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Russian Timur/Sasha bf edish.

QOTT: Would you host Russian draft dogger in your house?

>> 37603073
Who is sasha?
Some tranny that gets plastered all over /int/ - peak Russian masculinty, sadly whore fled to serbia.
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Timur give me your telly pls, daily request.
I don't want tranny bf
I have discord only
Stop grooming first
In the morning they talked about it sookie. Oswald describe to 4-Hour watch in the radar bubble. Alec wanted details, names of officers and enlisted men, the configuration of the room. He wanted procedures, terminology. Oswald explained how things worked. He talked about security measures, types of height finder equipment. Alec took notes, looked out the window when his subject had trouble recalling something or seemed unsure of his facts. Two men join them to talk about the youtube. The weather plane, one of them called it, deadpan. They brought a stenographer with them. They wanted names of you two pilots, a description of the takeoff and landing. Not friendly types. This stenographer was an old man with the rosette and his lapel. When Oswald didn't know the right answer he made one up or tried to vanish in excited syntax. Alex seem to understand. They communicated outside the range of the other men, silently, without gestures or glasses. The name of a single pilot. The name of a mechanic or guard. Deadpan fellows leaning toward him. He describes times when the radar crew received requests for wins aloft at 80,000 ft, 90,000 ft. He described the voice from out there, dense, splintered, blown out, coming down to them like a sound separated into basic units, a lesson in physics or ghosts. They pressed him for facts, for names. Many more questions. Airspeed, range, radar jamming equipment. He hated to say he didn't know. Alex said they would resume in the morning. Lee wanted a sign for him. How is it going? Will they let me stay, give me solid duties, allow me to study economics and political theory? I have a click in my knee when I bend, kirilenko said. What do you think, old age? There's a time for everything, he seemed to mean. Time to recall the smallest moment, time to revise your story, time to change your mind. We are here to help clarify the themes of your life. They spent many days on Oswald's early experience in the military, many more days on the U2
whats your discord username?
I just want to let you know that I am not reading all that malarkey
Will you give it please? I can add you to the coolcozy server where only cute bois go...

Ofc tex not included and some of the happy timers as well, it has reached me via the grape vine that some of them have HIV and I want to protect my kittens fromthem.
bruv got a serious who asked problem
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What are you saying?
I am not interesting, I promise.
He wants to groom you
Just drop your discord and lets chat. Translator not working or you a brainlet?
>I am not interesting
i never implied you were either? i'm just asking for your username weirdo
it's a bit early but
i love himm
probably left a window open somewhere
and on a days like only human pillow bf can warm you
god i wish i was popular and cool enough for someone to ask for my discord name, dang it
Fuck off leisure suite larry.
i'm just being real when i say being cool couldn't ever save you from that face of yours
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It is neither reason popularity or cool. It's suspicious.
what are your guys problem with jews?
wassup homos
Be kitten, I love Russians <3 It's my fetish.
Zelenskyy and Lior Raz are two of the hottest men to me, jews are OK with me
I can list six million reasons.
well, not even jesus cand save you from my fists and kick buddy, kee-ai kee-ai kee-ai
fuck off fat larper, larp on a hobos dick
do it then
Leisure suite larry always complain getting so close yet never tasting that pussy or bussy now he sits on 4chan all day and is lying larry.
what is this thread?
>mfw normie thought he was that guy
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i don’t think a russian would ever be attracted to fat brown fuck
>never tasting that pussy or bussy
i am a nice guy, i will treat them right, why do they always go for the bad bois that bring so much trouble, it is just not fair bro
Some will
No worries buddy, i would never expect you to be able to comprehence something as advanced as a 7 word post
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>tfw you are that guy, pal
he wants bucko's ugly ass to fuck him
i see that you are mentally deficient today, your neurons are not firing properly it seems, i diagnose you with d3 deficiency, please touch some grass asap, doc out, get well soon
don't reply to me again
make me fag
Timur why don't you like me? ;(
I don't know what he looks like above the penis
>tfw you touch grass but you are still gay
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>i diagnose you with d3 deficiency, please touch some grass asap
he is brown enuff said. If you are into that well I am sorry we can't be friends </3.
I don't know you to have opinion on
he's bad news
apostole(xan) seem like the type of darkie to breath heavily while nevously typing at his keyboard
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Just imagine if gays didn'tgive aids the the negroids...
I'm not timur but I don't like you either :3
erhm okay anon? If you ain't Slavic I don't care.
I sense this.
I wish people would stop conceptualizing blacks as modern humans. Your parents lied. Some animals can talk. When you understand that, everything else makes sense.
are you gonna bend down and slave for him if he is slavic?
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet
No, I'll add him to my harem.
post photos of your current harem you larper
Am not making noise
should I kms this week? I said I'd wait until January but like now is a good a time aw any?
How do you guys know when to poop? I wait until I feel some pressure in my lower body.
I would re𝗮lly prefer if you'd be quiet
It's an e-harem... Also got to keep them seperated or they get jealous >:(
Yes you are, you are typing really loudly.
that sounds so believable
what is the matter friend
why kys
Man is the animal, dude. Also I was just wondering now if Amber Rain is about getting peed on. "Amber Rain is beautiful, but wrong." I dunno, I think I might be on to something. Google "Amber color." What does that color remind you of? Hmmm hmmm.
I would wait till summer at least. Why make your last days in bad weather.
why not? if nothings keeping you here why stay?
>I would wait till summer
don't listen to these people, waiting a whole year for summer again won't help anything
Amber makes me think of bugs trapped in sap.
no you're just ugly. you aren't even truly white. stop larping as a racist and admit you're some sort of lightskinned nigger even a neanderthal couldn't love
Give it a minute. There's nothing over there but eternity. Eternity can wait. You'll get your chance.
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What makes you think he wants to just "thoughen it out" for so many years until he dies naturally when he already feels like tapping out? What help is this?
why does the cow eats the grass if it dies anyway? is it stupid or smth?
you have as much reason to live as the cow does, you choose to go, yet the cow chooses to stay, do you want to be dumber than the cow fren? are you like dumb dumb?
the cow eats the grass so it can stay alive for longer and eat more grass :)
how do you tell a dude that you basically want to be his bottom, without being weird about it?
why are you so set on making me suicidal?
you are really aggressive abt it and only insulting my appearance gets to me
>is it stupid or smth?
yes? it's a fucking cow
Well I just mean it shouldnt be a mournful event if you have control over it. People die in shitty ways unintentionally every day. The whole point of suicide is to spite the oppressive leverage death has in the proposition of life. Either way you win. Not even the universe can undo that you lived. No one may remember you lived shortly after. But since you did, you influenced nearly infinite other things, most of which you will forever be unaware. Life is moving matter.

So when an asteroid smashes the planet into floating gravel or the sun bakes it into ash, where ever it lands, it will have a composition influenced to some minute degree by you. That is your signature in the universe that you lived. And not even the universe can undo that. Even a dead mouse with a seed in its gut from a million years ago played a part in shaping the matter that exists forever.
''hey dude, let's have sex''
Why not? Give it try and come back if you won't like it.
Is this one of those "how do I approach normal men for cathartic sex to avoid gays with bf mind trips" things?
he won't, he just posted that because he wanted people to beg him not to
yes and you maybe are american, in which case you eat goyslop in order to stay alive for longer and eat even more goyslop, someone gotta yet the goyslop and fill ronald s pockets, you have much meaning friend, it is beautiful indeed
it is not our place the judge the cow friend, the cow does not judge us or cares abt us, learn to be like the cow and let go of judging and caring
Hello dear gaygenners.. may you all have a wonderful day.
dude why are you responding so seriously at obvious ironic shitposts?
are you stupid or smth?
how is that even serious lol
Yeah, ya know what you're right, just kill yourself.
do any of you guys remember xanthippe?
me neither
I mean, not you specifically, just ya know
need a russian bf quite bad!
i drank three coffees, i feel funny energetic but still kinda sleepy, i could still fall asleep, ik that you care so much abt my life that is why i told you this friends
дoбpoe yтpo, бpaт! have a wondeful morning
wow u move on fast huh
whats a bf mind trip
no, but it doesn't pay to dwell on things months after
At leasts your posts are real.
What post of yours made you go "damn that's so well written i need everyone to know my name after this"?
In brief, the idea that because there are two sexes, therefore gays are some opposite of straights and should imitate their life rituals and expect the same outcome. Hilarity ensues.
i am kinda sad, i got called ugly continuosly for like more than 10 hours now, it takes a toll, i should take a break, time to take my sadness anger and frustrations on lifting a bit
oh months? i thought u got back together and broke up again, idk i just read what some anon said i have u guys blocked on twt
That’s what it’s like getting old, your memory starts failing :-)
you must be fun at parties friend
pls tell the teacher to give us the homework, i think he forgot
you just weren't ever important enough to remember
we got together for like 3 weeks, starting around the end of July
Why are you dodging the question?
I'm an artist, okay.
gay sex
is your art any good?
Yeah? That’s not it :-) sounds more like a you issue. Maybe you have dementia pookie
wow brief, thats cute though i love those on and off relationships, its very high school sweethearts
what's the issue?
bc the question requires no answer, the real question i want you to ask yourself, why you felt the need to even ask it
Theres a gay myth that people are supposed to be photo/date-ready 24/7 because exceptionally attractive people seem to be. We know this is false because everyone in media has a make-up artist. You notice it when you see candid pics of them in public. So I wouldnt be too hard on yourself. After all, you are legitimizing feedback from faceless sociopaths. I have seen your goof-pose pics and can assure you that you would shine up like anyone else. It takes most people some effort to actually look good in a pic, much less passing.
it's interesting but no good for your mental health. I can't say I regret my time spent with him and even if he doesn't have a good word to say about me I will remember him fondly, very special person regardless and deserves someone who treats him as such
lol mood
Probably dementia :-) get well soon x
what makes you think you're important enough for a name then?
cant relate, was a toxic person for me to know
Hey sis, How's my slavic bunny doing today?
i guess that you are right, thanks
please try explaining how your being so insignificant that i don't know even remember who you are is a my problem?
Okay, well here's the thing. I don't use a trip code. I wouldn't normally go out of my way to defend this, but I do think that to some degree I should get a pass because technically anybody can take this name and post with it. And they have. And I genuinely find it funny. Literally I could stop posting here and somebody else could take up the name and none of you would be any the wiser. Maybe I just want all of you to be me. Maybe you should all change your names to god please fuck my mind for good. Maybe I want that to be the new anonymous. Maybe I think that would be a lot more interesting. I don't know, bro. What are you into?
Fuck off Leisure suite larry, your nose is showing!
not yours, and im good, at my grandma's today
>I should get a pass
Why? you're still seeking the same kind of attention that full tripfags does
Soon to be mine, we got to lose this weigh though hun, when we are both 100 pounds lighter these trolls will Rue the day!!!
i hope that you at least felt smart writing that
my norwegian likes me just fine like i am rn
Well attention seeking behavior is typical and individuals with BPD such as myself. I can't help it. Again, it's art, man. You wouldn't get it.
Neither them look like me
Hey guys, let me pull focus on my posts by consistently attaching my name to all of them but don't worry, i'm not a tripfag because some day someone might impersonate me
You aren't smart one are you? I never see smart gay jews, only shitty ones are gay - wonder why. Social pressure? Evolutional group pressure? Hakiri is basically the only smart gay jew I know off and well he is spederadic I think?

My Dutchie called me a piggy >:( Does he know you are as big as a minicar doe?
Lol thanks.
for what? calling you out?
you're so yikes lmao
he has seen me, he only cares abt tits and ass and finds me cute, not that i dont wanna lose weight but i care moreso abt health and energy rn, would be cool to get fit with him (hes a gymbro)
Hold on
Forget defending myself, let me thank you for talking shit instead
Are you sure youu aren't making him up?
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*** ADVISORY ***

2024 10 13 08:00 UTC

GAYGEN TRIP POSTING status updated:
from Category 2 to Category 3:

Dull af/Dead Thread
Flirtatious Teasing
Lively Banter & Discussion
Imminent Drama Developing
WW3 / Doxxing in Progress
Real life autism
My condolences.
god has punished me
he wants me to suffer
i wish i could hurt all of you, just a little bit
i want to tie you up and put a knife to your neck and feel powerful over you and tell you that i could kill you at any second i want to, yes, sadly i am too ugly for that
>i want to tie you up and put a knife to your neck and feel powerful over you
this is why god punished you
have we ever hit 5?
what for? that would be miserable lol, im happy to be single and didn't plan to get into another relationship, i just kinda met him in chasergen over guild wars 1 and we get along really well, u dont have to believe me though idrc
There must be a catch, theres always a catch. Anyway whats up sis?
why use my name and no that is a result of the pain that i feel from my punishment, chicken or the egg friend
i see all of you as being my dumb unruly annoying kids that do not listen to me and must be disciplined, i really love you a lot and from the bottom of my heart but i am still your parent and your superior and you gotta listen to me, i love you <3
i love everyone besides this person, he should have been swallowed, completely irredeemably mofo
you really thought i'd read all that didn't you
it's 5:30 am here but giod night anyways :3
hopefully we dream with cute boyfriends
Often, but not so much in the last year, even as bad as it got.
is love not the catch? its the perfect trapping, im not sure you know much of love though
hello! I want to be part of the club too
the larry club
Love? over the internet?
Are virgin fat ass?
I’m so famous and impactful in gaygen that if you do not remember me it must be because you have dementia. I wish you the best recovery x :-*
I am still not eating brussel sprouts.
don't think i've seen it. it's always politics and racism nowadays
i am cool paren, you can have cocaine for breakfast then
It was worse in the discord era.
i didn't say im in love, im enamored and anxious, and he likes that im a virgin
There must be some diagnosis for someone who constantly watches porn and never wanks to it
Time is ticking your womb is shrinking...
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Omg so true. The discord people were the worst. They were so territorial, arrogant and bullying. They thought they’re better than us
Reported for reporting, some just report me for reporting the reporter's report, I dare ya?!
worse meaning more politics and racism?
my life is very miserable, this thread is all i have, please don't, have some mercy for me
Is there no one in this day of modern science doing any research to explain the different shapes of dick heads?

They are different and multiple enough to be phenotypically categorized but I never see any papers on it.
i think its gonna be fine, hes coming in december
No, doxxing and trip drama.
How big is his pp? :C (((Allegedly)))
what are you prepared to do to keep me from pressing that button?
hard to imagine. it's wall to wall trip drama now
u dont need to know that
How much did it shrink after you started hormones? Just curious
I hope it didn't but it was never big to begin with...
this is the worst timeline
i cannot feel my brain anymore, i do not know what to respond, i will respond after i find my brain and i have it again
I think it usually does. I also think the hormones causes erectile dysfunction. The penis starts becoming more like a clitoris
>i cannot feel my brain anymore
you could never feel your brain you dumbass
huh, so it is normal for your head to feel empty, that is such a relief
God damn it, why do they do this to themselves? Also that urban myth it can't withdraw so much to become boy clit right?
did you not watch hannibal?
i'm really glad i'm me and not you
5 into 3.5-4~ inch

u only get erectile dysfunction if you don't use it, normally the penis gets erect on its own throughout the night and there are nocturnal emissions, if your testosterone is tanked this maintenance doesn't happen
i did actually, what abt it
am i having a schizophrenia episode, i cannot tell desu
is any of you even real?
i'd asume you remember him talking about brains not feeling any pain if you did but i guess that's asking alot from someone like you
a bit
SHAME! Can't even tickle my prostate a little...
no i am
dont be gross
you're the worst part of this new wave of newfags, i just want you two personally to know that
cool, i am going to go and take a shower, i have not taken one in a few days
I am 30 years old and nym is 25, we are almost old enough tobe your dad, keep your panties on.
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>i have not taken one in a few days
>few days
I've been here longer than most of the trips rn lol
im 22 gworl
I've been here since before /lgbt/ and /hm/, never heardof you until tonight
Ugh, you could be a dino.
I'm older than both of you, now what?
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I am one of the ancients, an antediluvian.

That means everyone has to kiss my butt. Its in the rules.

Now smoochy-smoochy.
I masturbated too much to big hat and now my cock is crusty.
okay thats a you problem? ive been in gigi for like 2 years now
>ive been in gigi for like 2 years now
lmao, how does it feel wasting 2 years here while still being a literal nobody?
Bust that crust
Is it a red flag if the first thing a tinder match says is
"Hi [your name].:)"

To me it either screams either autism or dominance technique
Dont say that. She has some really nice tits. Its the only reason I read her posts.
your post screams autism anon
Play nicely, gworls.
Thanks so your answer is no, it's not a red flag?
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doesn't rly matter it's just how I spend my excess of free time, and frankly i dont think you should throw stones because you look like a cartoon amish that got hit on the head with a mallet, you're completely mentally ill and your transition was an utter failure
i didn't read your post, i just saw "scream either autism" then replied with that
the :) is a little cringe but if your reaction to someone saying your name is to think they're mentally ill or to feel submissive then maybe you have bigger issues
i'm gay
I'll make it more concise for you next time babe
I'm not larry you actual retard, do you read any other posts in this gen that aren't yours?
no, no, you're lying. everyone knows shiza??
i'll suck penis
Ok so you tell everyone you greet their name?
girl i don't care abt your name game, the crossfire is funny though i feel a bit bad now lol
same but I feel as if trannyism is constantly forced on me by others who want to invade all male spaces still try to fit in with the gay male community
if you truly are trans you have no business being on gaygen or 4chan
you should be hanging out with females in their female-tier spaces talking about female-related things because you're such a real woman right?
who wouldn't
no but in that context it's not abnormal
-and still*
that's fine, i don't need you to know my name. I'm just curious who you think you're talking about then when you say buttmad things like "frankly i dont think you should throw stones because you look like a cartoon amish that got hit on the head with a mallet, you're completely mentally ill and your transition was an utter failure"
Okay Normie... If you say so
you're welcome
well larry, i think its pretty obvious from the context, are u dense or something

Let me put it this way: I come here for the colorful personalities. Lets leave it at that.
I also came to similiar conclusion earlier. +1 Nym.
i do not understand why people think that i am mentally ill, i am like completely fine lol
i have not brushed my teeth in like a weak, i barely got the courage to take this one shower now, the teeth part i will be courageous another day
can't you trannies and tranny chasers go argue somewhere else?
dont be a suckup
Whore, wtf is it with you?
You do look kinda slow in the selfies you posted
Hey buddy, this is /lgbt/. That includes the T
apostle is a bipedo twink connoisseur so hes perfectly per course for this general
Shiza was meant to bring balance to the Force not destroy it...
We do have some colorful personalities in gaygen don’t we :-) <3
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>day 4 of living off tuna salad
is the eyes?
You have rather charming eyes, those teeth doe... Norbit called.
no it's probably the nose
I kind of like them. A smile here stands out. Hes not a sourpuss like most here.
thanks, idk what to do abt the teeth sadly
thank you but i am actually dying inside
the ai told me once that i look like a minecraft villager
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>A smile here stands out
what ethnicity is this?
i feel so blessed
cheesed to meet you
you look like an israeli settler who videos himself pissing on dead palestinian children
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The ultimate dom top
>QOTT: Would you host Russian draft dogger in your house?
Yes, and also and Ukrainian. Problem is I have no house.
white caucasian european
i am not jewish and i hope i do not look that sociopathic lol
hello from the other side, hows life like for you on the dating apps? do anyone ever comment on your teeth?
>namefag has 0 presence, no presence at all
Kek, almost like you cant make yourself known as anon and have to namefag on an anonymous board for attention you are probably very boring.
Who would have thought!
I see the over-bite. I just think the smile and cheerful expression more than makes up for it. Besides, confidence is attractive.
Do you really smell bad?
I have the same phenotype, I get mistaken as a kike IRL, incredibly brutal.
quite sad desu, he's clearly seeking out what he's missing irl
But your eyes are very beautiful and mog mine, I have gook eyes with sparse eyelashes. I look like an uncanny freak
Miss u
sorry about your face, could you post it for a laugh?
No Im not a retard clown, I wont dox myself to be laughed at
>namefag has 0 presence, no presence at all
you're clearly new to this gen idk what to tell you but keep yapping nobodys impressed though and youre not making a point
no one ever comments abt my teeth, both online and irl, i do not really use dating apps but when i used them more, people were pretty indifferent to my looks, not ugly enough to straight up block me after seeing me but not hot enough to enthusiastically talk to me, just normal talking maybe a bit disinterested, i am pretty good at texting so maybe that is why i do not get blocked right away and they still talk to me, idk
>keep yapping
Boring ass faggot kek kill yourself
Something smells like poop
Its me. I am all up in shiza. Up. UP. UP!!!
sure sweetie, when are you gonna lead this interesting anon movement by example though
gosh darnit
This twinks jawline mogs all so called "masc" tops here
shiza's future
my condolences, no one ever told me irl that i am a jew though
You look average just stop taking goofy pics
shiza in the pizza
90% of trannies on this site report developing sexual attraction to animals after they start taking hrt. the white woman's affliction
>stop taking goofy pics
that's such a condensating thing to say to someone with a permanent goofy face
Just dont bare your fangs on photos
>be gay teenager (not on estrogen)
>masturbate to nature video of a horse fucking another horse
That's natural. That's gay culture.
I'm not larry
I think I even masturbated to a horse fucking another male horse once :(
but only as a teenager
Y r u stealing his spotlight
What spotlight? larry is a nobody
i am actually the main character lol
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could you recreate this image larry? that would slap so hard on /pol/
Maybe too hard. It might make him famous. And then he would be branded as antisemite.
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me when i type a long ass post then delete it just because why am i putting that much effort into it

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