat.
never say never
you'll be my subby little boy, i'll do sooooo many things to you uhuhhuhu)))
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You tell me
Same to you, bro
I try my best
You are kind
yea I'm trying to leave as soon as I can anyways
No please be nice he cool dude.
I'm not submissive.
if i could live anywhere in america it would be 70s-90s LA
This is a direction that I didn't see coming. I have turned into the bad guy.
I guess it depends on what hurting people means. Like I have been hurt but they were not bad people. They just did bad things.
Tranners are you being chased? If so how is it going? If not why?
wasn't there liek, uh, race riots in the 90s

by regrets? absolutely
i know your fantasies about ukrainians
you'd love me sooo much
Dude I am not talking about people being rude. I'm talking about abusers, rapists, murderers. Bad people.
yes, that doesnt change my wish
when do you think they'll get back together?
I was there but I was 1 so I kind of missed the fun.
Just one!
Which was way tamer than the one in the 60s.
You're not bad guy, they fuck with you.
But, you are strong guy who can wrestle me into submissive?
He could be korean
The 70's and 90's were one of the times in American history that saw a sharp rise in violent crime, yeah.
i'm strong enough to werstle you into submission.
it's not like that you even would have a choice to enjoy it or not
i do be eflirting but i dont think im being "chased"
>you are strong guy who can wrestle me into submissive
k...keep going o.o
I'm not a girl BTW.
hello Glorp
>i do be eflirting but i dont think im being "chased"
I don't live in South America.
im rapidly approaching your location anon dont be scawed c:
this is the whole point why you WILL BE straight!!!))))
I was rapidly approaching your former location. I think we're going to miss each other.
You are woman?
desu i dont get this, there are shitty things going on in every decade or time period. THE 90S HAD SO MUCH GOING ON IN THE EAST COAST
id also like to live in berlin during the interwar years, despite the turmoil and violence going on then. mankind is at its zenith in tumultuous times
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Hit me up on discord if you want:
Im a mid-looking nerdy dorky dude. i workout too and i like going to events n stuff. LB can brag all she wants about how fit she is but put 100lbs on both our backs and ill outrun that motherfucker any day

im like the middle ground between bar hopping/raving prince and the stay-at-home cockroach
i'm your goddes
this is rick, dont add him
You are so gay.
Good idea
It can just be hard to trust people sometimes!
Yeah, on a couple fronts I think? I never know how to tell.
weird flex but ok.
>mankind is at its zenith in tumultuous times
I see your point, but I'm not sure I agree. I think those moments are lionized because of the intense ramifications of their moments, but I don't know that those moments are us in any sort of better mode. I'm skeptical of the notion at least.
It really is lol same typing style and the way he names his files
Kinda interesting know that chasergens are one of most active threads in this board
i'll boymode until you fall in love with me completely and after that...you'll be just mine)))
it's a really fun thread and ive met some nice people here
better than haunting passgen and getting depressed weekly
Timur's still a repper (?) so that was never actually going to work out. this was all just a meme. They're both fine, im sure.
nope. i think that's only really happened once. and i immediately developed a crush on the guy.
We developed a surprisingly kind culture in the last year or so.
Where you are from?
can someone pls give me backrubs? ive been sitting in bed all day cause my head hurts
you all seem very nice and sane compared to a lot of the other generals
isn't hard to guess, timurka))
We’re just a bunch of goofy guys and gals having a laugh with each other.
i’m having a bdd meltdown and considering manmoding for the rest of my life
chasergen please send cute pictures to cheer me up i like cats and otters and pikas and chiyo from azumanga daioh
mtfg could be like this too if they were more comfy with each other
They aren't? What happen in the mtfgen?
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did you ever consider live here? like in a nice place on the west?
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Hugo today.
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have a Mugi
Me bringing things to sukei to make her feel better
they're very bitchy and cliquey
here you can be a new chaser trip and show up and shoot the shit for an afternoon and you're just In
there, if you're unknown you get shit on repeatedly until you leave
Maybe not sane lol.
take this, hon :D
I think of living in many places that are not Russia. How is homophoia there?
putting trip on to say from the transer perspective im very glad sukei is here
and to say i think you're all a very kind bunch of people, friends and trolls and all
We have 2 weirdos known as Rick and twinkchan and some nasty anons that shit on the girls in here whenever they post pictures. But for the most part people are pretty “normal” here.
Based. She has singlehandedly redeemed the Albanians forever. If only she had a feminine penis
>putting trip on
>no trip
I laughed
Twinkchan is pretty normal lol, not even remotely comparable to rick. She just shitposts.
Here is a bunny
You didn't need to type this last sentence
oh shoot then what do i do...do i just stay here in the middle of the woods with the huge kitchen knife im carrying or we plan a middle ground and we meet there :o?>>37592136
chasergens do be cozy most the times c:
im awful at cheering up but really hope u feel better soon sukei and dont worry everything will be alright i know it
I like this answer
much better than in russia, but far from ideal
open lgbt people exist, serve in army and everything
can be really bad
very controversial i'd say
but can be one of the best place in eastern europe for lgbt in years after czech i guess
I think we're supposed to meet in the middle and smash into each other like the LHC.
Comforting Pichu after she had a long night of overstimulation.
People always ask for back rubs, but idk what I'm supposed to be doing. I just feel like I'm smooshin you.
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You are the gayest
You wouldn’t get it.
Please smoosh me
you ever made pizza dough before? just like that

seeing all the responses and cute pictures genuinely made me cry ily all and idk why anyone would ever want chasergen shut down when its one of the last nice places on this godforsaken board
some day i will be pretty for all of you <3
You already are pretty Sukei
No i didnt. At least put 200lbs on you back.
No bottle in the ass or being pissd on for being faggot? That's interesting.
Happy tears.
>be me
>give great back rubs
>no trans gf
Lol. Are you also made of pizza dough?
Alright I guess that makes sense. That doesn't hurt though?
I think that day already happened, but alright.
I like when you walk around on my back.
You're more then pretty, you're also nice to talk to
idk what i do on chasergen
idk why i sticked here
i don't think that i'm really into men or whatever
but here is so comfy
and girls, and boys are good here
I guess we can make bread out of your crushed bones afterward.
If you're here you have to get dicked down.
Pichu hands wrote this
I want to buy one of those black lights and use it to clean my room of any body fluids and germs. that way if anyone ever comes to my house with their own black light thinking they will embarrass me, they will see that it is completely clean and I will feel confident.
lol it's like the second time as somebody assumed that i'm Pichu. i'm NOT
I just spend the day prior to any guests arriving painstakingly crafting a mural of them with my own cum. One step ahead, every time.
I only use this general, is it really that much better than the others? sometimes we get a schitzo that makes in uncomfy here, but the regulars are nice
completely covering my room in bodily fluids to scare any black light users
like Pichu would say "sticked here" c'mon get real
a clean room is more guilty than a dirty room
I need a sexy babe to cover in my bodily fluids.
covering a chaser in my body fluids then pointing a blacklight at him to embarrass him
tell me how I know there are empty energy drinks and laundry scattered around your room
Nodding and say "sure babe" to my tranner who is pretending she can even still produce cum
i was in gaygen, lesgen, but i can't click(?) with them. and here people are more willing to talk

is it only option that you can offer?
I literally can... omg...
Chasergen is best. Trust me, I'm in many threads.
I can smell your room from here you disgusting pig
Water bottles but you got me on the laundry
Its ok if your into whatever. Its just a place to chill.
Sure babe.
i am clumsy!!!
oh yeah I heard some of the other threads are cliquey. I have randomly popped into gaygen, mtfg a once and said something and no one responds, but here anyone will talk to you
da heck is an LHC? o.o
sorry im just super dumb sorry sorry sorry
when i do em i just kinda end up "caressing" the guys and ive never had a complain :o
(and no i dont mean i do it with lewd intentions id give em to friends too)
oh yeh and this too
>when i do em i just kinda end up "caressing" the guys and ive never had a complain :o
honestly even if a girls weak hands aren't giving a lot of pressure, it still feels relaxing to be touched. or maybe that's just me cause I'm lonely
Lol. You're fun, anon. Whatever you say.
The Large Hadron Collider in CERN. It's a particle accelerator to, well, accelerate particles. Usually at other particles that they then smash together.
The downside of chasergen getting bigly upped publicity, even more transbians are gonna come partake in the vibe
At least be chill please
we had prides before 2022 and had only short one this summer.
we have famous drag kween Verka Serduchka))) we can't be homophobic (can()
some people who are real influencer are really chill.

but go here, we'll be just a straight couple!!! nobody would care!!
I would prove it but I don't want that to be publicly posted...
So you've got no proof then. That sure is convenient for you, huh?
whatever... I know what I can do..
you dont have to believe it
why do white people like avocados so much?
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Really, that's surprise to me. Even Poland is very homophobic. But good for you Ukrainian homos and ladies. We can be friends.
>you dont have to believe it
Okay I won't then. :D
I knew I was right, feels good to be right.
Everybody likes avocados, they're delicious.
this is cool
why wouldnt somebody like avocado
you cant go wrong with the stuff
i think i'm chill, bc i'm not everyday here, but people don't complain
am i even transbian? i just can't figure out my sexuality. it's not meta-attraction it's something that i can't understand
I have never eaten an avacado before
believe me people would hate you more if you're russiaphil much more than if you're gay
for nationalists cultural aspect is important more so you can have some troubles, just love Ukrainian culture and language
You're missing out, chief. They're a little pricey but they're one of my favorites.
>it's not meta-attraction it's something that i can't understand
But you do experience sexual attraction? You've got me curious now, anon.
You just don't internally feel like a woman yet so you're not comfortable with being a lesbian at the moment which makes it feel confusing
Many such cases
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yeh...thats why i end up just giving nanaicitos (thirdie world for caressing in a "ill heal u" way) cuz most of the time its what the guys really want or need or like...hey and dont say that everyone loves and needs nanaicitos c:
oh wow i just realized...what u meant when u said we were going to smash? o.o
or i mean...in what way? o.o
i dont understand the "transbian" thang...like...if they are comfy and are kewl to be around why would u not let em here? :c
Will they beat me for being Russian itself?
>oh wow i just realized...what u meant when u said we were going to smash? o.o
Yeah we call those double entendres lol.
if you're chill - no
if you're geniunly love Ukraine and really do support (not on the words i mean) - you can be friend with everybody
>thang...like...if they are comfy and are kewl to be around why would u not let em here? :c
It very quickly overtakes and then the fun flirty het atmosphere drops off fast and you just get mtfg again
Nice people
a sad truth, it’s surprising how many trans girls end up being transbians anyway, i don’t get it personally but then again i was beat up once for admitting i found zac efron hot and im just happy i get to say that now and people think its normal for me
Okay but Frylock is definitely black, right?
the guy who voices him is
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Someone say Avocado?
>zac efron hot
i mean that's just objective reality
No Rick
He's like Piccolo. He might be a giant thing of fries, but he's also a black man.
This is not big Ukrainian I meant
have you seen frisson?
>But you do experience sexual attraction?
idk i just feel that something pushes me towards men, to talk, to flirt with them. my brain is like coded to GET a man. and it was like since childhood, i knew few gays and like i tried to do something with every of them. why? i have no idea. but all my life i thought i'm into girls only.
it's really stressing me out. it all just feel fake
no, it isn't the case. my mind just come back to think about men
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i told ya im braindead
oh and...i dont know how to play smash tho will u teach me? c:
jigglypuff is there right i like jiggypluff c:
not white but avocados are nutritious and yummy c:
I'm a straight white man and even I recognize that he is a beautiful man with a perfect body
i’m tired of pretending him and his voice aren’t hot because they are!! i love hot men i love cute men i love funny men i love caring men i wanna hug a man and tell him im proud of him and i appreciate him taking care of me despite my flaws and the fact im a gross tranner, and im glad he sticks by me when there’s millions of prettier cis women out there
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>millions of prettier cis women

But there only is one of you.
this made me laugh for some reason.
yeah, technically he is French fries, but has the vibe of a nerdy black incel. piccolo is voiced by a white man but still feels like the black guy of the universe (excluding Mr popo who was changed for the American version)
Maybe time or some serious self-reflection then. I wouldn't even know where to begin though. Sexuality all came very naturally for me.
>how to play smash
Lmao. Fine, yes that's the smash I meant. There is a Jigglypuff, yeah. I'll be playing Piranha plant and we'll make a whole night of it.
Then we fuck.
My only problem with Zac Efron is I think he's legitimately really really dumb.
Lol, yeah see you get it. There's a few characters around who I feel like that about. Martian Manhunter is another classic. Wilt from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I also think Mr. Krabs is black, but that one I can't even begin to explain.
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>yesterday in class
>the girl sitting behind me touched her foot on my back
>she says "Sorry"
>I tell her "no problem"
Good night, I will be away most of weekend. Remember:

Focus on what matters, let go of what doesn't.
goodnight. I love you
goodnight, homo erectus
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wait...why u say u thought u were into girls only when u also say u been into men since childhood? im confused :c
oh wow anon im speechless o.o
also...what we doing the whole night...the smash or the other smash (lewd) :s?
buh bye timur have a nice weekend c:
i reflect on this so many years. i'm just cursed with fluid bisexuality and one of my biggest fear is when I approach someone and then realize that I'm not attracted to their sex.
i'm not trying to fit myself anywhere or make myself straight or gay, my brain just "oh dudes dudes dudes guys boys" and after few weeks 'ah nah girls belong to girls"
i just know that i'm fake
>wait...why u say u thought u were into girls only when u also say u been into men since childhood? im confused :c
it was just simplier to think this way bc if you really wanna faking something really good you should change your mindset
coping mechanism that protects ego
Hello moids and troids
anyone an androgyny chaser? attracted to more androgynous women?
Well that's interesting at least. I'm bisexual myself and I've heard of people going through these sort of cycles, but it's not something I've ever experienced. I find it's more like a Jesus situation and I'm basically just always fully straight and fully gay. Obviously I might have some preference in the moment, but that's like, do I want Chinese food or a burger, not an entire actual mental switch for me.
Sometimes I think about a cute trannero sucking on my penis
Sometimes I think of the opposite
My penis and I are fans of people that look feminine so maybe.
Ha дoбpaнiч!
it’s 5 am and i haven’t managed to stop crying bleh
it’s a good thing i didn’t quit my antidepressants cold turkey
Goodnight. Have a good weekned enjoy your trip
i ate so much gosh fricking dang food tonight chasergen
do not punch me in the stummy plaease
Have you brushed your teeth and gotten everything ready for bed yet? I think just trying to go to sleep might be the best thing for you.
agh, bro, i'd pay so much for never swtich again. straight? lesbian? whatever, it's not the problem
and it's not like switch, yeah i still see women or men attractive, switching only if i wanna do something with them

idk it's so stupid. i'm just cursed for ever
where is rosewood I miss her and her music
It's time for your daily dose of head pats
Both? Both is good.
It's all I can think about now.
>and it's not like switch, yeah i still see women or men attractive, switching only if i wanna do something with them
I'm not sure I'm understanding you fully.
I don't know she hasn't been as active on here.
Autumn has forsaken us
Alright I made it to 9pm, I'm going to sleep now
I better not sleep 15 hours and undo all that
where do i find chasers who aren't normiepilled? they're always into sportsball and console gaming
yeah, i’m ready for bed. my bdd used to clear up a little after cutting myself but since i tried to quit that recently im finding it harder to pass aha, so instead of laying in the dark with my thoughts i just went on my phone instead
You found the right place
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im still super confused but it just sounds like ur a bi girl?...u think like ur faking ur attraction to guys or girls?
i will pray for the downfall of whoever made u feel that way :c
wait...u saying that playing smash is better than us smashing >:c?
where did i left the knife i need it
i look so witch like and haggard
i feel iv edone irreperable damage to my body by worrying too much. i should have a youthful glow at my age but i have lines and tired eyes and awful skin
>so instead of laying in the dark with my thoughts i just went on my phone instead
that's what I do. just dump all my thoughts here and talk to people. keeps me distracted
She's just being funny lol.
Goodnight! Hope it sticks.
Here I guess?
Yeah I mean we all have to cope in our own ways, better the phone than something worse. I'd say put it down for a little and see if maybe you aren't exhausted enough to just pass out. If you aren't then you can always just pick it up and we'll be right back to here. And I hope this is at least no so bad.
goodnight anon c:
Nah you're hot. I respect your right to be wrong though.
goodnight. I love you
I love witches
You look like a model.
everyone here is amerikajin thoughbeit :'(
on better days
i dont believe you would
We can import you like an expensive cigar.
We are not normal here
I hope you see yourself as pretty as I see you someday
>on better days
We'll just make more of those then, yeah? You're more than worth it.
I believe I would
based and real
even tho i don't sympathize with most of that, i still somehow feel you
screenshotting this to reply back at you the next time you say something exactly like what she just did lmao
goodnight yung repbro
hiya <3
well, sorry that's happening, but proud of you for quitting
i think that i don't like guys enough so this is why i have this problem honestly

everybody tells me "don't care" if you wanna say something like this stfu pls

it doesn't clear for me, i don't feel like this, i don't feel enough to say it
And do you have this same problem with women?
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Ain’t nothing wrong with either of those
What the fuck do you do that makes you so special
that would be nice desu c: i haven't been abroad since i was a kiddo
what kind of food do u like? i had spaghetti today and yesterday i made fried chicken
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thoughts on trans girl bottom x femboy top?
thoughts on trans girl top x chaser top (forced to bottom)?
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selfie from tonight..,, felt cute don't ban me please
feminine men are untrustworthy
actually i take that back, feminine men are awesome, men who want to turn back the clock and try to hold onto their neoteny in futile effort (femboy) are untrustworthy
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I'm more of a feminine twink, I just say femboy cause it's easier for people to understand. I can still cum hard too also lol
>I'm more of a feminine twink
like, you use glittered eyeshadow, or you're just softer and more sensitive? are you a flamer that drums up drama, or a morrisey-esque sensitive young man. these categories are confusing to me
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>I can still cum hard too also lol
Just like a normal young man with a feminine body and face. That's all.
Damn, where'd you even find this one lmao. I am that chicken.
idc if like or dislike women
and i'm attracted only to a certain type
masculine and adrogynous with many character
She asked...
Born to top, forced to bottom
Being Billy Michel on Donkey Kong to impress Pichu
console gaming hasn't been good since the 6th generation rly, and i don't like sportsball because all the bullies in school liked it
what kind of bird is this o.O
very loyal husband
Did she?
I would like to hear my chaser whimper tyvm
feminine to me is like klinefelter's and soi hips. but if you're just a hairless skinny guy then i think you give the wrong image. but im only working off of my own preconceptions so i may be crazy
like, i cant tell if the guys in here who call themselves twinks are basically just morrissey or a literal motor mouth flamer
lol i was thinking about billy earlier today
i didn't do so hot at donkey kong tonight... i flubbed it on a fire while trying to hammer it
Lost os types but I do love a good burger honestly. Pasta is also a great pic
Preference exist
It ain’t it
I'm hairless and have thick thighs. Basicallyyyyy
What else did you play?
You just sound like a regular skinny guy
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do u like guys in a "oh gosh that guy is so hot and sexy and i find his personality super attractive and sexy and it calls me"
or "oh wow i want him to top me and make me feel a certain way but i dont actually like how he looks i just like how he dominates me and i have 0 romantic desire in him" way?
okay i hope my point is understandable :c
i mean...do u platonically like em?...would u have a relationship with a guy with no sex involved?
I'm sorry I'm not fucking intersex or something.
>where did i left the knife i need it
Lol. Cute.
Lots of ways to make that happen
name 1 please
>are you hsts or AGP?
Fuck that loser. I want you to suffocate me with your thighs.
I can't feel you anymore
I can't even touch the books you've read
Every time I crawl past your door
I been wishin' I was somebody else instead
Down the highway, down the tracks
Down the road to ecstasy
I followed you beneath the stars
Hounded by your memory
And all your ragin' glory
What letter are you?
im not that anon, but idk. what image are you trying to evoke when you call yourself a feminine twink, just so i know. like when i hear a straight or bi guy call themselves that, i immediately get aggressive mimicry vibes. i dont trust outwardly feminine men if they're not gay. is that bad? like if you address yourself as a sensitive or artsy young man, sure that's dandy. or if you take care of your appearance, i dont think thats necessarily feminine
I don't want to give you ideas
frogger, a simpsons beatemup, tetris, pac-man, some game i never heard of before called pengo, an x-men beatemup, and some light gun games vs a friend. i was a pretty good shot with that light gun if i do say so myself
i wanted to play ghouls 'n ghosts but i couldn't find the cabinet. they may have gotten rid of it, after all it was like five years ago when i was last there
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it wont be cute when im done with ya >:c
i mean...shes asking if shes meta attracted or not and if shes genuine about liking guys :c?
okay im super dumb im sorry
tbdesu im going to take it further and say femininity in general is not trustworthy for a partner
i feel like even if i was bi i wouldnt want to date women
ideas to make a chaser whimper please help
hmm yes borgers are good. i have never made one before, maybe i will try it sometime B)
>i feel like even if i was bi i wouldnt want to date women
You're sorta nuts.
Suck his balls hard my fwb does that to me shit has me screaming sometimes
It sounds like a lot of fun I'm glad you went. Now you can relax for the rest of the weekend.
It's nice to hear your voice again
I've waited all day long
Even wrote a song for you
It's strange, the way you make me feel
With just a word or two
I'd like to do the same for you
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chew on it muahaha
oh wait who said that?
i think i just have a natural aversion to femininity after being raised by women
Fair enough I suppose. I often feel the same way about men. Can't imagine dating them, awful animals.
Do tranners like guys that have mommy issues?
girl, basically sex part and bother me?? idk idk doesn't make sense
i had many crushes on guys irl (maybe if homophobia didn't exist..... i'd did something) idk what even special about them, they just exist in their beautiful form.
and i feel like i'm on the half way to like them truly yeah, it's a good metaphor.
i wanna heve relationship with a guy, love him, kiss hi, cuddle with him, i like to bo assertive and domimant sometimes, it's not just mef fetish or agp or whatever

i literally was so upset that i've lost an opportunity to hang out with gay on the next week (i'm boymodding) and wouldn't have this in months (live in shithole). i just wanted to make something with him. why? idk. i'm just idiot. just something drive me to them
i hope you have a good weekend and get some relaxation too, anon <3 good night!

also my captcha is S0NY, hype
okay so first I'm gonna suck on the balls really really hard

then i will chew on his eenor okay

thank you all
sure why not. as long as you dont literally call me your mom. you can rest your head on my bosom while i caress your gentle head
for me it would be gently putting your feet on my face and moving down to my stomach where the energy receptors in your feet absorbed the negative energy and bring a cool calming feeling and you put it on my penis and then other things happen
i often wonder how guys could remain attracted to women
This would fix me
They're not gay
Beautiful gock
Average chasoid
I don't understand how anybody couldn't be.
yeah but, how do you put up with it all? beyond sheer visual attraction. like for example. trans women feigning neoteny in cutesy typing style. that's SO repulsive
yes it's cute
what especially do you want fro me?
This wouldn't fix me, but I would enjoy it.
I don't whimper I scream
shagging a chasers neck like the kakapo
i would like to be a milfmoder i think so yes c:
erm oh gosh so suck the balls then bite the eenis then put my feet all over okay

scream then thats just as good I just like if my guy is kinda loud
Did I stumble into gaygen?
>i would like to be a milfmoder i think so yes c:
Wait you're not a chaser?
Little slow, pal?
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ok then it sounds to me that ur genuine about liking guys too?...so ur just bi?...would u date and have a relationship with a woman too :o?
maybe he ll like it c:
oh also be careful ive been slapped super hard for that lel
>Suck his balls hard
>okay so first I'm gonna suck on the balls really really hard

I thought she was competition.
naur im a trannie
Someone who won't leave :(
sucks on your balls incredibly hard as your gf (male)
like are men really attracted to this behaviour? it forms a grimace upon my face
Did someone request a milfmoder
Yes is that you?
Do chasers like sucking on deballed sacks (empty)?
Is it bad that I like it when sex hurts a lot?
do chaser like me? please
i love give this feeling to people :)
Sometimes? It's not my preferred, but I don't mind it too much if it feels somewhat sincere.
I love you
I do like making them some times but I just tend to eat them out a lot. It my main food I eat when I’m out with people
Hornyposting time I see
sucks your balls so hard they pop off and you go "AOUHGH OH MY GOSH"
literally me
real tho
>so ur just bi?
but i don't like guys enough
>would u date and have a relationship with a woman too :o?
now? no.
but two weeks ago? yes
Yeah it’s me. Deciding if I should go to bed or not. I wanted to make it til the next thread.
I could try
Can I try it to see if I like it?
It’s midnight you should probably go to bed.
Nothing here is worth staying up for. Cept me, but I'm sleepy.
that's fair. i am actually the same desu, it's either steak or borger when im at le pub
Thank you for the offer but I need to keep them
I've always wanted to post this here:
don't worry I put them back after :>
You can do better.
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all men want only one thing
and it's disgusting
u mean the way i type and the way i am?...i wouldnt say that..im super annoying and dumb :c
why would it be :s?
some anons here say that i fake it but im this stupid and unbearable everywhere :/
oh...and some guys dont mind it i guess and still flirt with me :c
what do u mean u dont like em enough it sounds like u do :c
id say ur just bi
This is a game everyone remembers liking but it isn't very good.
It’s 109 where I am.
True but also I wanted to say something nice in the next thread to give it some positive energy to last until morning. Go to bed if you’re sleepy!
the haunted house was mid and now i am tired
Did you get stuck again?
God I need to get a good steak it’s been a min
Well if you promise then I think it’s ok
Yas but I already went over my sad posting quota
Better then last time at least right?
>why would it be
Because I feel like it's weird cat tranner.
>Go to bed if you’re sleepy!
Says the sleepy lady!
It is, yeah, kinda.
>u mean the way i type and the way i am?
yes, stop it now.
Nah she's cool
I need this please
i imagine a fat pimply spic behind the :3 and :c
I have 2 filet mignons in the freezer which I will cook one of tomorrow. just wanted to let you know
>Yas but I already went over my sad posting quota
have a desire to kiss my boyfriend so many times that kiss by itself just devalues :DDD and he wouldn't feel love for it, but i continue
I'm in sure
>what do u mean u dont like em enough it sounds like u do :c
id say ur just bi
no, i'm not
I don't really care about your miserable fantasies
I like catposter
Ohh enjoy
Na I bet she cute
Give him a ton of love
liking rough sex isnt weird tho?...its just ur preference :c
ok im sorry anon i guess ill just go sleep
thanks :c
u dont need to be an asshole about it :c
and ive never had acne
ok then i dont know what to say :c
:c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c :c
Goodnight I love you
i think comphet is hitting me really hard rn
It's impossible, every kiss would be precious
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goodnight angels...dream kewl things <3
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Night, cool cat, sleep well.
<3 cute
I usually make it til 2! You’re right though. Good night everybody, hope you have sweet dreams.
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>Give him a ton of love
i don't have one
and then i get one
i'll let all my anger out on him and kiss him to death
learn inflation, son
goodnight. I love you
Goodnight, you as well.
Why weak? It's pathetic. It's worse.
Kisses aren't currency, they're a fleeting moment to be cherished
goodnight and sweet dreams to everbody who goes
I don't got that much energy in me. I'm thinkin about a pretty woman, no room for anything else.
Letting your anger out is a way to put it but you do that when you have one.
Oh gosh the little sweater.
ah nah i'd annoy you with kisses to death
the more I'm alone
the more dangerous I am.
>ah nah i'd annoy you with kisses to death
This is how I'm going out.
I have been starting to think I’m asexual but I might just be really depressed
didn't get it
restless leg syndrome!!! explode explode explode!!!
Try me, I bet you I can take all your kisses and more
If it makes you feel any better, I still don't.
Asexual=fried libido from SSRI's
are you a chaser?
Yeah. I just don't understand what you're saying to me.
like I know I’m not asexual but idk I just have felt so blank lately
Tonight at 11. Man was kissed to death
They just chilling in there cool outfit. I wish a look at cool as that
It could be that. My sex drive goes down to basically 0 when I’m really depressed. It dosent usually last super long tho
Sounds like depression to me. You got some shit goin on? Anybody you talk this sort of stuff out with?
oohohoho i'd bite you and beat you too! for any wrong word i'd slap your ass. do you really think that you can take it all? pphhh. i think you'll day in few hours
I'll revive you and repeat it again
>Tonight at 11. Man was kissed to death
kek :D
Stop being correct, it hurts.
Why do this to me
you said i'm weak bc of comphet, but i'm not weak, i'm pathetic.
That's some rough cuddling, but I think I could take it
Yeah I understood that much. What did I not get then? I was just saying I don't have the energy to care about that level of judgement. Judging people takes energy, I'm content to leave it at weak, any more than that is exhausting.
i meant i didn't get it, not you............
ok. GOT IT
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I miss her

Anyways how are you all doing
>I miss her
Who is she anon?
Lol, glad we got to the bottom of this, anon. What's this shit about comp het though? You're trans I presume? And what, you're actually a lesbian?
Just a cool grill hru
Some one make new I don’t want to have to make it from my phone
you can start here and read all to the end >>37592369
i'd not tell about this people anymore
This thread is nicer when it's not on the front page
Oh you're that woman, lol. Now I understand everything.
i never did, i can, idk what qtt make
Whatever you want it to be. I've been thinking about Australia.
Posted this on /soc/ and the vocaroo thread, but i wonder if there's still people lurking here that recognize my voice.


In case you don't know me, yes i'm a male attention whore.
if question for trans should i right q4t or how? i don't remember
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I think this thread was a good one. Well done.
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I’ve been thinking about Rome.
It doesn't matter. Write it however you feel is communicable. Don't stress yourself, none of this matters.
what about rome?
dude no one gives a fuck about your gay as shit online infamy
You cared enough to reply, bottom.
I gagged
did you mean
by chance?
With all of the moans in between all I can hear is Herbert the pervert
Lmao, anon. I appreciate you trying.
i'm not stupid honestly, i just didn't sleep a lot
fuck i wanna die
omg thats so cute lol dont worry anon thanks for trying
all men are like this
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I just had sex and i never think about rome

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