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Previous: >>37557914

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: https://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
A little bit of blood is fine right? or did I lose my dose
what happens if i hit my bone during IM thigh injection???
i feel like i need to puke and it's bleeding more than normally
if the needle went in you’re gucci

unless you’re built like pinocchio, you should not be hitting your bones.
i am in fact built like pinochio and i did it more in the middle than i should have
what happens if u only take e? i kno monotherapy exists but my retarded friend doesnt want to take aas and is taking just like a pill a day. i figure nothings going to happen or hes just going to get boobs like roiders do is that about right?
Maybe not even boobs if the dose is low enough. Should probably at least do sublingual and split the dose
i had to switch from patches back to sublingual pills and now i have terrible insomnia and low energy just like the last time i was on pills. is this just an issue of low levels? my blood tests always looked better on pills but they make me feel way worse somehow
Has any trans or femboid tried using HCG as a way to prop up their tanking testosterone levels a bit?

HCG kinda makes your balls big and forces em to produce a bit of test/sperm so I want to take a smallish enough dose to see if it'll actually make me horny and feel good again cause godamn it if I am not asexual right now and no, testosterone gels or creams or whatever do not do SHIT

I mean, I have ordered it and prolly gona arrive end of the workweek so ig I can report on it in the near future.
How do I find out if my vial has cored/has coring?
im killing myself long before i reach 30 retard
lmao get a bf and scare him with a pregnancy test
Is the Powers method a meme or would I be silly to start HRT w/ mono EV? Tbh kinda worried about T levels so increasing E w/ pills while suppressing w/ AAs sounds a lot smarter than what could potentially be several months of guesswork w/ levels on IM. Anecdotally, the local trannies at my clinic (which starts everyone on IM unless specifically requested) all are kinda hons whereas I’ve seen a fair number passoids who ramped w/ pills before switching.

I wish there was more literature on this.
Can I inject from a 2 year old vial? Estradiol Cypionate from otokonoko pharmacy with MCT oil.
Oil probably went rancid. Don’t do it.
Imo the real problem with mono ev is that they tell you to inject a shitload once a week
Get some 28g insulin needles and inject every 2-3 days instead
Mono works but starting out you should probably do the pills+aa then switch to mono after your balls stop working, prolly around 6 months?
nta but really? I thought they lasted for a few years
Nta but sealed pharma stuff does i wouldnt trust bathtub brews for that long tho. Subq a tiny tiny dose and see if anything happens i guess, but i would just try and get a new vial
Pretty sure it’s standard recommendation that a vial gets used within a year of opening. After that the chances of infection rise significantly.
why do so many troons on this board use EEn instead of EV? Isn’t EV like 10% more E per unit volume?
Is there any evidence that stable levels are better? For feminization or for safety or effectiveness of AA?
Longer half life
Probably not and thats why they recommend ev once a week. Ive been on hrt for 9 years now and prefer a stable curve just for the mental effects, ev once a week made me have migraines and mood swings. Ive heard if your trough is under 200 pg/ml it wont block t.
If we’re down to inject more often, would it be wiser to do EV?
Interesting. I’ve heard 150 was the minimum, but 200 couldn’t hurt lol
so assuming it's closed, is it still the same?

yeah I guess so, kinda goes for most things
it's just annoying because i have 3 extra since I can't trust my country to not seize my shit all the time so I thought I'd stock up
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It’s very inconsistent person to person what actually blocks t
i'm planning to start diy with 2mg e and 12.5mg cypro / day but i'm on 1.25mg finasteride daily
would i need to lower my dosage or is finasteride good to mix with the aa and e?
Stop taking the finasteride there’s no reason to when you’re on e and an aa, there’s no dht to block
What’s a good T peak with AAs and E? 50?
Something around there, I’ve heard 50 as an upper limit but you should do your own research if you want real numbers
Does anyone here do anything to the lo with hip pain on hrt, it’s kind of ruining my sunday right now
*help with hip pain
Ty for this chart but are there any real downsides to not just keeping 200+ pg/ml anyways, to be safe that t is being suppressed? My dr doesnt test for t anymore.
boo hoo complain more about hip pain, why don't you.

you've been on this earth long enough to know advil exists.
may death call your name
gentle stretches and massage, I've read and experienced that child's pose is helpful and I'll lie back on the floor and stretch out each leg slowly bring one knee up to my chest then out while massaging it if I have a knot
>hip pain on hrt
chat is this real?
too much cypro. not enough E. don't worry about the finasteride
the unit volume stuff is basically irrelevant. the problem is how quickly it's metabolized
post a picture of the vial with a white background, maybe put it on top of a piece of paper with another paper behind it. then take a picture with good lighting like a flashlight or sunlight
is there a big hole? can you see through it? does it leak if you turn it upside down?>>37606590
transfem odds of breast cancer are lower than cisfem
plus any danger you gain from breast is lost from prostate
plus women live longer
if you're skinny get a shorter needle. but I've had a similar issue and i think it's a nerve or artery or vein or tendon or something not a bone. where are you injecting? upper, outer thigh, or buttox?
if it's a little bit then yes. where are you injecting? sometimes i leave the needle in and count to ten before pulling it out to let the estrogen settle or rest or whatever. but the "Z-track" method might help so just google that
How do I know T is being suppressed on monotherapy, 6mg EEn every 7 days for 3 weeks now
>my retarded friend doesnt want to take aas and is taking just like a pill a day.
kill your retarded friend
could be some melty E spit slipping down your throat and getting metabolize into estrone in your liver. idk. tell your doctor and switch to something else
>Get some 28g insulin needles and inject every 2-3 days instead
chat is this real? don't cis women also have variable levels?
can i just inject vodka into my balls to castrate myself? any advice on DIY orchie?
check your levels
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Used a lamp
looks fine to me
I think I'll risk it for a few weeks. I bought more but who knows how long it will take to arrive.
Is it normal for hrt to make you more horny? I was expecting less of a libido, but I've been needing to masturbate more as of lately. I've noticed the fluid is clear too.

Are my T levels high somehow?? I didn't do it nearly as much before starting.
Are you in your first few weeks?
That’s normal it’ll go away soon
I get a lot of lower back pain standing up for extended periods post HRT.

Shit changes your pelvic tilt, some people get wider hips too.
oto cancelled my order for non payment even though i sent payment T . T
is it over?
No that’s an automated response she’ll manually review the transactions in the next few days
I’m so tired of explaining the basic effects of hrt on here
ohh my first time obv and i got scared by that
thank you so much c:
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I read today that Bicalutamide helps breast production more than Spiro, that is enciting to me to switch too because even with just E and Spiro, my breast growth has been pretty good/fast. Does anyone have experience here with it that could potentially confirm? I'm considering switching from Spiro to Cypro anyway so I'm curious which is the best for breast development?
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looks like Lilian is back. EV, EEn and pills
Im in Australia, patches give me a rash, pills suck and gels my levels are low, where should I order bathtub estrogen from because IDK if it's even possible to find/afford official injections.
someone pls help, Im on terf island, and my hrt is running out, I bought from vannapharma and it was awesome, but now its almost over and they havent restocked yet, is lena back in business? can anyone post a link to where I can buy hrt from her (or any other trustworthy vendor), injectable monotherapy preferable, thanks in advance
If I stop hrt what will be the mental consequences?
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Is it normal that estradiol enanate looks a little bit yellowish? I bought it more than year ago, could it be contaminated?
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>Don't insert the needle though the same place in the stopper each time.
One vial would last me almost 2 years (EEn), ~100 injections. How the hell I'm supposed to not hit the same spot twice? Also with small needle like 30G you can't see where you insert it earlier.
it doesnt make a difference, you will be fine, even if you use the same spot multiple times, I speak from experience
bump bump bump

can anyone help me?
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gynecomastia is commonly reported in those taking bicalutamide, however this doesn't necessarily mean you'll see "better development" if you're already on hormones.
if you feel that you're making good progress on your current regimen then i see no reason to switch anti-androgens on a whim like that.
astrovials can ship to you from france.
fiolelabs currently has een in stock if you'd prefer to order from within the uk.
i would strongly advise against ordering vials from lena as her sterilization practices are near non-existent.
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Does being off hormones fuck your levels up for a while? I was off for like two weeks because my pharmacist (Walgreens, if that matters) never has the patches I need in stock (three 0.1mg patches every three-four days) and got my blood drawn after three days of getting back on them following that gap, and my levels were pretty bad. My levels have been fine on patch monotherapy before, but I'm paranoid about it now.
Does hip bone grow if you're 18-19 or is that honscience. Seen a lot of different answers.
maybe. that's the best possible answer. anyone who says "yes" or "no" is lying or wrong
is 4mg sublingual e enough to suppress T? currently doing 4 doses of 1mg by halving 2mg pills. also, is the teva estradiol hemihydrate or valerate?
>4mg sublingual e enough to suppress T
likely not
My nipples started to develop around like in the 2 months, a female friend poke them and told me "Anonette your boobs feel like factual boobs" so... is working the 4mg of oral with 100mg of spiro. In about a month I will do some blood tests and sharing them with my endocrinologist in order to increase the dose accordingly.

Aldo, there's any diference between valerate and hemidrate? I ended up buying hemidrate because was cheaper than the progynova stuff but no idea if actually doing hemidrate was better/worse, the only thing was that my doc told me to stay away to any etinilestradiol because that can fuck my heart.
how much does a blood test cost? link takes me to a generic homepage and i need to do diy
I'm getting HRT for my black boyfriend soon.
About like 150 usd cost me the whole thing, but mind you I live in a third world country so Idk really. I searched a bit and it seems is around that.
I am considering detransitioning
I've been on hrt for 2 years and the effects have been....underwhelming.
Yes, my breasts have grown a little bit but not to the extent I would want. *(would need implants)
really feeling like the "when does the girl happen" pic
My face and body besides that doesn't look any different than before I started HRT.
I am feeling like it's a waste for me. I don't pass, I don't present femme. I am just taking these mtf pills while guy moding and I feel like a fucking loser that nobody wants.

I'm bisexual and a part of the reason for wanting to detrans is also the fact that I feel unwanted as a trans person but feel people would like me as a "regular guy". I don't think most women would want me as a trans person either, which is sad but it is what it is. Women wants kids and a man most of the time, and lesbians aren't looking for trans girls.

NOW for my question:
can I just stop taking spiro and E or do I have to medically detrans and get on test?
My cum isn't clear so I assume I am still fertile despite multiple years on hrt.
should I detransition if I'm not happy with my results or should I stick it out and try to keep going? I don't want to be an old ugly trans that is alone, my worst fear.
it sounds more like youre concerned with your identity desu. why not label yourelf a hrt femboy and continue taking your meds?

1. you can just stop
2. dont assume this
3. i stay stick with it
I just want to be loved but I'm afraid that transitioning will just limit my options even more.
I am having severe identity crisis issues ever since transitioning. the dysmorphia sucks. I used to love my body and now I hate it and compare myself to women all the time.
I just wanna find somebody and be happy. Idc if I'm a guy or non binary or whatever, I just want someone to be into me again.

thanks for the advice
I understand there's more to it than that but I guess I am worried that I am ruining my chances with women or men by transitioning. I am very worried lately about finding love, I'm 31 now and I am tired of being alone.
I struggled with "do I or don't I" for years about transitioning. I still feel a sense of identity crisis because nobody else ever saw me as trans except for me.
where I live I can't be "out" either so that doesn't help, I boymoded the whole time.
So I understand how people can say that I didn't give it my best shot, but taking hrt was all I could reasonably do.
It'd be much easier for me to live as a guy and that might be something I have to accept eventually. I totally support others transitioning, but for me, it has only given me headaches and stress. I don't naturally look feminine as I want to deep down so my body dysmorphia will always exist in some form, but maybe I can find a way to deal with those feelings.
If I could guarantee that I'd find somebody I'd probably be more okay with going that direction but I feel like society wants me to be a regular guy to fulfill that role.
I want to be the most realized version of myself and I feel like transitioning is keeping me from that because it's making me have issues that I didn't have before and too much to deal with.
my self esteem has gone to the shitter as well.
I was hoping I wouldn't need to medically detransition but I guess I'd have to.
thanks for the advice and listening to my depressed rants.
I still don't know what to do :/ thats why I might just detransition just to give myself peace of mind from the endless anxiety and doubt.
its ultimately your choice but it sounds like detransitioning is because of two reasons - not being able to come out (for whichever reason) and not being happy with your results. i can understand the 1st and the main advice is move somewhhre else you can do it, for the second its the first question is whats your regime, and the second is again, why not just keep it secret. oh and on the point of finding love, maybe you need to try queer spaces
im on 4mg e and 100mg spiro a day.
I can't really move anywhere cuz of my family living here right now. I just want people to find me hot again. I haven't felt wanted in so long :(
I have kept my pills a secret to most people except my family and a few friends, but I dont have that great of a trans "support system" in the sense of encouragement.
I really dont know what the fuck to do.
thanks for talking to me about it.
consider changing regimes. spiro sucks from what i hear and 4mg isnt very much. either bump to 8 or switch to injections if you can.
and the 4mg is an increase from my previous dose of 2mg of E a day. I just feel fucking hopeless and lost. :/ I just want to be loved.
your dose is considered pretty low still, have you had any bloods done?
i totally get you, loneliness is a hard thing to deal with. your family and friends love you. there is love for you.
I'm just tired of being alone.
according to others I am being "hondosed"
Idk if I wanna even try to get the "real deal" or not at this point or just say fuck it and detrans.
Im just frustrated and want to find love. I know there is somebody for everyone im just tired of being alone, I want to be happy.
again, its your decision but in your scenario i would aim for a good dose. my anecdote is i was on pills for 2 weeks in between changing from patches to gels and my nipples stopped being sensitive (4mg sublingual + 12.5 cypro) and sort of deflated. i know that doesnt mean much but my point is being on a higher dose with better levels ive had a bit of boob growth.
>My cum isn't clear
IMO thats a sign your levels arent optimal. I had no sperm after first EV injection.
Like others mentioned below sounds like you have identity issues. For those trans they will be trans even if they are hons and partnerless.
thanks for all the advice
sorry for trauma dumping
I'm gonna take my depressed ass to bed and figure it out soon enough
pio just arrived today, plan on starting at 15mg daily to be on the safe side in case there’s any bad side effects. just wondering if I should continue or stop my 100mg prog daily too??
What's a good starting dose for sublingual/buccal alongside 6.25mg cypro per day?
Mine does look yellowish, too (I'd say even more yellowish, maybe because that vendor used MCT oil), but I bought it from a not very reputable vendor, so I cannot tell.
I had to stop hrt while I stayed at a hospital. I felt pretty bad after like 1-2 months or so, especially when my sweat started to smell stronger again, my skin got worse and my testes got bigger.
Can low T3/T4 be caused by HRT (E2 and CPA)? I figured it might be because I'm underweight, but I wonder how HRT (especially cypro, since it can cause pituitary issues) can influence T3/T4 levels.
How fucked I am if I can't do blood testing? I'm gonna start EEn monotherapy 5mg/7days.
anons, big question about mtf hrt. if I take raloxifene at first, my boobs will grow little to none. but if I switch to E at a later date (within 1yr or so on hrt), will my boob development be permanently ruined from the initial raloxifene?
I have a quick question about some DIY stuff in the UK

I originally ordered from OTK but cancelled and got a full refund after constant delays

does anyone have any experience with united pharmacies? are they a good choice if youre in the UK?
im thinking of gel specifically atm just because if I get caught DIYing, i'd rather it were that for now. will probably switch to injections later but this will ease my anxieties

but yeah im thinking of ordering from them but it's listed as menopause relief but also comes up under the trans section, and if i remember correctly the HRT menopausal women are given is identifcal to MtF HRT

so, does anyone know if they'd be a good choice? it's a lot cheaper than most of the homebrew sellers, too, and since vannapharma seems to be constantly out of stock at the moment, i'm not really sure who the best choices are.
I switch thighs when injecting but both sides are lumpy, itchy, and sore for days, my injection from 15 days ago still has an itchy lump. Would switching to a different site like belly or asscheeks help? I’m assuming I’m allergic to the benzoate alcohol in the vials.
I inject subQ and would rather not go IM
not known
I didn't have too much trouble ordering from them
I remember somebody on about a medication with a three letter acronym and it was supposed to redistribute body fat to the lower body.

Is this real or did I just dream it?
Nope. It was a thing like 'pil' or something like that, with a warning about some things like if you have edema and stuff.
Thanks! <3
honestly as long as theres no issues with customs or actually getting stuff they seem like a perfect option, especially since its a lot cheaper than most homebrewers
Is there any more potential harmful side effects using .5mg duta over 2.5-5mg fin?
bump please
What is the minimum I need to test if I'm getting labs. Just estradiol and test? how useful is knowing SHBG? I'm not trying to diagnose any problems I just want an idea of where I am at
t. mtf
Does anyone have experience ordering from Silver Maple Labs? It says on tea that they ship from Australia and Canada?
> clicks hrtgen expecting information for trans women and trans men
> all links only seem to be for trans women

Can you just name these threads MtFHRTGen next time please
thats because t is illegal and e isnt. t is also suprisingly easy to source locally without a script unlike e
How do i get t without a script? If i ask a gymbro he'll refuse at best and be a rapist at worse
>refuse at best
umm no, you need to ask the right people though, not just some random guy working out. heck my uni gym had people openly dealing in the changeroom
Who do i ask?

No seriously, I've always had severely poor social skills. I was under the assumption you just play a game of risk and ask random people til you get lucky or too hurt to continue
well you could ask obvious roiders for a plug, not just random people. you can also just order from dragon ordnance or similar.
Looking into whatever that is thanks
Nevermind, I forgot I don't even really know what chemical names to look for
id say youre fine. thats the same dose as me and im in female range
do you have mood swings and stuff like that? Some say say it's too big dose but I wanna be above 300 pg/ml.
id say im pretty stable? i had mood swings when i was on 6mg / 10 days, but with this i feel a lot better.
how important is it when i take my two e pills? i started bica and estadiol the weekend that just went and ive been taking the bica and one e when i wake up and the other e before bed, so like 10-20 hours-ish depending how long i stay up that day. should i be doing it like more consistently and further/closer apart or does it not matter and im overthinking?
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thanks for making me more confident.
that's why I wanna go with EEn. EV with the same trough looks like roller coaster lol
yeah EV was a nightmare for me. i had to inject every 5 days and my stomach was full of hard bumps because they never had time to heal.
nta but 5mg/7days is my dose too and often on day 6-7 I get very depressed. I've tried 6mg/7days and 5mg/6days and the 6day cycle seemed to work better for me
Sorry Nona your skin is allergic to the oil or the alcohol, many such cases. IM doesn't feel any different to subQ, and you can use the same needles.You won't get the itchy lumps, and it's your only option unless you can try a different type of oil.
Your transmisogyny is not welcome here sir, this is an inclusive board
Rookie numbers, try harder
I use 6mm insulin needles, how tricky will it be to inject that IM?
is hrt irreversible? will i lose my fertility, sexual functions and manly treats forever? how big can be health problems because of it?
Depends on how much bodyfat is between the skin and the muscle. I'm using 30g 8mm insulin needles and I'm 18bmi
You should go into it with the assumption that you'll never use your dick n balls again.
And you will grow boobs.
>And you will grow boobs.
yeah, i know.

>assumption that you'll never use your dick n balls again.
so i shouldnt do it if im not 100% sure? or is there an option for retards like me?
sperm banking if that matters to you.
Probably good advice for anon.

>sperm banking
What's the success rate on this?
And how much does it cost, both initially and year by year for storage?
You do have a trial period of somewhere around 6 months where most things are reversible, and it's enough time to see if you like estrogen or not. After that you should assume that everything is permanent
have you considered asking about it instead of being a huge fucking faggot
anyways you'll want TE (testosterone enanthate), check out diyhrt.wiki for some dosing tips
for sourcing, try dragon's ordnance or your local roidbro
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anything powers says is a meme, he's critically lacking in anything resembling evidence (except bica that's a top tier AA)
half life, just inject 10% more it's dirt cheap anyway
just drop the fin desu
picrel, other anon is right the answer is "maybe" but for the record 23 is the HARD limit for getting hip growth
prog won't effect pio really, if 15mg goes well tho i'd try for 30mg a day since that has the most evidence of efficacy
i'd start with 12.5 cypro and drop down from there, 6.25 might be slow to drop T

4mg E tho would be good
you'll be fine
not really, potential psychological/neurological stuff but it's never been proven
they're good but they're closed rn
What would the best IM site be?
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I do it in the vastus lateralis because it's soft and there's no fat there. It's really nice and doesn't feel any different to subQ
does pio really not affect prog? i thought it stunted breast growth? or is that only in early stages?
>re: picrel
NTA, I’ve seen studies that are more pessimistic and some that are less so.
Admittedly, they tend to have weaker sample sizes than I’d like.

The evidence for relaxin/rotation/fat deposits is much stronger, and I think I’ll cope with that for now.

>t. 20y/o troon who stopped HRT for a year and desperately regrets it
What’s the evidence for relaxin? When I learned about it in a&p it was framed as something that relaxed the pelvic symphysis and I don’t see how it would cause hip growth in someone with already fused growth plates
tthose who have gotten hip growth on hrt, like bone growth, when? like how long on hrt? could you feel it? how old when started hrt?
pio changes the body's priorities in spending energy
if your breasts are not fully developed yet it may hurt which is why it's usually only suggested once you're sure they're done developing
I've been on HRT for about a month but due to unforeseen life circumstances I'll have to stop for a while. Not sure when I'll be able to start again. I'd been going long enough for breast growth to start but not progress too far. Will this be detrimental for when I get back on it in the future?
Do you have a similar graph for the ribcage and skull? I'm not too sure what to search for and I can't find much.
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Any idea where i could try to order injections if i live in this shithole ?
>pio changes the body's priorities in spending energy
how so?
if i nick a vein and get a blood spurt does that push the E out too
see this: >>37645560
>EV with the same trough looks like roller coaster lol
Basically it gives you mood swings, ideally you would prefer to keep it in straight line. Also EEn is easier to do on the same day of week while EV normally injected every 5 days.
read the papers yourself but essentially it tells your body to spend more energy in fats which is how it improves metabolic outcomes and makes people fatter
I'd read the papers if the shady middle eastern vendors included english leaflets :)
have you tried putting "pioglitazone" into google scholar
no I get my information from my trusted anonymous imageboard posters
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are there any vendors that ship to P.O. boxes within the EU? preferrably injections
Any tips for not hitting a vein during injections?

I was really skinny and could see my veins before, now I have more fat on my thighs and it's harder to find them
if its noticeably more painful going in i draw blood more often
is bica fucking up my liver?
started it on the 14th and rn under my left tit hurts and i drank coke and like my entire like upper got this wave of pain right after and im p sure your liver is around there ish.
anon do you think bicalutamide could fuck up your liver so bad you can't drink soda within three day?
i dont know if it could or not because im slow, thats why im asking :>
go get a liver test right NOW
if you are suffering hepatotoxicity then it's good you felt it early
otherwise you can safely take any dose of bica
>go get a liver test right NOW
ion got money, i spent it all on diy
it couldn't! you are fine
if you're ocd or something go get labs to make yourself feel confident
just stop the bica right now then until you can get a liver test
if i want to inject 2mg of estradiol cypionate every 7 days
and the bottle is 40mg/mL
would the injection be 0.05ml?

what is a good dose for estradiol cypionate injections post orchi?
should i keep taking the other shit or go cold turkey for now?
if you care about breast growth i would say stop everything for now
if i go to some jew doctor do i have to say im on illegal smuggled ass cancer medicine
thats like the main thing i care about lel
just tell them you are concerned about your liver health and want to get a test done
a good doctor will make up some bullshit reason for insurance
otherwise you're probably best off paying for it yourself (not sure how easy that is for you)
>(not sure how easy that is for you)
me either desu
please help
any eta on vanna?

thinking of ordering astrovials as an alternate but ive heard theyre pretty sus
what's the optimum temperature to keep vials at for longest lifespan?
is there a /hrtgen/ discord?
girl this is basic math
1mL over 2mg/40mg per mL = 0.05
just wanted to be sure... thank you
is that an adequate dose for post srs/orchi ?
should be shelf stable at room temp theoretically indefinitely, practically for 5-10 years

refrigeration is better but probably not enough to be a meaningful consideration on the sort of timeframes being discussed

if you want to keep a stockpile for longer than a vial lasts at room temp then you should be considering solutions like storing raws in bulk to synthesise yourself later
I see, just have a couple years extra and wanted to make sure they'll be fine until I need them
yeah room temp is fine for 2 years
i'm also wondering this
are dick odor changes/"wetness" a real thing from hrt or more weird honscience, and does being cut or uncut make a difference for it?
wetness might be from less erections so your forskin isnt moving much, odour changes are real. my odour is way less offensive now
should i stick to monotherapy doses after having an orchi?
I've been on cypionate a while now and I'm happy but a lot of ppl I know go for enanthate and I was wondering if there was any reason why
price i think
generally no need but if it makes you feel better it's fine
enanthate has a slightly longer half life and is much easier to find grey market (while cypionate is easier to find pharma)
almost 6 months in and it feels like all hrt has done is give me permanent jetlag and nuke my sexdrive. my dysphoria is better but i feel like dogshit pretty much all the time. i thought my levels must just be bad but now i'm on 6 mg pills and don't feel any better. getting pretty blackpilled desu
have you had your levels checked? pills suck, you should have definetly noticed some boob growth by now
Can pioglitazone be used in small amounts?
I get edema but I want to use it to expand the fat cells in the right parts.
Get tested for liver and kidney problems but... your liver is on the right-hand side of your body.
t. hepchan
at my blood test in august my e level was like 82 ml
Could it just be genetics? Different women have different breasts and different races as well.

Are you underweight, anon?
Can anyone tell me how/if your HRT regimen affects your energy levels?
I usually take 6mg E En injections every week on Sunday night and I feel great for the first ~4 days of the week, then I start getting more lethargic.
I don't know if this is just the work week making me tired or if I should switch to injecting every 5 days?
that was pretty much my experience on patches
and did you change to every 5 days? sorry no idea how patches work x_x
twice a week so like every 4 days in practice. but yeah i would notice my energy levels getting low on the switch day and it'd take a few hours to perk up again
EV 4mg/7 days, my energy levels are generally more tied to my antidepressants than anything else.
ok thinking maybe I should try a switchup hmm

weird, do you take the antideps irregularly or what? not on them either so idk how they're tied to it

Another random question:
My house is marked by the HPRA (health products regulatory authority) and every time I try to get drugs in, they get confiscated at customs and they send a letter to my house. I can't seem to get pioglitazone. Are there any EU countries where it's an over the counter drug? Or any other routes. I'm getting 0 fat redist and going insane :<
I start to get sluggish if I forget or am a couple hours late on my dose.
ahh ok makes sense, and do you ever notice a similar sluggishness associated with your hrt dosing schedule?
No. Today was my trough day, and I felt very enthused and energized!
Anyone know what happened to felicitas?
I just read that "relationship between the person working on the website and the person selling made it go to shit, afaik."

If they need a fullstack dev, I'm down to help. Their service was so good and so quick and reliable.
i mean it could be. but youd see some change like areola enlargement
I don't think mine went bigger but I did get breast growth.
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I sprayed 0.1mls of EEN into my mouth
Will I be alright or is there some risk to this
yes its just oil
pills suck, do injections
yes, the effects seem to be dose-dependent
im currently on 50mg bica + 2mg oral E per day. feeling really dizzy and spacey and sad all the time. moving to vials soon. does it get better?
haiii i got my pills confiscated by irish customs too recently... i feel your pain </3
your oral E dose is placebo so more likely you've just had elevated T levels
also, have you gotten a liver test? those could be signs of liver failure which occurs in some people with bica
got liver tests, im okay. still sucks though
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>2mg oral E
>some hon talking about hip pain
>other hons tell that hon to kill himself because they’re jealous
i started hrt at 14, my hips are wide, and i’ve NEVER had “””hip pain””, EVER. that’s not a fucking thing. i have stretch marks all over my hips, and i had wide hips pre hrt, and i NEVER had hip pain. that’s a hon meme. fuck that bragging hon i hope it’s cancer
t. hrt at 17, unsure if got hip growth
let's go daily affirmation that passoids deserve to be slaughtered like cattle
im curious on why people that are so better off then hons still hate us so much. i mean for me it's definitely mutual but most hons genuinely don't see that passoids are evil and inhuman and they treat them normally, so why do they hate people so much worse off than them? it's not like there's anything to be jealous of. can a passoid explain this?
total passoid death
you lack empathy, i doubt you even know what the word means
oh my god the mf was talking about hip pains bro what the fuck
if im SO MUCH OF A PASSOID then do you wanna kiss about it???? you wanna make out??? you wanna touch each others boobs n shit ????? HUH????????
>i transitioned at 14 and you're all hons blah blah blah
was this not bragging
i cant tell if its more frustrating when passoids are open about who they are or disingenuous and pretending
look nona im sorry okay im sorry if ur upset at me i didn't mean it like this
im sorry okay
I'm doing 4mg of EV injections every 5 days and definitely feel the trough and reliably cry and get a bit depressed but it's definitely and improvement from 6mg sublingual pills.
Is there a different regminen I can try?
So retarded question but how soon would I know if I injected into a vein? I did SubQ into the outer fatty area of the thigh, a little blood came out but stopped almost immediately after I put a bandaid and pressure on it. No dizziness or light headedness or headache or pain or trouble breathing and this was probably like 30 minutes ago. I googled it and blood travels thru the whole body in like a minute so I should be fine right? Im just having a dumb tranny panic attack rn ;_;

Also what can I do to make sure im not injecting into a vein next time? I read about pulling back the plunger once its in to check, should I do that?
inject half the dose, twice as often
should give you more stable levels which should help with being emotional
also stop using EV if you can, EEn is easy to get greymarket and has a much better half-life
you probably did not inject into a vein unless you injected at an angle of 15 degrees or less
more likely you just hit a blood vessel which is no issue, the estrogen was still injected properly
How do I get hrt, when I have zero dollars, where do you steal estrogen
I let my girl do my t shot(60mg cypo), wasn't paying enough attention, she did it into fat instead of the muscle. I know it makes it a bit weaker, but does anyone know by how much, so I can up my next dose accordingly
Depends what country you're in, I know Thailand and Mexico have otc, so you could pocket it at a pharmacy if you're there. Certain birth controls would also be better than nothing, but your best bet is prolly to find a transbian/chaser who'll pay for it
that's really cute
i don't think any need to compensate
that's so cute giwtwm
anyways there's no real difference between sq/im, you don't need to compensate
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teahrt ships to uk now
it’s fine
how to taper off bica so i can switch to mono
why would you need to taper off?
you don't need to taper off, you can just stop taking it
not sure if I'm tanner 3/4 yet to start prog but I've been on hrt for 13 months
should I start now? I genuinely can't tell what my tanner stage is I think I'm just an idiot
>FDA advises against using plastic syringes made in China
chinky quality strikes again
I just injected my estrogen into my belly fat like I have done hundreds of times. Except this time for some reason I really had to PUSH HARD to get the liquid out of the syringe. No biggie I thought?
It spread the WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT over my entire belly. the pain went away after about two minutes but I shit you not, this felt worse than getting stabbed

Am i going to die?
maybe you hit a nerve or blood vessel or something? no idea honestly, if it does not get better you should get help.
sometimes injecting subq gives me a unpleasant burning sensation a while after, but def not worse than getting stabbed
Oh yeah I’ve been injecting for 6 years so I know all about the possible little mistakes that can hurt if feel uncomfortable, but this was actually inject and immediately after I felt it spread little by little as if poison was filling my blood stream and I was about to die
see a doctor pls
I wanna start HRT asap, but worried about my senpai finding out.. for context, i am a 20 year old MtF whonhas been dysphoric for almost 4 years at this point... I'm at my liit and willing to risk A LOT just to be happy... If anyone wants to giv me tip, I would be SUPER Grateful
Anyone else get really soft beard hairs from HRT? Before I had rough and stiff beard hairs, stubble was like sandpaper, but two years in they’re basically more like scalp hair, even with three or four days worth of stubble there’s no scratchiness.
yes; get laser. it targets the darkest and thickest hairs first, intensifying the effect you speak of
the only obvious changes are breast growth snd your scrotum turning round like shota balls instead of sagging low like a sack fulla potatoes. everything else can be played off as skincare and diet changes. just hide the needles/pills inside the hollow part of a lamp, or pull a drawer all the way out and hide the HRT behind the drawer. or just lock it in a box only you have the key to and hope no one is nosy enough to break it open.
is bathing in estrogen a viable way to get hrt?
Have any of you actually got a reduction in facial hair from hrt?

Still planning on getting laser anyway, but just curious since some people say it does nothing and some say it does
wont i have a t explosion though
why would you waste estrogen like that
why would you?
bical only blocks T receptors
cause i did last time when i tried to do mono
idk because i was getting laser on my face but i can say my facial hair seems to take longer to grow back plus my body hair seems less thick
it would be wasteful
when that shit happens i stop, pull out, put on a new needle, and inject in the opposite side
post unsee
if you stop taking bica your t will go down, not up
and don't say subjective stuff like "explosion". post numbers, dates, and dosages. did you actually measure your T? how high was it? how long on mono did you measure it? did you taper off bica or just switch.
I have been on spiro, fin, and E since September ‘23, injections since January ‘24. I am considering starting prog in December, which would make 1 year and 3 months since starting HRT. Do yall think that us a good idea or should I wait more? Unsee link is how I look now.
https://unsee cc/album#o2SRZq6Pn6Dl
so pretty...
>scrotum turning round like shota balls
wait what? Never heard about it. I'm about to start HRT too but my balls was always like you describe lol. Probably low T.
if your balls never dropped then yeah you didn't complete puberty
ohh that makes sense.
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It doesn't have individual wrapping, just pack of 10. Isn't that unsafe? I've never seen a syringe without wrapping.
are you drawing and injecting with the same syringe?
I'm here to preach the good word which I'm sure most of you already know. I've been on HRT for a 1.5 years. Dutasteride + EV injections + oral prog. T of like 20 E of like 250-350. Brest growth stalled like 6 months in.

I added bica. 3 weeks in already significant breast growth. I tried spiro for a month -- did nothing. This drug is amazing.
recently it seems like theres a lot of distrust in homebrew, especially since the recent closure of felicitas and girlpotion, silvermaple and teahrt randomly taking breaks, otkph constantly being out of stock.

If I were one of these people, what would I do?
whats wrong with them taking breaks?
>the only obvious changes are breast growth snd your scrotum...
Is there any way to hide the breasts that'll start growing in? Also, to anyone reading this; is there a place you guys would recommend in starting to get my supply of HRT from? Since i just don't wanna be scammed or anything
people call them either "going out of business" or "feds" when they go on break.
idk, i planned to order from silvermaple as soon as theyre back.
what country by chance?
australia, apparently they ship from here according to hrt cafe?
for australia yeh they're probably best

one person popped up there like a few months ago but was using the lena recipe and offering without BA
opinions on sublingual pills vs. patches? works out to same price per month for me, leaning towards patches cause having to dissolve pills in my mouth 3 times a day sounds tedious
i considered diying at one point but the cost of startup was too high and i dont really want to sell my bathtub estrogen to the masses
patches are easier by far since its just 1-2 patches every few days. only downside is you may get skin irritation. pills just suck, even when i was doing 2x daily it was annoying.
You have no reason to believe I am a p large homebrewer, and I can tell you that it's not super worth it.

Super worth it to make it for yourself, maybe a couple friends, even distribute locally. But don't start an HRT businuess. It takes all of your time and removes you from the real world.

The living you can make off it isn't even great for the amount of sleep lost.

Go learn a trade or college -> legit job.
i believe you. it seems like the sort of business done more out of wanting to help others
No, only the lucky few get this. Don't rely on it
yeah, you can do that with insulin syringes.
i thought it was bad for the needle to reuse it? im about to order my first syringes though so im a complete noob. the guide said buy luer lock and use a different gauge for drawing. sorry for being a noob
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needle blunting is exaggerated desu. Insulin syringes are designed to draw and inject with the same needle. It's gonna get blunt if you're using something like disposable glass ampules (picrel). Also with luer lock you lose around 0.1ml due to dead space. That's a lot if normal dose for EV starts from 0.1ml too. Non detachable insulin syringes lose less than 0.05ml. Drawing MCT oil using 30G takes one minute. Also keep in mind coring, the thicker the needle the higher chances.
There is nothing wrong with luer lock, you can use it.
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so just to double check i understand, its better to use insulin needles because 1) you lose way less product, and 2) theres less chance of coring.
so why arent they the standard then? i will probably order some because they look better even if theyre a bit pricier?
injections on belly grant more absorption?
you can get 30G luer lock too. Even tho they less common. Also you can get 5/16" 8mm insulin syringes if you're scared of of regular 1/2" needles. But I would not recommend it, because I read it has higher chances of leakage and irritation. I use 1/2" U-100 1ml 30G, non-detachable in individual wrapping. Box of 100 cost around $20. You can buy few and try both luer lock and insulin.
>so why arent they the standard then?
I guess doctors don't wanna advice you to use something that wan't specifically designed for HRT.
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About two years ago I bought a few vials of estradiol enanthate from otokonoko, when they arrived I dissasembled a microphone (one of those sphere ones), took out the innards, put two vials in a plastic bag, wrapped them tight, and put them inside the microphone and reassembled it.

Now today I disassembled the mic, and got the two vials, they both look fine I guess? but they have been sitting on their side in that plastic bag inside of that microphone for two years, I have a collage of images of one of the vials, and I'm kind of worried there's something inside of it, if I hold it and really look in there with a flashlight I can maybe see like, something? like a tiny tiny tiny thing but also it could be a bubble so I really have no idea, the other one doesnt have this issue maybe? anyways, are these vials safe to use? considering everything? also please look at the pics (in the 1st two pics theres like a lil piece of hair or something on the glass but that's not on the inside)
what happens if i take like 30mg of estrogen
if there's something in one of them, especially if you can say with any confidence it wasn't there before, I'd consider skipping that - but it depends on the oil used and 2 years is possibly about the end of the lifespan from what I'm reading
I thought it was 5 years?
based on what? what is the carrier oil in those vials, and when were they manufactured? like I said I'm just reading what other people are saying and have seemingly safely used online
MCT oil I think
that is one, tentative, answer out of three questions that might be important for you to answer - you should get better answers and look this up so you can decide with more confidence
based on what everyone else says... and since I bought them two years ago I can only assume they were manufactured no more than i dunno, 2 years and 6 months ago?
I'd still use the one that doesn't have stuf floating in it
How does one get over the health fears associated with HRT? I know we're mostly pretty young here but I don't want to be dying of a stroke when I get older
stop being retarded
thats only for pills. do injections or gels
you are actually just retarded
EEn dose for mono therapy?
6mg currently
The fears from estrogen therapy are mostly overblown, they've started to realize that's the case for menopausal cis women as well:

Avoid pills and if needed get an orchiectomy to control your T without needing to take an antiandrogen forever
I'm on injections already, I guess I'm just not convinced that everything is as safe as people seem to make it. There hasn't been a ton of studies actually proving newer methods are safer rather than the older methods just being bad. But yeah, >>37702237
perhaps I'm just a bit of an anxious retard
I'm so frustrated right now. I live in the global south, and getting estradiol here is a total nightmare. It's like the entire system is designed to make transitioning as difficult as possible (or just designed for women with menopause). The pharmacies never have it in stock, the doctors act like you're asking for some rare, illegal substance or just that you are mentally ill (which... okay, I maybe am but not because of being a tranny). Customs already seized up my package so there's just suffering and keep munching on the pills.

There's anyway to make the pills worth more?
Can someone explain in simple words wtf is "Powers method", idk if I'm just dumb, or if this info is gatekeeped some where out of my reach, but I tried finding anything about it and all I got were some reddit posts from this Powers guy saying "it aint that easy bro" and "this can't be simplified easily and condensed info will be in v7" (where the fuck is this v7 docs?
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why do they hate us so much
someone helo me with this so i can stop panic attackinging and know im not dying.
started taking pio to gain weight and im so scared, im only on day three and i havent taken my next dose yet but my heart is racing and i feel so fidgety for some reason? is this a symptom of the pio or is it from me eating again. thanks!
will hrt shrink my neck? im skinny rn but my neck and thighs are kinda muscly. how can i ensure my neck shrinks a bit
>how can i ensure my neck shrinks a bit
you starve yourself
works for upper arms and calves too, really hard to lose anything there
P10 in the past 47 mins is quite fast . ..

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